Angel's Lament (Original Draft) - Antors_Lucius (2024)

Chapter 1: Angel's Run

Chapter Text

Hello, this is a story I've always wanted to do. This Story takes place during the latter days of the Indomitus Crusade. Which yes I know the Warhammer Community aren't the most enthusiastic lovers of the Indomitus Crusade but it's what got me into the game so I for one like it because it's what I was first exposed to when I found out about 40k, through the total war game for Fantasy. Sorry I've digressed back to the point at hand. This Story will be about 2 companies of Blood Angels (All Primaris) and the remainder of the Lamenters chapter (one company-ish, for the story there shall only be about 50 of them left that are fully alive. Also primarily Primaris except their older Dreadnoughts), and their exploits into the Mass Effect world. First off I want to clarify something, the Astartes will not go full-on kill all Xenos because I feel like that's been done to hell and back already.

This Fic is also heavily inspired by Gabenator5's story "The Unknown Defender" and a fair bit from "Hammerhand" and it's sequel found on But don't worry I'm gonna try and do my own thing. Also, this story will contain some OC's and canon characters from the books and games. This is also inspired by the 40k books about Mephiston, if you haven't read those, you most likely haven't, they are really good and informative for what I'm having happen in and before this Chapter takes place. But I'll try to not make reading the books a requirement. Also, no Antros is not a self-insert, he's from the books. I simply named my account after him because I liked his character and it was a quick name I could use.

Edit: This is my original Draft I uploaded to FanFiction; I'll be posting it here bit by bit until I finish First Contact with The Angels, and then I'll be remaking this story for both sites So with that out of the way hope you enjoy


Chapter One: Angels Run

Much had changed in the last 100 years of Antros's life. He had joined the Blood Angels and even crossed the Primaris Rubicon(It's what Space Marines call ascending to become a Primaris Marine when you were originally a 'normal' Astartes). But the biggest of all was the death of his teacher, Mephiston. The Chief Librarian Mephiston, conqueror of the Black Rage, and near unmatched Psyker, was dead. He had died as he had dreamed, killing two of the worst plights upon the Milky Way Galaxy. He had managed to unleash The Gift and the Blade Petrific, upon the Lord of Change Cyros and the Bloodthirster Ka'Bandha finally putting a permanent end to the two Greater Daemons of Chaos. The battle had been fierce and when the smoke had finally cleared the two Daemons lay slain, but Mephiston in the act was left horribly injured, his armor and body both bent and cracked beyond repair. In his final moments, Mephiston had told Antros and Rhacelus who he wished to succeed him. To both of their collective shock, he had said that Antros was to take the rank of Chief Librarian. Rhacelus had simply said back to his lifelong friend, "As you wish it, My Brother." Thus Mephiston died and Antros was later named the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Chapter and Gaius Rhacelus would be his equerry and advisor. It had been many years passed, well over 70 years since the , but the image of the dying Mephiston was still burned into Antros's brain. The Chapter had taken the death of Mephiston to heart especially since with his sacrifice the Black Rage and those afflicted could be healed. With the death of the accursed Daemon who had caused the Rage in the first place, the Rage itself could be cured in those who were not yet affected by it and those that were. This all compounded with the successes of Belisarius Cawl with the new Primaris Space Marines meant that the chapter and her successors were now all but free from the 'Flaws' and their restraints.

Now many years later since these events, Antros stood on the bridge of the Blood Angels Ramilles class Star-Fort the Sanguine Spirit. It and two sister Star-Forts had been given to the Blood Angels by Roboute Guilliman, with their attending crews, after he had saved them from Hive Fleet Leviathan. With them, the reborn Blood Angels had cut a mighty swath through the Xenos and traitor forces in Imperium Nihilus. Even with her though they had been outmatched in their most recent engagement against the Red Corsairs and their Blackstone Fortress. The Blood Angels Strike Force had been mobilized to aid the Lamenters in their quest for vengeance against the once Astral Claws (now Red Corsairs) for what they had tricked the Lamenters into doing during the Badab War. the Lamenters had been blinded by their hunger for retribution and been cornered into a trap by the Red Corsairs. One they wouldn't have lived through if the Sanguine Spirit and her accompanying Battle Cruisers hadn't shown up. Antros had quickly ordered the attack upon the Red Corsairs Flotilla. They would have been pulverized by the collective fire if it weren't for what happened next. Suddenly the Astral Claws Blackstone Fortress had appeared, pulling itself free of warp space and into the Materium firing all of its weapon batteries into the escorts of the Sanguine Spirit, killing many of them. The Imperial battle group which had once numbered over 100 ships now only had a remaining 18 vessels. Two weakened Battleships, three heavily damaged Battle Cruisers, one Lamenters Battle Barge in moderate condition, one Strike Cruisers of the Lamenters, one Strike Cruiser of the Blood Angels, three Dauntless Light Cruisers, three Gladius vessels, three Azkaellon frigates, and one solitary Sword class.

The Imperial battle group was now in full retreat making their way slowly to the edge of the system to exit the battle. The bridge of the Sanguine Spirit Suddenly shook violently sending many of the mortal crew careening to the floor. Sparks flew in from pict screens and many cogitators sputtered then stopped working, their hololith displays fading away. Antros was able to keep his balance leaning upon the railing of the Command Dias as did Rhacelus who stood behind Antros. Within the seat of the command throne sat the limp form of the Admiral. She had smacked the back of her head so hard into the marble throne that she had been rendered unconscious. Antros quickly pointed Mephiston's old force sword Vitarus at the Admiral and summoning upon his powers quickly roused her from her inert state. The Admiral awoke with a start but she quickly regained her composure and was barking out orders within a few seconds of her awakening. The Star-Fort shuddered again but the crew was more prepared and was thus able to brace for the impact lessening its effect on the crew.

Antros suddenly saw the scene before him change, where once there had been the bridge of the Sanguine Spirit there was now the vastness of space, but it was what Antros saw that caught his attention. There in the void lay the split husk of the Sanguine Spirit cracked like an egg, and death, he could feel the death emanating from it. Antros instantly knew this was a vision and so he prepared himself to return to the moment at hand. It took another few long seconds before he was suddenly thrust back onto the Bridge and back into his body. Antros nearly lost his footing but caught himself at the last second. Antros spun around and said. "Emergency warp jump, Now!"

The Admiral asked more out of reflex. "What's happening, My Lord?"

Antros simply said. "Do it or we will all die."

Her face blanched for a moment before she said. "But a jump so close to a gravitational body has severe risks."

"We are assured death if we don't escape now, I have seen it, Admiral." Replied Antros.

The Admiral's face hardened and she yelled out. "Prepare the Gellar Field, we need to make an emergency warp jump!" She broadcast the order to the rest of the fleet and was answered by several affirmatives from the other captains saying they would make the necessary arrangements for the jump. After another few minutes, the Gellar Fields came online, covering the remaining ships in golden shields or realspace. The Blackstone Fortress must have taken notice because its sporadic fire became a torrent of destruction. A firestorm engulfed two of the Gladius class escort vessels and one of the Dauntless Class vessels lost half of her mighty thrusters and her void shield generators were destroyed leaving the vessel open to further attacks. The Fortress meant to slow the Imperial ships that much was clear. The traitors wished to stop them from retreating and to deal with them here and now. But even with the immense power of the mighty ship, it was too late, the remaining 16 Imperial opened their warp portals and pulled themselves through the massive portals escaping the monstrous Fortress. In an instant, Antros was assailed by a chorus of horrible and deranged voices of the Daemons of the warp, some promised him things, power, knowledge, while others just stated their desire to kill him. He listened to none of it and used his discipline to block out the voices. Rhacelus's familiar Psyber Eagle screeched from its perch on his shoulder showing its disdain for the outcome of the battle. It sat proudly upon its perch but was poised to take flight at its master's command and assist him with any psychic undertakings. Rhacelus stroked the bird on both of its twin heads and told it to be calm, it did as its master bid and lowered its heads.

Antros turned to leave the bridge, giving a bow to Rhacelus and the Admiral saying. "If you don't mind I will be taking my leave, summon me if I am needed." Rhacelus nodded back to Antros letting him leave not saying a word. Antros took a straight path to his private chambers aboard the Sanguine Spirit. He wished to get out of his filthy and dirtied armor. Antros and his brothers from the Librarium, 4th company, and half the 10th company had been repelling boarding parties of Red Corsairs and their crazed fanatic followers for the past 28 hours. Antros's armor was showing signs of extreme wear, multiple breaches, heavy denting, and a thick layer of grime and vitae had accumulated on the cobalt blue plates. Luckily for Antros, he had accumulated only minor wounds, a few small burns, and cuts which had already healed thanks to his enhanced biology. He made good time to the chamber stepping inside the finely decorated room. On the ceiling and above the bedpost were paintings complementing each other with their beauty. The one on the ceiling was of Sanguinius uniting the tribes of Blood while the one above the bed was of the rebuilding of Baal Secundus and the small city that had sprouted from the desert. Angels Landing was the name of the city, it had been made by the Blood Angels and the Mechanicus to reward the people of Baal for their service in helping to stop the Leviathan. There was a fine and clean crimson carpet upon the floor. A strong ancient wooden cabinet lay in the corner of the chamber supported by Adamantium to be able to take the weight of Astartes weapons. There was a neatly tucked and decorated bed, made for the size and weight of an Astartes. Upon the bed lay Antros's Familiar, a Gryinx. She was rather large for her kind just under 2 meters in length, 3 if you counted her tail. She had dark crimson and grey fur with sparkling purple eyes that belied a smart and powerful mind. She had been sleeping ever since Antros entered though she did raise an ear upon his entrance.

Antros quickly said to her, "Hello Artemis, how was your nap?"

the Gryinx simply opened her eyes and looked at Antros square in the eyes and went. "Groumph."

To which Antros replied back. "Good to hear your nap wasn't too hindered by the boardings."

Antros's Thralls had already made it to the room and were ready to help him get out of his damaged armor and take his weapons. 2 attendees took Vitarus and another took Angel's Light, Antros's plasma pistol and placed them reverently in the weapons cabinet. Then came the power armor, first came the powerpack, Helmet, Psychic Hood, and chestplate. Then, they took the grieves, pauldrons, and gauntlets. When they disconnected from his interface ports it gave him an electric shock. All the items with the exception of the powerpack, psychic hood, and helmet were wrapped in clean linens sheets to be taken to the Sanguine Spirit's Forge Father. Who would rework and repair the suit. The powerpack, psychic hood, and helmet were taken immediately by a few of the Thralls and would be repaired by a master Techmarine and Librarian. Now came the boots thus allowing Antros to fully see his synth skin, the undersuit of the mighty power armor. Antros could also now smell himself, the smell was most unpleasant and unangelic. Antros quickly asked his personal friend and Thrall. "Dimitra could you start the bath for me?"

She slowly came from behind Antros and limping stopped in front of Antros and gave a deep bow saying. "At once, My Lord Antros."

"Before you dare to do that, please summon Aphek, I want him to come to check on you Dimitra you seem weak. Where you hurt in the boardings?" Asked Antros in a kind voice.

Dimitra stopped and turned around, showed him her leg and said. "I was attacked by one of the heretics. They were able to slam me into a wall before one of the scions got them. Ever since my leg has been hurting and I've been unable to walk correctly."

Antros face turned into a deep scowl, and rage built-in him for the pain suffered by his friend. He knelt before Dimitra and placed his hand upon her head and spoke in an ancient language words of power taught to him by Mephiston. "Verna."

Dimitra gasped as the healing energy flooded her and the pain waned and eventually fully disappeared. She quickly exclaimed. "Thank you, My Lord!"

"Of course my dear friend." Antros said back to Dimitra. "Now summon Aphek and have him look you over. I want you in your best shape." Antros turned to another Thrall and said. "Imola, could you start the bath?" Imola bowed and walked to the bathing chamber. Where Antros's gene enhanced senses could hear the sound of water pouring and slamming against stone.

Finally, Antros peeled off his Synth Skin and handed it to another Thrall, who quickly took it to be washed. Then another Thrall handed Antros a wet towel to wipe his face with. After Antros had wiped his head with the cloth and handed it back. Antros then walked to the Bath Chamber for the room. The walls were thick marble and other soundproofing materials to keep the sounds of cannon fire and engine thrusters out of the room. Antros walked to the first stage of the bath. A small chamber full of high-pressure hoses. The moment it detected his entrance the door closed encasing him in the tiny room. After about a second the hoses began spraying Antros with high-pressure heated water and soap. It burned but Antros was used to far worse pain. After the high-pressure shower, the doors opened and allowed Antros to walk back to the main bathing chamber. Antros then lowered himself into the main bath that was filled with steaming water. He instantly felt the hot water soothe his aching bone and muscles. Not long after Antros fell asleep in the water.

The dreams Antros had were full of dark omens of the chapter losing apart of itself once more never to be seen again. Then amidst the nightmares came another sight entirely. When Antros was about to summon his powers to clarify the visions he came to him, the Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Hosts. Antros only had ever seen the Sanguinor aboard the Blade of Vengeance when it told the Blood Angels that hope yet remained for them and the Galaxy as a whole. Now it stood before Antros within his mind. The Sanguinor was as he always was, an Angel cast of white marble and burnished golden ceramite. The Sanguinor after a moment of staring at Antros cast its hand wide to indicate a greater presence. There in the vision stood Sanguinius, his presence was immense and awe-inspiring. He was dressed in white and golden Artificer Armor that only added to his already powerful presence. The voices that Antros once heard were driven back by his presence and silence reigned. Sanguinius had tears flowing down his angelic cheeks. The moment Antros's astral body allowed him to he bowed before the Primarch, all words and other actions were driven from Antros but the uncontrollable need to kneel and pay homage to his Father.

Then the Great Angel spoke, his voice was full of endless sadness and compassion. "Hello, My Son." A ghost of a smile streaked his face for a moment before he continued. "I am sorry to say My Son, but I have a task that I must impart upon you." his face became sad and he said. "I must lose you and the other sons of mine that are with you, Lucius(it was Antros's old name before becoming the Blood Angel Antros)."

Antros finally lifted his head and asked. "What do you mean, My Primarch?"

Sanguinius replied. "You shall see, My Son. But before you become lost to me I must tell you of what you must do where you will be going."

Antros quickly said. "Of course, My Lord, whatever you would have of me I shall do it."

Sanguinius simply responded with. "You will find this to be a hard task, Lucius. It is not simply fighting an obvious and apparent threat." He continued. "The galaxy you will find yourself in is quite different to ours, it is free of many of our problems, and host to many of its own. In this world, you will not be able to complete the task My Father has set for you if you rely on our rigid rules and standards, you will need to think for yourselves. This will mean that you will be forced to put aside your hatred for some of Mankind's oldest foes and focus it upon others. And you must try to perform your task while trying to remain hidden for as long as you can. You will show yourselves eventually, but you must practice restraint. You are to be this galaxy's Angels and defenders of all its life." the image of Sanguinius faded for a second and at that moment the voices of the Daemons returned. Then in an instant, the Primarch reappeared this time a mere meter away from Antros and again the voices were driven back. The Angel's face became even more saddened before he spoke once more. "In parting, I gift you with as much of my power as I can give you, My Son. So that you might one day return to our world." Sanguinius flickered again. Then he reappeared, Sanguinius pressed forward and hauled Antros to his feet where Sanguinius kneeled to look him in the eye then said. "Good Luck, Lucius. And know you have my love." with that Sanguinius laid his hand upon Antros's forehead. Antros instantly felt the holy power of the Great Angel flood into him and he felt a gift be given to him, one of power and a clear mind. It gave Antros the strength and determination to complete his unknown task. It was given to him by his Primarch and The Emperor himself, so Antros would die before failing either of them in this task.

After that, the Primarch disappeared leaving Antros with the Sanguinor for another few moments. The Avatar of Sanguinius nodded to Antros and spoke to the utter shock of the Chief Librarian. His voice was ancient and powerful. "Good Luck, My Brother." With that, the Exemplar of the Hosts vanished like the Primarch, leaving Antros alone within his mind. Then suddenly Antros awoke. He was still within the bathing chamber he was still in the water at the center of the room.

Antros quickly sensed something was off the moment he awoke. He could feel it. Then he realized what it was, the Gellar Fields had just been breached! He jumped out of the bath, uncaring to dry himself. Antros sprinted into the main chamber, smashing aside the wooden doors, and ran to the weapons case. Two Thralls yet remained in the chamber and they became petrified upon seeing their master's booming entrance. Antros flung the doors open on the weapon cabinet and ripped out Vitarus and Angel's Light from their cases. He grabbed two bolt-pistols loaded them and threw them near the two Thralls in the room saying. "You will need these to defend yourselves." he turned and sprinted to the room's wardrobe and grabbed the first robe he saw and threw it upon himself. Antros quickly yelled at Artemis saying "Come with me! We need to help get the ship out of the Warp, before we are lost to it."

To which Artemis growled and jumped from the bed. Antros turned to the Thralls and said. "Follow me and I shall protect you, stay on my heels and do not stray far or you will surely die." Antros slammed the rune to open the door and it quickly responded opening wide.

Antros was ushered into a cacophony of Daemons and Thralls screaming, the former in joy and the latter in desperate fear. Antros also heard the discharge of Lasrifles and the beastly roar of Bolters. Antros leaped out the door, and instantly had to dodge the knife-like hands of a Neverborn (another name for Daemons). Antros dodged the creatures swipe. And he sliced the monster in two with the fiery blade of Vitarus banishing the Daemon back to the warp. Antros turned on his heel sensing a Thrall in pain and shot out with Angel's Light pulverizing the Daemon that dared to attack the defenseless woman. Antros continued down the Hall saving as many Thralls, Scions, and crew members as he could and having them stay behind him as he advanced down the hallway slaying all the creatures of the Warp that dared cross his path or attack those under his protection. The Chief Librarian noticed his powers were far more lethal and far more powerful than they had been earlier that day. Sanguinius had truly blessed him. Not long after Antros ran into more of his Battle-Brothers, all in their battle-plate and slaying daemons with every shot of their Bolters and banishing Neverborn with every swipe of their swords.

Antros called to them. "Brothers, from up around the mortals under my guard, we must protect them. Then we must try to get to the infirmary to protect our wounded brethren."

The Sergeant of the squad replied. "Affirmative Chief Librarian. Squad defensive formation around the Mortals."

The squad formed up as ordered and they quickly advanced down the corridors. The Daemons that crossed their path were shredded under concentrated Bolter fire and Psychic fury. Before long they had made it to the primary Infirmary District. It was surrounded by Battle-Brothers from the 4th company and inside stood the ship's own security guards who were all well trained and disciplined fighters. Once the mortals were safely within the infirmary Antros departed and headed straight to the Bridge to see why they hadn't left the Warp yet.

It took Antros and Artemis some time to navigate through the corridors, which were now filled with Daemons and those they had slain. After what felt like hours Antros finally made it to the bridge. The Bridge was in an uproar. Astartes Neophytes of the 10th company were fighting back to back against tidal waves of Daemons. Then the crew were either dead, crazed from the sight of the Neverborn, or running off the Bridge. The Daemons had skin as dark as pitch and 8 spindly spider-like limbs. All tipped with claws strong enough that they could tear through Ceramite granted to them by their unholy powers.

Antros charged onto the Command Dias, followed closely by Artemis. The Admiral was luckily still alive, with Rhacelus standing before her smashing aside Daemons that attempted to get through him. Whether they were destroyed by his Psychic might or bashed aside by his Force Staff the Neverborn were still Banished back to the warp from whence they came. Antros ran to his brother's side, unleashing a concussive blast of light at a Daemon that made to stab Rhacelus in the back. The Daemon fell to the floor dead, the body slowly disintegrating back to the Immaterium. Once Antros was standing next to his Equerry Antros hissed. "Why haven't we left the warp yet Rhacelus?"

Rhacelus huffed and said. "The Admiral's unable to reach the rest of the fleet, and Comms to the Navigators in their sepulcher has been cut off."

"Then you and I shall contact them ourselves." Responded Antros. He then began reciting the Hymns he had been taught to clear his mind for when using Telepathy to speak to the Navigators. Rhacelus joined Antros in reciting the Hymns and they quickly summoned the Psychic will to communicate to the Navigator, they sent with all their might five words. "Get The Fleet Out Now!" After another few moments, the two Librarians and their Familiars felt the shudder of exiting the warp and entering back into realspace.

But something was off and they both detected it upon reentry to the Materium, the normal hushed presences and voices they usually felt even in realspace were absent and suddenly the screeching spider-like Daemons were now gone. The disintegrating bodies were gone as well Antros was left perplexed. Then they both felt it the clarity in the Immaterium, as they had never seen it, it was calm and silent. No dark promises and no threats of death just a clear ocean of what was somehow still the Warp. They both looked out the viewport and into the Void. The Red Scar was gone. The Maelstrom was gone. And most importantly the Baal sector was gone. None of it made any sense until Antros remembered what the Primarch had told him in the vision. "The galaxy you will find yourself in is quite different to ours." 'How? Could it be that we translated to an entirely different Galaxy?' Thought the Chief Librarian.

Antros turned to Rhacelus and said. "Summon the rest of the Librarium we must attempt a scrying to see where we have ended up."

The Equerry nodded slowly at first but he quickly gathered himself and Voxed the rest of the Librarium to meet in the Arx Libracon. Rhacelus then said, somewhat suspicious. "You seem different, Chief Librarian. Your aura is far brighter."

Antros smiled and regaled Rhacelus with the events of his dream and the blessing he had been given by Sanguinius himself and that the Sanguinor had spoken to him, wishing him luck. "...and then The Exemplar vanished his presence leaving my mind the same as the Primarch. We have been given a task directly from both the Primarch and the Emperor. Truly we are blessed Brother to be given such a task."

Rhacelus ever the skeptic looked Antros right in the eye and said. "Why would the Emperor and Primarch only show themselves to you Antros?"

Antros's smile faltered. "Why do you always doubt me, Brother? I shall show it to you if you are so quick to doubt me" Antros extended his had to begin to allow the memories to transfer to the Equerry.

But Rhacelus blocked out the transfer and said. "I believe in you, Brother, but I just find this a hard thing to fully believe myself. Another Galaxy? Why would the Emperor send us here?"

"I do not know Rhacelus, that is why we must convene with our Brethren and try to scry what we can about where we have found ourselves. Then we can start on the task the Emperor has sent us here to perform. But we must remember that the Primarch told us to be discreet, for as long as possible." Said Antros.

"Yes, of course, Chief Librarian." Said Rhacelus hitting his fist into his chest plate twice in agreement.

"As well I believe we should summon our brothers in the Lamenters and see if any of them had a vision or anything similar." Said Antros

After a few more moments of discussion they both turned to the Admiral. She was busy speaking with technicians and other members of the Mechanicus. They had finally repaired her ability to speak with the fleet and were now working on the navigation. The Admiral looked to her hololith which had just come back online. Antros could see the Data screeds run along it and he read them. They were casualty reports, the entire fleet had been struck by the Daemon pandemic, and was reporting mortal crew deaths at just under 60 percent and wounded at another 17 percent. The Admiral's face became saddened, but she ordered that repairs should be the primary concern of the remaining crew while they were, well wherever they were.

Antros walked over to the Admiral and said. "I am sorry for the loss of so many of your crew."

The Admiral looked over at the Chief Librarian, a tear welling up in her left eye, and after taking a second to wipe the tear away she spoke to Antros. "Thank you, My Lord."

Antros then asked. "If you could, please, send a message to the Lamenter's vessels and request that they send over their Librarian contingent?"

The Admiral nodded and keyed in the message upon her Command Throne, once it was sent she nodded again saying. "Message has been sent My Lord."

Antros replied. "My thanks, Admiral."

"Of course, My Lord." She bowed her head.

Antros bowed back and turned about and walked off the Bridge, Rhacelus, and Artemis following close behind him. They headed straight to the Arx Libracon where the rest of the Librarians would assemble. They had a task to complete and Antros would not shy from looking and seeing what he must do.


Thanks for reading the story and sticking around. This is a story I really wanted to make or see be made, where a 'large'(relatively) amount of Space Marines enter into Mass Effect. And like I said in the Authors Note at the top this will not contain mass Xenos Genocide, so if that's what you come to see sorry to disappoint. But there is a pretty darn good story about that in this same section, its called "The Lost Crusade." Now my story will be about the struggle of the Imperials as they come to grips that they are stuck there and the task the Emperor has given them and also the struggle to stay hidden from the council. Also, Gryinx can be familiars for humans, though are no examples of one being owned by a Librarian I thought she could be a cool semi-character. Now have a great day, please review, favorite, or follow if you feel like it. A big Thank you to Henri9897 for his help in this story and the lore of Mass Effect and Warhammer.

Chapter 2: A Shepard Gathers Her Flock

Chapter Text

Angels Lament

Thank you so much to all those who have Favorited, Followed, and Reviewed! And to answer the Question I received they are not going to be happy letting aliens live but like most Blood Angels (In the Books) they have a more neutral outlook on Xenos and are more willing to let them live or even fight alongside them. An example of this is the Cryptus Campaign, where the Blood Angels teamed up with the Necrons. As well as I just find the 'Death to all Xenos' angle as boring and done enough. So that is my answer and that's how it will be for the fic, they won't go full purge but they will stop things and beings they see as a threat to humanity.

Now onto Chapter 2...


Chapter Two: A Shepherd Gathers Her Flock

Jane Shepard awoke in her Captain's Quarters on the Normandy SR2. The Normandy was docked at the Citadel currently refueling after they picked up the Master Thief. It was Jane's third day back on the Normandy and she still wasn't even close to it feeling normal. Shepard threw her legs over the edge and sighed while sitting herself up. After rubbing her hands across her face, she stopped to feel the scarred skin under her fingertips on her left cheek. A byproduct of the Lazarus Project was scarred tissue on her face and body. Though she had slowly started to heal the scars still remained. She looked at the clock next to her bed and saw it was 10 o'clock universal standard time. Shepard stood up and walked to the wardrobe. She opened it and took out her normal clothes and put them on. It was a standard grey and white short sleeve shirt and a pair of black pants, both to her chagrin carrying Cerberus logos. Once she had done her hair and brushed her teeth she walked to her weapons locker. She grabbed out her trusty Carnifex heavy pistol and holstered it on her right side. She went to her desk and sat down. She still felt the 'Enhancements' and bionic parts she had. She still wasn't used to them, but at least the pain the implants had originally given her had begun to subside. Thinking away from her woes Shepard opened her terminal and looked to see if she had any new messages. There were three. One was from the Engineering bay requesting some new engine parts. The second was from Mess Sergeant Gardner asking about getting some better food for the kitchen and some new cleaning supplies, having run out of some he had. 'That man does take his job seriously, day two and he's already running out of some.' Then the second was from the Illusive Man. Though it still bothered her that she didn't know the real name of the man she was working for, he at least thus far had given her no reason to distrust him. The message was about how he had managed to track down some leads on her new 'Squad Mates."

Shepard still loathed not being able to work with all her old team. They had been her family and now they still thought she was dead and most had moved on. She couldn't blame them it had been two full years since she had died. Though the wound was made even sorer by Tali's reaction upon seeing Shepard alive, and working for Cerberus. The betrayal in Tali's voice was as clear as day. Shepard had given Veetor, the injured Quarian, to Tali on Freedom's Progress in the hopes that it would show Tali she was still her old self and that even though Shepard was working for Cerberus she wasn't like them. After this, she had finally been given her new ship, the SR2 Normandy. Through this Shepard had been able to reunite with two of her old crew, Joker, and doctor Chawkas. The three had been talking all night catching up and reminiscing about the days of hunting down Saren, the rogue Spectre. Shepard had finally gotten to bed around 4 o'clock, universal standard time. That meant she had only slept 6 hours, though despite that her body felt fine. But it wasn't her body that was tired it was her head. She was tired of being told everything she had fought and died for had been almost all for naught. The second she had died the Citadel had thrown everything she had done under the rug and called the Reapers to be not real. That the attack on the Citadel was simply a very large Geth attack and nothing more. They had even thrown her name under the bus for her belief and hunt of the Reapers. Calling her delusional and far too paranoid, and then piece by piece did the same thing to anyone who spoke out against them or believed in her.

Shepard was so very tired from all of this now, all she wanted to do was scream at the Councilors for their ignorance of the truth. But she wouldn't do that, that would get her nowhere. Now more to the task at hand. She had already recruited Grunt, Jack, and Kasumi, so Shepherd had to speak to Joker about the next place to go, the Terminus System, and more importantly the Omega station.

Shepard called Joker, he answered after about a minute of ringing and when he did his voice was groggy and very unhappy. "What, who is this? This had better not be EDI or I swear I'm gonna shut you off, you stupid computer! I honestly don't know why the Hell Shepard even lets you in my ship it's still a mystery to me."

Shepard chuckled and said her voice full of mirth. "No, it's just your Commander speaking, Joker."

Joker fell silent for a long moment before he spoke again his voice quick and a bit nervous. "Oh hey! Commander Shepard. How are you? I'm good, of course."

Shepard let a smile sprout across her face and she said. "I'm good Joker but it's time to get going, we've got a mission to do."

Joker responded. "I'll be ready and in the pilot's seat in no time, Shepherd."

With that Shepard cut the connection, and turned around in her seat and called to the other terminal on the wall behind her. "EDI." She then waited for the response.

A moment later the terminal came alight with the hologram of a light blue orb. The orb then spoke and its surface changed and rippled to resemble the articulation of words. Her tone was calm and artificial, but not entirely impersonal, in fact, the voice even sounded like she was smiling. "Yes Commander, what is it you require?"

"Make sure Joker gets up and please go through the red tape for me so we can leave Citadel."

"Of course. Logging you out, Commander Shephard." Responded the AI her voice still sounded happy.

Shepard ran her hands across her face again, then stood up. Shepard stretched to awaken her body, and walked to the door and the green hologram saying 'open' appeared. She pressed the button on her Omnitool and the door opened the door splitting in two down the middle and moving diagonally. Shepherd stepped out and took one last look at the picture of Kaiden Alenko by her desk. She missed him most of all but Shepard put that aside and walked out of her quarters. The door closing quickly after she stepped out. Shepard walked down the small corridor to the elevator and summoned it with her Omnitool. It arrived quickly enough and Shepard stepped into the box-like room. As the Elevator began to descend Shepard focused on here Omnitool. Looking at messages she had received and other such things. Then a new message popped up. Who it was from made Shepard do a double-take. It was from Councilor Anderson. She had completely forgotten that Anderson had become a Councilor to the Citadel. The message told her that he was grateful to hear she was alive. The message also said that the Council as a whole wished to see her and talk to her about her recent actions.

Just as Shepard finished reading the last line the elevator dinged and opened revealing the CIC. The wide and circular corridor was busy a dozen ensigns were at their stations monitoring the ship's systems, the surrounding area, and news feeds. Yeoman Kelly Chambers quickly walked up to Shepard, she had her Omnitool open and was typing a message. Shepard stepped out of the elevator and waited for the Yeomen to finish her message. It only took Kelly a few moments before she pressed send and closed the Omnitool saying in her usual upbeat way but with a hint of seriousness. "Commander, I was wondering if I could talk to you about Ms. Kasumi?"

"Sure, What about her worries you?" Asked Shepard.

"She has an extreme case kleptomania, in the last day since she arrived the crew members have reported well over 30 things of theirs missing, and this has only started since Ms. Kasumi arrived. I have attempted to confront her about this but she simply used her 'cloak' ability and walked off and hid. At least I presume she did because I have not seen her since."

"Okay, what do you want me to do about it?" Asked Shepard crossing her arms.

"If you would simply talk to her about this and tell her to please return what she has taken. I believe hearing it from you Commander could possibly have more of an effect, then when I tried."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do, Kelly. Anything else I should know about?"

"Nothing that I can think about, Commander." Replied Kelly. The Yeomen then walked to her station by the map and began typing away at her holographic keyboard. Shepard straightened and walked to the co*ckpit. There she found Joker, half-asleep in his chair. His head bobbing up and down every now and then as Shepard approached. When she was within a few meters she coughed to get the Pilots attention. Joker's head bounced back up and he looked back at Shepard. A nervous smile on his face. "Hey, Shepard. How long have you been there?" Asked the head pilot.

"Long enough to see you sleeping." Replied Shepard a smile on her lips.

"Oh, well where should the Normandy be heading?" Joker asked trying to change the subject.

Shepard shook her head and said. "Sadly you woke up for nothing, Joker. It appears I've been summoned by the Council, immediately."

Joker's response was quick and load. "Are you kidding me! Oh, come on I woke up just not to fly? Not to mention the stupid calculator kept hounding me anytime I would even sit down for a moment."

EDI's blue orb popped out of her terminal next to Joker and she said. "Mr. Moreau was attempting to fall back asleep, so I simply used auditory stimuli to keep Mr. Moreau awake.'

"She used a foghorn on me!" Yelled Joker.

Shepard laughed and said. "Well, I did tell EDI to keep you awake. But like I said Joker the Council has summoned me. So that means they won't let us leave yet. Maybe while I'm gone you can catch a bit more rest."

"You put it up to that?" Asked Joker.

"I simply asked EDI to make sure you got up Joker. I had no idea she would take that as an invitation to use a foghorn. EDI why did you do that?"

"I wished to see how Mr. Moreau would respond under extreme auditory stress." Said the AI her voice as always containing what could only be equated to a smile in her voice.

"You mean you were studying how he would react?"

"That is correct, Commander." Answered the AI simply.

"You were studying me like some lab rat?!" Yelled Joker.

"Is that allowed in your programming EDI?"

"There are no parameters set against me doing so. I am allowed to test crew members on how they react to a certain situation, though usually through asking questions. But I am allowed to perform 'studies,' as you put it, on the crew." Responded the AI.

"Commander are you really gonna let this slide, she's studying us like we aren't even people!" Yelled Joker

Jane shook her head. "No, I'm not. EDI I'm adding a parameter for you to follow."

"I am listening Commander Shepard." Replied EDI.

"You are no longer allowed to perform studies like these on the crew members. Is that understood EDI?" Asked Commander Shepard her voice coated with seriousness. She was very protective of any of her remaining crew and would not let this continue.

"Understood, Commander. I shall no longer perform such observations on the crew." Answered the AI neutrally.

"Well I think that does it, don't you Joker?"

"Yeah I guess that's good enough." Said Joker grabbing his crutches and readying himself to stand. EDI's orb disappeared as he did so. Shepard moved to help him but he held up a hand saying. "I can do it, Commander." He then moved to get up, but slipped. He began falling but was caught just before he hit the ground. Jane quickly and gently pulled Joker back up.

Once he was up she helped him grab his crutches. And Shepard asked, worried for the pilot. "You okay, Joker?"

"Yeah I'll be fine Commander. I'll just probably need to see Doctor Chakwas. Again."

"You mean this isn't the first time you've fallen?" Asked Jane urgently.

"Yeah, well I mean, I've fallen a few times already aboard the new Normandy. Nothing serious though, mainly I've just accidentally fallen out of my bed a few times. And Chawkwas has had to check me a few times. And I've fallen in the elevator twice." Said Joker with a bit of shame in his voice.

"What's wrong? As far as I remember you never used to fall in the old Normandy." Said Shepard.

"I don't know, Commander. I guess you could just call them pre-mission jitters." Said Joker lowering his head.

"No, Joker, I know there is something you're not telling me. What's wrong?" Asked Shepard seriously.

EDI's orb reappeared and she said. "Mr. Moreau was suffering from a brief anxiety attack."

"How do you know that EDI?" Asked Shepard quickly.

"No shut up you stupid computer!" Hissed Joker.

"What I mean is, Commander, Joker's heart rate and blood pressure spiked for a moment resulting in his loss of balance. These events usually coincide with anxiety attacks which Mr. Moreau is known to suffer from." Said EDI in her usual tone.

"Wait what? I don't remember Joker ever suffering from any anxiety disorders." Replied Shepard.

"You wouldn't, Commander. He was only diagnosed approximately 1 year and 5 months ago, at least according to his medical records."

"Is that true Joker?" Asked Shepard facing the Lead Pilot.

His head was hung low in shame and humiliation. And when he answered his voice has serious and sad. "It's true, Shepard."

"What happened?"

"You died, Commander." Joker raised his head his eyes red and full of sadness. "When you died I blamed myself. If I hadn't been so stubborn in trying to save the Normandy you could have made it out. It ate me up inside. I couldn't sleep because of it. I would suffer from these horrible nightmares. I wouldn't eat for long periods of time and I'd randomly be struck with horrible panic attacks that would cause me to fall down and hurt myself even more. It went on like that for weeks months even, until finally some of the Normandy's old crew made me see a psychiatrist. She diagnosed me with PTSD, and she gave me pills for it. They were meant to help me from having panic attacks, but they haven't been working lately."

Shepard was left speechless, and she blamed herself for this. "It's not your fault Joker." Jane spoke seriously and honestly. "You were just doing what you thought was best-"

"I killed you!" Screamed Joker.

After a moment Shepard spoke softly and kindly to Joker. "No you didn't, Joker. That ship would have destroyed the Normandy if you hadn't been piloting her, then we both would have died. You did what you could Joker."

Joker simply looked Jane in the face seeing if she would blame him. When he saw only that she meant it he hung his head again. After another moment he raised it and said his eyes welling up with tears and his voice quiet and sad. "I'm so sorry Shepard." Joker finally let the tears roll down his cheeks.

"There is nothing for me to forgive Joker." Jane then wrapped her arms around Joker, being mindful not to squeeze too hard. "It's okay, Joker, it's okay." She said while holding him as he cried. After a very long time and when all of Jokers' tears had been spent they separated somewhat. Joker's face was normal now but he still had tear marks along his face. Shepard held Joker's shoulders for a moment and said with all the honesty she could muster. "Whatever you think you did that killed me, Joker, I forgive it. You are one of my closest friends, Joker, you didn't cause my death."

One last tear ran down Joker's face after she had said that. After another moment he said in a quiet and tired voice. "Thank you, Shepard."

Joker made to leave and Shepard walked with him out of the co*ckpit. Neither saying a word but both happy at understanding the other for even a small-time, making both feel all the better for it.

Shepard had spoken with the Councilors now, and it had been as eventful as she thought it would be. Luckily seeing them and being civil about it had allowed her to be 'reinstated' as a Spectre, though without any of the perks besides the title of course. That had annoyed Shepard for a little bit but she had finally reconciled with it since then. Afterword she had been forced to speak to Udina. He had gone white the second he walked in and saw Shepard, and he had been quite clear he was not supportive of her reinstatement. But Anderson had put the weasel in his place, reminding him who was truly in charge. The co*ckroach had then left promptly, his tail firmly tucked between his legs. Shepard left soon after giving Anderson a hug and thanking him for his support. He warned her in passing not to trust Cerberus and to get whatever they wanted her to do over and done with, then leave them in the dust. Shepherd nodded and said she'd keep one eye open for anything that they did that was suspect. With that, she left heading straight for her ship.

The Normandy was now in the Terminus System, where she was told to go and stay by the Councilors. They just passed through the Omega System's primary relay and were on their way to the Omega Station. They had come here to recruit a Salarian scientist, A Human bounty hunter, and a vigilante codenamed Archangel. The recruits were all around Omega so that made the task difficult. But not impossible. What made it extra precarious though was the simple fact that Omega was a scrapheap. It was often said to be the Citadels opposite, and it had earned that reputation for good reason. Whereas the Citadel was clean and free, Omega was filthy and oppressive. Omega was known for its crime syndicates, slave traders, and other types of criminals. The only order that kept on Omega was by the Mercenary groups and even then they could only do so much or paid so much.

So it was with careful steps and preparation that Shepard left the Kodiak and strode down the hangar. She was dressed in her custom N-7 armor, it was painted a dark purple with red accents. The walls were dirty, covered in grime and graffiti. Garbage lined the walls most items being unusable scrap, that even the poorest of Quarians wouldn't use. The hangar was large yet felt compact and showing extreme signs of disrepair, the bulkheads every now and again giving eerie creaks. That made Shepard even more nervous about being on Omega, it looked like it was one good torpedo away from falling apart and killing all of its 7.3 million inhabitants. Though Shepard knew that that was truly unlikely and the station in truth had hundreds of fail-safes to make sure something like that could never happen. Not to mention there was a standing defensive fleet of mercs and other such defenses to make sure no one could blow up the station.

Though despite Shepards careful steps to ensure she was free to do as she needed, It didn't take long for Shepard to find trouble. Trouble came in the form of a bulky Batarian standing in the middle of the hallway entrance. The second Shepard got within his sights he stared her down as she approached. Shepard, not wanting to start a fight tried to give the Batarian a wide berth, but to no avail, he simply kept staring. Finally, when Shepard was within a few meters of him he crossed his arms in a disdainful way and began to speak. His voice was gruff and unpleasant and it made Shepard subconsciously reach for the Carnifex with her right hand. "What business do you have here, Spectre Shephard?" He said 'Spectre' like he was spitting out dirt and he was completely unfazed by Shepard reaching for her gun.

That made Shepard worried, but she responded with a firm voice. "Errands. Who wants to know?"

The Batarian snorted and said. "Aria T'Loak is who, Human. She wants to see you before you do these 'errands.' And I'd suggest you don't keep her waiting." And with that the brute left, not waiting to hear Shepard's reply. He walked into the hangar and disappeared into a docked cruiser.

Shepard shook her head, annoyance written all across her face. 'Great yet another pit stop.' Shepard entered the hall finally and walked along. After several minutes of walking down the corridors, Shepard turned a corner and found a human beating the snot out of a Batarian. The alien was in the fetal position crying out for help. Shepard walked up, hand on her pistol and ready to ripe the gun from its holster if she had to. Before she could say anything though the human suddenly stopped and spoke to Shepard's shock that it was directed at her. His voice was rough and had a slight British accent. "I'm gonna assume you're Commander Shepard."

Shepard was caught off guard for a moment but she caught herself quickly and asked tentatively. "What makes you say that?"

"No one else here would dare to stop me." He responded with a laugh and he turned around to face Shepard. His face had several scars on it and his right eye was bionic, a light grey color while the other was a dark green.

Shepard shook her head. "So who are you?"

"He's crazy, please help m-, umf." the Batarian on the floor had tried to get up and plead, but in an instant, he took a boot to the face from the Human. The Batarian was launched back about a meter his face bloodied.

"Oh would you keep quiet, you degenerate." Hissed the man looking at the wounded Batarian. He looked at Shepard and stood a bit straighter. He then said. "The names Zaeed Massani, I'm your Bounty Hunter. Well technically I'm a Private Contractor, but they just mean the same thing really." Zaeed then stretched his right arm across his chest and cracked his neck. "Well, Shepard, I've gotta go turn in this invalid and then I'll see you on the ship."

Zaeed was about to turn back to the Batarian, but before he could Shepard asked. "What did he," she pointed to the Batarian," Do?"

Zaeed yawned. "Don't know, don't care. All I care about is that someone back at his home is paying me handsomely for his return. they even paid the extra charge for him to be delivered alive, so he must have done something really really bad.."

Just as he finished Shepard saw a blur run by her and she quickly turned. It was the Batarian, he was making a run for it down the hall. Shepard turned back to Zaeed. She was about to quip about how the man was running away, but before she could say anything she saw Zaeed holding his gun at his hip. He fired and Shepard heard the Batarian cry out in pain and then a thud. Shepard faced the Batarian expecting to see him dead. But she saw him on the floor gripping his leg still very much alive.

Then Zaeed said. "He's a little worse for wear but other than that he's still good and alive. Good thing my buyer didn't specify his health as a concern." With that Zaeed walked off towards his catch, grabbed him, hauled the Batarian onto his shoulder and walked off down the hall, towards the Hangar. Over his shoulder, he shouted, "See you Aboard Commander."

Shepard simply shook her head as she walked away.

Later that same day Shepard was wishing she had just stayed aboard the Normandy. She had had a meeting with Aria T'Loak, which the entire conversation had been at the business end of several rifles. Luckily Shepard had been able to keep her cool and listen to the Asari Warlord. From Aria, she had learned that Archangel was in deep trouble. Archangel had been cornered into his hideout and was making a last stand there. Shepard had simply asked where she needed to go, to which Aria told her to ask the Blue Sun Recruiter. Which had led Shepard to where she was now. Hold up with her old Turian friend Garrus Vakarian who it turned out was the Archangel. Shepherd was with Miranda and Grunt, so far they had killed off the leaders of the Eclipse, Jaroth and Blood Pack, Garm. All that remained now was the Blue Suns who had the most firepower of the three.

Shepard was now in Garrus's base fighting off the remaining mercenaries. Shepard shot up the stairs, as she ran she could hear the sound of The Gatling cannon upstairs and Garrus had gone silent a little after they started. Shepard burst through to door not caring to find cover, simple scanning the room for her beloved friend. She found him tucked behind a crate hand pressed hard on his gut. Blue blood seeped out of the large gash on his left side and Garrus was clearly hurt elsewhere. Shepard bolted toward her friend. She made it halfway across the room before the gunship showed up again. Over the ship's loudspeaker, she heard the leader of the Blue Suns, Tarak. "I'm going to kill you all, you worthless fools!"

Grunt arrived on the scene and began shooting the vessel with his Geth Plasma Shotgun. The ship soaked the first few rounds and then made to retaliate. Shepard had to duck behind a wall just a few meters away from Garrus. Shepard yelled over the commlink. "Grunt draw it's fire I'll get Garrus!"

A simple "Hmph" was Grunt's only reply. The massive Krogan pounded back through the doorway, letting loose a blood-curdling roar as he ran into the room, and shooting into the open air. That did the trick as the gunship turned to face the Krogan Berserker. Grunt fired off a charged plasma shot, the damage it caused was immediately apparent. The shuttle's shield's burst at the superheated plasma blast and the ship quickly broke off from the building, trying to reform its kinetic barrier. Grunt let loose another 3 volleys before he had to reload the thermal clip and let the gun vent excess heat. Shepard took her distraction and bolted from cover and ran to be by her friend. Garrus was barely conscious now, he had several open wounds and was losing a lot of blood. His eyes were full of either fear or anger, Shepard couldn't tell which.

Shepard quickly deployed her contingent of Medigel on the primary gash. The gel solidified on the gushing wound, stopping the bleeding and helping to quicken his body's recovery. Shepard was anxious and on the inside very afraid at the possibility that she might lose Garrus. Shepherd yelled over her shoulder. "Miranda!" Shepherd was applying pressure to two of Garrus's wounds.

Miranda appeared almost the instant her name was called and was by Shepards' side. Saying in her Australian accented voice in her usual calm and collected manner. "I'm here, Commander." Miranda then took out her Omnitool and began to deploy her own Medigel. She closed the last of Garrus's wounds with it.

Shepard quickly called the ship saying. "Send a Kodiak to my position stat! I repeat we need emergency evac of Archangel!"

The pilot came over the line in an instant. "I'll be there in 5 min, Commander."

Shepard then closed the commlink and looked back out the window. What she saw made her heart skip a beat. It was The Gunship, it was back and with a vengeance. It fired a missile at the lower floor and shepherd heard and felt the explosion a moment later. The Building heaved as the explosion rocked it. Shepard could feel the ground beneath her give a loud crack. She jumped into action yelling out orders to the squad. "Grunt grab Garrus, be careful with him he's in critical condition. Miranda, you and I will keep using our Biotic Barriers as mobile cover while we get out of here."

The gunship was now just outside the window hovering there menacingly staring at them. Then the voice came over the loudspeaker. "And now you pay for all the grief you've given me, Archangel!" Just as Shepard began to hear the whir of the Gatling Cannon she pulled up a Biotic Barrier. The blue light exploded from her palm and formed into a shield in front of her. Shepard ran over to Grunt, Miranda following after her. Then the cannon fired Shepard felt the cryo-rounds ping off her shield. She felt her strength slowly being sapped by the continued barrage, and so she quickened her pace. They made it to the doorway and the squad ran down the hallway Shepard and Miranda stopping their focus on the barriers, the Biotic energy dispersing as in an array of shades of blue.

They made it most of the way down the hall before the Building shook again this time all the more violently. The floor itself began to buckle and crack beneath them. But by then they had made it to the stairs and were on their way to the front door. Shepard just hoped they would make it out before the building collapsed. Another groundbreaking boom and the floor heaved again. The ceiling began to crumble under the pressure of the explosion. Small chunks began to fall almost hitting them but most missed them. On the other hand, they were almost to the door now. Shepard could see the green interface glowing assuring her and her companion's freedom out of the broken building was close.

But just as Grunt made it to the door and opened it suppressive fire filled the doorway, Grunt barely able to dodge in time. Then Shepard ducked into cover followed by Miranda. The Blue Suns fire stopped for a few seconds. Shepard took her chance and grabbed her grenade launcher from its spot on her back. Loaded a high explosive round into the chamber and jumped from her cover and shot the grenade. It bounced out the door and landed somewhere outside and then it exploded. She could hear the dying screams from several people outside.

Shepard took her chance and bolted for the door and indicated for the squad to follow. She was in the doorway when the building shook one last time. The ceiling began completely coming down on top of them. Shepard made it out the door followed close by Miranda and lastly Grunt barely making it out in time. They ran along the bridge, none of them looking back at collapsing warehouse. They made it to the other side of the bridge before the gunship appeared again. Shepard let out a curse when they saw it. The pilot simply shrieked one word. "DIE!" And the Gatling cannon began firing. Shepard barely had time to put up her shield before the bullets hit her. Miranda doing the same before Shepard could even realize. Grunt ran behind Shepard just in the nick of time as the bullets began to ping off the shield. They stood like this in a stalemate for what felt like ages, but Shepard knew she'd run out of energy before that ship ran out of bullets.

Just as Shepard was about to be overwhelmed and killed help finally arrived. The Kodiak flew into view, finally making it on the scene, dropping off Zaeed and Jack. The latter throwing the biggest Shockwave Shepard had ever seen before. The shockwave smashed into the side of the gunship. The shuttle careened out of control. It began falling its thrusters failing to stop the descent. Though at the last possible second the ship stabilized and began coming back for round three. But before it could fire Zaeed shot a rocket launcher at the gunship. It attempted to dodge but Jack made sure that the rocket hit dead on. The shuttle that had given them so much trouble and nearly killed Garrus was suddenly engulfed in flames. Pieces of flaming wreckage fell from the sky cementing the death of the Craft and its pilot. Finally, the fight to break out was over.

Doctor Chawkas had performed yet another miracle and saved Garrus's life and he would make a full recovery, for the most part. It was some hours later, Jane was sitting in a chair on the Observation Deck, staring off into space and thinking about the day's events. In the distance, she could see Omega. They had since flown away from the station after recruiting Mordin Solus the Salarian Scientist and former STG operative. He had gladly agreed after Jane had helped distribute the cure for the plague that had been wreaking havoc in the slums of Omega. The plague itself had only effected every race but Humanity and the Vorcha. This had led to the station's inhabitants believing it to be made by Humans. Shepard in the process of distributing the cure had found where the plague had originally come from, the Collectors. They had given the plague and instruction on how to dispense it to the Vorcha with the promise if they did so the station would be theirs. The Collectors meant to use this as a way to quickly collect a lot of humans.

Shepard had been happy to save so many lives but she was concerned for how quickly the Vorcha had been willing to work with the collectors. They had been willing to slaughter all the other inhabitants of Omega just so they could own it. 'What else would the Vorcha be willing to do in the future? Could they be trusted if the Reapers arrive?' These were the questions bumping around Shepherd's head as she watched the stars. Her mind was racing through thoughts and possibilities. Jane just felt so overwhelmed she let out a silent prayer. "If anybody's listening, I could really do with some help fighting all of these threats." Shepard then sighed and thought before she stood up. 'Pssh, yeah right like the Universe or God or whatever would ever help me."


Edit 11/25/19: I made the timeline make a tiny bit more sense, and I also added the Joker's PTSD side plot/event. Ever since I watched the games, mainly so I could write these fics, I kind of wanted more from Joker's character, something more than "I am a wise-cracking ace pilot". So I decided to add a bit of survivors guilt and PTSD to his character. The main reason aside from 'I thought it was interesting' is that I can relate to such feelings, not of survivors' guilt but to PTSD, as I suffer from it. And no I'm not making or even setting up a romance between Joker and Shepard, it is a mutually beneficial friendship and a platonic one at that.

Chapter 3: Guardian Angel

Chapter Text

Angels Lament

Thank you to all the people who have Favorited, Followed and Reviewed the previous chapters. And hopefully, you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed making it. Now without further ado let us begin the next chapter of this story...

Chapter Three: Guardian Angel

There stood only two, solitary, Sanguinary Guards outside the Arx Libracon. Both had been assigned to the Chief Librarian by the Chapter Master himself, the ancient and wise Lord Warden of the Imperium Dante. Both stood poised and ready to jump into action any second. But no mortal could detect it, to them they would simply appear as two lifeless golden statues. Both were encased in their Artificer Armor, with that on they appeared to gleam like twin stars, bright and radiant. Despite his readied posture, Nikolaus, the guard on the right, was also enjoying the sights around his post. He was studying the alcoves and statuary. They had been carved by some of the Chapter's best sculptors. Most were of the champions of the ancient Legion the Blood Angels and her successors had come from originally. On one Plinth stood Azkaellion the first-ever Sanguinary Guard, fighting a Carcodon. On another stood Raldoron the only ever Legion Master after the death of their Primarch and the first Chapter Master after that. Raldoron was fighting a twisted member of the Black Legion on his plinth.

The rest were of the heroes who had perished in the 'Devastation of Baal' as it was now being called by the wider Imperium. On one plinth stood Reclusiarch Ordomel, he had died trying to fight a Carnifex so that Chapter Master Dante could kill the Swarmlord. He had succeeded in taking the Carnifex with him with a well-placed Krak Grenade. The Sculpture of Ordomel portrayed him in the claws of the Carnifex fighting to the bitter end as he had in the fight. Nikolaus had seen it himself on the battlefield, back then he had only been an Assault Marine.

The statue next to Ordomel was the last Exalted Herald of Sanguinius Madelus. He too had died fighting for Baal. The Sculpture portrayed him being clawed and dragged down to die by a swarm of Tyranids, but it also described a fiery spirit in him that fought to the bitter end. He had died in the last offensive against the horrible monsters of Hive Fleet Leviathan, where the last of the Angels had meant to die, cutting off the head of the serpent. Luckily though for the Blood Angels their bell had not yet been rung that day, for in the last moments of the fight. When only so few Blood Angels remained the Avenging Son arrived. Lead directly to Baal by the might of the Emperor's light. He had brought the wrath of the Emperor and the Primaris Marines upon the Leviathan for even daring to slay the sons of his most stalwart and loyal child. Roboute Gulliman had slain the last of the screeching host of monsters and saved the last of the sons of his long lost brother.

After the conclusion of the battle and once most of the Arx Angelicum, the Blood Angels Fortress Monastery, had been rebuilt Gulliman enacted three edicts. The first was the Ultima Founding, giving the Blood Angels the resources and machinery to create their own new Primaris Marines. The second was naming the Blood Angels Chapter the protectors of the Nihilus Realm and distinguishing their Chapter Master as the Lord Warden of all Imperial forces. The final edict had been called the Reform, it was a complete reconstruction of the Codex and battle doctrine of the Astartes. One of the major reforms in the edict was on how Chapters would be organized and the implementation of the newly rediscovered and reworked wargear, like the Mark X power armor. After making his reforms Gulliman left the Baal System and returned to the Imperium beyond the Great Rift to fight off the other threats that had reared their heads there. That had been many years ago now but it was still fresh in Nikolaus's mind. The image of the Avenging Son dubbing Dante the Lord Warden and the ceremony naming the Blood Angels and the line of Sanguinius as the Protectors of Imperium Nihilus. Both memories were still ingrained into Nikolaus's mind and as vivid as the day they occurred.

Nikolaus was roused from his memories by a sound. The noise was barely perceptible even to his enhanced hearing, but it was there. In the next nanosecond, he recognized the sound. It was of a little girl crying, quietly but loud enough for him to hear. Nikolaus and his brother Donotriel instantly reacted, more on instinct than thought. Both taking defensive stances ready for whatever might come. Nikolaus opened his vox and spoke to his brother Guard his voice laced with worry for the mortal that was crying. "Stay and Guard here brother I will check on the mortal."

A simple head nod was Donotriels only response, as he took up formation at the front of the door. With his elder brother's approval, Nikolaus charged forward down the hall. He came to a stop as he rounded a corner and entered into another corridor. The crying had gotten much louder since Nikolaus had begun down the hallway. Down the corridor, there was no one, that he could see. Most of the halls of the Sanguine Spirit were now empty only small groups of the crew and scions could be found every now and then. This was caused primarily by the massive amount of wounded and killed crewmen and women. It was so bad that the Chapter Thralls and Astartes had to help with the repairing of the Star-Fort.

The hall Nikolaus was now marching down was eerily silent, with the exception of the sobbing he could still hear in the distance. As he walked the noise became easier to locate. It appeared to be coming from one of the smaller corridors meant for maintenance crews. As Nikolaus approached he slowed his pace as to not startle the small child. After another few moments, Nikolaus stood before the maintenance shaft the sobbing was coming from. He saw a tiny child huddled against the wall. She was dressed in an oversized worker suit. It was covered in red marks. Nikolaus could already smell what it was, Blood. She was shivering whether from cold or fear he couldn't tell. She was faced away from Nikolaus and she hadn't seemed to notice him yet. Nikolaus quietly and quickly got down onto his knees and made his approach to the maintenance shaft. Nikolaus realized how he might look with his death mask so he quickly commanded the seals to release. His helmet gave a snap-hiss as the seals disengaged. Nikolaus set his Encarmine Greatswordon the ground next to him so he could retrieve it if the need arose. He then reached to his head and slowly and reverently took the Death Mask off of his head. He set it down with utmost respect and care because of the symbolic power of the mask.

After Nikolaus set down his helmet he looked back to the child. She was still crying and was still shivering. Now that his helmet was off Nikolaus realized how cold the hallway truly was, he could see his own breath. Nikolaus shook his head and looked back to the child that needed his help. He couldn't fit down the maintenance shaft, at least not in his armor, so he would have to get the child to come to him. Nikolaus readied himself and said his voice as soft as silk. "Little One?"

The little girl whirled around and looked the Astartes in the eye. Her face was covered in grime, dirt, and dried blood and tears ran freely down her cheeks. He realized she could be no more than 5 or 6 Terran years old. Nikolaus could also hear her heartbeat go from somewhat steady to erratic in an instant. She began to try and crawl away not looking where she was going too afraid by the sudden appearance of the giant Astartes. Nikolaus quickly put up his hand and said. "I mean you no harm, Little One." He spoke honestly enough for she stopped and looked him up and down, fear still written across her face. Nikolaus continued talking hoping that would help the child. "I am of the Blood Angels, Child I mean only to help you."

The little girl spoke finally her voice barely a quivering whisper but it was enough for Nikolaus to hear. "My Da told me of the Angels. How they saved him from the monsters once. And how they always were there when you needed them." Her face suddenly became angry and her voice aquistory, she shouted, or as much as her dehydrated and quivering voice could allow her too. "Where were you when my Da and Ma needed you! The Monsters took them away!"

Nikolaus felt a pang of sadness in his heart at her acquisition, he knew what she must have meant. Her parents must have died in the Daemon incursion. She must have been traumatized by the appearance of the foul Warpspawn, the death of her parents and ran off to hide. But one question persisted in Nikolaus's mind, 'How could she have survived the sight of the Daemons. Most Mortals, especially the young, are driven mad or outright killed by the sight of Neverborn. So how did she survive.' Nikolaus made a quick decision and said. "I am sorry we were not able to save them, Little One."

The Child's anger dissipated and her face became heartbroken again. Tears fell readily down her cheeks and her lower lip quivered. She clutched her knees and pulled them close then she screamed out. "Ma! Da! Where are you?!" She shouted this several times each even more raspy and tired.

Each time she shouted it Nikolaus felt his heart ache evermore. Nikolaus extended his right hand into the maintenance shaft and said. "Please, come with me, Little One. I wish simply to help you." after a long moment of the child trying to regain control of herself she finally stood up, on wobbly legs. She slowly made her way towards Nikolaus leaning on the wall for support as she walked. When she was within arms reach Nikolaus helped to support her with his hand as she walked out of the little corridor. Once she was out Nikolaus gently hefted the child up and into his arms. He then opened the Vox link in his ear saying in a deathly serious voice. "I need a Medicae at my current position. Make sure to bring food rations and water. Leave immediately."

Almost immediately a response came, the voice feminine and concerned. "At once, My Lord." Nikolaus cut the comm there and looked back to the child he cradled in his arms. She was beginning to show signs of extreme exhaustion, and her body was shivering even more from the cold.

It took some time for the Medicaes to arrive. They rounded the corner in a full sprint their medical bags following in their wake. Once they could see the child in the Sanguinary Guards arms they somehow got a second wind and ran faster to meet them. Nikolaus slowly and carefully walked to meet them, careful not to move the little girl too much. She had been slowly getting worse since Nikolaus found her, and now she was barely even awake. When Nikolaus was finally within a few meters of the running medics he lowered himself to one knee and gently lowered the small child to the Adamantium floor. The Medicae's went right to work, checking her for any injuries or other ailments. The older of the two Medicaes began rummaging through his bag for specific items. While the elder rooted around for what he needed the younger Medicae checked the child's responsiveness, by asking her questions and seeing her response.

The Elder was dressed in his dark green military standard-issue jumpsuit with the symbols of a sergeant on his shoulders along with a Red Cross. His face was wrinkled and worn down, though his eyes were bright with life. While the Younger was in a Baal red jumpsuit, she had a blue cross on both her shoulders. She had youthful features, though a rad burn on her left cheek showed her heritage of Baal. She had a kind face despite the scar and her eyes were filled with compassion for all life.

When the younger Medicae got close to the child she called out her voice barely a raspy whisper. "Ma?" She grasped out to the Medicae with a weak hand.

The medic took the child's hand and said. "I'm here, child. I'm here to help you." She then asked holding up a hand. "Can you see how many fingers I am showing you?" She was holding up 3 fingers just a few inches away from the child's face.

The little girl simply showed 3 fingers on her left hand. She then tried to speak but no words came out just a horrible rasp. Her eyes lit with fear as her body failed to correctly respond. She panicked and began to try and thrash, but for her efforts, her body barely responded. Her arms and legs slowly shaking back and forth. She tried to cry for help, but only more rasping noise came out. The female Medicae turned to her teacher and the two got into a serious discussion about what to give her to calm her. While they talked Nikolaus knelt back down to the ground and looked the child over, a strange sense of worry was in him as he knelt. She slowly turned to look back at him, fear written across her face. Then for only a split second, Nikolaus saw a purple glow sprout from her eyes. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished and her eyes returned to being the color of bright amber.

Nikolaus closed his eyes and let his thought envelop him for a moment on what to do. 'So, she does appear to be a Psyker. She could pose a possible threat by not being able to control her abilities. But… But did I really see her eyes shine with the Warp? I must be certain that she poses a threat before I dare to cast such a sentence upon her. Besides, there are many Librarians here that could train her in how to use her powers safely. I shall tell the Chief Librarian of her once I know more. He will know what is best in this matter, far better than I.' Nikolaus opened his eyes, his mind made up on the matter. He looked back down at the child, fear still filled her eyes. The two Medicae still were deep in discussion. Nikolaus had now grown impatient with the two mortals, especially since it was now interfering with the well being of the child. So he yelled at them his voice strong and loud. "Figure it out, you fools!" Nikolaus glared at the two and they shrank under his sight. He then said his voice more controlled but still laced with rage. "Help her!"

The female quickly regained herself and got to work she grabbed a bottle out of the Elder's bag, it was filled with a clear liquid. While she took out a plastek tube and needle she uttered. "My apologies, My Lord." She then knelt over the small child and said. "You will be okay child, I promise." The girl was clearly losing consciousness now her eyes losing focus of what they saw and they began to flutter closed. Nikolaus was about to roar at the mortals for her death but then he heard it the child's heart, it still beat with life. He let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the Medicae. She had now inserted the plastek tube into the girl's arm and was in the process of hooking the bottle to it.

Nikolaus quickly realized what it was, an IV, full of a saline drip, meant to revitalize the child and get her body what it so desperately needed. He nodded in approval to the Medicae and, but she was too busy to notice. She and the older Medicae, who had finally regained himself were moving the child onto a stretcher they had brought with them. Once the little girl was set upon it they looked back to the Astartes for his permission to leave. Nikolaus nodded immediately, and the Medicae set off post-haste. He watched as they disappeared into the distance and only then did he look away.

Nikolaus had now returned to his post at the Arx Libracon. Some time had passed since he had returned. But though his body stood guard Nikolaus's thoughts still remained with the child and her health. She had seemed so weak when he had found her, all he wished, for now, was that she could get better. Her being a Psyker only added to his worry, she could accidentally harm others or herself if she was not careful. He would have to talk to Chief Librarian Antros soon. All that he had to now was wait. But he still couldn't help himself losing patience for the meeting to end.

It took another three hours for the meeting within the Arx to adjourn. When it did the Libracon's void shields powered down and the doors were thrown open wide, unveiling the splendor of the chamber within. The walls were made of beautiful Baalite red granite and a tiled white and black marble floor. Each tile was uniquely designed by the best artisans within the Chapter. Along the walls ran row upon row of Bookshelves, containing an assortment of tomes, books, scrolls, dataslates, and holostones. At the back of the Chamber was the entrance to the Angelic Vault. None were allowed in but the Chief Librarian and his equerry or a select few members of the Chapter. Within the Vault was a collection of chapter relics and wargear, and many other tools or knowledge. Beyond that was the Forbidden Crypt, it contained many ancient dangers such as forbidden knowledge and the weapons or creatures the chapter had no true way of destroying. Things such as Daemonhosts, monsters, Xenos, or other abominations that the galaxy held.

Back in the main portion of the Libracon, at the center of the chamber lay a circular table made of finely polished blue slate, with an ancient Baalite oakwood top. The table was surrounded by Adamantine thrones, all made uniquely, and for the proportions of Primaris Space Marines. At the far end of the table facing the main entrance was the Throne of Antros. It had been made by the Chapter Master himself, as a gift to Antros upon his elevation to Chief Librarian. On its back was an image of Mephiston facing the two Greater Daemons of Chaos. Mephiston was wreathed by a mighty firestorm, with black wings extending from his back giving the Lord of Death an angelic visage. Mephiston's face was pulled into a snarl, showing the wrath all sons of Sanguinius were capable of. Within the Firestorm above Mephiston's head was the Angelic face of the Primarch his face roaring at the Daemons for daring to stand before his son. The two Daemons were shown cowering from the light and wrath of Mephiston and Sanguinius.

The Librarians were scattered all throughout the massive chamber speaking amongst each other in hushed voices. Worry written on their faces. The Lamenters Librarians with their yellow and checkered heraldry upon their cobalt blue plates stood out among the sea of red. They stayed around the main table talking the Librarians of the Blood Angels. Among these differences were the hauntingly red and black eyes of the Lamenters. Though this portrayed them as Daemons they were in fact Angels of light, even more, compassionate than many of their brothers. They were renowned for their heroic acts and selfless behavior.

Nikolaus scanned the room looking for Antros so that he might speak to him. He needed to ask the Chief Librarian's permission to be excused to go to the Medical District. Nikolaus found the Chief Librarian still in his seat, hands interlocked before him, his face was contorted in deep contemplation. He was dressed in a crimson robe with golden accents. His Gyrinx was by his right side, her head poking out above the table, purple eyes shimmering with the Warp. Rhacelus stood on Antros's left side his face neutral and disciplined as always. He was dressed for war like most of the Librarians, his armor dented and cracked. Though despite this he still looked intimidating, his glowing blue eyes piercing all who met them.

Nikolaus pushed through the crowd of Librarians, trailed after by Donotriel. Nikolaus gradually made his way to the table, he had to circle around the back way. Once he was just a few meters away from the Chief Librarian he called out. "My Lord Antros?" The Chief Librarian didn't seem to hear him so Nikolaus called out again louder. "My Lord?!"

Antros's head whirled around his face deathly serious. For a moment Nikolaus hesitated, he worried that the Chief Librarian had read his mind and knew of the little girl. Nikolaus did wish to tell the Chief Librarian, but only on his own terms, once he had discovered if she even was a Psyker. So it was to his great relief that Antros's face turned from deathly tense to neutral in an instant. He then said his voice tired and sounding like his mind was again elsewhere. "Yes, Nikolaus, what is it you need, Brother?"

Nikolaus collected himself quickly and said. "Chief Librarian." Nikolaus slammed his fist into his chest plate in salute and bowed. "I require your permission to leave your side."

Antros's brow knitted in confusion and he said. "What is it you require to do?"

"I have need to check on someone within the Medical District." Replied Nikolaus evenly.

Antros turned back to the table and waved his hand in dismissal, saying. "Then go there, My Brother."

Nikolaus bowed to the Chief Librarian and saluted him. He then turned and made his way out of the Arx heading to where he needed to go.

Nikolaus marched quickly down the hallways and corridors not taking a moment to admire the pleasant sights. He had to see what had become of the child. After some time he finally made it to his chambers, he had already summoned his Thralls so that could perform the rituals of disarming. Nikolaus wanted to truly meet the child out of his panoply of war as to not frighten her. So he entered his chambers and looked around the room. Within the center of the chamber stood five Thralls, all facing Nikolaus their heads bowed in reverence. Nikolaus walked to the center of the room and took a knee and bowed his head, allowing them to reach his helmet. The two closest Thralls walked up to Nikolaus's head. They both took up the end of the helmet. Nikolaus commanded the seals to release and the helmet answered. The two Thralls took the Death Mask off slowly all the while singing hymns and offering prayers to Sanguinius and the Emperor.

Once the helmet was off they gently wrapped it in oiled linen fabrics. After that, they took the Death Mask to the Armor Stand in the corner and placed it upon its head. They continued this process until finally all of the Artificer Armor was upon the stand and off of Nikolaus's body. He then gave them the Encarmine Greatsword. The weapon was so large that it required three of the Thralls to carry it to the granite weapons case. Where they set it into its Adamantine sheath upon the backboard. Nikolaus then had the Synth Skin peeled away and taken to be washed. He took a quick shower in the Bathing Chamber and then dried himself off even faster. He was growing ever more impatient about seeing the child, he had to know what she was. It was for some reason was eating him up not knowing. So after he was dried and dressed he dismissed his Thralls and left the chamber. Nikolaus was dressed in a bright red tunic and black trousers, the colors of the Chapter. He took with him a sheathed Power Gladius and an Astartes sized Hellpistol. It had been given to him by a squad of Stormtroopers he had saved many years ago upon the world of Septa. They had been kind enough to give him the gift as a sign of gratitude. Ever since Nikolaus has carried it with him as he moved around the galaxy, more as a good luck charm than a hard and true weapon of war.

Nikolaus walked down the corridors at a brisk pace heading straight for the Medical Wing from his chamber. He passed dozens of statues, memorials, and altars dedicated to the lost. He passed by armories, engine rooms, mess halls, hydroponic farms, and hundreds of living quarters. But Nikolaus paid it no mind he had to get to the child and found out the truth of her nature. If she was a Psyker he would bring Antros to her and let him decide her fate, if she wasn't he would request to take her on as a serf. After all, she possessed no true family left, so he would take it upon himself to raise her. Nikolaus has grown strongly attached to the girl in the short time he had met her, and he felt for her. He too had lost his family at a young age to a band of mutant raiders from the great salt wastes. He had been saved from the mutants by a squad of Blood Angels who had been passing by aboard a thunderhawk on their way to the Place of Choosing. They had saved him and offered him a chance to join them. With no family or loved ones left Nikolaus had gladly taken their offer. He would now offer his help to this poor child.

After quite some time of walking, Nikolaus began to notice the extreme silence of the halls. Of course, there was the sound of the ventilation shafts and engines, but one sound was entirely absent. The sound of people, the shuffle of boots, the sounds of repairs, or the open or hushed chatter of conversations. Nikolaus understood most of the crew were at the far end of the ship where the Star-Fort needed the most repairs. But still he had not encountered anyone, not even a single servitor had crossed his path. This caused him so slow his pace a moment, he let his enhanced senses overwhelm his mind. He still could see no one or hear anyone, but it was what he smelled that was distressing. The smell was one he knew very well, blood. The millisecond he detected the scent his brain began pumping adrenaline into his system. His already powerful senses were heightened further. Nikolaus gripped the hilt of his Gladius and ripped the Hellpistol from its holster.

Then he heard it, a guttural shriek. It came from a maintenance shaft behind him. Nikolaus spun around in an instant pistol pointed directly at the gap in the wall. Then he heard it again, a slightly different shrill roar more high pitched than the last. It came from behind him again. Then another shriek came from another vent followed by another and another. Soon he was surrounded by a chorus of monstrous shrieking. Nikolaus weighed his options. 'Run away? Negative I'm surrounded by these things. Fight my way out? Of course, for I am an Astartes, I am the bulwark against terror.' Nikolaus stood up straight, closed his eyes and again let his senses envelop his mind. He pointed the pistol to the floor and waited.

It didn't take long for the first creature to show itself. Bursting out of a vent to Nikolaus right. He opened his eyes and got his first sight of these creatures. Their body was reminiscent of the human form, but elongated, gaunt, and horribly distorted. It's skin was hairless, leathery, and pale drawn tight on the bones. It's hands were misshapen and tipped with beastly black claws. Though it's face was the worst part. Pitch black pupil-less eyes that echoed with the touch of the corruption of Chaos. It's mouth was oversized and filled with razor-sharp red fangs, permanently stained the color of blood. The human-like vermin stared at Nikolaus for a long moment, looking him up and down, as if it was sizing him up. Then, it charged. It sped forth letting out a feral shriek and face contorted into a monstrous grin.

Nikolaus feigned a counter charge, but at the last second, he spun out of its way. He was testing the capabilities and intellect of the creature. It was slow to react, almost as if it had barely understood what he had done. It shrieked again and charged hands flailing around in his general direction. Nikolaus dodged, again and again, the creature becoming all the more enraged every moment he continued to live. Then another creature arrived, it was smaller and more deformed than the last. Where the first one's flesh was tight and sinewy, the new creature's skin hung loose on its bones its body was bloated and discolored. It was slower and clearly diseased. It began to try and roar but all that came out was a flemy mess of gurgling sounds. It tried to charge but it was slow and out of breath, due to its illness.

Nikolaus now having decided he was done messing with the vermin quickly dispatched the new arrival. A well placed Las shot to the head ending its miserable existence. The first cretin roared, enraged at the death of its fellow beast. It charged one last time, for its effort, Nikolaus bashed its face to a pulp with his fist. It crumbled to the floor like it's comrade, dead. Then Nikolaus heard more shrieks coming from the Maintenance shafts and vents. He gripped the pommel of his blade again, just as another Hullghast ran from its hiding place. It jumped up to slash him with its claws, but Nikolaus tore the Gladius from its sheath and bisected the creature mid-air.

More howling followed the death of the last Hullghast. Before its body even fell to the floor three more of the cretins ran from the crevices. Some were more similar to humans than the others but they all still contained the omnipresent taint of the Immaterium. The three Hullghast's ran at Nikolaus. He dodged to the right and sliced the head off of the closest vermin. It's head rolling on the floor before it even knew what happened. Nikolaus brought the Hellpistol up and pointed it at the nearest Hullghast, it's head disappeared in a red mist of evaporated flesh. It's body slapping on the floor a second later. The last Hullghast made to charge at Nikolaus but he counter charged. He smashed his shoulder into its chest with all his might. He heard a sickening crunching sound the moment he made impact. The creature's face contorted into one of pain and it gave a sad gurgling sound and died its body crumbling to the Adamantine floor.

Nikolaus's superhuman senses detected the rest of the creatures just before they could strike. Seven more Hullghasts and three Ghilliam came out of the shadows. The Ghilliam were far more human-looking but their bodies still showed the telltale signs of corruption. Gaunt features, teeth now resembling fangs, and eyes that echoed with the warp. They sickened Nikolaus, that the human species could be brought so low by the Dark Gods. But it also gave Nikolaus a fire in his chest, one he would unleash upon these vermin. The Ghilliam carried crude weapons like broken pipes and scraps of metal. But Nikolaus cared not what weapons they carried, he was a holy warrior of the Emperor and Sanguinius, he would fight any of mankind's foes, gladly. While the creatures were still crawling from their hiding places like roaches he roared forward charging into their midsts. He slashed and cut, he bashed and he slammed, and he shot out bringing The Angel's Wrath upon the mutants. They fell shrieking and mumbling curses. But he cared not for he was simply giving them their reward for turning their backs on mankind and the Emperor.

It only took 5 seconds for the creatures to be staining the floor with their corrupted vitae. Nikolaus sheathed his blade and snorted in disgust at the creatures. He stood tall knowing he had brought vengeance upon the corrupt. Once Nikolaus was over the pressure of battle he went to the closest cogitator and opened up a vox link. He spoke sternly into the unit. "I need a decontamination squad to my location now. Ensure that weapons and guards are brought with them. And inform the Admiral she will need to assign a Huntmaster. There are Hullghasts and Ghilliam parading about the corridors stalking what few crew remains."

The response was quick and it came from an unsure and juvenile voice. "Are you sure of this, My Lord?"

Nikolaus decided to be kind to the most likely young and inexperienced Ensign so he responded as kindly as he could. "Yes, Ensign. I have just been the attempted food of a gaggle of the vermin. So yes I am sure that there will be more throughout the Sanguine Spirit. Now please dispatch the communicae to the Admiral so that the correct precautions can be taken to ensure the crew's safety."

The Ensign hesitated a moment but eventually, he said. "Of course, Lord. I shall send this along the chain of command."

The Ensign was about to cut the line but Nikolaus quickly interjected saying urgency in his voice. "No, Ensign. You will take this news directly to her. She will understand when you tell her. This is far too important and critical for it to go through the information grapevine. So I am ordering you as an Astartes to takes this directly to her."

The Ensign was quiet another moment before he responded. "She'll have me flogged if I do that, My Lord."

Nikolaus had to hold himself back from yelling at the Ensign, but he quickly responded, his voice now containing an extremely serious edge. "Ensign, people's lives are at stake. The Emperor will forgive you for breaking the chain of command, and so will your Admiral, but they will not forgive cowardice. Do this now!" He couldn't help himself from barking out the last order.

The Ensign replied immediately, his voice shaking a little. "On the double, My Lord." The Vox then picked up the sound of running feet. The Ensign was so rushed that he had forgotten to disconnect the line. Nikolaus shook his head, a small smile finding its way on his lips.

Hopefully the last distraction out of the way Nikolaus set off once again to the Medicae District.

On his way there he ran into the Decontamination Squad. They were 50 people strong not including the 10 scions who sent with them. They were dressed in so-called 'Corruption Suits'. The Vestments themselves were a complicated entanglement of one part hazmat suit and another part a menagerie of holy wards, purity seals, and sacred texts. They bowed to Nikolaus, and he returned the gesture out of kindness and respect for their treacherous occupation. The squad pressed on, and so did Nikolaus, both off to complete their own responsibilities.


I have to give a big thank you to biolaj1998 for his permission to use his character, Nikolaus. And a big thank you to Henri9897 and Toraach for their help in proofreading this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading my story and please feel free to Review, it lets me know that you guys want me to continue.

Chapter 4: Shattered Angels

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Just so everyone knows the next few chapters will be primarily about the Astartes and the fleet trying to learn what to do so no real action for at least two more chapters. Now without further ado Chapter Four…


Chapter Four: Shattered Angels

Antros sat upon his throne in the Arx Libracon. Most of his brethren in the Librarium had left by now heading to their personal chambers to rest. They had performed the scrying ritual to learn more about where they had ended up. What it revealed weighed heavily on Antros's mind. 'So… we are set adrift, with no true way back to the Imperium. Yet we are still within the Milky Way, that much was made apparent in the scrying. But what was also clear is that this is not Our Milky Way. We have discovered that Mankind does exist within this universe, but so do other sentient races. This is made worse that Humanity in this galaxy is reliant upon the technology of ancient Xenos. What makes it even more terrible is the fact that the humans of this Galaxy are so reliant on the still living Xenos, this supposed Council, and Citadel. At least mankind has found its rightful place upon this Council. But it is aggravating that our people are so divided and lacking of a common cause. They are weak, this "Systems Alliance" is weak. It bogs itself down in rhetoric and politics, caring more for its image than the lives of its own people that it claims to represent.'

Antros let out a heavy sigh and returned to his thoughts. 'As Astartes, we must protect what this Alliance will not. But as the Emperor decreed for us, we shall remain within the shadows. After the scrying, we have learned much of this reality already, but there is still, even more, we must learn. There are still quite a few things that are unclear to me.'

Then Antros heard another voice enter his mind, one he knew very well, it was feminine and dignified. 'There is much you do not know, Master.'

Antros rolled his eyes and looked at who the voice belonged to his familiar Artemis. He responded back to her saying. 'Yes, there is much I do not know... but there is much more you do not give me credit for, Artemis.'

She replied, a feline smile crossing her face and voice full of mirth. 'I will give credit where credit is due, Master.'

Antros laughed, it was loud and it reverberated off the walls of the silent Libracon. The only other sounds that filled the chamber were the whooshes of Servo Skulls. But after a long moment and when the echo had finally faded Antros's face turned serious and grim.

Artemis noticed and prowled to the foot of the throne and sat down where she said in a more serious tone. 'What is it that troubles you, Master?'

Antros looked at her and said out loud. "Do not act like you don't already know."

She answered simply. 'I prefer to hear it from you, Master.'

Antros nodded and said within his mind. 'Alright, I am concerned about these "Reapers." They seem to be the reason for our being here. But we were only able to glean so little about them and their puppets, these "Collectors." But...'

'But you are also worried about what remains of the Strike Force.' Finished Artemis, her head nodding in understanding.

Antros continued on with his thoughts deciding to speak them out loud. "Yes, I am worried because of the chance of fragmentation upon this knowledge being found out. I am especially concerned by the Mechanicus Adepts. They shall try and call for a Crusade and a slaughter of all we encounter from this reality. They will not understand or care about what the Emperor has truly sent us here for. They will simply see this reality as an affront to everything that they stand for. This cannot be allowed to happen Artemis. I am also worried about the Imperial Navy's reaction to all of this. They could turn heretical and believe the Emperor has abandoned us."

'Do your concerns also extend to the Astartes elements within the fleet?' Asked Artemis.

Antros replied honestly. "No… no, we are the instruments of the Emperor's will. We will do as He wishes. Even if that means the sparing and saving of these Xenos."

'So you will not be purging the Xenos?' Asked Artemis tilting her head to the side in confusion.

Antros sighed and ran his hands across his face before he responded. "No, not all of them. The Primarch told us that we are not here to kill them all and that we are even meant to be the Defenders for some. So I will do as he commands me. But I am worried how the others will take this."

'Well... at least we have a purpose.' Said Artemis putting her large paws upon Antros's lap, like a kitten.

Antros smiled at her and said, softly petting her head. "Well, we must try and stop the fragmentation before it begins to take hold." With that, he stood up from his throne and marched to the grand entrance. Artemis followed in his shadow. Antros's face was stern. He had a fleet to keep together and he would not fail the Emperor in uniting them for His great task.

Many hours later Antros sat within his remade Power Armor. His armor had been repaired by Forge Father Incarael and was now once again ready for war. But for now, it was not needed for fighting but for negotiations. Antros had to get the fleet back in order. She had been sent reeling from the warpstorm and the loss of so many crew members, and was even now in a state of anarchy. She needed someone to take charge and Antros had just the being to take the reigns of leadership. The Chapter Master of the Lamenters, Malakim Phoros. He was one of the eldest living Astartes within the fleet, he held the prestigious title of Chapter Master, He was a proven stalwart follower of the Emperor's will, and he was well respected by almost everyone in the fleet. This all combined to make him the perfect candidate for the role of Commander for the Imperial Remnants. Antros also planned to request that Rhacelus be placed as the Advisor to Phoros as much as he trusted the Chapter Master, Antros knew he wasn't a patient man. Rhacelus would be the perfect cool head that Phoros would need to ground him.

Antros sat in a throne within the Foederis Cubiculum (Meeting chamber) his hand firmly placed upon his chin. He was waiting for the last few Captains, Adepts, and Astartes to arrive. The room was filled with the remaining Captains and Admiral of the Imperial Navy vessels, the Scion Sergeants and Colonels of the Astra Militarum, the Astartes Captains, and the list went on extending to all the leading members of the remaining Imperial Guard, Ecclesiarchy, Comissariant, Imperial Navy, Mechanicus, and Astartes elements. They had all been summoned here by Antros, for he wished to be the first one to inform them all on where they were and what had happened. Hoping in some way to lessen the profound impact it would have upon them all. As certain as Antros was of their task he knew not all within the fleet would share his enthusiasm. Especially within the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and Adeptus Ministorum, they both would need proof to understand what their Omnissiah and God, respectively, had in store for them. But this all had to come later on when all showed up.

Next to Antros upon his right, as always, was Rhacelus, Antros's trusty Equerry and Advisor. On Rhacelus's shoulder was his loyal Psyber Eagle, Comet. The Bird scanned the room with a suspicious eye, just as its master was. While at Antros's feet was Artemis her head up and alert. 'She always gets excited at meeting so many new auras and seeing new people's emotions.' Thought Antros with a small smile forming on his face. Though as quickly as it appeared, it vanished with the next person to enter the Foederis Cubiculum. Death Company Chaplain Efriel, he came in slow and quiet but despite his silent entrance all eyes turned to him and his leering Skull Helm. Efriel looked around the chamber as he walked in. Anyone who met his gaze faltered, even some amongst the Mechanicus began to fidget under his steely stare. Where the room had once been filled with voices it was now deathly silent, no one spoke. The only ones unaltered by his gaze were the Astartes, for they knew who he was.

As Chaplain Efriel walked in and saw the silence he had caused he let out a deep and guttural chuckle. After a moment of standing within the doorway, he then spoke his voice both loud and joyful. "Hello, my fellow servants of the God-Emperor! It would appear I am the last to arrive! If I am you have my apologies for my truancy!" He gave a deep bow to all assembled. He held the position for a moment before he sprung back upright, startling a few of the jumpier mortal attendees. Efriel was dressed in his Taticus Power Armor, it was painted the usual black of those within the Chaplaincy. But it was anything but ordinary in decoration. Unlike most of his brethren Chaplains, Efriel had his armor highly adorned with golden lace. Many crafted to form battle scenes or squads praying, but with them on his joints and right pauldron were images of their father, Sanguinius. His face was recreated with painstaking detail that wouldn't have been out of place upon the Death Masks of the Sanguinary Guard. But unlike the Death Masks were the Primarch's face was wrathful, the ones upon Efriel were of Sanguinius crying, his face mournful and compassionate. The tears were made of small rubies fashioned to the plate armor. The Primarchs golden hair mingled into the battle scenes of the Blood Angels fighting and praying. Upon Efriel's back was a brilliant crimson cape trimmed with bright gold. Intermingled within the crimson cape was sapphire treads that wrote out, in Low Gothic, a quote from the Primarch. "Be the Light in the Darkness, my Sons. Show them our righteous cause." Even the Chaplains Rosarius was adorned to look vibrant, it was caste to look like a heart. Then the Iron Halo he possessed gave him a radiant visage despite his dark-colored armor.

The Chaplain walked around the table and took the seat next to Antros. Where he asked in a mirth filled voice. "Is this seat taken, my Brother?"

To which Antros gave a slight chuckle and said back to the Chaplain. "No. Not yet, Brother Chaplain."

Chaplain Efriel chuckled at Antros's reply, where he began to situate himself in his seat, he then remained quiet. Not long after he took his seat the room returned to normal, the Mortals finally feeling it appropriate to speak. The Mortals went back to their toils of ordering crew or soldiers around through their vox links or through servants and menials. And the Mechanicus Adepts went back to ordering around a few Skitarii and Servitors, and lower-level Tech-priests. While the Astartes mostly sat in silence or talked amongst themselves. Though a few did speak with the Adepts and Mortals, at least those humans who were not already busy ordering people around. Now the only people missing that Antros could see were the Lamenters.

As if on cue a Grapplehawk flew into the room. Silencing the room again to listen. Painted on both is furled metal wings was the Lamenters Chapter symbol. It cawed and announced who entered next its voice metallic and monotone. "Welcome Malakim Phoros, Chapter Master of the humble Lamenters, Destroyer of Heretics and Xenos, foe to the Treacherous and slayer of Daemons."

'Quite grandiose titles don't you think, Master?' Asked a gleeful Artemis.

'Yes, but not undeserved titles, after all, he is a Chapter Master.' mentally replied Antros.

Then he entered, Malakim Phoros, his face was an unreadable tome, locked in a permanent scowl. His head was horribly mutilated, and most of his scalp was scarred. Three giant gash marks were the worst, they ran from his left jowl diagonally across his once Angelic face, and stopped at his right temple. What little hair he had was greasy and unkempt making him look more ghoulish than Angelic. One of his eyes was Augmented after it had clearly been clawed out by the lacerated skin around it, while the other eye was glazed over, and clearly useless from whatever monster gave him the three claw marks. When he walked it was with a slight limp from a heavily damaged augmented leg that was slow and unsteady as he marched. One of his arms was also artificial, in the hand was clutched a Glaive Encarmine, it's blade heavily dulled and dented. Two of the artificial fingers were gone, sparks occasionally flying from the damaged ports. He was encased in horribly damaged Artificer Armor. Where there had once been ornamentation massive rents now ran all the way along the armor The Power Armor was clearly in low power mode with the way Malakim walked so slowly. He lifted his remaining living hand and whistled as he entered. It was a horribly coarse sound and it clearly came from old and damaged lungs.

The Grapplehawk responded instantly, it flew directly to his outstretched arm. It landed without a sound but quickly cawed again as if it was a real bird. Malakim Phoros then began to walk to the Astartes side of the table. He said nothing or even eyed anyone, in particular, he simply hobbled to the other side of the table. Though he said nothing the room remained silent and all eyes, even of the Astartes stayed locked on him and his slow progression. Though despite his Astartes stature he was shorter than Antros thought he would be, and a lot grimmer. Then it struck Antros, he clearly wasn't a Primaris, he had remained among those who had not yet crossed the Rubicon. Despite his smaller stature compared to his brethren he was a sight to behold. Despite the heavy damage, he had sustained he was clearly a formidable warrior, and despite his wounds, he walked with more dignity than most Antros had seen.

After what felt like ages Malakim finally made it to where he decided to sit next to Chaplain Efriel. Malakim set his Glaive down, leaning it against the rounded table, in an alcove made so weapons and staff could be set within. After that, the Chapter Master slowly sat down into his throne. Then after another long moment of prolonged silence Malakim said his voice ancient and rough. "May we get this meeting started?"

Antros stood up and bowed to the Chapter Master, where he asked with as much respect as he could for the ancient Marine. "May I ask, Chapter Master, where are the rest of your Brethren within your chapter?"

He answered coldly back. "They are dead, killed either by Huron Blackheart, or the Daemons after him. While I am here my remaining men are back at our ships deciding amongst themselves who will become their replacements. Now, aren't you the one who summoned me here, Chief Librarian Antros?"

"I am sorry to hear that, Chapter Master Phoros. But yes, I am the one who has summoned you here." Antros turned to the whole chamber and said. "I have a very important matter I must discuss with you all. It is about where we are and why we have found ourselves here."

Malakim quickly said sounding tired. "Then tell us, Chief Librarian, some of us have chapters to rebuild from the splinters."

Antros nodded and walked behind the table and over to one of the hollow table's entrance. The entrance was next to Rhacelus, so Antros walked by his Advisor and friend and into the center of the Chamber. Rhacelus gave Antros a reassuring nod At the center of the hollow table was as small plinth meant to be stood upon by whoever had the floor. Antros stepped onto the plinth and looked about the room. He saw many faces he knew, but amongst the known was a mix of new faces. But one thing all the faces shared was dread, all the faces carried it, they had all seen horrible things recently and they had been changed by it. They carried a cloud with them now, one filled with the dark sights they had witnessed. The abominations of the Immaterium had taken people from them in the attack, that much was clear by the auras Antros could see before him. Some auras were brighter, those who were more optimistic as clear as day to him, but even they were marked by the curse of dread. The fear that they too could be taken so quickly by the creatures of the Warp and have no chance to fight back.

Antros knew he had to give them both reassurance but the truth, they would shatter if he lied. So he began his voice cool and neutral. "My Brothers and Sisters of the Imperial Creed, fellow servants of Him on Terra. I have gathered you all here to discuss and tell you of what I have learned about where we are. But first I must share with you all a vision, that was sent to me by My Primarch, and The Sanguinor." All the Astartes in the room with the exceptions of Rhacelus and Malakim, looked on earnestly now waiting with bated breath. For if the primarch had truly spoken to one of them it meant either great tiding or a dark omen. "Some of you may object to what I say, but know by my honor as a Blood Angel and my duty as Chief Librarian I speak with only the truth in my words." Antros recounted how when he had gone to rest in his chambers he had been visited by the Great Angel and his Exemplar. And how Sanguinius had given Antros a task, that was called for by the Emperor himself. To be the protectors of all the lives they encountered. "My Primarch said that we are no longer within our empire. We are adrift in another Universe entirely, one with its own humanity. Though they are caught in a dangerous time for their galaxy."

Antros continued. "There are many things that are different for them and for us here. The Emperor called upon Sanguinius to give us his blessing so that we might save our brothers and sisters of this universe. There is a mighty threat they must face, one that could destroy them as it has countless others in the monster's time alive. There are many other Xenos here in this galaxy. None we have ever encountered before. Most of them seem to be included in the Emperors Plans. They too are to be safeguarded-"

A Cardinal shot out of his chair on wobbly overweight legs and shrieked. "Apostate! Heretic! You lie-!"

Antros roared back at the Cardinal, to make an example out of him to the others who would dare to question the word of his Primarch. "I do not lie, Mortal! What have I to gain in lying to you all? You are my fellow servants of His will! Why would I lie?" He said looking to the crowd mentally pleading for them to believe him. The mortals began to bicker amongst themselves many casting a suspicious eye upon him.

Just when Antros was about to give up on them all, a voice broke through the murmuring. The voice was steely and unflinching in its pronouncement. "I believe him…" Antros looked to who had come to his defense. It was Malakim Phoros, the Chapter Master stood upright and mighty. His hands both directed at the table sides were those who doubted Antros lay. "And so should you all. If you condemn him a heretic than you are a fool. I too was blessed with a vision from the Primarch. He told me the very same."

A Commissar spoke out his voice coarse and rough from his decades of shouting out orders. "How do you know it was not a Daemon that deceived you both?"

Antros responded. "Because I know the Great Enemies touch. When the Primarch blessed me with some of his strength I felt light. I know the touch of the Ruinous Powers. That was no touch of a Neverborn. It was the Primarch sent by the Emperor to deliver his message and blessing upon us."

The Commissar sat down his face not portraying that he fully believed Antros. But again Malakim came to his aid. "The Primarch told me the same, Him on Terra has sent us here, with a holy cause. We are to save this galaxies Mankind and these worlds Xenos, from the darkness that wishes to consume them. Know that I swear to be true in on my title of Chapter Master."

The Admiral of the Sanguine Spirit spoke next, her face a forced neutral expression. "Say you are right, My Lords and that the Emperor has sent us here. Why would He want these Xenos saved?"

Antros answered his words honest ones. "I do not know, Admiral. But from what I have learned of this world we find ourselves in it might be more complicated than we hope for."

Another Captain asked. "Can you at least tell us what this mankind is like. Is their Empire similar, do they follow a similar code to the Imperial Creed?"

Antros held back a sigh at what he had to say, so it took him a short moment to answer his voice with a hard edge. "To be to the point and truthful… They are weak. They bog themselves down by restrictions and bureaucracy. Their leaders caring more for their approval than the task they are there to perform. The people are better informed than most but they lack any sort of form of a common cause. They bicker over the smallest of things and do not care for the fate of the species. Only caring as much as is required and no more. There are outliers to this some humans have begun to thrive and reach something close to what the Emperor has envisioned for Mankind. Many though simply see their fellow men as something to exploit for personal gain, fame, station, or power. Though technology is still progressing within this time, far more than in the time of our Dark Imperium."

One of the head surviving Magos spoke up his voice through mechanical somehow portrayed the keen interest of a child upon Sanguinella. "The Machine God still shows them his holy path?"

Antros let his head fall a little as he broke the news that would be the toughest for all to hear. "I would not believe so Magos. They appear to have strayed from his path, though some still attempt to press on in this holy path, most do not. For you see most of the technology they possess today came… it came from their reworking of ancient Xenos machines." Antros finished and braced for the blaring of the Adepts.

Yet to Antros's shock the tech-priests simply began to chitter to one another in Binaric the Two lead Magos's seeming to lead the discussion. After a long time, the conversation finally ended and the two Magos 'turned' back to face the rest of the assembly. Where they said in perfect unison in Low Gothic. "We have reached an agreement."

Antros said quickly back to them. "What have you agreed to?"

The one on the right answered Antros its voice carrying a strange tone. "We can allow them to live, but only if we are allowed to examine as much of this Xenos tech as possible. To ascertain how corrupt the technology is. But we will refrain from our more violent impulses. For now."

Antros at that moment let out a quick breath, he had subconsciously been holding in anticipation for the Magos's answer. He was relieved he would at least have some time to try and do what he needed to before the Adepts lost themselves to their own fanaticism. Antros though would have to quickly conclude the informative part of the meeting and get to the other reason he had called everyone here.

"Now I must tell you of one of the more important organizations that I have found in my scryings." Said Antros loud enough to get the attention of all in the room back upon him. "The leading group within humanity is a government called the 'Systems Alliance.' Though they preach to be the arbiters of safety, power, and defense of humanity they are corrupt and inefficient. They claim to carry Mankinds best interests at heart yet they allow the other races of this galaxy to exploit, enslave, and murder their people with near impunity. They allow slavers and pirates to ravage the outer human colonies without fear of retribution, only ever doing basic patrols and employ only the most rudimentary of defenses that don't even put a dent into the foes that ravage their lands."

"But their people do have better access to knowledge, and they are able to respond to what they consider crisis far faster than we could in The Imperium. Though they use this system to its most inefficient capacity, the potential is still within them. The potential the Emperor say in us is still within them. There are many places in this world that are truly worth protecting many worlds that have never had to know the darkness of true war, only ever experienced at the worst minor skirmishes. And even the wars they have had to fight have been what we would call minor conflicts. They are young and inexperienced but I see in them the same potential for all of Mankind. We only need help them along this path, and they could see a brighter future that we only ever see in our greatest dreams. It is our duty, and our honor to help them into this golden age that we can stop from ending before it has even truly begun." Antros paused a moment and let all assembled gather their thoughts and discuss what they had learned with one another.

After several long moments, Antros called for their attention, and once they looked at him he continued. "We shall discuss the enemies of this Mankind later within this meeting but if you would all humor me. I have one request to make of you all. We are without any leader while we are within this galaxy. So we must choose one. That is why I have summoned you all here aside from the need to tell you of our fate. We need to come together and fight as one to complete the task the Emperor has given us. So I would ask you all to give a person who you believe to be worthy of leading us all. But before we do, I would like to make a recommendation for who should lead us." Antros waited until he felt all eyes upon him, then he resumed." Malakim Phoros." Antros cast his arms to the mighty man. "He is an Astartes granted great gifts by the Emperor. And a Chapter Master no less. He is an ancient and experienced leader, and a stalwart believer in the Imperial Creed. He is the perfect candidate to lead us in this trying time we find ourselves." Antros gave the last words he spoke as much gravitas as he believed they needed.

Once Antros had finished the room returned to chattering, all the leaders taking serious thought on what they should do. Many began to discuss it openly with those that they trusted or those around them. But when the groups almost seemed ready to make their pronouncement for leader Antros heard a bang like thunder crashed in. All within the room silenced in an instant the assembled host all looking to where the noise had come from. They all peered in shocked awe at who it was. It was Malakim Phoros, he stood upright once more his glaive in both his hands, his face still remaining a deep scowl. The noise was caused when he had smashed his glaive into the ground.

He then spoke after every individual looked upon him, his voice both solemn and low. "As much as I appreciate that you all would consider me as a leader, I decline this nomination. I am both unworthy of the honor and unfit for the role. I am too old and far to rash to be given the power. I would only lead us to failure... But I will take this time to make my own nomination for who should lead us. I say the best to lead us is,"

Antros had no idea who he would nominate maybe one of the mortal Admirals or the captain of the 4th company of Blood Angels, Raphean or the captain of the 10th Company, Borgio. Antros was caught off guard by who Malakim said. "Chief Librarian Antros. He has shown his strength and he led the force that saved my chapter from destruction. He was appointed By Lord Warden Dante himself. The Emperor deemed him worthy to share his son's message. There is no other option for who should guide us in this new quest."

Antros turned to the Chapter Master slowly, unsure he had heard correctly, but he was only proven to have heard right when he heard Rhacelus's somber voice. "I agree with Chapter Master Phoros. Antros my be a young warrior but he is a good one. He has the intelligence and the correct amount of caution. He was chosen to lead the Librarium by Mephiston himself and Chapter Master Dante saw it too when he chose him to lead the Blood Angels Strike Force. I believe he should be the one to lead us as well."

Antros was left speechless for a long moment unsure how he should take the most unexpected of turns. He had, of course, thought about being the leader but had thrown himself out of the proverbial window because Malakim's mere presence had just made the most sense. But now he had been the one put up for the role of Commander. Antros thought that the crowd would be displeased because of how quickly they seemed to have turned on him earlier. Yet again he was proven wrong, not only were the other leaders considering him, but they seemed more pleased now than when Antros had recommended Malakim.

Once Antros had collected himself enough he said. "If you would have me lead, I shall do so to the best of my ability. But first I believe it would only be right if all here were allowed to voice their nominations and reasons for who should be the Commander."

It took some time after that for the voting to be arranged and the other applicants to the role to be counted. A few of the more arrogant among the assembly of leaders tried to nominate themselves and were allowed to do so. But most already knew who had the most vocal supporters. The endorsem*nt from a Chapter Master had all but sealed Antros's Fate. So when the consensus was done it was to no great shock that Antros had won the hearts of most assembled, whether through his words, actions, or the voices of others. Though Antros was proud that he had won over almost all the leader there, but he felt a deep sense of foreboding within his chest. He tried to push it aside but he knew why he had the feeling, this task was going to be anything but easy.

Antros returned to the plinth and said his voice grateful. "I thank all those of you here, even those who voiced opinions against me. I am thankful you deemed this important enough to give it honest thought. But as Commander, know I will fight with you to see the Emperor's visions made manifest. We shall fight and die if we need to bring this mankind to where He wishes them to be." the crowd gave a few claps and nods of heads before returning to silence and awaiting what came next.

"Now, Commander Antros. Would you please inform us of the Xenos we will encounter from this galaxy?" Asked the Admiral of the Sanguine Spirit her voice showing her wish to see what they had to face.

Antros straightened his back and said. "Very well I shall get to the other beings that live within this galaxy. I shall start with the races I believe to be of no true threat to our people. First, are the Hanar and their servant race the Drell. They are content to live where they are and have never taken up arms of any sort against Mankind. They both simply wish to live in peace with the other races. They have even given aid to humans in distress. Though they may be Xenos, I see them as a fine set of allies for this galaxies mankind. The Hanar look akin to ancient Terran jellyfish. While the Drell look somewhat similar to Mankind, though they share a bit more in common with the Tau of our age. They are a fine and acceptable race, who simply wish to serve their masters the Hanar."

"Next are the Elcor, they are a large quadrupedal race. Who are slow yet gentle giants. Something akin to Ogryns of the Imperium. They are an isolationist race who simply wish to be self-sufficient within their small borders. They are willing to trade with the other races but they simply wish to be diplomatically represented and left to their own devices. I believe we may give them that if when the time comes they pledge themselves to aid Mankind in her causes. They are a widely known race, to be honest, and straightforward, unlike many of the heinous Xenos of our Galaxy. They also would pose no true threat to mankind militarily, so if they ever did betray they could be stomped out with little issue."

A murmur ran through those assembled before Antros continued. "Then the last race I see as no threat are the Quarians. They are similar to mankind in stature, but with inverted knees and a weakened immune system. That require, to simply live, environment suits. But I see them as in a similar circ*mstance. For they too were laid low by their own creations. They were thrust out of their home by the abominations called the 'Geth'. Something not dissimilar to the Men of Iron of home. They now travel the stars similar to the Eldar. But unlike those deceitful and arrogant cretins. The Quarians are truthful, and all they wish for is the survival of their people. I could see mankind being able to give them a home. In exchange for their servitude and loyalty. Their species has a natural inclination to do what is best for the common good. So I can see them being able to agree with mankind and not turn their backs on us. At least not for a time."

"But now I will tell you all about the other races, the ones who have either by association, actions, or beliefs proven to be against Mankind and her goals. One race that will pose a threat to mankind in the future is the Salarians. They are prone to acts of paranoia and are known to spy heavily upon all those they know, to varying degrees of success. They run an organization that calls itself the STG they are something akin to the Officio Assassinorum's Vanus Temple. More like powerful spies and operatives than necessarily true cold-blooded assassins. The Salarians are a physically frail, short-lived, and cowardly race. Though do not underestimate them. That has been the downfall of many a Warlord of this galaxy. They may be weak physically but they make up for it in their cunning and playing the bigger game."

"They prefer to know all they can about an enemy before they strike. Searching them for weakness. We shall show them none. They count on their intelligence network so that they can see threats before they fully appear. They are known for their preemptive attacks upon an enemy before they are ready. They are also known for their lack of honor, willingly striking at their enemy's wounded and defenseless on dozens of instances. Usually, in the hope, it will cause their enemies to act rashly. They are a wicked race know to use bio-weapons, and plagues on several occasions. We are to give them no quarter, they are malicious and conniving and, should we face them, they are to be given no mercy. These Salarians though they have never lifted an overt hand on mankind, if they ever preserve us as one they will gladly see us killed off. We shall treat them the very same, they are an enemy until they have proved themselves otherwise."

"Next after the sneaky Salarians are the slimy and spineless Volus. The Volus are a diminutive race both in stature and morals. They are known for being merchants, tradesmen, and bankers. They, in fact, came up with this galaxy's universe monetary system, the credit they call it. It is a frail system susceptible to the greed and incompetence of others. And the Volus are much like the system they engineered, frail, weak-willed, greedy, and willfully incompetent. They prefer others to do the hard work for them while they sit back and try to order others around. The Volus are as greedy as they come, using this to their own ends. These vermin are all too similar to the Stryxis of home, willing to partake in the trading of anything, coin, items, worlds, and people. They are a race built on the labor of their betters and should be treated as such, vermin. They willingly cut corners and endanger lives so that they might spare a few more credits. They are a parasite. A cancer, they deserve nothing for they are nothing."

"After the vermin is their "owners" The Mighty Turians. The Turians would on the surface look to be good allies for mankind. They are more than willing to fight and die for a common cause, they are well disciplined, and they have a large military dedicated to the defense of others. But they are all too willing to turn on humanity on the flip of a coin. Their first encounters with mankind were violent. When Mankind was still barely space fairing the Turians went to war against us. They had preserved us as breaking some unknown rule of theirs so they saw that as a chance to go to war. They meant to subjugate Mankind! For this, there can be no forgiveness only vengeance for those they slew in what they call 'The First Contact War.' True they only killed a few humans and they conveyed their regret upon such actions, but they showed their true self. A selfishness and arrogance that has no place with Mankind in ruling the Stars. For these reasons, they are no true ally of man only its hidden opponent."

"Next in the line of Mankind's enemies is a race known for their diplomatic skills, the Asari. They much like the Turians are a hidden enemy to Mankind and her future. They may appear more human than most of the other races, but it is only a mask. They in truth are a race that wishes to overshadow and consume the others. You see they have a trait that allows them to mate with any other sentient race and produce offspring with them. Though in truth the children primarily inherit the Asari's genes. Only taking a select few of the other parents. They use this trait to worm their way into the business and societies of the other races. They seem more than keen on slowly assimilating the other races into their gene pool. They may attempt to look innocent but they have the dark wish to rule the stars, alone. They have… they have even begun to try and assimilate mankind, with many of them marrying and having children with members of our species."

This caused an uproar in the officers and Marines, many declaring that the Asari must be destroyed for their Blasphemy. Antros tried to cool their tempers by saying. "Their time will come but we have even greater threats we must fight first." this calmed most within the crowd but it still took another few moments for the more zealous to calm themselves. When all returned to silence Antros resumed. "Yes, the Asari are a truly malevolent species who should rightly be despised. Though despite this they are one of the most powerful races, militarily, economically, and diplomatically. They are a key race in what they call the Council, which presides on a moderate-sized Spacestation. This Council oversees most of the races who call this galaxy home, humanity sadly included. But Mankind has recently been given a seat on the Council, one of only three other species to be offered this. We gained this by saving The Councils members before they were killed by another race I shall finish with. The Council itself is another problem that mankind will need to change for the betterment of themselves and the other races. The Citadel Council is subject to even worse Bureaucracy than the Systems Alliance. They are often the last to react to threats and crises, because of their slow and ineffective rulings. The best do not get to lead the Council simply the best of the worst."

"But more on the Council in another meeting, back to the other races that are of a threat to Mankind and her goals. The next race I preserve to be a threat to Humanity, the Krogan. They are a rather stubborn species, know for their toughness and battle aptitude. They used to be one of the mightiest races in the galaxy threatening to eclipse the Citadel Council in power. But they were attacked by the Asari and Salarians for fear of the power the Krogan would possess. This is called the Krogan Rebellion to those of this galaxy. Just when victory seemed assured for the Krogan and that the Council would be finally broken, the Turians saved them. The Turians fought off the Krogan and released a bio-weapon called the Genophage. Which caused the once fertile Krogan to primarily birth still-borns. With their numbers no longer able to replenish the Krogan quickly fell to where they are now. A shadow of what they once were. A now brutish and unintelligent race of mercenaries and murderers. They are highly territorial and aggressive despite their dwindling numbers. Though despite this they are a formidable enemy still more than capable of defending their weakened lands. Krogan's are also honest, but only to what they consider honorable behavior. For example, they see nothing wrong with slaughtering the weakened and betraying their leaders. In all, they are not too dissimilar to the Orks of our home galaxy."

"The Batarians are next to speak about. They are all alike the Volus I spoke of earlier, but only worse. They are a race known to make slaves of the other races they encounter. They're an uncaring race that is unfit to breathe the same air as humans. They are a scheming people who simply wish to control even more as they press onwards. They secretly fund slavers and militant groups to cause terror in human space because they feel cheated by our mere existence. They see the grace of Humanity and they have become envious of it. The Batarians are an annoyance to our people and have been for some time. Ever since we joined the council. They have made it quite clear by their actions that they are not befitting an alliance with man, only deserving a quick death."

"After the Batarians on my list are the Vorcha. A savage and stupid race renowned for their quick tempers, savagery, lack of empathy, and most of all their adaptability. They are a tribal people not able to even boast a true nation or even a military. They are all good warriors but they are unorganized and foolish. They simply are too aggressive to evolve any further leaving them a weak people. Though this might sound like it makes them perfect to be left alone I say the opposite. It makes them more dangerous if we left them to their own devices they could eventually pose a threat should they ever unite. They are far too aggressive and violent to be allowed to get to such a stage. Not to mention the actions of the ones that do leave their home are reason enough to kill the species. They wished to kill and enslave all the humans that remained upon the Space Station called Omega. They used a bio-weapon to kill off most of the other races and planned on leading a rebellion to kill the rest once they were weak enough. They were then going to sell off the remaining humans on the station. The Vorcha ultimately are only a race of pawns though. But who gave them this Bio-weapon are another enemy we shall face. They are known by a strange name to those who even know of them for they are cowards as well using others to do their bidding."

"This race is called the Collectors, they are yet another pawn to a more vindictive species. Their masters are the reason we have been called here, to put an end to their threat. They wish to destroy this child-like Mankind and all life in this galaxy! I was able to glean only so much on these monsters but I do know this! They are called the Reapers and they believe themselves the true inheritors to the galaxy and that it is their right and privilege to reap and slaughter all else that lives! We were brought here to remind them who the true inheritors of the galaxy are! Mankind are the only true heirs to the galaxy and we shall proclaim it in the blood of the Reapers! They are our true enemy here! They and all those they sire and all those who would prey upon mankind and her fledgling Empire! We shall be the Defenders against this encroaching Darkness! We shall be the preservers of the Light! The Bulwark against Terror! We shall be the Angels of Death to the enemies of Mankind! And We Shall Know No Fear!"


Thanks for reading! And a BIG thank you to Henri9897 and Toraach for their help in making this chapter what it is! Have a lovely rest of your day!

Chapter 5: Angel's Hope

Chapter Text

Angels Lament

Hello and welcome! A forewarning this chapter is, like I said it would, not action-packed and more story-driven and about characters so if you don't want to read that or don't care, now you know this might not be something you want to read. If this does interest you nice and welcome to this chapter of Angels Lament...

Chapter Five: Angel's Hope

Nikolaus stepped into the Medicae district and was instantly assailed by the smells common of medical institutions. The primary smell was antiseptic, mixed with the coppery tang of blood. Several other smells intermingled with the two main ones but Nikolaus quickly tuned them out and began his search for the little girl he had saved. The main entrance was a long and tall corridor with high vaulted ceilings that stretched on for at least 40 meters. The walls were alabaster white with blue tiles intermingled into them. This gave the entrance a serene look despite this the main corridor was anything but calm. Medicaes and Hospitaller Sisters worked and ran from station to station helping the wounded or each other in their treatments. While Chirurgeons moved between the Medicaes giving a diagnosis to the patients, followed by basic medical instructions then promptly moving on to the next patient. The walls were lined with hundreds of cots and antechambers that lead to either private rooms or supply and maintenance rooms.

Nikolaus quickly marched to the first Chirugeon who was busy scribbling notes on a dataslate. When the doctor noticed him he raised his head and asked his voice sounding tired. "How may I help you, My Lord. Your brethren are in the executive wing of the Hospital."

Nikolaus shook his head and said. "Thank you But I am looking for a little girl who was brought here she couldn't have been older than 6. It wasn't but two hours ago that she would have arrived."

The Chirugeon sighed and ran his hand across his face trying to think about where the child would be. "I don't know. A lot of children have been brought in recently most being fairly young. People are finally beginning to come out of hiding and coming to get medical aid. She could be in the higher wing just above us. But she could also be in the East Wing both have become cramped with families and children so she could have ended up at either. Sorry, My Lord."

"No, thank you, you have pointed me in the right direction, that will be all I need from you Chirugeon, you may return to your duties." Nikolaus bowed his head in thanks and pressed on down the corridor. The Chirugeon instantly jumping back into the fray of the patients and Medicaes. Nikolaus walked quickly but made sure to remain as out of the way as possible. It was quite hard because of his size but he was able to get out of the way of most of the Medical staff and wounded. He went to the East Wing first, Nikolaus entered the Grand Corridor of the East Wing after maneuvering his way through the side entrance gate.

The corridor was much like the last, high vaulted ceiling and white stone walls, though the blue was replaced with a vibrant and healthy green. The color of trees, Nikolaus had remembered the first time he had seen true trees. He was still back in the 10th company as a neophyte. He and most of his squad had left the Thunderhawk and been instantly mesmerized by the sight of a healthy forest. Most of them had never even left the Baal sector, whose worlds were cursed by irradiated deserts and giant salt wastes. The sergeant of the squad had made a joke about them all looking like starstruck children, though Nikolaus had long forgotten exactly what the sergeant had said.

Nikolaus came back to the moment and absorbed his surroundings in a millisecond. The hall was cramped as the Chirugeon had said. Families in varied states lined the walls. Mothers held fast to children, who wouldn't have left their mother's sides for all the gold in the galaxy. Fathers held to mourning wives or crying children. All had been affected by what had happened. Dozens of beds were arrayed with pure white sheets, which covered the bodies of the deceased. Nikolaus felt deep sorrow take root in him as he noticed most of the bodies on the cots were only showing the shape of smaller bodies. 'Children.' Nikolaus felt a deep rage stirred within him, 'The depravity of the Neverborn knows no bonds! The useless cretins!'

Nikolaus stopped himself from letting the rage guide him, he recited a hymn under his breath before he continued walking into the grand hall. He felt deep despair as he walked past the broken families grieving over the loss of children or parents, and in some instances both. Some looked to him and regained some of their hope of seeing an Angel in their midst. But some looked at him with rage-filled tears welling up in their eyes. One father who had previously been huddled over the two corpses of his wife and child turned to Nikolaus and shouted at him is words bitter and hateful. "You did nothing! You did nothing to save them!"

Nikolaus let his head hang for a second as he felt the words cut deep into him. 'What more could we have done?' he asked himself. Nikolaus turned his hung head to the man and said his voice honest and sad. "I am sorry we failed them."

The man broke down after that falling to the floor crying and flailing about shrieking of how the Emperor had betrayed his family and abandoned them in their moment of greatest need. A Sister Hospitaller quickly ran to his side a syringe in her hand full of sedatives. She held the distraught man down and injected the needle into his arm.

A few moments later he slowed until his flailing eventually stopped and his shrieks became quiet wails and sobs of despair. The Hospitaller helped him to his feet after that then helped him sit in a chair, where she began to speak to him saying in a sweet voice. "They were not abandoned, the Emperor safeguards the innocent. They are with the Legion of Light now. You will see them again someday. I promise you that." She then wrapped her arms around him and let him cry on her shoulder, while he cried for the loss of his family.

After a long time, the man collected himself and left the embrace of the Sister Hospitaller. She gave him an Aquila pendant and said if he needed any other help to see a priest or another Sister and they would help him, she then left saying as she walked away. "Have faith." The man nodded back to her and held the Aquila close to his heart and began murmuring prayers.

After the Sister had left Nikolaus slowly walked up to the man. The man looked at Nikolaus with tearful eyes and said falling to the floor and hanging his head. "I am sorry, Mi'Lord."

Nikolaus looked at the depressed man and said, his voice as sincere as he could make it. "You do not have to apologize to me. But know if I could, I would swap my life for theirs. And all those who died in the horrible incursion. I am sorry they are gone. But we must press on in their memory, so their deaths can mean something and so that others do not have to suffer their fate."

The man bowed his head and said. "Thank you, Milord."

"You are welcome, but know I did nothing but what I should… May you see them again someday."

"I hope so Lord." Said the man letting one last tear fall from his eye.

Nikolaus nodded to the man and pressed to move on, but before he could a small and frail woman walked up. She was hunched over from years of working in confined spaces and her skin had burned skin on her hands, from some workplace accident. She wasn't very old but her body was betraying her and leaving her weak. She stumbled up to Nikolaus and made to bow but Nikolaus quickly said. "You shall not bow to me, I am but a servant of the Emperor's Will, as much as you are. So please stand before me."

She did as she was bid and stood up, a little bit of pride rekindled in her eyes. She then said. "Would you please, Millord, if you can, bless my child. She was hurt, during the battle." She became scared for a moment and quickly clarified. "But not by the Warpspawn simply during the void battle, I swear no monster touched her she is not tain-"

Nikolaus held his hand up to silence the fearful woman and said his voice both patient and kind. "I would not care if she was. All deserve aid, even if injured by the Neverborn. I shall give her a blessing, if you believe it might help her."

"My…" She stumbled to find words to express her gratitude but after a moment she decided on "Thank you, Mi'Lord." She said tears welling up in her eyes.

Nikolaus nodded to her and said. "Of course. Now take me to your child so I might see what I can do."

The frail woman led him down the corridor and into one of the smaller antechambers designated for patients. The woman's child was on the bed in the center of the small room. Nikolaus had to crouch to enter through the doorway, though he could stand once within. The room was dimly light by a collection of incense candles. Though to Nikolaus's enhanced vision, it was as bright as day. The young woman, the woman's daughter lay limply on the medical bed turned to her side. She was covered in severe laceration. But then he saw it, the emblem of the Dark gods, an eight-pointed star. Nikolaus's body swelled with adrenaline on the mere sight of the sigil of Chaos. He looked around the room quickly for combatants but saw no one else but the woman and a man sat next to the injured girl. The man was large but older with wrinkles covering his head, while his face was turned in a worried grimace, he sat on the far side of the bed in a small chair that barely fit him. He held the injured girl's hand, and Nikolaus noticed tears were running down his wrinkled face. Nikolaus turned to the old woman quickly she was staring at him worriedly as if gauging his reaction. He quickly asked somewhat on edge and loudly. "What happened to her!"

The woman became fearful and began stumbling to get the words out. "Mi'Lord... please... I… I swear we can explain!"

Nikolaus breathed in a fresh breath to calm himself before he spoke, his voice now calmer and more controlled. "What happened to her?"

The old woman was silent for a moment as if trying to recall the full story, after a few moments she finally spoke. "She was attacked during the boardings. She worked a floor below us so we," she pointed to the older man, "went to try and find her during a boarding from the Heretics. When we got to her floor we found the guards and workers slaughtered and being cut up and hung up on the walls, by… by heretics… then… then we saw…" She began to stumble on her words as if the memory was still fresh in her mind and it caused great pain.

The older man cut in and said his voice was full of rage and hatred. "We found the Filthy Frakking Heretics defiling our daughter! They were holding her down with her back up and shirt torn off. They were carving marks into her flesh as she screamed for help! They were laughing at her pain! The foul Monsters! I had my Autopistol on me and I killed every last one of those monsters that brutalized my daughter! May they all burn before the God-Emperor's wrath!" the older man became distraught after and began crying. He held his daughter's wrist in both of his hands and he began to kiss her palm fervently and prayed, saying. "Please God-Emperor, help her in her hour of need. Save her soul from this blight."

Nikolaus looked to the woman she still stood before Nikolaus her face tinged with worry. Nikolaus said simply. "What do you wish for me to do?"

"Please just giving her a blessing should surely be enough, Mi'Lord." Said the woman.

Nikolaus said back. "I shall do what I can." Nikolaus walked towards the bed slowly after that. As if approaching a sleeping monster. He knew nothing truly could happen but caution never did anyone harm. Nikolaus walked to the back of the bed and he laid his hands upon her head. He then prayed saying. "God-Emperor, I come before you today to ask that you heal your wounded daughter. I would ask that you heal her physical wounds, but also those done to her soul. That she might recover and help further your great work. I ask this of you as a son of your son the Great Angel. And I ask this as a humble servant of your will. Amen."

"Amen." Said the two parents. Both lifting their heads hoping that they would see their daughter restored, but they were sadly mistaken. She still remained heavily injured and comatose. Nikolaus saw the despair return to their eyes as they looked upon their wounded child.

Nikolaus said. "I am sorry, but she will heal in time."

The old man said his voice tired. "You have done enough Mi'Lord."

'Not nearly enough though.' Thought Nikolaus.

The woman led Nikolaus back out of the room and leave she said as he left. "Thank you, Mi'Lord. God-Emperor bless you."

"No. Thank you for your service to the Imperium." Said Nikolaus giving a deep bow to the woman. But before he walked away, he quickly memorized the room number. He then quickly walked back to the main corridor. Where he found another Chirugeon and got the woman's attention.

"Oh, yes. What is it you require My Lord?" Asked the Doctor.

"I want you to give that child in room 1289 premium care, as if she was an Astartes. Do not question it or try and argue against it. I shall hear none of it, you are to do as I command!" Said Nikolaus the fury he felt for those who had hurt that poor young woman seeping into his words.

The doctor was left speechless for a long moment but she eventually gathered herself and said. "Of… of course, My Lord. What was the room again so that I can mark her for premium care?" She was nervously flicking her notebook in her hands and once she found a blank page she looked back at him, fear written in her eyes.

Nikolaus said to her once she was ready. He spoke without the rage this time. "1289. I am sorry if I startled you but I must see that she is taken care of."

"Of course My Lord." She Said back writing down the number.

After she was done he said. "Also I want you to send a message to the Astartes Reclusiam. Tell them to send Chaplain Efriel, and only him to that room after she has been seen to. Tell them that Brother Nikolaus requests it. They shall understand what I wish for them to do."

She quickly jotted that down as well her quill racing across the page as fast as she could write. Once she finished she said. "Anything else, My Lord?"

"No, and you have my gratitude for hearing me and my commands. I would ask that you see to this personally and as quickly as you can." Finished Nikolaus.

She nodded and wrapped up jotting her notes and bowed to Nikolaus then set off looking for the room. Nikolaus sighed then pressed on scanning all around for the child. He searched the entire East Wing but he didn't find her there. Nikolaus pressed on to the next floor to search there and was ushered into a somewhat different picture. The room unlike the last was free of the sense and presence of death. The room's occupants were more alright then the last, they all still showed signs of having witnessed the Neverborn. But they seemed to have been less affected. Nikolaus noticed the room lacked the high number of dead as well. There were some though they were spread out and less in number.

Nikolaus pressed on through the main chamber many bowed to him as he passed and he would respond by giving them a nod of acknowledgment back. He searched the small rooms along the walls but still, she alluded him. Nikolaus began to think of possible circ*mstances that could have arisen. 'She could have been found out as a wytch and killed for it. Oh no. I have to find her. She is only a child she still has so much life. Even if she is a Psyker she's only a child and she can be taught how to use her abilities. Or she could have died on the way here and is now in the mausoleum.' Nikolaus quickly continued searching an anxiousness beginning to swell within his twin hearts. His searching became more rushed and his patience began to run thin. Just as he felt he was about to roar out in frustration, he found her.

She was howled up in a small room all alone. She was facing the wall in the far corner her legs clenched tightly to her chest. She was no longer in the rags Nikolaus had found her in, she had been cleaned up so well Nikolaus had nearly mistaken her for another child. But it was when he heard her sob that he realized she was the child. She was pressed up against the wall face firmly in hidden behind her knees. She was dressed in a small pair of medical fatigues that were still too big for her tiny frame. She had an IV tube and stand next to her, the bag about half empty. Nikolaus could hear her still whimpering. "Ma… Da… Ma… Da."

Nikolaus felt deep sorrow for the child, but didn't let it entirely cloud his judgment, he had a task to complete and he would see it done. Nikolaus knocked hard enough on the door frame for the child to hear. Though she didn't seem to notice, so deep was she in despair. Nikolaus knocked one more time before he made his full entrance. Though again she made no other signs of recognition of his presence.

Nikolaus stepped in slowly but loud enough so that the child could hear him. After he was just a meter away he spoke, his voice solemn. "Little One?"

She heard him that time if the twitch she gave was any indication though she made again no other notice of his presence. Nikolaus stepped ever closer to the child and once she was well in arms reach he crouched to look at her on a more even level. Her sobbing still persisted and so did the whimpering prayers for her parents. It made Nikolaus's heartache to hear the child in so much distress.

After a long time of crouching next to her, Nikolaus spoke again. "You are not alone, Little One." The child's whimperings ceased for a moment and she was quiet for a time, but before long Nikolaus could hear the sound of her sobbing again. Nikolaus then as slowly as he could moved even closer. Once he was only a few mere centimeters away he lay his palm upon the child's shoulder to try and comfort her. She in one quick motion turned around, ran into Nikolaus's arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Nikolaus embraced the child holding her in his arms against his shoulder. She continued to cry for the longest time, calling out for her parents, or to Sanguinius pleading with him to bring them back from the Emperor. She did this for a long time until eventually, she exhausted herself from her grieving.

Nikolaus held her in his embrace long after she had fallen asleep. He would not leave the child now, he decided, he was probably one of a few faces she had seen recently and he, therefore, hoped he would be able to help her in some way. Eventually, she awoke Nikolaus still cradled her in his arms. She woke up and rubbed her eyes, she even seemed to be content for a time, but then her face became pale and her lips blue. Nikolaus felt her heart rate accelerate and in an instant she began to flail about crying out for her mother and father. A Nurse Hospitaller came in ready to calm the child but she stopped in the doorway.

She saw Nikolaus attempting to calm the frenzied child he still carried as she continued to panic. The nurse, still at the door, slowly walked into the chamber, her armor clacking as she walked. She pressed on until she was at Nikolaus's side where she lowered herself to where Nikolaus still remained trying to soothe the heartbroken child. She placed her hands onto her helmet and released the clamps by hand and quickly removed it. She then began to sing a Baalite Lullaby, she had learned since joining the task force from the Baalite crew.

(Lullaby sang in the tune of "Baby Mine")

'Little One, Don't you Cry.

Little One, Dry your eyes.'

The child must have known it for she paused in her panic upon hearing the words. The Nurse continued to sing as Nikolaus slowly lowered the child to the floor. Nikolaus set her down but kept his arms around her in an attempt to help her relax. The Nurse all the while continued singing.

'Rest your head close to my heart,

Never to part, Child of mine.

Little One when it's night,

Pay no heed to the dark.

Let your eyes sparkle and shine,

Never a tear, Child of mine.'

After some time the child's heart rate returned to normal as she listened. The Hospitaller still sang and Nikolaus had joined his voice into the song, for he knew the music well having listened to it himself from his mother. Not long after Nikolaus joined so did the child her voice wavering and sad but still able to hold a tune.

'From your head down to your toes,

You're not much, Goodness knows.

But, you're so precious to me,

Just as sweet as can be,

Close your eyes it's sleepy time

Let the Angels keep, Child of mine'

Eventually, when the lullaby had been sung almost a dozen times they stopped. The Nurse turned to leave but Nikolaus said. "No, please stay, your presence here is helping her." the Nurse stood there for a moment deciding whether to return to her duties elsewhere or to stay with the child.

She ultimately relented and slowly sat back down. When she was situated next to the girl and Nikolaus she spoke her voice quiet, but sweet. "Hello there child, I am Sister Ellia. What is your name?"

The little girl took some time to answer but finally, she spoke. "My name's Kera." Her voice was meek.

The Nurse then continued to speak to the child, asking her about things like her favorite color, her favorite saint, what she wished to do when she grew up, and ultimately helping the child relax and come out of her shell. She succeeded and the child soon was asking her questions in return. This went on for some time until the Sister felt the child was calmed and stable enough for them to see what Nikolaus was there for. The Hospitaller asked Nikolaus's name as a way to introduce him to the child.

"I am Brother Nikolaus of the Sanguinary Guard."

The child immediately asked him a question upon hearing his title. "Like Azkaellon the Herald?"

Nikolaus chuckled and said. "Yes, exactly like Azkaellon. He was the one who founded our order."

"Oh, so you protect important people like he did, people like Lord Warden Dante?" asked the child now waiting for Nikolaus's reply with earnest glee.

"Yes again, my order is dedicated to safeguarding our leaders or whoever we are assigned to protect."

"Who do you protect here, cause I think Lord Warden Dante isn't here?"

"My Brother Donotriel and I were appointed to protect Chief Librarian Antros. Have you ever seen him?"

"Yeah, he had lots of blue armor and he carries a giant sword around and he is trailed by a giant kitty. She was fluffy and her eyes sparkled like his." Responded the child honestly.

Nikolaus chuckled again and said. "Yes, that would be him, and his familiar, Artemis. She is quite the loyal creature, almost always at Antros's side. But do you know what he is as well?"

"No, not really, I just know he is a young Space Marine with a kitty."

"Hmm, but would you know anything about the word Psyker, or Wytch perhaps, Kera?"

"Yeah, I heard of Wytches. They bad people able to hurt people. And they talk to the monsters."

"But what about Psykers?" Asked Sister Ellia, she had caught onto what Nikolaus was there to test. She wasn't angry at the child for being a Psyker, it was her gift and curse by the God-Emperor and certainly not her choice. She only hoped it could be the child's gift were she to be trained rather than her curse.

"Yeah, I heard of them too. They are people able to read others' thoughts and stuff like that. Why are we talking about them?" Said Kera somewhat suspiciously.

"I am simply curious about you, Kera. How about voices, have you ever heard voices when no one is there? Usually, hushed voices that promise to give you something if you promise to do something for them?"

Kera went silent for a long moment her face suddenly losing its childlike curiosity and contorting into what could only be called a frown. After a long moment, she finally spoke her voice sounding more like she was repeating what she was told to say. "No, I've never heard no voices, only my own." She then attempt to look angry. Though despite this she looked more guilty than angry.

'What could have caused her to react like this… Could her parents have known? Did they find out and attempted to hide it from the rest of the world? That would make the most sense as to why what she said sounded so rehearsed. But still, why hide it, we could have helped her to learn her abilities, until she could be taken by the Black Sh… Of course, they feared the Black Ships, for their reputation as death barges. That makes sense now... they feared what could happen to their daughter. But, now I must attempt to get through to her so we can save her from what could happen should she not learn how to control herself.' Thought Nikolaus.

Nikolaus quickly came up with a plan of what he needed to do and said. "It's okay, Little One. We only wish to help you. I know your parents must have told you to lie about this to anyone that asked but we will be able to help you if you speak to us."

Kera quickly folded her arms and frowned, shaking her head saying. "No, Ma told me never to tell anybody."

"I know she must have told you that and with your best interests in mind, but we can help you if you simply tell us the truth." Said Sister Ellia her voice kind and comforting.

"No!" said Kera, anger finding its way fully onto her face.

All was silent for a moment as both the adults weighed their options on what to do until finally, Nikolaus spoke after remembering something Antros had told him about his own Psychic experiences. "What if I told you we could help make the voices go away?"

Kera was silent for a long moment unsure what to say, eventually, when she spoke it was with a desperate edge to it. "What do I do to make them go away?"

"Thank you, Kera. I know you were told not to tell us so this means a lot that you trust us. But know we only wish for your well-being. Now we'll be able to get you to someone that can help you to learn to stop the voices. Though we will need to ask some questions about what kind of Psyker you are." Said Sister Ellia her tone honest and clear.

"There are different kinds of me?" asked Kera puzzled.

"Yes, Little One. There are many types of Psykers, and they further vary in their strength. Here are examples of Telekines, Biomancers, and Divinators. There are many other types or 'Disciplines' as they are called, but all have their own powers rooted within them. Though there are those occasional few that can manipulate two or more Disciplines, though they are a desperate few. Among their numbers are is the great hero Mephiston the Redeemer. As well as the man we will take you too, once we know which you are, is another person able to bend multiple Disciplines to their will." Said Nikolaus, a smile reforming on his lips.

"Oh, what can they do? And who is it you're taking me too?" Asked Kera curious about what more she could learn.

"They all can do incredible things. Telekines are able to throw objects with their minds and bend the rules of reality with their powers. Biomancers are able to heal those around them and are more than capable of doing the opposite to those that threaten them. Divinators are known for their precognitive abilities."

Nikolaus then saw confusion spread across her face and she asked. "What does 'Pre-cognotive' mean?"

"It means they are able to look into the future, and predict what will happen next." Answered Sister Ellia, her voice as ever filled with warmth.

"Yes, and they use these powers to help those around them or to the ill fortune of others." Said Nikolaus.

"What kind am I?" asked Kera intently.

"We do not know yet that is what we must talk to you about. For example, the voices, what do these voices wish from you and what do they offer?" Said Nikolaus cutting to the questions he needed answered.

"They always ask for the meanest things, saying that I have to make other people feel really bad, and in return, they always say they will give me stupid stuff like money or the other thing they say that I'll get more power." Said Kera her voice becoming sadder as she spoke.

"What do they ask you to do specifically, how do they wish for you to hurt people?" Asked Sister Ellia.

"They say they want me to make people sad… sad enough to want to die." Said Kera, tears forming in her eyes as she spoke.

Nikolaus very lightly squeezed her shoulder to reaffirm her, while Sister Ellia said. "Thank you Kera, I understand this must be hard for you to talk about. But know this is only going to help you to get rid of the voices."

After giving Kera a moment to calm down Nikolaus asked. "How are you able to resist what the voices ask of you Kera?"

"My Ma helped me a lot. She would always sing to me when the voices came, and it helped make the voices go away. Other times I'd just tell them to go away a lot and eventually they would leave me alone." Answered Kera her voice solemn, she then whispered to herself, though both the rooms other occupants heard what she said. "They always asked for such mean things."

"You are very brave for being able to fight them, Kera. I think that is enough questions, for now, don't you, My Lord?" said Sister Ellia giving Nikolaus a look that told him the child had had enough for today.

Nikolaus agreed and said. "Yes, this is enough for me to get you the help you require Kera. I thank you for giving me so much of your time, Little One." Nikolaus then turned to the Sister and said. "And thank you for helping me, Sister Ellia."

"Of course, My Lord, it is a pleasure to help such a sweet child." Said the Hospitaller giving a warm and reassuring smile to Kera as the Sister stood up. She slowly turned to the entrance and walked to it, once she reached the doorway she turned back and said. "The Emperor Protects child, the Emperor Protects."

Nikolaus stayed with Kera for a while longer with Nikolaus letting her talk to him and ask him questions she wanted to know once she was in brighter spirits. She mainly asked about silly things, such as had he ever seen a Void Whale, how old he was, what it was like being so big, and her favorite question to ask was what the outside world was like. Nikolaus answered all her questions saying how no he had never seen a Void Whale though he had heard tales about them and he told her he was 135. He also told her that it was at times difficult to fit into places and he had had a hard time becoming accustomed to his new body once he had become an Astartes. Finally, he told her more about ancient heroes like Sanguinius and Sigismund and the times of old like the Great Crusade, hoping in some small way to keep her as far away as he could from the grim darkness of their time.

Then when able he asked his own small questions about what her life on the ship was like and how old she was. She had never truly seen much of the ship only ever really having lived in her families quarters and her families work stations aboard the ship. She even told him that she had only ever seen the light of a star once and the open void only a handful of times. She told him how her parents had had the unglamorous job of cleaning vents and air ducts. Though the way she said it she made it sound more like they were high nobles living in fancy spires and heroes fighting the good fight and saving the Imperium. Then Finally she had told him she was only eight Terran years old, she was older than he had originally thought and smaller than most children her age.

Nikolaus realized she must have been stunted by her poor living conditions and meager rations. Kera then moved on to asking Nikolaus about where he had grown up. He had said to her that he had grown up on Baal Secundus, that had amazed her for the longest time that he hadn't been born on a starship like her. After learning this, she bombarded him with questions of what Baal was like, were there any cool animals, were there any cool places he would go and hide, and what was the feeling of dirt and sand-like.

He told her of how Baal was a tough place to live though it had its 'charms' as it were to share with those that lived there. That there were many interesting animals that roamed Baal Secundus, like the infamous Fire Scorpions. He told her of a cool small oasis his tribe had found and would occasionally go to in times of need. he told her about the course and roughness of sand upon his hands but how it spilled through his fingers almost like water. In closing, he told her of how he had ended up with the Blood Angels and arrived at the Place of Choosing. She had become sad when he had told her of how his entire tribe had been slaughtered.

But he told her also how when all seemed lost and that he would die to the horrible mutants after losing it all he was saved. How the Blood Angels squad had descended from the sky wings of angelic wrath, slaying the remaining mutants that had been about to slay Nikolaus. He told her of how they had offered him in his darkest hour salvation and the possibility to help spare others of his pain and how he had accepted without hesitation.

Not long after this Kera became sleepy and so Nikolaus helped ready her for bed. He had to ask for a few things from a Medicae but in the end, he got her cleaned up some more and he taught her how to brush her teeth and he helped to comb her matted hair. He showed her the proper way to pray to the Emperor. And finally, Nikolaus tucked her into her cot wrapping her up in a blanket. He offered her one last story, the tale of Commissar Yarrick and his exploits against the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull. She enjoyed the tale and soon fell asleep not long after. Nikolaus then slowly and quietly left after he was sure she was asleep.

Not long after Nikolaus left Kera stirred in her sleep, and bolted awake from her nightmares. Suddenly she heard a voice in the back of her head, the tone was raspy, slow, and ancient-sounding. 'Hello, Kera. Would you like to make a deal?'

And that's where I'm gonna end it what will happen next with Kera, Nikolaus, and Sister Ellia? You'll sadly have to wait to see what happens. Thank you so much for reading and have a lovely day, and if you feel so inclined please leave a review, or consider Favoriting and following the story. It helps me know if you want more of this story and are enjoying it.

Chapter 6: Angels Progress

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello, there dear reader and welcome to another part of Angel's Lament and thank you for taking the time to read my story and this Author's Note. I don't really have anything I think needs to be said but that the Imperials are still in the beginning phases of entering the ME World, and will be for a few more chapters. But now with that little bit out of the way let the Chapter begin!


Chapter Six: Angels Progress

Antros stood within the Stratagem, it was a wonder of technology dating back thousands of years to the Great Crusade. It showed battle reports and logistical statistics and live map feeds. It could show a general a hundred different outcomes for an encroaching battle, or a Warmaster how a war might progress. The Primarchs were known to have spent hundreds of hours in the chambers going over thousands of possible outcomes and circ*mstances for wars or battles. Antros had known much that had been thought lost had been recovered with the calling of the Indomitus Crusade, but it still baffled him just how much had been relearned. Antros was surrounded by mortal advisors, captains, sergeants, and admirals. They all were talking and discussing strategy around him. But Antros was too lost in his own thoughts to understand them.

In his mind, he went over what was happening and what he needed to do. 'We are still not fully able to move the fleet, most of the vessels are still in desperate need of repairs. We had to scrap the heavily damaged Dauntless vessel Lystra's Grace. That freed up her remaining crew to help assist with the repairs of the others and gave us a plentiful amount of resources to use in the repairs of the other ships. But it's still not enough. At this rate, we will be stuck here doing repairs for another 6 months! That can't happen we need to begin our preparations for war and build some sort of base that we can operate from and retreat to when we need to hide.'

'As powerful as the Sanguine Spirit is we need somewhere we can make a stand on. Preferably on a planet that is close enough to ancient Terra's environment, similar to an Agri-world. There we could set up a base and begin building a refuge for us and those we will have to save. A world out of the reach of the Council and its dogs. I need to get this fleet ready as soon as possible. We are also going to soon have to worry about how we will be able to rearm ourselves. The facilities of the Sanguine Spirit would be hard-pressed to rearm us should we be forced into enough engagements or simply too many prolonged Skirmishes. And how will we be able to replenish our numbers, should any of us fall.'

Antros was drawn from his thoughts by the sound of someone calling his name over the vox speaker attached to the wall. The voice was young and worried. "Commander Antros! We have a report coming in from the Sword ship the Halberd. Her Captain reports that they have sighted possible hostiles."

Antros was instantly alert he bolted towards the door shouting. "Shutters Open!" The metal shutters responded creaking to life as they moved to give him a view back to the command deck of the Sanguine Spirit. Antros stormed into the grand chamber. There were dozens of rows of ensigns and menials working at their assignments fervently getting the star-fort ready. Outside the viewport, Antros saw the blue sheen of the void shields coming online, before disappearing a moment later. Antros rushed up the steps until he finally came to the Command Dias, where the Admiral sat. Her eyes were closed but Antros could see she was awake, her aura was alive with emotions and it swirled around her like a planet orbits a star.

The Admiral quickly opened her eyes when she heard the stomp of Antros's boots approaching her. She turned to meet his gaze her eyes alight with uncertainty. She spoke as Antros came closer, her voice sounding unsure of what she said. "My Lord… the Halberd reports there are ships out in the void. But the thing is, My Lord, they are rogue vessels, Havoc Classes to be specific."

Antros's eyes widened, 'How could pirates be here?' Antros quickly asked. "How many voidcraft?"

"Five, My Lord all Havocs, they were attempting to run silent but luckily the Halberd's auspex was able to detect them."

"Where is the Halberd now?" Asked Antros

"She yet remains trying to flush out the pirates."

"Tell them to return now and have the remaining Gladius vessel head to escort her. Hopefully, that will be enough to deter the pirates for now. I also want the Azkaellon escorts to form up in front of the Sanguine Spirit." Said Antros.

"As ordered Commander." Replied the Admiral as she sent the comunicae to the Halberd and the Angel's Vision. Then the order to the three Azkaellon escorts to form up in front of the fleet."

The next hour went by slowly, as Antros saw the ships begin to move out the viewport. The Gladius shot off towards the small encroaching dot that must have been the Sword class. Eventually, the dot became more discernible while the Gladius became ever less clear. Once the two specks met the set of as a pair back to the fleet. Once the two were within range of the Auspex Antros heard the bling on the Command Throne. He turned around to see what it was, the Admiral's face was contorted into a grimace.

Antros Asked. "What is it, Admiral?"

She turned to him and answered her voice laced with worry. "The Havocs. They are continuing to follow them. They are no longer trying to run silently either, they are on an intercept course and gaining fast."

Antros looked back around to the viewport and he saw them. Five new glowing dots approaching fast after the now fully discernible Gladius and Sword vessels.

Antros ordered still staring into the void. "Have the Halberd and Angel's Vision go to full burn, push their engines to the limit and get back here now. And I want the Azkaellons to begin arming their boarding torpedos and have their Astartes Squads battle-ready and in those boarding torpedos within the next ten minutes."

"Sent, Commander." She said back.

For the longest time Antros just peered into the void watching as the five Havocs became larger and larger until he could see the outline of their hulls. They posed only a minor threat to Antros's fleet but their arrival was unsettling, to say the least. Possibilities swam around Antros's head. 'How could Imperial Pirates be here? We are in an entirely different universe. Or Was I deceived? Could I have been only toyed with by some Daemon of the Warp? No, no it can't be, I would have known the touch of a Daemon. It must have been the Primarch, I wasn't lied to! I saw it in the scrying this is not our galaxy."

Antros pulled himself free of his doubt and returned to the moment. Now the Gladius and Sword we're safely behind the Azkaellons and making their approach to the Sanguine Spirit's docking area. Where they then pulled themselves to a stop and turned about to engage docking procedures with the Star-Fort. Meanwhile, the Havocs came ever closer. Their silhouettes now fully discernible and clear.

"They have fully appeared on the Auspex radar, My Lord." Called an Ensign on the scanners.

Then another Ensign from the Communication deck yelled. "My Lord, they are broadcasting an on an open channel. They say they wish to speak with us, and that they mean no ill will."

"What do you order, My Commander?" Asked the Admiral earnestly.

Antros gave her a reply a moment later saying. "Command them to halt where they are and we will not open fire."

"As ordered." Responded the Admiral as she relayed the message to the pirate vessels.

They came to a slow halt not long after, complying as ordered.

An Ensign from the scanners called out. "They have stopped and are even lowering their void shields, My Lord."

After another moment the communication deck yelled out. "They are transmitting another message. They wish to send their leaders to the Sanguine Spirit to speak with us about a surrender."

Antros was instantly skeptical. 'Why would pirates be so quick to surrender?' There is only one way to find out I presume.' Antros then said to the Admiral. "Send them a reply. Their envoy will take a shuttle the rest of the way to the Sanguine Spirit and dock there. Tell them to send only as many people as necessary to speak with us and no more or we will fire upon them. Make sure to tell the rest of the fleet to stand down but be ready should this turn out to be a trap."

The Admiral nodded and sent the reply to the rogue flotilla. Again not long after they received a reply. And this time the Admiral told the message to Antros. "They have agreed, they will be sending over seven people, not including pilots and servitors for the shuttle."

"Fine, tell them we are waiting."

The next two hours passed by quickly as Antros prepared for the meeting and assembled who he wished to be there with him. He had two squads of Blood Angels from the Fourth Company head to the primary hanger where the pirates would arrive, in case they attempted anything and to show them he meant business. Antros now sat in a war preparation room with a long and rectangular table made of red marble. Within the room standing around was Antros's bodyguard Donotriel and a few members of the Fifth and Fourth Companies. Sitting to Antros's left were the naval leaders he assembled Admiral Merra of the Sanguine Spirit, the Captains of the Halberd and Angel's Vision, along with the Commanding officers of the Imperial Guard he had deemed necessary to attend. While to the right sat the Astartes leaders, Rhacelus was seated right next to Antros followed in line by the Captains of the 4th, 5th and 10th Companies of Blood Angels and the new Captain of the First Lamenters Company. Antros had Offered Malakim a place at the table but he had declined and sent Captain Zophiel in his stead.

Now all they had to do was wait for the Pirates to arrive. They were reported to have docked not long after Antros and his group had arrived at the war room, and were now making the long trek from the hangar to the room. Antros was given constant feedback on their progression as they were escorted to the war room, and not long after the seventh report Antros could sense them not too far away. Mostly he could sense their emotions, five of them were not entirely displaying any extreme feelings, but one of them was ablaze with arrogance while another was shining with intellect.

The first to enter aside from an escorting Astartes was a large man, for a mortal. He was dressed in dirtied and torn common clothes and he walked with the air of a grunt. He was a loyal man but not bright by any indication. Next were three more grunts of varied size, builds, and intellect. Though all their minds were as open as a book to Antros. But Antros forced himself not to enter their minds no matter how tempting and easy the prospect was. Then the second to last to enter was clearly the Captain. He smiled as soon as he spotted Antros, his teeth were golden and silver with gothic letters written on them. He was dressed in worn and old fashion noblemen's clothes. His shirt a dirtied white with a brown overcoat that had gold accents everywhere on him. While he wore an ancient Captain's cap with a bright red feather in it.

The Captain's smile was genuine despite the tiredness he and his crew exerted. His right arm had a deep cut along it with a bandage stained with blood covering most of his arm. His other men were covered in grime and filth, while looking tired, like they hadn't been through the best of times. Then the last to enter was rather different than the rest.

She looked tired but she had dignity that the others lacked. Her mind was less open than the rest and she walked with grace and sophistication. She was dressed in a Junior Naval Officers uniform with a sash across her chest that carried a Noble houses heraldry upon it. It was of a silver gryphon, who carried in its right claw a Flintlock Pistol and a greatsword in the left.

She spoke as she entered her voice proper and educated. "Hello, My Lords, I am Madame Vera of house Bellerophon. I speak for my house by permission of High King Bellerophon the XXXVII." She then gave a curtsy and the sign of the Aquila.

"Well, Madame Vera, I am Antros, appointed Commander of the Imperial Remnant and Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels. If I may be so bold as to ask, why is a Lady in the company of rogues?"

The Captain seemed to beam at his 'rogue' title and moved to answer. "Well, I can tell you a tale, your lordship."

"You will not speak cretin, you gave up that right when you betrayed the Imperial Creed!" Hissed Antros to the Captain. "You should be content I haven't had you slain. So you will remain silent unless I give you the expressed permission to speak…" Antros then turned back to the Lady and asked. "Now if you would answer my question Madame?"

Madame Vera straightened and said. "Of course, My Lord. The Pirates are currently under the pay of my grand-father High King Bellerophon and Captain Kobal Aizdar before we ended up stranded wherever we are. The Captain then as a sign of goodwill offered to courier me to speak with you, Your Lordship." She gave another curtsy to Antros in completion.

"Where is the rest of your fleet?" Asked Antros.

"They are awaiting our signal to notify them that we have come to an agreement with you, My Lord."

"An agreement on what?"

"High King Bellerophon and Chartist Captain Azidar wish to request your aid in completing our journey."

"I regret I cannot give you the assistance you request, as a matter of fact, things are about to change drastically for you, Madame."

"What are you saying, My Lord?" Asked Vera worriedly.

Antros straightened his back and steeled his will, before saying. "You, your crew and your fleet, will fall under my command, effective immediately." Seeing Vera was about to speak, Antros raised his hand in silence and continued. "I am giving this order as Commander of all Imperial Elements within this galaxy."

Vera took a step back and looked around confused then said. "What do you mean, My Lord? Are we not within Imperial Borders?"

Antros shook his head and said. "No, we are not. For you see Madame Vera, we are not within the Imperium at all. We have been sent by the Emperor's Will here."

"What do you mean we have been sent here by the God-Emperor's Will? Where are we? How would you know this, My Lord?" Asked Vera her voice filled with worry.

Antros answered her honestly and said. "I was shown a vision by the Emperor, His son Sanguinius told me that the Emperor has a task for us. We were sent to this Universe to see the Emperor's vision made real."

"What? What does that mean, My Lord?" Asked Vera her brow knitted in confusion.

"We are no longer within our Milky Way, Madame Vera. And I have been appointed as Regent of all Imperial assets so that we might complete the Emperor's task. And as Commander, I am ordering you and all your resources to join in our completion of this task. This may not be what you wish to hear, but it is the truth and nothing but the truth."

"But? Why would the God-Emperor send them here?" Said Vera indicating to the Pirate Captain and his lackeys.

"I will not pretend to know the Emperor's will. But perhaps He saw a way for them to seek redemption in helping us complete His task." Answered Antros.

Madame Vera then asked in a military tone. "What is the God-Emperor's mission for us? What has He sent us here to do, my Lord?"

"Sanguinius told me that we are meant to be the defenders of this universe's Mankind and her allies."

"What did the Great Angel mean by Mankind's allies?"

"This galaxy is rather different than our own. Meaning, not all Xenos wish to exploit Mankind and her people. Though many still do there are a few that can be considered honest and truthful. But I shall discuss this more with you, your Grand-Father, and Chartist Captain Azidar later. Firstly I need you to communicate with them and tell them to head here to meet me post-haste. I need to speak with them and see what tools the Emperor has left us to work with."

Madame Vera gave the symbol of the Aquila again and said. "As ordered, My Lord. I will contact High King Bellerophon as quickly as possible and tell him to get the flotilla on the move as quickly as possible."

"You have my thanks, Madame Vera. Now Rhacelus could you please take her to the Astropaths so that they might send her message with the required amount of urgency she will need." Said Antros turning to his Equerry and friend. Rhacelus nodded and stood out of his throne. He then made his way over to the Lady and guided her out the door and down the hall. Antros then sent a quick message to Rhacelus. 'Please ensure the message is truthful and accurate, I trust Madame Vera But I wish to guarantee her family's compliance in with our orders and my Commands.'

'As you order, Brother.' Mentally replied Rhacelus as he walked down the hall.

After the door had closed and Antros could no longer see Veras Aura he turned his gaze fully upon the Pirate Captain. "You." Spat Antros, getting the man's attention. The Pirate turned to Antros and put on another attempt at a cunning smile. He failed. "Give me one reason not to boil the blood in your veins right now!"

The Captain gulped but tried to keep his cool, he did better than most, but not by a lot. He gave a low bow taking off his hat as he did so, he then put the cap back on and said, trying to maintain his grin. "Because, like you said to the lady. Mayhaps the God-Emperor, praise him, believes I can be redeemed, Your Lordliness." He gave another bow and attempted to look genuine and honest. All he achieved for his effort was a cold grimace from Antros.

"I am not convinced. Perhaps he sent you here so that I might give you the justice you deserve for all the lives you've taken and supplies you've stolen from those that truly needed them!"

"In my defense, your Lordship, I was only doing what was best for my crew, after all-"

"Silence you spineless weasel! You have no excuse, for there is none that you can give that I would listen to! But, I will offer you one chance at redemption. One! But if you even step a millimeter out of line I will see you burned from the inside out and all of your 'beloved' crew sent to the caring embrace of the void! Do I make myself clear?!" Yelled Antros to the Pirate.

The Captain paled considerably for a while, but eventually, he gathered back his courage to speak, though his voice couldn't help but shake. "Certainly, My… Mi Lord. I… I shall follow your commands."

"Good. But know, if you ever try to run away or hide from me. I will make you wish you wish for the cold feeling of the void. Clear, 'Captain'?"

"Y-yes, My Lordship." said the Pirate about ready to tumble over from fear.

"Excellent, Captain. Also know that if you do pay your dues and I see that you have redeemed yourself, I will recommend you for an Imperial Pardon should we ever return back to the Imperium, on all your crimes and past transgressions. Though I'd tell you to practice restraint if you get it, for the punishments of re-offenders are rather... severe, to put it mildly. But back to things more at hand than that. What exactly were you doing to end up in the employ of a Chartist and a Noble?"

The Captain had seemed quite pleased at the prospect of an Imperial Pardon and had perked back up upon hearing it, but his hopes seemed to be dashed by Antros's question, his face now turning mournful. The Pirate was quiet for a long time but eventually, he straightened up and told his tale.

"My crew and I were sailing across the void on the edge of a populated system, we had heard about some… lightly protected… cargo haulers that were packed full of foodstuffs and tools. We figured it would be an easy score, but when we arrived it was anything but 'lightly guarded.' There were well over a dozen big ships, all massive haulers and transports."

"Then there were at least a dozen Stalwarts, then around 20 something ships of various types and weights classes, even another six defense monitors. My boys and I were about ready to high tail it out of there but before we could they somehow hijacked our communications, they gave us an offer. We would help them reach their destination in one piece and we would be allowed to fill our holds with as much food and basic supplies as our ships could hold."

"My boys and I were in desperate need of anything, hence why we had fallen onto looting haulers instead of our regulars out in the void. So I took the offer, as to appease my crew, and also doing some honest work from time to time never seemed to hurt anybody. Or so I thought, cause now I'm stuck here with you lot and barely any of my boys left." Said the Captain showing the pain he felt at losing crew, in his Aura.

"Yes, but what happened after your recruitment for you to have ended up here with them?"

"Well, you see it was a while after we had accepted their offer to aid them. We was on the very edge of the system, we were waiting for, according to the Chartist, the rest of the convoy. Not long after a dozen or so ships show up also packing a fair amount of firepower, with more than a few Q-ships (it means a normal transport equipped with extra weapon than are usual, and sometimes extra armor though that's not always the case). They even had a Grand Cruiser in the smaller Flotilla acting as the Flagship, of course."

"Well after they made it to the edge of the system and the rest of the convoy, though at this point it was closer to an Armada, your Lordship, began to get into position. Well, when we were nearly finished loading the last of the Stalwart escorts into their Cetaceus-Whale ships (really big vessels that carry smaller voidcraft that are incapable of carrying warp drives) it happened. One of the Scout Sloops came high tailing it back to the Fleet. They reported multiple warp breaches opening just a few hundred thousand kilometers away from our position."

"That spooked most of the fleet so as a result, all their efforts doubled to finish preparations for the warp jump. But for some reason, the remaining three stalwarts that couldn't fit in the last Whaleship, instead of turning back to the system and retreating, set a course straight towards where the warp breaches had occurred. They got pretty far away before anything happened, but when it did it scared me more than anything else in my life. There were two fully grown Void-Whales and three baby whales right in front of the stalwarts. The ships showed the monsters with the glow of their engines, giving the beasts a haunting look. The monsters were massive the fully grown ones well over the size of a moon nearing a world with their size. While the little ones were sized like giant asteroids."

"The Stalwarts made to turn and flee but one of the baby monsters had noticed them and moved right for them. The Stalwarts seeing their fate sealed by the abomination that was gaining on them (Void-Whales can stimulate their speed by tapping into the warp, because they are also really powerful warp entities along with near planet sized abominations) they turned around and fired what guns they could in time. Eventually, when the whale was nearly upon them they turned their engines on full burn and rammed the beast. Those mighty little ships blew in a fiery inferno of plasma as their drives overloaded. Even despite the size of the beast, they hurt it badly and it quickly turned and began to flee, its siblings following in its wake."

"We prayed the adults would follow after their young but alas they were only spurred on by the wounding of their child. The two began to charge towards the fleet their speed aided by their unholy powers. Though, thank the God-Emperor, we were able to escape the beast's wrath. Just when the monsters were within ten thousand meters of my vessel we jumped. I had originally believed the close proximity to the creatures had thrown the fleet off course. But now at least according to you, we were brought here by the God-Emperor's will. We then traveled for a bit in the warp until we got hit by what we thought was a warpstorm, but I guess was the Emperor moving us to this world. Speaking of 'this world' what even is it like, Your Lordship?"

"That is a question I will answer for you later once the captains and leaders of this "Chartist" fleet arrive. But to put it simply to ease your mind we are in a reality that is very different from our own, to put it mildly. There is also a grave danger that this reality faces, But luckily for this world, the Imperium has come to save them from the beast. But back to what I was asking, how long have you been here?"

"That's not a very clear answer but alright, I'll take what I can get, Your Lordship. And only about a day at this point. How about yourself, Lord?"

"About the same, only a Terran day. Also back to the fleet, what is their cargo? It must be very precious for such a heavy amount of security and escorts." Said Antros.

"That, I regret to tell you I have yet to find out for myself, I asked of course, but was told that I needn't know and that if I wanted to get paid I wouldn't ask again... So I, of course, tried to do my own digging with scans and auspex, but most of their ships' hulls were either shielded or something because my working scanners couldn't come up with anything that was useful."

'Then it must be very precious cargo indeed, for them to be so secretive about it. Though they could also have just been acting cautiously around these pirates. I assume I shall learn the truth in time.' Thought Antros. He then spoke to the Pirate Captain again. "Well I assume that is enough questions, so if you would promptly return to your shuttle in the hangar and await further orders, that would do nicely, Captain."

The Captain seemed somewhat dejected but said nothing as he was ushered out of the hall. Once he was gone Antros immediately began to speak with the others in the room. "What do you think of what they said?"

"This could be a ruse, so we must be ready for anything should their tale turn out to be a farse." said Captain Borgio of the Tenth Company his voice hard as steel. He was dressed in his panoply of war, weapons and tools included, as if expecting an attack at any moment. His face as always turned in a disapproving scowl.

"Why did we even decide to speak with them, as much as I am glad that they seem allies, but why were we so lax in speaking with them?" Asked Captain Raphaen of the Fourth Company. His armor gave a hiss as he moved to look towards the greater table and its occupants. His face still possessed the young Angelic visage of Sanguinius's features cut as if from stone. Though despite his youthful look his silver eyes portrayed the opposite, they had seen much of the galaxies horrors and had been left permanently scarred by them.

"Call it foresight, on my part, Captain. But you all should know he did not lie, not once, the Captain remained honest throughout his entire tale. Neither did Madame Vera tell us any misinformation. She was truthful and clear. But aside from them, what do you think of the possibility of others being sent on this quest with us?" Said Antros.

"It is a comforting thought that there are more of us it is true, but we must be sure of their allegiance and dedication to the cause. We must be careful for all we know they all could be worshippers of the Great Enemy." Said the Captain of the Halberd her voice angry, for she hated the thought of working with such scum as pirates.

"But then why would the Emperor send them here? Just for us to have to fight them? No, I do not believe it so. They must have been part of the Emperor's plan." Retorted Antros.

"I presume we will find out once the leaders of this Chartist fleet arrive. Until then I recommend we all prepare for the worst and pray for the best." Said the rooms solitary Confessor, who Antros had deemed necessary and smart enough to attend.

The Preacher was a small man only reaching to Antros's lower hip in height. His name was High Cardinal Jeremiah Oriamachus Victus though he had most of his disciples and followers just call him Jeremiah and he told them never refer to him by his title. He was very young by any standard, seeming only to be in his early Terran 20's. Though despite his size and age he carried himself with wit and charisma. He possessed an augmented eye that glowed with a golden lens. He had long well kept brown hair that stretched down his back. His face possessed, as it always seemed to, a soothing smile one that could put a fearful congregation at ease. While the robes he wore were fitted to him well, but allowed him more movement than Antros would have thought possible. The robes were a deep crimson with a scarf of sacred text about shoulders. Then finally the most blatant piece of decoration on his was his Rosarius. It showed like a small star about his neck. He wore it humbly, attempting to hide it behind his robe, though despite his efforts it still gathered the attention of all who looked upon him.

"Yes, I believe we should begin talking about said preparations. We need to show them that we are still powerful and mighty even in our wounded state. Both so that they will know we are not defenseless and also so that we might give them hope for the future." Said Captain Borgio, his face still containing apathy.

"Then we shall get those preparations underway and be ready for their arrival." Said Antros.

For the longest time, they spoke and set forth their arrangements for when the Chartist fleet arrived. The room's occupants would greet the Captains and nobles within the hangar bay they arrived in. Waiting along with Antros's group would be the remnants of the Fourth, Fifth, and Tenth Companies. Along with two squads of the Lamenters remaining First Company, all dressed in their Terminator armor. This as well with the remaining Tempestus Scions would make up their greeting party. This they hoped would show both their fortitude and determination.

It took another few hours for the Chartist fleet to arrive. When they did it was with an enemy hot on their heels. Antros detected it before anyone else did, A massive presence in the warp. It was a giant maelstrom of rage and bestial instincts. When he saw it he yelled to the closest vox technician. "Send an emergency broadcast to the fleets! Broadcast it on all frequencies! Battle Stations everyone!"

At this point, others in the crowd began to see what Antros saw and sprang into action. The Scions in the room began to run to their assigned quadrants for times like these. The Astartes readied their weapons and took the orders barked out by their sergeants and lieutenants. The Captains followed in their wake and instructed were needed all moving with a definite purpose and task. Antros himself ran towards the emergency lift and boarded it with utmost haste.

Following after him was Artemis, Admiral Merra, and her support staff. Once they had boarded the lift lurched off the floor and was propelled as fast as the rotors would allow towards the Command Deck. Antros used his powers to speed their assent even further, and so they arrived not long after. Though the lift was thoroughly damaged, smoke rising from the gears that had been pushed to the breaking point by Antros's interference.

Though they arrived not a moment too soon. In the time they had taken to arrive at the bridge the beast had almost closed in on the Chartist Flotilla. The large merchant fleet pushing their engines to the limits in an attempt to flee the monster after them. The Void Whales were slower than Antros had thought they would be from the tales he had heard of them. The stories always painted them as ferocious feral beasts able to outrace the fastest Clipper ships. Though they weren't monstrous at, in fact, they seemed far weaker than Antros had expected. Then he noticed it in the beasts Auras, they were both in emance pain and fear their auras bleeding with their misery. This appeared to slow them enough for the Chartist fleet to begin to outrun them.

Antros marched onto the Command Dias followed by his loyal Familiar and the Admiral. Admiral Merra roared out orders as she marched onto the bridge, taking full command of the situation. Before Antros knew it he saw the Void Shields activating and covering the Star-Fort in their protective barriers. Outside the Imperial Navy ships began to form up with the Astartes vessels. They began to move into formation preparing an intercept course with the Void Whales.

Antros turned to the Admiral who had since taken her place upon the Command throne, as ever yelling out orders to her crew. Antros addressed her directly and said. "Admiral Merra, Would it at all viable to move the Sanguine Spirit with the rest of our fleet. I wish to test a theory."

"What do you have in mind, My Lord?" Asked the Admiral anxious for Antros's reply.

"I wonder if the beasts can be, for lack of a better term reasoned with. They seem to be spurred on at the moment from their pain and fear. So, in theory, they can be appeased if we simply help them calm down, and show them we mean them no harm. They are after all only animals and therefore they are not entirely unreasonable Xenos. They could even prove somewhat useful were we to 'tame' them." Said Antros his mind open to giving his daring plan a try.

The Admiral though was far more hesitant saying. "Are you sure that is a good idea, My Lord. They are far too primitive for us to even have a chance at doing such a thing as that surely?"

"Not necessarily, after all, they are usually very curious and have shown some signs of limited intelligence in the stories I've read on them. They have even helped guide lost Voidsmen out of Warp Storms in the past. So they at least should be given a fair chance as they are only animals acting on base instinct and have not truly done anything against us."

"I suppose that is true, My Lord. But how would we even attempt to calm such mighty beasts?" asked the Captain, her voice portraying her curiosity and seriousness in equal measure.

"I will attempt to create a communion with them, being as they are beings possessing souls like us and are therefore able to hear and feel me through psychic means. I could help them realize we mean them no harm. Should that not work I could attempt to make them forget what it is they believe we have done or what it is they are afraid of." Said Antros his mind abuzz with possible things he could attempt to do.

"I will not pretend to understand you or your methods, My Lord, but please take caution with what you are about to attempt. For this could mean the death of many should you fail."

"Your concerns are noted. I will only go as far as I believe necessary for our lives and the creatures' survival to be ensured." Said Antros back to the Admiral. "But now I must attempt to calm the Creatures." Antros then began to call upon his powers and began to channel them into a psychic beacon. Artemis lent her aid where she could, helping the signal shine bright.


Okay, that's enough for today. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 6 of Angel's Lament. Please have a great rest of your day, and if you feel so inclined please Follow, Favorite and if you feel up to it Review. It really helps me know that my stories are enjoyable and that there is a desire for them to continue progressing along. Thanks Again and see you next time.

Chapter 7: Angel's Grace

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Welcome to the next passage in the Angel's Lament series, and thank you for taking the time to read this and the chapter below. A forewarning this chapter is longer than the others, though not too much longer but still longer. Along with this, there is a lot of lore and exposition in this chapter as it's mainly about Antros figuring what he has to work with. I hope to make the next chapter finally get to some real action, though it might be more about Nikolaus again but let me know how you feel about that. Also, this chapter has what can be considered somewhat unbelievable situations, but please keep in mind that I know this but I enjoy the possibilities they hold for the future so I included these elements. As well as I hope to at least explain some of these somewhat unbelievable circ*mstances. And now with my jabbering done, please enjoy Chapter Seven...


Chapter Seven: Angel's Grace

The Psychic beacon quickly got the attention of the Void Whales, they slowly began to turn toward the Sanguine Spirit. Antros then began to let the beacon fade once the Chartist Fleet was far enough away to be out of harm's way. Antros quickly then began to channel his focus and energy into sending a message to the two Void Whales. He continued to work on and channel his message, Artemis all the while assisting where she could to make the message as clear as possible. After some quite some time working on the message the whales finally faced the Sanguine Spirit.

Their emotions still like wildfire panicked and disorganized, though they were no longer rushing toward the Star-Fort simply now observing it as if waiting for the beacon again. Then once the message was clear enough Antros sent it through the warp flying towards the two planet-sized behemoths. The message showed them how he meant them no harm and that they were in no danger of attack.

The message reached them far faster than Antros thought it would and they responded soon after, their message was far less coherent than Antros's but he made sense of what they emotionally relayed. They were afraid and worried, one of their children was seriously wounded and they were trying to protect him from the 'Lights'. Antros quickly sent a reply back asking what had happened. A moment later they responded showing Antros their memories of what had recently occurred to them.

They showed Antros how they had been migrating to a new system since the death of their last. And how just as they had been about to end their century-long migration and enter the new system they would live in, one of their children screamed out psychically. Explosions followed the screaming and their child was left wounded. They showed Antros how they had then seen a series of bright lights in the distance, and out of fear they moved to attack the lights believing them the cause of their child's pain.

Then they had been struck by a searing light and fallen unconscious only to awake with each other and their children still out cold. Then they saw in the distance again those same lights. They had once again begun to charge after the lights fearing for their children's safety. They had chased the lights for some time ultimately stopping when they saw Antros's beacon. Antros quickly told them that the 'Lights' had not done it and that the 'Lights' were simply fleeing out of fear from them.

The Whales responded with more emotions than words relaying that they felt regret for causing the 'Lights' distress but that they also sent a feeling that they now meant no harm upon them. Antros told them back that he understood and so he forgave them for startling his 'Lights'. Antros then asked what had happened to their children. The Void Whales Auras became alight with fear and worry again. They then quickly began to turn around and began to fly off back into the void from where they had come from. Antros sent a small message telling them that they could consider him a friend if they were ever in need of help. They didn't respond but simply continued to fly away fear still permeating their Aura.

Once they were well and far away that Antros could no longer fully see their Aura he returned back to his body and opened his eyes again. The room was quiet and when Antros looked around the room he saw that most of the crew were still performing their tasks in anxious silence. Antros turned around to face the Admiral again.

When he had fully turned around the Admiral asked earnestly. "What happened, My Lord?"

"They no longer consider us a threat and are returning to their children to check on them. Then hopefully they will leave us alone and leave."

"That's good. But what do we do now, My Lord?"

"Now we get to learn more about this Chartist Captain and what the Emperor has given us."

The next three hours went by slowly as contact was established between the two fleets and the meetings arranged, as well as travel time to reach one another. Soon enough though Antros was back in the main hangar once again awaiting the arrival of the Chartist Fleet leaders. They arrived in a trio of Valkyries, that slowly descended to the hangar floor. Their engines powering off and ramps open wide to reveal their contents.

Out of the Valkyries came three very different groups, One a band of Nobles, another a procession of Captains, and finally a squad of Imperial Guardsmen Officers. The Nobles all had the same symbol as Madame Vera adorning their clothes. A silver gryphon carrying a flintlock pistol and a greatsword. The Nobles were the first to make their approach to Antros and the other strike force Commanders. At the head of their procession was an elderly man his features worn and old but still containing regality. Atop the Nobles' head was a golden laurel wreath signifying him as the Patriarch of the Noble House and his homeworlds Planetary Governor. While on the Old Man's left stood a woman also in her twilight years, her long silver hair done into a royal bun, golden wreath atop her head, signifying her as the High Queen. The two elders spearheaded the procession towards Antros, their minds and intentions clear as day to the Chief Librarian.

As the High Noble approached, Antros bowed his head and said, letting a smile adorn his lips. "I assume you are the Honorable High King Bellerophon? And this," Said Antros indicating to the High Queen with his open hand, "Must be the Lovely High Queen."

The High Queen nodded her head saying, "Thank you, My Lord." As she gave a small curtsy.

The High King bowed as well and said. "You presume correctly, you must be Commander Antros. My granddaughter has told us about you. She also told us a little of where you believe we are, and how you think we got here. So is it true? Are we no longer in our own galaxy?"

"Yes, as much as it may be hard to believe we are no longer within our Imperium." Said Antros his face turning serious as he spoke.

Lord Bellerophon sighed and said, his voice showing the tiredness he felt at his old age. "Then I guess the Angel did not lie to me."

Antros quirked his eyebrow in confusion and asked. "An Angel spoke to you?"

The High King nodded saying. "Yes, a Golden Angel, covered in power armor and wielding a Silver Blade. He came to me when I was praying, not two days ago. The Angel told me that I was meant to help the sons of Sanguinius soon in a grand undertaking."

"Well, I would be more than happy to accept your aid in our task." Said Antros giving a nod of appreciation to the Noble and his family.

Once Antros lifted his head he noticed the other group, the Chartist Captains, had finally come to meet him. At the front of the group was a massive mortal man, nearing Antros's lower shoulder in height. Adorning the massive man's face was a mighty beard that reached all the way down to his stomach. The beard like his hair was dark brown intermingled with grey and white. The most telling thing about him though to Antros was his Aura. Where everyone else from the Chartist Fleet so far was rather low in spirits, at least within their minds, he was bright as the sun in comparison. His face carried a toothy smile, and his eyes radiated with warmth. The moment he was within striking distance of Antros he cast his arms wide ready to throw them around Antros.

Before the Chartist Captain embraced Antros though he bellowed, his voice a deep and happy growl. "My Friend! I thank you for your help with the Mighty Void Beasts!" after he finished yelling, he wrapped his arms around Antros and held him for a moment before letting go of the Astartes. Antros the whole while remained calm and allowed the man to embrace him.

After the man returned to stand by his fellow Captains he introduced himself. "I am Chartist Captain Azidar, appointed Head Captain of this lovely Chartist Fleet." Once he finished speaking he bowed to Antros then slowly lifted himself back up a moment later.

"Well met Captain, I am Chief Librarian Antros of the Blood Angels and entrusted Commander of all Imperial Elements within this Galaxy." Said Antros, followed by a head nod in response to the Captain's bow.

Antros then noticed the last group from the other fleet arrive, a trio of Imperial Guard Officers and a solitary Commissar. The Commissar was old and battered with Antros being able to hear the low hiss of motors coming from his right leg, indicating it had been replaced. The Officers, on the other hand, were all young, very young, and unblemished physically, but not psychically. Their Auras clearly showing recent mental trauma and loss. The Officer at the front of the group was the oldest of his fellows, though he clearly couldn't have been more than 30 Terran years old.

Once the Imperial Guard Commanders drew close they gave a low bow, though in the case of the Commissar it was more akin to kneeling. Antros inclined his head to them in return then allowed them to stand and speak.

The Commissar was the one to speak for them, his voice rough and synthetic, showing that his vocal cords had also been replaced. "I am Commissar Castiel Hygoth of Harakon. Also know, My Lord, that you have the loyalty of all the Guardsmen within the Chartist Fleet. We stand with whatever you command." The Commissar then gave the sign of the Aquila and bowed his head.

"Well I thank you for your pledge, and I am honored to be given it, but I must ask. Why are you so quick to pledge your Loyalty to me and my forces?" Asked Antros honestly.

"My reasons are threefold, My Lord. First, you are a Blood Angel, coming directly from the blood of Sanguinius, The Brightest Star. Secondly, you are the appointed Imperial Commander, though I may be a Commissar, I believe that following one's superiors is the way to victory and salvation. Then my last reason I shall share once within more protected corridors." Said Commissar Castiel, eyeing distrustfully at the Pirate Captain, who had been staying on the sidelines watching things progress his face strangely neutral.

Antros nodded to the Commissar and said. "Well then, my fellow servants of the Emperor, let us depart from this hangar and head to the safety of the Arx Libracon so that we might speak freely." Antros then cast his arm to the left indicating towards the lift doors.

The large procession of Officials, Leaders, Nobles, and guards quickly made their way to the Arx. Once all were situated and seated the grand doors to the Arx Libracon closed, with a loud thud then the snap crackle of the Void Shields activating. And all at once Antros felt the warp around him all but dissipate, what little remained forced into complete silence. Though Antros had yet to encounter any truly malevolent warp entities within this Galaxy he knew the precaution was well worth it. After all, this especially helped the Mortals relax, no longer having to fear about daemonic intrusion, or spying.

Though these precautions made Antros's powers virtually useless when reading others' minds. Bul luckily Artemis was somehow unhindered by this, her powers allowing her to relay others' emotions to Antros. So in truth, not all his insights were lost. Artemis herself was sitting just underneath Antros's Throne, her head poking out and scanning from underneath the table. Eyes piercing minds and seeing their feelings and intentions without hindrance.

Antros cast his eyes along the table observing its multitude of occupants and the varieties they came in. Some were Primaris, a few were Astartes, while the vast majority were Mortals, coming from all walks of life. Most of the normal humans were from the Chartist fleet, they seemed the most anxious to be here, which made sense, after all, they were still primarily in the dark about their situation. Antros seeing his moment stood up.

Antros recounted his recent conversation with Sanguinius, he then told them what they had been tasked with undertaking, then finally he explained some of the basics on this New Universe. He told them of the Xenos races, both trustworthy and despicable. Antros told them about some of the recent events and what was currently happening in the galaxy at large.

To wrap up the informative part of the gathering he told them of the weaknesses of the Systems Alliance. Then a bit on the political corruption that was rife in the Government of Mankind and her colonies. Most of those assembled had been disgusted upon hearing most of this, though some, especially amongst the Imperial Guard, remained neutrally optimistic. It had ultimately been far easier than Antros had expected to convince them to be alright with the Xenos. Though Antros would find out soon enough their reasons for such high Xenos Tolerance.

Antros after answering questions for a time from those within the Chartist Fleet called for everyone's attention once more. He then stood up from his throne and spoke getting right to what he wished to discuss. "I know that you all must have hundreds of more questions for me, that you desire to be answered, but before we get too engrossed within this topic I must ask my own questions of you, so that I might make better plans for our future."

"Well, my friend, if what you say is true, and we are truly out of our original Galaxy, and that we have indeed been sent here with a purpose from the God-Emperor. Then I see no reason for us not to answer your questions." Said Captain Azidar sitting on a throne and casting his arms wide at his fellow Chartist Captains.

The Captains murmured amongst themselves for a long time, inquiring one another on what to do, and if they should believe what Antros had told them. Though the discussion was open to all the Captains it seemed that Captain Azidar was leading the conversation completely, his voice ringing the loudest and seeming to hold the most sway over the others. Eventually after a dozen minutes or so the Captains seemed to make an agreement and turned back to face the rest of those assembled. Antros already knew what they had decided through a mix of body language and his enhanced hearing he easily deduced what they had agreed upon, but Antros and his brethren Astartes let them believe they had not been able to hear them and instead allowed them to proclaim their opinion.

A lanky man, who was deep into his elder years, was the one to announce their census, his voice was nasally and proud. "We have agreed to speak openly and tell you of all our cargo, and we have also agreed to respect your sovereignty over us, as our Commander."

"You have my thanks for agreeing with my request. And know I will try to heed your counsel in important matters, as much as I am able, respect your wishes. But now back to the subject of your cargos. What exactly were/are you transporting that requires such high security?" Asked Antros getting back to what he needed to know.

Captain Azidar answered for his comrades standing up holding a dataslate in one hand and quickly reading it over before he raised his head to speak directly to Antros, his voice was calm and warm, but with a serious undertone. "Well, Commander, our cargo is one of the most precious within our cursed Imperium. People, My Lord. People are our primary cargo."

"Who exactly, guardsmen? Innocents? Penitents?" Asked Antros, not entirely yet sure of what to think.

"Not entirely Imperial Guardsmen, though there are quite a few. Mainly our ships are filled with scared citizens, looking to find a home, the homeless, My Lord."

Antros then said. "Alright, so they are primarily innocents then I take it. Where are they from, if you are aware at all of this?"

"Most are from Thetra and Harakon. The two planets recently were ravaged by an Ork Warhost. Most of our passengers are of the simple inhabitants of Thetra with a few nobles thrown into the large group. Though none are as powerful or prominent as House Bellerophon of Thetra. As they were the Planetary leading family having been so for over a thousand years. They were the ones to pay us for this voyage after all as well." Captain Azidar looked at High King Bellerophon who nodded his head. Captain Azidar then continued speaking. "We also bring with us what remains of the Thetra's Defense Fleet and remaining Guards elements, along with their armor and munitions."

"It's sad to hear yet another system has been forced to be abandoned in these trying times, but I am glad to hear that some have made it out. In fact How much exactly did make it out, people and such?

"By my most recent savant's estimates, around four and a half million citizens were able to be saved from Thetra. With about another two and a half million PDF troopers and Guardsmen combined. Most sadly being PDF forces. While the number of Harakons in our fleet is lower only being about two million most being family of the Guardsmen from Harakon posted on Thetra. With another few thousand members of House Bellerophon and its attendees. Then I don't fully remember the number of crewmen on the PDF vessels but it was around one million. With another one and a half from our Chartist fleet."

"Well, it is good to hear so many were able to be saved by you. What has become of the rest of the planet's inhabitants?"

"Most were still fighting last I heard. Though both worlds seem doomed to fall, Thetra already having been captured by the greenskins. They had meant to Kill High King Bellerophon and his family."

High King Bellerophon cut in then and said. "Yes, the abominations meant to slaughter my house. Knowing we posed a greater threat to them. But we fought with valor against the greentide. Our Knights being pushed to their very limits along with the pilots. My own Suit being heavily damaged in our last offensive against the monsters. But luckily my wife helped me see reason and so we evacuated the last of our citizens and ourselves before the Abominations could kill us all."

"I am sorry to hear so much has been lost. But if I might be blunt how many of your Knights are left?" Asked Antros trying to see how much he could rely on the assistance of the Knights and their firepower.

Bellerophon nodded and said. "I understand your pragmatism, and I am happy to announce that my family can boast having 67 fully working Questoris pattern Knights, along with 108 Armiger pattern Lesser Knights along with about 22 of our more ancient patterns. This was achieved due to my family's diligence when saving broken Knights Suits, before they could be picked at and scavenged by the Greenskins."

Antros nodded his head and said. "That is great to hear so much of your house arsenal was able to be saved. But what of your family's numbers are they significant enough to man such a force?"

The High King lowered his head, just a smidge, but it was more than noticeable to Antros's senses. When the King spoke it was clearly with a heavy heart at having lost so much of his family. "I am sorry to say but no our numbers were horribly thinned in the attack, we can only supply Pilots for a little under half the suits. Mostly the Paladin and Errant ranks were decimated in the attack."

"I am sorry so much of your family was killed, High King Bellerophon." Said Antros honesty.

"Your sorrow is noted, My Lord." said the High King a tear forming in his eye as he spoke, one he quickly blinked away before it could fully form. The High King seemed to slouch in his chair for a moment his old age showing heavily in his posture and demeanor.

The High Queen quickly came to the aid of her husband when he was unable to speak. She said, her voice showing her pain at her loss, but also her pride. "Though we do have a number of Squires and other youths who are able to continue their training and will soon be able to take the reigns of their mounts, My Lord."

"Glad to hear it, Madame." Antros nodded to the queen, then after a moment turned to Captain Azidar. "But now back to the fleet." Said Antros wishing to leave the High King alone so that he might properly grieve his lost children and grandchildren. After all, he was only human and grief was to be expected after such an event as what he went through and the loss he had endured. "What can you Captains tell me of your fleet? Models? Supplies? Munitions? Tell me all of it."


For the next long while, Antros learned about the Chartist fleet and a bit about its cargo, and passengers. while the Captains and Officers continued to speak with one another freely. Even though Antros had seen and heard how large their fleet was it still baffled him just how much they were carrying. Their ships were filled full of supplies and Munitions, most having been taken from Thetra which had had quite the stockpile of resources, both raw and refined. It was very fortuitous that most of those resources had been successfully stored within the Chartist's fleet upon their exodus.

Antros finally was given a concrete number of the vessels left in the Chartist Armada and their types. The largest Hauler in the fleet was the Universe class mass hauler, with a total of eight vessels carrying all the refugees from Thetra and Harakon. Following after the massive Universe class was the far smaller but still large Whale-Ships, which carried in their massive hangers the Steward Class Escorts. The Whale-Ships numbered at only four and carried in total 16 Stewards.

After that came Heavy Transports that were High King Bellerophon's own vessels, meant to move the Houses Knights for when they were called upon to fight. The ships were filled with the Knights, their pilots, and attendants, along with the equipment they required for the Suits. There were a total of 11 Heavy transports all together carrying, along with the Knights and their riders, the armor of the Harakoni Warhawks along with their ammunition. Most of the Guards armored elements were still damaged, so they could not yet fully be counted upon, for now.

Next, after the Heavy Transports were the regular Troop Transports and Carrack Defensive Transports (they have heavier weapons and armor than most Transports), which carried the Harakoni Warhawks and the Thetra Dragoons. Both troops were somewhat depleted by constant fighting with the Orks back on Thetra but luckily due to hit and run tactics they had minimized casualties by a large margin in the beginning. Though they still had later been decimated. They had originally numbered a combined force of six million altogether, but now only were only 250,000 strong. Still, a formidable force for sure but they were still, by any Imperial standard, heavily depleted. The rest of the troop transports carried the miscellaneous PDF, Militia, and House Guard forces. In total there were 13 troop transports and six Carrack Transports with the later holding the career soldiers.

Then came the Heavy and normal Fuel Transports carrying the fuel for the starships, the vehicles, and the shuttles. Their specific cargo varied in type, like promethium, oil, and other accelerants and chemicals necessary for traveling the stars or even waging war. All of them had been requisitioned by either the Chartist Fleet or the High King though most owed their allegiance to the Merchant part of the fleet either way. Despite this mixed loyalty nothing had come of it yet with the merchants working willingly with the PD and civilian forces. Though most of the Fuel Ships were massive they were manned by skeleton crews working their hardest to keep the ships functional, as more crew was usually deemed an unnecessary luxury, for the large barges. As a result, they were showing more signs of wear and tear than the rest of the fleet their manifests showing multiple requests for more manpower and materials to conduct repairs. Antros added solving this problem onto his already lengthy list of things that needed to be solved in the near future. In all, there were 12 heavy Fuel Transports and 23 of the regular-sized barges.

Along with the Fuel Transports were seven specially designated haulers carrying in their vast storage bays built for liquids, similar to the Fuel Transports, a most vital resource, water. Within five of the ships were vast reservoirs of freshwater, ready to drink and be dispenced as needed to the rest of the fleet, should their recycling systems become damaged or insufficient for a time. While another one of these special vessels had the premiere duty of waste collection. Gathering the wastewater of the other vessels and purify it, through the ship's vast systems of filters and cleaning agents. Until finally the refined water could then be sent back to either the holding clean water vessels or the ships they had come from.

Another one of these special haulers carried in it an exotic cargo within its massive open water tank. Within was a collection of Thetra's aquatic fauna and flora. The ship had been turned into something akin to a sealife reserve, the waters it carried holding a large collection of aquatic life from the now-abandoned world of Thetra. Most of the 'fish' within were simple creatures that were peaceful and easy to maintain, these creatures living through the specially made systems of the ship. Antros quickly scanned the dataslate again to find the ship's name so that he might ask more about it at a later time. The specialty ship was named the Nemo. Antros quickly took a mental note of the name and proceeded to look onto the next group of ships

After the water transports came the generic cargo haulers. Ships built specially to carry specific cargos, such as personal items, relics, artifacts or other more basic cargos like raw resources or even people in some instances. Around half of the ships in the Merchant Armada were laden with baseline cargos such as steel plates, Ceramite plates, ferrocrete mixtures, adamantine beams, and other Imperial grade building materials. Antros quickly read the footnote and found that these ships had been commissioned by the High King in the hopes of when they arrived at their final destination they would have been able to rebuild after arriving.

While the other half of the cargo haulers were specialized in a cargo Antros had not expected to see within such a fleet, livestock. The remainder of the haulers were equipped to handle the livestock of Thetra and the other bartered animals. Mainly they carried the usual livestock that could be found throughout the wider Imperium, with the most common animal being the Grox. A species of very large lizard-like beasts, known for their aggressive nature and iron guts, giving them the ability to digest even the most unpleasant of foods without any problem. They were high in protein and calories making them a useful beast. They were also known for their sheer stubbornness and survivability, making them the perfect animal for more inhospitable worlds and environments.

Since the Grox was originally found they had spread all across the Imperium, becoming the standard source of meat for most of the Imperium's people. Though they sadly, as a result of their highly aggressive nature and solitary lifestyles had forced Mankind to devise a way to keep them docile. Their solution was nothing short of lobotomizing the largest parts of the herds so that they might be made complacent. This system worked extremely well become the primary way Grox were kept and herded. While the breeding pairs were instead kept under a constant stream of narcotics, sedatives, and when necessary muscle relaxants. Though even despite all the precautions that Mankind had taken accidents occurred very often. Usually resulting in the death of herders and servitors. Though despite the setbacks the Imperium persevered and continued to use the beasts as a normal protein supply.

Along with the Grox were several other livestock animals, such as a small herd of cows, and pigs both being stored on the same vessel together, and having come from Thetra's own farmsteads. Along with them came a very sparse herd of Quariens (Not the ME aliens they are a placid herd animal from a now-dead world) that had come into Thetra's possession before Their homeworld of Sotha had been destroyed. While another few of the livestock transports carried within their holds other creatures, like several breeds of workhorses and oxen. Some even carrying more specialized beasts of burden, like the powerful creatures native to Thetra called Argaphants. Massive creatures covered in a layer of wispy hair and thick defensive hide. They were somewhat similar in physiology to the ancient Terran creatures Antros had read about called Elephants. Antros reasoned whoever discovered it must have thought the same for the similarity of their name to the long-extinct creatures. Argraphants were a strange creature, seemingly bred for eons to work alongside humans. Though despite the fact Thetra had only ever been colonized during the latter days of the Great Crusade, though most of the records dating back to that time were lost.

The Agraphants were known for their gentle nature and kind behavior. Being known as the Gentle Giants of Thetra. Argaphants themselves were massive nearing the size of the orkoid creatures called Squiggoths. Though only slightly smaller than those monsters and instead were herbivores rather than raving carnivores like the ork war mount. Argaphants were also very regal in a way, having a very high panic threshold, known to not panic in even the most hectic situations. And even when the giants did panic they were quick to regain composure and more often able to return to their duties not long after being calmed. The massive creatures had great durability, their hides being able to shrug off most slug based weapons. While also being able to carry massive loads upon their shoulders, with one fully grown Agraphant being able to pull an entire Knight Paladin Battlesuit with the right harness. There were more of these creatures in the fleet than Antros expected. Numbering a grand total of 134 of the behemoths spread across the whole fleet with many aboard the Heavy transports and Livestock Carriers. Antros added learning more on these magnificent creatures after the meeting, but decided to press on reading into the other Livestock Transports.

The remaining vessels carried some more unique animals and even a large number of pets. Such as canid, feline, and other Xenos domesticated species. All of these creatures were carried deep in the underbellies of the generic transports given special care at the 'request' of their wealthy owners. When Antros read into more detail about the specific creatures he found a plethora of strange creatures, both ones he expected and ones he was only just hearing about. Among the vast number, Antros took note of a few. Somehow one of the Knights of House Bellerophon had procured and tamed a Cruorian War Beast, it acting as the protector of its Knight. Though it was kept in a stasis field under heavy narcotics until they could finally arrive somewhere it could live on. Another four Knights possessed Carnodons as pets, though the giant cats had to be kept sedated while aboard the vessels and away from their masters. Both for the crew's safety and the safety of the mighty cats and the happiness of their owners.

Next on the records was a creature Antros had thought untameable, a Diablodon. One of the Barons Of House Bellerophon had not only bought two but had somehow successfully tamed them, making them into his own personal guard dogs. From all of what Antros knew of the creatures, he had never heard of one being tamed, let alone two, but here was evidence it could be done. The creatures had originally been procured over 70 years ago and had long since grown to maturity, having been raised by their owner since they were still eggs. Though from what Antros had read the giant lizards could live for up to five hundred years or so, that making the mating pair still relatively young by their species standards. Antros then forced himself to leave the dossier on the Diablodons, despite his desire to learn more about them.

After the Diablodons came to another strange creature, not too dissimilar to the Diablodon. The next creature was a beast Antros had only heard of being tamed by Eldar Exodites, the powerful Megadon. The fact about the creature's original tamers made Antros wary of what he was about to read next, but he pushed aside his caution and continued reading. Megadons were large, and similar in stature to the Diablodon, though there were quite a few key differences mainly having to do with their coloration and temperament. While Diablodons were highly aggressive and very territorial the Megadon was more of a herd animal, and far more accepting of other creatures being around it. Not to mention unlike the dreaded carnivorous Diablodon, Megadons were herbivores. Antros found it improbable that one of these creatures would come into the possession of a Knightly House, let alone a small herd, numbering a grand total of 14 Megadons. Antros again took note of this and filed it away so that he might question the High King about it later.

Then finally Antros came to the more 'normal' exotic pets that he had expected. Such as the Scarg-bear, several species of Sabre Wolves, Psyber animals (like eagles, and ravens), dozens of Cyber Constructs, a few Serrian Redrake, one Knight even owned a Mimic. Also among these more mundane pets came the 'intelligent' animals, creatures possessing a near human-like level of thought or personality, or being from a human originally. First on the list of the usual Cherubim. Antros noted that among the few listed owners of Cherubs was the High Queen, with her Cherubim having an extended log dedicated to it. The log said that the baby girl had been originally born lively and happy with her only dying after her health spontaneously began to decline until she eventually died to the unknown sickness. After that the log ended after the child was ordered to be made a Cherubim by the queen. Antros felt a twang in his heart go out to the High Queen for the loss of her baby. Antros closing his eyes for a moment, taking a moment to honor the poor child and her once distraught mother.

Next, There was a Caryatid that had attached itself to one of the young child Knight-aspirants, the log noted it never left the child's side, with its connection so strong that being away from the child for prolonged periods caused its health to gradually deteriorate, only returning to normal upon being returned with its child owner. Antros had heard of Caryatids, and he knew that they made very strong psychic bonds with those it attached to, but he had never heard of one becoming ill from the prolonged absence of its owner. The log carried an image of the Caryatid, it was a dark purple mixed with blue color and contained the usual baby-like features of its kind. While It's eyes appeared to be orange in hue. Antros took note of the creature and made plans to visit the child and its pet as soon as he was finished with the rest of his long list of things he had accumulated to do. So that he could make out whether it had simply created a particularly strong bond with the child, or if it was something more nefarious was at work.

After the small Caryatid came somewhat more normal pets, for example, there was a Gyrinx that had bonded to one of the younger Knights. Though the strength of their bond was not stated, nor could Antros try and interpret the strength of the bond from the information that was listed. But what he did gather was that the Gryinx was around 15 years old and that it had gone through one other master before landing with its current owner. Originally the Gryinx, named Kastor, had been born to a coven of Heamonculi Dark Eldar. Where, before he could even open his eyes, they had meant to experiment on him for his small size as no Drukhari wished to own him as he was. Though this never came to be, as the coven was soon found by House Bellerophon and other Imperial forces and destroyed. In the ensuing cleanup, Kastor had been found huddled against his deceased mother in the ruins of the covens base. The mother had died trying to defend her Drukhari Master, before being cut down by lasgun fire.

Artemis, who had been listening intently after she heard Antros's thoughts about the Gyrinx, finally said something her psychic voice dripping with disdain and hatred for the cursed Dark Eldar. "Those spineless cretins torture my kind for sport turning us into abominations, and monsters that follow in their horrendous schemes, and torturous appetites. That any of my kind would willingly bond with them is an atrocity. As well that she would also be willing to allow her children to be tortured by those creatures is unforgivable." Artemis's voice then turned mournful and sad at what she said next. "And her poor child, this Kastor, was born into that horrible situation."

'Yes, I feel sorry for this poor Gyrinx, to be born in the hands of Drukhari is a truly awful fate, for anyone or thing. It is good to read that he was at least saved though. Is it not Artemis?' Replied Antros attempting to calm his familiar.

"Yes, it is good to read that he is now in better health but that does not undo the circ*mstances of his birth. I must ask you, Master, if you would indulge a visit with his current owner so that we could ascertain his usefulness?" Asked Artemis, her psychic tone showing hints of both a bit of worry and yet also refinement in the way the words sounded. As well over their shared mental connection Antros detected her desire to see another of her species. As the last gyrinx she had seen had been almost 40 years ago, and she had been forced to fight that one as it had been in the service of a foul Dark Eldar Beastmaster.

Antros gave a small sigh and said through their shared link. 'Fine I shall see if I can allocate some time in the near future and visit them and their owner. But I will warn you that it could still take quite some time, Artemis. As I still have quite a few things that I must do in between then and now.'

Artemis's response was quick, and dignified but it shone with glimmers of the excitement she was feeling. "Thank you, Master."

Antros gave a small smirk at her joy and continued to read about the fate of the young Gyrinx.

Feeling pity and remorse for the poor animal a Knight, by the name of Greogor Bellerophon, had taken the tiny kitten and brought it back to Thetra. Where it was examined by the worlds High Cardinal and then ritually cleansed of its Xenos taint and blessed with sacred oils and incense. After that, the kitten was given back to Greogor by the priests, whereupon getting him back Greogor named him Kastor after an ancient hero of Thetra. The kitten was well taken care of by the Knight and the two quickly bonded becoming nearly inseparable when the Knight was home. Though sadly Greogor was later slain quite some years later, by a raging Traitor Knight.

The log then jumped to the next owner, Greogor's only child. Who had been somewhat close to the cat as a baby and once becoming a kid then found Kastor as their own bonded pet soon after the death of Greogor. Kastor and the Child soon became as inseparable as when Kastor had been bonded with Greogor, though it was noted that he seemed far more reluctant to let the child out of his sight for even a moment. Showing in multiple situations to be more than willing to fight to be able to stay at the child's side. He had also proved to be quite intelligent, outsmarting his caretakers on several occasions so that he might stay with the child during their training times and other affairs that usually meant that they would be separated.

Antros chuckled a little, remembering that something eerily similar had happened with him and Artemis when he had bonded with her. She had done much the same so that she could stay at Antros's side after they had originally bonded together. Having cut and even bitten a few of the unlucky chapter menials that had been assigned to keep an eye on her, and that had dared to attempt to thwart her efforts at reuniting with Antros. Though eventually, she had learned how to deal with being away from him, though she still quietly loathed separation from him. Antros too had to admit his dislike of being away from her, relating the feeling of being away from Artemis like missing a piece of his soul.

Antros then returned to reading the logs on Kastor seeing what more he could find out about the creature and its owner. He found more on their recent events having stayed together for the evacuation of Thetra. While now having remained together and doing most everything with the other. They were now both aboard the Heavy Transport named the Prometheus. The two were now held with the rest of their family in House Bellerophon and continuing to train to be a knight pilot. Antros noted a lack of information on the child who owned Kastor, it lacking to even give a gender to the child, only ever referring to them as 'The Child'. Antros found that strange but choked it up to a lack of attention paid by the original person who had formulated the information on the Dataslate.

After that Antros returned to the list of other exotic pets and animals. Reading next about a servant who kept a Fluff Beast as a 'pet', though the creature wasn't fully able to be tamed as it was too simple to understand what was happening. Then there was even a Mica-Dragon, small reptilian creatures that possessed wings and a limited ability to breathe fire. After that came some more normal creatures like snakes and other small domesticated animals local to Thetra.

Though there was one more surprise among the more average pets, Two fully grown Fenrisian Wolves and their five newborn pups. Antros at first was instantly put on edge at first believing that the wolves had somehow been stolen from his fellow Astartes in the Space Wolves. But to Antros's unending shock, they hadn't been stolen, in fact, they had been freely gifted to none other than the High King himself, by the Great Wolf, Logan Grimnar. Antros immediately checked everything the Dataslate had on the Wolves checking and double-checking every detail, making sure that he was not being deceived by some ploy on the Nobles part.

Though after Antros had read everything on the slate about the wolves, a fourth time, he was finally forced to face the fact that the Wolves had indeed gifted to House Bellerophon's Patriarch. Apparently Logan had given the High King the mated pair of wolves after he had helped fight for Fenris itself against a relatively recent incursion made by the Thousand found it hard to believe, but all the correct documentation was present and accounted for on the slate.

But he pushed aside his suspicion, for now, deciding to ask the High King more on this at a later date, when Antros could ensure that the High King told the truth. After the bombshell of the wolves, Antros decided to move back to the list with the rest of the Merchant Vessels, having had enough of Exotic pets for one day.

Following the Livestock Transports came the Vagabond class Merchant vessels, which primarily carried the more refined materials and tools of Thetra. A few of the Vagabonds carried the Drovers and the other non-combat equipped walkers, made for more menial tasks, like farming or fishing. While most of the other Vagabonds carried the vital and necessary resources of Food and Drinks. Primarily they carried giant freezers meant to extend the shelf life of the food so that rot would not be able to claim them. While some carried massive grain silos filled with the last harvest of Thetra. In total there were 18 Vagabonds carrying the lifeblood of the fleet.

After the Vagabonds came the Tarask Class Merchantmen their old and stout frames standing out amongst the newer and bolder designs. Tarasks had the lucky reputation of being dependable and renowned for their sturdiness and robust design making them perfect merchant vessels despite their generally smaller cargo bays. The Tarasks all carried a wide assortment of cargo, with some being stuffed full of the generic refined resources and furnishings. While others were filled with weapons and mobile armories ready to be called upon at a moment's notice. In total there was 11 Tarasks in the Merchant Armada, their presence brought a regality to the rest of the fleet for the simple longevity of the Tarasks. Who had been made in the earlier days of the Imperium.

Next was the Armed Freighters and Q-ships both acting as the defenders of the Merchant fleet, along with the PDF fleet. Though unlike their Imperial Navy counter-parts the Chartist 'warships' were not built to take hits. Mainly equipped to dish out damage at an average rate compared to career warships, while having weak and insufficient armor plating and defensive measures. Because of this, most people were hesitant to even take them seriously in a fight, but when push came to shove they could usually hold their own longer than usually believed. Though this also came at the price of storage space for carrying cargo. This also made the ship require more crew making them even more cramped. There were about 21 of the Armed Freighters and Q-Ships. Most were filled to the gills with raw resources, like minerals, ore, and some were even filled with wood and other such plant-based resources.

After that was the two Orion Class Star Clipper, built to be as fast as possible. While it was one of the fastest Star Clippers it also had a very large amount of cargo space for deliveries. Orion's were common with smugglers and illegal trade runs but had their part to play in more official capacities. Mainly they were used to run past blockades and deliver vital goods like food or munitions to worn-down defenders. They were renowned for having an efficient but shady reputation throughout the Imperium. So for this reputation Antros was both intrigued to have them but concerned about how they would operate with his plans. Within their halls were large amounts of rations and other long-lasting food supplies that could last almost indefinitely within their canisters. Along with the rations came a large number of medical supply canisters and shipping containers

Then finally Antros came upon the jewel of the Chartist fleet a Conquest Class War Galleon. This ship had been one of the last vessels that Antros had expected to see in the manifest, for the simple rarity of such illustrious ships. Conquest War Galleons were an ancient design with their commission being tied back to the Emperor Himself. The ships had been made to be reservoirs of ancient human technology and marvels and built to keep their precious cargo safe. Their designs were large, about the size of a cruiser and with the weaponry of warships as well. Antros quickly selected the Conquest and read all he could of its contents, weapons that Antros had only heard about in old stories, archaeotech weapons that could make tissue paper of even power armor, Volkite Cavilers, Serpentina, and Carbines. The ship even had a somewhat functional STC, though it could only work as an information bank rather than a manufactorum. The ship had been given the STC fragment to carry by the Emperor and the Ancient Fabricator General from the beginning of the Great Crusade. This all came together and gave Antros pause after reading it.

Though when he finally read the last portion of the ships manifest he discovered its Captain. Kobal Azidar. Then realization dawned on Antros, Azidar's family Patriarch was the current Speaker of the Chartists, within the Senatorum Imperialis. Now it all made sense why he had so many ships accompanying him and why his opinion held such sway amongst the other Captains. Antros took quick notes on this and continued reading the manifest on the rest of the vessels in the Merchants employ.

Next came two ship types that meant everything to the fleet at the moment and in the foreseeable future. Four Goliath class Forge-Tenders and three Golgotha class Forge-Ships. The Goliaths were repair vessels built to both restore and refit vessels and warships. They would prove vital to the fleet by being able to repair the damage currently done to the Navy and Astartes vessels and any more destruction done in the future. While the Golgotha ships could, with the right raw resources, pump out refined materials and goods, things like tools, weapons, armor, and of course munitions.

After this Antros finally came to the PDF elements that remained from Thetra's Planetary Defense Fleet, which had luckily been well maintained since their fight with the Orks. The first vessels on the Dataslate on them were about the Escorts. There were three Falchion Class escorts, that commonly fought together in their own vanguard squadron. Then there were also five Sword and two Firestorm Class Frigates that escorted the main bulk of the remaining Warships. After there was two Turbulent Class Heavy Frigate that would operate as the command ships of the Vanguard Squadron. Next was the six Defense Monitors that would often stay in the back of the Defense fleet as a last line of defense should the rest of the fleet be decimated. Then finally there was the three Viper Class Scout Sloops that would often relay information between the elements of the fleet and perform scouting runs.

Next was the Light Cruisers that acted more as patrol ships back on Thetra. First shown was three Endeavor Classes who would often act along with the larger warships and support the escorts in skirmishes. The second was the four Defender Class ships that would act as a patrol squad and reinforcement in engagements for their speed. After that finally came the last of the Light Cruisers, two Dauntless class, that would act as the mighty first responders to threats in Thetra. Through their actions and those of the Escorts around 15% of the Ork fleet had been denied the chance to unleash their deadly payload of ravaging brutes upon Thetra.

Then finally came the heavier Cruisers and the solitary Battleship. Leading the whole array of warships was a single Emperor Class ship, named Deliverer. It had been gifted to Thetra's forces by a very grateful Lord Commander of the Imperial Navy after having his homeworld and family saved by the Knights of House Bellerophon. Following after the Deliverer was the secondary flagship of the fleet the Grand Cruiser Avenger Class vessel Thetra's Grace which had been the old Flagship before the Emperor Class was given to them. Next was the twin Armageddon Class Battlecruisers the Aurora and Vesperum that had both been integral to the survival of the Merchant Fleet during the evacuations. Next was another Battlecruiser the righty feared Mercury Class, built for putting a stop to pirates.

Then finally came the last vessels of the whole fleet the surviving Cruisers all of which had formed the backbone of the refugee fleet. In all, there were three Lunar class Cruisers, two Ambition Class Cruisers, and one Tyrant Class Cruiser. All together these vessels formed a deadly amalgamation of a war fleet and with their ranks joining Antros's survivors he began to believe he had a true chance to save this new galaxy from ruin.

But what happened next almost blindsided Antros. During all the talk and reading Antros had taken note of the strange number of ornamental rings and other lavish personal decorations he saw on the manifests. At first, Antros didn't really notice or even really mind. But when he was looking through the manifests of the second Ambition class Cruiser he saw more than a few showing up in weapons containment chambers he grew a little suspicious. He mainly just took this as a sign of the haphazard way they had packed things to get away from the Greenskins. But eventually, he finally saw something that instantly caught his eye.

A Jokaero Defense Orb! It wasn't that there was just one though, but that there were 50 of them all in a storage locker aboard the one Ambition Cruiser. Antros only knew of one way to obtain the orbs and even then they were alone highly rare, but 50 of them was beyond preposterous for a single planet like Thetra to have, let alone all the other such artifacts he had seen pop up on the other manifests. This meant either their knights had once come across a very large cache once or that they had some way of acquiring them. This immediately took all of Antros's attention.

Antros stood up cutting the words of Admiral Merra short as she talked freely with the Chartist Captains. Once Antros felt he had everyone's attention he asked High King Bellerophon plainly. "How did you come by some many Xenos artifacts?"

The room which had already been quieting became as silent as a crypt world, not even a whisper being uttered. It took some time for the old mortal king to answer and while he collected his thoughts, but when he did he spoke honestly enough not wishing to lie to a fellow Imperial and especially one he owed allegiance too. "As much as I wish to hide it you will discover it soon enough whether through the Chartist Captains or through simple osmosis of information. Thetra was a rich world, lush in life and trade before the Orks took it from us. The cause for our prosperity was threefold, we were a world of plentiful natural resources, our ecosystems had yet to even begun to deteriorate, and we were very closely located to a vibrant and lucrative trade lane. This all together made Thetra a bountiful world, this also allowed us easy access to the more rare resources within the Imperium, such as those of Xenos origin. We for a time mainly got these artifacts through trade with Rogue Traders and the willing Inquisitor."

"But that would not explain the sheer volume of which these artifacts appear in your records, so clearly this is not the full explanation." Stated Antros evenly.

"You are right, Commander. There is also a more in-depth explanation that will sound rather strange to hear, but is true." Said the Old King his regal posture constantly maintained. "It happened six generations ago now, when I was a small boy training to one day become a Knight. I wouldn't know it at the time but many years later I would pinpoint that day as the day they arrived. During my daily sparing exercises, I took note of a ship landing at my family castles starport. I recognized immediately the symbol of the Holy Inquisition upon the sides of the shuttle as it closed in on the port. My instructor upon seeing it as well called for the ending of the day's lessons and told me and my siblings to find our parents and tell them of the vessel. I as the youngest followed the lead of my elder sisters back into the keep. We were quickly found by our house guards and who, upon hearing our tale, took us directly to our parents. We found them within the royal armory talking with one another."

"We quickly told them of the Inquisition shuttle and what we had been told to do by our instructor. We also told them our outlandish theories on why the Inquisition might be there. But our parents didn't listen and attempted to calm our worried minds. After that, they sent us to get dressed to meet the unexpected guests. We attempted to pry for more information from our parents but they didn't budge. They simply reaffirmed the need for us to be presentable for the Guests, and so we were dragged back to our personal chambers by the guards. Though soon I was back within the main corridor of the keep dressed in a fine suit decorated in my houses livery."

"The hall was crammed with all the other able members of my house, our retainers, our guards and our servants. All of us dressed to impress our dreaded guests. The grand doors that lead to the Royal Starport were open giving the view of the violet sky of Thetra. Though my full attention was on the four figures approaching from the bridge. The person on the far right was dressed in the recognizable carapace plates of a Tempestus Scion, lascarbine slung under her arm with a practiced ease. Then on the far left was a man of the Ministorum, a priest, dressed in brown flowing robes, with his hands hidden in his sleeves and face concealed by his hood and craned neck. While about his belt were several holy tomes, scrolls, and sigils."

"Then at the head of the procession was a Lord Inquisitor and an Interrogator. Both dressed like I had imagined them looking, dreadful. Dark Carapace plates decorated with holy wards and the symbol of their profession. They all stood tall and proud, but I detected, even at my young age, an underlying sense of tension in them. As if they expected my family to turn on them, and have our guards kill them. This feeling persisted and grew in intensity as they approached until it almost threatened me to act when they were right in front of me and my parents. Just as I felt that I was about to burst out and scream the Inquisitor spoke, taking the words from me. His voice was polite and neither condemning or malicious like I had believed he would sound from his appearance. Instead, his voice was, to my shock, ultimately kind with flickers of compassion glowing in his tone."

"The Man thanked us for welcoming him into our Castle and offered a low bow immediately after. One that my father and mother returned. After that, the Inquisitor introduced his companions, The Scion, the Banisher, and his Acolyte, as well as himself. My father, in turn, introduced me and my siblings to the Inquisitor, when he saw me he ruffled my hair, possibly to try and soothe my fears that he meant me and my family no harm. Though it did help me slightly I was still petrified of the man and his retinue of trained killers. The Inquisitor then spoke to my father and took him several meters away and began conversing with him quietly, leaving me to try and listen to what they were saying."

"Though I wasn't able to understand much before the Inquisitors Acolyte caught on to my attempts at prying for information and she quickly acted. Stopping me before I could fully understand what it was I was hearing. The Acolyte, bending down to my height and striking up a conversation with me. The rest of the meeting sadly slips my mind but my memory picks up some time later. A week quickly passed, with events and meeting having an abnormal feel to them, for a time. Though my routine eventually, after a week or two, returned to some semblance of normalcy, to me and my siblings at least. The Inquisitor and his companions who had originally stood out so blatantly at every gathering then slowly faded into the crowd. Their presence no longer seeming strange in my young and naive mind."

"I have long forgotten how long the Inquisitor and his band stayed with us but my closest estimates equate to about 5 months. After this period of time they arrived. It was a late afternoon on Thetra. My sisters and I had just finished our daily exercises and lessons and were out at a farmstead a decent distance away from our home. We were in the wheat field near the house of one of the Armiger families, playing with their children in the fields. We were in the middle of a game of Guardsmen Rush when we saw it. The youngest of the Armiger's sons saw the vessel first, yelling and getting the attention of the rest of us."

"We were all caught completely off guard by the vessel, it was of an entirely bizarre and alien design. All rounded and perfect edges with the rough shape of an equilateral square. While strange weapons platforms poked out of all along the hull. Though none of the weapons moved or were even threatening in appearance, I knew deep down that they could spell doom for anyone who dared cross that ship. It was large, at least by shuttle standards. Stretching well over 300 meters in all directions. But the strangest part was its color. Or should say colors, as the ship's color seemed to ripple and change as I watched it. One moment it was a bright and fluorescent blue than in the next second changing to a deep forest green hue."

"I knew the moment I laid eyes on it that it was indeed an alien ship. For none of mankind's myriad vessels that I knew of could do anything similar to what I saw then. The alien ship dove towards the ground for a moment on the other end of the huge wheat field. But in one quick movement, it jolted upright and began to head right towards us. We, fearing for our lives, ran back towards the farmhouse and barn that the Armiger family leased. We got about fifty meters before the shuttle flew over our heads going straight towards my family's fortress. We all continued running towards the house even after the shuttle was well out of sight."

"It took some time for my sisters and I to get back to the fortress. All the while we feared and dreaded what the alien vessel was there for. In our fear, we spun bizarre and implausible theories as to why the Xenos had come to Thetra. None being even moderately possible. But soon enough we found out. We had been taken back to the keep by our friend's mother and grandfather both escorting us in their Armiger battlesuits. We luckily met no interference as we approached our fortress. And to our collective shock and relief, the Castle was still in one piece and showing no signs of attack."

"We were quickly let into the fortress by the guards after they saw the Bellerophon crest upon the Armiger Suits of our bondsmen. Once we were within the walls we were greeted by my training marshal. She was dressed for piloting a Knight, covered in the specially designed carapace plate armor and her helmet slung under her arm ready for duty. She even had her weapons on her, a power sword strapped to her left hip and a bulky handcannon holstered on her right side. She and several other guards escorted us the rest of the way into the fortress and towards the keep. While our original escorts dismounted from their Armigers and were briefed by several of the other guards."

"I tried to ask my teacher what had happened and an abundance of other questions to do with the alien vessel. All my questions were answered by one of two replies. Her silence or her urging me to be quiet and respectful. Soon enough I realized continuing to ask her questions was folly so I grew quiet eventually. My eldest sister continued to pester the guards and my Marshall asking, or in some cases demanding, they answer her questions, when her orders fell upon deaf ears she began to threaten a few of the guards and act in other more irrational ways, unfitting the heir to our kingdom. Eventually, though my teacher grew tired of the threats and badgering of my sister and so she halted the procession and turned to look my sister in the eye. My sister only reached the woman's stomach in height. My sister immediately believing she had gotten through to the Marshall stood smugly awaiting her answers."

"My teacher instead of cow-towing to my sister's demands let loose her full verbal wrath upon the young lady. I forget much of what she said but it was funny to see my high and mighty sister thrown off her pedestal. Eventually, when my sister had been properly disciplined by the Marshall we resumed our progression to the keep. Soon after we arrived before the closed grand gate before the Keep. The white adamantine door decorated with leafed gold lace arrayed in images of House Bellerophon's founders. My teacher tapped on a few runes on her gauntlet and a moment later the giant doors slowly began to open."

"Once the gate into the courtyard in front of the Keep was open we marched in, none of our party saying a word as we walked. The courtyard which was usually full of sound and the toiling of men and women was now silent with all of the guards and servants working in an uneasy silence. I looked around and saw the worried faces of all around me, the same concern echoed in the features of both Royal Guard and lowly workers alike. We pressed on through the giant courtyard, Passing by hundreds of fearful citizens."

"When we finally made it to the Keep itself my Marshall turned around and spoke to me and my sisters. She spoke with a rushed and worried tone I had never heard her have before, causing a spike of fear to take hold of me for a moment. She told us that we would have to walk the rest of the way to the Grand Hall by ourselves, though she didn't tell us why we had to go alone. I later found out that the guards had been forbidden to enter the keep until given the all-clear by my father. After she told us this she instructed us to be cautious as we entered the throne room, and to not say a word while we were inside the keep. She then keyed in the command to open the door so that we could enter. My sister quickly rushed through the doorway, and as I made to follow them the Marshall pulled me aside just before I entered."

"She quickly told me to remember all that she had taught me over the years, primarily about how to read an enemy. She then pulled out her handgun and quickly placed it into my hands telling me that should things go poorly that I could rely on that gun to help me. She also said told me that should the worst happen that I should run back the way I came and she would do the rest. After that, she gave me a tight hug and pushed me through the door and into the keep. The door closing behind me not long after. I tucked the gun into my trousers pocket and quickly ran to catch up to my sisters, who had moved at a slow enough pace so I easily reached them before we entered the throne room."

"What my siblings and I found in the throne room shocked us beyond all words. There in the Throne room was our parents sitting upon their thrones as they usually did. But also in the room stood the Inquisitor and by his side was the large form of three adult Jokaero. I didn't know what they were at the time and because of it, I remember being terrified of them. Two of the creatures were bright orange in color and walking on their knuckles. While the one I would learn to be the Patriarch of the family was a dark and graying orange. My eldest sister upon making eye contact with one of the creatures screamed and fainted."


And this is where I'm gonna end Chapter Seven Angels Lament. What will happen next time? What will be revealed about Thetra's past? And what will become of the Imperial Armada after such events come to light? Find out soon. Thanks for reading and have a great day! Also sorry this chapter was so word and exposition-heavy I just wanted to get a lore dump and item dump out of the way.

Chapter 8: Angel's Collide

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello and welcome to another Chapter of Angel's Lament. Hopefully, you will find this chapter enjoyable and less of an info dump than last time, sorry again for that, I just thought it best to get it over and done with so we could move a bit forward. This chapter technically picks up right where the last chapter left off its just a more condensed version of it though, hopefully not a chore to read. Please Enjoy the next chapter of Angel's Lament...


Chapter Eight: Angel's Collide

The High King continued telling his story for quite some time going into detail about everything he remembered from so long ago. Most of the details weren't needed and only took up more time. But Antros was at least willing to allow the man his storytelling, after all, Antros was going to be ordering the man around. The least he could do is listen to his full story. The King's memory seemed to become clearer the more he spoke about the past. Eventually, Antros heard about how the Inquisitor who had arrived on Thera had come with a very unique and strange proposition for the High King. The Inquisitor had been given permission by an Inquisitorial Conclave to allow a large family of Jokaero to be Sanctioned Xenos and allowed rudimentary rights within the Imperium. While the Jokaero would work for the Imperium and supply the Imperium with their technical expertise.

After the Conclave, the Inquisitor had been charged with finding an Imperial World that was both solely loyal to the Emperor but open-minded enough to cohabitate and work with Xenos for an indefinite amount of time. The Inquisitor had gone in search of this world that fit his requirements. It took the Inquisitor several years, but eventually, he found a perfect world that could both remain loyal and be willing to work with the Jokaero. The world he found had been Thetra. After the Inquisitor had paid a visit to the world and had a decent grasp on its history and culture he decided to propose his request to Thetra's High King and Queen. Though in truth his request was less him asking as much as it was him ordering Thetra that they would be host to the large Jokaero group.

After the Inquisitor had gotten the approval of his superiors within the conclave he immediately sent for the Jokaero to be shown how to get to Thetra. After that, the Inquisitor had waited slowly informing the King and Queen about the progress of their new guests. Soon enough the Jokaero arrived. The Xenos were quickly ushered into the castle upon their arrival, were a small group of them went to meet with the High King and Queen, to 'talk' with them and the Inquisitor. They quickly began 'speaking' with one another and things seemed to be going swimmingly. The Jokaero had agreed to stay on Thetra and that they would willingly work alongside the royal mechanics and engineseers, and as long as their needs were met the Jokaero were willing to stay as long as House Bellerophon would allow them. They had just been about to finish and come to a final agreement when the eldest sister shrieked and fainted upon first seeing the Jokaero.

This had put a halt on the negotiations as the High King and Queen checked on their children. The Jokaero had actually been strangely understanding about the reaction and had been quite patient in waiting for the King and Queen to be able to speak again. Ultimately the meeting finished with the King shaking the hand of the Jokaero Patriarch sealing their deal to one another. After that, the children were taken to their personal chambers to dress for the celebratory feast to commemorate the agreement with the Xenos. It had been hard for most of the royal children and the houses staff to be even in the same room as the Jokaero but soon enough the feast was underway with all of its invited members arriving. Though most came to see what the Jokaero even were as most had never heard or seen one before. Luckily the Jokaero seemed fine being observed and watched by the human attendees never seeming to think twice about the glares and passive-aggressive comments made toward them. Though the latter could be a result of not all of the Xenos fully understanding Gothic in its varied forms.

Eventually, the party-goers became used to the large Xenos in their midst and soon the crowd lost a bit of interest in them. That was until a younger Jokaero somehow found, or was given, a laspistol. This immediately caused an uproar in the crowd as some of the more zealous attendees attempted to use this as a reason to kill the Jokaero. The crowd was quickly silenced by the yells of the High King as he called for silence and order. Funny enough, the Jokaero remained calmest among the crowd, never seeming phased by the accusations being thrown against them. When some form of peace among the human members the King spoke about how he had willingly given the gun to the Jokaero, wishing to see a demonstration of the Xenos technical aptitude.

After the King revealed this the crowd began to return to some form of normalcy. All the while the Jokaero simply walked around unphased as always, from time to time observing an attendee or object that caught their interest. Once the King had calmed the crowd he returned to look at the young Xenos he had spoken for. The child had finished with his 'refitting' of the Laspsitol and promptly handed it back to the King. Where there had once been a blocky and utilitarian design there were now sleek corners and soft edges. The High King also found later that the pistol's power pack had been made more efficient and able to fire an extra ten shot than he had been able to before. To put it simply the King had been astonished upon seeing the work the Jokaero had done in such a short time.

The current High King finished talking about the party and the past, all at once returning to the moment, leaving his old memories behind as he finished his tale for now.

Antros decided to ask a few more questions before he let the High King off the hook. "What became of the Jokaero who lived with you, did they leave when the Orks arrived to attack Thetra?"

The High King spoke clearly back to Antros his voice carrying a defensive tone to it, as though he wished to defend the actions of the Xenos. "No, Commander. I am glad to report that they did not abandon us when the Orks arrived. In fact, they played a pivotal role in the defense of Thetra. Because of their efforts, we were able to save far more people and animals from Thetra before we could hold out any longer. As well as they even assisted several times in the fighting. Pressing forward with my soldiers and even saving quite a few of them from deaths clutches. They are also still with us though you will find nothing listed on them in the Manifest we gave you. This was because we wished to keep the existence of the Jokaero a secret for as long as possible, for fear of how you would take the information."

Antros nodded, as he understood their caution to reveal the Xenos, as he would have done the same if he had been in their situation. Antros quickly spoke, making sure to keep his voice as peaceful and kind as he could make it. "I understand your fears. But know I shall not punish you or the Jokaero you harbor, as you have committed no real crime as your family was simply honoring an oath that you made to the Jokaero. Though I will ask that when you are able, have the Patriarch or Matriarch of the Jokaero come and speak with me in some capacity." Antros wished to get the measure of the Xenos, as he knew very little about the species, other than their basic appearance and technical abilities.

"I believe that can be arranged with their Matriarch, My Commander. And I bet she would have wanted to meet you soon enough regardless of if you had figured out their existence in the fleet." Said the King, a small smile crossing his mouth as he finished.

"Why would she have originally wanted to meet me?" Asked Antros.

"She's always been very curious. As long as I've known her she has never passed up a meeting with someone or something new. So I was guessing originally that she would have been the one to want to meet you rather than the other way around." Said the King his small smirk becoming a full-blown smile after he finished.

"Is that a usual thing for the Jokaero? For them to be so curious?" Asked Antros now interested in what the Xenos might be like, should they turn out to be as civil as he hoped.

"Well from what I've seen of her and her people, yes, most of them are highly curious. Willing to learn and understand as much as they can." Answered the High King retaining his smile.

"Interesting, Well tell her that I wish to see her sometime in the next few weeks after we are better situated and other more pressing matters are taken care of." Said Antros turning back to the rest of the table, who had all been still listening closely to Antros and the King talk. Addressing the whole table Antros began the next part of the briefing. "Now let us continue onto said pressing issues. Such as 'Where do we go from here?' and 'What is our plan of attack against Mankind's enemies?' The plan I propose is this. We conduct more in-depth scans and analysis to find out where we are relative to this galaxy's Earth."

"Then we will journey together to an outlying system under the Citadel's control. Where we will 'acquire' a map of this galaxy and we can go to keep ourselves safe and hidden. So that we can begin to prepare for our war with Mankind's enemies. This is my plan for now though it is subject to change at my prerogative. Is this plan clear enough for now?"

A series of affirmative responses came from the collected commanders and nobles as they took in Antros basic orders. After the plan was spoken of in more detail of what Antros planned to do once they were able to call someplace their 'home' while in this galaxy. Antros then began talking about the requirements he foresaw that they would need to look for in the world that they would set up upon.

The list continued for quite a while of all the needs that should be taken into account when finding the world they'd be inhabiting for the foreseeable future. The world had to have an atmosphere similar in composition to ancient earth with the primary gases in the atmosphere being Oxygen and Nitrogen. Another prerequisite was the magnetic field of the planet, it needed to be at least similar if not the same as Terra during its prime.

The Planet needed to also be able to support life. Though whether the world already did support a large amount of fauna and flora wasn't entirely relevant. Though the world already possessing an ecosystem of life would be helpful and useful it was not necessarily a requirement for colonization. But if the world did already support a significant ecosystem it would need to be in some ways similar to Terra's old ecosystems, meaning some of the creatures and plants had to be able to be consumed by the Armada's inhabitants. Most importantly was the soil had to be able to support the crops that came from Thetra. Meaning the soil had to be rife for sustainable agriculture.

It was also not a necessity that the planet have a moon of any significant size. Though that could help the Armada, in the long run, it was not a major prerequisite. If the world did have a moon comparable in size to Luna they could possibly set up a secondary base, a sensor array, and a relay station upon its surface. Though in truth this was all more of a desire rather than an all-out requirement. But something that was not simply a want, but a need was that the solar system be out of the direct sight of the Citadel and its minions, though it had to be close enough to their space so that the Task Force could rapidly respond to abruptly encroaching threats.

Then the final requirement the planet would need to possess was a mass similar enough to Thetra so that the crops would be better able to acclimate to the new environment. Though that raised the important detail of the world's less thought of pests, it's Microorganisms. The fleets Magos would need to conduct extensive tests on the world's species in order to develop inoculations and vaccines to the local bacteria and viruses. These would then need to be distributed throughout the fleet so that the world's viruses would not kill the imperials. This would have to be the first step before permitting non enhanced individuals onto the planet they eventually chose.

Similar tests would need to be conducted to ensure that Therta's crops weren't left vulnerable to sickness and disease. As well as the livestock and other animals would need similar treatments before being allowed onto the alien world. Though some of these concerns could be at least waylaid if the Imperials set up Biodomes on the surface ensuring that no plagues could touch those within. But Antros quickly put the option of Biodomes at the bottom of the list of possible answers. Calling the Biodomes was 'simply a temporary solution, as opposed to a clear workaround'. He cited his reasoning with the simple fact that eventually, the Biodomes would become too small and insufficient after a few years to support the Imperials.

So it was decided that when a suitable world was found the Magos and Apothecaries would be the first to land and that they would take as many samples as possible. They would then formulate the necessary measures to inoculate and vaccinate as many of the mortal crew and refugees. To assist in this endeavor Antros called that the emergency supplies of 'Ploin Juice' be distributed to the majority of the fleet inhabitants. Antros called for this because Ploin Juice itself was rich in vitamins and the necessary nutrients for human immune systems to function properly. Because of this Ploin Juice was commonly carried in large supplies aboard fleets to help the crew keep healthy and so that their immune systems wouldn't deteriorate as a result of the sterile environment most ships operated under.

Antros had to convince several Captains to agree to his plan on using their emergency supplies, but after some debating Antros finally got all of the officers and Captains to agree to his proposition. The plan was that, once the Imperial Armada was only a few days away from the world they would live on the emergency stockpiles would be emptied of the juice and be distributed throughout the fleet to ensure as many people as possible would remain healthy and able to live for a prolonged period on the planet.

After the requirements and plans were completed the rest of the meeting went by quickly. The meeting ended with an oath made by all the leaders within the fleet to protect one another and do what was necessary for the mission ahead of them. Then once that had been done the Arx Libracon quickly emptied, with most of those in attendance leaving to deal with their other duties. Antros himself stayed sitting upon his throne in the Libracon, deep in contemplation about what tasks needed his immediate attention.

Antros was now alone sitting at the table in the center of the room. The only other individual near Antros was Artemis, who was sat underneath Antros's Throne, though her large frame barely fit there in truth. Antros himself was lost in thought his mind racing a mile a minute, calculating what matters needed his direct attention and when. After a while, just as Antros felt like he was about ready to depart from the Libracon and set forth his plans. He was plucked from his thoughts by the sound of ceramite plates clanking against adamantine tiles. Antros instinctively tensed up, his body ready to leap from his Throne.

But Antros quickly sensed the Aura of the room's new occupant, and so he allowed his guard to lower as he stood up from his seat. Antros quickly turned to face his fellow Astartes and Brother as he approached. Antros then walked around his Throne and towards his Brother, Artemis quickly following behind him like a shadow.

Antros indicated to his fellow Marine and said aloud. "Well, I was wondering when I would see you again, Brother Nikolaus. You must have had some very important business for you to have been absent a full day." Antros gave a kind smile after he spoke, one meant to put his Brother at ease.

Nikolaus bowed, showing his respect to Antros before he walked closer to his Brother cutting immediately to why he had come to speak with the Chief Librarian. "You have my apologies, My Lord. But I have something that I must speak to you about."

"Well, it must be quite urgent for you to come to be so blunt, go on then tell me what you found that needs my attention, Brother." Said Antros as he walked closer to Nikolaus who was a good 15 meters away from Antros. Artemis prowled out of Antros shadow as he walked closer to Nikolaus making sure to keep her eyes on all of Nikolaus's movements, mainly out of habit than any true belief he meant Antros harm.

Nikolaus nodded to Antros and immediately told him of the child Psyker he had met and what he had gathered on her through a bit of digging in the ship's archives and what he assumed her abilities to be. After concluding about what he had found out about the Child's possible psychic traits Nikolaus finally told Antros her full name. "Kera Andruil. That is the name of the untrained psychic child."

Antros quickly digested the information and mentally confided in Artemis. 'Well, I expected something far worse than a simple untrained Psyker, an empath at that. I had half expected him to tell me that the Chartist fleet had turned traitor with how serious he made this sound. But I guess this would seem rather urgent to him, so I shall treat this with as much diligence as he seems to believe it warrants.'

Antros felt Artemis's amusem*nt at what he said but she remained quiet so Antros could focus on what to say without her prodding his thoughts. "Well, I'm glad you brought this to my attention, Brother. And I believe this child to be an Empath if what you say is accurate about what has plagued her mind. Can you tell me anything else about her? Does she seem coherent when you spoke to her or was she not always fully there at the moment listening to you?" Said Antros deciding what to do with the child.

"Both times I've seen her she's seemed lucid, and in the moment. Though, she was a bit dazed and scared when I first encountered her." Replied Nikolaus honestly.

'That's good. That means there is still hope to teach her control of her abilities.' Thought Antros to his familiar. "Good. What about her eyes? Was she able to focus on you or did she seem to stare off at random intervals? " Asked Antros again trying to deduce her strength in the Immaterium and her willpower to resist Chaos and other foul entities of the warp in the future.

"She was able to focus on me and was able to even hold up a conversation when she finally came out of her shell. She was very innocent despite the trials she had faced. Her faith in the Emperor was also one of the purest I've found in a child, especially after the horrible events that transpired around her. Especially for a Psyker, she was still very genuine in heart and meaning. She had been taught well by her parents, the mother having seemed to play a key role in keeping Kera away from the darkness."

'Hmm. Good." Said Antros, his hand resting under his chin for a moment as he collected and inferred the information. He then rested his hand to his side and looked back at Nikolaus, The Librarian's eyes sparkling with the touch of the Warp. Once Antros turned his head he spoke, his voice conveying his wish to see more. "Take me to this child now, Brother. I wish to personally assess her abilities and willpower. Then I shall decide what will become of her."

"Of course, My Commander." Responded Nikolaus giving an Astartes salute, slamming his gauntlet into his chestplate above his twin hearts.

The next hour passed quickly with the Astartes and Gyrinx roaming through the corridors slowly making their way to the Medical District of the Sanguine Spirit. They were alone for the majority of the venture only encountering Cleansing Squads and the rare procession of Technicians and their escorts to ensure their safety. At this point most of the mutants that would have popped up from the Daemonic incursions and the earlier boardings were dead, only their bodies needing to be properly disposed of in the ship's incinerators. While what remained would slowly be exterminated in the following few hours or days, their trails easy to follow for the Tempestus Scions and the ships experienced trackers. But as much as the mutants were now depleted they still could murder a large handful of crew should they be caught unprepared, so for this, the hunts continued in earnest attempting to kill the last remnants of the vile creatures aboard the Star-Fort.

Eventually, Antros, Nikolaus and Artemis all stood at the grand entryway of the Medical District. Even through the mnemonic sealed doors, Antros could still detect the chemical smell of antiseptics and the coppery tang of blood. Antros quickly shoved the scents aside moving toward the door's access terminal. The cogitator was covered in glowing runes, the shape of the Gothic alphabet. Antros walked to the terminal and entered the necessary code to allow them entry.

The cogitator responded immediately spurring to life as it awoke from its slumber. The Terminal then began to open the first set of doors. Once the first doors opened the second and third doors followed their massive gates moving along their tracks. The doors were thick, 2 meters in-depth, and made from void forged Adamantium and Ceramite. When the last set of doors opened the group was assailed by a chorus of voices coming from within the Medical Chamber. The voices sounded rushed, while along with the voices was the clank of boots walking on the tiled floor.

The Astartes and Gyrinx quickly marched into the Grand Chamber, which was still filled to the brim with patients and medical personnel. They had made it only a few meters before the crowd of people took notice of them. In an instant, the room fell quiet as most people stopped what they were doing, now staring at the massive Astartes and the large strange cat with them. Antros heard their surface-level thoughts, people startled by his appearance, while others immediately recognized who Antros was. Some recognized him by his armor, others his face, but most simply discerned him by the knowledge that a Gyrinx accompanied the Chief Librarian everywhere.

Antros though simply continued to follow Nikolaus through the Chamber, not paying attention to anyone or thing aside from his current objective. They quickly marched out of the Entrance Chamber and then through the Medical Wing after that. Nikolaus slowed as he entered the next chamber seeming to be searching the rooms crowd for someone in particular. Antros cast this aside, deciding not to peer into his Brother's mind, as he knew that if it was important to their current goal Nikolaus would have told him.

As they entered the Chamber after that Nikolaus sped up his eyes fixed on a closed-door across the room from them. Antros equaled his pace to his Brothers, Artemis doing the same, and they quickly crossed the room and were at the entrance when Nikolaus turned around to face Antros.

Nikolaus's Aura showed with concern and sympathy as he turned to face Antros. Nikolaus then spoke when he faced the Chief Librarian, his voice carried a slight breath of worry. "If you would allow me to go in first Commander. I wish to prepare her as best as possible to meet you and-"

Antros raises his hand to silence Nikolaus, the Chief Librarian giving a small chuckle as he did so. Antros the said, his voice calm and serene, but containing a hint of humor in his tone. "Go, Brother. I can tell you mean only the best. I shall await here until you see fit for me to enter. But do try not to take too long, I still have many other matters that require my attention."

Nikolaus seemed caught a bit off guard by Antros's humor but he quickly recovered, giving a bow and saying 'Thank you' before he quickly disappeared into the room.

It took quite a few minutes for Nikolaus to open the door again to allow Antros and Artemis within the already somewhat cramped room. It was small, but quaint, a single cot lay in the far corner with a makeshift nightstand made from an empty crate resting next to the bed. On the nightstand was a small Hymn book, two figures clearly meant to represent the Emperor and Sanguinius next to it, and a solitary lit candle in the center. The room smelled of sweet foods and incense, the scents mingling and creating a kind atmosphere. On the rooms cot was the Child Antros had come here to see. She was small, only barely a meter in height, her clothes simple and loose-fitting. Kera's face was rounded and childlike, with her features showing the beginning signs of maturity attempting taking hold, but only just. Her expression was both curious, but cautious, her eyes alight with intrigue. Her eyes themselves were a magnificent amber, shining with as if lit with some unseen energy.

Antros had expected to find a child whose aura shown with despair, pain, and disorder. But instead, she glowed with both resolve and fortitude, her spirit showing only the faint signs of recent trauma. Antros scanned the rest of the room before testing the child, ensuring that the room was without other warp entities. Antros still had yet to encounter any truly intelligent or malevolent entities, but ensuring that they were alone and untouchable to those beasts was something he had always been trained to be wary of.

Once Antros had thoroughly scanned the room a third time he relented and let his eyes fall again upon the child. She was staring up at him, her eyes glowing with both curiosity and concern. Antros quickly found a back way into her mind and gave it a quick scan of some recent events, he found nothing that caught his attention, but he resolved to continue with a more in-depth search later after he had gotten a basic understanding of how she behaved. For now, Antros would simply observe, and then question the child.

Nikolaus now sat next to the cot his attention switching between Antros and Kera, Antros could sense his mind racing but looked no further into the Astartes mind. Antros noticed Artemis prowl around his side and into the light of the small room. Kera instantly noticed the very large feline enter the light, though she seemed less startled than she was intrigued, her eyes sparkling with the light of wonder. Antros detected a slight bit of amusem*nt within Artemis as she was scanned by the child, Antros too felt amused as he witnessed the wonder grow on the child's face as she saw the uniqueness of the Gyrinx.

Kera, funnily enough, was the one to break the room's newfound silence, her voice sounding both innocent and inquisitive. "She's a very pretty animal. Can I pet her?" Asked the child readying herself for an answer.

Antros had to hold back a grin at the child's question, finding it one part a precious example of child-ish youth and also finding it evidence that the child still seemed to be relatively normal. But he couldn't show mirth, for now, after all, he still needed to ensure the child was free of daemonic possession or corruption. So as a result of this caution Antros was ready to deny the child interaction with his familiar, both out of wariness and a simple desire to not give the child unfounded hope. Although before he could open his lips to speak he heard Artemis's familiar voice in the back of his mind.

"I see no reason to deny her, Master. You have already peered into her recent thoughts, and we both found nothing out of the ordinary other than her underlining psychic power."

'You and I both now that the Great Enemy are more than capable of covering their tracks, so that is still no true indication if she is still without corruption. I am not willing to risk your life or anyone's life in such a needless manner. As well as it isn't right for us to give her unfounded hope, she still may prove tainted and it would be wrong of us to have to give her mercy after making her believe she was safe.' Replied Antros his psychic voice carrying both his belief in his words and a glimmer of regret that would have been undetectable to all but Artemis.

The Gyrinx's reply was quick and thorough. "She may yet not have to share the same fate as that child on Armaggedon, Master. That was not your fault that they had to die. I know that the memory still claws around in the back of your mind but there was no other way. The original child had long since died, their body only playing as a puppet to the whims of Chaos."

'But I didn't keep the promise I made to the boy's mother. She pleaded with me to save her child... and because of my arrogance and naivety he died, at my hand no less. That poor woman's face once she saw what remained of her baby… That despair… That grief shall haunt me for as long as I draw breath. No, I will not make the same mistake again, Artemis, I will not give this child unfounded hope, nor will I fool Nikolaus. He has clearly made a connection with the child, one that would see an integral piece of him broken and lost forever should she turn out to be corrupted. To give one hope where there is none is a sin, one that I have no intention of repeating.' Antros again was about to open his physical mouth and give his answer when he heard Artemis press his mind again.

Her voice was soothing and kind but firm. "The Primarch would disagree with you Antros, and you know it. Giving others hope is one of the keystones of what makes you a Scion of Sanguinius. He knew that giving mortals hope was one of the reasons you and your brothers were made, to give Humanity a Light. A Hope that even when in the Darkest of Nights, Light can Shine Ever Brighter in defiance of the Darkness. You may feel scarred by that experience but you are still an Astartes, Antros, the Peoples Champion against the Universe's Evils. A soldier made of Adamantine Will and Steely Muscle, given a purpose in saving and inspiring the rest of Mankind with your Strength and Determination. To give this child hope, even a glimmer is not a sin, Master, it is what you were made to do."

Antros was caught off guard by her words, in a way they cut deep, but he needed to hear them and he knew it. He took a moment to recollect himself and do away with his grief at his old memories. After doing so Antros spoke aloud, fighting hard to ensure that his voice carried no hint of his recent mental debate or his grief, instead filling his voice with a bit of mirth and kindness. "I would say yes, but she is very particular in who she allows to touch her. But you are more than welcome to try, Child." He then looked at his Familiar, and said again out loud. "Be nice." He felt her amusem*nt at his order as she made herself look like she was complying with his command.

As Kera got up from the bed and walked over to Gyrinx her face lit up with happiness as Artemis became receptive to her advance. The feline lowering her head to the child and showing the child her flank. Artemis ensured to lift her tail adding to her look of contentment. Kera soon came to her side and began to stroke Artemis's fur, the Child's eyes glowing with cheer as she felt the softness of the hairs.

Kera quickly turned her head to Antros and proclaimed, her voice shining with joy. "She's so soft!"

Antros nodded his head and said. "Yes, her pelt is very fine, and comfortable. She insists on it being washed five times a week, and being brushed twice daily." Antros ensure to fill his voice with enough humor, hoping it would help put the child even more at ease.

After Antros spoke Kera swept her head around to face Nikolaus, where she said, her voice ecstatic with joy. "You should pet her too!"

Nikolaus's face sprouted a large smile as he watched the child, he then spoke his voice kind. "Alright, Little One." After he stood and strolled to Kera's side, where he crouched down to be closer to her height. Nikolaus then let his hand be led by the child where she wished him to pet. He felt the fur and said His mouth again turning into a wide and toothy grin. "You are right, Little One her fur is very soft, much like a fluffy pillow."

Kera's face brightened even further as she asked Antros. "What's her name, if she's got one? And what is she? she no normal kitty, is she?"

Antros forced a grin, hiding his internal struggle against the past, and said. "Her name is Artemis, she is not a normal Feline, she is what is called a Gyrinx, a species of cat-like animals, blessed with abilities."

"Abilities? Like what?" Asked Kera, her eyebrow knitting in confusion and voice showing signs of a peaked curiosity as she looked between the Gyrinx and its owner.

"Her kind is similar to me and you, Child. Given abilities to see into the thoughts and feelings of others. Though in truth she is closer in powers to you, Child."

"What do you mean, Mister Astartes?"

"I mean Child, that she and I, like you, can see, hear, and influence others' feelings, their moods and emotions. And because of this, you hear voices, as I do."

Kera looked at Artemis with a newfound wariness, but also a small part of hope for herself. She spoke a moment later, her voice more serious but still containing a child's curiosity. "You mean you and her sees people like I do? How I see their emotions swirling around them like a cloud? And you also hear the mean voices?"

"Yes, Child. We too see individuals Auras, as they are called, you see it with your Wytch-Sight-"

"I'm notta Filthy Wytch! I don't hurt people!" Yelled the child her voice and Aura shining with anger at Antros's words. Her face contorting into something akin to a snarl.

Antros again feined a smile, and spoke again to the child, ensuring to keep his voice controlled and even. "I am not calling you a Wytch, Child. I am only telling you what the ability is called, it in truth has nothing really to do with Wytchs as all of us with such abilities see Auras. It is simply what normal people call our ability to see the souls of others and the feeling contained within."

Kera's face became remorseful as Antros finished and she quickly said. "I'm sorry, Mister. I just thought you was calling me a monster, like those Wytches."

Antros now let the smile fall and said his voice containing a bit of the seriousness he felt. "I understand, Child. It is not your fault, I should have explained it better to you, and so for that, I am sorry. You are not a Wytch, and if I have anything to do with it you never will become one."

"What do you mean, Mister?" Asked Kera her face again turning curious.

"I wish to help you learn to control your powers, so that you can help others, not hurt them like a Wytch."

"But… what about the voices I hear?"

"I will teach you to ignore them, and if I can help it I will teach you how to make them afraid of you."

"What do you mean make them afraid? How would I scare such mean things?" Asked Kera her voice cracking a bit at the prospect.

"I will show you. They will become afraid of what you can do, and make them learn that You have the power to beat them at their own game." Said Antros his voice still containing his seriousness.

"What do I gotta do to make them go away though."

"I wish I could say that they will go away, but that would not be the full truth, Child. They will never fully go away, only wax and wain with time. That is the curse you and I share, for our abilities, we are marked to the monsters, they see us as food for them. So because of this, they will always try to get us to do what they want."

"Why was I born this way? What did I do for them to be so mean?" Asked the Child her voice containing no small part of sadness and despair now.

"That is the cruelty of it, Child, you did nothing for the monsters to want you, nothing but be born with powers you had no control in being given in the first place. But with my help, I hope to give you the discipline and focus to beat them."

"What do we do?" Asked Kera her voice sounding a bit defeated.

"We prepare you for training. We train then after that, we hope it is enough for you to stop them when you can." Kera hung her head, her Aura now shining with despair and anxiety. Antros quickly moved to try and reassure her of her fate. "But all is not lost, Child. You have found yourself in a perfect mix of hope for you." Kera raised her head her eyes showing a bit of the glimmer of hope and curiosity. "We find ourselves in a Galaxy that seems to not have such entities, or at least so few that they are easily avoided."

Kera seemed hopefull a moment before a shroud of worry covered her face, then a moment later she said something that made Antros himself very worried. "But I have already heard a voice recently. It was mean old ancient voice."

Nikolaus who had been attempting to comfort the Child looked Antros in the eyes concern showing in his silver eyes. Antros quickly asked Kera. "What did the voice want?"

Kera looked Antros in the eye and said only a few words. "It wanted everything."


Thank you for reading and please tell me what you all think of this Chapter by leaving a review, it really helps me know how I can improve and what I can do better, and what you guys might find interesting. It helps me get Ideas on what could and could happen, because as much as I have a plan for what I want to have happen I can always use the help in interesting side stories and other such things. Now please have a great rest of your day or night, and I hope to see you next time!

Chapter 9: Angel's Landing

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello and Welcome to another Chapter of Angel's Lament. Today we continue with the Imperials as they search for a more permanent place to stay. What will they find? What will they do? And what are their plans? Let's find out in this Chapter...


Chapter Nine: Angel's Landing

It had been almost two months since the Imperial Armada had crashed into their new reality, and much had happened in that time. They had United behind a common cause and nominated a leader for their mission. They were now aware of their fate and the universe they had been sent to. They had grown in strength, bolstered by the arrival of the Thetrian Refugee Fleet, and their Chartist Allies. The sense of a shared fate had become established between all these groups as they readied to undertake their task.

This led to an even stronger belief in one another, for if they had all been given this mission by the Emperor Himself, then he must have chosen them for their Nobility and Loyalty to Him, meaning The Emperor Himself believed that they were able to complete his task. This has led to the whole Armada creating and signing what they had now coined 'The Angel's Manifest' a document entailing that all who signed it were willing to do whatever it took to see the Emperor's Dream made real.

The Armada had then quickly finished all the repairs and other preparations for the fleet to be ready for war. During all this work the Librarium and Mechanicus have toiled to learn all they could on where they were, and where they needed to go first. They had learned the Armadas basic position in comparison to some of the major places of the galaxy, finding out that they lay only a few day's journey away from the once Quarian and Citadel border located near what was now the Geth Empire. This had turned out to be something of a blessing though as this had shown them the path they needed to take to get to where they were needed.

After learning their location they had set to work on learning what the galactic map looked like. Though they only were able to create half of it. Because they could only assume borders and strategic points, but to get more information they would need to get access to this galaxies information network, the so-called 'Extranet.' This task had proven more difficult to accomplish than Antros had originally expected. At first, the plan had been to simply hijack an extranet relay tower and scour it for as much information as possible. But this plan had become far more complicated when the Scout Ships reported that all of the closest relays had already been hacked into by other groups, some they had never heard about like a group called the 'Eclipse,' while the rest were commandeered by the Geth.

When the scouts had attempted to remove or bypass the preexisting information blockers they had nearly been found accidentally triggering some internal failsafe. It wouldn't have been a true problem if they had been seen, the Scout ships, even though relatively ill-equipped for fighting were still more than able to take on two or more of this galaxy's puny warships. But that would result in them being discovered, which could not happen, yet. They still needed to prepare and learn scores more before they were ready to enter the light of day and be seen by their enemies.

Antros had resolved to move the whole fleet to a more abandoned area of space that was close enough to Citadel space to still gather as much intelligence on them as possible. They had ended up going deeper into the Terminus Systems, though they didn't yet know its name. Eventually, after 2 weeks of scouting and planning, they got lucky. They found a Relay that had yet to be hijacked by one of this galaxy's plethora of scum and cretins. The Relay had turned out to be damaged, hence why it had been ignored by all else. Though the Tech-Priest quickly commandeered its signal and used it to gather as much information as they could. It took only an hour for the galaxy's most relevant data to be combed through by the cadre of Mechanicus Adepts, but what it found was well worth all the wait.

Not only did they now possess a map of the galaxy, marked with all the key strategic points, borders, and important locations, but they also found a treasure trove of information on the political atmosphere of the current age. Antros had known through the Scrying that Humanity was divided, but he had not known to what level, what he found was upsetting, but it could be improved, with time. Not only was Mankind divided and without purpose, but so were most of her current allies and enemies. The only species that seemed exempt from this divide were the Hanar, Drell, and Elcor. The galaxy seemed rife for destruction, one that Antros knew he had to stop before it went any further, but how he would be able to change such a drastic situation loomed over him.

But even more, much had been gleaned on the known worlds that were all but ready for colonization. Only not yet done as a result of either threats of legal action by the Council, a lack of determination and easy access through the highly limiting Mass Relay Network, or simple border disputes among Factions. As much as it sickened Antros to see such a government rife with corruption and a lack of focus, he could not deny that it made his tasks for now Far easier to do. In the end, and after much deliberation by the Apothecaries, Adepts, and officers a world was chosen. The uninhabited world of Bellator (Latin for Warrior), it lay in the perfect area of space for them to operate, out of the direct sight of the naive Citadel and close enough to human interests that the Imperials could rapidly respond to developing threats.

The world had been perfect for the Imperials, as if prepared by the Emperor Himself for his disciples. It was lush with Flora, though it contained little fauna with most being simple wild beasts. Its gravity was somewhat less compared to Terra, but only by a fraction. It had Four orbitals already in place, Three moons that seemed to chase one another across the planet's sky, and a long-abandoned research facility, that had been operated by the Salarians when they had taken a small interest in the world. Though the station had been abandoned for nearly three hundred years after the interest had waned and their attention directed elsewhere. The Three moons were each about Half the size of Luna, and their composition was mainly nickel and iron-based. While the wider system was largely uninhabitable, with the other planets mainly being cold and unliveable rocks or gas Giants. The system was binary with two different stars, one Blue while the other a Red Giant.

Though there was another possible aid in the system that could operate as the Imperials Radio Tower. They could, once they procured enough Xenos tech, build their own 'silent' information relay that would constantly scan the Extranet for items, people, places, or events of interest. This could allow them to when necessary learn of items of interest that could help move the Imperials goals along. This, of course, would take time and a lot of preparation before being done, but when completed it would be a useful aid to the Armada. They would also need to procure a way to listen to the Military channels of this universe to learn when and where they would be needed to fight, but that could be done in time. For now, the Imperials had more important duties to see too.

The Armada was currently at low anchor above Bellator, the ship's engines on standby ready to roar to life and spring the ships out of the planet's gravity well. Not all of the Armada was present, the Steward Escorts patrolling the system ensuring the area's isolation. The rest of the fleet, aside from the Sanguine Spirit, sat unmoving above the world, their hulls occasionally giving low groans as gravity attempted to pull the ships to the surface. But with the ship's anchors at the ready, they floated peacefully above the world, as they had been doing for the last half month. In that time the fleet had simply sat relatively idle, the occasional shuttles jumping from vessel to vessel. But within the Ships much had occurred at that time. The fleet had been slowly making preparations for the day they could unload their cargoes upon the world. The fleets leaders had been kept busy day in day out making sure every detail was perfect for this day.

Today was the day the Imperials would finally make a home in this Galaxy beyond that of their ships. Finally, after two weeks of analysis, preparation, and distribution, the fleet was ready. The inoculations and vaccines had finally been given to every human, every animal, and plant. Not only had they been distributed, but now enough time had passed for those measures to be ready, the individual's immune systems finally over the initial shock of the alien pathogens and now having developed their own antibodies to fight said diseases on their own. Today was the day the Imperium would colonize a world, not of their own galaxy. Even if the Citadel and Reapers had no idea of this event they soon would feel the weight of its effects upon them, soon the Imperium would begin to see their interests insured, and their opponents defeated.

But for now, there was a world to bring under the Imperial Banner, Bellator would be the first of countless worlds in this galaxy to witness the Imperium and what it was capable of. The first shuttles to descend to the planet were Devourer Dropships built to hold a full company of soldiers in one go. They now carried a mix of building supplies, Technicians, and Machinery. The first members to land went right to work clearing out large swaths of wilderness, while others started to build a landing port for the rest of the ships to come after. While these teams of Technicians and Servitors worked the Devourer Dropships took off back into the void.

Once they landed back in the cargo bays of their assigned ship they were quickly refueled and their holds filled again with more building materials and workers. Yet again they lifted off and reentered the planet's lower atmosphere, where they again landed and disgorged their payloads. This continued for five hours, ships collecting their cargo and unloading it on the surface of Bellator. After this time the rudimentary airfield was finished allowing the full force of airships to be used to their peak abilities. The sky filled with dozens of shuttles and transports flying to and from the fleet in orbit. The massive Warships able to be seen from the surface, the smaller ships that danced about them looking like fireflies at such a distance.

Antros stood in the newly constructed Air Control Tower that had just been finished, cogitators and pict-screens spurring to life around him. Artemis as always was laid at Antros's feet her attention directed to sleeping rather than anything around her. To Antros's right stood Malakim Phoros, High Chaplin Efriel, and Nikolaus, while on Antros's left stood Rhacelus and Donotriel, they were all dressed for war. The Astartes stood motionless all staring into the sky overseeing the beginning of the colonization of Bellator. It was a slow process, one that could be expedited, but Antros wished for their work to be done right not quickly. It would take another few hours but soon the first buildings, not dedicated to aerial assets, would be completed and the first of Thetra's people could step foot upon their new home.

The planet was beautiful, lush, and green everything the Imperials needed to be. Plants were everywhere, with very few clearings to be found. Bellator's environment and ecosystems seemed to have evolved similar to ancient Terra, with most flora producing Oxygen as a byproduct of the plants producing glucose to sustain themselves. The planet's atmosphere was a little weaker than Terras, but with simple precautions, such as beginning production on a radiation-resistant skin lotion would prove more than effective enough to keep people safe. Along with a weaker ozone layer, the atmosphere was also more oxygenated than terra, nearing 23% rather than Ancient Terra's 20.95%. Though as long as they made fire-fighting a priority it was unlikely anything would become of this, so it was quickly filed away in a cogitator should the information ever be necessary for the future.

There was little Fauna on Bellator, which originally stuck out to Antros as odd, but eventually, it was revealed that most animals had died in a recent extinction event that Bellator had suffered. Where the temperature had become incredibly high resulting in most animals not being able to survive when the deserts covered most of the surface. Eventually, the temperature stabilized again and the deserts receded allowing plant life to again cover the planet's sole continent. But the planet's animals were still recovering a few thousand years later. Most of the animals that were alive were wild and highly territorial. Several people had already been injured by the few animals encountered, luckily though guards had quickly responded to the attacks before someone's death.

It made Antros proud to see so many humans working together toward a common goal. But he dragged his attention away from the spectacle of Human determination and instead toward the distant future. He still felt somewhat lost, and deep within his heart, he felt a sliver of doubt grow in the back of his mind. 'What if I was not the one meant to lead us? How will I know that I'm doing what He wishes? Will He give me a sign if I stray from his path? Or am I doomed to never know if what I'm doing is the right thing?' Antros for a moment felt so overwhelmed that he felt helpless to do anything right. But he Quickly reaffirmed his cause within his mind. 'The Primarch saw Something in me, otherwise, he would have spoken to another. And the Emperor trusted me enough to send me on this task in the first place. Now it is time to show that I am worthy of their trust, that much I know.' With that Antros banished the last remnants of his doubt, he would not fail in his task, he would save this galaxy from destruction, he would stop the Reapers 'Cycle,' that much he knew for certain.

Antros turned away from the window and towards the room's most recent occupant. Kera strolled into the Observation Chamber her mind ablaze with wonder. She had never set foot upon a real planet, having lived her whole life aboard the Sanguine Spirit. For her, it was still a large shock to see the sky rather than the open void. Antros couldn't help but smirk at the child's astonishment. She had grown much since he was originally taken to her, she had become far stronger, in mind, spirit, and body. Antros had trained her every moment he was free from his duties as Commander. This had helped her more than he could have guessed. She now had a low level of control over her abilities, able to moderately influence the emotions of others.

Kera hadn't just been trained with her psychic abilities but had also begun training in basic fighting techniques and exercises meant to help her learn balance. Antros left that aspect of her training to Nikolaus. The Sanguinary Guard had made a profound connection to the child, one even he couldn't explain. She had been clumsy at first, her body and mind still recovering from her recent loss, but she had performed admirably for one so young. She was a strong child and both Antros and Nikolaus saw it, as long as she was trained properly they saw a bright future in store for her when they returned home.

Kera quickly came to a stop next to Nikolaus and stared off into the sky at the procession of ships and transports. Antros, after another few moments, dragged his attention again away from the sky, instead looking to what lay below on the surface. For nearly a kilometer there spanned an airfield constantly shifting with ships, cargo, equipment, and people moving about. After that came a large collection of recently finished warehouses, currently beginning to be filled with assorted goods, ranging from building materials, fuel containers, and foodstuffs. Beyond that lay the beginnings of basic lodgings, small houses built to hold a small family and no more. They were not permanent dwellings only meant to hold people while the rest of the Colony was established. Next was the rugged and temporary fortifications intended to keep local fauna from wandering too close to the colony.

Beyond that things began to blur out of focus for Antros's enhanced eyes, though he could just make out what looked like trees, though he couldn't be sure. Antros though watched the airfield mainly, watching as the shuttles were unloaded and readied again for taking off. But after yet another moment he pulled himself away from the sights. As much as he wished to simply relax and watch the fleet work on its own, he knew eventually that he would need to see to it personally that things were getting done correctly. So with this thought, Antros turned from the window one last time and began to walk to the chamber's main lift, Artemis quickly rousing and following after him.

The next few days passed with little in the way of major developments, aside from the continued construction of the city. Even while a name for the city was being decided, work continued, Habblocks rising from the earth along with the foundations of manufactorums, accompanied by a massive array of warehouses and storage facilities. The colony itself was situated in between Two large mountain ranges that ran parallel along the valley. The Valley itself was still primarily covered in a lush forest and brush with the occasional creature about within. The Dale was very wide at around 10 kilometers, and another 14 kilometers in-depth with the mountains being so large they cast shadows into the valley below that could be seen until around midday. Much of the Dale was slowly being cleared of its abundant plant life, buildings rising where once nature had reigned supreme. In a matter of a few more days, the Valley would be cleared and an Imperial city resting in its place.

The current number one priority construction project was the roadways and several Land Train tracks. Antros had prioritized their construction, believing that the rest of the city would be far easier to build once easy transportation was established. The next most important buildings were the Fortress Monasteries for both the Lamenters and Blood Angels, along with the Knightly Citadel and an Astra Militarum Base. Each defensive bastion was placed by the entrances to the Valley through either the leveled terrain to the south and north or the breaks in the Mountain ranges. While a PDF Stronghold rested at the heart of the city, though its construction was less of a priority, for now, meaning it was still only mere foundations.

Along with roads and fortifications being a priority Antros had ordered that crops be planted as soon as possible in the massive clearing to the north of the airfield, near where the Knight Citadel was being constructed. The clearing had recently been discovered to be the most favorable for Thetran crops to grow. So Antros had ordered the planting as a priority wishing to ensure the Fleet would still be able to hold on to their emergency rations. As well as Antros wished to make the planet self-reliant so that should they be stuck within this galaxy indefinitely they could rely on their own food production to sustain them for that time.

Another recent development had also occurred that concerned the long term ability to keep Bellator's colonization a secret. Citadel Ship had been detected touring in the next system over. Though they didn't seem built for war in any significant way, barely being able to field an array of weapons that could even scratch the surface of an Imperial merchant vessel let alone a career Warship, like a Sword Class.

Originally Antros had planned to send some of his own Warships to deal with them, but had decided against it just before sending the message, deciding to hope the unknown explorers would pass them by. Antros knew he had more than enough to deal with the pathetic resistance the little ship would put up but he simply wished not to attract any attention that the ship's disappearance would cause. After all, he had been told that they should work from the shadows for as long as possible. So he simply told his captains to be wary and to keep an eye on the ships, and if they ventured too close to attempt to activate their Reflex Shields (Special shields that render Imperial Ships invisible) in the hopes to avoid detection. But should all if this prove ineffective in remaining hidden that the captains were to board the ship and take its crew captive and bring them and their ship directly to Bellator where he would decide what to do with them.

As Antros peered at the hololithic image of the ship he couldn't help but feel that somehow someone in that little ship was connected to him, and his fleet. He felt that whoever was aboard the vessel that their destiny was somehow intertwined with his own. The feeling was subtle, almost completely unnoticeable, but Antros had been trained to be able to easily recognize such feelings. The sensation was almost like a feather being run against the inside of his skull, it wasn't uncomfortable, but it was abnormal. As Antros continued to stare at the hololithic image he couldn't help but say under his breath. "Who are you? And what do you have to do with my mission? Could you be one of the obstacles I have to work to destroy, or are you meant to aid me in my endeavor?"

Antros knew no answer would come for now but that did not mean he had to be idle. Antros quickly memorized the rune written on the flank of the vessel which he ran through his memory for the recent languages he had been learning since arriving in this galaxy. He quickly analyzed the language and determined that it was the human 'English' dialect. The ship's name was the 'Normandy SR-2.' Though in truth the name meant nothing to Antros, it perhaps might mean something in this galaxy, he would have to wait to find out. While the Imperials had made great strides in colonization, they had yet to establish a way to access the Citadel's Extranet, but that would come in time and when the fleet had less pressing things happening.

Sometime later the 'Normandy' left, after sending a shuttle to the planet it had been anchored above. After the shuttle returned the Normandy immediately left the system heading to what the denizens of this galaxy called a "Mass Relay." An ancient alien artifact supposedly left by an alien race called the Protheans, who had used them as an FTL means of transport about the galaxy. Though Antros doubted that the Protheans had made them, all the devices he had seen contained echoes of more ancient Xenos than the Protheans. The Protheans appeared a near worshiped species in this reality, their discoveries being hailed as the pinnacle of sentient life's development. The Protheans had been eradicated by the Reapers during the last 'Cycle' as this galaxy's conspiracy theorists had dubbed the Reapers mass culling of intelligent life. This made sense, the Protheans technology, even compared to the Dark Imperiums technology, was weak, primitive, and ineffective.

Sure they had become the standard in this galaxy for a reason, but from what Antros's Magos had discovered they were incredibly weak compared to even the Imperium's basic laser-weapons. These Kinetic barriers seemed to be somewhat useful, but they were entirely pointless against energy weapons, such as the standard-issue Lasgun. This made Antros very amused that one of the Imperium's most mocked weapons would now prove some of her most effective against their enemies here. It was strange to Antros just how incompetent these Citadel races had proved to be. They had the technology and ability to reverse engineer the preexisting Mass Relays yet they weren't willing to for the simple reason that those that already existed were what they were used to and that it would be too much of a hassle to dismantle a Relay.

This made Antros very annoyed that such a weak excuse could be the sole reason for the entire galaxy, as not even one of this galaxy's species had even attempted to truly learn how the Mass Relays worked and if they could be replicated. It showed him just how much needed to change. The change would be difficult and would take quite some time, but Antros would see this reality remade and purified of its corruptions and ailments, he swore it to himself, Sanguinius and the Emperor. The galaxy may have seemed doomed, but Antros knew the Emperor would not send them on a fool's errand.

After the Normandy left Antros finally let some amount of himself relax. It had weighed heavy on his mind that the Citadels lackeys had ventured so close to his domain so soon after they had claimed it. Of course he knew that no Citadelian yet had knowledge of the Imperials, but how close they may have come to seeing them was still concerning. Antros would have to ensure that any future passerby weren't able to see the Imperials or given the chance to escape if they did.

Antros had already come up with a plan for if any Citadelian's did see them, they would be hunted and taken back by the Imperial Navy to Bellator, where one of four things would happen to them. First they could be simply executed and their ship taken apart by the Techmarines, Tech Adepts, and Jokaero Engineers so they could learn from this galaxy's technology, and if any of it could prove useful to their mission later on. Second, should the full contingent of individuals prove to be human or primarily human, then they would be spoken to, in an attempt to learn more of the Citadel and its human servants. They would then most likely have their most recent memories wiped away by the Librarians and new memories put in their place. After their new memories were implanted they would wake up a few systems away from Bellator with no recollection of the Imperials. Antros hoped this would be the primary way they dealt with those that found them, as it would allow the imperials not to gain any attention for ships disappearing.

The third plan was should the crew turn out to be the more unsavory Xenos they would be captured and go through basic testings and experiments, then some would be wiped by the drug called Psytroprene, which completely cleared an individual's memories irreversibly (Usually used by the Imperium for instant rehabilitation of Hive Gangers and such), the ones wiped would then wake up some great distance away from Bellator near were the Citadel could find them. If they were found or their possible stories didn't matter to Antros the only thing that did was that as little suspicion was raised about Bellator. While the selected individuals who weren't wiped would be euthanized and autopsied to learn the secrets of their species, like weaknesses and exploits the Imperials could use on them.

Then the Final plan and the one Antros had no real intention of using entailed blind trust. The individuals who they captured would be spoken to and their knowledge added to the Imperials Arsenal. After that the basic plan was to swear them to secrecy and escort them away from Bellator, while wiping all their cogitators of any information they actively or passively gained from observing Bellator or the Imperials Ships. Antros heavily disliked this plan but he could see in the situation where the crew was fully human and they all were true of heart that leniency could be given to them. But After making the Groundwork for his plans Antros realized that there was more to be seen for the colony. Mainly the important keystone of morale and discipline, as Antros had sensed a growing unease forming in some of the men and women he met with, they would need their spirits seen to, soon.

The next Nine hours went by with Antros making arrangements and preparations for a Speech. He recalled the fleet back to Bellator having them achieve low anchor in the Atmosphere and ordering them to gather their crews into whatever chambers they could that had reliable Vox-Casters. While on the Planet Antros had a large series of loud speakers set up on the primary landing field along with ordering a podium constructed near the center of the air field. After this all was arranged Antros ordered his commanders to meet him at the podium where he informed them on the speeches they were to give, he ensured to give the most Charismatic the longest and hardest requirement as a way to ensure their expertise in that area as well as ensure the most able were given a chance to inspire their fellow Imperials. After organizing the speeches in an intelligent manner Antros had all the citizens, soldiers, Adepts, and Astartes of the world gather on the Airfield.

Once everything was in place and all of Antros people were gathered both in the void or upon the planet Antros had the speeches begin. First to go was High Chaplin Efriel, he gave an opening prayer to the Emperor. Requesting that the Gathering be watched over by the Emperor and that his speech and those after him would give those whose spirit's need hope that their words would give it to them, and that those who were deep in the throngs of grief would feel their sadness helped by their words. After finishing his prayer Chaplin Efriel spoke of the nature of destiny, and how even when people believe themselves without one that the Emperor has a plan for everyone of his children, whether their destiny is to lead armies or to simply work as a chog in the great machinery of the Imperium. That despite the difference in appearance between those fates that both are at the end of equal import. He spoke too of how both those individuals if they performed their tasks with diligence that their rewards in the next life would be great.

After High Chaplin Efriel came the Captain of the Sanguine Spirit, who had been named the Admiral of all naval elements, She spoke about the nature of duty and how it was the duty of them all to work and fight for the Emperor, and his vision for this galaxy. She continued to speak on how all assembled had a divine duty to fight for this galaxy. She spoke on how the Imperium had been sent to enlighten this galaxy and that they would show it the Light of the Emperor. She ultimately concluded her speech by giving the sign of her home Cadia.

Next after Admiral Merra came High Cardinal Jeremiah, he quickly walked to the center of the podium and began his speech. He talked mainly about hope and the power of the human spirit, and how even through the darkest of time humanity had persevered and continued to grow in spite of all the odds. He spoke on how the Emperor had chosen each of them for this mission and that with his faith in them they could not fail. He wrapped up his speech offering another prayer to the Emperor asking that he would watch over and protect them from the evils of this galaxy.

After that the other speeches became a blur, many repeating talking points from those that went before them. While other talks simply turned into stories and fables meant to inspire. Near the end Antros could feel the unease within the fleet begin to diminish with each passing speech. The speeches went on until finally it was Antros's turn, he had put himself as the last to speak as he wished to deliver the final blow to the fleet's instability. After Chartist Captain Azidar finished his speech recounting a time his ship had been boarded by Ork Pirates he stepped down from the pedestal and back to his seat with the rest of the fleet's leaders. Only once the Captain was firmly seated did Antros rise for his throne near the center. He was dressed as if about to go into heavy battle. His cobalt blue Power Armor glistening from the light of Bellator's Suns, while Vitarus was held firmly in his right hand, while Angel's Light sat ready in his armors holster.

Antros made his approach to the plinth slowly wishing to let the crowd fully register the last talk. Antros's final steps weren't quiet, as he meant them to pull back the crowd to the moment. As Antros finally situated himself at the pillar he made sure to cast his gaze slowly along the crowd. In the front stood the Imperial Guardsmen from Harakoni. They were organized into companies, their officers standing at the front of the groupings. Intermingled with the Guard were their Abhuman Axilluraries Ogryns, Ratlings, and a few Beastmen. Antros at first was perplexed at the sight of the Beastmen, as he recalled they had been denied their Abhuman rights a few decades ago namely they lost the ability to fight in the Guard, but, then Antros remembered. Lord Warden Dante had reinstated the poor creatures as Abhumans, meaning, they once again could serve in the Guard though only in limited capacities and they had to be kept in small numbers as to discourage any chance of their corruption.

Antros though quickly drew his attention back to what he saw past the Guard. After the career soldiers of the Militarum came the normal citizens of Thetra, along with the families of the Harakoni Warhawks. Next, passed the civilians, stood the Royal Guards of House Bellerophon, with them also stood the Thetran Dragoons, the Sacristans, and the House Staff. While passing them upon their own small podium stood the few surviving members of House Bellerophon. There were only about 200 people in total, some with missing limbs while others had wounds, the signs of their near brush with death as evident psychically as it was physically. The whole family's Aura's shone with regret and mourning, with interminglings of anger could also be found. Antros felt for them, these had all been emotions he had grown used to feeling everytime he lost another one of his brothers. The Dark Mileniaum had truly taken its toll on the Imperium and all her territories.

Antros finally took in the last two groups that were assembled with the Nobles. The Astartes and Tech-Priests stood on the flanks of the small Knights podium. The two groups standing out for unique reasons one for their size the other for their behavior and appearance. But none of that mattered to Antros at the moment, so in a quick and precise breath Antros began his speech after resting Vitarus against the plinth.

"My fellow Servants of The Emperor." Said Antros keeping his voice kind as well as controlled. "I have so much that I must thank you for. Your diligence, your spirit, and most of all, your faith. Your faith in our cause has been an inspiration for me and my brothers. We are invigorated by your example. To have gone through what we all have faced and to still be whole is a sign of your strength. The Strength that exists within all Mankind. Even in this lost branch we have been sent to save. As well as this Galaxy we are here to safeguard."

"I am sure that by now you all have heard the rumors about this galaxy. I speak to you now too dispel these falsehoods that are being said of this galaxy and our mission here. Yes it is true that Xenos exist in this galaxy, it is also true that this galaxy's humans freely associated with them. And yes it is true that our brothers and sisters are even subject to Xenos sovereignty and rules." The crowd, primarily the mortal Citizens, became very vocal about their displeasure at hearing of their fellow humans' fate, but Antros quickly raised his hand to call for silence, and the crowd quickly obliged. "However they can be freed of these shackles, and we will be the ones to show them of their manifest destiny to rule the galaxy."

"But this Galaxy's Humanity may not need to be alone in this Galaxy." The Assembly began to murmur. But before the crowd could make any more reactions Antros raised his hand to call for silence, they obliged a few moments later. "Let me explain. I mean, that much like in our own galaxy, not all Xenos are necessarily our enemies. We see examples of Xenos being helpful in our own galaxy with races like the Jokaero, the Kroot, and the Demurig. The same about some Xenos is also true for this galaxy. Some of the 'Citadel's' associate races or their outcast races could be considered worthy allies. Conveniently for us there are a number of such races that can be reasoned with."

"But much to the nature of most Xenos, there are many who are not worthy of being treated with decency. As well, while on the topic of the unworthy, there are sadly many humans here that much like home are unwilling to contribute to society's well-being. For example there are a plethora of manmade Organizations that actively seek to destroy and destabilize their fellow Humans. Such groups and both Friendly and Enemy Xenos will be talked about in more detail later. But for now, I will inform you my fellow Servants of His Will, I will speak on our primary enemy, and our reason for being summoned to this Galaxy."

Antros waited a moment to allow the crowd a moment to collect their thoughts, as well as to ensure he had their undivided attention. When Antros did speak he made sure his voice contained a bit of venom to portray the disdain he wanted them to feel for the creatures he was about to talk about. "Our reason for being dragged to this Galaxy is to put an end to a malicious and conniving race. They have no true name, but the one given to them by those they slaughter. The 'Reapers,' is their most recent title. They DARE to believe themselves the galaxy's supreme beings, and that all other life is subject to their 'Divine' will."

"They have ravaged the galaxy for unknown eons, Harvesting all sentient life every 50,000 years, and using those dead beings as fuel to grow their corrupt horde of beasts and minions. Now they prepare for their next Harvest. Where they DARE to attack a fledgling Human Empire. And like all cowards like them they use the lies and deceit to weaken their enemies before they move in for the kill. They have also taken to specifically targeting Mankind, for they know of our strength, and our destiny to destroy them, and for this they have become scared. Now they strike through their minions, attempting to kidnap and weaken humanity where she is least defended."

"They currently have the upper-hand over the Galaxy, as they sow seeds of deceit throughout the galaxy. They are actively now attempting to bring Chaos and Anarchy to the Galaxy before they strike. But luckily for this galaxy and her Mankind, WE have come to stop the Darkness. WE have come to DESTROY the Reapers for their arrogance and their audacity to try and strike down OUR people. The Reapers are a Spineless Breed of Xenos, unfit for this galaxy or any other, who deserve the most agonizing of deaths. But luckily for these unworthy scum, The IMPERIUM OF MANKIND has come to give them a Quick Death! We, MANKIND, HAVE COME TO CONQUER THE GALAXY AND BANISH THE DARKNESS THESE XENOS SPREAD! NOW, MY FELLOW SERVANTS, WE DEAL OUR FIRST BLOW TO THE REAPERS!" Yelled Antros, a fire in his eyes, and his arms gesturing to the crowd to the sky. The crowd roared in holy rage, each of them ready to bring doom upon the Reapers.


Hello and Thank you for reading to the end of Chapter 9, it really means a lot to me to have people read my story. And Please if you did enjoy this chapter, please, review. As it shows me that you want this story to continue, and that I'm not just posting a story that no one cares about. Hopefully next chapter I'll finally get to write some action as the Imperials strike out from their hideout. Thank you again for reading and have a great rest of your day.

Chapter 10: Openings On The Horizon, Part I

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello, and welcome to Chapter 10, and thank you for checking my story out, hopefully, this Chapter will be interesting to you. It's the longest chapter yet, mainly due to the action and the introduction of a few new characters and some from the games. Now with this said let the story begin...


Chapter Ten: Openings On The Horizon, Part I

Joslyn Darr woke up tired, she sluggishly made her way around her cabin room towards the kitchen. The kitchen and dining room were small, but they suited her just fine. The kitchen was also simply equipped with only a toaster, can opener, and a coffee machine. After scanning the room she made herself a quick cup of coffee to wake her up and ready for the business of the day. Joslyn was a Botanist for a hydroponics farm not that far from her house. She quickly chugged down the last of her coffee and went back to her room, where she took a fast shower and got dressed for work. After making sure her hair was put up into a neat bun she finally went to wake up the cabin's other inhabitant.

Joslyn opened the door to the small house's second bedroom. She opened it and looked inside. On the bed sat a small little boy staring intently at his Omnitool. The wrist strap barely fit the boy's tiny arm, the boy used his second hand to keep the Omnitool steady. Even after Joslyn coughed in an attempt to get the child's attention he remained completely focused on the holographic screen in front of him.

Joslyn gave a smile and moved deeper into the room, ensuring to stay in front of the boy. The child finally acknowledged Joslyn's existence when she sat at the base of the bed. The boy quickly raised his head to look his mother in the eye. His eyes were cobalt blue with a questioning nature apparent in them. The child was skinny, nearing an unhealthy amount but just barely above a detrimental level. He was dressed in an old pair of Star Wars pajamas. The colors on them heavily faded, to the degree that Luke Skywalker's face on the shirt was near indiscernible from the background.

Joslyn spoke when she was seated, her voice was soft and kind but with a slight serious edge. "How long have you been awake Tobi?"

Tobi was silent a moment as if he was formulating an excuse. "I had to see what was happening in the galaxy." Was what he finally said his voice attempting to excuse what he was doing.

Joslyn chuckled and ruffled the hair on Tobi's head, the boy giggling, Joslyn then saying. "Of course you were, Tobi. You're just like your dad."

Tobi's face went stiff and then sad. "I miss him." Said Tobi, a moment later. For a ten-year-old boy, the memories of his father were still vivid, even though he was taken from them five years ago.

Joslyn pulled her son into a hug giving him a kiss on the forehead before saying. "I know you do, baby." Joslyn then mouthed what she said next hoping Tobi wouldn't hear her. "I miss him too."

After another hour Joslyn had gotten Tobi ready for the day, and had prepared a real breakfast for the both of them, pancakes and hashbrowns. Joslyn helped Tobi get his shoes on and with that, they were out the door. The world outside was bright and beautiful, Trees dispersed between colonist houses. The sun shone high in the sky indicating the time was near seven in the morning, as Horizons rotation was faster than earths by a few hours it caused the sun to be higher in the sky by mid-morning.

Joslyn took only a moment to look around before she led Tobi down the stairs and up the sidewalk. It was a short commute to Tobi's School, the School was called the "Lamb's Cradle." Tobi was harder to convince than usual to go into the School, but after Joslyn promised that she'd see him soon and that after school they would go and get some lunch from her favorite Restaurant, Tobi acquiesced. But before he went inside he asked his mom how long she would be. When Joslyn told him her usual time of 3:55 Tobi became extra nervous as if he was scared to be away from her that whole time.

Tobi then asked if she could get to him any sooner, but Joslyn was honest and told him no, and that she couldn't leave work before then. That had made Tobi even more apprehensive, but after Joslyn calmed him down he eventually walked into the school building once he was given one last reassuring hug. After Tobi disappeared into the building Joslyn waited an extra few moments in case he got too anxious and rushed back out to her. But eventually, after another moment had passed and Tobi had been yet to reappear Joslyn continued on her way.

Joslyn then ran the last half mile to the Farm in an attempt to still be on time. She reached the door at exactly 8:00, meaning she made it just in time. The day after that went normal Joslyn monitored the Farm, and took the occasional sample that she tested to ensure that optimal growing parameters were in place. The day was uneventful until her lunch, where she stopped off in the employee lounge and grabbed a cup of coffee and a bagel. Just as Joslyn was about to leave and return to her lab she heard a giant BOOM. It came from above her causing Joslyn to almost run for cover believing that the building was about to collapse.

Joslyn only realized that the building was fine a moment later, when after realizing that she was safe, for now, she instantly went to a window to try and see what was happening. Joslyn ripped the blinds open in the break room and peered through them. What she saw made her heart skip a beat. There floating above the colony about to land was a massive ship. It was irregularly shaped and bulbous, with rocks jutting out near the base. It looked less like a ship and more like an abandoned space station but it was clearly more than capable of flying.

Joslyn watched the ship land only taking in the occasional breath to keep herself from losing consciousness. But she finally broke from her stupor when she saw what the ship did next after it landed. The monolithic vessel coming to a halt near the center of town. Hatches opened on its sides with strange black clouds flying out from the openings. At that moment Joslyn's old soldier instincts kicked in as she realized what was happening, they were being attacked. Joslyn quickly threw her mug and bagel in the direction of the counter and sprinted out the door. She nearly ran into several of her co-workers as she sprinted by, some asking what was going on while others who had also seen what Joslyn saw.

Joslyn and three of her co-workers who had kids at Lamb's Cradle all ran out of the farm and into the street all running in the direction of the school. They ran the whole way only stopping when they reached the entrance. A father who had reached the door only a second before Joslyn threw one of the double doors open and they each scattered in the direction of their child's classroom. Joslyn found the door to Tobi's classroom adorned with the familiar, but now very out-of-place, finger painted butterfly. She grabbed the doorknob and yanked on the door,p. It wouldn't budge. It was locked.

Joslyn slammed her fists into the door and yelled. "Open the Door! Open the door! My son's in there!" Joslyn continued to yell until finally, she heard the click of the door unlocking. The door opened slowly until the full class was revealed. The small room was filled with a number of children all cowering under their Smart Desks.

The room was dark with only the light of the setting sun from the tinted windows illuminating anything. The students' Smart Desks were powered off, providing no extra light. The wider room was in disarray, drawing supplies and large sheets of paper strewn around the floor. It looked like they had been interrupted in the middle of a project when the Aliens landed, now nearly 10 minutes ago.

The teacher's desk near the front of the room appeared to be in order with a datapad and a Smart Terminal resting neatly on top. However, there was no sign of Tobi's Teacher anywhere in the room. Joslyn continued to scan the room looking for her son. All she saw was the small collection of terrified children, who clearly didn't know what to do. Joslyn gave one last look into the faces of each wide-eyed child hoping to see Tobi's.

After Joslyn finished her hurried scan of the room she spotted Tobi peeking from behind the door - he had heard her and unlocked the door. The two embraced, hearts pounding out of their chests. Joslyn noticed his little body was shaking violently. She pulled him closer trying to reassure him. As she did so she looked out the window hoping the Alien vessel had disappeared along with the black cloud it had spewed out. Sadly, there looming in the center of the window was the ship, the black cloud coming ever closer to the school.

The Cloud was so close Joslyn could make out the details of its composition. That's when she realized it was no cloud, but a swarm like locust, made up of thousands of tiny flying creatures. At that realization, Joslyn's militia protocol kicked in. She gave her son one last squeeze before she stood up to get control of the situation.

Once she was standing Joslyn instinctively put her hand tightly on Tobi's shoulder, and called to the class of frightened children. "Okay, kids. It's going to be okay. I just need you to listen to me carefully and do exactly what I say." Joslyn waited to see how the children reacted and noticed all eyes firmly on her. She continued, "We need to get to the Militia Armory for safety. That means we leave NOW!" Most simply stayed frozen under their smart desks while a few slowly began to emerge and moved toward Joslyn and Tobi.

When it became apparent many of the children were too afraid to leave the relative safety of their classroom Joslyn resorted to a more parental tone. "I'm not asking you, kids, if you want to go. Now get out from under there and follow me!"

That seemed to get the kids moving as the rest finally scrambled out from under their desks and moved towards the door. Several kids grabbed things of importance like toys, datapads, backpacks, and notebooks. Though Tobi didn't move from his spot, his eyes were fixed on the window and the Alien ship it contained.

After Joslyn counted the small class of 13 kids she was ready to go and headed directly to the school's main entrance, a double pine door. The school's main hallway was now filled with the rest of Lamb's Cradle's students, some of their parents, a few teachers, and other faculty members. The adults were attempting to lead the procession of children out the main entrance, and into the open street.

Joslyn followed the group and soon they were all out the door. Joslyn kept a tight grip on Tobi's hand making sure he stuck by her as she escorted the children down the street. The large number of people seemed to get the attention of the Swarm as a tendril from the greater whole deviated heading straight for them. Seeing this, the large group rushed forward with panic beginning to grip many of the children and even a few parents.

The hysteria only worsened when several parents scooped up their children and began attempting to outrun the rest of the group, some actually knocking down others in their path. It made Joslyn angry to see people turn cowardly so quickly, but she had more important things to worry about. The Swarm was closing in on them fast and gaining momentum.

Joslyn and the more level-headed adults quickly attempted to calm panicked children all the while urging them in the hopes of outrunning the Swarm. Despite their bleak situation, the group pressed on. Joslyn, in an attempt to alleviate some of her own concerns, tightened her grip on Tobi's hand. Just then they rounded the corner in sight of the blessed Armory.

In times of emergency, or attack, it was standard protocol on Horizon for all citizens to rally at the Armories that were spread across the colony. The Armories also doubled as bunkers built to withstand even the most dedicated of assaults. The bunkers were fitted with defensive emplacements, turrets, Mechs, and enough food supplies to last a group of a thousand people at least a month. While there the militia forces would be in charge until the colony was again safe or rebuilt.

After Joslyn and Tobi turned the corner they began to hear the mind-numbing noise of the Swarm as it drew closer. It was a low-pitched humming sound like that being made from a pair of dried out lungs. It grew so loud that Tobi couldn't resist the urge to stop in his tracks to look behind him, causing Joslyn to lose grip of his hand.

Joslyn realized in an instant and pivoted to turn back, but before she could take a step toward Tobi a grown man blind with panic barrelled into her sending her crashing to the concrete. Joslyn landed on her shoulder where she heard a sickening crunch. The terrified man uninjured simply picked himself up and kept running. Joslyn's body quickly responded by pumping her full of fear-laced adrenaline hurling her to her feet. Joslyn looked to where she had last seen Tobi, the pressing crowd making it nearly impossible, but for a split second, she saw him, somehow still standing untouched where he had frozen.

Tobi stood motionless in the middle of the street facing the Swarm, his knees shaking as if they were about to buckle under his own weight. His face was pale, the fear sucking the color from his face. Joslyn was just an arm's length away when she was knocked to the ground again. Pain searing through her shoulder, but her eyes locked on Tobi.

The Swarm was almost upon her diminutive child causing Joslyn's heart to scream out in horror as she sprinted towards her son barreling her way past the crowd to him. She wasn't sure she could get to him in time, but that didn't stop her from pushing her body beyond its limits in the attempt to save him. He was her baby and they would not die today.

Just as Joslyn reached out to grab Tobi one of the tiny creatures landed on his shoulder. It was the size of a human fist covered in a dark black carapace. It was similar in shape to a beetle, but with a giant stinger jutting out from its face. In less than a millisecond the creature pierced Tobi's neck with the stinger and flew away! Joslyn swatted violently, but was too late.

Tobi's body instantly reacted to the sting. Stiffening then collapsing lifeless toward the ground. Joslyn caught him before he hit and flung him carefully over her uninjured shoulder. She turned on a dime and ran as fast as she could toward the safety of the Armory, the Swarm now hovering over them like sheer doom.

Joslyn's body began to slow as she ran out of energy, but she pushed herself onwards, uncaring of the pain she now felt in both shoulders and the growing weakness in her legs. The Swarm had almost passed over them when the first bug landed on Joslyn's shoulder. She swatted it away as hard as she could. It was cold to the touch, as if it was made out of some kind of metal. Immediately after the first bug landed several others made attempts to sting her, but she was able to smack them away before they could jab her. She tried to focus on her target and could see that the giant doors were closing and that they wouldn't make it in time.

Another bug moved from the Swarm launching itself at Joslyn, but just before it could sting her a shot rang out and in the blink of an eye the bug was gone. Joslyn, undaunted by the shot simply pressed on hoping, at the very least, to get her son to safety. The desperate mother was now only a few meters from the closing door.

As the massive Armory door closed Joslyn's body finally gave out along with her hope and she began to stumble trying not to lose her grip on her son. Joslyn used the last of her energy to set Tobi down as gently as she could. Immediately she collapsed dragging in deep breaths in an attempt to revitalize herself. Again, Joslyn heard a shot, then another and another until it sounded like a dozen guns were firing simultaneously. Joslyn's vision blurred from exhaustion, but she knew she was hearing Element Zero weapons fire.

After what felt like several minutes of the firing continuing Joslyn felt a bit of energy return. She used it to quickly get up, ensuring not to use her right arm, for fear of immobilizing herself from the pain. It took her far longer than she wanted but eventually, she was in a crawling position facing down the street. Littering the road were hundreds, if not thousands, of the alien insects all laying lifeless, many in pieces. Joslyn turned around and slowly crawled to pick up her son. As she moved the last of the firing stopped. Before she could attempt to haul her son up onto her shoulder her attention was drawn to a deep voice close behind her. Joslyn looked toward the figure, her shocked mind and body slow to respond.

The voice repeated itself, the masculine voice sounding concerned. "Are you alright, Mame?" The man Joslyn turned to face was dressed in black N7 Commando armor, a bulky pistol attached to his hip and an Assault rifle held in his left hand. The man's hair was jet black and cut short and the air he gave exuded that he was definitely a soldier. The man's face expressed sincere concern as he stared at Joslyn, but he waited for her to respond before he did anything more.

Joslyn was slow to respond but when she did her words were simple. "I need him to be safe."

The man nodded, retracted his rifle and holstered it on his back then crouched down to scoop Tobi up, resting his head gently on his shoulder. With his free hand, he helped Joslyn back up to her feet. As she stood she finally realized that the bunker door had been opened again. The adults were all filing out carrying firearms and a few LOKI mechs were activated and taking up positions around the area.

Joslyn and her military escort were allowed inside the bunker, the crowd of parents and militiamen parting to give them room to enter. Tobi's classmates weren't in the bunker's lobby. Joslyn could only hope they had been taken to the underground portion of the complex where they could be kept safe from the attack. More LOKI Mechs advanced into the street. The Mechs moved to act as a vanguard for the bunker, as well as an early alarm system of sorts.

The bunker's main entrance was set up to aid in its defense, multiple pop up cover panels, a narrow entry point to funnel attackers into a kill box, and a serious amount of permanent heavy weapon emplacements. The narrow entrance widened significantly after passing the main chokepoint, allowing Joslyn to see the Armory better inside. The walls were a concrete gray with a singular navy blue horizontal stripe running down the center of the walls on either side.

Once they passed the checkpoint and were away from the main group of Militia they were ushered into the second chamber. It had a few other frightened civilians in it and they turned their attention to the trio the moment they entered. The walls were the same dull gray but there were more colors this time segregating the room into three parts. There was a green line, a red line, and a yellow line. Each color indicated a different corridor.

Joslyn knew what each colored corridor meant as she used to be a part of the militia a few years ago. The red indicated the path to the medical center of the bunker where they kept a large store of medical supplies and machinery. The green led to the real armory where all the firearms, thermal clips and other ammunition were stored. Then the yellow line led to the main housing complex with the barracks for use during emergencies, as well as, the food storage and dining areas.

*The man and Joslyn were led by a younger woman with a calm demeanor, who had a large Red Cross emblem on her uniform. She took them towards the Red doorway and escorted them through. The hallway immediately entered into a spiral staircase that led down, deeper into Horizon. Next to the stairs sat a large service elevator though it required keys to function. The woman continued to lead them, taking them down the stairs occasionally looking back to see if she was still being followed.

Joslyn was now feeling better while she walked down the stairs, the man in front of her carrying Tobi, Joslyn was also finally able to catch her breath. Though this in truth only slightly registered to her as she was barely able to think of anything else but Tobi. He still wasn't moving, he lay limp against the man's shoulder. He looked to be asleep, but Joslyn knew he hadn't simply fainted from fear. Joslyn reached forward and patted Tobi's head, running her fingers through his soft hair. Whatever that insect was must have injected him with was doing this. She didn't know exactly how she knew but deep down she knew that she was right.

Joslyn's mind raced about what could be coursing through her son's veins. 'Poison? A Muscle Relaxant? A Neurotoxin?' She didn't know but the horrible possibilities swirled around in her mind as she descended the stairs. Joslyn couldn't take her eyes off Tobi as she walked, he was cradled against the man's shoulder looking as if he was being carried to bed. It made Joslyn nervous the longer they walked just how peaceful he looked, it terrified her that he could be dead.

Joslyn couldn't help but ask her voice tired but deadly serious. "Is he okay?"

The man not slowing his pace turned his head to the side and said. "He's still breathing, that's all I can really tell, did he hit his head?"

"One of those things stung him, then he fell over, and I grabbed him and ran, after that you know the rest." Answered Joslyn, focusing on watching Tobi more than walking safely.

"Well, whatever those bugs did can be undone. He just needs the right medicine, or time." Responded the man, his voice sounding as genuine as it could.

Despite his assurances Joslyn couldn't help but fear about Tobi, he was her baby and she couldn't take the heartbreak of losing the only gift she had left from her husband. She had lost everything else of him the day he died. Joslyn didn't say anything else the rest of the descent. Despite a growing dizziness she simply watched Tobi as if she were to look away for even a moment his condition would worsen.

After another minute or so they finally reached the bottom of the stairs. There was a large hallway, able to accommodate six people shoulder to shoulder, that led past the service elevator and then to a sealed door. The door at the end of the hallway was a shiny silver color with the two Red Crosses and each half of the Blast Door. The Medic walked up to a terminal next to the door. Where she pulled up her Omnitool and opened it. The Blast Doors sliding open a second later. The Medic then quickly led the N7 and Joslyn into the Medical Center. There were 17 people in the Center already, all wearing the same Red Cross on their shoulders as their guide.

Though unlike their guide not all of them were dressed in Militia Uniforms. Seven of them were dressed in the stereotypical clean white overcoats found on doctors. The rest were either dressed like Joslyn's guide, dull-white military armor with a medical symbol draped on different parts of their suits, or they were dressed in nurse scrubs. The Doctor's, or at least the ones who appeared to be, were discussing things to themselves, while the others were setting up additional medical beds and unwrapping boxes of medical supplies.

The room was pristine with the walls, floor, and ceiling all painted white. There were other colors in the room blues, reds, and silver. Near the entrance of the room was a large collection of mobile medical tables all covered inboxes. Along the back wall were seven rooms, five labeled Surgery 1-5 and the other two marked Supplies. On the left wall were 15 other rooms that ran the whole length of the wall. The 15 rooms were simply numbered, their doors wide open and lights off. While along the ceiling were a large collection of air ducts that took air from the surface and ran it through an industrial purifier.

In between each room were triage bays with retractable curtains for patient privacy. Along the right wall were a number of temporary medical beds and mobile medical scanners and carts of medical tools. In between the beds were rooms for the more complex and larger medical scanners as well as more storage areas. The room was large with several rows of cots filling the space in between, for temporary patients or when they got overwhelmed. In all the Medical Center were 120 meters in length and 60 meters wide with a 5-meter tall ceiling. Scattered around the giant underground chamber were support pillars that doubled as message boards for both patients and the medical staff.

When the Medics saw the N7 carrying a child they rushed into action. Two of the Doctors ordered three medics, including Joslyn's guide, to gather certain medical tools or supplies, such as an IV. While the others ran around the two Doctors split up, one walking up to the N7 and directing him to set the child down on a medical bed in the corner. While the other, an elderly man, talked to Joslyn directly. Joslyn remembered the man, his name was Daniel Gregor, he had been something of a friend to her husband when she and her husband served in the Militia.

"What happened to Tobi, Joslyn?" Was all Daniel asked at first, he had always been a straightforward person, direct and to the point.

"Tobi was stung by one of those swarm bugs. It stung him then he collapsed and he fainted some point after." Answered Joslyn.

"Hmm. How long did it take for him to fall unconscious?"

"I… I don't know, maybe a minute or two. But please tell me if he's going to be okay?" Said Joslyn, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Well, Joslyn, we won't know until we conduct some tests and do scans. Until that point, I can't give you an honest answer." Said, Daniel. Joslyn just about collapsed from a mixture of grief, pain, and overexertion. The Doctor helped her stand and said trying to in some way to reassure her. "But... if I had to guess I'd say the creature injected him with some sort of muscle relaxant, based on his lack of observable changes, a lack of discoloration, and the fact that he collapsed first then passed out."

Joslyn was terrified of what it meant about the ship and what it meant to the colony. But she was also given a glimmer of hope from finally having a possible answer to what was ailing her child.

Joslyn spoke her voice continuing to crack, but it contained her glimmer of hope. "Doesn't that mean he can sleep it off? It's just a relaxant so he should be fine, Right?"

Daniel's face formed a frown and he said, his voice deadly serious. "No, Joslyn. He can't simply sleep it off. Th-"

"How!? Why? Why can't he?" Said Joslyn, she was losing all sense of composure as terror gripped her as she feared for her son's life.

The Doctor held up his hand saying. "Please let me finish Joslyn, I know you're scared to lose him, but I promise you panicking will not help him recover. We'll do wha-"

Daniel was again cut off, this time by one of the medics. Her voice was loud and apprehensive. "Doctor we need you over here! He's seizing!"

Joslyn turned her head in an instant to see what was happening to her child. What she saw nearly made her fall over in tears. Tobi's small body was in the midst of a seizure, his body shaking violently and limbs flailing. Joslyn attempted to rush to Tobi but was held back by the N7. He knew she couldn't do anything and she would get in the way of the professionals, who could save the kid if given the chance. Daniel passed them heading straight to a storage room. He returned a moment later with a syringe in one hand and a bottle of liquid in the other.

The next hour passed with heavy tension as the doctors attempted to stabilize Tobi. Joslyn was situated in a chair and had been fitted with a sling to keep her from moving her shoulder. Finally, as the clock reached 3:00 the doctors stopped their operation on Tobi. At that point, Daniel took Joslyn aside to tell her all that had happened. While the other doctors saw to the more recent patients who had been brought down.

Joslyn was the first to speak once they stepped away. "What happened to my son?"

"He suffered a seizure due to his body's reaction to the muscle relaxant. I had been about to tell you earlier why he couldn't sleep off the drug. The dose the creature injected him with was most likely for that of an average adult, meaning Tobi's tiny body couldn't deal with it on its own." Responded Daniel, his words clear and articulate.

"Will he be okay now?" Asked Joslyn, fearful of his response.

"He should be now. We conducted a Hemodialysis on him which seems to have filtered out most of the venom, now we wait for his body to recover from its effects. But Tobi should make it through, and given enough rest and the correct treatments this won't have any long term effects on him. Though I recommend that Tobi stays in the Medical Center for as long as the attack lasts. Then we'll take him to the hospital so we can keep him for observation and make sure he can recover fully." Answered Daniel he then was called over by a nurse to see another patient where he gave his apologies to Joslyn and went over to help.

Joslyn let out a deep sigh feeling some of her terror leave her. Tobi was going to make it through the sting, but she still feared horribly about what was happening outside. For all, she knew the aliens that were attacking weren't leaving until they won or if they couldn't win. If they were to act that way there was little chance the Militia would be able to stop them.

Before Joslyn could return to Tobi's side the man that had carried her son came up to her, his arms were crossed and he seemed concerned. When he came to a halt in front of Joslyn he asked, his tone worried. "So, how's the kid doing? What'd the doc say?"

"Yes, the Doctor said my sons going to pull through, if he can rest and let the effects wear off. If that can happen my son should be fine." Joslyn after a moment said. "Thank you, you helped save my son."

"Of course, I was glad to help." Replied the man. The N7 then turned to leave, but looked back and said. "My name's Kaiden by the way. Kaiden Alenko, what's yours?"

"I'm Joslyn Darr, and my son's name is Tobi." Answered Joslyn.

"Well, it's nice finally getting your name. Oh yeah, how's your arm doing? I saw the nurse give you that sling, and I'm going to guess for a good reason." Replied Kaiden.

"It's alright it hurts a fair bit, but I'll be fine. I've been through worse."

"Well, I hope it heals fast. How'd it happen anyway?"

"I got hurt while we ran here. A man barrelled into me and knocked me to the ground. After that, it all becomes a blur. But from what the nurse told me I have a broken clavicle. It happened when I fell so to help it heal I have to wear this." Said Joslyn, indicating to the sling.

"Sorry to hear that. Well, I should probably go and see what I can do for the Militia in helping with what's happening here." Responded Kaiden as he began to turn to the Medical Centers entrance. "It was nice meeting you Miss Darr, and I hope Tobi wakes up soon."

"Thank you again, Kaiden, and good luck to you." Replied Joslyn, waving her uninjured hand as he walked to the door.

"Of course." Said Kaiden returning the wave as he walked backward.

With that, the N7 soldier disappeared into the hallway. As soon as Kaiden was gone Joslyn took her chance and headed straight to where Tobi was resting. She took a seat in the chair a nurse had left for her next to her son. She cradled his hand in her own, stroking it gently and whispering, "Mama's here, Baby. Mama's here."

Joslyn fell asleep not long after she sat down by her poisoned son. She dreamed of horrible things, mainly about the swarm of creatures and the haunting noise they made. Joslyn was gratefully interrupted from her nightmares by a nurse.

"M'am? Would you like some food?" Asked the nurse crouched in front of Joslyn touching her knee. Joslyn had to blink a few times to rouse herself back to the safety of the Medical Bay. She simply nodded in response and the nurse stood up in understanding to retrieve something for the weary mother to eat. After she left Joslyn started to try and fully wake up stretching her uninjured arm and yawning.

She then looked back to Tobi, his body completely still except for the rise and fall in his chest as he breathed. It was still a terrible sight seeing him in such a state, looking so deathly pale with tubes sticking out of his arms. Joslyn gently took his right hand again and caressed it against her cheek, taking a moment to monitor his pulse to ensure that he was okay. She only stopped when the nurse came back a minute later pushing a mobile cart with a platter of food on top. The tray had a slab of beef, a portion of instant mashed potatoes, a roll, and a helping of canned corn. Along with the food was a small styrofoam cup of iced water, and a plastic fork, spoon, and knife.

The nurse apologized for the poor food saying it was all that had been stocked in the Medical Centers food supplies. Joslyn assures her it was fine. The nurse turned to leave and reminded Joslyn if she needed anything to press the call button on the gurney and someone would be with them as soon as possible.

Joslyn ate her food slowly, as she was deep in thought and on account of the food's poor taste. While she ate she thought about Tobi and what was happening outside. She was beginning to think they must have the upper hand since the doctors were not making any dreadful announcements and the lack of any panic. Joslyn was sadly mistaken, for as she took the final bite of her beef slab a voice came over the old loudspeaker system.

"I am sorry to report, but our Militia forces have been unable to deal with the alien attackers. They have been pushed back to the Armory and are actively making their last stand against the invaders. We don't know how long they are going to hold but what we do know is that these aliens have an extensive knowledge of our defense systems. They have deactivated the LOKI Mechs, and the Blast Doors for the Armory are no longer responding to our commands and are stuck open."

"Luckily the Militia have been able to open the emergency escape exits in each of the Armory districts. We advise that all those here in the Medical District who are able head immediately to the 3rd Surgery Room. We advise you to prepare yourselves as quickly and orderly as you can. Keep in mind the emergency exit leads directly to the edge of town. Medical Personnel will try and help where they can, but please be aware that we have priorities and loved ones we wish to see safely out, as well. With that said - Good Luck, and may God help us."

As the speaker shut off fear gripped Joslyn as the reality of the situation was forced upon her. She felt as if her chest was going to explode with anxiety. But just as she was about to crumble in fear she gathered her will and fought the internal battle against the nightmare. Once she gained control over her limbs she stood up and looked to the door then back at Tobi. She knew she had to save him, but she also knew it wasn't going to be easy, especially with her shoulder.

Joslyn quickly ran over and grabbed Tobi's clothes and shoved them into a plastic bag near his bed. It was difficult only being able to use one arm but eventually, she got the hang of it. Just as she was about to start removing the cables attached to Tobi she heard someone enter the room. She turned and readied herself for anything. In the doorway stood Kaiden, his armor smeared with dirt, his hair matted with sweat, and a gash on his cheek. He threw his arms up showing he meant them no harm.

Once Joslyn was sure it was him she loosened her stance and said. "Please help me."

Kaiden quickly moved to the other side of the bed saying. "Can he be disconnected from any of these machines?"

Joslyn acted rather than respond, pulling monitors off his body until only the IV remained. She unhooked the IV bags from the stand and motioned for Kaiden to take Tobi.

Kaiden quickly, but carefully picked up Tobi along with the sheets he was wrapped in to keep the boy clean from the soldier's dirtied armor. Before Joslyn could hand him the IV bags he spoke. "Take my pistol, we'll definitely need it where we are going." With that, he unholstered his pistol and handed it to Joslyn.

She took it and handed him the IV bags, which he secured to his shoulder plate. Joslyn checked the Thermal Clip and readied herself to go. With that, they left the room and entered back into the main Medical area. There was almost no one left now, only a few Militia Medics, the nurse who had given Joslyn food, and a few stunned civilians. The Militia Medics were armed with standard rifles and watching the door intently. Joslyn led Kaiden across the chamber straight for the 3rd Surgery room. Following not far behind them were the nurse and the three civilians.

Just as they reached the emergency exit door Joslyn heard one of the Medics shout something, then the sound of guns firing. With that helping to push them forward the group made their way through the door that led into a narrow tunnel. The only light was the occasional ceiling mounted LED that gave off limited light. It was cramped, barely able to fit them in a single file. This slowed them down a bit, but Kaiden set a hard pace for Joslyn to match. They could hear the panic coming from the people behind them, but both paid little attention to it, primarily focused on Tobi and his well-being.

After about three minutes of walking in a straight line, the path diverged into two. On the left led to daylight and to the right another path led deeper into the tunnel. Kaiden waited for Joslyn to pick one before he took her son anywhere.

Joslyn quickly decided against going out into the open so soon and decided to keep going with the tunnel. "Right." Was all she said, and with that Kaiden went farther into the tunnel.

Joslyn heard as the other party split up into two groups one following them, the nurse and a civilian, while the other two headed for daylight. Joslyn and Kaiden continued down the tunnel, being sure to go as fast as was feasible in such tight conditions and low light. Soon the path began to incline. Eventually, the path came to an end opening up at the foot of a ladder that led towards the surface. The same LED lights were placed in the upwards tunnel, though it was unclear if it reached daylight.

*Joslyn quickly resolved to go first, shoving Kaiden's pistol into her pocket allowing her to climb without using her wounded arm. After Joslyn was a good 10 feet up Kaiden climbed on, making sure to keep Tobi as safe as he could. Not long after Kaiden reached the top the Nurse and civilian emerged. The civilian, a middle-aged man attempted to yell Kaiden up the ladder, screaming for him to go faster. But after Kaiden gave the man a good kick to the face he shut up, though that was mainly on account of the pain and hassle from his broken nose.

Soon Joslyn came to the end of the ladder, a simple metal manhole, which she slowly lifted and pushed aside. She then quickly crawled out of the hole and scanned the area. She was in a small windowless tool shed, though on account of poor light it was hard to tell if it was a tool shed. All Joslyn could ascertain for certain was that the floor was concrete and that there were a dozen boxes littering the floor. The only exit that she could see was an old-looking wooden door that let in the rooms only light, besides what came from the hole. Joslyn finally took the Carnifex out of her pocket and leveled it at the door as Kaiden came out.

Kaiden quickly took a position behind Joslyn, as they waited for the other two people to get out. The man was first, still attempting to stop the flow of blood that came from his nose. Which the man situated himself as far away from Kaiden as he could for fear of more injury. After him came the Nurse who quickly re-covered the manhole.

The Nurse was the first to speak between all of them, her voice containing no small part of anxiety. "Well, what's our plan? Do we just head out of this shed and hope to get away?"

Joslyn responded attempting to keep her voice down for fear of what could be outside the door. "I plan on going to the Pharmacy. I'm going to need more painkillers and other medications for my son. So that's my plan, you can join me or you can head your own way. I'm extending the choice to you to Kaiden, you've already done more than enough."

Kaiden quickly replied, his voice quiet and honest. "I'm not going anywhere Joslyn, you two still need me. Besides you've got my gun."

"Thank you, Kaiden." Said Joslyn, her voice containing her gratitude to Kaiden for his invaluable help to her. "How about you two? Are you going to follow us? Or are you going to head somewhere else."

"Hell no am I following that lunatic." Replied the man, his voice nasally and angry, as he pointed at Kaiden. Who simply shrugged in response.

The Nurse nodded to Joslyn saying. "I'd feel better with more people, especially ones who have weapons."

Alright let's get ready, I'll open the door and I'll walk out first and check if it's safe for the rest of you then we'-" Began Joslyn.

"Oh, to hell with this!" Interrupted the man as he jumped up and kicked the door open exposing the entire room to the light of outside.

Joslyn cursed and raised the pistol at the light as her eyes adjusted to the change. It took a moment but eventually, she was able to see what was out there. They were in the backyard of one of the more permanent houses near the east side of town. But what caught Joslyn's eye immediately was what lay in the center of town. There looming like the horns of the devil were three of the alien ships. Each unique with different rock formations and colors. What was happening around them was also eye-catching. The Black Swarm of creatures flew around the three ships every once and a while sending out small pockets of their number to random areas of the colony.

After a moment Joslyn got ahold of herself and she looked around the more immediate area. Outside a few yards away was a fence, with its gate already open with the obstinate man rushing through it. Joslyn stood up and checked around the shed Kaiden and the Nurse following close behind. They then made a b-line to the wooden fence and huddled against it. Joslyn looked through the doorway and down the street. She saw the man running down the center of the road and completely in the open. Joslyn couldn't help but roll her eyes as she continued to scan the road. She knew the part of town they were in and she quickly deduced where the closest pharmacy was. After that, she stood and began the arduous task of making their way stealthily down the road.

They slowly progressed jumping from house to house and car to car. Eventually, they were only a block away from the Pharmacy and had yet to run into any trouble. That was when Joslyn caught her first sight on the invading aliens.

They were man-sized and bug-like with a black exoskeleton covering the outside of their body. With a flat head resembling an upside-down triangle. They had four pupil-less eyes each glowing a sickly yellow. Then their most bizarre trait was wings, large, oily in appearance, and somewhat translucent. The Aliens carried guns that seemed to be made of the same carapace as their skin, almost as if the weapons were attached to them on a biological level.

Three of the creatures flew from the direction of the woods, in their arms, they carried the familiar form of the man that had nearly let them be discovered. He was unconscious, or so it appeared, as his body was completely limp in the hands of two of the creatures. They passed within 10 meters of the small group, close enough for Joslyn to hear the beating of their wings. It was a creepy sound almost the same as the noise of the Swarms but with a higher range.

*The aliens passed them by heading in the direction of the three ships. As they went out of sight the group let out a reluctant breath. Joslyn then motioned for them to continue moving so that they could make it to the Pharmacy. They arrived a few minutes later making sure to be as methodical as possible in their approach until finally, they came to the door of the Pharmacy. The inside was wrecked, but they quickly found what they needed, in the way of some food, some painkillers, and a few bottles of water. They also spotted a few items that could be used as improvised weapons as well as extra clothes that would hopefully block the sting of an insect.

Once they felt amply supplied the small group set off back outside, taking their time in the hopes of not being seen by the aliens. After they doubled back on their path they arrived in a park-like plaza. Its name escaped Joslyn but she remembered that she used to bring Tobi here after his father had died to cheer him up with all the festivities that took place there every week.

Now the square was abandoned, the performing stage in tatters and the restaurants around them were wrecked, the once warm and inviting feeling gone and replaced only with darkness and death. The storefronts were ripped to shreds, the wooden tables now littering the ground as splinters. Joslyn felt a piece of her heartache at seeing the place in such a state, it had been one of the few things that had helped her and Tobi get over their loss. And now the aliens had destroyed it without feeling.

*Joslyn felt hatred well up deep in her chest as she took in the scene. The wrath built up so much that she felt like she might explode her thoughts angry only coalescing into these words. 'They attack my home, nearly kill my son, abduct those who can't do anything to them, and they destroy one of the few places left in this world that gave me any amount of peace. I swear to whatever god or entity that is listening I will have my revenge for this, I WILL MAKE THESE FREAKS PAY WITH THEIR LIVES!'

As Joslyn's anger reached its apex she couldn't help but lash out, kicking an *old metal bucket* in front of her feet. She hurt her toe but she didn't care so deep was she in her anger that barely anything registered. That was until she heard the sound of the bucket hit the cement wall. The sound echoed like a train crash in comparison to the quiet that had reigned before. It's noise knocking Joslyn momentarily from her frenzied state.

She hoped nothing would happen, that her momentary lapse of control wouldn't have any effect. But soon her hopes were crushed. An alien flew out of one of the destroyed businesses its eyes locked on Joslyn's. It seemed for a moment to reflect her same feelings of hatred from a moment ago, but as quickly as the connection was made it ended, with the Bugman landing close to Joslyn raising its biological rifle.

But before the creature could shoot her Joslyn fired her own weapon from the hip. It hit center mass on the creature, but it didn't kill it, only stunning it a moment. Though it was more than enough time for Joslyn to fire three more shots, again hitting the alien dead center. Yellow blood and broken carapace leaked from the creature. It seemed stunned at first as if it hadn't expected to die, but its body quickly got the information, as its knees buckled and it fell to the ground lifeless.

With the creature, dead Joslyn spun around to see if there were any more. She heard them before they could be seen flying up from behind one of the cottages on the far end of the square.

Before they could get in range Joslyn yelled out to Kaiden and the Nurse. "Get to the bakery!"

Kaiden quickly responded instantly, running right for the storefront. He was slowed a little by Tobi's weight but he still quickly made it behind cover. The Nurse reacted far slower only able to run a few meters before the aliens were in range. They aimed wide the first three shots but they shot her with the fourth. A gunshot wound appearing through her leg causing her to stumble forward hobbling. She made it behind a wall before the creatures could fire again. Though the two creatures drew closer hoping to flush the group out with their impending approach.

Joslyn had made sure to take the forward position hiding behind the main entrance gun ready to spit more rounds at the creatures if they dared come closer. Once the creatures realized their fear tactic wasn't working they began firing into the shop hoping to get the three to move. They rained continuous fire for a few moments before the creatures had to reload their biological guns. The items looked somewhat similar to thermal clips but instead of metallic rectangular boxes, they were cylindrical in appearance with chitin covering the exterior.

Before the aliens could put in the new clips though Joslyn popped from behind her cover and shot four rounds into the closest of the two bugmen. The alien now missing most of its head fell over much like the first its body giving one last spasm as it lay on the ground. The second alien reacted instantly to the exchange ducking away from the window and running thereafter to the safety promised by a stone statue in the square.

Once it took cover it sprang back out firing its gun at Joslyn, who just barely ducked back behind cover before she could be injured. The creature stopped firing once Joslyn was behind cover but she knew it wasn't reloading, it was attempting to bait her. After another moment Joslyn threw her gun hand out and shot blindly in the direction of the alien. Her shot failed to connect and for her trouble she got shot by an element zero round, the bullet cutting deep into her forearm.

Joslyn pulled her hand back, cursing at the pain and attempted to assess her wound. There was a small chunk taken out of her arm, the area now bleeding quickly.

Joslyn called out to the Nurse through gritted teeth. "Bandage!"

The Nurse responded a moment later by throwing a small roll of bandages, which landed near Joslyn's feet.

Joslyn quickly grabbed the bandage and went to work trying to stop the bleeding temporarily. She wrapped the bandage twice around and then bit the cloth, tearing it from the rest of the roll. After that, she forced herself to get ready for more. Pulling the pistol from her pocket she checked the clip, she guessed she had maybe Five or Six shots left, she reinjected the clip and slowed her breathing in an attempt to steady her aim, as pain rocked her arm.

As Joslyn tried to regain her strength Kaiden sprang up from his cover in the back. Leaping over the counter rifle in hand and ready to fire. After Kaiden got five feet the alien opened fire on him. Most of the rounds missed but a few would have hit him if not for his kinetic barrier which deflected the rounds that would have hit his armor. Just as the barrier was overloaded he finally reached the window where he stopped and raised his rifle. A millisecond later the gunshot out two precise rounds flying at the alien.

The bullets pierced deep and flew out the backside of the alien's head, going through one of its eyes in the process. But instead of its body crumbling as it died, the creature didn't move. It just stood as if frozen at the moment of death. Then it spasmed its whole body for one instant twitching in every direction. The creature then returned back to normal for a moment, then it spasmed again, more violently, it's armed breaking at the elbow as it's arms extended beyond their limits. A sickening Crunch making it all the way to Kaiden in the back of the store.

Again the creature returned to its normal position, though its body was showing signs of falling apart as its exoskeleton began to crumble. Then it spasmed one final time. The gun which had remained in its hand fell off in the first moment then the creature reeled as its spine was bent back and beyond its breaking point as well. Another horrible crunch, louder than the last, coming from the creature.

Then as if freed from some dark spell its mouth opened but all that came out was a blood-curdling shriek as if the creature was in the midst of the worst torture of its life. The creature began to glow, a sickly yellow, the same as the eyes, the light coming from the cracks in the creature's exoskeleton. As it shone brighter the alien began to straighten its back.

Then a Voice erupted from the creature, this time not a scream of pain but a declaration. "Assuming Direct Control."

Then it began to walk towards Joslyn, it's striding irregular as if it wasn't used to walking with two legs. It co*cked its head to the side a moment as it walked casting its eyes over a shaken Joslyn and a stunned Kaiden, it gazed like a predator looking at a wounded animal. Then it took one last step. But instead of landing its foot on the ground it set it in the air. Then as if it was on an invisible step it pulled the other leg up, while the other leg stayed suspended in the air.

With that motion it took flight, floating about a foot off the ground. It moved forward again heading directly for the Shop, it's gaze fixed on Kaiden. It stopped at the empty window sill.

The creature spoke again its voice deep, and seething with hatred. "You will make fitting tools for our work."

With that Kaiden finally woke from his stupor bringing his rifle back up, aiming, and firing off several shots into the creature. They connected cutting deep into the creature's already broken carapace, yellow blood flowing from the open wounds. But instead of recoiling or even attempting to run for cover it stood there absorbing the damage Kaiden dealt it as if it were a minor breeze.

Kaiden kept firing until his rifle stopped as the thermal clip ejected. The creature laughed after that happened, it was a rough and loud noise as if coming from some giant stone being.

It stopped laughing and said, its stone-like voice sounding disgusted. "Pathetic."

*Then it flicked its wrist at Kaiden sending him flying across the room faster than he could react. He connected with the wall the sound of his kinetic barrier snapping as it attempted to save Kaiden from the deadly launch. Kaiden then fell to the floor coughing roughly his breaths ragged and shaky.

The creature turned to look at Joslyn as if expecting to see her applaud its performance. What it saw it was not fully prepared for. Joslyn had also recovered from her moment of fear and was also ready for action. She raised her pistol and shot the Abomination point-blank in the head.

This time though the creature finally responded as she hoped. The glowing creature brightening for a moment, then dissipating a second later. The creature fell to the floor it's body beginning to shrivel as if dried out from something.

As it lay there it's mouth opened one last time the same dark voice coming from the broken form. "Releasing Control."

Joslyn let out a shaky breath as she let her body relax a moment. She remembered Kaiden which sent her stumbling to where he had been thrown. so she could check if he was alright. He lay still where he had fallen, his breathing still ragged. Joslyn knelt by him and attempted to move him with her still functioning arm onto his side. She eventually succeeded and looked at his face to see if he appeared conscious.

"I'm... hoping this... means... that thing… is dead?" Said Kaiden in between heavy breaths.

Joslyn gave a faint smile and said. "I think so."

"Good… Good... well, do I… look alright?"

The nurse limbed up to them at this point , her small medical bag clutched in her hands. She crouched down next to Kaiden and went to work inspecting Kaiden for any open wounds or broken bones. Ultimately taking out her Omnitool and scanning him for any internal injuries.

While the nurse worked Joslyn went to find Tobi and ensure that he was safe, as well as so she could watch and see if any more of the aliens showed up. She found Tobi lying on the floor of the backroom, his head held up by a small bag of cotton balls. His IV was suspended by the handle of an open drawer. He was still unconscious his only movement being the rise and fall of his chest.

Joslyn gave him kiss on the forehead and stood back up knowing that she needed to make sure they were safe while both Kaiden and Tobi were incapacitated. She found Kaidens rifle next to where he had jumped over the counter. She took it and checked it over making sure it was still in one piece and functional. Once she was sure it was good she went back to Kaiden. The nurse had set him up against the wall and was injecting him with a syringe of some kind. While she worked Joslyn quickly grabbed a Thermal Clip off of him.

She readied the rifle and headed back to the entrance. After a while the nurse came to her and they spoke.

"How's Kaiden doing?" Asked Joslyn as the nurse approached.

"He could definitely be far worse. His kinetic barrier saved his life. He only sustained a mild concussion and a lot of pain and shock. He should be back up in a few minutes as the painkillers I gave him kick in, as well as the medi-gel I gave him. But I'm not just here to talk to you. I saw you got shot in the firefight."

"I'm fine, we have bigger things to worry about, like getting out of here before those things send reinforcements."

"True but it's my job to help people who get injured, and I need to make sure the wound doesn't get infected as well as ensure your ability to use your arm."

With that said Joslyn let the nurse take a look at her gunshot wound. She disinfected it and bandaged it properly then made sure Joslyn's antics hadn't reinjured her shoulder. After that, she gave Joslyn a shot of medi-gel in the gunshot and handed her some painkillers and a water bottle to help with all her pain.

After all that the nurse went back to check on Kaiden, and a moment later he hobbled over to where Joslyn was. The two spoke for a moment mainly on what their plan was. They settled with gathering their meager supplies and running into the woods in the hopes of getting as far away from the aliens as possible. After that, they searched the store for any supplies that could help them. They found a few kitchen knives that they took for close-quarters weapons should the aliens get that close. After that, they readied to leave the store and make a mad dash for the woods.

Just as they finished packing their supplies into a few rucksacks they had found they heard something. A series of distant Booms. They sounded like they came from above but they were so distant it was hard to pinpoint where it could have come from. Joslyn quickly ran to the open window motioning for the others to get to the back. She saw a dozen fireballs falling from the sky. She at first thought that they must have been missiles at the speed that they were falling, but as they grew closer to the ground the larger they appeared.

Joslyn rationalized that they must have been space debris or satellites that had been scattered by the arrival of the Aliens, but something inside her knew it was something else. The falling star's trajectory appeared to be the hills to the north of the town. That area was mainly open plains and farmland which led all the way to the square Joslyn was holed up in. Joslyn watched the falling 'rocks' a moment longer then went back inside the shop.

Joslyn found Kaiden and the Nurse in the back, the latter of the two held the group's supplies. While the former carried Tobi and his rifle in his arms. When Joslyn saw that they were ready to leave she motioned for them to come out. With that the group left the shop and made to go straight through the square and out into the hills beyond the town. They made it to the performing arts podium when Joslyn had the group hide underneath the structure, after she heard a terrible sound she was quickly becoming well acquainted with.

As Joslyn made it under the structure the quiet and haunting noise became only comparable to a Hurricane of beating wings. The little light that shone through the tarp that covered the podium vanished as countless shadows ran across it. The noise surrounded them a moment later, the flapping of wings blocking out any other sounds. The terrifying noise continued for so long and with such intensity that Joslyn swore that the podium they were hiding under was seconds away from being sent flying. Even after this the horrid tumult only grew louder until finally it blocked Joslyn's ability to think of anything but the disgusting noise that surrounded her. It continued for what felt like an eternity until finally the hurricane ceased and light returned to pour from the openings in the tarp.

The noise stopped completely, so sudden that one might have thought there had never been the hurricane of Bugmen. But Joslyn knew they hadn't simply vanished, so she held up her hand silently telling the Nurse and Kaiden to not move. The group sat there for what felt like an hour, unmoving and silent, slowly tension welling up in them. After another eternity the group finally moved, Joslyn, leading the procession to the edge of the podium. Once there Joslyn slowly lifted the tarp, the change in light taking her a moment for her eyes to adjust.

Arrayed all around the entire square was a horde. The countless Bugmen stood there, rifles raised. Joslyn's blood ran cold as the sight set in, the last of her hope for escape dashed by the horrific sight of the abominations. Joslyn and the Nurse froze their bodies as stiff as a board as they stood at the open point in the tarp. Kaiden who stood behind them was better able to keep his senses setting Tobi down behind him and then turning back to the opening and raising his rifle ready to fire at the aliens that would dare approach them. But that wasn't what happened, the aliens just stood like statues unflinching at the revelation that humans had appeared in their midst. The aliens simply stood ready to fight their eyes locked on the distant hills as if they expected them to come alive and attack them at any moment.

The silence and stillness of the creatures and the group continued for several minutes until finally, Joslyn was able to move again. She raised her pistol to the closest Alien and sighted in its head but held herself back from pulling the trigger. While she could she scanned the courtyard so she could fully gage the number of aliens. They had arrived in force, looking to be at least around a thousand of the horrific creatures arrayed on the pavement, and along the roof of nearby buildings. Among the horrible horde of aliens floated three silent devils. They appeared to be somewhat similar to the Bugmen, though their form was stout like the creature had been crunched in a compactor. They glowed an otherworldly blue with strange waves of energy seeming to ripple around them. They were large and imposing their hide an even darker black than that of the other aliens.

After taking in the horde and the monsters Joslyn heard another series of distant booms, though it sounded more like the roar of a dozen dragons. The alien mob for one instant gave a collective flinch as if the noise had startled even them. Joslyn watched the aliens a moment eyeing any further movement. When no additional changes happened she turned her head to look to where the noise had come from.

Just as she looked something darted down the hill faster than she could fully comprehend. Then another something passed and another, this happened twelve more times ultimately ending with a fifteenth blur. Whatever the blurs where they were wicked fast and headed straight for them from what little she saw of their trajectory before they were eclipsed by another hill. After another second or two the blurs ran over the next hill though they were now formed in a wedge with one blur set in front like a spear's tip. The things then fell behind the final hill to the town and with that Joslyn sucked in a deep breath and readied herself for the worst.

A blinding flash came from someone or thing as the Blur's crested the hill into the colony. Then in an instant, Joslyn heard the loud growl of engines, the whizz of element zero guns firing, and a strange sound like the roar of a lion. After that her eyes finally readjusted, what she saw defied words. There were over a dozen giant flying motorcycles roaming and ramming through the horde of Bugmen. The motorcycles were bulky but had a unique and refined grace that Joslyn couldn't help but subconsciously acknowledge. They were blood red with gold intertwined elegantly. The Bikes were a series of blurs, though Joslyn could just make out a few symbols on the flanks of the hoverbikes, though she couldn't read them despite her translator chips effort.

But what caught Joslyns eye was the riders of the bulky vehicles, Giants the shape of a man but twice the size and enclosed in even bigger armored suits. Their armor varied but all contained blood red and gold as their main colors. The suits were decorated heavily and looked more like costumes than protective armor. But despite their beautiful design, they were tougher than any armor she had seen before, the few shots that did connect with the driver only seeming to chip the paint. The other thing Joslyn noticed was their weapons, massive and bulky guns the size of a human torso and mounted with twin barrels, each spitting out rounds. The bullets they shot were immensely destructive, the rounds exploding on impact and blowing the bugmen they connected with to smithereens. Carapace and yellow blood being launched in every direction.

The Guns were terrifying the roar they produced upon firing sounding like the crackling roar of a thunderstrike. Despite the hectic appearance of the Giants and the speed of their vehicles, their aim was incredible. Shots only rarely missing their targets and connecting with the surrounding buildings and objects. The Bugmen were attempting to fight back but their attempts were feeble compared to the wrath of the mounted giants. The courtyard was being littered with the corpses of the aliens. Their dreadful machines dying in brilliant explosions, with what remained of their loathful bodies collapsing to the pavement with their brethren.

The Giants flew about the square like birds on the wind, their movements insanely fast and precise, to an inhuman degree. The new arrivals were decisive in their every move, every time a cycle moved it crushed an alien with its bulk, and with every volley of fire, the Bugmen's lines shriveled further and buckled under the immense strain of the Giants assault. The fighting swirled around the podium at the center of the square, the hoverbikes seeming to specifically take care every time they shot near the stage. Joslyn could barely take in all of the sights and smells that she was now witness to, ranging from the sickening stench of the bugmen, to the powerful scent of gunpowder, and finally a strange smell like Ozone. With her first whiff of the strange smell, she saw a blinding series of flashes and the sound of thunder crackling to her right.

Joslyn looked to see what had made the sound and lights and saw a hoverbike flying quickly past a small cloud of black ash that quickly fell to the floor. Joslyn looked at the cycle's rider expecting to see the usual red or gold giant, but instead, they were cobalt blue with red and gold accents. But what struck Joslyn was what they carried in their right hand, aloft and defiantly, a Flaming Sword! The blade was massive well over the size of a person, but the giant carried it as easily in one hand as she would a knife. They were even still able to drive the bike as well as their comrades. The sword was mid-strike when Joslyn fully understood what she saw and a millisecond later it had slashed through three whole bugmen, all in one stroke. Their bodies lighting aflame the instant the blade touched their flesh, reducing them to black ash before they could even fall to the floor.

Joslyn's eyes followed the blue giant only to witness them shoot red bolts of lightning from their left hand as they paused in their maneuvering a moment. The lightning flew into a group of a dozen bugmen sending their bodies falling to the ground as the lightning tore them apart.

As the blue giant killed the creatures it roared out a battle cry in its own tongue, its voice was masculine and strong, but it had a strange and terrifying undertone as if the voice could break mountains to mere pebbles. "Et Abominatones Contrus Deum Mori Imperatoris!"

With his words spoken the giant sped off again not giving the Bugmen a second glance. Joslyn's eyes didn't follow the giant this time, she was too shocked by what she was seeing, her mind racing to try and understand all that was happening so quickly around her. 'How did they… or what are these guys? They're Fekking massive and they're fighting 15 to a thousand and Winning in a landslide! One of them also appears to be some sort of super biotic or they have some seriously high tech weapons for him to be able to shoot lightning from his fingers. Honestly, what are these things? Why did they come here? Are they going to take advantage of our weakened state to steal from us after they get rid of the Bugmen? I'm going to need to keep my guard up, I won't let them get anywhere near my son.'

As Joslyn quickly decided her next course of action the battle raged on around her. The Giants congregated around the front of the stage and then pressed forward like a battering ram crushing any aliens still within the square until only a few remained along the roofs and firing from within the lining buildings. In response to the remaining enemies, the Giants lept from their cycles, some with wings of fire sprouting from jet engines attached to their backs slamming them onto the roofs were the Giants butchered the Bugmen with large glowing blades and pistols that shot more of the explosive bullets. The Bugmen on the roofs attempted to flee but before they could fly away they were sent back to the tiled roofs with the impact to shatter bones.

Joslyn looked to what had caused the Bugs deaths and was again greeted to the sight of the Blue Giant. He stood on top of a building on the other side of the square his hand outstretched towards the now crushed Bugmen and his eyes glowing a dark and powerful purple. In the next several moments the last of the Bugmen were slain, their broken forms littering the ground and their blood seeping in between the cracks in the stones. Once their fight was done the Giants began to patrol around the square looking for any surviving enemies or for any new ones. They seemed completely oblivious of Joslyn's group hidden under the podium. That was they seemed oblivious until Two Giants made their approach to the podium. The blue armored Giant and another dressed in pristine white armor.

As they approached Joslyn got her first full unhindered sight of the Giant's physic and the armor that they wore. The armor was bulky and intimidating, like everything they seemed to have, the helmet's eyes seemingly bent into a furrowed brow. While the armor seemed huge and encumbering the Giants moved as if they were unarmored. The chestplate that each had carried the same golden symbol, a dual-headed eagle with its wings stretched across the whole plate. Their armor also had many little details and bits of craftsmanship like golden leafed pictures expertly crafted and ornamented. The other main symbol Joslyn noticed was a set of angelic wings paired with the ruby teardrop. The image was everywhere their armor, their bikes, and even their weapons.

Joslyn rationalized that the giants must have been some sort of mech hence their size and power. She assumed that they could be some sort of new secret prototype the Systems Alliance military had developed, but that didn't explain why they used ballistic weapons as opposed to Element Zero ones. Which wouldn't have made sense if she hadn't seen the sheer destruction those guns had caused to the aliens and the surrounding area. She debated whether they could be a new species of alien, hence why she couldn't understand them, as well as explain their different technology and unconventional weapons. But that was highly unlikely, especially with other new aliens having already arrived at her home, so two new aliens just sounded impossible. But Joslyn's thoughts stopped as the Giants got closer.

The Giants approached, their eye lenses glowing a bright and piercing green, making Joslyn feel as if her very soul was under scrutiny. The Giants stopped a few feet away from the podium both eyeing the small group of people.

Then the blue Giant spoke this time in perfect English, the tone even but his voice soothing in a strange way. "I mean you no harm mortal."

Joslyn froze for a moment as her mind tried to wrap itself around the increasingly bizarre situation she was caught in. Kaiden ultimately answered for the group, his voice attempting to sound intimidating in some way. "Yeah, well I'd prefer it if you kept yourselves over there so I don't have to shoot you."

The giant seemed to be unaffected by Kaiden's threat and responded, his voice still even. "My brother and I have not come to hurt you, Mortal, nor those under your protection. Quite the opposite in fact, we came to see if you were in need of any further help."

Kaiden was silent a moment as he thought about what the Giant said, but his retort was a simple one. "We don't need any help, you just move along and leave us alone."

The giant responded immediately. "I see that you all have suffered recent injuries, and that the child you keep behind you is in need of medical attention. I will state it again Mortal, I mean you no harm, I only wish to offer you help in the ways I am able."

Kaiden fell quiet another moment pondering what he should do. After a moment Kaiden looked to Joslyn hoping she could chime in on what to do. She was still somewhat lost for words but she had been at least somewhat able to keep track of what was happening, so she simply nodded her head to Kaiden, which allowed him to make the call. "Fine, but you are going to tell us exactly what you're doing as you see to our wounds. And if we say no to anything, you stop what you're doing and walk away. Deal?"

The Giant nodded his head saying. "Deal."


And that is the End of Chapter ten! What do you guys think? Please let me know by leaving a review on your thoughts, and your possible gripes with the story. It REALLY helps me learn how I can improve and what I might be doing wrong. With that, all said a BIG thank you for all of you who have favorited, followed and reviewed it gives me genuine happiness when I see that people are enjoying the story. Now Thank you for your time and please have a great rest of your day!

Chapter 11: Openings on the Horizon, Part II

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

I would just like to thank you for clicking on my latest chapter before we get started so seriously thank you for reading, as it really helps me seeing so many great people coming around to read my story. With that said I would like to take a quick sec to respond to someone who recently reviewed my story, so if you don't really care about that you can go on ahead and skip to the beginning of the chapter proper. I'm mainly responding to a reviewer named Nix, who found it incredibly stupid that I had the Imperials be willing to consider some of the races in ME as not a threat or even as a possible resource. Firstly I'd like to tell him, though he probably will never see my response, that I prefaced in the first chapter that the Imperials wouldn't be going "PURGE THE XENOS!" as I find a story like that incredibly boring and in my opinion at least kind of stupid. Though I do find certain aspects of that kind of story interesting I personally am bored to death just seeing a story entirely about how the Imperium could shat on anything and everything in any other universe. While yes it is a true fact that 40k is incredibly ridiculous when it comes to its world's events and people I am more interested in other possible avenues that I can explore, as well as I like displaying the last small shreds of kindness left in some denizens of the Imperium. Hence why in this story I'm not having the Imperials go full Black Templar, as well as this is the Blood Angels so that wouldn't have made sense anyway. As well, and I know it might sound stupid, I want to show that even the gruesome and grimdark Imperium can learn to get past its hatreds, at least ones that are completely unfounded. No this does not mean I'll make the Imperials Xeno-lovers but they will be willing and able to learn to accept some of the things in ME. Now with my little rant over and done with let us get into Chapter Eleven of Angels Lament...

Chapter Eleven: Openings on the Horizon, Part II

Joslyn's head was spinning, from a mix of fatigue, adrenaline, dread, and the horrible events of the day. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the Bugmen, but the arrival of the Giants had sent her mind over the edge. Now she was somewhat lost in thought as the world went on around her. From what she could gather after hearing the giant and Kaiden speak to one another, the Giants meant to help them, or so they said. Josyln was finally able to collect some of her thoughts and answered awaiting and nervous Kaiden, as he wished to know what she thought was right to do. Joslyn barely had the power to respond. It wasn't elegant or even in the form of words, it was simply a head nod in the affirmative.

Kaiden quickly nodded to her and looked back at the two Giants giving them permission to approach, but stating they could do so under the condition that they shared every move they planned to make with them. Thereby giving Kaiden, Joslyn and the nurse the power to permit or decline any of their possible actions. The Giants approached slowly, though they crossed the distance between the two groups in only three proportional strides. As they came close Joslyn suddenly felt the fog in her mind begin to lift. The fear and shock were easing. The dreadful thoughts were still there, but their power was somehow dulled, allowing Joslyn a clarity of mind she hadn't felt since the aliens first arrived.

Along with her fears being dismissed she suddenly wasn't as distrustful of the Giants. Something in the recesses of her mind, a voice almost, reassuring her she was in safe company and that no harm would come to them in their presence. Along with the newfound clarity, Joslyn was able to observe more details about the two Giants closest to her. The Blue armored Giant wore upon his helm what looked like an olive branch crown, painted a mix of gold and a mossy green. Joslyn at first mistook it for an actual laurel wreath, but then she quickly saw the metallic glint emanating from it and realized it must have been made from steel or something to that effect.

The White armored Giant's right arm was far bulkier than his left. At the end of his right hand, just below the wrist, there was what looked like a box attached. Protruding from it were two massive implements, one a large syringe and below that a massive buzzsaw.

Joslyn felt a spike of fear well up in her chest as she saw the buzzsaw blade, but sensing her fear the Giant spoke directly to her for the first time, and in perfect English. His voice was as smooth as silk, containing boundless amounts of compassion. "Do not worry ma'am." He assured her, "The blade is only used to allow me to cut through body armor of an injured individual more quickly so that I might see to their wounds all the sooner. Although, it is not a standard medical tool for helping those like you, a mortal. And to alleviate your concerns I will command it to retract back into my tool arsenal. As well, you have my solemn promise, as a Sanguinary Priest, that I mean only to see your wounds and those of your companions healed." As he made his oath the Giant put his right fist across his broad chest and bowed his head to Joslyn.

With that the White Giant somehow recalled his buzzsaw, quickly retracting into the cuff of the gauntlet with only the slightest whoosh. The "Sanguinary Priest" knelt down in front of the small group and pointed the massive gauntlet at the nurse. As he did so, a green glow emanated from the device cast across the head of the weary nurse.

The Sanguinary Priest ran the beam of light down the nurse's entire body, but while doing so he asked her questions about herself and her condition starting with, "What is your name, Mortal?"

The nurse took a second to speak as she gathered her thoughts. "My name is Alexandra Devare. What about you sir... do you have a name?"

The Giant seemed to chuckle, at least based on the deep thrumming noise he emitted and the rumble that ran through his armor, she believed it was. He responded, his voice still sweeter than honey. "Well met, Alexandra Devare. Yes, I have a name, two in fact. One given to me at birth by my parents and one conferred upon me when I became of age to receive it. My birth name was Diris of the Sandcrawler Clan. Then when I was older I was given the name I now answer to, Bariel. My namesake was an honorable man who worked tirelessly in the service of others. I live to be worthy of the name. So, you may call me as such. What may I call you, Alexandra?"

"Actually only my mother calls me that, and only when she's angry with me. I prefer to be called Alex."

Again a low rumble came from Bariel with just a hint of a smile in his voice as he replied, "Well then, Alex, while we wait for the scan to process tell me about your current condition. Are you experiencing any pain in particular?"

Alex twisted her body to the right and bent down to show her injury to the Priest. "I think I was grazed by an alien gunshot on my right lower leg as we were trying to find cover in the Plaza. Once we found shelter I was able to clean the wound and staunch the bleeding with a wrap. Admittedly I also administered some pain meds so I could keep going. So I'm not exactly sure how bad it is."

Bariel bristled at this, feeling responsible they had not arrived sooner. "That is what the scan will tell us and I will take action accordingly." He placed his hand on her injured leg and set to gently removing the bandages. Alex immediately felt calm and certain she was going to be alright.

While the Sanguinary Priest continued to care for and talk to Alexandra Joslyn looked back around the square watching the Giants as they patrolled around the square. They moved quickly, their every move precise and graceful. They moved with more of a purpose than Joslyn had seen in the most experienced dancers. Joslyn finally rested her eyes on the Blue Giant, who was intently staring off into the distance. She followed his gaze to what his eyes were so intently gazing at, it was the three horrible ships. They were still menacingly floating near the center of the town.

But now they were far less intimidating to Joslyn, the majority of their power having been taken away after seeing that their forces could indeed be brought low. Joslyn muttered a silent curse to the alien ships, wishing for their fiery destruction before she let her attention go back to the square. She turned back to the Blue Giant expecting to see him still watching the ships but instead she found him watching her, with an almost approving gaze. Joslyn wasn't sure how she knew that but something in her told her the Giant was approving of her thoughts, almost like he could see her mind.

But before Joslyn could continue her thoughts on that she heard the White armored Giant calling to her. "Ma'am…" Joslyn looked to the Sanguinary Priest, after that he continued. "Would you allow me to look your wounds over? I need to make sure that you are alright."

"Oh, sure." Responded Joslyn attempting to forget the feeling of approval.

"Alright," The Giant ran the scanner over Joslyn while he spoke, "Would you tell me your name so that I might be better able to address you?"

"My name is Joslyn. Can you tell me what exactly it is you're doing?" Asked Joslyn as a spike of worry forced its way out.

"Of course, I'm using my medical scanner to detect if you have any serious injuries. Whether they be internal or external the scanner will detect them and alert me of anything it finds that is troubling."

"How powerful is it? I mean can it detect things like shrapnel, or other things like that?" Asked Alex her face peaked with curiosity.

"It is rather powerful, at least by our standards. It is able to detect things like shrapnel, yes. It is also able to detect things on the microscopic scale, things such as bacteria and viruses. It even offers feedback based on the Physiology of the individual, such as possible treatments that would prove most effective. Though I have it tuned to warn me of more immediate items and the most dangerous ones, mainly so I can see to them as quickly as possible, especially in an active combat situation."

The machine stopped glowing and the Sanguinary Priest fell silent a moment before he set instantly to work. He opened the box on his wrist and took out a few items then quickly closed it and moved closer to Joslyn saying. "I'm going to give you some more pain-inhibitors. Then an injection of biofoam, which is a substance that accelerates tissue repair as well as bone growth. But first I'll have to set your collar bone back into place. Which will probably cause you a large amount of discomfort."

"Wait, what? I thought my shoulder was fine?" Said Joslyn unsure of what she was hearing.

"Yes your shoulder was set properly and is beginning to heal, but you have also broken your collarbone, which hasn't been seen to." Replied the Giant as he drew nearer.

"Oh... okay, but I didn't even feel it break."

"You might have simply forgotten in the commotion of the moment, and your body may have been dulling the pain because it was still believing itself in a life or death situation. Whatever the reason may be, I must see to your wound to ensure it doesn't begin to heal improperly, as well as stopping it from becoming infected."

With that said the Sanguinary Priest went to work, quickly injecting a syringe into Joslyns arm. Then he quickly removed the needle and disposed of it in a small plastic bag, putting it back in the box on his wrist before taking a moment to allow the painkillers to take effect. After that, He quickly began to pine over Joslyn ensuring to be as gentle as he could while he began to set the bone.

While he worked the 'priest' talked with Joslyn attempting to keep her calm while he worked. He asked her about her family, which ventured into the topic of Tobi. Bariel asked her about her where she worked and what she did there. She told him that she was a botanist in one of the town's many Hydroponics Farms, which she explained provided most of the town's local produce, except that which came from off-world imports. She told him about how she had worked in the Systems Alliance Military when she was younger. She told him how she had joined in the hope of seeing the universe and saving people from those that would prey upon the weak.

The Priest complimented her on her noble intentions. To which Joslyn simply stated that she never got to really help anyone, at least that deserved the help. During her time in the military, she had only ever been tasked with protecting politicians, foreign diplomats, and rich and powerful people the Systems Alliance wanted something from. Joslyn explained how she became disenfranchised with the promises the Systems Alliance made, stating that it was all talk and never action. She told how the outlining colonies were left to rot while the Systems Alliance simply choked itself into negligence due to a desire to please the council and hoping they could be allowed a seat at the Citadel.

The Sanguinary Priest let her speak, only giving the occasional nod of the head reaffirming that he was still listening. Joslyn got to how she left the military after getting married, and how she had then moved to the frontier in an attempt to get away from all of the red tape and inefficiency that was rampant on the inner colonies. She cited how she had always wished to help others as another reason for going to the frontier, where she and her husband joined the local Militia in an attempt to keep the world, and its people, safe. She skipped past her husband's death and simply stated how she eventually left the militia in favor of raising her son and keeping her day job.

She was just about to finish her story when finally an audible Crack could be heard coming from her upper body, followed after by a scream as the horrible pain spiked throughout her body. Joslyn blacked out for a long moment as the pain overwhelmed her, coming back to the moment in the embrace of the Sanguinary Priest. He was holding her upright and making sure that she wasn't in a position to injure herself.

As Joslyn attempted to get herself under control she heard a voice, at the farthest reach of her perceptible hearing, a voice, masculine and deep. "Verna."

The moment she heard the word her body suddenly came back to full awareness the pain suddenly being banished to the farthest reaches of her consciousness. With the pain now only an afterthought Joslyn began to push off the Chest of the worried Sanguinary Priest, who continued to dot over her as she began to sit back up. After another minute and once the priest was sure she was alright he continued on to check Kaiden, who was watching the Sanguinary Priest like a hawk, as he was still unsure about the Giants.

As Bariel began to scan Kaiden and asked him questions, Joslyn noticed the Blue Giant was doing something. The Blue Giant was indicating to several of the other Giants in the square and it seemed he was directing them to push up to the next street. The Giants gave salutes in acknowledgment and set off, their loud and powerful strides slowly fading away as they went down the street. Only three of the Giants stayed in the square with Josyln's group, leaving only five of them in total to protect her and her son.

As the other Giants left Joslyn heard the unmistakable roar of their weapons unleashing ordinance upon more of the Bugmen around the corner. But the sounds of battle quickly dimmed until finally waning completely, leaving the square with only the sound of the wind and the voices of the Sanguinary Priest and Kaiden. Joslyn wasn't fully paying attention to what they were saying, mainly she was observing Tobi. Despite the reassurances of the doctors back in the bunker, she was still terribly afraid for her son and if he would be able to pull through.

She had hope that the Doctors had done all they could but inside, she felt something was still off about his condition. As if the small trace of the venom still in his veins was doing something to him, something sinister. She couldn't place the feeling but as if on an intuitive level she knew something was wrong. Joslyn didn't know if there was anything she could do but she hoped that when the attack was over she could get him the help that he needed.

Joslyn finally peeled her eyes away from Tobi so that she could see how Kaiden was doing, but as she turned to look back at the group she noticed the Blue Giant was staring at her again. His eye lenses seemed to peer into her very mind as if her every thought was but an open book to the Giant. It unsettled her to no end just how piercing his gaze was, but when she attempted to clear her mind of her previous thoughts she found that they wouldn't leave her mind. Just as she was about to say something she noticed the feeling suddenly disappear as the Blue Giant's head swiveled away from her.

But what his attention landed on made her even more nervous. The Blue Giant was then staring at the same intensity at Tobi. Joslyn couldn't resist moving towards her son and getting in between the Blue Giant and him. But even despite her being directly in his line of sight and completely obscuring his view of Tobi the Giant seemed to not notice the interference, as if his vision was unobscured. Joslyn looked to the rest of her group hoping to see they were aware of her predicament, but instead, she found them still deeply focused on the Sanguinary Priest. Who was testing Kaidens eyesight and attempting to see if he had suffered any damage to his optic nerves or eyesight in general.

Joslyn kept quiet a moment longer hoping that the Blue Giant would somehow lose interest in Tobi, or see that his behavior was unnerving her. But he didn't seem to notice her, instead, his gaze only intensified. As if he was searching Tobi for some unseen ailment. Joslyn hoped he was attempting to help but she couldn't stop herself from thinking the worst about his intentions. The Blue Giants gaze persisted for another few moments before he finally seemed to notice Joslyn in front of him, her expression one of nervousness, but an underlining will to defend her son.

When the Giant noticed her he nodded his head to Joslyn before he turned his to look at the Sanguinary Priest. Who was now looking the Nurse over again, attempting to see if there was anything wrong with her leg that had been shot.

The Blue Giant quickly got the attention of Bariel, calling him by his title, the Giant's voice was neutral but contained a serious edge. "Sanguinary Priest Bariel, have you scanned the Mortal Child yet?"

The Priest, without stopping his work on Alex, answered the Blue Giant, his voice calm. "Not yet Brother, from what Alex has told me of his condition he should be stable. Hence why I was saving his observation until I was finished with those who were still awake. Why Commander? Do you have reason to be concerned about his health?"

"What did the nurse say was wrong with him?" Asked the "Commander," his voice still serious.

The Sanguinary Priest turned to his Commander finally stopping what he was doing. "She said that he had been stung by one of the Collectors Drones. The Drone injected him with an adult-sized dose of muscle relaxant, which caused a horrible reaction within his system. The local surgeons were able to remove the majority of the venom from his system after stabilizing him, saying that he would just need to allow his body to naturally process the rest of the toxin out. Do you believe that he is currently in danger Brother?"

The Commander quickly took in the information and answered his brother. His voice was strong and determined as he spoke, allowing for there to be no room to doubt what he said. "Yes, Brother. They must have missed something either about the venom or another agent released in his system. Whatever the case he is going to need our help if we are to stop the malicious attempts of the Collectors to corrupt this innocent child."

Joslyn finally gathered her courage to speak directly to the Commander, cutting the Sanguinary Priest off before he could respond. Her voice was somewhat frantic but contained her spirit and determination to help her child. "What do you mean they missed something about the venom? What else did those monsters do to my baby?"

The Commander turned to Joslyn and spoke to her directly, his voice attempting to sound neutral, but containing the rage the Giant felt towards those he spoke of. "I mean the pitiful Collectors have injected an agent into your son's veins to make him their puppet. Meaning the poison is attempting to corrupt your child to the service of their masters. We must attempt to stop them from doing this and also reverse the damage already done to your child's very soul."

Joslyn was caught off guard by his words but she quickly gathered herself and asked, her voice deadly serious. "What do we need to do?"

"My Brother needs to inject your son with an Antivenom, we call the 'Purifier.' It will stop the corruption from spreading further as well as weaken the enemy's hold upon him. After that, I will need to go into his mind and remove the traces of the enemy's grasp of his soul." The Commander then looked to Bariel, who nodded as he rummaged through the box attached to his wrist.

As the Sanguinary Priest removed a bagged needle and vial of silvery liquid, Joslyn spoke again to the Blue Giant. Her voice was serious but contained the nervousness she was feeling at the moment. "Is there anything that I can do to help save my son?"

The Commander turned back to her and said, his tone no longer attempting to hide his emotions, allowing his angelic voice to contain the warmth and silkiness he had been attempting to cover up. "Possibly, having you to aid me while I enter his mind could help me reach out to him and help me in fighting those who wish to see him made a slave. Yes, I will have you help me. We just need to wait for the 'Purifier' to take effect."

As the Commander finished speaking the Sanguinary Priest moved towards Tobi the needle filled with the 'Purifier' ready in his left hand.

Kaiden moved closer to Joslyn and said to her, his voice not betraying his doubts. "Are you sure that you want these guys to do this, what if this Purifier kills Tobi?"

The Commander, clearly having heard Kaiden, despite his attempts to be quiet, spoke directly to him and Joslyn to a degree. His voice showing his anger at being accused of trying to hurt the child. "You dare to call me a murderer. Of a defenseless and innocent child no less. I have had men executed for making similar claims. Be glad I am at least somewhat understanding of your reluctance. But hear me, Kaiden. If you make another claim of that nature I will end you here and now or any other time in the future. You achieve nothing with your unfounded claims but possibly seeing this child destroyed because of your doubt."

Kaiden straightened as he was threatened, but he held his tongue, mainly for Tobi's sake than his own.

Joslyn spoke before the moment could become any worse. "Do what you need to save my son from whatever these Collectors are doing to him."

The Sanguinary Priest, who had been waiting for the go-ahead to inject Tobi, quickly plunged the needle into the primary vein in Tobi's arm. The silver liquid was injected into Tobi a second later leaving the needle empty. Bariel pulled it out and put the needle back into its plastic bag and then stored it back in the medical box attached to his massive wrist. Nothing happened to Tobi that Joslyn could see but after a few silent moments of allowing the Purifier to do its work, the Commander spoke.

"That should be long enough for it to have completed its process. Now we need to quickly enter his mind and remove the traces of the Collectors corruption."

Joslyn moved closer to Tobi, stopping when she was sitting adjacent to his chest. She then looked to the Sanguinary Priest as if she was expecting him to have gotten to work. After seeing that he wasn't moving she looked to the Blue Giant and said. "Isn't he supposed to be getting rid of what the Collectors did to my son?"

The Commander shook his head as he drew closer to Joslyn, his every step seeming to strain the stone under his feet. He stopped when he was standing next to her and Tobi. Then he finally spoke his voice sweet but serious. "I am the one who has to remove the corruption."

"How? Do you need to operate on his brain or something?" Asked Joslyn her nerve beginning to crack as spikes of fear began to take root in her heart.

The massive man set himself down slowly next to Joslyn, making sure to be careful around Tobi, while setting the point of his sword in between the cracks in the pavement near his boot. The fire on the sword faded as it descended towards the ground until only the reminder of their even having been fire was the red hot metal of the blade and the waves of heat billowing from the sword. When he was firmly situated near Tobi's head he turned his helmet to Joslyn and spoke. His voice was serious but showing the determination the Giant felt.

"It is not that kind of corruption. The wicked damage they are attempting to do to your son is far more sinister than merely attempting to rewire his brain. No, what the Collectors are attempting to do to your son is far more nefarious than that. They are attempting to corrupt your son's very soul, so that his very essence may become their unwilling servant."

Joslyn was taken off guard for a moment but she quickly spoke of her concerns and her disbelief. "What do you mean they are attempting to corrupt his soul? You mean to try and tell me that souls not only exist but that these aliens possess the knowledge and power to corrupt them?"

The Giant nodded and spoke his voice serious as if what he spoke of was a known fact. "Yes, the Collectors and their masters are able to manipulate the souls of those that come into contact with them. Though it usually takes them a long time to wear down the natural defenses of most people's souls. But the nefarious part about the poison they injected your son with is that it causes a juvenile individual's natural defenses to be toppled allowing the monsters unchecked reign over the minds of those weakened by their toxins. But I am able to fight them for your son's soul. Though having you to aid me will help me to save him."

Joslyn had her reservations about what she was hearing but her fear for her son's well being outweighed her doubts about the Giant's claims. Ultimately she took hold of her son's hand and looked the Giant directly into his piercing eye lenses. "What do we need to do?"

The Commander nodded his head and lifted himself to his knees. He then extended his right arm to Joslyn. "Take my hand and I will show you what to do."

With that said he lowered his head and began to speak in a language she couldn't understand. Joslyn felt her doubts and her reluctance to believe the outlandish claims made by the bizarre Giant, but she quickly set them aside and took the Giants's hand.

The second she grasped the cold metal of his glove she felt the very world around her shift and twirl as if she was being pulled into another realm. She almost let go of the Giants's hand out of fear for what was happening but the second those feelings surfaced the Commander, as if sensing her thoughts, tightened his hold on her hand. Everything around Joslyn suddenly vanished her body seeming to no longer even sense the world around her. The only thing she could still feel was the hard surface of the Giant's gauntlet. Along with the feeling of the glove, she could hear the crackling of electricity. The sound came from all around her, it was an intimidating sound but she pushed past her fears and continued to look around.

Then as if a switch was pulled she was suddenly somewhere again. But somehow she found herself standing in a building she called home, at least she did, before it was burned to the ground five years ago. She stood in the living room of the old house, the room exactly how she remembered it. On the left wall was a series of holographic picture frames, that showed the many happy memories that had happened in the house. One showed a small boy, Tobi, blowing out the candles on a frosted cake. There were five candles on the cake each of a different letter, spelling out the name 'Tobi!,' with an exclamation point as the final candle.

Joslyn couldn't help but smile at the photograph and the influx of old and happy memories it brought with it. What made it worse was the powerful smell that permeated in the Living Room. Joslyn couldn't fully describe the smell, but the only thoughts that came to mind when she got a whiff of that blessed scent was happiness and belonging.

But just before she allowed the thoughts to pull her in she heard the deep and powerful voice of the Commander. "You must not allow yourself to become lost in these old and favorable memories. Do not forget the danger your son is facing." Images flashed in Joslyn's mind of her son turning into a Bugman, his young and innocent face becoming swiftly corrupted as his eyes began to glow the sickly yellow of the Bugs. "We must act quickly if we are to stop that from happening."

Joslyn felt fear rise high in her throat as the images continued to haunt her mind, but they quickly faded as the Giant finished speaking. After she was back together she quickly took one last look around the room trying to take in any sights that seemed out of place or unnatural. The Living Room was decently sized with a large holographic television set sitting in on the frontmost wall, though it was currently not projecting anything but a plain blue screen. While to the left of the TV came a hallway leading towards a collection of rooms. Joslyn remembered the old layout and recalled the farthest two rooms, one on each side of the hallway, were bedrooms. The one on the left was her husband's old office, while the one on the right was Tobi's old room. The third door simply led to Tobi's own bathroom.

The Hallway now was pitch black as if all it led to now was an endless void of darkness. The Commander, having appeared to have finished his analysis of the room pressed towards the hallway, pulling Joslyn along with him by the grip he still had upon her arm. He wasn't horribly forceful in his grasp, but he made it clear that she was to follow him where he went. The Giant used his massive flaming sword to enter the darkness. The Darkness receded gradually as he approached, though it almost seemed to be attempting to fight off the light that came close to it.

As the Commander drew nearer to said Darkness he slowed his steps ensuring that all of the dreadful blackness had been banished before he took another stride. The further they delved into the darkness the longer it took the sword to push back the blackness. The darkness began to peel away at some point, the blackness literally began to fall off the walls and burn to ash as it fell to the floor. Soon they made it to the bathroom door, which was flung open, the darkness covering every surface like some sort of corruption. The Giant pressed onward down the hall uncaring for the blackness that prevailed in the Bathroom.

They soon made it to the end of the hallway, though unlike the bathroom both doors were closed. The corruption eventually fled before the fiery sword, leaving both doors back to normal. Hung on the door to Tobi's old room was a child's drawing, though despite that it was still of decent quality and Joslyn could fully make out what it depicted. It was of an open and grassy field with the occasional tree, while in the center of the whole image sat a family of three. The family was in the middle of a picnic enjoying the beautiful day that they had. Quickly after having the darkness finally dissipate the Blue Giant pushed the door open. The hinges gave a horrid creak as they were moved. Joslyn expected to see a room similar to that of the bathroom, with the strange corrupt substance covering everything. But to her shock, the room was completely fine, the light coming from the ceiling's lightbulb fully illuminating a normal room.

There was a bed directly across from the door with a clean white nightstand next to it. While along all the walls were shelves of toys and action figures, some of the old historic fictional characters, while others new and finely printed. In the far corner sat a small holographic television which was off.

But, as if sensing the intrusion of the Giant and Joslyn, the television flicked on and a voice instantly boomed from it. The image on the screen was of three glowing yellow eyes attached to a gray carapace, though that was all the screen showed. The voice was otherworldly, bizarre, terrifying, and it came from every direction. Joslyn had to pay special attention to understand its strange voice. "How?" It asked at first, its voice sounding perplexed yet incredibly powerful.

The Voice spoke again, this time its tone containing venom and an accusatory undertone. "Who Are You To Stand Before Us!"

The Commander rose to his full height, nearly smashing into the small room's roof, where he spoke. His voice which had usually been neutral now contained extraordinary amounts of anger, as if a caged beast had been let loose within his heart. The Giant's very voice seemed to make the room shake with its intensity and power. "I am A Holy Warrior of the God-Emperor, Filth! And I am here to fight for this child's soul, that you dare to try and corrupt."

The Creature quickly responded, raising its own voice in an attempt to surpass the power displayed by the Giant. The room shook violently as the Beast roared out its response. "You Will Try To Fight Us. But like countless before you, you shall perish and this child will be our puppet!"

As it finished speaking the room shook even more violently the very walls beginning to crumble. Yet despite the tumult, the Blue Giant stood defiant, his stance not once faltering. Joslyn had to lean heavily on the Commander just to keep her balance, her feet having to constantly move just to keep her upright.

The Blue Giant raised his flaming sword to the creature in the Television and roared out his voice even stronger than before. "NO MORE, ABOMINATION!"

The room suddenly became still the horrible vibrations ceasing. The Creature in the television tried to speak but it was cut off as the Giant stepped forward and slashed the television with his massive blade silencing the creature at least for the moment. Joslyn finally able to think straight after the terrifying altercation with the creature looked around the room again. What she saw both sent shivers down her spine and beams of joy through her heart. Tobi lay asleep on the bed neatly tucked under the covers seeming to have been unaffected by the quake that had shaken the room only moments ago.

Joslyn rushed to her son's side hoping to see if she could wake him and lay her worries of his current wellbeing at rest. The Giant followed quickly after her, his posture tense as if he was ready to leap into the fiery pits of hell.

Joslyn lightly shook Tobi hoping to quickly wake him, but he made no movement. His body was still as though he were dead. Joslyn shook him again, more vigorously than she had before and spoke calling her son's name. Still, no response came from the small boy. Joslyn fell to her knees as her fear finally began to cripple her. She grabbed Tobi's hand, it was warm and smooth to the touch. Joslyn pulled the hand closer and rubbed it against her cheek attempting to console herself and somehow rid herself of her present fears.

Suddenly Tobi sat upright, his back as straight and as rigid as a plank of wood. His neck turned almost mechanically towards Joslyn who was staring with bated breath. Then what she saw next sent her heart plummeting to the darkest recesses of despair. The small boy's eyes glowed the same horrible green as those on the television had.

Tobi's face was emotionless and uncaring, while all the veins across his face bulged as if under immense pressure. But what flowed through the veins was not blood, or at least that of a human. The liquid that flowed through Tobi was black as tar and everywhere it passed began to be corrupted, their colors shifting to mimic that of the tar-like liquid. The boy spoke but the voice that came through his mouth only tore at Joslyns heart more. It was the same voice as the creature from the television. "You Cannot Stop Me! We Are Unstoppable! This Child And All Those Of This Galaxy Shall Be Harvested, and you can do nothing to stop it Behemoth!"

The last words were aimed for the giant, but Joslyns heart was nearly torn to pieces seeing what the creature was doing to her son as the natural pink of his skin began to be corrupted by the sickening tar as it pumped through his veins.

The creature possessing Tobi, noticing Joslyns weakness turned towards her and spoke to her directly, its voice seeming to relish in the chance to mock her. "You Can Join Him If You Wish, All You Would Need To Do Is Embrace Our Truth."

"Do not listen to the monstrosity, Joslyn. It is only trying to take advantage of your fear. You have to fight it if we are to save your son." Said the Commander attempting to offer some form of comfort to Joslyn as her heart ached.

"He Lies, You Cannot Save Your Son. Only Join Him In Our Service, Or Perish At Our Divine Hand." Retorted the creature, its voice sounding pompous and arrogant.

"I am not lying, Joslyn, your son can still be saved from their corruption. We just need to call upon him and help to pull him back from their grasp." Said the Commander, his voice serious and appearing truthful. Joslyn looked to the Blue Giant, her eyes pleading for answers as to how they could save her son from being what she saw before her. The Giant answered as if aware of her unasked question. "Call upon your son, I will force the creature to focus its attention on me. You simply need to call out to your son."

"How do I know he can still answer?" Asked Joslyn her face and voice both showing their exhaustion and pain.

"The boy before us may seem to be corrupted, but he can still be saved. You simply need to help me banish the creature from him that is now attempting to distort his soul."

"You Will Fail! You Cannot Win Against Us, We Are Unbeatable!" Shrieked the creature within Tobi.

"SILENCE ABOMINATION!" Roared the Commander raising his sword and holding it close to Tobi's throat. He looked back at Joslyn and finished his orders. "I am going to have to fight it, while I do that call out to Tobi. He will not answer through this vessel." He said pointing to the boy situated in the bed. "As this being before us is simply the manifestation of the corruption attempting to take root. I know not where you may find him, but he will appear somewhere within this memory scape. I will keep it as busy as I can but I cannot promise that your search will be unhindered so be vigilant for anything unnatural."

With that said the creature on the bed enraged at its current circ*mstance ducked under the flaming sword and leaped towards the Blue Giant. The Giant was quickly able to raise up his guard and was prepared to slash after the creature as it attempted to regroup after its first attack. Which had failed to even scratch the Giant. The Commander raised his guard again, ready for another strike from the child shaped monster.

Joslyn seeing her moment finally jumped into action and called out her son's name trying to steal her resolve as tension gripped her. "Tobi!"

There was no answer at first and while Joslyn awaited an answer she heard the shriek of the creature and the sound of metal clashing against what sounded almost like stone. Joslyn forced herself to focus on trying to hear something causing her to miss the battle that raged near her. Just as she was about to call out again she heard the faintest sound of a reply. It was quiet, not even understandable it was so faint but it was clearly the voice of her child. Joslyn tracked the noise as coming from outside the bedroom she was currently in.

Joslyn quickly rose to her feet and bolted out the door, uncaring for the continued sounds of combat that were occurring only feet away from her. Joslyn ran down the hall calling out to Tobi hoping to hear his voice again. The reply came a few moments after she had yelled.

This time She was finally able to understand what Tobi said though his voice was still exceptionally faint. "Mama?" Was all he said at first but then after another moment, he spoke again. "I'm Scared Mama."

Joslyn's heart shrieked out to help her son, but she still couldn't see him anywhere in the living room or the adjacent Kitchen.

She called out again, this time also asking a question. "I'm here sweetheart. I just need to find where you are. Can you tell me that?

"I don't know Mama! I can't see anything! Please Help Me, Mama!" Responded Tobi, his voice sounding horribly frantic and horrified.

Joslyn had to hold herself back from panicking as she continued to search the Living Room for Tobi. She called out again trying to pinpoint where her son was, as well as try and offer him reassurance.

Joslyn made sure to keep her panic out of her voice so as to not add any worry for Tobi, instead making her voice sound as calm as she could make it in the hope of easing Tobi's own franticness. "It's okay Baby. I'm coming to get you. Can you tell me anything about where you are? Are you near any walls or any specific surroundings?"

"I think I'm up against a wall, Mama. Please hurry Mama, I think there is something in here and it's scaring me."

Joslyns blood ran cold as Tobi informed her about another person being in the room, but she quickly forced herself back into action her determination to find Tobi as quickly as possible only doubling.

Joslyn found the area where she was hearing Tobi's voice come from, it was near the living room's couch, through the wall directly adjacent to it. Joslyn began to try and find a way through the wall, though she ultimately found nothing to show a sign of an entrance. She had to resort to trying to break down the wall with her bare hands in the attempt to get to Tobi. She quickly dug her fingernails into the first layer of plaster and began to break it off the wall. The first layer mainly kept together allowing her to speedily rip it off the wall exposing the next layer, this time made from hardwood planks.

Joslyn attempted to pry the panels off with her hands but she quickly realized that she wasn't making any headway. With that Joslyn remembered that she had kept an old sledgehammer hidden away on the underside of a shelf in the kitchen. Having kept it there as an easy weapon should her house be broken into. Joslyn could hear Tobi on the other side beginning to panic more, his breathing beginning to accelerate.

Joslyn called to her son attempting to comfort him. "It's okay sweetheart, I'm coming to get you. You're gonna be okay, Mama's coming to get you."

With that said Joslyn quickly sprinted to the kitchen, heading straight for the shelf that held the hammer. When She finally got there she threw her hand under the shelf grabbing the midsection of the hammer before ripping it from its hiding place. As Joslyn spun around she heard a terrible crash come from down the hallway with the bedrooms. Joslyn rushed to see what was happening and was confronted with the sight of a brutal melee between two massive combatants. One she had come to know recently, the crowned Blue Giant was in the midst of a horizontal slash when Joslyn noticed his new opponent fully.

It was a monstrosity of black goo and flesh in a shape similar to a human, but horribly bloated and burnt. There were cuts covering the creature most still smoldering with occasional flecks of ash falling to the floor. What caught Joslyns eyes the most was the creature's face. What few features were left were pulled into a hateful snarl, teeth barred like a cornered wild animal. Joslyn realized the face to be a twisted look-a-like for Tobi, the monster's face still carrying the boy's cleft chin along with his black bushy eyebrows. Joslyn could tell the creature was the twisted form of her son's dopple-ganger Upon the bloated giant's shoulders sat the torn and burnt remnants of a child's sleep shirt, the very same one Tobi had been wearing that morning. The faded image of Luke Skywalker now torn to ribbons, the few remaining intact scraps of clothing had burnt edges.

The two combatants were locked in a ferocious duel, the two only having moments ago smashed through the wall into the hallway. The dust and debris still falling around them as they fought. Though Joslyn couldn't be sure she was able to see that the Blue Giant was the current victor of the fight. As even despite the frenzied and brutal nature of the Creatures attacks, the Giant's armor still retained the majority of its ornamentation. Though the armor was getting covered in the black ichor that poured openly from the abominations wounds. Despite the disgusting grime now attempting to overshadow the suits' decorated beauty, the Commander stood like an Angel of Wrath against a Demon of Hell. The Abomination's arm was caught in the Giant's horizontal slash which nearly tore the limb completely off.

The damage was quickly undone though as the goo covering the monster instantly reconnected the limb to its body. Though despite its extraordinary healing rate there still remained a smoldering cut on the creature where it had been slashed. The cut openly leaking the black liquid in disgusting spirts. The creature roared in rage at the damage it was suffering, the horrid scream it made a mix between a human child and a demon. The abomination leaped at the Blue Giant trying to tackle him to the floor, but the Giant quickly sidestepped the creatures grasping arms. While it attempted to recover the Commander quickly slashed his fiery blade across the horrible monsters back. The cuts left by the blade leaving deep trenches in the creatures hide. The creature enraged further by its pain spun around and struck the Blue Giant. The creature's hands formed into claws as they slashed across the giant's chest. The claws left deep gouges in the Giant's armor horribly damaging the eagle upon his chest.

Now it was the Commanders turn to roar as he leaped after the Abomination, a strange red flame covering the whole of the Giant's body as he charged the creature. The Abomination attempted to dodge the Giant's counter-offensive but it was far too slow as the Giant barreled into it. The two fighters were sent through the wall into the office, the sound of glass breaking audible all the way in the kitchen. With the two giants gone for the moment Joslyn's mind returned to saving her son. She bolted straight to where she had ripped off the plaster and hefted the hammer ready to deliver the first strike to the hardwood planks.

Joslyn slammed the hammer into the panels with all her might causing the wood to crack in the middle. But the planks still stood firm and in place. Joslyn again lifted the hammer and delivered another blow to the wood, and another and another until it finally was broken enough for Joslyn to fit through the hole. While she worked she continued to hear the ferocious fight between the Giant and the creature that dared to try and mimic Tobi. Though the if there was any sign of a resolution it wasn't obvious to Joslyn

After the wood came a layer of foam and wiring which Joslyn quickly ripped away to expose the next layer between her and her son. She found another layer of hardwood as her next obstacle. Joslyn grabbed the hammer again and slammed its head into the wooden planks.

As she continued to swing her hammer Joslyn called out to her son both to reassure herself of his well being as well as to warn him of her impending entrance. "Okay baby, I'm going to need you to try and move away from the wall. Don't worry though sweety it's just mama coming to get you."

As Joslyn spoke to Tobi she heard another wall be destroyed by the fierce fight between the giants.

Tobi seemed to take notice of the loud noise as he asked frightfully. "What's happening Mama?"

"It's just the man who's helping me save you doing what he needs to keep us safe." Answered Joslyn hoping that a form of the truth would be enough of an answer for Tobi at the moment.

Tobi responded a moment later, his voice clearly showing his desire to know more of what was going on but deciding to trust what his mother said. "Okay, Mama, I'm trying to get out of the way." A moment later after the sound of shimmying, he said, his voice carrying a sudden urgency. "MAMA! The Things Moving!"

Joslyns heart skipped a beat but her body quickly reacted on instinct and swung the hammer one last time with every ounce of her strength. The hammer struck the broken panels, shattering what remained in her way and continued through breaking the final layer of plaster beyond that. With another strike after that widening the gap in the wall to allow Joslyn through. Joslyn quickly crawled through the hole in the wall making sure to bring the hammer with her. The room she entered was pitch black, no light to be seen, except that which emanated from the hole in the wall. And even the light that came from the hole seemed to be consumed by the darkness that permeated the room.

Joslyn quickly found Tobi tied up and laying on the stone floor his face staring into the darkness of the awful room. Joslyn quickly hauled her son to his feet and crouched down to set free his legs to allow him to at least run if something went wrong. Just as She finished untying the rope wrapped around his ankles she heard something slithering in the darkness. Joslyn pushed Tobi behind her and took a step deeper into the Darkness, hefting the hammer in both hands and ready to slam the hammer into whatever emerged from the darkness.

The first thing she saw was the glimmer of moist scales and a strange series of dark orange lights coming from farther in the darkness. The scales quickly disappeared back into the blackness of the room, but the three glowing orbs drew closer. Joslyn felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end as the orbs grew closer. Joslyn pulled Tobi closer to her, holding him tight behind her. While the creature moved Joslyn held the hammer by its shaft and pointed it into the darkness of the room hoping to dissuade the creature from getting closer.

Joslyn yelled into the darkness a warning. "Hey! Stop Right There!"

The creature either seemed to not understand or didn't care about her warning as it continued to get closer to the hole in the wall where they stood. The creature finally stopped a moment later at the very edge of the darkness.

As it stood there a voice rang out, it was cold, and raspy. "You do not scare me, Human!" It spat the word 'Human' as though it were poison on its lips.

With its declaration of feeling unafraid it pushed itself into the dim light of the room. It was a bizarre creature to behold as if a cross between a snake and a humanoid. The lower torso seeming like a serpent's tail while its upper torso and head looked more human, with two arms jutting out on either side of its body. The whole creature was covered in terrifying black scales including the humanoid portions of its body. The creature's hands had six digits on either hand each ending with gruesome-looking razor-sharp talons, that looked ready to cut deep into Joslyn.

The thing's face was abnormal with strangely sharp features and a profound underbite and enlarged forehead. With its face in the light, the glowing orbs were revealed to be the creature's piercing orange eyes. The things extended lower jaw showed a series of extremely large teeth each barbed at the end to hold whatever the creature bit in its clutches for as long as possible. The teeth were a sickeningly yellow shade with what appeared to be black veins running through the large fangs as if pumping venom through the tooth.

The creature continued to press closer to Joslyn, its face only comparable to how a predator looks at its weakened prey. Joslyn felt a cold sweat begin to cover her as the creature drew itself deeper into the light. As it got closer its lips tilted up into a fiendish smile that caused Tobi to let out a terrified squeal. Once Joslyn heard the fear in her son's voice an instinct jumped into action faster than her mind could fully comprehend what was happening. In one moment of what can only be described as primal fury, Joslyn stepped towards the creature and lifted the Sledgehammer in both hands and swung it with all her might.

The Creature seemed to have been caught off-guard as it simply stood there as Joslyn swung at it. The hammer plunged into the creature's upper torso and sent it careening to the floor from the impact. Joslyn still in the heat of the moment did not relent in her offensive as she followed the creature to where it now lay and swung the hammer down upon it. But to her shock, the creature's arm shot up and grabbed the head of the hammer stopping it dead in its trajectory with the creature. With its opportunity presented the creature pushed itself off the floor and swiped at Joslyn with its freehand forcing her to let go of the hammer to evade the creature's claws. Once Joslyn was forced back the creature shrieked at her its voice shrill and otherworldly sounding.

After that, the creature threw the hammer at Joslyn, who was able to dodge it in time. Joslyn thought about running after the hammer but she saw how the creature seemed to look at her as if preparing to pounce. Joslyn decided to air on the side of caution and simply stepped back putting herself again between Tobi and the creature. It seemed disappointed in Joslyn's decision but it quickly got back into action charging at Joslyn again letting out a banshee-like shriek. Joslyn lifted her arms to try and protect herself from the strikes but her arms paid dearly for it. The Creature dug its claws deep into Joslyn's forearms with its talons leaving massive gouges in her skin. Joslyn did her best to keep herself from screaming but she couldn't help but let out a painful huff of air.

Joslyn in retaliation yelled cursing the creature and fired out with her right leg kicking into the creature's lower torso. A sickening crunch noise emanated from the serpent as it seemed to do the trick as the creature recoiled from the strike and retreated a few feet back from Joslyn, where it stayed for a moment attempting to recover from the kick. Joslyn was a bit confused by the frailty of the creature but put that to the wayside in favor of trying to get Tobi and herself away from the creature and hopefully to the living room where she could better see. While the creature was struggling Joslyn quickly turned around and began pushing Tobi towards the hole she made in the wall.

Tobi complied and began to crawl through the wall and into the light of the living room, though his pace was greatly slowed by his restrained wrists. Eventually, he was able to get out on the other side. But before Joslyn could follow after him she heard the Serpent moving and turned to try and either block or dodge whatever it was attempting to do. She was confronted by the creature the moment she turned around and she quickly saw a flash of movement and the feeling of piercing pain shooting up her body. Joslyn looked down and saw that the creature had run its claws along her stomach leaving six deep trenches of broken clothes and skin underneath.

Joslyn this time couldn't hold back the pain and cried out in pain nearly falling to the floor as the pain racked her body. The creature let out a chuckle as Joslyn fell to the floor and stood there a moment to wallow in its perceived victory. The creature then prepared to slither over Joslyn but suddenly stopped in its tracks just at the edge of the hole. Joslyn was able to focus her mind for a second on her surroundings rather than her pain. What she heard both sent a sense of relief through her and a chill of fear. A series of giant booming footsteps that were quickly getting louder could be heard from the other side of the wall.

Then just as the footsteps seemed only feet away the world seemed to be suddenly filled with a blinding red-ish light. Joslyn heard what could only be described as the roar of a Nemean Lion from greek mythology ring out through the room leaving her not only blinded but deafened for a moment. Finally, when Joslyn was able to start recovering from the two sensory overloads she was greeted to the sight of golden wreathed Blue Angel, though she failed to recognize him in the moment, crouched before her speaking in a strange language that sounded more ancient than the oldest known language. The Angel's voice as well carried a natural beat to it that sang of both compassion and strength. As she continued to listen to the words Joslyn began to feel her pains vanish replaced only with an overwhelming sense of calm and peace.

Joslyn couldn't help but drift off at the sudden peaceful feelings sending her world into a blissful momentary rest before reality came flooding back a long moment later. Joslyn expected to wake up in the darkened room where the creature had been but instead, she suddenly opened her eyes to behold the destroyed remnant of the courtyard she had been in not that long ago, with the prone form of her son directly in front of her. Joslyn's arms quickly raced to her stomach, where she had been cut open only moments ago by the serpent-like creature. Instead of finding the deep and gruesome cuts in her flesh and the torn remnants of her clothes she felt both her shirt and cloths to still be intact.

Joslyn remembering what had happened before she left looked around to see if the Giants and her new companions were still with her. To her comfort and permanent shock, the Giants still remained in the courtyard though the three Guards were currently spread across the square weapons ready to fire at a moment's notice. As well as the Giant Bariel was still crouched and speaking openly with Kaiden and Alex. Joslyn felt as though an hour had passed yet when she looked to the sky she saw that it was still in the same position. Meaning that only maybe a few minutes had passed, if even that much time.

Then finally Joslyn looked to her left and found the crouched form of the Commander Giant next to her. His armor unmarked and pristine as though he had not just been in battle with a horrible abomination a minute ago. The only thing that was new or different about him though was a thin layer of frost that had begun to accumulate on his armored plates. But the bizarre thing besides there being frost on his armor in the middle of the afternoon, was the waves of heat emanating from the frost as though it was incredibly hot. As well as the unnatural sight of heated frost was a strange smell that filled the air around her and the giant, the scent of Ozone.

Before Joslyn could try and make any form of understanding of what was happening the Commander moved finally. In one quick and graceful motion, the giant stood back up to his full and incredible height. Joslyn following his example also stood up and looked at the giant.

Once Joslyn was firmly stood she spoke to the Commander, who appeared to be scanning his surroundings. "Thank you for doing… well, whatever it was that you did exactly to help my son. As well as for saving us from those bugmen before that."

The Giant stood unfazed for a moment not letting his vigilance falter, but when he seemed content with his observations he turned his head down to look at Joslyn. After watching her for a second he spoke his voice cool and seeming to contain a kind edge to it. "It is merely my responsibility to see the innocent safeguarded. That means both in body and in mind." He said indicating towards Tobi before continuing. "Though I would ask you as repayment for my aid that you did not tell anyone of the events that transpired in the memory scape. Though I won't fully press that to include your son as he too was apart of the event."

Joslyn responded quicker than she meant to but she was able to reign herself in before she said anything too rash. "I'll try but I won't be fully willing to lie about it. As well what even was that "Memory Scape" thing? And what happened there at the end? Was that you who saved me from that thing?"

The Giant was silent a moment as if deciding whether or not to answer her questions, but eventually he spoke, but his voice was reluctant as it shared some of what it knew. "What I can tell you is that the place you saw yourself in, the 'memory scape' was an illusion concocted by the entity attempting to take dominion over your son's mind. And what happened at the end is of no real consequence for you. What you may know about it is that I stopped the entity from taking over your son as well as I kept it from attempting to reach into you. As well as fine if you desire to tell others from your world of what you saw in that place go ahead, I shan't stop you. But it would be better for both my people and yours if what you saw remain in the shadows for as long as possible."

Joslyn listened with a strange interest but ultimately found her curiosity barely even touched. She wanted to try and press the Commander for more but decided against it for fear that she might push the subject too far. As if to cement the point that the Commander was done talking he looked off into the distance his attention suddenly completely shifted. Joslyn looked to where the Giant had suddenly shifted his attention finding him staring at the three alien ships at the center of town. Before Joslyn could ask the giant what was happening he took several steps towards the ships, easily stepping over Tobi and continuing for over a dozen more feet. The Giant stood there a long moment as if in a heated contest of wills with the three massive ships that seemed to be his obsession.

After another long moment of the giant staring at the ships, something happened. Three simultaneous explosions erupted from the tops of the ships rocking them immensely nearly causing one of them to topple over. Even from the other side of town, Joslyn felt a wave of heat from the explosion hit her, sending a strange sensation down her back that was almost a mix between relief and worry. As Joslyn watched the 'fireworks' fade as the explosions aboard the Alien ships she couldn't help but think to herself. "What happens now?"

Thank you so much for reading the latest chapter of Angel's Lament and if you could please leave me a review telling me what you thought of the chapter, as it really helps me know where I can improve and what you guys might like to see in the future. With that said have a lovely day and please stay safe in this uncertain time that we find ourselves in.

Chapter 12: Shock Upon A Shepard

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello And Thank You for clicking on the latest chapter of Angel's Lament. I hope you are doing alright especially with all the seeming chaos going on in the world, but let's not dwell on thoughts like that and let's have some entertainment, or at least I hope you can find this chapter entertaining if you don't I'm sorry hopefully I can interest you more next time. But enough talk from me and my stupid thoughts, let us get into the Chapter...

Chapter Twelve: Shock Upon a Shepard

What Shepard had found at Horizon was entirely unexpected. She had been prepared for a brutal fight for the sake of the colony. Yet what she found wasn't a colony in the midst of an invasion with Collectors swarming from every direction and her attempting to save what remained, instead she found a colony getting back on its feet after a horrible attack. Jane expected to have to fight tooth and nail to save what few colonists remained, but instead, the colony had been saved and the Collectors defeated. But what was troubling Jane now was who had saved the colony? Since she knew that no matter how brave the militia stood no chance, and there was no way any Systems Alliance navy vessels could have gotten there before the Normandy.

Shepard had yet to even step foot on Horizon and she was already confused and filled with questions on what had happened. Currently, Jane was standing behind Joker as he steered the Normandy in for a landing at the local terminal. Joker was currently in the midst of arguing with EDI about the flight path he had chosen from upper orbit but Shepard was too concentrated on the sight that lay before her, in the center of the co*ckpit window, three Collector ships, looming over the small colony of Horizon like malevolent deities. But the majority of their intimidating power was now lost as Jane observed the heavy damage having been dealt to them. Giant plumes of smoke billowed out of the tops of the three ships like the old fashion coal factories of the earth like she had seen in old movies.

After a moment Jane finally peeled her attention from the defeated behemoth ships and looked back to her pilot. Joker was staring right at her as if expecting her to answer a question he had just asked.

Jane for her part looked back at Joker, and asked him to repeat himself. "What was it that you needed, Joker?"

"Oh, nothing but the fact that we need to seriously shut down this stupid vending machine her that is trying to tell me how to pilot MY ship!" Exclaimed Joker pointing to the holographic orb that indicated EDI's presence with them.

"Hey, It's My ship actually Joker." Responded Shepard with a smile finding its way on her lips as she spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it is, but I'm the only one who can pilot her right. So can you please tell this tin can to stop questioning my every move and navigational decision." Said Joker glaring daggers at the holographic form of EDI.

"Alright, Joker I hear you. EDI would it be too hard to let him pilot without distractions from you?"

The AI responded in her usual calm and feminine voice, though despite it coming from an artificial source Jane swore she could EDI's reluctance at agreeing. "I suppose that my distractions could technically lead to more chance of Mr. Moreau erroring due to being startled or angered. So I will agree to leave most of the navigational decision up to Mr. Moreau, but I will still question his choices if they appear to be wholely impossible or dangerous to the health and safety of the Normandy's crew."

"Thank you, EDI. That sounds pretty agreeable doesn't it Joker." Said Shepard look pointedly at Joker.

Joker sighed a second later and said his tone not entirely happy. "Fine, guess it's better than before. You know she literally questioned me once if I intended to collide the Normandy into an asteroid once since she thought it was getting to close! We were like three kilometers away from it, for crying out loud!"

"Actually, it was one point three kilometers away and was on an intercept course with the Normandy if we continued at the speed you had the ship going." Retorted EDI matter of factly.

"Ugh!" yelled Joker rubbing his hands across his face trying to regain his composure.

Jane couldn't help but chuckle at the two and their constant bickering about everything, Jane couldn't help but imagine the two as an old married couple arguing about what kind of soup they wanted for dinner.

Shepard turned to leave the two saying over her shoulder as she walked away. "Alright, you two I've got other things to handle so I bid you farewell." The two stopped their back and forth a moment to answer Jane, both saying goodbye and good luck to her.

Shepard quickly walked around the tactical display and summoned the elevator before she got to it. When she arrived the sliding doors opened allowing Jane to step in and head to the cargo bay. A moment later the door swung open to reveal the filled cargo bay. It was mainly filled with supply crates and munition boxes. Along with some new weaponry systems Shepard had commissioned for the Normandy as well a large number of boxes simply labeled 'samples', written in Salarian, leaving Shepard to assume that Mordin Solus had brought them aboard when after his recruitment.

The cargo bay itself was modestly sized mainly due to the smaller nature of the Normandy when compared to the heavier end warships, but the Normandy was anything but ill-equipped. State of the art Kinetic Barriers, top of the line GARDIAN laser defense systems, and a plethora of other design features that had all been personally seen to by the Illusive Man himself, though that thought did always make Shepard a bit hesitant to fully accept the ship for fear of it not truly being hers. But Jane pushed that aside and looked at the group of people assembled in the center of the room.

Jane approached the group and took in their faces as they turned to look at their commanding officer. Among the group were Mordin, Jacob, Miranda, Grunt, Jack, and a soldier Jane had yet to learn the name of, but she knew that she was a friend of Jacob's. As Jane approached Jacob and his friend both stood at attention only stopping when Shepard told them 'at ease.' It still felt off to her not working under a more normal capacity, but it couldn't have been helped, after all after the Systems Alliance declared her KIA she was no longer a registered soldier in the Navy. Sadly that hadn't been changed when she had been brought back and Jane knew if she was going to stop the Reapers she was going to need to work outside the boundaries of the usual system.

Luckily enough though Jane was still able to be reinstated as a Spectre, though without any of the Council's actual support, at least flashing the title around could help her get past most lawful junctions.

After saluting back to Jacob and the other soldier's Jane straightened and prepared to give a quick briefing on what was happening. "Alright everyone, I bet you all have been told of the erupt change in our mission. We are now mainly on Horizon to assess what happened, how were the Collectors stopped, who did what, and lend our aid where we can to the colonists. Is that understood?"

The two career soldiers responded in near unison with a firm, "Yes Sir." while the rest of the group said their affirmatives while Jack simply mumbled a begrudging, "Fine."

"Good. Make sure to keep your guards up though, we don't know if the Collectors are still around or if the people who killed them are. So for that, I want everyone working in groups of at least two so that should there be any stragglers we are prepared to deal with them appropriately."

With that Jane walked to the cargo bay door indicating for the squad to form up at the door and to be prepared for a hostile situation. After the group was prepared and weapons held at the ready Shepard flicked the holographic switch to the door quickly drawing it open. Shepard half expected the world to be sent into chaos as the collectors pounced on them, but instead, they were only met with a muted landing port. The colony Shepard saw when the doors opened was a one that had been wracked by recent conflict. Bodies littered the streets in front of the Normandy but they weren't of the colonists. The streets were covered in the broken forms of hundreds of Collectors, their brute force soldiers, and the splintered remains of their drones.

The squad descended the ramp from the Normandy to the pavement below. The group moved in relative unison though Jack as always was the one to move at her own pace and direction. While the rest of the group were headed straight for the main road from the port Jack went around trying to see if she could find something to take her anger out on. To her endless annoyance, she only found broken Collectors that were already starting to decay. Once Jack was sure she wasn't going to find anything beat up she fell back in with the rest of the group who had continued down the road in the hopes of finding survivors.

Mordin also made occasional detours leaving the group in favor of getting a closer look at the destruction as well as the dead Collectors. While he walked mumbled to himself observations and his analysis of what happened, all while typing on his Omnitool like a madman while running simultaneous scans with his other Omnitool. Jane was able to overhear from the loud scientist and what he found wasn't reassuring. The Collectors seemed to have been destroyed in a routine and quick fashion, easily leaning to the fact that their attackers being expertly trained. Not only well trained but from what Jane heard strangely equipped, with Mordin concluding that high-velocity ballistic weapons had been used on the Collectors. That also appeared to be explosive due to the damage they inflicted upon impact.

Mordin also mumbled about traces of diamond and steel that was superior to the highest grade industry standards all being found in his scans. Jane found it bizarre that any professional armed force would utilize simple ballistic weapons, but from what she was seeing it seemed that their weapons proved more than equal to Element Zero ones, especially in sheer destructive power. Mordin also commented on the lack of any bodies from the opposing force leading him to conclude that either the attackers had been diligent in extracting their dead or they had simply taken no casualties that they had seen yet. Another thing the Salarian Doctor and Scientist found was small traces of an unknown ceramic material that had impossible amounts of heat and kinetic energy dispersion. Though Jane quickly lost track of everything else the ecstatic Salarian said as his voice sped up until Jane could no longer understand what he said.

Just as the squad came to the fork in the road a voice called out to them from above, the voice was masculine but showing signs of extreme fatigue yet still in an aggressive tone. "Stop right there!"

Jane hoping to get answers rather than into an argument signaled her squad to halt, to which they quickly complied.

A man in a torn and heavily damaged body armor and his face covered in a layer of grime and sweat stood up from the closest roof. The man carried a rifle in his arms pointed directly at Shepard's squad but he seemed reluctant in pointing it at them as if he was hoping to not have to use it. The man spoke after he stood, attempting to hide the exhaustion in his voice as he talked. "Who are you? Are you System Alliance?"

Jane put her hands slowly in the air showing both her palms to the soldier in an attempt to show she wasn't there to fight him. After she did that Jane spoke directly to the man keeping her voice calm. "Not exactly. I'm Commander Jane Shepard. I'm a Spectre for the Citadel and I got a tip that Horizon might have been in trouble so I came here as soon as I could. Though I see that you Militia had the situation under control."

Once the soldier heard Shepard's name he did a double-take and nearly seemed ready to laugh but his fatigue held his humor in check. The Militia spoke a second later his voice sounding a bit more on the hopeful side. "You mean the Savior of the Citadel Shepard? I thought you had been killed a few years ago by a Geth ambush?"

"Yeah well, I'm happy to say that wasn't the case. But can you please tell me what happened here?" Asked Shepard trying to get past the mention of her death as well as get to what happened.

The soldier took a moment to respond but eventually, he did. "Well I'm glad to hear your alright, the galaxy needs as many people like you as it can get. As for what happened here its simple. We got slaughtered by these bugguys."

"What do you mean? What happened exactly?" Responded Shepard trying to keep on track, but thankful to the poor man's praises.

"Well, those ships showed up around midday today." Said the soldier indicating towards the ruined remains of the Collector's ships before continuing. "First it was just one ship that arrived. Then that ship sent out these swarms of those beetle things. Which kept trying to sting everyone out in the open. I was lucky enough to be inside at the time so I was safe from that but once the bee things left the second and third ships arrived to the surface. Once they touched down the Militia was able to organize itself and we started a proper evacuation to the colonies bunkers were we set up preparing for whatever the invaders threw at us next."

"The ships sat there for a while until finally their lower bays opened revealing a horde of those bugguys who led assault after assault on the bunkers and the other areas of town where we were still trying to gather people. The Bugs were relentless no matter how many of them we killed they just pushed past and continued to attack. We didn't realize this at the time but eventually, we realized that the bugs were kidnapping people while they attacked us and taking them back to their ships. Once we found that out we tried to assemble an offensive force to try and rescue those people who had been captured, but all we succeeded in doing was lowering our numbers for the Bugs."

"After that, it became clear we had lost so we just tried to hold out so the bunkers could be evacuated and as many people as possible to get out of the line of fire and to hopefully escape into the woods surrounding the colony. We defenders finally crumbled soon after that with the few of us that remained attempting to escort civilians, or in the case of the craven, run for our lives. That just about sums up our fight with the Bugs." Said the Soldier sounding defeated.

"Well, clearly something must have turned around. After all, you seem to be alright now." Said Miranda as she took a step forward and stopped next to Shepard.

The soldier chuckled, it was a dry and crisp sound as if despite his humorous appearance the man was disappointed in himself and his abilities. He spoke a moment later the same dry humor remaining in his voice. "Yeah, things turned around alright. But it wasn't by any action by the Militia, that's for sure."

"Well, then what did happen? Who stopped the 'Bugs'?" Asked Miranda before Shepard could breathe a word.

The man was silent for a moment before finally speaking the once dry humor of his voice now completely absent. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I can hardly believe it myself for Pete's sake."

Jane was the one able to speak first this time giving a pointed glare at Miranda before speaking. "Try me."

The man took in a deep breath and spoke his voice showing his exhaustion once more. "Alright, but you won't believe me… It was Angels that saved us. Angels of death. They came from the sky and flooded through the town slaughtering the Bugs like it was child's play."

Before Jane could speak she heard Jack shout out, her voice annoyed and perturbed. "Can we just bet on this nut-case already? Clearly he's delusional from his first fight so how about we find someone else who actually can tell us what happened and maybe they can point us in the direction of these 'Angels' so we can fight them since they took out these guys for us." Jack said the word 'Angels' with resentment as though the word stood for something she found aggravating.

Grunt gave a deep and guttural chuckle at Jack's statement saying. "I agree with the angry human female, we should seek out these 'Angels' so that we may fight them and prove the strength of our clan."

"I have a name you stupid Krogan, you know that right. Or was that something your creator forgot to program you with, common decency." Responded Jack, her voice getting even angrier.

Grunt again chuckled as if he found Jack's insults to be entertaining then he spoke again his voice low and guttural as always. "I only remember the names of those that can best me in combat or those that command me into combat. You are neither, therefore, I do not care what your name is." Explained the arrogant Krogan with a wide smile crossing his face as Jack heard him.

Jack yelled back her response. "Yeah well how about I whoop your-!"

Shepard yelled over the enraged Jack, her voice stone-cold and angry. "Can it! Both of you or I'll send you two back to the ship right now!"

Jack fell quiet and stepped back, her face contorted into a glare directed at the 'perfect' Krogan, who simply laughed again at both Jack's rage and his disciplinary warning. Once the two fell back in line Jane turned back to the shocked soldier who still stood on top of the building in front of them, his expression tired and confused.

Jane spoke back to him attempting to apologize for her companion's rude comments and the scene he was witness too. "Sorry about that. But could you please elaborate on what you mean by 'Angels'?"

The soldier collected himself and spoke again, his voice getting raspier. "I mean what I said. They were giant warriors clad in gold and blood-red armor. They fought with the strength and speed that could rival a thousand soldiers. Many of them even had wings of fire that they flew across the town with striking into the midst of the Bugs like vengeance incarnate. They came from the sky and cut down every monster in the town and then they destroyed the Bugs ships somehow. Then before any of us could speak to them or thank them, they vanished. Gone in an instant like a leaf on the wind. I wasn't a religious man before but now that I saw those beings I can say now without a doubt in my mind that I'm a believer in God and his ability to smite those that cross him."

Jane lifted an eyebrow at what the man said but said nothing about it preferring to instead get to the point of what else he said. "Did you see anything else about these vengeful 'Angels?' Any identifying features, weapons, or armor, and were they humanoid, or were they more alien in appearance? As well what happened after the 'Angels' left?"

"They were human-looking, at least they appeared to be, but they were massive at least 10 feet tall and completely encased in giant suits of armor that shrugged off everything the Bugs threw at them. Their armor varied a lot but mainly it was Blood-Red with lots of golden accents. Then their weapons were like the roar of a lion barking out these massive shells that exploded when hitting their target, blowing the bugmen to pieces. Their eyes were green I remember that too, green like emeralds and piercing. The only symbol I can remember seeing on them was a teardrop and angelic wings set on either side of the tear." Responded the soldier with what could only be called reverence in his voice.

"And as for what happened after. Well after the Angel's departed what remained of the militia tried to reconvene and start trying to reestablish order in the colony and also trying to see what happened to those kidnapped by the Bugs. Once we got the alert of your ship entering the upper atmosphere I was sent to see who you were and take you out if you proved to be a threat."

"Well, I'm glad to tell you we mean only to help your colony recover and find out what I can of what happened here." Replied Shepard trying to put her natural reassuring charisma into her voice.

The soldier nodded and said, his voice sounding a bit relieved. "I'm very happy to hear that, but I'll have to report you to the rest of the Militia before I can let you go into the rest of the town."

"Of course, I'm fine waiting until your commander feels it alright for us to enter."

With that, all said the next half-hour passed quickly as the soldier reported in and eventually got the go-ahead to allow Shepard and her team into the town proper. They made their way down the filthy streets heading into the center of town, where the Collector ships loomed. The team was led by the tired militia trooper until they finally came across a group of equally exhausted soldiers who took them the rest of the way to their commanding officer.

To say who met them was unexpected was an understatement for Shepard. After descending down a shopping mall staircase they came to the center of town. The clearing was covered in the dead Collectors, their bodies in some areas forcing the two groups to climb over them to get closer to the center. After cresting the third artificial hill of bodies, and after ordering for her squad to patrol around the clearing Jane made eye contact with the Militia's commanding officer. Jane had to hold back tears as she came face to face with a man she had loved dearly before her passing, someone she had dreamed of seeing ever since she had been brought back. Kaiden Alenko, the N7 operative that had helped Shepard so much in her last fight against the Reapers.

When their eyes locked they both fell silent, neither able to speak or even move a muscle besides their eyes. Jane took in the sight of Kaiden while she was stuck in her stupor. He was in standard-issue N7 combat armor, though it was damaged nearly beyond any chance of repair, cracks, and dents running along the whole of its armored plates, while the microfiber cloth on the entire suit was ruined cuts running all along it. The armor wasn't just damaged but it was filthy, covered in dirt, grime, and Collector blood. Kaiden's face was covered in wounds, bruises, and dirt. His hair a messy mix of sweat, grease, and grime sitting on his head like a worn-out black mop. Even Kaiden's chocolate brown eyes which had once been so full of life and compassion seemed dulled, as though in their time apart he had seen many horrible and cruel things.

Jane for her part was dressed in a pristine custom made and fit N7 armor colored a dark navy blue. Shepard's hair a mix between red and brown and her eyes a deep blue. The scars on her face from the Lazarus Project were still visible, but slowly beginning to fade. Despite her best attempts to keep herself under control Jane couldn't help but let a solitary tear run down her cheek as she saw Kaiden in such a beaten state. Kaiden simply stared into Shepard's eyes his face unreadable and completely frozen as he took in the sight of Jane. Neither spoke for a long moment as they tried to fully come back to the moment.

Their moment ended when Kaiden finally spoke his voice strained and full of emotion. "I thought I'd never see you again."

Jane and Kaiden watched each other a moment longer before finally stepping forward and embracing one another for what felt like centuries, as the two simply held tight to one another, scared that if they were to let go the other would vanish. After about a minute Jane and Kaiden released one another reluctantly. As they parted Jane saw the tears running down Kaiden's face as he looked at her, Jane herself was in the same state tears flowing quickly down her cheeks like the Nile river.

Finally, after another moment of taking the sight of one another in Kaiden spoke again his voice almost pleading for answers. "What happened to you? I had heard rumors that someone using your name had recently surface but I didn't believe it was you due to the reports stating the individual was under the employ of Cerberus. I had half a mind to go AWOL and hunt down the fraud there and then, but now you're here. How can you be here?"

Jane wiped the last of her tears away and spoke trying her best to keep her voice under control. "I came back. They called it the Lazarus Project, it was a privately funded experiment to bring me back to life."

Kaiden spoke then asking. "I thought that your remains were stuck back with the wreck of the Normandy?"

"That was another piece of the project apparently, they retrieved my remains from the wreck and pieced me back together from there. Kaiden I'm so happy to see you again." Said Jane beginning to lose control of her voice at the end.

"I missed you too, more than you can imagine. But what about all I've heard about you working with Cerberus?" Asked Kaiden holding back tears as he spoke.

Jane took a deep breath and then spoke doing her best to keep her voice controlled. "I wish I could say I have nothing to do with them, but I can't, not without lying to you, and I would never want to do that to you. Know, please Kaiden, know I didn't have a choice in the matter... but Cerberus was the private organization that brought me back to life."

Kaiden took a step back a look of betrayal crossing his face for a second before it returned to mournful. "What did they do to you?"

Jane felt a pain swell up in her chest at Kaiden's reaction, but inside she understood his hesitation after hearing her return having been orchestrated by Cerberus.

But before Shepard could answer Kaiden, Miranda walked up next to her and spoke defensively to Kaiden her voice with an overt hint of anger sprinkled into her accented tone. "We saved her life, Mr. Alenko."

Kaiden's head turned to the Cerberus operative his face turning from mournful to angry where he spoke his voice barely being held back from a yell. "How do you know my name? And what did you do to her you Cerberus wackjob?"

"That is none of your concern Mr. Alenko." Responded Miranda, somewhat smugly, with a smile appearing on her lips.

Kaiden seemed about ready to tackle Miranda before Shepard finally got a chance to speak to the two of them though mainly to Miranda, Jane attempting to make her voice both heard and understood. "Miranda, you will stop that. And you will tell Kaiden what happened, and that's an order, and know I don't give a crap about Cerberus's secrets."

Miranda looked at Shepard for a long moment seeming to try and gauge if she was serious or not. When Miranda realized Shepard was serious she relented letting out a sigh before looking back at Kaiden. "Fine. We took Shepard's remains and began a lengthy process to rebuild her one muscle at a time, along the way we interjected a few enhancements to her natural physiology."

"What kind of enhancements? What kind of illegal genetic modification did you do to her?" Said Kaiden his voice holding back rage by a thread.

Miranda looked about ready to utter a rebuttal but stopped when she saw Shepard glaring at her in the corner of her eye. After another moment Miranda spoke again her voice resentful of the information she was being forced to divulge. "We enhanced her basic muscle structure increasing her body's ability to repair muscle tissue as well as increasing its strength. Meaning Shepard can lift more than she could before, as well as her body's immune system and general tissue repair rate was also altered. Allowing her to be better able to fight off disease and that she heals a bit faster."

Kaiden took in a deep breath attempting to calm himself before he spoke again. "Did you 'enhance' anything in her brain or to her personality."

Miranda's answer was defensive and aggressive. "No! We did not alter her brain or anything about her personality."

Kaiden rolled his eyes at Miranda's response and turned to Shepard his face growing concerned. "Do you feel the same? Do you still feel like you?"

Jane gave an attempt an a reassuring smile and answered him. "Yes, Kaiden, I still feel like me, though my bodies still recovering from being brought back, as you can see." She said pointing to the faded scars on her face.

Kaiden looked at the scars and his face seemed to grow more concerned. "Do they hurt?" Asked Kaiden.

Jane shook her head saying. "Not really anymore. For the first few days, they stung but eventually, they've begun to heal."

Kaiden seemed to try and take a bit of reassurance from that but couldn't help but look sadly at the scars on Jane's face. After another moment Jane spoke trying to get away from the sour subject of Cerberus. "What brought you to Horizon?"

Kaiden sighed but allowed the conversation to shift to the present. Kaiden spoke his voice still showing hints of occasional worry. "I was assigned by Navy command to assist with the construction of a defensive weapon's emplacement on Horizon due to recent events as a precautionary action trying to halt the disappearance of colonies. We had reason to believe Horizon was the next target so I was told to report back and call for reinforcements the moment the Collectors showed up."

"Were you able to call for help?" Asked Jane assuming the probable answer that he couldn't.

"I couldn't until just about thirty minutes ago. I got a response saying they would send a patrol squadron to help defend the colony and a relief force was already set up in the possibility of the attack so that should come a few hours after the patrol."

"That's good. When will that patrol arrive?"

"I didn't really get a clear answer on that but I'd hope about five hours."

"I guess that's better than nothing. What about things here how did they go for you? As well how did you end up the leader of the Militia?"

Kaiden gave a dry chuckle before answering his voice showing his aches and pains for a brief moment before Kaiden's military attitude pulled himself together. "I was helping out with the Militia for the first part of the fight, but when the line began to crumble I fell back to help extract a civilian I had gotten to know at the beginning of the invasion. Once I was with her and her son we journeyed through the escape tunnels to the edge of town. When we got out of the tunnels we were joined by a young nurse that had followed us from the medical ward. While we were still in town we tried to gather some supplies, though we mainly only got some basic meds and painkillers."

"After we got some supplies we ran tried to escape the town heading through one of the town's markets. But before we could try and escape a group of Collectors intercepted us and we were forced to fight them. During the fight we were all injured so we had to take some time to make sure we could make it a safe distance into the woods. But before we could escape the market we had to hide to stay out of sight of the Collectors who came to our location en masse. We eventually decided to leave our hiding spot and see more of our situation. After getting our barrings from the startling sight of the Collectors assembled in the square, we tried to sit tight as our last real option that wasn't just running in front of the Collectors."

Kaiden sighed and put his hand to his chin closing his eyes as if trying to properly recall specific memories. Following a moment of contemplation, Kaiden opened his eyes again and spoke his truth about what happened next. "It sounds nuts but… while we were hulled up waiting for what happened next, a loud engine roar echoed from the hills to the north of our position. After that, things kind of become a blur but from what I can collect from the fragments is that a strike force of some sort of private military soldiers with extremely efficient experimental weapons, armor, and equipment came barreling into the market. They were incredibly well-coordinated and trained as they took the Collectors out piece-meal. The suits they wore where massive as well making them look like giants."

As Kaiden took a breath to continue Jane interjected a question hoping she was making a correct assumption. "Would these soldiers have been seen as Angels?"

Kaiden paused for a second before answering a bit of weariness entering his voice. "Yeah… I've heard a lot of the militia and civilians calling them that. Personally, though I try and stick with actual possible answers, other than people's instinctual superstitions about seeing what they don't fully understand. Back to what happened though, the private soldiers somehow crushed the Collectors and dismounted from these hoverbikes and started taking up position around the square. Once they were situated two of them approached my group saying to us in normal English that they were there to help."

"After a brief discussion with them I 'allowed' them to approach. Where one of them dressed in white-colored armor introduced himself to us as a 'Sanguinary Priest Bariel.' I guess he was a trained medical professional as he began looking after our wounds and making some general conversation with us. Though he didn't reveal much about himself but his name and supposed rank. My assumption is that they must have been some sort of deeply religious Private Military firm, whoever these guys are, hence why their medic is referred to as a Sanguinary Priest. After some more conversing we discovered something of the identity of the second soldier in our direct company, who had remained silent up and till that point. The Priest called him 'Commander' and deferred to him for executive decisions at one point."

"Around that same time, the rest of the soldier who had stayed arrayed around the square pressed down the street. Where I heard the distinct sound of their weapons firing, but eventually that faded. Not long after that was when the Collector's ships were disabled. Followed by the two soldiers in our company and their bodyguards left to follow after their vanguard. Once they were gone we made a break for the woods so we could try and sit out the rest of whatever happened next. Eventually though after about an hour or so we heard the revving of the soldier's hoverbikes which sounded to be heading away from town. After that, I started patching into the Militias comm network and was able to convince them to do as I said. And that just about brings us up to the present." Said Kaiden, finishing his lengthy tale, his voice carrying his fatigue and desperate need for rest.

"It was a good thing you were here to help them. Things could have been far worse without you here to take charge once things died down." Said Jane hoping her praise would mean something to the man she loved in the nearly defeated state she found him in.

"Yeah I'm not so sure, but I'm trying my best." Responded Kaiden trying to give a reassuring smile, that more came across as a facade of strength he was beginning to lose.

Before Jane could try and offer him some more words of encouragement, Miranda cut in again, asking for more about the Soldiers. "These Private Armsmen, what could you tell about them, any definitive accents or dialects, or any markings on their armor, like political associations, or religious iconography?"

Kaiden sighed before he turned to face Miranda directly, when he did he spoke to her again now attempting to hide his exhaustion now with an annoyed tone. "Yes and no, They spoke English when they spoke to my group and I but some bizarre language when they conversed together, the language was completely unknown to my translator chip. When they spoke in English it was clear and without any sign of an accent. Then the language they spoke to one another in was incredibly strange, it sounded both alien yet still in some ways human. It's hard to exactly explain, but that is the best way I can describe their language, it was both Alien and human-sounding."

"As for any markings, there were plenty of those on them. The main one on all of their suits was a teardrop paired with a set of angel wings behind it, the image either being black, red or golden depending on their armor's color. Which, the suits themselves were usually red or golden, with only two of them breaking that mold, and those two were the medic and their leader, whose armors were white and blue respectively. The other symbols I can remember were a dual-headed golden eagle on their chestplates and a green teardrop on a few of their left kneeplates. As well as the soldiers armored in gold seemed to be some type of guards due to the fact they fought closely alongside the commander for the duration of the fight and were the only ones to stay while the rest of their squad left to push down the road. These golden guys armor was also more ornate than the rest only equaled in decoration by the Commander and the Sanguinary Priest." Continued Kaiden

"As for any other things about them, I can't remember much. It all happened so fast that even I had a really hard time keeping track of everything that happened. I remember their hoverbikes being red with lots of gold lacing and those same bikes being covered in weapons and blades. I distinctly remember them using those same blades and other weapons to pretty devastating effect, using the bikes more like to battering rams than just weaving around the Collectors. I can definitely say their Bikes were built to last after the number of high-velocity impacts they took and that they showed no signs of real wear and tear aside from Collector blood staining the metal." Finished Kaiden.

Miranda digested the information immediately and asked more questions. "What about the weapons they used, what can you tell me about them? As well as these suits of theirs, what were their capabilities? Did they just protect the wearer or did they increase their combat efficiency beyond that?"

Kaiden stood firm a moment gauging whether he should continue to answer Miranda's questions or whether he should press her for answers about what had happened to Shepard. It took Kaiden a moment to decide, all the while he glared Miranda down. He hated everything people like Miranda and all of Cerberus's followers stood for, Human Supremacy, Xenophobia, Authoritarianism, Lawlessness, and a lack of any empathy for those around them. Miranda for her part was completely unfazed by Kaiden's apathy towards her, she had seen the same look come from a thousand other people before him, so by now, she was more than used to the look. To her, people like Kaiden were just too weak-willed to do what was necessary for the human species and the galaxy at large. Where Kaiden saw lawlessness in the actions of Cerberus she saw justice finally being served to those rich enough and powerful enough to escape judgment.

Finally, after another few moments, Kaiden stood up straight and spoke to Miranda keeping his voice as even as he could. "Fine, I'll answer your questions. But only if you answer mine. Deal?"

Miranda answered swiftly and without a change detectable in her accented voice. "Depends on your question."

Kaiden quickly snapped out a response a grim smile forming on his lips. "Either you answer my questions, or I don't say another thing."

Miranda stared at Kaiden a moment gauging what she should do. She spoke a moment later "How do I know you even have any more information that actually matters about them?"

"I still know a lot more about them, Things I know no one else here would have found out." Replied Kaiden his voice even but a smirk finding its way on his face as he knew he'd found a way to get a one-up over the Cerberus Operative.

Despite Miranda's controlled expression, Kaiden saw the rage building behind her eyes as if she was ready to throw a dozen punches aimed at Kaiden's face. But a mountain's worth of self-control kept the Cerberus Operative from doing anything rash. Miranda spoke finally a second later after her eyes dotted to Shepard, who stood beside Kaiden with a stern glare on her face, keeping Miranda's more passive-aggressive impulses in check. "Fine, I will answer any further questions you have relating to Shepard. But first, you will tell me more about these Private Armsmen's Equipment."

Kaiden looked to Shepard a moment then back to Miranda where he nodded his head in agreement and answered Miranda's question. "Well first off something that should help in identifying the group is their usage of ballistic weapons."

"Wait what, you mean to tell me state of the art experimentally equipped soldiers were using relics from the last century to combat thousands of Collectors? You are clearly mistaken, there is no possible way that is true." Said Miranda her right hand on her face and voice full of disbelief and annoyance.

Kaiden held his own tongue before he responded making sure to keep his voice clear. "I know the scent gunpowder leaves, I was raised by a family of traditionalist hunters, and that scent oozed out of their guns when fired. And as if that wasn't enough evidence for me about their weapons being gunpowder based, their guns also produced an even more powerful boom than standard ballistic firearms. So I can say based on my own personal experiences with old fashion guns, that the one these guys fired were gunpowder based."

Miranda sighed and shook her head saying. "Fine even if that was true, which I highly doubt why on earth would a strike force of super-elite private soldiers be using such outdated weapons?"

"I don't know why they'd use those guns, but what I can say about their weapons was that they were not inefficient at dispatching the Collectors. As they blew through them in moments." Stated Kaiden.

Miranda instead of staying on the topic of the ballistic weapons pressed on to other aspects of the Soldiers. "Alright, but now what can you tell us about their armor?"

Miranda and Kaiden continued to speak about the 'Private Soldiers' and the equipment they used, Jane stood by Kaiden every once in a while pitching into the conversation, but after that only a few other things were learned. The Private Soldiers were insanely well-armed and armored being more akin to walking tanks after Kaiden went into detail of what happened. It was strange, to say the least, that such a group had only recently surfaced with none of Shepard's team having any knowledge of them. Eventually, the discussion ended and Shepard finally took in more of her surroundings.

Currently, Shepard, her team, Kaiden, and a dozen Militia were scattered all around what had once been an outdoor shopping mall. Now though the area was in ruin hundreds if not thousands of Collectors bodies littering the floor in massive mounds comparable to small hills arrayed around the central clearing for the mall. Broken vending booths lay in broken pieces amongst the floor of dead Collectors. While the shops lining the walls on either side of the clearing also were wrecked their displays shattered and merchandise destroyed. The whole area looked like it could never recover, the destruction now a permanent addition to the once-thriving marketplace.

Not long after Kaiden and Miranda's conversation was over three groups of Militia came out of the three Collector ships, among them were exhausted and terrified civilians who had been escorted out of the now desolate wrecks. Mordin moved to help the Militia Medics with his medical expertise as if by instinct alone his medical bag opened and being rummaged through within seconds of him seeing the Civilians. After the first group of colonists were safely out of the Collector's ships the same squads of Militia went back into the horrid behemoths in search of more people in need of help. The squads returned about five minutes later with even larger groups than they had gathered last time. Then again once the people were out and on their feet the Militia went back in, repeating the process another six times until it finally appeared the last of the people taken by the Collectors had been led out of the ships.

Most of the people were still being affected by the muscle relaxant injected into them at the onset of the attack, some walking with limps as limbs still failed to properly function while others had to lean on others just to walk or to even sit up straight. Many other people just looked sick or uncomfortable, but one thing everyone who returned from the ship had in common was a look of horrible dread, yet somehow in their eyes there seemed to be beacons of flame. Somehow despite the horror the people of Horizon had gone through something had been sparked in them, whether from the Collector attack or their rescue by the 'Private Armsmen' or 'Angels' or whatever they were, it didn't matter what but something had been kindled in them, an anger, a hunger for retribution, and one they knew they could achieve since before their very eyes they had seen their attackers defeated by what to many of them seemed divine intervention. In closing as Shepard left the ruins of the mall with her squad and Kaiden, Jane couldn't shake the feeling that something more was coming into her world something she didn't think anyone was prepared for. It left a sickening echo in her mind the rest of the day, one she couldn't shake no matter how much else happened.

Thank you so much for reading and please have a great day and if you can please leave a review telling me what you thought. Sorry for the chapter mainly being a recap, I just want to show exactly what Shepard and her team know and what they think so far. I hope to start writing some more chapters where bigger things can happen since I feel I've focused enough on the first sighting of the 'Angels of Death.' Hopefully, I'll see you again soon with another chapter and more than just recaps happening.

Chapter 13: An Angel's Dreams

Chapter Text

Angel's Lament

Hello and welcome to another chapter of Angel's Lament! I hope you are doing well and that if you aren't I can help in even a tiny way to make things a bit better. Now onto a bit about what's happening with story stuff, I plan to give LOTS of explanations for how things are happening the way they are. Stuff like how the Imperials remain in the shadows after having just made a 'large' attack against the Collectors in what seems the wide open (Though that will be explained next time). Things like that I hope to explain in this chapter and the next few whether they be from Antros's, Nikolaus's, Shepard's, or Josyln's POV. Okay enough rambling out of me and onto the Chapter proper, please enjoy this next chapter...


Chapter Thirteen: An Angel's Dreams

The Blood Angel's first mission against the Reapers had worked, they had dealt a crushing blow to the Reapers' pawns the Collectors and slowed if not temporarily postponed their actions, at the very least giving them something bitter to taste as victory had been ripped from their grasp at the last moments just before they had won and taken the colonists of Horizon to their masters. But they had not completely one, true no colonists had been taken from Horizon and the Blood Angels hadn't suffered as much as a lost brother for all their fighting, but one Collector ship had escaped them. Having hidden on the far side of Horizon, in orbit, in and amongst a debris field to avoid detection. Where after losing contact with its brethren, it had immediately fled to the systems Mass Relay before the Angel's Vision was able to give chase.

But that was only a minor annoyance, for even though they had escaped they had been forced out empty-handed, which was the main goal of the mission, to stop the Collectors from getting what they came for. So despite some of their prey escaping their wrath the Blood Angel's of the 4th company were in good spirits as they spoke as they moved from the hangar to their private rooms where they could perform the customary 'Ritual of Disarming.' In the main corridor holding the Astartes chambers stood, the whole force of Astartes as they awaited their Thralls patiently to allow them within the chambers. While the massive Astartes waited they spoke softly with their brethren about the day, some speaking of the fights between them and the Collectors larger creations, others talking about the lives they had saved along their journey through the Mortal colony. While most talked a few stood in staunch silence as they thought of the darker things they had witnessed in their fights.

It was true that they had all seen far worse situations countless times before. It still did little to some of them who looked upon the day with grief for the human lives lost defending the innocent and the pain and trauma suffered from those innocent mortals who simply desired to live happy peaceful lives.

Antros himself had been deep in contemplation when he was roused from his thoughts by hearing the melodic voice of one of his brothers addressing him. "Commander Antros?" There was a pause as Antros heard the sound of power armor servo-motors whirred to life. Antros upon hearing his name turned to face his brother seeing the Sanguinary Priest Bariel giving a quick bow to Antros before continuing to speak. "I wonder if you would allow me to disturb you from your thoughts?" Despite trying to keep his powers from peering at his brother Antros was still able to feel the emotions of his brother the normal, courage, determination, and compassion but strangely enough hints of uncertainty.

Antros, with his helmet still upon his head disguising his features, spoke keeping his voice respectful to show his brother he meant to listen to him honestly. "Of course Brother Sanguinary Priest. I would gladly answer any of your questions?"

Bariel nodded his head and asked Antros what troubled him. "Why, Brother? I mean why did you have us see to those Mortals in the courtyard so thoroughly? I am glad we could help them to such a degree, but it is not a part of our normal doctrine for reacting to such situations. So I wonder if you have some other reason for us assisting them to such a degree."

Antros had anticipated such a question arising from someone eventually, though he originally thought he would hear it from his Guard Brother Donotriel, but it made sense that Bariel would be curious enough to ask. Antros decided that the truth was the best answer in this moment so he told the Sanguinary Guard his reason for having taken such care in aiding the small group of Mortals, aside from simple empathy. "I foresaw one of them being of great import to our efforts, whether for good or ill I could not see, so I decided to side with my more human emotions and offer them help, in the hope of producing the outcome of them aiding us in the future."

Bariel listened and nodded saying through his vox grill. "That makes sense Brother, let us pray that we may count upon them in the future." Bariel prepared to turn but stopped himself asking one more question. "Who did you get this feeling about among them. Kaiden Alenko?"

Antros took the question instantly and answered in the same moment. "I thought it was him at first when the premonition originally came to me. But as I drew closer to them the feeling clarified, showing to me that the one that would eventually help or hinder us was the worried mother, Joslyn. Somehow in the near future, she will be given a choice, one that could either help her reality persevere through the coming war or ensure its destruction. I only hope my decision to have us help her was the correct path to take."

"I hope for the innocent people of this realm that you were right in your decision to aid her. But I will let you retire to your chamber as I see your Serfs have prepared it for you now." Said Bariel indicating behind Antros while he bowed with respect to the Chief Librarian.

Antros nodded in agreement with Bariel, then he too bowed the Sanguinary Priest both as a sign of respect and a thank you for his assistance before he allowed himself to finally turn towards the door of his chamber. After Antros turned he heard Bariel straighten and begin to walk towards his own chambers where his Thralls were waiting. Antros took a few steps closer to his room's door, casting his gaze to scan either side of the hallway. Both sides were now empty of his brothers except Bariel, who was just making it to his open chamber door. As Antros finished looking around he looked to the door, where his head and ever-faithful Serf stood, Dimitra.

She was short, even for a mortal, being only a little more than four feet tall. Dimitra was dressed in crimson robes, covered in holy symbols and wards for protection, the special treads made from gold indicating her as the head among her lord's servants. Her hood hid her face as she looked down towards the ground in reverence while indicating with her right hand into Antros's room. As Antros came to the doorway he lay his hand on Dimitra's shoulder gently guiding her to follow him into the chamber.

Like all rooms that belonged to a Scion of Sanguinius, it was decorated lavishly with fine craftsmanship poured into every detail of the room's interior. The floors were marble tile painted checkered between red and white stone, with finely threaded rugs and skins of great beasts arrayed around the room's furniture pieces. On the left wall sat the room's bed, it was made for Astartes from polished ivory with beautiful crimson sheets covering the top of the mattress. While a dozen pillows of multiple sizes and colors sat on the backboard ready to support someone as they slept. Next to the bed was another mattress sitting upon a small pedestal of quartz crystal. The cushion seemed more shaped for a mortal than an Astartes the mat itself made from dyed threads and expensive stuffing to make it as comfortable as possible for its intended user.

Said user was sprawled on the cushion, sleeping until Antros passed the doorway. Once he was in the room Artemis roused from her slumber and looked to where he stood where she sent a thought to Antros as he entered. "Well, you certainly took your time, Master."

Antros rolled his eyes at her attempt at humor but let a smile across his face behind his helmet, Artemis sensing his small amount of amusem*nt made a thrumming sound like a feline chuckle in response before saying to him, her emotions shifting to become more serious. "I can see by your armor that the battle went favorably?"

Antros continued to walk into the center of the room where the rest of his Serf stood with equipment and sacred incense ready to perform the 'Ritual of Disarming' so that his armor might be repaired and its colors restored to vibrance. While Antros walked he kept his gentle arm on Dimitra continuing to pull her with him to the other Thralls under her command. As he walked Antros relayed images and snip bits of memories from what had happened when he left the Angel's Vision. Artemis at the end of the transfer falling quiet as she sifted through the information Antros sent her.

Once Antros stood in the center of the room he released Dimitra so that she might properly perform her duties as Mistress of Service, meaning her role as leader among all of Antros's servants as well as being apart of a Thrall council which decided schedules for maintenance of their master's equipment as well as if any were short-handed for whatever reason and in need of a Serf to be lent to their service for a time until they may find a replacement. As Antros stopped and stood straight his servants quickly moved to surround him, singing hymns of hope where one day the armor Antros now was about to be relieved of may someday never have to be wielded again to take up arms against the enemies of Mankind and the Emperor.

Antros felt an ounce of despair grip his heart as the prospect of the neverending war. How no matter what he and his brothers did it, no matter how much they suffered, it was near impossible for there to ever be everlasting peace in his own reality. That no matter what he did he would die there someday. Probably in immense pain by some foul creature or tortured Champion of hatred and chaos. There he would end, his countless centuries of service and dedication, rewarded with a painful end just like millions before him. Antros felt the despair solidify in his mind like a knife cutting through flesh, but before his own doubt could do anything of consequence he quashed it. His steely will and determination overpowering his momentary thoughts of his efforts being all for not.

As Antros destroyed his thoughts of hopelessness he retold himself of the speeches he'd heard from his Chapter Master, his brothers within the Chapter, and what his many of his fellow Astartes within other chapters and of other Primarchs had said before, about such nihilism amongst them. That even though their journey and path as Astartes might be one that leads them to painful lives and grime deaths, their sacrifice allowed countless others to live their lives without fear of that same fate. That for every day they pushed back the tides of hell was another day given to the innocent people of the Imperium to live freely. And that through their example and actions someday in the far away future, most likely long after Antros and his brothers are gone and forgotten, peace might shine upon the galaxy. That the forces of Darkness might be permanently ended, their schemes ruined, and hordes put to the sword one last time.

Antros repeated these thoughts about his world's future a few times quickly in his head as he listened to somber songs his Serfs sang as they worked. Dimitra leading them in both their work in removing Antros's armor and leading them in the rhythm of the hymn. Antros for his part hummed along, attempting to let the worries of his mantle fall away with his armor. Piece by piece was removed from Antros's Panalopy of War. First, his weapons were taken reverently by some of the senior Thralls and wrapped in white linen sheets to be taken to the Techmarines and then blessed by the Chaplaincy and Sanguinary Priests with the proper rituals given to such ancient and sacred weapons like those Antros carried. Next went his outer shell of armor, his helmet, his psychic hood, chestplate, pauldrons, and many other masterfully made pieces of armor.

After the outer layer was taken away the Thralls returned to Antros's side, their voices now singing of the Emperor's grief at the sacrifice of his brightest son to defeat the Arch-Traitor Horus during the dark days of the Heresy. It was a song Antros had heard countless times and one he joined in. The song recounted how Sanguinius had stood alone against his once closest brother and best friend upon the bridge of the dark and twisted ship the Vengeful Spirit. Where the beaten and bloody Sanguinius pleaded with his brother to turn away from the service of darkness, and that despite all the horror Horus had unleashed Sanguinius was still willing to help his brother return to the light and to the service of the people. Saying that their father could forgive him if he just stood down and asked for forgiveness.

The song then retold how Horus had laughed at his battered and wounded brother calling The Angel a fool for following their father and that Horus knew of how Sanguinius was doomed by prophecy to die if he did not join Horus. So Horus himself demanded Sanguinius to join him as a servant of the Dark Gods and that only through pledging himself to their service could he survive. The song played how Sanguinius with grief in his heart steeled himself and stood up straight saying to his fallen brother "I shall never betray the innocent, not even for you dear Brother." The song then told of how the Vengeful Spirit had been shaken to its core by the ferocious fight between the two Demi-gods, and how despite giving his all, the Honorable and Compassionate Sanguinius was broken by his once dearest brother. The song recounted how the psychic scream of anguish and despair Sanguinius let out upon his death shook the Emperor to tears as he tried to reach his son in time, hoping to save him from his cursed fate, but finding himself only moments too late.

The song finished on the somber note of the Emperor's tears rolling down his divine and benevolent face at the loss both he and the universe felt at the death of the Great Angel of Mankind. All of Antros's Serfs were crying tears for the loss of the Angel that had once shone brightly to help the people of the Imperium, but had been laid low and slain by one so close to him. Despite his death occurring over ten thousand years ago the Imperium still felt the loss of the Primarch and hero Sanguinius, some felt it more than others though. Because as a result of their Primarch's death all of the line of Sanguinius was cursed with the Memories of their deceased father.

But back to the moment, Antros stood before his Serfs, their eyes still filled with tears for the long lost Primarch, their minds showing their respect and reverence for the Angel of Mankind and the honor they felt at being able to serve and aid his sons in their mission to avenge him and see the things he died for continued. Antros let a small smile grace his angelic face, a permanent echo of his father, as he took in his servants as felt gratitude for having earned the service of such true-hearted and loyal servants. He even wondered if he could have been able to get past his own strong ambitions from his youth and take up the lifelong duty of being a Chapter Serf. Because as much as he had done and sacrificed to become a space marine, he still wondered if he could have gone through the process to become a chapter serf, a person who despite a lifetime of service would only truly be remembered by their master and fellow Thralls.

Never sung about as the great 'Bulwark Against Terror' as their masters were, never seen by the masses of the Imperium as the Emperors purest and Noblest servants, and never given the respect or gratitude their station earned them as they sacrificed as much of their life as their masters. If not more as they would never be given the opportunity for glory or honor, never sang about, and never remembered for anything more than a moment before all that knew them perished, including their masters. Antros felt pity for them, yet also great respect, that despite all of these things they would never earn, and all of the grueling work they did they still continued to serve with honor and dedication that was worthy of any of their masters among the Astartes. Antros genuinely wondered if he could have become a Serf, that if he was given the choice between a normal life or Serfdom if he could have made their sacrifice.

Antros deciding to act upon these feelings of gratitude and respect for their sacrifice spoke to them keeping his voice controlled but allowing it to be filled with a bit of the compassion and respect he felt for his servants. "I must thank you all, my loyal companions, for all you do for me. I would surely fail in my quests if not for the diligent and great service of you all. So for that, I must thank you all so much for all that you do to aid me in my mission."

Some of Antros's Serfs were stopped for a moment while others took their praise in stride and continued their work. The ones that stopped replied to Antros in relatively the same fashion.

"No thank you Mi'lord Antros, for all you do for us, The God-Emperor and our glorious Imperium. We are gladdened to toil and work for such a benevolent master as you, Mi'Lord." Said Latka, who was one of Antros oldest Thralls, having served him since she was found on the planet Alera IV when the world was evacuated as the Tyranids began to consume it.

The chaos of the Evacuation and the battles between the Imperial Garrison and the Blood Angels against Hive Fleet Leviathan having left Latka an orphan and in need of rescue and a life purpose. Both of which Antros had been able to supply her, for after she was safely off World she asked if she could become a Chapter Serf in repayment to the Chapter saving her life and the life of her people. The Captain in charge of the Strike Force allowed her to become a Chapter Thrall. That had been nearly fifty years ago now though and (name) looked her age of 67. Her face wrinkled and hair greyed underneath her hooded robes. Yet her silver eyes still shining with life like they had since the day Antros met her. After that Antros had been witness to most of her life, even being there as she was married* to a fellow Serf of one of Antros's Librarians. As well as helping to train her children on how to fight or act during attacks. Both of her children being actually in the room with her as well, serving as their mother as Serfs.

Dimitra also spoke, speaking on behalf of her fellow Thralls as herself being the voted leader among them. "You humble us with your praise Master Antros. Surely we must thank you for all you have done to bring glory and strength of purpose to the Imperium and those of us who have found ourselves within this new world the God-Emperor saw fit to send us to My Lord."

Antros let a chuckle escape his lips as he heard Dimitra's praise of his actions, saying after she finished. "I have only done what I have been called to do, as all of you have so valiantly done as well."

With that said Antros was relieved of his last piece of armor from his suit and its accompanying accessories, the Synth Skinsuit which lay at the bottom layer of the armor and the last line of defense against ranged weapon fire. The suit was made of an incredibly powerful and dense micro-fiber mesh that allowed it to take large amounts of kinetic energy and evenly disperse it over the wider area of the suit, stopping it from wounding the wearer underneath. The suit peeled off as always, the sweat Antros's enchanted body made acting like a weak adhesive to the Synth Skin's material. With the suit removed Dimitra offered a final prayer for guidance from the Emperor on how they all could best use their time away from the battles, they had to fight, as to best prepare themselves spiritually and physically for the next conflict they were needed for. Once finishing her prayer and after the last of Antros's armor, weapons and clothes were whisked away Antros gave Dimitra permission to leave and report to her numerous other duties as his servant's prefect.

Once he was well and truly alone, with the exception of his once again sleeping familiar, Antros went to the rooms bathing chamber as he always did to wipe away both the worries of the day as well as the filth that accumulated on him when confined to his armor for any serious period of time. He bathed quickly and left the antechamber drying himself off with a crimson towel. He found upon the nightstand next to his bed that a servant had brought him a tray of refreshments in the time he had taken cleaning himself. Upon the tray sat a silver-covered glass plate with two empty Astartes sized carved mugs, both depicting a twin Angel on their surface wings outstretched forming the whole of the cups, along with two large pitchers, one filled with vintage wine the color of rubies and the other filled with pure water. Antros quickly went to his wardrobe and took out a simple cobalt blue tunic with crimson embroidery and a pair of similar trousers. Putting them on swiftly and grabbing out a fine robe that he threw over the rest of his attire.

Antros took the tray carefully to his desk in the far corner away from the bed so that Artemis might not be disturbed while he planned and ate his dinner.

Antros sat in a large ancient Baalfora Oak chair that had been carved some four thousand years ago by a Battle-Brother of the Blood Angels that's name had sadly been forgotten as time relentlessly passed. Antros for a moment admired the craftsmanship of the chair gazing and studying the quotes etched into its surface written in an ancient and forgotten dialect of Baal, from a now-extinct clan from the twin moon worlds. Though Antros could not read the writing as he knew not the dialect it showed he could feel the emotions the carver had felt when etching in the runes on the wood. Mainly he felt rage, an endless and ceaseless rage that had only recently been stopped for good for all of the line of Sanguinius. But other emotions mingled with the rage, despair, loss, and hope above all else, hope for something, but what it hoped for was unclear as age had slowly stripped away the psychic echoes imbued in the wood.

After taking one last glance at the chair he sat in Antros looked to his obsidian desk which too was crafted long ago though by a Brother whose name was still well known. It had been chiseled to near perfection by none other than the Chapter Master himself, Lord Warden Dante, Commander of Imperium Nihilus, Slayer of Daemons, Protector of the People, and The Repayer to Traitors and Oathbreakers. It had been crafted long ago back before Lord Warden Dante was even a sergeant, and still within the tenth company as a scout. The legend of the desk, as so many rumors had spawned upon people discovering its maker, went that after a hard-fought battle against an Ork Waaagh where the Blood Angels had narrowly achieved victory, suffering many casualties, Dante seeking solace in the loss of so many close friends and brothers locked himself away within a room on Baal within the Arx Angelicum. While his new squad members were being trained in basic retinue and fighting styles Dante worked feverishly to carve the table, taking every chance he could to put in hidden details one would miss on their first observation of the desk. Giving it the longevity of observing it as every time you did it was somewhat different than before.

Antros didn't know how much of the story was true, if the desk had been carved in a moment of deep sorrow from the Chapter Master or if he had truly secluded himself so heavily during its creation. But like everything crafted by mortal hands Antros could see more than what was there on the surface, something that stirred and registered in all his senses at once telling him the powerful emotions involved in its creation. What Antros felt from the desk was much like the story would suggest, sorrow, grief, longing, and loneliness all exuding from the finely made table. Though like the chair any more important details had long since faded from even his sight, causing Antros to wonder if the story was at all true or if it was simply a story told by young and impressionable Scout Marines as they first entered the Chapter and their service.

Antros forced his mind past his observations granted to him by his Wytch-Sight and lifted the silver cover over his meal. Upon the plate sat a large and meaty Grox-Steak seasoned with herbs from the ship's Hydroponics gardens. Because of Antros's enhanced biology, he was able to identify the chemical compounds his noise detected as he lifted the cover. As well as he could tell a few practical things about the herbs as well as the Grox-Steak, the herbs had been taken off the bushel about two hours ago with the majority of the life still remaining in the leaves. The steak also had its own things to tell him as he smelled it, the scent telling him the steak had been taken off the grill about 27 minutes ago and that the steak had been cooked at 55 degrees (about 125 degrees F) for about three minutes.

Antros set down the tray cover and took his knife and fork quickly digging into the Grox-Steak showing the juicy red center that hid within the meat. The food was delicious even to Antros's strange sense of taste, forcing him to see the food more statistically than just as delicious food. Through eating the meat Antros was able to get more information on both the spices and herbs used as a seasoning but also a lot more about the fox that had died to produce the steak. As well due to Antros's Psychic nature images flashed in his mind, memories from the Grox he was now eating. Antros felt for the creature somewhat, it's life based on the images had been spent entirely in a cage with high-voltage prongs constantly prodding it on or forcing it to remain where it was.

Though despite the caged nature the Grox he now ate had once caused one of its handlers to fall into its cage where the Grox eagerly attacked then ate the human handler. Antros felt some of the memories of the Grox's victim pop into his mind, he had to force himself not to spit out the food then as the horrible emotions of the poor handler flooded his mind as the man had been terrified before his gruesome end. Antros after that no longer truly felt much in the way for the creature he now ate, his sorrow now going out to the poor man the animalistic Grox had killed. But Antros forced his mind away from the visions his powers and enhanced physiology gave him, doing his best to calm the sea of thoughts and visions swirling around within his mind. Reciting montrays taught to him by the chapter recruiters on how to calm the violent nature of his powers.

Pushing to other matters Antros after finishing his food began working on laying out plans for the future on a plethora of different matters. He worked a bit on the plans for major future construction projects mainly relating to setting up a series of Orbital Defense Platforms in the upper atmosphere to better protect against any possible invasion that may eventually come from multiple sources within this Galaxy. For as much as Antros hoped to keep his people's colony a secret, he felt that eventually it would be found out as the Imperial staging grounds for its operations in the 'Second Milky Way' as Antros had come to call the reality he was in. It may be as a result of Antros's missions garnering too much of the Citadel's attention making himself an unavoidable event for them to confront. As much as Antros wished he could simply show his hand, confront the Citadel, and force them to confront the grim reality he had found about the Reapers, he had been told that he should stay out of their line of sight for as long as he could allow.

Antros could see a good reason for staying in the shadows and launching a covert war against the Reapers and their willing or unwilling agents. The Imperiums actions could be hindered actively if the Citadel in its naivety might still resist the truth. Other groups as well, like the cursed pirates of the Terminus Systems, could try and prevent the Imperials from seeing to certain threats and instabilities. While these realities nations could possibly attempt to cease Imperial technology whether covertly, through attempted trade, or even foolishly by force. Antros felt a bit of humor coming from all of the possible approaches, as he knew his people were more than prepared to deal with spies, as well that he was entirely unwilling to make a trade for his people's sacred technology for the pitiful scraps, these Citadel Races use as the pinnacle of technological achievement. And finally, if the Citadel Races did try to attack the Imperium with the thought of stealing her sacred artifacts then Antros would fight to the death to ensure that these Citadel weaklings were repaid in their people's blood.

But after a few hours of planning and other brainstorming Antros finally decided to stop for a time. Taking one last gulp of his spiced wine Antros pushed himself out of his chair and walked towards his bed so that he may attempt to sleep for what little time his responsibilities would allow him. As he passed his familiar's pedestal Antros let his hand caress Artemis's head as she slept. She didn't stir at his touch but a soft hmph left her as she felt Antros's reassuring touch. Antros let a small smile cross his face as he took one last second to admire his friend and familiar. Then Antros quickly pushed on and towards the inviting bed, he desired to slumber upon. Antros lifted each of the beds pristinely made sheets slowly peeling away the layers until he came to the mattress itself where Antros set his tired body down to rest. Forgetting to even cover himself with the blankets he had removed moments prior Antros set his head gently down on a clean white pillow and allowed the grim embrace of sleep to take him with it.

Antros knew well what awaited him as he slept, an endless loop of Nightmares. But not from his own mind. No, the nightmares that he witnessed as he slept were the shared curse of all of the Line of The Angel. And the nightmares were not merely the grime thoughts and feelings of their gene-father but his actual memories. Memories from the hardest parts of Sanguinius's long life, the sorrow of losing two brothers during the fierce wars of the Great Crusade, the grief of losing over half his sons in one dark day against the foul servants of Darkness. Then finally the heartbreak at finding out his closest friend, his dearest brother, and his trusted Commander, Horus Lupercal had betrayed him and their father for the chance to rule their kingdom by himself. The memories weren't just of Antros witnessing all these horrible events, no that would have been an already cruel fate to watch his gene-father suffer until death. But their curse was far more sinister. When any Blood Angel slept they saw all these horrible moments and much more play from Sanguinius's own eyes. The Blood Angels and Primarchs minds intertwined directly for a time as the Blood Angel lived through the hellish moments of the Great Angels life while they tried to give their tired body rest.

These horrid memories looped endlessly leaving all Blood Angels emotionally drained when they awoke back to the present, their bodies refreshed but their minds pressed to their limits. But as much as these memories could be seen as a horrible curse, the Blood Angels had learned to deal with the pain in another way, one that they used to try and reaffirm their life's purpose and mission. The Blood Angels and some of their successors had learned to take these moments to glimpse fully into the mind of their Gene-Father, to feel what ran through his mind in these dark moments and what he used to carry on when many others would have fallen to darkness. In these moments of grimness a secret blessing was found, because even in spite of all their Primarchs suffering his heart had remained pure, his hopes never wavering even as death came to meet him in his last moments. Through the Blood Angels focusing on how their Primarch got through his woes, they learned themselves how to overcome their present hardships.

But even when using this way of seeing these memories they still took a toll on the Astartes mind, as they still felt pains of their father. Because as much as they tried to focus on their fathers purity they still bore direct witness to the endless depravity of their foe. They still felt their father's body as it was broken and battered until his death. And they still felt the despair of their father at his losses. Antros himself couldn't fully understand how his more senior brothers could handle such continuous hardship. After all, Antros had only felt the bite of these dreams for only 300 hundred years, while Brothers like Lord Warden Dante had suffered for over 1500 years of this pain and yet he still looked upon the world with the same compassion and determination as their Primarch had. It gave Antros hope that if his other brothers could preserve and not lose hope then he might as well through their example.

Though all these thoughts only remained in Antros's mind for a split second as his mind became connected with his Primarchs. The first thing Antros felt as Sanguinius's mind began to overwhelm his own was a stinging pain, coming from his right leg. As the pain set in full Antros lost his feeling of self-becoming one with Sanguinius as the rest of the scene came into focus. He stood aboard a ship he knew well, though he had never truly been aboard it. He recognized the twisted hull as a ship he had once thought of as a tertiary home, The Vengeful Spirit. The Flagship of his once most beloved brother, Horus Lupercal and now the man he had come to slay once and for all, putting an end to his corrupted vision of the Imperium bowing to him and his masters.

Sanguinius though, in his heart, knew he was destined to fail in his duel with his brother, fate had shown him countless times his final moments. But Sanguinius cared not for what fate dared to tell him, he had seen fates unwritten, he had seen his premonitions stopped before, and so he hoped he could do so again. However he knew the truth, that this fate, his fate, was sealed, but that did not mean that he would accept it blindly like a lamb to the slaughter, he would fight, if not for himself, then for the innocent that would suffer if he failed. Sanguinius could also feel the fatigue that hung in his limbs, and the pain his wounds caused him. Though only one wound truly weighed heavily on the Primarch, his broken leg. During his duel in the skies over Terra with the Daemon Kha'Bhanda, the monster had kicked him hard in the right leg, denting his armor and shattering the bone beneath it.

But despite the pain Sanguinius pressed on eventually slaying the Daemon and holding the Lions Gate by himself. Now, some hours later, Sanguinius's Primarch Physiology had nearly healed his leg, but he still felt the cracks that ran the length of his tibia with every stride he took. Though the Primarch paid little attention to the pain as he ran through the defiled corridor to the bridge of his brother's ship. The corridor's walls were covered in horrific symbols, dedicated to attracting the attention of the Dark Gods and their minions. Symbols that seemed to change and shift in shape, the lines never seeming to settle as Sanguinius ran past them. Littering the floor were the twisted remains of 'soldiers,' the poor innocents tricked into serving Horus, believing that they would be rewarded fairly for their obedience. But all that his brother had given them was a gruesome and needless death at his hands. Their deceased corpses showing their 'gifts' for their service, limbs twisted into claws, or entirely new limbs sprouting from their shoulders. Their 'gifts' varied but they all shone with the foul and malignant touch of Chaos.

It saddened Sanguinius to no bounds to have to kill them but he knew that if he allowed them to slow his path then countless more would suffer like them. So with that thought, Sanguinius passed by their corpses offering a silent apology for each one he slew. Soon though Sanguinius came to the once elegant and beautiful doorway to the bridge. Its once expertly made exterior stripped and defiled, the once beautiful maiden statues that seemed to hold the doors now changed to make a mockery of their original forms. It only served to remind Sanguinius just how far his brother had fallen that he would allow let alone condone these kinds of displays. Pushing past his feelings and to the present Sanguinius called upon his strength to force the doors open. The giant Ceramite doors buckling under the Primarchs strength as he forced the locked doors open. Sanguinius heard commotion on the other side of the door, twisted voices calling to their comrades.

Hearing their voices gave Sanguinius the motivation to press on with opening the door, giving one last push causing the doors to fly from their hinges and fall inwards towards the chamber they had attempted to guard. The massive doors crushed most of the room's guards as they had attempted to form around the doorway only to be crushed as the doors broke. The remaining guards though were not simple mortals though, they were the Honor Guard of his brother. Their twisted Terminator armor showing their new allegiance to the Darkness. They wielded a plethora of weapons, power weapons, volkite firearms, and many many more, but before any of them could even raise their weapons on him Sanguinius flew towards them the Spear of Telesto and Sword Encarmine carving through the Astartes like a sickle through grain. And like a farmer harvesting his crops, Sanguinius showed no remorse in his slashes, sending the twisted warriors to their Dark Gods.

Finally, after only mere milliseconds, the seven guards now lay in pieces upon the deck their black blood pooling together as they lay lifeless. Sanguinius then took in more of his surroundings. In front of him sat the main observation window that allowed for easy viewing of the void. Now though the massive window only showed the war-torn remains of Terra the capital of the Imperium and birthplace of the Human species now wracked with needless warfare from an overly ambitious son. As well near the center of the window some feet away from it sat a throne. It was large and spoke of dominating power, but all Sanguinius could see was the being sitting in it. On his throne as if entirely unaware of his brother's presence or the fight that had occurred seconds ago sat Horus Lupercal, the Warmaster, and Champion of Chaos. Sanguinius felt both horrified by his brother as he sat on his throne and the Great Angel also felt Wrath. Anger that had been built up over the last nine years as Horus had torn the galaxy to pieces for his own enjoyment. Fury for the countless lives lost due to his brother's arrogance, fury the Great Angel would see used to end his brother's tyrannical reign.

As if detecting his brother's anger Horus let out a laugh from his warp-tainted lungs. The once charismatic and kind voice of Sanguinius's brother now gone, replaced by the careless tone of a warlord. "I see you finally took the invitation to join me above Terra. Tell me have you come to see as it burns brother? Or have you come still with those childish notions of justice and retribution?" Horus didn't even turn his head as he spoke, an arrogance palpable in his voice.

Sanguinius began to stride towards the Warlords Throne weapons gripped tightly as the Primarch readied himself for a fight. Sanguinius responded a moment later, his voice holding the last flickers of hope he had for his brother. "It is not too late, Brother. You can still right the wrongs you've made. Forgiveness is still an option for you-."

Horus laughed, interrupting Sanguinius as he offered redemption. "You are still a fool. You think I am stupid enough to believe you, let alone desire the Forgiveness you speak of. HA! You always were so naive as to believe that people could change. Know this The Great Angel." Spat Horus. "I shall offer you a similar choice. Forget Father, Forget your weak compassion, and Join Me. The Dark Gods would Welcome you far more warmly than our Father ever did."

Sanguinius's heart shuddered at Horus's offer for he knew what his brothers offer meant, Servitude and thralldom to the Darkness. And that was something Sanguinius could not and would not be a part of. Sanguinius replied quickly, his voice carrying his anger at the proposal. "I would rather die than become a servant of evil."

"Be careful what you say, brother." Mockingly said Horus as he leaped from his throne to the adamantium decking. The twisted Champion turning slowly to look at Sanguinius.

What creature met the Great Angel's eyes was not the man he had called brother but a monster parading in his skin. Horus's old bright blue eyes now were the color of molten magma glowing with endless hatred. The once coppery skin of Horus during his youth now replaced with gray lifeless flesh. Horus's Serpent's Scales armor now covered in unholy markings and the flayed skin of humans. Worldbreaker held in his left hand loosely ready to fly to meet Sanguinius if he charged. While the Warmaster's Talon sat on his other arm covered in the pelt of a Fenrisian Wolf he had slain recently, the skin still covered in muscle.

Despite every fiber of Sanguinius's being telling him to charge at the creature daring to call itself his brother he resisted the urge knowing that he needed to think before he charged blindly at his brother, especially in his weakened state. Instead the Great Angel began to circle towards Horus's right flank. Horus seeing what he was doing began to circle as well in the opposite direction of Sanguinius ensuring his maneuvering was for nothing. As Sanguinius got a moment to take stock of his body he felt the exhaustion cling to him like a plague, as the last three days of endless fighting had taken their toll on his faculties, the Great Angel's body pleading for a rest it would never receive. Sanguinius pushed past his exhaustion and felt his wounds. His armor had three large puncture points along his chest weakening his armor's structure to a detrimental degree, luckily Sanguinius' body had healed the three accompanying slashes but the armor was still wounded.

As if detecting his brother's fatigue Horus called out his voice filled with mock concern. "You look tired dear brother, I could offer you rest if you were to join me. Not only rest but I could relieve you of the mortal concern for stamina and much more weak limitations. All it would require is your allegiance."

Sanguinius responded plainly. "Never."

Horus faked feeling hurt saying with false distress. "I only desire to offer you the same enlightenment as me, Brother. Then you would finally understand. Chaos is not our enemy. It is our ally. They only wish to see the natural order upheld, an order our father wishes to depose. Would you really defy the wishes of the Gods, Brother?"

Sanguinius grimaced and spat back at Horus. "You call them Gods, I call them abominations that have the gall to call their twisted desires divine. And I would defy them brother even if they were Gods. For any being with such horrible and malignant desires as they have need to be stopped so that they might not harm the innocent."

Horus cackled and said. "Innocent. Is that what you call them? What I see now. What I should have seen all along is these Innocents you speak of are nothing more than the pitiful weak. Why I let father talk me into serving them when I should have been ruling them like I was born to, and not serving as their protector, is beyond me but I will make that mistake no longer Brother."

Sanguinius felt despair fill his heart as Horus spoke, memories of the brother he once loved entered his mind. Moments when the Horus of old had stood as a Paragon of the People and Defender of the Innocent. The once-beloved Warmaster who had tried to protect innocent no matter the cost now turned into the warlord he had fought for centuries to stop. But Sanguinius knew that the creature he now looked upon was not his brother. Not any longer, now it was a monster that had dedicated itself to evil.

Sanguinius held back tears as he spoke, making one last desperate attempt to reach his brother. "I know this is not you brother. The Horus I looked up, the Horus that our father chose to lead his armies in the Great Crusade, would never have turned his back upon the people of our Imperium. I plead with you though Horus, despite whatever you have done you can still come back to the light. Please Horus if any part of you ever called me brother come back to us and help right your wrongs." Sanguinius sheathed his sword and offered his empty hand to his brother hoping he would take it.

Horus paused a moment, his eyes locked on Sanguinius' hand as if some part of him desired to take his hand and return to the light. But as if a switch was pulled Horus's face darkened with malicious glee. The twisted Primarch then threw his head back and let out a cursed laugh that he quickly quashed and looked back to Sanguinius, his face still twisted into a horrid grin. "I would rather perish in the depths of the Catholic Hell than return to the service of the weak."

Sanguinius's twin hearts seemed to plummet a moment as the Warmaster denied the offering of redemption, saying finally after a moment to the corrupted creature before him. "Then I will have to stop you." Sanguinius then got into a combat stance unsheathing the Blade Encarmine and readying his body to spring from his position.

"You will try, Angel." Replied Horus hefting his power mace into both his hands ready to greet Sanguinius.

Then as if the world had been set aflame, the two giants disappeared for a moment. Only reappearing a millisecond later Weapons locked together. Sanguinius quickly broke away from the deadlock and with the flap of his powerful wings created a fair distance between him and his brother. The Great Angel then charged again with another strike of his wings, attempting to keep Horus on the defensive in the hope of creating an opening for him to strike for. But Horus was an expert fighter and even more experienced at keeping up a powerful guard, as each of Sanguinius slashes and strikes were parried and shoved back. Sanguinius was eventually put on the defensive as his fatigue created an opening for Horus to use. Sanguinius was able to deflect and counter each of Horus's attacks but he quickly realized he was doomed if Horus could keep him on the Defensive.

Sanguinius pushed back against Horus, creating his own opening to exploit, the Spear of Telesto cutting deep into Horus's armor, as Sanguinius pulled back he saw dark blood evaporating on the energized tip of his spear. Horus roared from the wound but something was off about the sound. The noise wasn't normal, Horus's shrieks echoed through the chamber in an unnatural manner even for their present surroundings.

Then as if time itself was stopped everything froze Horus's body freezing in place and his face stuck in a hateful growl. All was still except the Blood Angel who now stood in Sanguinius's place. As if cut from his connection to the Primarch Antros stood searching his surroundings for any possible explanation as to what had caused his dreams to react in such a manner as they were. For as long as Antros had been plagued by the nightmares of his Primarch he had never had anything like what was happening now occur, never had his dreams disconnected from his Primarch. So there must have been some other cause for this to have occurred. Antros took his time in scanning his surroundings, seeing if anything was off or wrong. But for several long moments nothing caught his eye.

Until finally a pair of voices sprang from the back of his mind, they were incredibly similar in tone, but Antros could tell one was male and the other was female from the slight differences in their voices. "Pardon Us Servant of the Great Human Farseer."

Antros instantly knew what kind of creatures he was talking to and was immediately put on edge preparing himself for any form of Psychic attack. As though sensing Antros's tension the feminine voice spoke to him, her tone an alien attempt at kindness. "We mean you no harm Chief Seer."

Antros responded aloud to the Eldar's attempt to calm him, his voice dripping with venom. "You expect me to believe the word of your deceitful kind? I will warn you only once Eldar. Leave my mind, NOW!"

The male voice responded in Antros's mind, his tone calm and collected but not unkind. "I understand your reluctance to trust the word of my people but know we have nothing to gain in lying to you Chief Seer. We only desire to make amends with you and yours and prepare together so that we may all survive the coming storm."

Antros was about to yell back his response telling the Eldar he wanted no part in whatever dastardly schemes they were planning but held himself back at the last second instead saying, his tone barely controlled. "What do you mean Eldar?"

The female voice responded this time her tone was more lively than before. "We mean the Reapers, Chief Seer. They are what you are here to defeat, yes?"

"... Yes. How do you know of them Eldar?" Replied Antros cautiously.

"We were told of them and their plan when we arrived in this galaxy. We were also told to aid you in defeating them Chief Seer." Said the Male voice.

Antros was instantly suspicious, but his mind was slower to process than normal, he rationalized that his mind's unconscious state caused it. "Who told you to aid me? One of your Great Farseers?"

The Eldar took the insult in stride and the Female answered patiently. "No, for we do not serve the other Farseers. We hold to a different creed than the rest of our kin, Chief Seer. One that our brethren laugh upon and insult, hence why we do not associate ourselves with the other Farseers Councils we are sure you are aware of. The being that told us was our Goddess, she was the one to send us here with you. So that we may aid you in your cause of saving your species here."

Antros responded quickly, his voice full of doubt. "Ha! What reason do I have to even believe a word you say? Your kind has manipulated and slaughtered my people for centuries. What makes you so honorable as to aid us?"

The Male responded his voice as ever, even and patient. "We understand your doubts, Human. My kind have treated your race as tools for millennia, but we are not our kin. For we serve the Surviving Goddess, and she calls her disciples to treat the other races, like mankind, fairly and as equals."

Antros, still highly skeptical of the Eldar's intentions, spoke his voice more collected than before. "How do I know I can trust you?"

The Female voice replied her voice more kind than before for some reason. "You have our word as Farseers of Craftworld Nienna that we mean to aid you, for in helping you we may make amends and secure our own peoples safety. We know you have reason to not trust us Chief Seer, but know we have everything to lose in lying to you."

Antros bit back a insult in how the word of a Farseer was worthless but he held his tongue finally saying a moment later. "Fine. Say that I did allow your aid, what do you want?"

The Female again responded her voice as sounding as honest as an alien could to Antros. "We wish to meet with you Chief Seer. There we can speak better and explain more about ourselves as well as show you how we may aid you in your quest."

Antros felt like he was making a mistake but decided since he was in an all new reality with its own strange rules and customs having something familiar, even something that he usually despised, was better than all of his newly acquired unknowns. Because in a strange way he felt a bit of weight shift on his shoulders at the prospect of more aid in his mission, even if from an untrusted source. Finally after a moment of self-debate Antros spoke his voice even but still strong. "Fine I will meet with you Eldar."


Hello and thank you very much for reading my story. I hope the new reveal of Eldar being sent with the Imperials isn't a truly unwanted event, but if it is all I can say is that I'm sorry don't like what I've decided to have happen but I hope you can still find some enjoyment in the story. If it's something you have wanted to see happen then I'm glad and I hope I can entertain you as well. Also I plan to explain far more about these Eldar as they are a bit of a Homebrew group as they're a part of a group of Eldar I have always theorized about existing in 40k but never thought could actually exist naturally. But I've decided to include them in my story due to it being a world of my own creation so I might as well use some of that power in this one instance. Though I hope the way I make them isn't too aggravating to anyone who reads the story and that they aren't too bad OC sounding. And now in closing have a great rest of your day and hope to see you again when next I update.

Married* - as far as I am aware the Blood Angels books have never stated whether or not their Serfs are allowed to marry, in or out of their Serfdom, similar to how the Salamanders allow their Chapter Serfs to marry other Serfs or Crew members of the Astartes ships as lot of Astartes ships are crewed entirely by regular human naval personnel. But if you have sources that say or lean the opposite direction, or flat out disprove what has happened I would love for you to tell me as I want these stories to try and be as accurate to lore as I can logically make them. So if you have conflicting evidence that says they can't marry please tell me, also if there is anything else in the story that is very lore inaccurate that isn't just the way it is for the story, like the Blood Angels not just mass killing the Alien people of ME as I want the story to be about the Imperials getting past some of their Xenophobia, though I'm not going to make it go away as that wouldn't happen for quite SOME time and probably several generations to occur naturally. So yeah please tell me if you have any evidence of me getting certain lore things wrong like, that's not how a void shield works it disperses energy and items kinetic energy into the warp nullifying it (I probably got that wrong too so feel free to tell me the actual way it works).

Angel's Lament (Original Draft) - Antors_Lucius (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.