April Bostic - The Howling Heart (pdf) - PDF Free Download (2024)


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The Howling Heart is COPYRIGHT 2011 by April Bostic. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


To my best friend and my biggest fan, Thank you for reading all of my stories and believing in my writing. But most of all, thank you for always supporting me. This book is dedicated to you, Mom.

Copyright © 2011 April Bostic

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Last night a wolf howled for me. The deep haunting sound pierced through my dreams and pulled me from the infinite black void of my subconscious. The howl took hold of my soul as I slept and forced me to relive a distant memory from my childhood. It was a memory I think the wolf didn’t want me to forget. In a world of vivid color, suddenly I was ten years old again. It was mid-summer in Black River, Colorado, and my family and I were vacationing in our cabin in the Rocky Mountains. I had hoped this vacation would be pleasant, but had doubts when my parents’ bickering started in the car on our way to the cabin. While sitting quietly in the backseat with my nose buried in the hair of my favorite old doll, I silently wished they would be nice to each other. I was in my bedroom when I heard them arguing downstairs. I was used to my parents not getting along, but this time I had decided I didn’t want to be around them any longer. Escaping to the dark quiet of my bedroom closet wasn’t far enough. I needed to go further away. I needed to run away. While they were arguing, I grabbed some clothes, toys, and an unopened juice box and smashed them into my suitcase. I tiptoed down the wooden staircase and stepped softly across the hardwood floor in the living room until I was about to pass the kitchen. My parents’ voices gave me pause and I pressed myself against the nearest wall. As I peeked into the kitchen, I saw my mother slamming pots and pans down on the counter and stove. She did this as she emphasized her points during the argument. The back-andforth yelling continued, but I guess the noise from the cookware irritated my father because he grabbed one of the pots from her. His dark eyebrows knit tightly together and his usually cool blue eyes blazed as he glared at my mother. My mother’s hazel eyes widened in shock and she hit his arm. “Don’t you dare snatch that from me, David!” Now was the perfect time to escape. They were so busy arguing and glaring at each other, they were oblivious to the fact their young daughter could hear every word. I started to cry when they mentioned my name. My father blamed my mother for being too strict with me, and she blamed him for being too lenient and allowing me to make a mess of the house. I didn’t think I was messy.

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I watched them silently for another minute until I realized I had to get my sniffling under control or else I’d give myself away. I felt wetness on my cheeks and it dribbled down to my mouth. I licked my lips and tasted the salty tears. I thought to myself, They’ll miss me when I’m gone but I won’t come back. I turned around slowly and crept through the living room and out the front door. I still heard them yelling as I ran down the front steps. I don’t know if the door made a loud sound when I closed it, but I heard myself cry and my sneakers pound against the grass as I ran toward the dense surrounding forest. Dirt, sticks, and leaves covered the forest floor. There were so many trees, I ran in zigzags to avoid running into one. For a moment, I stopped to look where I was going. I stood in the middle of the forest surrounded by nothing but trees. Everything looked green and brown, and a misty fog swirled around me. I cast my gaze skyward and saw a dark canopy of leaves. Only slivers of sunlight and patches of indigo sky crept through the branches. The sun was setting and I walked aimlessly in the shadowy light of dusk. I was thirsty from running, so I sat against a tree to retrieve my juice box. As I popped the plastic straw through the foil opening, I looked around to see if I was alone. I knew animals lived in the woods and I didn’t want any of them to take me by surprise. I looked down at my sneakers and noticed the bottoms caked with dirt. My mother would be so angry if I walked into the cabin wearing dirty shoes. I wondered if I should go home or keep to my plan to run away. Since I had already run away, I wondered what to do next. The forest was surprisingly quiet. The only sounds were the birds in the trees above me, and my own breathing intermittent with the slurping from my juice box. I was on alert, my eyes surveying my surroundings. I wouldn’t sit in peace for too long because then I heard the crunching sound of someone or something coming toward me. At first, I thought it was one of my parents. I was prepared to run because I didn’t want to go home. I gasped when the mysterious visitor came into my line of vision. It seemed to emerge from behind an enormous tree. With its coloring, there was no way for it to camouflage itself. I dropped my juice box in my lap and stared with wide eyes at the small white dog. It stood a few yards away and stared at me. Then it co*cked its head and whimpered. I was more intrigued than afraid, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. I expected the puppy’s owner to Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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be within close distance, but no one ever came. The dog approached me cautiously with its head lowered. It would jump back every time I made any sudden movement like touching my hair or scratching my cheek. I always wanted a puppy, but my father never let me have one because my mother was allergic. I remembered she wasn’t here, so this moment would be my only chance to have a pet. I decided not to move. As the puppy walked closer to inspect me, I saw it was completely white except for its black nose and golden eyes. They stood out eerily in the dark forest and seemed to glow softly. The animal stopped a few feet away from me as if it was trying to keep its distance. I encouraged it by getting to my knees and beckoning to it. “Come here little one. It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” The puppy whimpered again and took another step toward me. I knew dogs didn’t drink juice, but that didn’t stop me from offering my half-empty juice box. Another minute ticked by until the dog was close enough for me touch. Once again, it hesitated. After a couple seconds, we finally made physical contact. I touched the tip of its muzzle. Its nose was a bit cold but it wasn’t wet. Its body flinched, but it didn’t move away. I knew I had earned its trust when it allowed my hand to glide up its muzzle to the top of its head. Its white fur felt like sleek bristles. My hands ventured behind its ears and both cheeks. To my surprise, the puppy’s tail began to wag. Seconds later, it jumped up and rested its head on my shoulder. Before the puppy arrived, I worried about being alone in the forest. I no longer had to worry because I had a new friend. “I ran away,” I said as I stroked its back to the tip of its tail. “I’m tired of my parents yelling all the time, so I thought it would be better if I left. I’m always making a mess and my mom says she’s tired of cleaning up after me. I try not to spill things, but sometimes I do it by mistake.” I talked to the dog for at least an hour while it sat in my lap. I discovered it was actually a male. He let me know with a growl after I commented, “You’re a pretty girl.” Then he rolled onto his back to prove his sex. I apologized in laughter, and a few licks to my face let me know he had forgiven me. His playful licks lifted my spirits, but my happiness didn’t last long. Panic set in and I started to reconsider my plan. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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“Maybe I should go home now. It’s getting late, my parents are probably worried about me, and I’m hungry. I forgot to pack some food.” I stood and took a few steps in the direction I thought would lead me home. My new friend seemed to want to be my guide because he grabbed my pant leg between his teeth and yanked. “What is it?” I laughed. He growled softly as he pulled me along. “Oh, I see. You want me to follow you?” He finally released me, looked into my eyes, and barked. I grabbed my suitcase and followed the puppy as he led me through the forest. I hoped I would see the cabin soon. In an attempt to ease my fears, I pretended I was on an adventure. Every now and then, my friend would look back at me to make sure I was following. “Do you know where you’re going?” He stopped suddenly and turned to look at me. He let out another high-pitched bark and I smiled because it was almost as if he answered me with a ‘yes’. The puppy and I had established a bond of trust, so I didn’t expect him to lead me to danger. Unfortunately, in my naivety, that’s exactly what he did. We arrived at a clearing with a dark river running through it. Instantly, my panic increased threefold when I realized I was deeper into the forest. “What’s going on? Where are we?” He turned toward me and I knelt in front of him. We snuggled again and he licked my face. “I need to go home now.” He whimpered and licked my nose, causing me to giggle. “I’m sorry, but I---” A menacing growl cut my sentence short. I looked toward the sound and saw a big animal baring its sharp teeth. As it stalked toward us, more animals emerged from behind the trees. I clutched my friend to my chest protectively. I watched ational Geographic and I knew these were not dogs…they were very large wolves. There was a hill on the other side of the river and more wolves appeared as if they materialized from the darkness. I heard another whimper but this one came from me. I shivered in fright, and the puppy squirmed in my arms. I released him quickly and stood in surrender. I turned full-circle and realized the wolves surrounded me on all sides. My voice wavered as I begged the predators to show mercy. “Please don’t hurt me.” My breath came out in rapid pants and I dropped my suitcase. My feet shuffled as I tried to figure out my next move. I had nowhere to run and no escape. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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The puppy ran away and stood between me and the closest wolf---a gray one that snarled continuously. My lips trembled in fear and I scrambled backwards. I didn’t care if I was moving closer to another wolf; I just wanted to get away from the gray one slowly approaching me. The puppy barked at the gray wolf and I silently prayed for him to return to my side. He was too small to save me from a dangerous wolf pack. To my surprise, the approaching wolf stopped and turned its attention to the puppy; not in an aggressive way, but almost like it was listening. Other wolves approached me but their demeanor was non-threatening. They seemed to be curious now. I stood frozen in fear and started to plan my futile escape. Luckily, I didn’t need a plan because I was about to be rescued. In the distance, I heard my parents and other people calling my name. I yelled in relief, “Mom, Dad, I’m here! Help me!” At the same time, most of the wolves retreated…but not the puppy. I grabbed my suitcase, and as I turned to run toward my parents, I felt another tug on my pant leg. I looked down and spoke soothingly. “No, I have to leave.” He released me and sat on his hind legs. Then he scooted toward me and laid his head on my foot. His whimper actually broke my heart. “I’m sorry, I can’t stay with you.” My eyes welled with tears. My mother’s voice called out to me, desperate and anxious. “Paige, where are you?” “I’m here, Mommy!” My friend backed away, but never took his gaze off me. I heard a deep bark from one of the wolves. I looked up to see the big gray one standing by a tree. It was calling to the puppy. The puppy turned its head quickly before he looked back at me…one last time. Sadness is an unmistakable expression in any animal, and I know that’s what I saw in his face. I was surprised when he ran toward the wolf. A second later, they were both gone…swallowed by the darkness. My father reached me first and pulled me into his arms. I looked at the spot where my friend disappeared, shocked by the revelation he wasn’t a dog…he was a wolf. My dream fast-forwarded because too many years have passed for me to remember the rest of that night. The following morning I woke up surprised to find a dead rabbit at the foot of my bed.

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When my mother entered my room, she immediately noticed the rabbit…and the blood. “Paige! What is that?” She shrieked. My father yelled from the hallway. “What’s going on now, Maggie?” “David, get in here!” My mother looked disgusted and clapped a hand over her mouth. I sat on my bed and stared at the gray lifeless body of the rabbit. Its dead black eyes looked at a spot on my quilt and it had a ring of blood around its neck. I had no idea where it came from. “Mom, I'm sorry.” I scrambled off the bed to pick up the rabbit, but my mother grabbed my arms. “Don’t you dare! It could have diseases!” My father finally entered the room. He looked confused for a moment before he set his gaze on what my mother was having a fit over. He pointed at the rabbit. “What is that and where’d it come from?” My mother sighed heavily. “What does it look like? It’s a dead rabbit. Get rid of it because I want it out of this house!” He ignored her demand and approached me. He knelt in front of me and I saw concern behind his eyes. “Paige, did you bring the rabbit into your room? Tell me the truth, sweetheart.” “No, I didn’t. Dad, I swear I don’t know how it got here. I woke up and it was there.” My mother glanced at one of the windows. “Why is your window wide open?” I shrugged and cast my gaze toward the floor. “It was hot in here last night, so I opened it.” She slammed the window shut and locked it. When she turned to me, suspicion filled her eyes. “Did you go out last night and bring that dead thing into the house?” I shook my head vehemently. “No!” My father started walking out of the room. “I’ll get a trash bag. I need some rubber gloves too.” I looked after him, but once he was out of sight, I set my gaze back on my mother. She stood a few feet from my bed, hands on her hips and lips pursed tight. “We’re washing everything on your bed.” She made a gagging sound in her throat when she looked at the rabbit. "Ugh! That’s disgusting! I can’t believe---" "It wasn’t me," I said in a small, quiet voice. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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She sighed again. “Then who did it? Who came into your room and put a dead rabbit on your bed?” All I could do was shrug. My father returned minutes later and disposed the rabbit. My mother kept to her promise too, and removed everything on my bed and washed them thoroughly. She flipped my mattress over after she sprayed it with Lysol. The scene in my bedroom dissolved until I was playing in the backyard of the cabin. Since I was an only child, and hadn’t met any children on the mountain, I had to entertain myself. That afternoon, I decided to play a soccer game with a giant Evergreen tree as the goalie. I kicked my rainbow-glittered ball toward the tree, but missed my mark and it rolled a few yards toward the forest. I was about to run after it, but someone grabbed it first. I gaped in shock because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. When the stranger picked up my ball, my eyes nearly bulged. I’d never seen a naked boy before, but this boy wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. He was taller than I was, but looked around my age. He had a suntan and sandy blond hair, longer than my mother would’ve preferred. She didn’t like boys with long hair. He was in serious need of a bath because his hands and feet were filthy. He held the ball against his stomach as he slowly walked toward me. This young naked stranger entranced me and I couldn’t move. He walked toward me and slowly closed the distance between us until I could see every feature of his face. The color of his eyes reminded me of green apples. When he co*cked his head and grinned, I noticed a brown mole on the upper left corner of his mouth. I still couldn’t move and struggled to find my voice. He frowned, and his eyes darted around our surroundings. That’s when I finally found my voice. “Who are you?” I felt highly intrigued by him. His gaze met mine but he didn’t answer me. “Where are your clothes?” He grinned again and held out my ball. I took it from him in thanks. He took another step forward and reached out his hand. I flinched when he made contact with my skin. His hand softly caressed my cheek, and a wide smile broke free on my face. The boy smiled back, and in that moment, I was happy to see another kid. It didn’t matter anymore that he was naked. We could still play together as long as my parents didn’t see him. “What’s your name?” I asked quietly. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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His expression was calm and his eyes casually scanned my face. He seemed intrigued by me as well. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t answer my questions, so my brows furrowed in confusion. “Can you talk?” Finally, his lips parted. I thought he was about to speak, but his gaze darted toward the cabin. He looked back at me and a pained expression crossed his features. He grabbed my hand and pulled me, and my feet slid across the grass toward him. Everything happened so fast, I cried out in surprise. “Hey! What are you doing?” He released me and stepped away, but hesitated before he turned around and ran toward the forest. I reached out for him. “Wait!” But he disappeared among the trees. “Paige! What did I tell you about washing your glass after you have a drink?” I turned toward the cabin to see my mother standing behind the screen door, hands planted sternly on her hips. “Get in here right now!” A loud beeping sound snatched me out of my dream and tossed me into reality. My eyes snapped open and I stared at the ceiling. I was back in my Manhattan apartment, lying in bed while the grating noise from my alarm clock blared in my ears. I reached over and slammed my palm on the snooze button. The beeping ceased, giving way to the bustling sounds of the noisy city outside. The morning sun barely peeked through the blinds. In my dimly lit bedroom, I exhaled a wistful breath and recalled my childhood memory for one brief moment. I didn’t see the dirty naked boy again, but the next morning I found a dead squirrel on my bed. My mother almost had a conniption and she wouldn’t let me sleep in my room after that. She also cut our vacation short. The following summer I had asked my father to take me back to our cabin. I wanted to see the white wolf pup again or the young boy. To my disappointment, something came up at the last minute and he couldn’t take me. I never asked my mother to take me because she was never fond of the place to begin with. The mountain was too remote and our last experience turned her off from being around wildlife. My family never returned to the cabin. Before the year was over, my parents went through a nasty divorce. I missed the wolf pup, and maybe he missed me too because I could’ve sworn I heard a wolf’s howl on the day we left Black River. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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My dream lingered in my mind when I arrived for work. I sat at my desk and immediately booted my laptop. I should’ve been reading company email, but I went on the Internet instead. After a quick Google search, I found a photo of a white wolf and saved it as my screen saver. I immediately closed the browser, my eyes darting around the office. I had to be cautious when browsing the Web. My boss could walk by any minute and she didn’t tolerate a moment of company time spent indulging in personal online pleasures. If she caught you, you had better have a convincing reason or else she’d fire you on the spot. I took my position seriously and enjoyed my dream job at Elle, a prestigious fashion magazine. I started as an intern five years ago while I was a freshman at New York University. When I graduated last year, they offered me a position as the Assistant to the Creative Editor. Nina Fuentes is my boss and one of the most respected Creative Editors in the magazine industry. She’s also the first Latina to hold the position at Elle. I’ve always been ambitious and hoped to sit in her office one day instead of outside of it. My phone rang and I heard our receptionist Lacy’s voice on the other end. “Nina is on her way up and wants you to meet her in her office.” Her voice sounded serious. “Sure, but let me ask you something. How did Nina sound when she called you? Did she sound pissed off?” I worried my bottom lip between my teeth. “Uh, I don’t know. She sounded normal, I guess.” I released a breath. Although I’m ambitious, I tend to be a little absentminded at the wrong times. It’s never intentional and I hope I hadn’t exhausted Nina’s patience. I couldn’t count the number of instances where I thought she’d fire me. I guess she realized I had potential if I could organize myself better. The BlackBerry she gave me really helped and I’d gone five months without forgetting anything important. That was a record for me. She was the one who hired me as an intern. I thought that perhaps she saw me as her protégé. Any opportunity she presented to me, I always tried to give one hundred ten percent. After I hung up with Lacy, I walked swiftly toward Nina’s office. I should be sitting in her office when she arrives, not the other way around. The door to Nina’s office was open, so I walked in and took a seat on the other side of her massive, white wooden desk. She’s meticulous about her belongings, and everyone in the Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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office knows never to touch anything unless she gives you permission. I sat patiently with my hands folded in my lap and watched the second-hand tick on the fourteen karat gold Tiffany clock sitting on her desk. I heard her voice within close distance, so I quickly retrieved my BlackBerry from my pocket. In addition to working on my absentmindedness, I worked hard on my preparation skills. I heard Nina’s voice behind me, her Spanish accent prominent. “Ah, Paige, I needed to see you.” I turned my neck to look at her, but she quickly walked to her desk. My gaze followed her every move intently. “Yes, is everything all right?” Her black tresses were styled bone-straight with a part in the middle. She put her Coach purse on the desk before she took a seat in her cream leather office chair. She didn’t answer me right away, and I just looked into her almond-shaped brown eyes in anticipation. She smirked and lifted a manicured brow. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.” I sighed in relief before I let out a nervous laugh. “Oh good.” “I wanted to thank you for helping us get Hilary Duff for the August cover. I saw her photos from the shoot and they're beautiful.” She smiled brilliantly and leaned back in her chair. “You’re welcome. When Keira Knightley canceled, I knew Warren would be pulling his hair out and running around like a headless chicken trying to find a replacement. I had the contact number for Hilary’s publicist, so I figured it was worth a shot.” “When Farrah was injured and went on disability, you stepped in and took the lead on her unfinished projects. The people from Burberry told me they were very impressed with you. I wanted you to know I appreciated you coming through for us in times of desperation.” Her voice lowered. “I know I don’t always thank you.” She leaned toward me and crossed her arms on the desk. “I’ve noticed how hard you’ve been working.” She paused and sighed. “I know you’ve had problems organizing, but you’ve improved tremendously. I think it’s time we recognize everything you’ve accomplished here.” I know my blue eyes were wide. The anticipation to hear the rest of her conversation was killing me. Thankfully, she didn’t disappoint me. With a smile, she said, “As you know, we’re doing a shoot in three weeks for Vera Wang’s new Princess bridal line.”

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I unconsciously leaned toward her and felt my BlackBerry about to slip out of my sweaty hand. I clutched it tightly. “I want you to lead the project. I’m giving you full creative control. This will be your photo shoot. Consult with me if you need anything that requires my approval.” I gasped, and her lips shimmering with gloss spread into a wide grin. “You do know what this means, don’t you?” I swallowed against a nervous lump in my throat and my voice was a pathetic croak. “No…what?” She leaned back again, but kept her hands on the desk. “I’m promoting you to Creative Designer.” I squeezed the life out of my BlackBerry. I was so stunned that I gaped openly. “Yes, yes, you’re excited. I know, I can tell,” she said dryly. I smiled in relief, and this time could appropriately express my gratitude. “Thank you, Nina.” “You’re welcome.” She quickly went to work on her laptop. This abrupt change of action meant she dismissed me. I stood slowly because my knees felt weak. As I turned to walk out of her office, she called out to me. “Wait, I need you to get Marc Jacobs on the phone. I must speak with him ASAP.” “Right away.” I scurried toward the door. I paused in the doorway because I heard her say, “Oh, and Paige…” I turned around. “Yes?” She gave me a hard look. “Don’t let me down.” I hoped she could hear the earnest conviction in my voice. “I won’t…I promise.” After I connected Nina with Marc, I went downstairs to the Advertising department to share my promotion news with my boyfriend Travis who worked as a Junior Executive. Relationships in the workplace were not encouraged, but we’ve successfully kept ours a secret for the last six months. I walked down the hallway toward his office. Excitement filled me and my steps were swift. His office had a giant window facing the hall, and what I saw inside caused me to halt my steps. He had a visitor and they seemed a little too close for my comfort. Heather, one of the project leaders, looked like she was having an amazing time chatting with my man. With her legs crossed, her short black skirt rode up her thigh as she sat casually on the arm of his loveseat.

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I slowed my steps and proceeded with caution. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, so I continued to watch them. Travis has always been outgoing and friendly with everyone, but his demeanor with Heather caused me concern, especially the way he hovered over her and his hand rested on her thigh. She flipped her long blonde hair over one shoulder and dipped her head back as she laughed. I knew that move: expose more of your feminine neck so he thinks about putting his mouth there. Her tangerine top, cut ridiculously low this afternoon, showed more cleavage than was professionally necessary. The closer I came, the more details I noticed, like her black lace bra peeking out from underneath her top and Travis’ fingers making small circles against her bare skin. When Heather put her hand on his chest, and he moved in closer, I entered his office without knocking. I pushed the door so hard, it banged against the doorstopper. Travis jumped away from her and his hand went to his chestnut hair in a nervous gesture. He stammered, “Oh hey, Paige. What’s up?” Then he cleared his throat and glanced warily at Heather. Busted. I stood there with a fake smile plastered on my face. “Hi Travis, got a minute?” He smiled back. Then his blue-gray eyes turned their attention back to Heather. “Could you excuse us?” Heather sucked in her cheeks and threw me a superior look. I lifted an eyebrow and put a hand on my hip. I DARE you to say something to me, bitch. She took her time getting up, almost reluctantly. Rolling her blue eyes, she sighed in annoyance. “Yeah, whatever.” Her black high heels clicked on the floor as she walked past me and I was tempted to extend my foot. I heard her voice behind me sounding like a seductive purr. “Talk to you later, Trav.” Travis gave her a dismissive wave. “Okay, yeah.” I heard Heather's footsteps until they faded around the corner. I waited for Travis to explain, but he just looked at me with a blank expression. I guess my hard stare was making him uncomfortable because he moved to sit behind his desk. “So, what’s up?”

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I marched up to his desk. “What’s up? I should be asking you that question. What’s up with you and Heather? What was that about? You guys were awfully chummy, don’t you think? Your hand was on her thigh and you looked like you were going to kiss her.” My jealousy bubbled below the surface now. Travis wouldn’t meet my gaze and I felt my anger rising. To think, I came here excited to share my good news. Thanks for bursting my happy bubble with your playboy tendencies, Trav. “I was bribing her,” he said nonchalantly. “I need her help with something. She’s attracted to me, and I know she’ll give into me if I pretend to flirt with her.” I scoffed in disbelief. “Really? You expect me to believe that bullsh*t?” He finally met my gaze. “Yes, I do, Paige.” He stood abruptly and came around to the other side of the desk. His six-foot-two stature towered over my five-foot-seven frame. “I expect you to trust me.” I sighed. “Yeah, well, it’s difficult when I see you in compromising positions like that.” His arm encircled my waist. “I’m sorry, Paige.” His expression softened. “It was nothing…really. I’m just using my natural, God given gift of charm to get what I want from her.” He winked and gave me a roguish look. I was about to put my arms around his neck, but then remembered people could see us. My arms remained at my sides. “What if she wants something else in return like a jump in the sack?” He laughed lightly. “No way. I told her I had a girlfriend.” My eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t worry. I didn’t mention your name.” Deep down I wished he had. I sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. “I came here to tell you some good news.” Travis smiled and perched himself on the edge of the desk. “Nina promoted me to Creative Designer.” His eyes widened in shock. “Really? That’s great, babe.” He put a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Hey, you deserve it,” he said tenderly. “I hear you’re always helping people get out of tight situations and still meet their deadlines. It’s about time Nina recognized it too.” “Thanks, baby,” I replied fondly. He moved from his spot to stand behind me. “Do you know what we should do?”

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I felt his hands on my shoulders, and closed my eyes when he massaged them. “No, what?” “We should celebrate.” “Really? How?” He moved in front of me, his expression joyous. “What about a get-together at your apartment? You could invite some friends and co-workers, serve finger food, and break out the champagne. It’ll be awesome!” I smiled at his enthusiasm and agreed with his idea.


That night, I invited some close friends and a few co-workers to my apartment. Travis was there, but we couldn’t act like a couple. It really sucked I couldn’t express my feelings for him in my own home. My best friend Jules was at the party and decided to help our situation. While I chatted with a few guests, she approached me and whispered in my ear. “Take Travis into the bedroom for a few minutes and make out with him.” I almost spit out my champagne. She laughed and her olive green eyes blinked innocently. “You know you want to. Just look at him over there.” I turned to see Travis leaning against a wall with his champagne glass in one hand. He looked delectable and handsome in his black t-shirt and denim jeans. He had been hitting the gym extra hard lately and it was definitely paying off. The short sleeves showed off his muscular arms. I took another sip of my champagne and mumbled, “Um, maybe later.” Jules shrugged before she walked away. “Suit yourself.” Later became sooner when I finally decided I wanted a private moment alone with my boyfriend. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find him. I decided to ask Jules, but ironically, she seemed to be anxious to tell me something. She approached me with a worried look on her face. “Go outside,” she said urgently. In less than a second, my expression changed from concern to confusion. “What?” “Go outside. I would come with you, but you need to see it for yourself.”

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“See what, Jules?” I felt uneasy by her insistence and swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see this. “Just go, Paige! Hurry!” She took my glass and I walked swiftly out the front door of my apartment and down the hall. I had almost made it outside, but didn’t need to take another step because I saw what Jules wanted me to see: Travis and Heather in a romantic lip-lock. Rage boiled inside me and quickly bubbled over when I screamed, “TRAVIS!” I was surprised my voice didn’t break the glass on the entrance door. Still in a lover’s embrace, Travis and Heather unsealed their lips from one another and looked at me standing in the hall. When my eyes---blurred with tears of betrayal---met Travis’ wide eyes, I ran out the entrance door and attacked him. My fists were flying but he managed to push me off his body. He grabbed my arms in a vice grip and yelled, “Paige! Calm down!” I struggled against his grip until he released me. Then I slapped his face as hard as I could. He doubled-over, and I heard Heather’s shrill voice. “You crazy bitch!” I think I blacked out after that because the next thing I remember, Jules pulled me off Heather and she ran down the street crying. Travis leaned against a parked car, his left cheek bright red from my hand. I approached him slowly and his whole body stiffened in caution. I felt tears on my cheeks and my vision was still blurry. I spoke calmly because the boil inside me had cooled to a simmer. “You were just using her, right? That meant nothing?” He took a deep breath and lied right to my face. “Yeah.” I scoffed because I felt insulted he thought I was stupid and blind. “Right.” I turned to walk back into my apartment building. That’s when he said, “I swear, Paige. You have to trust me.” I wanted to keep walking, but I like to have the last word. I turned around and shook my head. I even smiled, but it wasn’t friendly. “f*ck you, Travis. Get out of here and don’t ever come back. Don’t talk to me at work. Our relationship is over.” Luckily, he didn’t argue with me or else I would’ve had to kick him in the balls.

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When I got back inside my apartment, I put on a mask of indifference. I didn’t want people to see I was on the verge of exploding in tears. Jules came up to me with her eyes gentle and kind. “Do you want everyone to leave? I’m sure they’ll understand.” “This is great, isn’t it? I'm supposed to be celebrating the opportunity of a lifetime, and instead I find my boyfriend cheating on me.” I laughed, and I think I was approaching delirium because I couldn't stop. Jules looked at me with concern and put her hands on my arms, which stopped my crazed laughing fit. “I’m sorry, but you had to know. I saw them when I was going outside to smoke a cigarette. They didn’t see me, so I ran back in to tell you so you could see it for yourself.” “Gee, thanks,” I said with false gratitude. I went to the kitchen counter to pour myself another drink. I gulped down an entire glass of champagne and then proceeded to pour another one. “Paige, don't worry. You'll meet a guy who will love you the way you deserve.” “Not in this city,” I scoffed, pessimism lacing my words. She gave me a sympathetic smile. Then she stood behind me and put her arms around my waist. I felt her head on my shoulder. “Yeah, maybe not, but he's out there...just waiting for a girl like you.” My house phone rang and I sluggishly made my way over to answer it. I saw my mother's number on the Caller ID. “Hi Mom.” At that moment, I remembered I hadn't told her about my promotion. “Guess what? Nina promoted me at work today. I was going to call and tell you. She named me Creative Designer.” I tried to sound cheerful, but was too weary from my break-up with Travis. “That’s nice, Paige.” She didn't sound thrilled, and my heart dropped like a stone to the pit of my stomach. She sighed heavily. “Oh God, your promotion makes what I have to tell you more difficult.” “What do you mean?” Something told me this might be a private conversation. “Hold on, I’m going to talk to you in my room. I'm having a party to celebrate my promotion, so it’s a little noisy.” I carried the cordless phone into my bedroom and closed the door. “Okay, what were you saying?” I sat on the bed and cradled the phone against my ear.

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“Paige…it’s your father.” She paused, and I had a feeling she was about to drop a bomb on me. “He’s dead.” Yep, she did. I stood and yelled into the phone, “What do you mean he’s dead?” “He had a heart attack this evening. The doctors at the hospital couldn’t save him.” My brain tried to process this horrifying news and I couldn’t spare the tears to burst out crying like I wanted. I had used so many on Travis' infidelity. “Look Mom, I can’t handle this right now. I just caught Travis cheating on me and---” “To hell with Travis! This is your father! He’s dead, Paige!” “I know! I said I can’t handle this right now!” “Well, you’re going to have to. You’re his only child, so you have to arrange his funeral. Come to the hospital now. I’m not dealing with this alone.” I couldn’t speak because I felt like my world just crashed down on me. Earlier today, a new path to my future shined brightly with promise. Now my lips trembled violently and my tear ducts finally exploded. Grief struck me hard and I fell on my bed. I dropped the phone next to me and cried. This was the only way I knew how to handle losing my father. I hope my mother was satisfied now.

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While I cried on my bed, I heard someone knock on the bedroom door. A second later, I heard Jules' voice coming from the other side. "Paige, can I come in?" At the same time, I heard my mother's voice through the phone. "Paige, pick up the phone." I held the receiver to my ear in a weak grip. My voice cracked. "Yes?" "Come to Bellevue Hospital because that's where I am." I sniffled and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Okay, I'll meet you there." "Honey, I know you're hurting. Don’t worry, you’ll get through this." I hung up with my mother, and then Jules walked in. "I asked everyone to go home. It's just me and you now." She sat next to me on the bed and put her hand on my leg. "Are you okay?" "No." I grabbed my pillow and hugged it. "My dad just died. I have to go see him at the hospital." The realization I could never talk to him again hit me with full force and I couldn’t hold back my tears. Jules has been my best friend since third grade. When I broke down, she lay next to me and stroked my hair. "Oh, I'm sorry, Paige. Is there anything I can do?" I buried my face into the pillow. "No," my voice muffled. "Do you want me to go to the hospital with you?" I turned my head to look at her teary-eyed sympathetic face framed with wavy auburn hair. "No, I'll be all right." Jules only lay in bed with me for a few minutes. I needed to be alone for a while and she knew me well. She sat up and said, "I'll leave you alone, but call me if you need anything, sweetie." "Thanks," I said sniffling. Once I heard my bedroom door close, I turned on the waterworks full-blast. Intense sobs racked my body as I thought about my father. He and I had a good relationship. Usually he supported me, but sometimes during family conflicts, he would side with my mother. Reflecting on it, I think he did it to pacify her because she and I always butted heads. He didn't want her to feel we were both against her. I knew he loved her in his own way. Although he worked a lot, he Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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never neglected me or hesitated to help me. He was the parent I went to whenever I needed advice...and now he was gone. Losing my father felt like I lost a part of myself. I flipped onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Tears leaked from my eyes and left wet droplets on my pillow. Soon my thoughts turned to my job. When Nina said she wanted me to be the project leader for Vera Wang's upcoming photo shoot, I knew I'd have to work harder and put in lots of overtime. The shoot was in three weeks and would involve an overwhelming amount of organizing and preparation, two of my weakest skills. I remembered the promise I had given her. I hated to break it, but my father's death put an unexpected halt on my career. There was no way I could help my mother with his funeral and still have enough time to get the project off the ground. I decided to call Nina and break the news to her. As I dialed her cell phone number, I prepared myself for a demotion. "Hello Paige. Is there a reason you're calling me at this hour?" "Hi Nina. I'm sorry to bother you, but I needed to talk to you. It's important." "What is it?" "I know you wanted me to get started on the Vera Wang project, but I don't think I can. You see..." My composure was slipping, so I took a deep breath. "My dad died tonight, so---" "Oh, I'm so sorry. I know you were close to him." My voice broke because I couldn't get hold of my emotions. "I'm sorry to let you down. I don't know how long it will take to bury my father and I'm not sure when I'll return to work." "Paige, I know I'm a bitch, but sometimes I'm an understanding bitch. We have a benefit called bereavement leave. Please take advantage of it. You need to grieve. Your job will still be here when you get back. There's no one else I want to be Creative Designer. Don't worry about Vera. I'll get Oliver on the project first thing in the morning." "Thanks, I appreciate you being so understanding about this." Her voice turned soft. "Death usually occurs spontaneously. You can't plan for it. You can only adjust your other plans and work around it. Take your leave and I'll see you back here when you're ready." I met my mother at the hospital later that night. When the nurse brought me into the room where my father lay, I tried not to break down into a hysterical crying mess. I didn't want to cause a scene. I tried to connect with him one last time by touching his face gently, smoothing

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his black hair, and kissing his forehead. His skin was pale and slightly cold. With his eyes closed, he looked like he was asleep. I whispered in his ear, "Goodbye Daddy," and then I stepped away from the bed. My mother moved to stand next to me. I felt her arm slip around my waist as I watched the nurse pull the sheet over my father’s seemingly sleeping face.


In addition to my father's funeral, my mother and I had to meet with his lawyer Mr. Kaufman to discuss his will. We sat in his office as he proceeded to explain the terms. My mother and I didn't speak during the reading of the will because it reminded us of my father's death and put us in somber moods. She wore dark sunglasses indoors and sat stoically in the armchair next to me. With her sable hair pulled into a tight bun and her serious expression, she made it obvious she was all business. When Mr. Kaufman informed her my father left her nothing because of everything she acquired during their divorce, she sucked her teeth and sighed in irritation. I, on the other hand, was stunned when he said, "Paige, he left you his cabin in Black River, Colorado." Suddenly, I had a flashback of the cozy cabin my father bought when I was ten years old. The vacation we had reached the front of my mind, and once again, a particular memory stood out among the rest. I wondered if there were still wolves in the area and if the white wolf pup had grown up. "Miss Donovan?" Mr. Kaufman's round face slowly came into focus. I blinked once. "Excuse me, what?" He looked down at the will. "The cabin in---" "The cabin?" My mother repeated. "Yes. It says here explicitly that Paige inherits the cabin in Black River, Colorado." My mother laughed haughtily. "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware he still owned it." "He told us he sold it," I added quietly. "After the divorce!" A curse under her breath followed.

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Mr. Kaufman adjusted his black-rimmed glasses. He appeared confused and scratched his balding head. Then he looked at the will and shuffled through the papers. "No, it's listed here as a real estate asset." My mother and I shared a look of perplexity. Then I spoke my internal worry aloud. "What am I supposed to do with it?" She answered immediately. "Sell it. It's probably in bad shape and animals live in it. Not to mention, the upkeep will be expensive. Plus, you never liked it there." I shook my head. "No, Mom...you didn't like it there. I loved it, remember?" She turned her head away from me. "No, not that I can recall," her voice clipped. "I remember you running away and we searched for hours trying to find you." I rolled my eyes. I felt strangely optimistic so I said, "Maybe Dad kept it up or rented it to another family." She scoffed. "I doubt it. Your father was a workaholic. I'd be surprised if he took the time to travel to Colorado for a vacation." My mother...always a cynic. "He could've used it as his own vacation spot away from---" I wanted to say 'you', but I cut my sentence short when she removed her sunglasses. She gave me a hard look and pursed her lips. I immediately closed my mouth and turned to Mr. Kaufman. I didn't know what I was going to do with the cabin, but selling it was on the bottom of my list. My mother still tried to convince me to sell my inheritance on our cab ride to her brownstone in Brooklyn. "Paige, you could use the money. Just sell the cabin. You don't want the responsibility of owning property in a remote place." "Mom, I don't think Dad would've wanted me to sell it." "Why do you say that?" "Well, he lied to us about selling it so it obviously meant something to him." She sighed. "Paige---" "I want to keep it," I said with finality. She turned her head, but not before I caught her pinched expression. "I want to keep the cabin so I can keep the memories of Dad and our vacation alive." When I was growing up, we didn't do too many activities as a family. I attributed this to the fact my parents didn't get along. Our vacation in the Colorado Rockies only lasted one summer but I still cherished it. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"We have pictures, so we're already keeping the memory of him and that God forsaken place alive." My mother was a Columbia University graduate with a Master's degree. Despite her intelligence, she was clueless when it came to sentimentalism. In the end, she was unsuccessful in dissuading my decision. I felt anxious to return to Black River and was curious to see what had become of the cabin. Did my father let it fall into ruin or did he rent it to another family? I had hoped he kept it the way I remembered.


Three days after my father's funeral, I landed at the airport in Denver. I rented a Jeep Wrangler because I needed a four-wheel-drive vehicle to get up the mountain. The July weather was mild, so I wore denim shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. One of the odd things about finding our cabin was you had to find the nearby town first. I remember we got lost during our vacation, which caused an argument between my parents. Finding the road that led to the town was tricky because there was only one accessible by vehicle and there was no road sign. My father knew how to get there because the person who sold him the cabin gave him a landmark. Luckily, he passed that information onto me during one of our conversations. Once you found the road, the town was so small that if you blinked, you'd drive right by it. When my mother said it was remote, she wasn't being facetious. I drove on the interstate for over an hour when I realized I missed my turn. I had to find a tree shaped like a wishbone (it was struck by lightning), but all the trees looked alike to me. It took another half-hour for me to turn around and make another attempt. I found my landmark, but to my surprise, a tangle of fallen branches blocked the entrance. My hands gripped the steering wheel because I knew I was in for a bumpy ride. I floored the accelerator and the Jeep broke through the roadblock. The road was narrow and the terrain was rough. Whoever constructed it didn't want people to travel on it. I screamed when tree branches appeared out of nowhere and banged against the windshield. The forest surrounded me on both sides and I wondered if I'd ever reach the town. I sighed in relief when I saw short nestled buildings in the distance. The dirt road widened, and soon I was driving on actual pavement. Before me was Black River; Colorado's Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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little secret in the middle of nowhere. I glanced out of the back window. It was too late to turn back now. The highway was miles away and I knew the return trip down the mountain would be worse. Black River got its name because of the river that runs through the surrounding forest. I heard it stretched for tens of miles. The river was mysterious and known for its deep dark waters. My father told me no one knew what kind of creatures and fish lived in it. I had seen the river just once; the night I encountered a pack of wolves. The town was eerily quiet as I drove through it. It reminded me of a ghost town in a horror movie; not many people walking around, just deserted buildings lined up on both sides of the main road. I looked to my right, past the buildings, and saw nothing but trees for miles. On my left, about a mile away, was a trailer park surrounded by more trees. A few of the homes had old pickup trucks and SUV's parked in carports. I stopped the Jeep in the middle of the road. With my eyes wide, I looked around at the place I would be staying for a few days. It was so different from the city. The town only had one of everything. Well, not everything. You wouldn't find a Starbucks or Macy's. No popular franchises or retail stores existed in Black River. However, for all it lacked, it was more peaceful than New York City and the air was a lot cleaner. I saw a few people sitting and eating in the Moonlight Special diner, the only restaurant in town. I thought about going there later, but my first priority was the cabin. I wanted to see its condition so I could determine what work needed done. First, I had to get some supplies. I just hoped B's Everything You Need store lived up to its name. I parked in front of the store and someone greeted me as soon as I stepped inside. "Hello miss, how are you today?" An older man stood behind the front counter wearing a blue shortsleeve polo shirt. His black hair was slicked back but graying on the sides. He gave me a friendly smile. "You're new around here, aren't you?" I walked toward him and smiled back. "Yes, I own the cabin in the woods." That sounded so weird saying aloud. I felt like a backwoods hillbilly. I stood on the other side of the counter but took a moment to look around. The store seemed to have a bit of everything: hardware, clothing, houseware, groceries, fresh produce and meats.

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"As you can tell...we're a small town so I know everyone. I saw you come in and thought, 'Hmm...Now there's an unfamiliar face.'" He smiled again. "The name's Bobby Tanning, by the way, or you can call me 'B'. I own the place." He put his hand out for me to shake. Genuine hospitality and courtesy are always refreshing, especially living in the city my entire life. There is actual truth behind the notion New Yorkers are rude. "And you are?" "I'm Paige Donovan," and I shook his hand. He rubbed his chin. "Paige, huh? I've heard that name before." My eyes widened because someone in this town had actually heard of me. "Really? Did you ever meet my father David Donovan?" "David? Oh yes, I remember him." Bobby chuckled. "He had the cabin with his wife and little girl. I remember she got lost in the woods. The old sheriff and I helped them look for her." All of a sudden, his expression changed as if he had just remembered something. "So you're the little girl? All grown up I see." "Yeah," I laughed. "Don't worry, I won't get lost in the woods again. I have no intention of going in there." Bobby grinned and let out a breath through his nose. "That's good. The woods around here are no place for a hu---" He cleared his throat, his gaze shifting toward the counter. I gave him a confused look and silence crept between us for about two seconds. "So, where's your dad? Is he at the cabin?" My face fell at the mention of my father. "No, he uh..." It was still hard for me to say the words. "He died," I said quietly. "He left me the cabin so I'm here to see if it needs any work." Bobby nodded and I saw sympathy behind his brown eyes. "Oh, I understand. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. He seemed like a nice guy. I could tell he really liked it here." "Yeah...he did," I said thoughtfully. "Do you know if anyone lives in the cabin now? I was wondering if my dad rented it out." He shook his head. "No, no one's been there since you folks." I couldn't hide my disappointment. If no one's been there, then perhaps my mother was right. Maybe my father let the cabin fall into ruin. Dread filled me because I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what I would see. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Before I could comment, Bobby added, "Actually, your dad was at the cabin about a month ago. He bought a few things from me and said he was going to do some cleaning. He had the gas, electricity and water turned back on. I thought maybe you folks were coming back." My face lit up like a Christmas tree. Maybe it wasn't a wildlife hotel like my mother predicted. "Well, I think I'll pick up some things too...just in case. I know I'll need some groceries." "Of course. Take a look around and let me know if you need any help." "Thanks," I said with a friendly smile. I remembered seeing hand baskets at the front of the store, so I grabbed one before I started shopping. As I put items into my basket, my mind started to wander. Bobby said my father was here a month ago. He never told me he went back to our cabin and I wondered why. Was he planning to visit again? More importantly, did he plan to invite me? I wondered how many times he visited the cabin since our last vacation here thirteen years ago. I stood in the hardware section looking at flashlights, when suddenly I felt someone staring at me. I tried to remain inconspicuous as I glanced to my left without turning my head. There at the end of the aisle, stood a slender young man at least six feet tall, wearing a red and black plaid flannel shirt with cut-off sleeves. Lean muscles flexed on his bicep as he grabbed something from the shelf. His bare arms revealed a tattoo on his right shoulder, but I wasn't close enough to read it. He must've felt my gaze on him because he looked at me and grinned. There was no doubt in my mind he was handsome. The sun kissed his skin gently with a golden tan. He was clean-shaven with high cheekbones that would make any woman envious. His sandy blond hair curled softly on the ends and brushed his ears and collar. A few untamed strands fell in his eyes making his hair look disheveled. Immediately, I felt hot all over...and I knew it wasn’t the summer weather. I blushed under his steady gaze and looked away in an attempt to ignore him. For some reason, I couldn't control myself because my gaze kept finding his. A smirk played on his full lips and I wondered if he enjoyed making me hot and bothered. My hand trembled as I reached for a flashlight and placed it in my basket. Another glance toward this gorgeous stranger and I swallowed hard nervously. He casually browsed the aisle but I noticed he had moved closer to me. His shirt hung open, exposing his muscular torso and a Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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patch of wispy hair on his sternum. My gaze strayed downward and noticed his ripped abs and dark blond treasure trail beneath his navel. Army green carpenter pants hung low on his narrow hips, making the V-line prominent---every man's erotic road map to the treasure between their legs. My naughty eyes traveled further south and saw no sign of a waistband from his underwear or boxers. Even in baggy pants, I could see the bulge of his manhood. Knowing he didn’t wear anything underneath his pants made my lips dry. I darted my tongue out to moisten them and averted my gaze once again. I moved down the aisle but didn't know what I wanted to pick up next. The stranger captivated me and had my mind wrapped in a cloudy haze of arousal. I stopped in front of some tools, but heard his footsteps alongside me. Looking down at the floor, I saw his black heavy boots with dried mud on the bottoms. He faced me, and now I was on-edge because I thought he wanted to speak to me. I didn't have the confidence to talk to him, so I moved swiftly down the aisle, trying my best to avoid any verbal communication. Luckily, I didn't hear his footsteps following me. I stood at the end of the next aisle and took deep breaths to cool the burning fire flowing through me from our encounter. I stepped to the edge of the aisle and peeked cautiously around the corner. I sighed in relief when I didn't see him standing there. I grabbed a few household cleaning items, but when I heard footsteps nearby, I walked in the opposite direction until I was back at the front counter. Bobby stood there with a bright smile. "Are you all set?" ot really, I can't even remember what I need. Thanks to blondie over there. I smiled back and lied casually. "Yeah, I think I'm good." As Bobby rang up my order and placed my items in plastic bags, I felt the young man's stare again. I wondered why he was the only other person in the store and why he was so interested in me. When Bobby told me my order total, I could still feel the blond guy watching me. I had a sudden urge to run away, so I overpaid Bobby and made a hasty exit toward the front door. "Keep the change!" I yelled as I dashed out of the store without a second glance at the mysterious stranger or the kind storeowner.

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I got into my Jeep, and when I looked over at the store, I saw blondie standing outside...staring at me. What was his deal? I held his gaze for a few moments, suspicion in my eyes. He had my nerves so rattled that I fumbled with the keys in the ignition before I started the engine and sped off, leaving a cloud of dust in my wake. When I was about to turn the corner toward the cabin, I glanced in the rear-view mirror. There he stood---in the middle of the road---his gaze following me until I could no longer see him. The cabin needed extensive cleaning and it took the rest of the day. It could've been in worse shape if my father had never come here recently. In addition to working electricity and gas, he left a few laundry and household cleaning items behind, including a small upright vacuum. In the evening, I tried to call my mother to tell her I’d arrived in Colorado safely, but my cell phone had no service. I wasn't surprised because you had to expect no service living in the middle of nowhere. With a disconnected landline, I still couldn't call her. I felt too tired to drive back into town and ask for help, so I opted to do it in the morning. I was lucky to have running water because after cleaning a dirty cabin, I desperately needed a shower. After I put on a clean t-shirt and panties, I munched on fruit snacks and graham crackers for a light and unhealthy dinner. My worn out body demanded sleep. I found clean sheets, a blanket, and pillow in the hall closet upstairs. Plastic covered the mattresses in both bedrooms, so I slept on my old twin-size bed. I could've slept on my parents’ roomy queen-size bed, but felt nostalgic and wanted to be in my own room. The cabin had no air-conditioning, so it could get stifling indoors during the summer. The hot local boy in the store had muddled my mind and I didn't think to buy a portable fan. There was one ceiling fan in the cabin, but it was in the living room and I refused to sleep in there. The sofa was too firm and I couldn't afford to wake up with a backache, especially knowing I had more work to do tomorrow. I opened the window in my bedroom so I wouldn't roast to death, and then settled in for bed. I think the moon was hanging above my cabin, casting a spotlight on it. I buried my head in the pillow to block out the moonlight, but it didn’t prevent me from hearing the howling. The sound didn’t come from one wolf like the last time I was here. It sounded like many wolves...and very close by.

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I jumped out of bed to check the window. My heart pounded because I expected to see a pack of huge wolves outside my cabin, snarling at me like I was their next meal and their yellow eyes glowing against the night. Thankfully, all I saw was the dark forest in the distance. I knew wolves were out there, but this time I wouldn't invade their territory. I was content to stay inside my cozy little cabin. I climbed back into bed and fell asleep quickly since I exhausted myself today. The sound of chirping birds and the warm sun awoke me from my slumber. Pulling the blanket back, I got out of bed and padded barefoot into the bathroom to freshen up. I returned to my room to make my bed, but stopped short when I saw something strange on the floor. I took small cautious steps toward what looked like dirt between the open window and my bed. I gasped, and my hand flew up to cover my open mouth. Fear consumed me as I bent down for a closer inspection. My eyes widened when I realized I was looking at paw prints that belonged to a large dog or---I gulped at the thought---an oversized wolf. I whipped my head around the room as I looked in every corner for anything monstrous. Since the tracks were next to the bed, I thought the worst: Oh God, should I look under it? I knelt slowly. Panting raggedly, a whimper escaped my throat. I was so scared there would be something under my bed with yellow eyes and big sharp teeth. "Oh God," I whispered as I lifted the blanket that was hanging off the end of the bed. I hoped the wolf would spare me a savage mauling. Please don't let there be anything under here. With my eyes round, I dipped my head. Still breathing heavily, I peeked under the bed...and saw nothing but dust bunnies. I felt temporary relief, but it didn't last long because I realized the animal could still be in the cabin...but I wasn't going to look for it. I rushed over to my suitcase and grabbed a clean pair of shorts. Then I put on a bra and laced up my sneakers. I took a deep breath and sprinted from my bedroom, down the stairs, and out the front door. If the wolf wanted to eat me, it had to catch me first. I bounded off the front steps and ran to my Jeep. With the keys still in the ignition, I revved the engine and sped down the mountain.

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I drove slowly down the main road in town, my eyes reading the signs on each building. I finally saw the words "Black River Sheriff's Office" nestled between the bank and the post office. Parked in front of the station was a police SUV and it was the only one of its kind. I wondered what the town population was where they needed only one police vehicle. I ran into the station and stopped at the front desk. There was a woman with long brown hair sitting at a desk and using a computer. Because I was leaning on the counter panting in desperation, she looked over at me. She appeared to be around my mother's age and the only person working in the office. Her dark eyes looked at me curiously. "Can I help you, miss?" Her white button-down shirt had a crest on the left breast, probably for the Black River Police. "Yes you can," I panted haggardly. "I need to speak to the sheriff right away. I think there's---" At that moment, a tall man with short blond hair and neatly trimmed stubble walked out of a back room. "What seems to be the problem?" He had a strong muscular build and he moved to stand on the other side of the front desk. He was older than I was, but younger than my father had been. I found it odd he spoke with an English accent. I didn’t know Brits lived around here. "I'm Paige Donovan and I'm staying in a cabin a few miles from here. I think a wild animal came into my bedroom last night." Upon closer inspection, he seemed to be the sheriff if the silver badge on his white shirt was any indication. His expression was serious as I explained my concern, but when I finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the woman. They seemed to speak without words because I suspected a message just passed between them. When he set his light green eyes back on me, he repeated calmly, "A wild animal?" I nodded. "Yes." "What kind?" "I think it was a large wolf." He raised a skeptical eyebrow. Then he moved around the desk and approached me. "A wolf, you say?" I looked at him and nodded again. He surprised me with a short laugh because I Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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wasn't expecting that reaction. "I'm afraid that's impossible." I opened my mouth to dispute him, but he continued. "You see, there are no wolves in this area." I looked at him in disbelief, which quickly changed to confusion. "That's not true, sir." "Sheriff Gray," he corrected. "Oh, okay...Sheriff Gray. I saw wolves around here before." He co*cked that eyebrow again. "Oh yeah? Where?" "In the woods by the river." "When?" "About thirteen years ago." He laughed again. "I'm sorry Miss Donovan, but there haven't been wolves here for at least a quarter century. Illegal hunting wiped out the population." I felt my eyebrows sinking further between my eyes. What he said couldn't be true. "Well, what about the howling I heard last night? It wasn't the first time I heard it. The last time I vacationed here, I heard a wolf's howl." "It could've been stray dogs or coyotes," the woman said. The sheriff nodded. "That's definitely a possibility." He held my gaze for a few seconds before he looked at the woman again. They passed another silent message I couldn’t decipher. "Well, I guess someone has a Great Dane running loose around here." That sarcastic remark earned me a blank look from the sheriff. "Can you at least come to my cabin and take a look? I want to make sure it's still not inside." He didn't seem concerned and it was obvious he didn't believe me. "Please sheriff, I'd feel a lot safer if you checked it out." His expression softened. "All right Miss Donovan---" "Paige." I smiled. "Okay Paige, I'll follow you to your cabin and take a look. How's that?" His smile was all pearly whites. I nodded and followed him out of the station. Once I got into my Jeep, I turned it around and drove back toward the cabin while Sheriff Gray followed behind me in the white police SUV. Upon arriving at the cabin, he parked behind me and we met at the front steps. I stood with my arms crossed and just looked at him. He grinned, and turned to walk inside my vacation home. Once he stood on the porch, he said, "You're not coming inside?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I shook my head. "Nope. I'm not going in there until you say the coast is clear." He gave a short laugh and it echoed around us. "All right. Fair enough." He went inside my cabin and I took a few steps to peer into the opened door. I saw him slowly walk around the living room, looking in corners and checking closet space. He sniffed the air as if he was checking for toxic fumes. Once he walked into the kitchen, he disappeared from my line of vision. I stood outside on the grass, tapping my foot, and waited for him to complete his inspection. About fifteen minutes later, he walked back onto the porch. "Paige, you can come inside. I have a few questions to ask you." "Is the coast clear?" He grinned. "Yes, the coast is clear. There's no animal inside." My shoulders slumped in relief and I let out my breath in a huff. "Thank God." I walked up the steps and entered the cabin. Sheriff Gray headed up the stairs and I followed behind. He stopped when he entered my bedroom. He walked toward the paw prints and crouched next to them. "What I don't understand is..." He looked at me, and when he noticed I was standing in the doorway, he beckoned to me. "Come here, I want to show you something." I swallowed hard and took cautious steps toward him. I trusted the sheriff when he said there wasn't any danger, but still felt uneasy. What if the wolf decided to come back at this very moment? When I stood next to him, he looked at the tracks again. "I don't understand why the tracks are only between the window and your bed." His index finger followed their pattern. "Why aren't they anywhere else?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I was hoping you would." Still squatting, he scooted alongside them. "See here...there are two sets: one from the window to the bed, and another from the bed back to the window. It's as if the animal came in, walked to the bed, and walked back to the window. But..." He stood, and his gaze focused on my bed. "There are no tracks to indicate it turned around. They're just straight back and forth. That's not even the strangest part. I'd like to know how an animal of this size got through a second-story window without a fire escape." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I found myself standing closer to him. His words struck a cold fear inside me. I had no idea what was going on, but was certain wolves couldn't jump high enough to enter my window. "Can wolves jump high?" "Yes, but not high enough to enter a second-story window." He took a few steps around my bed and inspected every angle of it. I watched him lift the pillow and look under the blanket. There was no evidence of anything unusual. He sighed heavily. With his hands on his hips, I watched the contemplative look on his face as he tried to piece together what happened last night. Suddenly, his eyes widened as if an idea had struck him. His muscular arm reached out and pulled back my blanket. I gasped in shock and my body trembled as I stared at the dirty paw prints on top. "Oh my God," I whispered. Sheriff Gray's green eyes met my blue ones filled with fright. I spoke my words quietly. "The wolf was on my bed." He looked at me with concern as I backed away from the scene of the crime, my gaze never leaving the blanket. "It came in my room and stood on my bed while I slept. It could've killed me!" The realization hit me hard and I had a strong impulse to run out of the cabin again...but this time drive to the airport. Sheriff Gray must've sensed my intention because he took a step toward me and reached out his hand. "I'm sure it was just a stray dog. Maybe it was looking for food." He didn’t ease my panic one bit. I shook my head. "Don't give me that! Why would a stray dog climb on my bed? It went from the window directly to my bed! You said it yourself! That's not the behavior of a dog looking for food! And there's no explanation of how it got in!" I was on-edge now because I didn't understand why the sheriff wouldn't consider the possibility a wolf entered my home. "I'm alone in this cabin. Do you understand that? I don't feel safe." "If I was you, I would keep all my windows closed at night." He wasn't me. I felt helpless and scared a wolf had invaded my home while I slept unaware. I'd had enough, so I turned around and headed down the stairs. I heard the sheriff call my name, but I had already made my decision. My purse was sitting on the front seat of the Jeep, and it contained everything I needed to get back to New York. I didn’t care about my suitcase or anything else in the cabin. I just wanted to leave Black River. I was halfway down the mountain when a huge deer emerged from the forest and sprinted across the road in front of me. It seemed to be running for its life as if something was chasing it. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I slammed on the brakes and swerved to avoid hitting it. A shrill scream escaped my throat when the Jeep went off-road and headed straight toward an enormous Evergreen. I yanked the wheel in the opposite direction to get back onto the road, but did it too sharply. Before I could blink...the Jeep flipped over and I saw upside-down trees getting closer as I slid across the ground. I'm sure I crashed into one because my world suddenly went black.


I felt hot and sweaty all over and couldn't move. I tried to open my eyes but something heavy weighed on my eyelids. Although I couldn't see or move, I heard voices around me. The first one was female and she had an English accent like Sheriff Gray. "She's still got a fever." Then I heard a male voice. "What if she doesn't wake up?" He had the same accent but he wasn’t the sheriff. At that moment, I realized they were talking about me. "Don't worry...she will." "It's all my fault. Dad’s going to bloody kill me." "It's OT your fault. Stop saying that. Paige will be okay and Dad will understand." "I shouldn't have brought her here." "You did the right thing by bringing her here. I can take care of her." There was a momentary pause. "What if she finds out?" "That's for Dad to decide." The voices faded in and out. Sleep bore down on me, but the last words I heard from the man stuck in my head. "I'll watch over her." A severely dry mouth and splitting headache interrupted my peaceful sleep. I couldn’t hear the two voices, but heard breathing in my left ear like someone was sleeping next to me. I tried to open my eyes so I could ask them for water and medicine for my headache. The weight on my eyes was gone so I tried to open them, but this time they felt sticky. I struggled to peel them open, blinking rapidly to loosen my eyelashes. When I finally opened my eyes, they felt swollen. The pain in my head spread throughout my entire body. Dim light surrounded me in this strange room. I lied on a bed and looked up at the ceiling. I tried to speak but my throat was dry, only a quiet wheeze escaped. A low groan Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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followed as my headache pounded against my temples. I still felt hot and sweaty. Layers of blankets covered me and I wanted to yank them off. When I touched my abdomen, I wore nothing but my bra and panties. My eyes darted around the unfamiliar room. On the wall, I noticed a shadow of something next to me. What the hell was that? I turned my head and saw a candle in the window, but what cast the shadow scared me to death. A large white wolf lay on the floor beside me. There was no mistaking it for a dog. The bed was low to the floor, so its head was close to mine. I opened my mouth wide, prepared to scream, but wheezes and weak gasps escaped instead. I thrashed my head against the pillow as if the motions would turn up the volume in my voice. Finally, a shriek pushed through my sandpaper throat. It was a high-pitched squeal at first, but then burst forth and filled the room. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I sat up quickly, and aching pain tore through my body and I heard my bones crack. The wolf awoke with a start. It jerked its head up and glowing yellow eyes blinked until they settled on me. I shrank away from it, nearly falling off the bed, screaming until I went hoarse and gasped for breath. The wolf stood on all fours; its size definitely that of a Great Dane. Its gaze locked on me for a brief moment before it ran out of the room. I sat against the headboard, clutching the blankets against my chest. I was alone and terrified...and I started to cry. Seconds later, a slender young woman ran into the room wearing a gold dressing robe. She was tying the belt around her waist as she approached me. Her blonde hair fell in waves that curled on the ends and spilled over her shoulders. She stood next to my bed and hovered over me. "Are you all right? What happened?" Tears streamed down my face. I gasped for breath, and hiccups prevented me from speaking clearly. "W-wo-wolf." I pointed to the spot where it laid. "R-ri-right th-there." She looked at the spot and then back at me. Her eyebrows knit in confusion. "There was a wolf there?" I nodded. Then I took a deep breath to contain my fear. "It was lying next to me on the floor. I screamed and it ran out." I pointed at the opened door. "It still might be in the house. You have to call the sheriff." The woman sat on the bed next to my legs and kept her voice low. "It's okay, Paige. There's no wolf." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I nodded with strong conviction in my voice. "Yes there was. It was right here." I pointed again at the spot on the floor next to me. She leaned toward me and put her hand on my forehead. "You still have a fever." Did she think I was delusional? "Look, I know what I saw. I'm not crazy!" She got off the bed and switched on the ceiling light. The room was illuminated and I saw her features more clearly. She was probably around my age with a pretty face and long eyelashes framing bright blue eyes. "Are you having pain?" "Yes," I said meekly. "My head hurts and..." I groaned. "I hurt everywhere." Tears filled my eyes again as I stared into hers with a pleading look. I wished for her to end my suffering with meds. "What's your name?" "My name is Quinn and I'm Sheriff Gray's daughter. I'll bring you some medicine for the pain." She stood, but I reached out and grabbed her robe. I held the silky fabric tightly in my fist. "The wolf may be out there! You have to tell your father!" Quinn gave me a blank look. I released her clothing and pulled the blankets up to my neck. I wasn't crazy, damn it. She turned to walk out of the room and I looked at the spot where I knew a wolf had slept. This time I noticed small white hairs on the carpet. "Quinn! Wait, come back!" She dashed back into the room and I pointed to the evidence. "Look over here! There are white hairs on the carpet. The wolf I saw was white. It's proof I'm telling the truth." She walked slowly toward the other side of my bed. Then she bent down and brushed her hand over the carpet. At that moment, Sheriff Gray walked into the room shirtless with a pair of navy pajama bottoms. Dark blond hairs dusted his broad muscular chest. He stood in the doorframe and rubbed his eyes. "What's all the screaming and yelling about?" To my surprise, Quinn said, "Paige was having a nightmare, Dad. I think it's the fever." I gaped at both of them. "What? I know what I saw!" The sheriff walked in the room and peered at me curiously. "What did you see?" Quinn answered for me again. "She said she saw a white wolf." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Why did she emphasize the word 'white'? They looked at each other, but my gaze rested solely on the sheriff. I silently dared him to dismiss my claim after what he saw in my cabin. I decided to show him the evidence too. "There are white hairs on your carpet, sheriff." I pointed to the spot once more. "Right here. See for yourself." "I'm going to get your medicine now," Quinn announced as she walked out of the room. The sheriff walked to the other side of my bed and inspected the carpet. "You see them, don't you?" "Yes, I see them," he admitted slowly. I sighed in relief. "Well? Are you going to investigate? The wolf could be the same one that came into my bedroom. What if it’s following me?" I clutched the blankets again, my eyes wide. "No, I'm not going to investigate." I sputtered, "W-wh-what d-do you mean you're not going to investigate? There's a wild animal coming into people's houses. What if---" "Paige." His voice was hard and his tone silenced me immediately. It reminded me of my mother's. "Has this animal attacked you?" I didn't think my eyes could get any bigger, but they managed to. I didn't understand why he couldn't see the urgency of the situation. Once again, I felt alone and helpless. No one believed me, and no one seemed to care. Defeated, I cast my gaze down at the bed. "No," I admitted quietly. "Then I don't think there's cause to worry right now." "I have to get out of here," I muttered. "You're in no condition to go anywhere." I looked up to see him towering over me, his face serious. Quinn reappeared in the room with a ceramic mug in her hand. It took a moment for me to peel my eyes away from the intimidating sheriff. She sat next to me on the bed and handed me the mug. "Here's your medicine," she said with a small grin, her eyes friendly. I took it from her in thanks and looked inside the mug. Wispy steam came off the dark liquid. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"What is this?" I sniffed it and almost gagged. She chuckled quietly. "I know it smells awful, but it's herbal. Don't worry, it's safe. It'll take the pain away, but it'll make you drowsy." She gave me an encouraging nod. I put the mug to my lips reluctantly and held my breath every time I sipped the medicine. The sheriff headed toward the door, but turned to me before he left. "Goodnight Paige. Sleep well." Then he disappeared into another room. Quinn watched me drink my medicine to the bottom of the mug, and then took it from me once I finished. Within minutes, my eyelids felt heavy. I scooted under the blankets and she surprised me by tucking me in. Her long hair fell into my face but she was oblivious. "I checked you earlier and you don't have any broken bones or internal bleeding." I wondered if she was a nurse. As she casually strolled toward the light switch, an unanswered question blurted from my mouth. "Who rescued me?" She turned to look at me. "My twin brother Riley pulled you from the wreck." "And he brought me here?" I couldn't keep my eyes open. "Why didn't...he bring...me to...the hospital?" Now I was slurring my words. Quinn stood silently, just watching me. Her expression looked like she was trying to choose her next words. "Why don't you ask him?" She said softly. She took a few steps toward the doorway and called Riley’s name. I forced my eyes to stay open because I wanted to see Riley. Quinn didn't turn off the light, and after a few seconds, I saw the handsome blond guy from Bobby's store come into the room. He was shirtless and wore black boxers that showed off his sexy V-line. Unfortunately, I couldn't admire the rest of his Adonis form because the medicine won the battle. I closed my eyes in defeat, too tired to thank the mysterious stranger who was my hero.

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I dreaded waking up again. I was scared to death the wolf would return...but this time standing over me snarling. I opened my eyes slowly and felt relieved I didn't feel anything heavy or sticky hindering me. Immediately, I surveyed my surroundings. My body tensed because I expected to see the wolf, but I found myself alone in the room. Sunlight beamed through two windows in the small room and I realized I had slept through the night. To my left was a wooden dresser a few feet away against the wall with a mirror above it. There was another bed underneath the window, low to the floor like this one. I wondered if the twins shared this room. On the adjacent wall, there was a desk and chair with an overhead lamp. I saw photographs stuck to the wall above the desk. A thin bookcase was next to the desk with books and papers crammed into every shelf. A large world map was on the wall next to it. To my right was a nightstand with a lamp on top that was missing a shade. There was a calendar on the wall, a few inches from the light switch, with black 'X's marked on it. I wondered if I was inside one of the trailers or if Sheriff Gray owned a house. I had to use the bathroom, but when I tried to move, my body protested with horrible pain. I decided to call for help, but once again, my throat was dry and I could only whisper. "Help. Somebody help me." It didn't take long for me to get frustrated, but I continued to call out. Finally, the volume of my voice increased. "Help me! Please!" Every time I lifted my head, it would fall back onto the pillow. I struggled with the blankets and squirmed on the bed. My body refused to cooperate and sit up. "Is anyone here? Please help me!" Within seconds, the door burst open and Riley ran into the room. My eyes nearly bulged as I gaped at him. His eyes were the same size as mine, looking at me with concern. My mouth moved like a fish out of water while my gaze roamed up and down his body. Then he seemed to become aware of his nudity because he looked down at himself and then back at me. Without a word, he ran out of the room. The look of shock remained frozen on my face. I couldn't believe I saw him naked. His co*ck was a remarkable sight. It was uncut, long, thick, and hung straight. I wondered how many women were lucky enough to experience it in action. The door was still open and he walked swiftly back into the room...this time wearing the black boxers he wore last night. With a sheepish grin, he ran a hand through his messy hair.

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"Sorry about that." At that moment, I realized I needed to close my mouth. "It's okay," I croaked. "What's wrong? I heard you call for help." I squirmed again. "Um, yeah...I need to get up." I tried to sit up but pain shot through my back and I groaned. Riley reached out and put his warm hands on my shoulders. "Oi, don't move," he said gently. Our gazes locked, and for the first time I noticed his eyes were the same color as his father's, but I found his more appealing. A girl could get lost in them. His eyes scanned my face, but when he licked his lips, my breath caught. He had nice full lips and a sexy brown mole on the left corner of his upper lip. Suddenly I became uncomfortable with our close proximity. I knew my breath smelled rank and my face probably looked terrible. Riley noticed my reaction and removed his hands. "I have to go to the bathroom," I mumbled, not making eye contact. "I'll help you." I glanced at him and he reached toward me again. His hand stilled before it touched me, his eyes asking for permission. I gave him a small nod, and he slowly removed the layers of blankets until only one remained. I attempted to swing my legs over the side of the bed because I thought he was going to help me stand. Instead, he gently lifted me into his arms. I yelped in surprise. "Hey, what are you doing?" "Don’t worry, I got you." He walked toward the door and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. Riley’s physique resembled an Olympic swimmer, but he didn't look strong enough to carry me. I wasn't overweight, but I wasn't a waif either. "Riley, you're going to hurt yourself. You can't carry me." His gaze met mine and he grinned. "But I am carrying you." By the look on his face, he didn't seem to be struggling. He walked quickly, and I saw the outside room was actually a living room. I saw a brown sofa, matching loveseat, and a small television sitting on a wooden TV stand. I didn't get to inspect any further because now I was in

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their kitchen. It was small with pastel yellow walls and an eggshell tile floor, but able to accommodate a table and four chairs. Riley stopped next to an open door opposite the kitchen. He put me on my feet gently. When I looked at him, he wasn't out of breath. He must be really strong. "This is the loo...err...I mean, the bathroom." His gaze darted toward the room. I held the blanket wrapped around me and peeked inside the bathroom. One sink, toilet, and shower tub. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Thanks." He looked worried. "Are you going to be okay in there? Do you need any help?" I actually felt more comfortable having another female help me. "Is your sister here?" He scratched his head. "Uh no, she's at work. I'm the only one here. I told her I'd look after you." I cast my gaze down shyly, my voice low. "Okay, I think I can manage by myself." I turned to go inside the bathroom, but felt his gentle touch on my bare skin. His hand rested on my shoulder blade and I froze at the contact. "Paige," he said softly. It was the first time I had heard him say my name. "Let me know if you need help. I don't want you to hurt yourself." I turned my head to look at him. "I promise I won't look." I smiled again because he was such a gentleman. "Thanks, but I think I'll be all right." I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. As I expected, I struggled to use the toilet but refused to ask Riley for help. I was too embarrassed and hated feeling helpless. When I finished my business, I gripped the sink in front of me to stand up. I happened to glance in the mirror and the person I saw looking back at me was not Paige Donovan. The woman in the mirror had two swollen eyes, red scratches on her face, and a white bandage with a blood spot near her hairline. Her brown hair was matted and tangled. There was a scab in the middle of her bottom lip, and she had purple bruises on her neck and collarbone. The woman staring back at me looked hideous. Tears leaked from her puffy eyes, and she sobbed once and covered her mouth. Her hand trembled and she cried harder until her shoulders shook. All I could think about was Riley seeing me like this. I blamed my own vanity, but I didn't want to face him now that I was aware of my appearance. I didn't want to look at my

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reflection either, so I slammed my palm against the mirror. I wanted to make the ugly woman disappear. Riley must've heard me. His muffled voice traveled through the door. "Is everything all right?" I took a deep breath to compose myself, but my voice shuddered. "Yes, I'm fine." I ripped some toilet tissue off the roll to dry my eyes and face. Then I wrapped the blanket around my body and opened the door. I couldn't look Riley in the eye, but felt him try to lift me into his arms again. I shrugged away from him. "No, I can walk." He immediately moved away from me. I took slow steps while he followed behind patiently. Once I made it back to the bedroom, he stood by while I tried to lie in bed. My whole body hurt and it didn't help that the bed was low to the floor. Riley noticed my difficulty, so I swallowed my pride and allowed him to help me. Once I was lying down, I groaned again and closed my eyes. This was the first time I'd been in a car accident and I prayed it would be my last. "I can get you some pain medicine." I opened one eye to peek at him. "You mean the hot stinky kind that made me fall asleep?" He laughed. "Yeah, that's the one. You have to admit though...it really does the trick. You can't feel any pain if you're out cold." I chuckled. I didn't want to sleep, but didn't want to feel pain either. I also didn't want Riley to leave. I was curious about him and if I fell asleep, then I couldn't talk to him. I opened both eyes and took a brief moment to look him over. I couldn't help it. The man was stunning even with his messy hair. Travis definitely had nothing on Riley. I had no idea towns this small had men this gorgeous. "So you're the guy in Bobby's store, huh? You were staring at me." His charming grin returned. "You were staring at me too." I laughed lightly. Ouch, my head hurt. o more laughing. "Yeah, but you started it…and you watched me drive away."

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He grabbed the desk chair and slid it toward the bed. Once he sat next to me, the room was silent as he looked at me. When he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, I happened to look down and notice his dirty feet. A puzzled look crossed my face. "What can I say?" His voice brought my gaze back to his. "You fascinate me." I swallowed nervously and averted my eyes toward the ceiling. His flirtatiousness reminded me of Travis. "You don't even know me," I said quietly, my voice clipped. Suddenly, he moved the chair right against the bed. I wasn't sure if my words bothered him because his expression was hard to read. When he smirked, I knew I didn't upset him. "Maybe so...but I like what I see." His words bothered me, and I turned my head away. "I don't want to think about how I look right now." "Paige," he said softly. I liked the way my name sounded when he said it, and I think his English accent had something to do with it. I still didn't look at him, but in my peripheral vision, I saw him move from the chair to the floor. Then he scooted closer until he was sitting next to me. One of my hands rested on my stomach. I didn't expect him to hold it but he did. "You've been in an accident." I turned my head slowly to look at him. Unshed tears blurred my vision. My body hurt and I felt ugly. I tried to keep my tears at bay, but they were determined to fall. Riley's other hand reached for me. I flinched when his fingers wiped my tears away. "Besides, I already know how pretty you are." My cheeks flushed, but I managed to smile. In the bright room, Riley’s blond hair shone in the sunlight, thick and healthy. His ethereally handsome face reminded me of an angel’s. The sexual tension between us was almost tangible, but I felt uncomfortable with it because of my physical condition. I thought it would be wise to take the focus off me. "I noticed you and your family have accents. You're from England, right?" He nodded. "Yeah." "So, how'd you end up in Black River? This is such a small town. I wonder how anyone finds it." Riley smiled again, but it faded after a few seconds. "What I'm about to tell you...you can't speak of it to anyone. Promise?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He already had me intrigued. I nodded quickly. "I promise." Sadness crossed his features when he said, "My mother was murdered in England." He paused and his face turned serious. "When my father found out, he killed the men responsible." My eyes widened in shock. I had no idea Sheriff Gray was a murderer. Riley had my undivided attention. "A witness saw him, and soon the police were looking for him. We went on the run, traveling to different parts of Great Britain. We tried to get into Ireland when my father ran into an old friend. He told him about a remote mountain town in the States called Black River. He said we'd be safe there so we traveled across the pond to Colorado." Riley looked down at the floor and sighed softly. "That was fourteen years ago." "I'm sorry about your mother." He looked at me and I saw the pain behind his eyes. "I know how it feels to lose a parent. I lost my father a couple weeks ago. He died from a heart attack." Although mentioning my father's death lowered my spirits, I found it comforting to know Riley and I had something in common. "That's why I'm in Black River. He left me the cabin in his will, so I came here to see if it needed any work. I want to keep it, but I'm having second thoughts." If Riley were a dog, his ears would've perked because he suddenly looked more alert. "Why are you having second thoughts?" "I think there's a wolf tracking me. It's not safe for me here so I have to go home." His head jerked as if taken back. "A wolf?" "Yes," I nodded. "It came into my cabin and it was here last night lying right where you are." Riley didn't react and I wondered if he sided with his family. "You believe me, don't you?" My voice sounded desperate. I needed someone on my side. "Yes, I believe you." I smiled in relief. "But you're in no condition to travel." "When you pulled me from the wreck, why didn't you take me to the hospital?" "Because I wanted you here." I gaped at him. His answer shocked the hell out of me. "Why?" A strange intensity swirled in Riley’s eyes, and his gaze pierced through me as if he tried to speak without words. The moment was brief, and within seconds, his expression lightened. "Feeling peckish?" I wasn't expecting him to change the subject.

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My faced scrunched in confusion. "What’s peckish?" Immediately after my question, I heard my stomach growl. Riley chuckled and his lips twitched. "Are you hungry?" "Yes, I’m starving." "Say no more." He got up off the floor and dashed out of the room. I heard noises coming from the kitchen like cabinet doors opening and closing, and dishes moving around. Moments later, he reappeared in the room with a bowl and a spoon or fork. With a wide grin, he handed me a bowl of cereal that looked like Fruit Loops. I thanked him and ate it graciously. He sat on the bed next to me. "So, I was wondering if you'd stay here with us." He watched me intently, waiting for me to respond. I decided to take a page from his book when I changed the subject. "Is this your room?" "Yeah, Quinn and I share it." I looked around the room again and then back at the man taking care of me. He had a hopeful look on his face, but I noticed he fidgeted his hands anxiously. "Where are you sleeping?" "On the sofa." "So Quinn will be sleeping in here with me?" This time he hesitated. "Um, no. See, she figured you'd want the room to yourself for privacy, so she's sleeping on the loveseat." I gave him a perplexed look. "But there's another bed in here. I wouldn't mind sleeping in the room with her." Riley just looked at me. "I don't want to put you guys out." I set the bowl on the nightstand. "That's why I should leave." The moment I tried to pull the blankets off, Riley's hand shot out to stop me. "No! Don't go!" My body froze and I stared at him. "You're not well. You need to rest," he said as he tucked the blankets around me. Because he was so close, I noticed for the first time he had a clean woodsy scent like the forest after a rainstorm. His hair was within close reach and my fingers itched with the desire to comb through it. I wondered if it felt as nice as it looked. "I don't care about sleeping on the sofa. Trust me, I've slept in worse places."

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I frowned because I didn't like to hear that. We didn't speak while I ate the rest of my cereal. Riley sat on the floor again, his arm resting casually on the bed. I glanced at it and noticed the tattoo on his shoulder. I couldn't read the words when I saw it in Bobby's store, but now I could read it clearly: 'What goes around comes around'. "You believe in karma?" Riley looked at his tattoo. He grinned. "Yeah, do you?" "Sure, and I hope my ex-boyfriend gets what's coming to him." I put a spoonful of colorful hoops in my mouth and hoped the sweet cereal overpowered my bitter words. He turned toward me with an amused smile. "Ooooh, what did he do?" "I caught him cheating on me in front of my apartment building." "We don't do that," he said cryptically. I gave him a confused look. "Cheat, I mean. Once we're bonded to someone, we're loyal until death." "Who's we?" "Everyone in this community." This new information was strange but comforting. It pleased me to know some people still believed in fidelity and commitment. Regardless, I still wanted to go back to New York because I had enough of Black River’s weirdness. "The wolf you mentioned before...did it attack you?" He echoed his father's question, and once again, my hand froze with the spoon to my mouth. "Uh, no...But---" "Then why are you afraid? Why do you want to leave?" I thought the answer was obvious so I scoffed. "Because it's a wolf---a dangerous wild animal. As I said, it came into my cabin while I slept. It came into your house too and slept right where you're sitting." The Gray family’s carefree attitude about my situation baffled me. I couldn't understand why they weren't concerned. "Have you ever touched a wolf?" He asked with an expression of mild curiosity. I ate the rest of the cereal and slowly drank the milk before I set the bowl back onto the nightstand. With my stomach rumbling under control, I scooted underneath the blankets to lie down.

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"Yes," I admitted quietly. "When I was ten years old, I met a wolf pup in the woods near my cabin. We became friends." I smiled thoughtfully. "I even played with him." Riley smiled. "So why are you afraid of wolves if you met one?" "Well, that was a pup and he was playful." "Adult wolves are playful," he countered. I laughed humorlessly. "Oh really? Because the ones I met weren't. I saw a pack of huge wolves that same night and they wanted to kill me." Riley turned his head. He lowered his voice when he said, "That's because you entered their territory. That also raises the question...why didn't they kill you?" His questions had me suspicious and I wanted him to look me in the eye. "I don't know. Maybe the pup communicated to them I meant no harm. I'm really not sure." Riley leaned his head back against the wall, but slowly turned to look at me. I stared into his eyes and wished I knew what he was thinking. "Do you know a lot about wolves?" I asked. He nodded. I scooted closer to him and he dipped his head toward me. His scent engulfed me and an unexpected feeling came over me. I wished for him to lie next to me and talk to me. I felt drawn to him and enjoyed his company even though some of his words puzzled me. "Then answer me this: why would a wolf come into my window at night and jump on my bed while I slept?" Riley didn't miss a beat. "Maybe it was curious about you." "How could a wolf get through a second-story window without a fire escape?" His Adam’s apple moved in his throat. "Maybe it wasn't a normal wolf. Maybe it was a...super wolf." A sharp laugh burst from my mouth. "A super wolf?" I continued to laugh, but his serious expression cut it short. A ghost of a smile remained on my face, but the longer I stared at him, the more I realized something else was going on. My smile disappeared completely and I decided to pick his brain. "Well, that may explain its size. You know something, don't you?" He turned his head again...and confirmed my suspicions. "You know what's going on. Tell me." "Will you stay here if I promise to keep the wolf away from you?" Once again, he tried to throw our conversation off-track. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I sighed heavily. "I'll stay until I'm fully recovered, how's that?" Riley looked as if he was going to object so I said, "I have an amazing job waiting for me in New York. I was just promoted." His face fell instantly. "Please." I wasn't expecting him to beg. I held his gaze, but he looked away first. "Why do you want me to stay so badly? Do you like me?" It was already too late by the time I heard myself ask the juvenile question. He finally settled his pale emerald eyes on me. When he nodded, my eyes widened before I looked up at the ceiling. Then I thought about the fact he seemed to be keeping something from me. I wasn't one to manipulate others, but he had me very curious. I turned to him with a sweet smile and tried to make my voice sound tender. "Then I need you to be honest with me." Now he looked frustrated. "You want us to be friends, right?" His blond brows knit in confusion. "Just friends?" I couldn't fathom the thought of being more than that. I couldn't let myself get romantically involved with a small-town guy I'd never see. "Yes, we can get to know each other and be friends." He looked deflated. He turned his head away and didn't speak for a couple seconds, but then I heard his quiet response. "Okay." "Tell me what's going on. I know you know something, Riley. I can see it in your eyes. What's going on with this white wolf?" Riley’s lips twitched as if he wanted to say something. This time I was the one begging. "Please tell me. I have to know." My eyes pleaded with him to ease my sanity. Unfortunately, Quinn interrupted my chance of possibly finding out the truth when she walked into the room wearing royal blue nursing scrubs. I knew she was a nurse! She stood in front of her brother. "Dad wants to see you at the station." Riley scoffed in irritation. "What does he want?" Quinn shrugged. "I don't know. He didn't tell me. He just said to get you." "He can't ring the house?" She rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. "Oh bloody hell, Riley. Just go and see what he wants."

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Riley turned to look at me and this time I read the message behind his eyes: We'll talk later. He leaned over my body and his scent washed over me. A prickly heat burned within me when I felt his soft lips press against my forehead. When our gazes met, his gentle words stole my breath away. "Promise you'll be here when I get back?" All I could do was nod. He smiled brilliantly. I watched him go to the dresser and put on a pair of blue jeans and a white tank. It clung to his torso in all the right places and showed off his sculpted arms. He didn't give me a second glance when he walked out of the room, but my gaze followed him. I felt the mattress dip and looked over to see Quinn make a spot for herself next to me. She put her hand on my forehead. "Oh good! Your fever broke." She looked joyous. Her eyes darted toward the nightstand. "I see Riley fed you. How are you feeling? Did you see the wolf again?" There was worry in her eyes now. "No, I didn't see it today." She smiled. "I told you there's nothing to worry about." "Oh yes there is! Quinn, I wasn't having a nightmare! I really saw a wolf! How do you explain the white hairs on the carpet?" "I'm sorry, Paige. I didn't mean to upset you." Her face was the one looking upset. "Riley and I were talking, and I agree with him that you should stay with us." "I told him I'd stay here until I felt better." "No, I mean...stay with us permanently." I gaped at her. "What? I can't stay here." "Why not?" "Because I have a life in New York. Besides, I don't think I could survive out here. I'm a city girl." I smiled, but Quinn wasn't amused. "Why do you want me to stay?" I asked quietly. She spoke softly. "You're different, Paige. There's no one around here like you. It's good to have new people in town." She looked down at her hands folded in her lap. "And...I think you're nice." Her words actually warmed me. "You do?" "Yeah...and my brother fancies you." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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That comment made my ears hot. "He does?" "It's actually a good thing because Dad's been pressuring him to claim a mate." Eyes wide, my brows shot upwards. "Claim a mate?" She quickly backpedaled. "Errr...I mean...get a girlfriend." She looked away, and I tried to understand her odd choice of words. Was this family really that out of touch? More importantly, why did she just reveal her brother's feelings for me? I guess he did like me in more than a friendly way. Quinn’s admission confused me because Riley didn't really know me. "Quinn, there are reasons I can't stay: the wolf, my family, my apartment, and my job. I have responsibilities. I can't stay in Black River." "Let me ask you something. If this wolf hasn't hurt you---" "Oh! So now you believe me?" She grinned. "Let's say I do. What if it's just curious about you?" My eyes immediately filled with suspicion because she spoke the same words as her twin. "I don't understand why you're afraid." Now I was convinced she was out of touch. "You don't understand why I'm afraid?" I shook my head, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Quinn, it stood on my bed while I slept." My voice was getting louder. "It was probably standing over me. It followed me here and slept right next to me. That's creepy! How can you not understand why I'm afraid?" She looked away again, her face crestfallen. I knew I had upset her and suddenly I felt bad. She's been gracious enough to take care of me and I couldn't blame her if she couldn't relate to me. Nevertheless, I was still curious and frustrated because I felt the Gray family was hiding something. We were both quiet, when suddenly she touched my hair. I wanted to shrink away from her because I knew how horrible it looked. It probably felt disgusting too. "How would you like to take a nice bath?" She smiled encouragingly. "The warm water will do you good. What do you say?" I smiled widely in gratitude. "I'd love a bath." Quinn helped me to the bathroom, but she didn't carry me as her brother did. Soaking in the warm water definitely made me feel better. My parents never gave me a sibling, but a sisterly feeling came over me while she helped me bathe and wash my hair. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Once I was clean and my hair was tangle-free, she asked, "Are you ready to get out?" I wasn't ready to leave the comfort of the tub because I knew I'd just end up back in the bed. "No, I think I'll soak for a while." Quinn took the hint I wanted to be alone, so she stepped out of the bathroom. I heard her moving around in the kitchen. Within minutes, my nose picked up the aroma of onions and fried meat. I had to assume it was lunchtime. When I heard a knock on the door, I expected to hear Quinn's voice. I was surprised to hear Riley's voice on the other side. "Paige, can I come in?" I quickly grabbed the washcloth off the side of the tub and covered my breasts. Soapsuds clouded the water, so I knew Riley couldn't see anything below my waist. "Yes, you can come in." The door opened slowly and he poked his blond head in. "Are you sure?" I laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure. All my girly bits are hidden." He laughed and entered the room. Once again, he sat on the floor next to me. I looked down at him, and he just watched me with a smile on his face. "So, what did your father want?" "To berate me...as usual." He sighed. "You two don't get along?" He shook his head. At that moment, I realized another thing we had in common: he didn't get along with his father and I didn't get along with my mother. "I can't seem to follow his rules. Those are his words...not mine." He sighed again. "I just like to do my own thing. I don't like him telling me what to do all the time. He treats me like I'm a pu---" He cleared his throat and looked away. "What?" "Nothing." There was awkward silence between us. Then I remembered our previous discussion we never finished. Before I could ask, he turned to me and his eyes spoke of affection. His hand smoothed my wet hair away from my forehead. His voice was low and there was no mistaking the tenderness. "I really wish you'd reconsider staying here."

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I swallowed hard. He had me transfixed and I couldn't look away. My words were almost lost on the air. "I can't, Riley. I already told you," I said breathlessly. Riley leaned over the tub. My eyes went round and my thighs clenched tight. I thought he was going to kiss me. He stopped short, but his words caressed my lips instead. "Then I guess I'll have to make it worth your while." The seductive spell he cast on me had worked because in that moment...I submitted to him. Perhaps I could stay in Black River for just a little longer.

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The medication the Gray family had been doping me up with not only relieved my pain, it helped heal my body. When I woke up the next morning, I didn't have to struggle with an uncooperative body and didn't ache as much as the day before. The fear of seeing the white wolf lingered in my mind, but what surprised me was a white piece of paper stuck to the desk chair. Someone had moved it next to the bed. I reached over and grabbed the paper. I rubbed my eyes, relieved they didn’t feel swollen. Then I read the message scrawled messily in black ink. Page, My father needed me for a job, but I'll be home soon. Quinn's at work. Feel free to check the place out and make yourself something to eat. You can go out if you feel up to it, but please don't leave town until we have a chance to talk. Oh, and Celia said you can borrow any of her clothes. - Riley I couldn't keep the grin off my face when I noticed Riley had spelled my name wrong. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any valuable information out of him yesterday. He wouldn't open up to me, and I wondered if it was because we couldn't be alone. Quinn never left the house. When their father and stepmother Celia came home from work in the evening, Riley was even more tight-lipped. I was sure he knew something about the white wolf that seemed to be following me. As I stared at his note, I wondered for what job the sheriff needed him. Quinn had already confirmed my assumption she was a nurse. Last night, she told me she worked at the town doctor's office and was one of only two nurses on staff. She said another girl would alternate with her on certain days. When I asked Riley what he did for a living, he responded dryly, "Whatever my father asks me to do." His tone of voice told me he wasn't happy working for his father. I wanted to befriend him, but because his sister revealed his true feelings, I was afraid he would eventually do the same thing and I didn't think I could handle that. I planned to go home after my short vacation, but part of me felt conflicted. I wanted to get to know him even though my conscience told me I'd be setting myself up for disappointment. What if I developed feelings

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for him? How often would I get to see him? I had tried long-distance relationships in the past and they never worked out. Despite my reservations toward Riley, I couldn't deny my attraction to him. It was more than his looks that captivated me. His kindness, gentle touches, and the way he cared for me made me feel good, and I appreciated his sense of humor. His flirtatiousness made me feel uncomfortable because I still felt the sting from my break-up with Travis. My trust of men had lessened as a result, and I wanted to be more cautious with my heart. Riley didn't succeed in getting me to trust him because I knew he was keeping something from me. I got out of bed and walked toward the closet to find something of Riley's to wear since I currently donned one of Celia's nightgowns. For a reason I wouldn't admit to myself, I wanted to wear his clothes. Yesterday after my bath, I had tried wearing one of Quinn's nightgowns but it clung to my body in an unflattering way and rode up my fat, apple-shaped ass when I walked. I was at least three inches taller than Quinn was, and convinced she was a size two. Only in my skinniest dreams. While I browsed through the twins' wardrobe, I wondered how far the town was from here. I wanted to go to the sheriff's office and see if Riley was there. I looked out one of the windows, and paused when I realized it was wide open. The shades were drawn and the curtains pulled back. Now that I thought about it, the windows have been open since the first night I came here. That's probably how the wolf got in. Well, we couldn't have that. I slammed both windows shut and locked them. I looked out of the glass and saw a wide grass clearing with a dirt road running parallel. My eyes darted around and I finally knew I was in a trailer home. Other trailers surrounded me on either side, some with lounge chairs and children's toys in the front yard. The short nestled buildings in the distance told me I was a few miles from town. In my current state, I knew I couldn't walk there, and since I totaled my Jeep, I knew I'd need a ride. I chose Riley's black t-shirt and gray sweatpants from the closet. I was originally eyeing Quinn's denim shorts with the sunflowers stitched on the back pockets, but couldn't bring myself to check the size. As I changed out of Celia's nightgown, I noticed the photographs stuck to the wall. I was curious about the family I was staying with so I wanted a closer look. Most of the photos were of the twins with their friends, and a few from when they were children. There was a woman with Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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them and she had to be their mother because Quinn had her bright blue eyes. I wondered if they took the photos in England. The sheriff was in a couple photographs looking younger and handsome. Their mother was beautiful, her blonde hair long and curly. One picture showed it blowing in the wind as she stood on the rocks with the vast ocean in the background. She looked happy in every photograph and they seemed like a loving family. At that moment, I felt deep sympathy for the Gray family. I remembered Riley told me his mother was murdered and I wondered if he'd ever tell me the whole story. There were a few more photographs of the family in the living room as I made my way to the kitchen. The clock on the wall told me it was late afternoon. I took the sulfur-smelling pain medicine after midnight last night and it really knocked me out. I wasn't one to sleep this late. After eating a light lunch of buttered toast and milk, I remembered to call my mother. I knew she was probably worried about me. I wondered what she'd say about my plan to vacation in Black River. I dialed her number and braced myself. "Hello?" "Hi Mom." Her tone quickly changed from calm to borderline hysterical. "Paige! Oh my God! I was so worried about you. When I didn't hear from you, I called the sheriff's station and he told me you'd arrived, but weren't at the cabin. I called your cell phone, but got your voicemail and you never called me back. I was this close from booking a plane ticket to Denver. What's the phone number at the cabin?" "Um, there isn't one." "What? Why not?" "I didn't get a chance to get that taken care of. A lot has happened since I got here. Did the sheriff tell you I was staying at his house?" There was a pause and the volume of her voice dropped. "What? You're staying at his house? Why?" This time I paused because I wondered if I should mention how the white wolf started all this. If I did, I knew she'd have a fit bigger than the one she was having right now. She hated wildlife and if she knew I'd been in close contact with one of the most dangerous predators in the mountains, she’d probably fly to Black River and raise hell. ope, not a good idea.

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I decided she should get the short version of past events. "Um...see...I had an accident and totaled my rental. His son rescued me and brought me back to their house. I've been here recovering." "Recovering? You had an accident? How bad was it?" She sighed heavily. "I can't believe this!" "Mom, don't worry. I just got a few bruises and scratches, but I'm fine now." Before I knew it, I found myself reprimanded like a child. "Jesus Christ! I don't know why your father left you that damn cabin. See, I told you that you shouldn't have gone up there." I scoffed. "No you didn't. You said I should sell the cabin." "Yes! And you could've done that without going back there." "I don't see how. I had to see it so I could determine if it needed work. That is, if I decide to sell it." She sighed again. "If you're smart, you will sell it. You need to come back to the city and forget about that awful place. It's not safe there." "Mom..." I braced myself for a verbal lashing. "I'm going to stay here for a while and take a vacation." "What?" I pulled the receiver away from my ear because she almost burst my eardrum. "What about your promotion? That's a big deal and you don't want to blow it. Doesn't Nina expect you back?" "I'm using my bereavement time plus some vacation." She huffed loudly. "I don't understand why you want to stay. It's remote and there's nothing to do in those mountains. What's so special about that place? Let me ask you something...does the cabin need any work?" "Not really. It just needs more cleaning. I found out Dad was here about a month ago. He kept it up, so it wasn't in bad shape." "Oh really," she drawled. "Well, isn't that nice." Sarcasm oozed from each word. I wanted to say, 'Why do you care if he was here? You've been divorced for years,' but I had to watch my tongue or else she'd tear me a new one through the phone. Either that or she'd fly over here and do it in person. "Look, I just called to tell you I was all right. I didn't want you to worry. I'll see you when I get back." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"When will that be?" "I don't know." I really didn't know. I did know I wanted to get to the bottom of this whole wolf fiasco before I left...and Riley was the key. "You'd better call Nina and tell her. I just hope she still lets you keep your job." "Mom, she's not going to fire me because I want to take a vacation." "She might. It's very last minute, don't you think? She won’t appreciate that, regardless of your father’s death. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who'd love to have your position." My mother was a pro at laying guilt trips. It worked, because now I was nervous. What if Nina did demote me or worse...decided to fire me? Maybe my mother was right and I should just leave. Black River was a strange and creepy kind of town anyway, but first I wanted to find out the truth behind the wolf. I hadn't changed my mind about that. Then I would leave. "I'll be home next week. I'll call you again as soon as I land in New York." Curiosity about the Gray family filled me after I got off the phone with my mom. I decided to peek into the sheriff and Celia's room. At first sight, there was nothing out of the ordinary about their room. It was the same size as the twins' room, but they had a full-size bed. I sat on it, looking out of the window, and saw a small expanse of grass. It led to a forest that seemed to go on for miles. I unconsciously glided my hand over their comforter. When I touched Riley's black shirt, I saw bristle-like hairs that looked like they belonged to a dog or cat. They weren't white like the ones I saw on the carpet in the twins' room; these were darker. Do they have a pet I don't know about? I went into the kitchen and searched for a litter box or pet toy. I found nothing. I searched the cabinets for pet food and still didn't find any evidence to suggest a pet lived here. I walked swiftly back into the sheriff's room to inspect the bed again. I found gray hairs on the comforter and one of the pillows. There were brown hairs on the other pillow. Their stepmother had brown hair. I first met her at the sheriff's station when I arrived in Black River. However, these hairs were not from her head. They were straight and coarse, nothing like her long soft waves. When I knelt next to the bed, I found gray and brown hairs scattered on the carpet. Where the hell did these come from? I needed to speak to Riley right away. I wanted some answers. He

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didn't leave a phone number on his note, so I didn't know how to contact the sheriff's office. I thought about calling 9-1-1, but realized I needed to be patient and wait for him to come home. I discovered another reason why I could never stay with this family when I turned on their television. It had bad reception and didn’t have cable. They didn’t have a computer either. Lounging on their sofa, I thought I was going to die of boredom. I guess I was spoiled. I wondered what the twins did for fun around here. The only place of entertainment I remembered seeing in town was a bar called The Ivory Claw. I felt trapped, so I decided to take my chances and walk into town. Besides, some fresh air and exercise would do my body good. I knew my face looked like I'd lost a fight because I glanced at my reflection while I was getting dressed. If I was going out in public, I had to look halfway decent. I didn't want people staring at me. I hated using other people's grooming things, but had no choice. I took a brush off the dresser in the twins' room and a scrunchie from a plastic storage box that looked like a Caboodle. Taming my hair was easy. My face needed a lot of work. I went into the bathroom hoping to find makeup or concealer. Inside the medicine cabinet, I hit the jackpot. Either Quinn or Celia kept a small makeup kit with everything from face powder to lipstick. After I washed my face, I set to work on making myself look like the woman Riley met in the store. The scratches were still visible on my face, but they were easy to cover with the powder foundation. I carefully pulled the bandage off my forehead and gasped at the nasty scabbed gash underneath. I decided the bandage could stay, but took my hair out of the ponytail to cover it. The pearly pink lipstick made the scab on my lip less noticeable. Luckily, Riley’s shirt covered most of the bruises on my neck. The puffiness had disappeared from my eyes, so the eyeliner and mascara helped my appearance tremendously. As I was about to leave the bathroom, I heard the twins come into the trailer. They were talking to each other, but when they reached the kitchen, I realized they were arguing. I stood at the sink and listened quietly. I heard Quinn say, "Riley, you need to give it up. She's not going to stay." "She will. I just have to persuade her." They spoke in hushed voices, but I don't think they knew I was in the bathroom and could hear their conversation. The door was cracked and the light was off. "You already tried," Quinn said. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"I have to try harder. I need to spend more time with her so we can get to know one another. She said I don't know her." "How can she get to know you without finding out? And what do you think will happen when she does? Do you think she'll still want to stay? She'll be afraid of you!" "Then I have to show her she doesn't have to be afraid." She scoffed. "Yeah, right, because you've done such a good job of that already." I tiptoed toward the door and peeked out of the crack. The twins stood a few feet away from me. Riley leaned against one of counters, his arms crossed over his bare chest. His hair hung in his eyes and a thin sheen of sweat glistened on his tanned skin. Quinn stood in front of him wearing her nurse uniform and long hair pulled into a ponytail. Riley then turned and faced the wall. He put his hands on the counter and took a deep breath. "I have to tell her the truth," he said in a low voice. Quinn stepped toward him. "No! You know Dad's law." Before I could blink, he rounded on her. "f*ck Dad's law!" Quinn gaped at her brother in shock. He quickly entered her personal space and towered over her tiny frame. "You know what your problem is? You're jealous. You don't want me to have a mate because no one wants you." In the next second, an amber fire lit up Quinn's eyes and she growled like an animal. Her lips peeled back revealing sharp elongated teeth. She lashed out ferociously at her brother, and her fingernails tore the skin on his cheek. Riley's head whipped to the side from the impact and blood beaded instantly from his scratches. My eyes widened and I felt my heart jump into my throat. My whole body quaked in terror as I slammed the door shut. I fumbled with the lock before I barricaded myself inside their small bathroom. I heard Quinn gasp. Then I heard Riley say, "Brilliant Quinn! This time it's your fault!" Quinn's panicked voice was on the other side of the door. "Paige, it's okay. I can explain." I stepped back, my calves bumping against the tub. I trembled from head to toe. One of the twins knocked on the door and the doorknob jiggled as they tried to enter. My lips quivered and tears trickled down my cheeks. Suddenly, my eyes burned. I yelled in pain and squeezed them shut. Then I grabbed the hem of my shirt and wiped the mascara that had run into my eyes.

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I heard Riley's voice again, gentle but distressed. "Please open the door, Paige. We're not going to hurt you. We just want to talk to you. Let me explain and I'll tell you everything you want to know." "Stay away from me!" Quinn continued to plead with me. "Please, Paige. I'm sorry I scared you." My eyes stayed glued to the doorknob as the twins still tried to get in. The door shook from the force of them trying to pry it open. They were toying with me because I knew they could knock it down if they wanted. I felt trapped, and my head whipped around the bathroom. I had to get out of this trailer. Where could I go? For a moment, I thought about opening the door and fighting my way through Riley and Quinn until I reached the front door. I felt sunlight touching my arm and followed its path toward the window. That's when I found my escape. The window was small, but I didn't care. I would do everything in my power to squeeze myself through. Riley's voice got louder and more demanding. "Paige! Open the door now!" "No! Go away!" I lifted the window wide and almost ripped the screen off as I pulled it up. I stuck my head through first and felt relieved when my shoulders followed. The warm summer air caressed my face, dried the sweat from my forehead and the tears on my cheeks. The twins continued to try to persuade me to let them in, but I was already on my way out. I glanced back to see the door fall off its hinges as Riley barged into the bathroom. I felt him touch my foot just as I pushed myself through the window. I fell hard on the ground, and a sharp pain stabbed my side. I groaned, and my body twisted as I tried to get up. I heard Riley yell my name from the window. I got to my feet, turned toward the town, and ran top-speed like my life depended on it...which it did. In the distance, I heard Riley’s frantic voice. "sh*t! She's running away!" My body protested from the exertion. Pain shot through my back and legs, but I ignored it. I had no idea where I would go. I just knew I had to find other people. I heard Riley yell my name, and turned my head to see him running after me. A scream of horror came from my throat as if a wolf was chasing me. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

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I heard Riley gaining on me, his footsteps hard and swift against the ground. I tried to scream again, but my voice cut off when something hoisted me into the air. It grabbed me and knocked the wind out of my lungs. I looked down at the grass and it was a blur of green. My body bounced, and I realized I was upside down. Riley carried me over his shoulder while he ran. In less than a minute, he dropped me onto the sofa in their living room. I felt disoriented and dizzy. I blinked rapidly to get my vision in focus. The twins stood in front of me, Riley breathing hard and Quinn just watching me. Her eyes were back to their human color, but I saw distress behind them. The deep scratches on Riley's face had already healed, revealing his smooth skin. That was OT normal. I went on the defensive because I wasn't sure what these creatures were about to do to me. My lungs burned from running, but I still breathed rapidly and my chest heaved. The living room was nearly silent except for my harsh breathing. It sounded so loud in my ears. My body shook in fear and I pressed my back against the sofa as if I was trying to weld myself to it. Riley approached me, and my hands balled into fists as I attacked him. I made contact with his body at least twice, and he put his hands out defensively. "Paige, calm down! I'm not going to hurt you!" I know my eyes were round, wild, and crazy. "Don't you f*cking touch me!" His eyes mirrored his sister's, filled with concern and worry. He lowered his voice. "Paige, listen to me." He moved closer and I swung at him, which forced him to jump back. "I know you're afraid. I understand. But I need you to calm down." "Calm down? I know what I saw!" My gaze focused on Quinn. "Your sister is some kind of animal!" I shifted my frightened gaze back on Riley. "And so are you!" "I'll tell you everything you want to know." Quinn whipped her head toward him. "No! You can't!" "It's too late, you've forced me to! I don't have a choice now! She needs to know." He took a step toward me, his voice lowered. "If there's any chance of her staying here, she has to know." I pointed a stern finger at him. "Don't lie to me and don't play games with me! I'm not stupid!" He reached toward me and I punched his arm. "Don't touch me!" He sighed softly. "Paige, please."

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"Look, this is what's going to happen...you're going to get me a car and my purse so I can get the hell out of here!" Riley’s voice dropped above a whisper. "But I don't want you to leave. I care about you." To my surprise, his last sentence extinguished my fury. The tension in my body instantly relaxed and I slumped lazily into the cushion. I lowered my fists and my breathing evened out. I stared into his eyes and wondered why they were a glassy green. That's when I noticed the tears behind them. He proceeded with caution as he took a seat next to me. "Paige, just let me talk to you. I'll explain everything. Please, I'm begging you." The strength in his voice wavered and sadness etched into his face. "Love, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never." I let him come closer. He turned his body toward me and reached out slowly. I didn't pull away when he grasped my hands gently. "You wanted me to be honest with you, so I will." His gaze never left mine as he took a deep breath and said, "Everything is my fault. I'm the one who frightened you and made you want to leave Black River. I came into your cabin at night. At first, I was just curious about you because I hadn't seen you in so long. As I looked at you, I had the urge to lay with you, so I climbed on your bed. Then I realized I couldn't lie with you because if you woke up and saw me, you would be terrified. I'm the one who made you have your accident. I saw this huge bull elk in the woods and I had to hunt him. I couldn't resist because the instinct was too strong. I chased him and he ran across the road just as you were coming. I was in the room with you when you first woke up after your accident. I was watching over you and I fell asleep. I heard your scream and knew I frightened you, so I left the room. I'm the one who made your mum want to leave the cabin years ago. I heard her yell at you about the dead animals on your bed. I left them for you because I fancied you." My face scrunched up in confusion. It was only natural after hearing his strange and ridiculous confession. "What are you talking about?" Riley inched closer to me and stared into my eyes. His voice was low and serious. "I am the white wolf." I laughed loudly but it was void of humor. "You're the wolf? That's impossible." I shook my head. "Didn't I tell you not to play games with me?" My eyes narrowed and I pulled my hands out of his grasp. "Werewolves don't exist, only in fiction." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley had the nerve to smirk. "Most things in fiction have a bit of truth to them." Quinn sat on my other side. I guess she thought it was safe. "Riley isn't playing games with you." I lifted a skeptical brow and looked at her. "We really are wolves." I laughed again, but it was a nervous one. "If you're really wolves..." I turned and looked Riley dead in the eye. "Then prove it." He didn't hesitate to accept my challenge. He stood quickly and kicked off his black boots. Then he leaned down and removed his socks. His fingers moved quickly as he unsnapped his jeans. They fell to the carpet and he kicked them away wearing nothing else. His jaw was set hard and he didn't take his eyes off me. I sat perfectly still, but my heart threatened to burst through my rib cage. My entire face flushed with heat and my stomach felt tied in knots. The suspense of the moment was torturing me. Luckily, Riley didn't make me wait too long. "Don't scream," he said. Then he transformed his body into the white wolf I saw beside me a few nights ago. He was big enough to strike fear in a person and no one would mistake him for a dog. His transformation wasn't grotesque like in the movies. There were no strange blurry waves or mist and no odd sounds. An instantaneous flash was the only way I could describe how he did it. I looked over at Quinn still sitting on the sofa. Her inhuman yellow eyes blinked and watched me. She had shifted into a smaller tawny wolf while my attention was on Riley. Her transformation ripped her uniform, but some parts of it hung off her body. She looked comical, but I was too shocked to laugh. As I looked back and forth between them, I would've passed out, but this wasn't a movie. Werewolves only existed in movies, so the twins had some explaining to do.

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Riley was a beautiful wolf. It made sense considering he was a beautiful human. The sunlight streaming through the windows in the living room touched parts of his body and revealed his fur to be the color of ivory snow. A soft glow emanated from his amber eyes and they were almost hypnotic. In the light of day, they didn't glow as brightly as they did at night. Riley and I were both still, our gazes locked on each other. I had lost the capacity to speak because I couldn't believe what I had witnessed. Two humans had transformed into wolves, one right in front of me. How was this possible? He stepped forward, slowly and cautiously, and my muscles tensed. He took another step until he was close enough to touch. My breathing increased and I pressed my back against the sofa. I wouldn't dare touch him because I wasn't sure if he could control his animal form. He whimpered as he sat on his hind legs and put his head on my knee. There was a message behind his eyes that I didn’t understand. "He's not going to hurt you, Paige." I turned my head to see Quinn had transformed back into her human form. Her breasts were exposed, but she didn't seem embarrassed. It became obvious to me the twins were comfortable being naked around me. She looked down at her brother and then settled her blue eyes on me. "It's still Riley," she said quietly. "He's fully aware of what's going on. He knows it's you." Quinn must’ve noticed my hesitation. I'll admit her words made me feel more comfortable. I felt something wet on my hand and looked over at Riley. His eyes had turned into slits and his attention was on laving the top of my hand. His tongue felt like warm, wet sandpaper. It delved between my fingers and up to my wrist. His cold nose bumped against my knee a few times. A smile broke free on my face as I watched him. I was amused a dangerous wild animal showed me affection. Then I remembered...it was Riley, and he's been affectionate with me since I met him in the woods thirteen years ago. After he finished washing my hand, he looked up at me again. I started to recall his confession and the pieces of the white wolf puzzle had finally come together. I should've felt

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anger he invaded my home and stood on my bed while I slept, but all I could think about was I reunited with a friend. Riley was my friend when I knew him as a pup, and I considered him my friend now. My muscles relaxed and I reached out timidly. I heard Quinn's voice next to me, soft and encouraging. "Go ahead. Touch him. He wants you to." Riley's silent message was clear this time: 'Please touch me'. My fingertips brushed his cheek and I let my hand glide through his sleek, soft fur. He closed his eyes, and I moved my hand to rub behind his left ear. He leaned into my touch and let out a harsh breath through his nose, almost like a sigh. Another whimper emitted from his throat as my other hand stroked the fur on his neck and shoulder. The texture was different, extremely thick and soft like a shag rug. I was curious about his wolf body and wondered how much he'd let me touch. My fingers explored different parts of his head. I stroked under his chin, careful not to venture too close to his mouth. When I glided my hand over his back, he rubbed his head against my thigh and I felt his hot breath through my sweatpants. He seemed content now. The twins' revelation overwhelmed me. I had questions, but my mouth and brain wouldn't cooperate to form words. When Riley opened his eyes, there was another flash, and I stared up into his green human eyes. He grabbed his jeans off the floor and put them on. Then he knelt between my open legs, took my hands in his grasp and kissed them. "Thank you." A lovely smile graced his handsome face. "Paige, listen to me. Humans aren't supposed to know about us. Pack law is to never reveal our true nature or speak of what we really are, so you can't tell my father you know the truth." "She doesn't have to tell me." Riley's head whipped around at the same time I saw the sheriff come through the front door. Celia followed behind him, both of them wearing their police uniforms. Anger laced the sheriff’s words. "Her scream was all I needed to hear to know my children had done something stupid." He glared at Riley and growled. "Again." Sheriff Gray advanced on all three of us. Before I could blink, Riley got to his feet and flashed into a wolf. His jeans ripped like paper and fell off his huge body. He growled menacingly, and his father stopped short for a second before he continued forward. Quinn yelled, "No Riley!" She was on her feet too, her arm reaching toward her brother. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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At the same time, Celia shouted, "Don't challenge him, Riley!" Her hands flew out in front of her in a 'STOP' gesture. Riley was determined to keep his father at a distance because he charged and leapt on him. This time Quinn screamed. With my eyes wide, I gasped in fear as I watched the sheriff catch him in a bear hug and then grab him by the tuft on his neck. Riley snapped at his face, and the sheriff tossed him like a rag doll. He crashed into a shelf and it crumbled like a house of popsicle sticks. His massive body hit the wall behind the shelf and left a huge gaping hole. He fell to the floor in a boneless heap with various objects from the shelf falling on top of him. The sheriff turned toward him and advanced aggressively. He yelled, "You dare challenge me, boy?" To my surprise, Riley got to his feet quickly and faced his father once more. With his head low, his lips peeled back revealing sharp teeth. His ears flattened, and the hair on his back rose as he growled in warning. He moved swiftly to put himself in front of me. A vicious snarl ripped from his throat, spittle flying and landing on the carpet. His father stood less than five feet away and stared him down. I thought he would shift into a wolf too and they would fight in the living room. Celia seemed unable to move. Her hands covered her mouth, and her eyes darted back and forth between her husband and stepson. The sheriff's confident stance told me he didn't fear his son...but he didn't come any closer. Riley growled low in his throat. I couldn't see his face, but I could feel myself trembling. I didn't want him to fight his father over me. I should've intervened, but fear consumed me and rendered me motionless. "Relax, Riley, I'm not going to kill her." The sheriff looked down at the floor and sighed heavily. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. Then he looked at his son and yelled, "Why can't you follow my simple rules?" In that instance, Riley shifted into a human. He stood naked in front of me and my eyes had the privilege of feasting on his muscular backside. The sheriff raised his arm and yelled again. "I say don't reveal yourself to humans, and what do you do? Fall asleep right next to one!" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"It was Quinn this time! She revealed herself to Paige! That's what scared her and made her start running!" Quinn walked over to them. She looked so small standing next to Riley and her father. "It was an accident! Riley was being a wanker and he pissed me off!" He shot back in defense, "I fell asleep by accident too, and I didn't know she was going to wake up." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose at her. "You need to control your anger, sis." His last comment set Quinn's eyes ablaze once again...and proved his point. She growled, "I need to control my anger? What about you?" Then she pointed to the broken shelf. "You're the one who got thrown into the bloody shelf! You challenged Dad. Are you mental?" He stepped closer and towered over his twin. "I was protecting Paige! I thought he was going to kill her!" He scoffed before he said, "You were so kind to remind me earlier about Dad's f*cking law!" This family's carefree attitude about nudity truly fascinated me and I wondered if Riley realized he wasn't wearing any clothing. Quinn was determined to place the blame for breaking pack laws squarely on her brother. “How could you fall asleep by accident? Your clothes weren’t on the floor next to your bed, so that means you deliberately took them off so you could sleep. You consciously risked revealing your wolf form to Paige!” Riley’s face twisted in anger. “Okay fine, I went to sleep but I still didn’t know she was going to wake up! I thought she was in a coma! She slept for an entire day! How was I supposed to know when she’d wake up?” My eyes widened even more. I was asleep for an entire day? The sheriff finally ended their bickering when he bellowed, "ENOUGH!" and extended his arms outwards. He closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. Then he set his angry gaze back on Riley. "I say don't hunt without the pack, and what do you do? Go after a bull elk on your own!" He stepped toward him until he invaded his personal space. "I say never tell humans of our true nature, and what do you do?" Riley dropped his head and his shoulders slumped. "I had to," he mumbled. His father yelled in his face, "No you didn't! You should've let her leave!"

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Riley whipped his head up. "No!" He turned around slowly and looked at me. "I can't let her leave," he said softly. He walked toward me. The sadness in his face had reached his eyes and he looked miserable. "Not again." His voice broke at the end. Sheriff Gray entered my line of vision when he stood next to Riley. He looked down at me, tired and worn. "Paige, you have to understand my dilemma. I swore to protect my pack and they put their trust in me to ensure our secret is safe." He moved to sit next to me. "When I told you about the tracks in your bedroom, I had hoped to frighten you. I wanted you to leave the mountain. I know my son wants you as a mate, but you're human." "So what!" Riley's interjection was like a sword slicing through Aidan's words. I looked up at him and he was glaring at his father. "Do you think it would reflect badly on you?" He cast his gaze toward the ceiling and spoke sarcastically. "Ohhhh, our leader's daughter-in-law is a human." Then he looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Who cares what they think?" Watching Riley and his father was reminiscent of my mother and me when we're at each other's throats. The only difference being we never argued in the nude. The sheriff stood and stepped close to his son. "I told you that you couldn't have her, didn't I?" He lowered his voice when he said, "Listen to me...if I'm not challenged, I'll name you Alpha Male when I'm too old to lead. If Paige is your mate, she'll be Alpha Female. The pack won't accept that and it will cause problems." Riley's eyes narrowed. "Then I'll leave the pack," his voice seething. I jumped in surprise when the sheriff grabbed him by the shoulders. "I'll kill you myself if you try to leave! The pack is your life! How many times have I told you?" With a growl, Riley pushed his father's hands off him. Their angry gazes locked, neither of them willing to back down. The sheriff lowered his voice again. "Now that she knows the truth, I have to decide what to do with her. Do you understand the position you've put me in? Do you think I want to make this kind of decision?" Riley turned his attention on me. "If Paige agreed to stay, and you let her join the pack, it would make this a lot easier." My eyes widened in shock. At the same time, the sheriff turned his attention on me too. Father and son stood there, waiting for me to respond. Quinn stood next to her father and watched me silently. Celia moved to the other side of her. The family had me surrounded, and I Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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immediately broke out into a sweat. I had four pairs of werewolf eyes on me and the pressure was too much to handle. I gulped nervously. Riley sat next to me, his eyes pleading. "Will you stay?" He asked quietly. I didn't understand his desperation for me to stay with him until now. He scooted closer and caressed my cheek. I resisted submitting to his gentle affection by forcing myself to remember I had a life in New York and an amazing job waiting for me. I couldn't let myself get caught up in all this wolf pack drama. I looked at the sheriff and my voice quivered. "What if I don't?" He hesitated for a split second before he replied flatly, "Then I have to kill you. That is our law. Humans cannot know of our true nature. I can't risk the safety of the pack." I couldn’t help but think his answer sounded scripted. Riley didn't argue this time. He frowned, and his eyes turned glassy again. I tore my gaze away from his and tried to bargain with his father. "What if I promise not to tell?" He laughed gruffly. "And your word means what to me? What have you done to prove to me you can be trusted with our secret?" I looked at my lap because I didn't have an answer for him. I guess I was doomed to die in Black River by the jaws of a wolf. His voice had a calmer tone when he said, "Paige, try to look at the situation from my perspective. You're asking me to betray the trust of my pack and let you go." My eyes met his and I saw the seriousness behind them. He had no sympathy for me. He was all business. He turned to his wife and they shared a look before he walked away. "I think I need a nap." He stopped short and looked at the twins and me. "I'm exhausted from the three of you." Quinn sat on my other side and asked quietly, "Dad, what are you going to do about Paige?" I swallowed hard as I waited for his answer. He set his gaze directly on me and I felt a chill run down my spine. I wondered if he was going to do a surprise attack and kill me on the spot, too fast for Riley to intercept. "I haven't decided yet." I released a breath because the sheriff spared my life. "I need to sleep on it." He pointed a stern finger at us. "Do not disturb me or there will be consequences."

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With my eyes wide in fear, I nodded immediately. The sheriff wouldn't hear another scream out of me. Celia looked after him until we all heard a door close. Then she approached me and spoke quietly. "You could have a nice life here with Riley. You two could live in your cabin and raise your own family away from the big city and any danger. It's peaceful here. Aidan and I are the only ones needed to keep order among the pack, and rarely is it a problem." She gave Riley a pointed look. Then she looked at me, her smile warm and friendly. "Just think about it. You and Riley should spend time together. You need to get to know each other again. It's been a long time." She walked out of the living room and I heard her voice from the kitchen. "I'm going to start supper." I thought I could solve this problem myself by skipping town while the sheriff slept, so I asked Riley, "Did you bring my purse here when you pulled me from the wreck?" His mouth dropped. "Why, are you thinking about leaving?" Were they telepaths or was I just too obvious? Quinn interrupted sarcastically, "What do you think?" Riley looked past me and glared at her. "Shut it!" I remembered their father's warning and shushed him. He stood in all his naked glory and looked down at me. "I want to talk to you alone, but let me get dressed since I ripped my jeans." Quinn laughed lightly. "What else is new?" I looked at her, and her eyes twinkled in amusem*nt. "Riley goes through more clothes than anyone in the pack." She covered her mouth to stifle more giggles. Riley grinned at her, and I felt relieved their animosity had cooled. As he walked toward their bedroom, Quinn stood and her clothes dragged on the floor. "I need to change my clothes too." I heard Celia's voice again. "After you're dressed, come and help me in here. You can start on these tomatoes." Quinn lifted a few shreds of her uniform, her torn bra and panties, and pulled them off until she was completely naked. Then she balled the clothing up and carried them in her arms. Once she reached the open door to their bedroom, Riley squeezed past her wearing nothing but the army green carpenter pants I saw him wear in Bobby's store. He didn't spare a glance at his sister. He kept his gaze trained on me. I guess the twins were used to seeing each other nude.

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Riley walked into the living room and picked his black boots off the floor. Then he sat next to me and laced them halfway. He turned to me and spoke quietly, "Do you want to go for a walk?" I nodded with a grin. When I stood, my back ached and my legs felt stiff. I tried not to show my discomfort, especially when my bones cracked again. The running I did earlier really did a number on my body. Riley didn't seem to notice, and he smiled as he took my hand and led me out the front door. He guided me toward the back of the trailer and we walked side-by-side through the grass clearing. He pointed ahead of us toward the forest. "You can get to your cabin through there. It's only a few miles up the mountain." He smiled. "That's the way I go." Suddenly, his expression darkened and his smile faded. "I'm sorry I came into your home. I hope you're not angry with me. I didn't mean any harm. I was just curious about you. You see, I picked up your scent in Bobby's store. That's how I knew you were the same girl I met when I was a pup." I raised a questioning eyebrow. "My scent?" "Yeah, you smell the same." "So that's why you were staring at me." I laughed and wore a thoughtful expression. "You recognized me." Riley laughed too. "Well, yes...and no. I meant it when I said you were pretty." Within seconds, my cheeks flushed. This British werewolf had the ability to make me blush so easily. "You're not angry with me, are you? I know I frightened you." His brows knit in worry. "I'm past being angry. I just want to know how you're able to turn into a wolf. Where did you all come from and how long have werewolves existed in the world?" "We don't consider ourselves werewolves anymore. We're wolves that can appear human. We're not half-man, half-wolf, or humans that can transform into wolves. If you analyzed our blood, you'd see wolf DNA. There's less than one percent difference between our DNA and a normal wolf's." My eyes widened. "You're actually wolves?" His lips curved into a smirk. "Super wolves, remember?" "Oh, that's right. You can leap into a second-story window." Riley chuckled. "Is that why you are all so big?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Our size is from centuries of inbreeding," he said quietly. "What else can you do? Can you read minds?" "No, we're not telepathic, not even among the pack. We're faster and stronger than normal wolves, but have superior hearing and smell like them. Our eyesight is keener in the dark and we heal quickly." The last attribute caused me to remember Quinn's profession. "If you heal quickly, then why do you need a town doctor? Why is Quinn a nurse? Who does she have to care for?" "Older wolves don't heal as quickly as younger ones. The older we get, the longer it takes to heal. Quinn, the doctor, and the other nurse tend to older wolves in the pack. They develop ailments that need treatment. Sometimes, young males will face off and challenge each other to practice our fighting skills. If we get hurt badly, we might see the doctor to help us heal." I happened to look up and notice the sky had turned orange and purple as evening crept in during our walk. We approached the forest border, but I wasn't afraid to enter as long as I had Riley with me. He said I fascinated him, but he enchanted me. He was a special wolf I've only seen in Hollywood movies and read in fiction books. I was probably one of the few humans who knew his kind existed. I felt honored and couldn't stop asking questions. "So, tell me...how did your kind come to exist? What's your history?" Riley was eager to explain because I detected enthusiasm in his voice. Maybe he felt relieved he didn't have to hide what he was. "During the thirteenth century in Scandinavia, a lone wolf later known as Erik Ulfr, fell in love with a young human woman named Anya. One day, a hunter's trap injured him. As he lay for days suffering from his wounds and close to starvation, Anya found him while gathering firewood in the forest. She freed him and took him home with her to nurse him back to health. After spending months together, they formed a bond and she named him Erik. When her father returned from a sea voyage, she sent Erik away in fear her father would kill him. Back in the forest, Máni, the Norse god of the moon, noticed his spirit was in misery. Erik told him he was in love with Anya and wished to be with her, but he couldn't because he was a wolf and she was human. Máni promised to help him, so he spoke to Freyja, the goddess of love, about Erik's wish. She agreed to help, and they blessed Erik with the ability to shape-shift into a human. A day later, Anya bid farewell to her father as he set off on a hunting trip. She went inside her home, but heard a noise by the door. Thinking her father had forgotten something, she walked back outside, only to see a naked young man standing there. She was Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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frightened and confused by his identity. When she asked his name, the man revealed his wolf eyes and spoke the name 'Erik'. He had returned to her in his human form and claimed her as his mate. They eventually had ten children, and he and his descendants were forever known as Varulv." My eyes turned into round saucers. Erik and Anya's romance sounded like it came from a storybook. "Norse gods, huh? Wow!" I shook my head in amazement as I tried to make sense of Riley's bizarre ancestry. If I hadn't already seen him and his sister as wolves, I would've pegged that story as bullsh*t, but at this point, anything was possible. Who was I to say it wasn't the truth? "So that's what you're called...Varulv?" I played with the word on my tongue a few times to make it sound the way Riley pronounced it. He smiled and nodded once I got it right on the fourth try. "How many of you exist now?" "My father told me we number in the millions. We're everywhere, on almost every continent. Some of us live as wolves, but most of us choose to live as humans. This is a human world and we realize if we want to survive, we must adapt and hide our true nature. Most of us live in small communities because it's easier that way." "Why is it easier?" "There's less chance of exposing our true nature if we stick together. For instance, I've never been able to go to school with humans. Pups really have no self-control. Eventually they'd reveal themselves unintentionally and expose our kind. There's a small school here and pups of all ages attend. Back in England, we lived in a close-knit Varulv community too. There was a school for pups that I attended for two years before my mother was murdered." I wasn't sure if I should pry into Riley's personal life, but I was curious about his mother. I hoped he would feel comfortable opening up to me. I spoke tenderly. "What was your mother’s name? How did she die? You said she was murdered, but what happened?" As expected, he didn't respond right away. The only sounds were our feet crunching against the grass and the birds chirping in the trees. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." Finally, he spoke in a quiet tone. "Her name was Helena, and she was shot by hunters. I was eight years old at the time. We were in wolf form in the woods by our home, and she was Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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teaching Quinn and me how to catch small animals. My father was at his human job as a security guard. When the hunters shot her, she died instantly and couldn't transform back into a human. Quinn and I ran home and rang our father at work. When he got home, he was furious. He ran into the woods to see if he could pick up the hunters' scents. Unfortunately, when he did, they were already gone and took my mother as their prize. My father wouldn't let her die in vain, so he tracked the hunters and killed them one by one. A witness saw him after he changed back into a human. They saw the dead body and figured my father was responsible since there were reports about the other missing hunters. The witness alerted the police, and they almost caught my father one night while he was coming home from work. He realized we had to get out of town, so he took Quinn and me and we fled. We were on the run for over a year before we came to Black River." We stopped walking and I put my hand on his arm. His skin was warm and smooth to the touch with soft fine hairs. I looked into his sad eyes and tried to convey as much empathy as I could. "I'm so sorry, Riley. I wish that had never happened to you. I saw pictures of your mom in your room. She was beautiful and she looked so happy. I wish I could've met her." I smiled and glided my hand up his arm. I wanted to touch more of him, so I traveled up to his shoulder and over his pectoral. The muscles were lean and firm and I felt them flex beneath my hand. My thumb strayed and brushed a sensitive nipple. It pebbled instantly and Riley inhaled quickly and held my hand against his skin. Our eyes locked---sapphire and emerald---and in that moment, we connected with one another. The death of a parent was something he and I shared, and I wanted him to know I could relate to him. Riley let me know he understood, and slowly pulled my hand away so he could entwine our fingers. He held my hand and we walked in silence until we arrived at the forest's edge. He reached out with his free hand and pulled down a low tree branch. "Do you want to walk further?" He let the branch snap back but came away with a large green leaf. His lips spread into a grin as he stepped toward me and brushed my cheek with it. His voice was low and his words flowed silkily. "I'd really like to show you something."

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Suddenly, my breath hitched and I gulped nervously. A feeling of déjà vu washed over me as I looked back at the trailer in the distance. "We shouldn't miss dinner, should we?" He sighed. "I really don't want to be around my father right now." Bitterness laced his words. "He always gets on my arse about not following the rules, but he doesn't like taking orders from anyone either. He was the Alpha Male in our town in North Yorkshire, but when we got to Black River, he didn't like following our old pack leader Xavier's rules. He wanted to allow humans into the pack for more diversity. My father disagreed and said humans would dilute our gene pool...some bollocks like that. I think he said that because he wants us to remain in secret. Anyway, he figured in order to do things his way, he had to be pack leader, so he challenged Xavier and won. That's how he became the sheriff. Celia was Xavier's mate, and she didn't want to give up her rank as Alpha Female, so she seduced my father. He claimed her as his mate because an Alpha Male without a mate is a sign of weakness." Riley's lip curled and he expressed his last words with disgust. I had no idea he held any resentment toward his stepmother. In the next second, his entire mood changed. He moved closer, and surprised me by threading his fingers through my hair. My scalp tingled with pleasure and I closed some of the distance between us. "Please Paige. It won’t get dark for a few hours. Don't worry, we'll go home later and I'll heat our supper." Natural charm radiated from Riley, and once again, I submitted to his request. "Sure, we can keep going." "It's a ways to go, so do you want me to carry you?" Before I could reply, he reached toward me, but I put my hands out to stop him. "No! I'm fully capable of walking." He smiled and took my hand again as he led me into the forest. I didn't know where he was taking me, but was anxious to find out. The forest was dense, and the light of dusk barely peeked through the treetops. Trees and misty fog surrounded us. We had only walked a few yards, but when I looked back, the grass clearing was nowhere in sight. It was as if the woods had swallowed us. The terrain covered with sticks, leaves, and dirt varied from flat land to small hills. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I wondered if he was taking me to the river as he did when he was a pup. That single memory resurfaced when I asked, "What were you thinking when you first saw me in the forest when we were kids?" He chuckled low in his throat. "I was thinking, 'I wonder if she's friendly'." "Really?" "Yeah, I was curious about you. I didn't recognize your scent, so I knew you weren't a member of the pack. But still, you seemed nice and I wanted to know you." "Remember when I offered you my juice box?" Recalling the memory caused me to burst out laughing. Riley quickly joined in and his laugh echoed in the forest. Some of the birds squawked and flew out of the trees. We obviously interrupted the peaceful ambiance of their woodland home. "I sure do! You were so sweet. I liked the way you cuddled with me and let me lick you. You talked to me for at least an hour. I really enjoyed playing with you." All of a sudden, he stopped walking and turned to me. His eyes stared into mine and my face flushed. I gave him a nervous smile and quickly averted my eyes because I couldn't hold Riley's intense gaze. With my hand still in his grasp, he stepped closer to me. His voice was low, but it garnered my attention. "That's why I led you to the river. Some of the pack still gathered there after a hunt and I wanted to introduce you to my father. When he appeared, I told him about how nice you were." My eyebrows shot upwards. "So that's why the other wolves didn't attack me?" "Yes, but you remember...your parents came and we had to disperse. We couldn't let them see us because Xavier would've been pissed off. He was the sheriff back then, and he and Bobby helped them look for you. I wanted to see you again, so I visited your cabin that night and left you the rabbit." A smile lit up his face as he chuckled. "My mother had a fit!" I laughed. "I'm sure she did. Then I came back the next day." I peered at him curiously. "You were the naked boy?" "Yes. I was in my wolf form when I went to your cabin, but wanted to introduce myself when I saw you outside." I pouted. "But you didn't introduce yourself." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"I know...I'm sorry. I felt overwhelmed by seeing you again. You have no idea how hard I fought the urge to pounce on you and lick your face." We both shared a laugh. "I wanted to tell you I was the pup you met the day before, but I knew I couldn't. When I was finally going to speak to you, I heard your mum coming. I didn't want her to see me, so I ran away." His eyes turned serious. "I grabbed your hand because I wanted to take you home with me." "You left the squirrel on my bed, didn't you?" He chuckled again. "Yes, I did. That's what pups do when they fancy someone." We continued our walk, but fatigue bore down on me and I had the urge to turn back. Riley didn't break his stride, nor was he out of breath. I wished I had his stamina. I staggered from exhaustion, and panted, "How much further, Riley?" He stopped and approached me, concern in his eyes. "It’s just a little further. Do you want me to carry you?" I looked at the ground and wondered how much further I could go without collapsing. I hadn’t fully healed and my body protested against the long walk. Riley spoke quietly. "Paige, forget about your pride and let me carry you. I'll get us there quickly." He put his warm hands on my arms in a gentle touch. "Just count to ten and I promise we'll be there." My eyes widened in disbelief, but as I looked at him, I started to trust him. I nodded, and he lifted me into his arms. "Start counting." My arms encircled his neck as he took off with great speed. Wind swept through my hair and trees passed by in a blur. When I got to 'three', I squeezed my eyes shut because I thought he'd run into a tree. His reflexes were superior to mine because he zigzagged effortlessly through the forest. I counted to ten aloud, but heard water rushing in the distance. Riley kept running and the sound was getting closer and louder. True to his promise, when I spoke the number 'ten', he put me on my feet. I opened my eyes and they fell upon a magnificent waterfall.

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The diminishing rays of evening's sunlight beamed on the granite rocks and the crystalclear water. The waterfall had to be at least fifty feet and cascaded over a tall cliff. White froth bubbled and swirled in a spindrift as water crashed against the river. The river remained true to its name, but the light reflected on the surface made the dark rippling waves shimmer as if hidden diamonds lay beneath. Nature's breathtaking creation put me in a state of awe. I took a few steps toward the muddy riverbank and squinted as I looked through the waterfall. I could see a deep alcove surrounded by rock partially covered with moss. This place had almost rendered me speechless, but my voice escaped in a whisper. "Wow, I never knew how beautiful this place was." I heard Riley’s low voice beside me. Neither of us wanted to disrupt the tranquility. "There's a lot more you haven't seen. If you stayed with me, I could show it all to you." His arm snaked around my waist and I looked up at him. His lips spread into a grin, his eyes calm, green, and lovely. I was in the company of a wolf once again, but this time I wasn’t afraid. Silence crept between us. The only sounds were rushing water and chirping birds. I averted my gaze toward the ground and sighed. "Riley, I have to go home." I looked at him again and his grin had twisted into a frown. He released me and I turned to face him. "I work for a fashion magazine in New York City called Elle. It's very popular, and my boss just promoted me to Creative Designer. I've always wanted that job, so it's a big opportunity for me. I get to oversee photo shoots and projects, and provide input for every issue we release." I sighed heavily as I thought about the promising career I had before my father's death put a roadblock in my future. "I have a great career and I don't want to give it up. I graduated from college last year and I'm trying to build a life for myself. I hope you can understand. That's why I have to convince your father to let me go." Riley's expression remained unchanged. Rejection was evident behind his eyes and I didn't know what to say to comfort him. I couldn't stay with him. "Paige, I want you to know something. Two days after we met as children, I told my father I wanted to claim you as a mate. He said eleven years old was too young, but I had made my decision and told him I was going to ask you. Normally, a Varulv father would be ecstatic his

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son chose a mate so early in life, but he yelled at me and told me I couldn't have you because you were human. His words upset me and I told him I didn't care. I asked if Xavier would make you a member of the pack. He said your parents would never let you stay in Black River if they knew wolves lived close by. Then he reminded me you couldn't know about our true nature. I started to cry because I didn't want to accept what he saying. I ran out of the house and went to your cabin. I planned to disobey him and ask you to come home with me. When I arrived in the woods near your cabin, I saw you lot with your suitcases. I watched you get in the car and drive away. I knew you were leaving for good and howled for hours after you left." A lump caught in my throat at Riley’s confession. "I heard a wolf's howl on the day we left, but I had no idea it was you." I stepped closer and placed my hands on his arms. "I'm sorry, Riley. I didn't want to leave, but my mother insisted." "I know. I heard her yell at you about the dead animals on your bed." He cast his gaze toward the ground. "It's my fault. I'm the reason you left." I lifted his chin to make him look at me. "It wasn't your fault," I said sternly. "Don't blame yourself. My mother didn't like it here and she complained it was too remote for her." He co*cked his head. "What about you? Is it too remote for you?" "I'll admit I'm a city girl and wouldn't know how to survive out here." I broke the connection with our eyes. "Riley, I think you're an amazing guy. You're funny, considerate, and kind, but we're too different. You're a wolf and---" "What's wrong with being different?" He asked softly. I looked up at his dejected face. "I don't care that you're human. If you stay here, you wouldn't be alone. You'd just have to adapt to this environment. My kind has done it for years. Varulv mate for life. If you let me claim you, I'd never abandon you or be unfaithful. It's not in my nature. I'm not immortal, so I'll grow old with you." Riley walked away and took a few steps toward the river. With his back facing me, he stood looking at the waterfall. It was a beautiful scene: his tall, shirtless body with his blond hair tousled and gently blowing in the wind. He took another step, and surprised me by kicking off his boots. Then he leaned down and rolled up his pant legs. He jogged over to a cluster of large rocks, his footing quick and poised, and sat with his bare feet dangling in the water. I yelled out, "Is it safe to do that?"

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He looked at me and laughed lightly. "Yeah, it’s safe. Do you think there are piranhas or crocodiles in the river?" He continued to chuckle and a toothy smile broke free on my face. "Don't worry, there isn't anything deadly in these waters, just harmless fish, frogs, and Northern Water Snakes. They won't hurt you." He beckoned to me. "Come over here and join me. The water is nice and cool." He kicked his feet, making splashes in the water. I was hesitant to join him, but the water intrigued me. I decided to trust him, so I walked over to the rocks. They were flat, smooth, and slick. My steps were wobbly because I tried to avoid getting a foot stuck in the cracks or slipping on the moss. Once I stood next to him, he looked up at me with a wide smile. I removed my sneakers, peeled off my socks, and rolled up my sweatpants. Riley was right, the water was pleasantly cool and refreshing. He kicked his feet again, this time making a bigger splash. I tried to one-up him, but my smaller feet were no match for his large ones. We laughed together, but the rushing water overpowered the harmonious sound. I stole a glance at him while he looked at the river. He leaned back casually on his elbows, and I couldn't help but to admire his six-pack abs and toned chest. Little brown moles spotted his torso and I imagined playing connect-the-dots with my tongue. His skin enticed me, and I wanted to run my hands all over it. A lustful feeling washed over me and I swallowed thickly, averting my gaze. Riley chuckled low in his throat and I knew he caught me staring. His hand touched my lower back and I looked at him over my shoulder. A grin spread across his lips as he tugged the shirt hem. "This is my shirt, isn't it?" My eyes widened and I whipped my head around. In less than two seconds, my face flushed with heat. "Um, yes," I mumbled. "Sorry. I borrowed it because most of Quinn's clothes looked too small for me." "No worries, I don't mind," he soothed. "You can borrow whatever you want. What's mine is yours, love." I turned my head slightly to peek at him, grateful his focus was still on the shirt. I recalled the words he spoke earlier, and expressed my thoughts aloud. "Let's say hypothetically I did stay here with you. How would we be together when I'm human and you're a wolf?"

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"If you're referring to us being biologically compatible, Máni and Freyja blessed us so we can procreate with humans." His foot brushed against mine under the water. It came back a second time and then a third. He sat up and scooted closer to me until our thighs were touching. I looked over at him and almost fell into his seafoam pools. I had to regain control before I did something I would regret...like lean over and kiss those bee-stung lips. I was lost in Riley’s eyes and struggled to find my voice. "You said you wanted to claim me." My face scrunched in confusion. "Do you mean like property?" He grinned, and looked at his lap as he scratched his head. "I know it's archaic, but yes, I would announce to my father I intend to claim you as a mate. Then we'd make love and I'd mark you." He made it sound so simple, but I knew there had to be more to it. "Mark me? How?" "It's a special bite." My eyes went round and I put up a hand to stop him. "Whoa! Okay, I kind of understand the whole male possessive thing, but I'm not feeling the biting." Riley chuckled. "Biting hurts!" He laughed louder. "If you bite me, will I turn into a Varulv? Can you turn humans?" He shook his head. "No, the only way to make a Varulv..." He leaned over and whispered in my ear, his breath warm and teasing. "Is to make a baby Varulv." I gasped and pulled away, only to see him give me a charming wink. "It's not a normal bite. When we're making love, a sexual hormone becomes concentrated in my saliva. There's a gland on the roof of my mouth..." He paused and tilted his head back. Then he opened his mouth and tried to talk as he pointed to the gland. "It's...right...there." I leaned closer to peer into his mouth, but all I saw was his long finger. When he closed his mouth, he continued. "So when I bite you, the hormone enters your blood stream and intensifies your---" My hand flew up again. "Okay, I get it." I chuckled and shook my head. "So, you've marked someone before?" His voice lowered. "No, I've never had a mate, but I've been taught how to mark and what happens." I wasn't expecting us to have this type of conversation so soon, but there we were, sitting on the riverbank discussing Varulv sex. He didn't seem embarrassed to talk about it, and I was getting more curious. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Have you ever made love to a human?" I asked timidly. My ears felt hot and I looked at him through shy eyes. I hoped I wasn't overstepping the boundary of personal information. He answered quietly. "No." His revelation came as a surprise, but I was still curious. "What about a wolf?" I don't know why I asked. I knew there was no possible way this extremely attractive man was a virgin. He hesitated this time. Seconds ticked by before he replied, "Pack law says we can only make love after we claim a mate and the leader recognizes our union." His indirect answer caught me off-guard and I couldn't keep the sarcasm from my words. "You're not one to follow the rules, so I'll take that as a 'yes'." I looked away and lifted my feet out of the water. With my legs bent, I pressed my knees against my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I thought the conversation was over, but Riley was determined to have my attention. His fingers grasped my chin to turn my head toward him. "That's probably the only law I haven't broken." Our gazes locked and he almost stole my breath again. "Why? I know abstinence can't be easy for you." His voice dropped above a whisper. "Not anymore." I noticed his green irises had flecks of amber in them, the same color as his wolf eyes. That's when I realized our heads had moved closer. Riley's warm breath caressed my face, and smelled of hickory and clove. "I'm not interested in any she-wolves in the pack." His hand crept up my back and under my hair until it reached the nape of my neck. A chill of pleasure ran through me and I exhaled softly. My knees relaxed and my legs extended in front of me. Riley lifted his feet out of the water as he turned his body toward me. His wet feet entangled with mine and I draped one of my legs over his. Our bodies magnetized, they had to feel one another. He leaned even closer; his earthy scent invaded my nostrils and engulfed my senses. Riley’s words were as soft and light as a feather. "Since I was a pup, I wanted you as my mate, Paige Donovan."

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His hand massaged the back of my head, my long dark hair spilling through his fingers as he combed through it. When he touched his lips to mine, I closed my eyes and leaned into him to add pressure. A quiet moan escaped my throat as I relished the feeling of his soft lips. In the next second, he unsealed our lips and whispered against my mouth, "I love you." I gasped with my eyes wide. Riley's confession was too powerful. I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me retreat. He gathered me in his strong arms and pressed me against his chest. He showed me his feelings were sincere by capturing my mouth in a heated kiss. His seductive spell ensnared me and my arms wrapped around his torso. We unleashed a passionate fervor as our lips slanted over each other repeatedly. Our mouths mutually opened and his tongue darted out first to taste me. I touched his with mine until they began a slow twirling dance around one another. I took the opportunity to thread my fingers through his hair and tangle the golden strands in my fists. The texture was thick and soft, just as I imagined. He moaned into my mouth and we ended the kiss to come up for air. The last rays of the sun allowed me to see his amber irises. "Your eyes," I said breathlessly. "Yes," his lips found mine again. "You're doing this to me. You make me want to shift into a wolf." Our kiss intensified and I gave as much as I received. Lust had taken over and neither of us wanted to stop. "I want to lick you..." Riley consumed me and I was lost in his kiss. His large hands rubbed my back while he held me in a close embrace. "And rub myself all over you until you're covered in my scent." I submitted to him when he laid me on the rocks, his hand cradling the back of my head. His tongue delved deeper inside my mouth and I moaned in pleasure. My hands caressed his back and over his broad shoulders, down to his muscular arms. His skin felt wonderful and I wished I could feel it pressed against my naked flesh. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he deepened the kiss. I savored the flavor of his mouth and held his tongue prisoner between my lips. I sucked on it and grabbed his hair, pushing it away from his face and brow. I broke the kiss once more to look at him, and noticed his ears were perfect for latching onto. I smiled and rubbed the rims playfully with my fingers. He chuckled before he swooped down to feast on my mouth. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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His lips traveled south and he nibbled across my jaw line. I felt his sharp canines gently graze my skin. I wanted to play with him too, and his ears were my object of choice. With the sensitive skin between my teeth, I nibbled and licked the shell of his ear. Riley moaned loudly in pleasure, his masculine body moving quickly on top of me. His weight pressed me against the rocks, but they weren't the only hard thing I felt. He ground his hips into me, moaning again, and I felt his stiff co*ck rub against my belly. I opened my legs and he nestled between them perfectly. I bucked against him and cried out, my eyes looking up at the treetops and darkening sky. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and bit down, but not hard enough to draw blood. Another growl followed and I moaned in unison. His hips undulated against me and my body answered until we were dry humping, our centers writhing and grinding intimately. His co*ck was so hard and his rhythm so forceful, I knew it wouldn't be long before something climactic and messy happened. I pulled away again, my hands pressed against his chest. I knew we had to go back to the trailer. More importantly, I needed to cool things down before we went too far. A golden fire blazed behind Riley’s eyes. We looked at each other, both aroused and breathing fast. "We should stop. It's getting dark and I think we should go back to your house." His glowing eyes mesmerized me. They looked so alien on his human face, yet so beautiful. He bent down to lick my lips, slowly and leisurely, akin to a wolf. I giggled, and darted my tongue out to meet his. "We should really stop." "I know," he responded huskily. "But this feels so good." I smiled against his mouth. "Yes, I know, but I'm hungry now." He growled and nibbled my ear lobe. "Mmmm...me too." I laughed. "No, I'm serious. You said you'd heat up our dinner, remember?" He smiled, flashing his wolf teeth. "Yes, I remember." Then he removed himself from on top of me. I put my sneakers and socks back on, and we walked off the rocks onto the grass. "I can't believe it's nearly dark." "Don't worry, I know the way back. I can see well in the dark." Riley’s eyes no longer glowed, and I looked into his familiar green orbs. "Lucky you." I smiled playfully with a hand on my hip. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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All of a sudden, he unsnapped his pants and they fell to the ground. He kicked them away carelessly. "I'll come back for these later." A broad grin appeared on his face while he stood in front of me naked. Did this guy ever wear underwear? My gaze settled on his co*ck for a hot second, now flaccid but still impressive in size. He looked down at himself and then back at me. He licked his lips before they twisted into a sly smirk. "Does it make you uncomfortable to see me naked?" His question caught me off-guard and I had diarrhea of the mouth. "No! I like it!" sh*t. I looked at the ground and tried to save face. "I mean...no, it doesn't make me uncomfortable. I'm used to it now." I peeked at him from beneath my lashes, and he was holding in a laugh. Well, I'm glad YOU'RE amused. "Not that I mind, but why'd you take off your clothes?" "I'll give you a ride back." I gaped at him because I didn't think he could shock me any further after he stripped naked in the woods. "A ride?" "Yeah," he nodded. "Do you feel like walking all the way back?" I shrugged. "Not really." "Good, then I'm going to shift and you can ride on my back." My eyes went wide with fear and I yelled, "What? I can't! I'm too heavy!" He shook his head and gave a short laugh. "No you're not. I carried you in my arms, remember?" I didn't like this idea one bit. "What if I fall off?" He stepped closer and flashed a charming smile. "Just grab the fur on my back and hold on tight, darling." I looked into his eyes and said quietly, "Riley, I don't want to hurt you." He cupped my face in his large hands. "You won't hurt me, love," he said tenderly. His thumbs brushed against my cheeks. I closed my eyes and relished his affection. A sharp bark interrupted my reverie. I opened my eyes to see he shifted into a wolf. He turned his body but stood close, and I had to assume he was waiting for me to get on. Oh God. I lifted one leg hesitantly as I attempted to straddle him. It was like trying to ride a pony. He looked back at me and I could read the message in his eyes: 'Sit down.' I climbed onto his back and grabbed his fur. I prayed I wasn't hurting him and wouldn't break his spine with my ass. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He didn't make a sound, but I said, "Now don't run too fast. I don't want to fall---" I didn't get to finish my sentence, because he took off running. He didn't run as fast as he did when he carried me, but ran fast enough to make me grip more of his fur and hold on for dear life. My body bounced so I squeezed my thighs tighter against his body and leaned down until I was looking over his head. Riley bounded easily down hills and between closely nestled trees. Wind rushed past my face and swept my hair, the feeling was exhilarating. I lifted myself up slightly and looked around. My surroundings went by quickly, and I couldn't deny the thrill of the experience. Riding in the darkness on a beautiful white wolf, my voice boomed and my laughter echoed throughout the forest. "WOOHOO!" We burst from the woods into the grass clearing, and I saw a row of trailers in the distance. Once we reached the back of his family's trailer, he skirted around it and stopped at the front door. Adrenaline still flowed through me as I jumped off his back. He flashed into his human form, his chest heaving as he took deep breaths. A wide smile appeared on his face, illuminated by the outside light next to the door. I couldn't contain my excitement or catch my breath. "That...was...awesome!" We shared a laugh. I looked at him with affection in my gaze. "Thank you, Riley." He caressed my cheek. "It was my pleasure." Then he turned and opened the front door. "After you." I guess they don't lock their doors around here. When I walked into the living room, the first thing I noticed was the missing shelf. In its place was a large cardboard box and I had to assume it contained the contents of the broken shelf. Riley, on the other hand, noticed his sister sitting on the sofa reading a book. He laughed lightly. "Were you waiting up for us?" Her eyes peeked at us over the top of the book before she let it cover her face again. "No," she replied, her voice muffled. Riley laughed again, but it wasn't humorous. Then he turned toward his bedroom and walked away. "Yeah right." I stood looking at Quinn and she glanced at me from above the book again. She moved it down so I could see her face, but her expression was unreadable. I wondered if she was upset with me for some reason. She didn't speak, and she moved the book to cover her face again. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley reappeared in the living room wearing black jeans that looked like he ripped them off at the knees to make shorts. He was shirtless again and his feet were dirty, but this time I brought them to his attention. "You should wash your feet. I'm sure Celia doesn't want you tracking dirt on the carpet." I heard Quinn scoff from behind her book. Riley surprised me too when he shrugged. "I don't care." He co*cked his head. "Do you want to eat supper now?" I smiled and nodded, and then followed him into the kitchen. He opened the stove and pulled out a casserole dish. I stood next to him while he took the cover off. The aroma of tomato sauce, garlic and herbs hit my nose along with the steam that wafted from the food. Riley sniffed. "Mmmm...spaghetti bolognese." He looked over at me with a wide grin. I leaned over and sniffed it too. "That smells really good." He nudged me with his elbow and smiled. "Go sit down." My lips twitched in amusem*nt, but I obeyed his command. He moved to the sink and I was thankful he washed his hands first. When he went back to the stove, he made two plates and then walked to the table. He set my plate in front of me with a fork, and took the chair opposite me. "Well, tuck in." He twisted a heaping pile of spaghetti on his fork and practically inhaled it. Curiosity filled me as I watched this wolf eating spaghetti. "Do you eat raw meat?" He slurped a few noodles in his mouth and chewed. After he swallowed, he said, "Yes, I do when I'm in my wolf form." "What about when you're human?" He replied slowly, "No..." Then he looked at his plate. When he set his gaze back on me, he twirled the fork expertly in his nimble fingers. "I eat spaghetti bolognese," he finished with a smirk. I was powerless not to laugh at his wit. "Does it bother your stomach if you eat raw meat and then shift back into a human?" He inhaled another forkful of spaghetti and spoke with his mouth full. "No, our stomachs are built for it."

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My mouth dropped in amazement. "How did the gods make this happen? How is it possible for you to shift back and forth between wolf and human?" He smirked again. "You'd have to ask them." I lifted an eyebrow. "You wouldn't happen to have their email addresses, would you?" The smirk fell from his face, but when he gave me a blank look, I thought my sarcasm was lost on him. "Uhh...that was a joke." There was awkward silence as he continued to look at me. I broke the silence by drumming my fingers against the table. "Emails are messages sent on the computer." He looked at his plate again, his voice quiet. "I know." His gaze met mine, but he didn't lift his head. "Just because we don't have a computer, doesn't mean I don't know what they are." I thought I insulted him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to---" "No worries," he waved his hand dismissively. "You don't have to apologize." For the next few minutes, we ate in silence. It didn't last long because I couldn't stop asking questions. "How do you change into a wolf? Do you just..." I squeezed my eyes shut, balled up my fists, and made a sound like I was constipated. Riley laughed loudly and I hoped the sheriff wasn't still asleep. When I opened my eyes, I smiled. "Do you just think about it really hard and it happens?" He put his elbows on the table and leaned toward me, amusem*nt clearly written on his face. "Actually, it's like moving my arm." He extended and flexed his right arm. "I want to move it, and I do. It's the same with shifting. I want to be a wolf, and I turn into one." "Does it ever happen when you don't want it to?" "An adrenaline rush or a racing pulse trigger the wolf. That's why my eyes change color and my teeth sharpen. Intense emotions can make me lose control and shift completely, especially if I'm really angry or upset." His voice lowered when he said, "Like when I was a pup and you left the mountain." My gaze softened, and a moment passed where we just looked at each other. "Does the full moon affect you?" "The moon causes a strong urge to shift, but it doesn't force me to shift against my will. If Varulv don't take wolf form during a full moon, we just become anxious and restless." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley and I continued to eat, but I remembered something important. I hoped I wouldn't sour his mood, but I had to ask. "Could I get a ride back to my cabin? My clothes are there and I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight." Riley paused as he lifted a forkful of spaghetti to his mouth. We stared at each other before he set his fork down. Then he averted his gaze to his plate and sighed softly. "Yeah, I'll take you." "In a car this time?" He looked at me and I gave him a friendly smile. He returned the gesture. "Sure." There was another momentary pause. "Can I stay in your cabin with you?" My fork fell out of my hand, flipped as I tried to catch it, and landed on the floor. Riley's eyes had me spellbound as he waited patiently for me to answer. I wanted to bend down and pick up the fork, but I couldn't look away...and I couldn't deny him. I nodded slowly and the word came out of my mouth freely and easily. "Yes." His face lit up instantly with a brilliant smile. As he dined on the rest of his spaghetti bolognese, I pondered the idea of having him in the cabin with me---alone---and wondered if I was making a mistake.

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After we had our fill of spaghetti bolognese, we put our plates in the sink. "I just have to pack a few things," Riley said excitedly. I followed him to his bedroom and he went directly to the closet and pulled out a black duffle bag. I was amazed he seemed so eager to leave his family's trailer. He immediately started pulling articles of clothing off the hangers and stuffing them in the bag. I stood by silently and watched, but saw Quinn enter the room from the corner of my eye. She looked sad, her brows crinkled with worry. "You're leaving?" She asked quietly. Her gaze followed her brother as he moved from the closet to the dresser. He glanced at her briefly, but his focus was on gathering his belongings. "Yeah, I'm staying with Paige at her cabin." He pulled out the dresser drawers and stuffed more clothes into the bag. Then he took deodorant and a bottle of shaving cream off the dresser. I looked at Quinn and she was biting her nails. "I heard you chatting in the kitchen." She sat on one of the beds, but continued to watch him. "It's going to be weird not having you here." Riley slammed the dresser drawers shut. He moved quickly, almost as if he was in a hurry. I didn't tell him I was in a hurry to leave and I wondered why he was in a rush. Quinn chuckled before she said, "I'm so used to hearing you whimper at night, and waking up to see you running in your sleep." Riley walked toward the desk. His hand reached out, almost hesitantly, before he started plucking some of the photographs off the wall. He looked at Quinn again, his face serious. "I want this one." It was a picture of the twins with their mother. "Do you mind if I take it with me?" For a moment, she looked at the picture with Riley's hand hovering next to it. Then she dropped her gaze to her lap and spoke softly. "Sure, go ahead." She fidgeted with the blanket on the bed and I knew she was upset. I wanted to comfort her, even though I thought it was strange she acted as if Riley was moving far away. He was just going to my cabin a few miles away. Then I thought about how long they've been together and experienced. It was obvious they had a close relationship. Sometimes they argued and yelled at each other, but what brother and sister didn't? I couldn't

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forget how much she's done for me when I was injured and helpless. I didn't want to leave her on such somber terms. I took a seat next to her and spoke soothingly. "Quinn, you can come to my cabin anytime you want. It's actually nice to have another girl to talk to." She lifted her head and grinned, but I saw unshed tears behind her eyes. I put my arm around her shoulder and held her close. Her head rested in the crook of my neck and her hair smelled of citrus. Riley's bag was full when he dropped it on the other bed. He turned to me and said, "I just have to get my toothbrush and then we can leave." His eyes darted to his sister. "I'm taking Dad's truck. When he wakes up, tell him I needed to borrow it and I'll bring it back tomorrow." He looked back at me. "We're going to need our own vehicle. I think I could buy one from Ivan for a cheap price." "Who's Ivan?" I asked. "The pack goes to him when we need to buy a vehicle. He gets them from different car dealers in the area since we don't have one here. He also sells and trades used cars." Riley smirked when he added, "We do a lot of business with other towns. Black River's revenue doesn't just come from within the community." I returned a smirk of my own and spoke sarcastically. "Well, thanks for that bit of Black River trivia." The three of us shared a laugh and I felt relieved I could leave their trailer on a humorous note. It wasn't until we were driving to my cabin in the sheriff's police SUV, when I realized the significance of Riley's statement about buying our own vehicle. He was under the impression we would stay together indefinitely. His spirits were high and he was chatty during our trip. I smiled, but the happiness didn't reach my eyes. I hated to dampen his mood with conversation about me leaving town. He had constructed a bubble of hope, and inside it, I would agree to join his wolf pack. I actually considered joining, especially when we were making out on the riverbank. It felt good to know he desired and appreciated me, but I had to pull myself out of this romantic fantasy and come back to reality. I had to remember my important obligations in New York. I planned to negotiate my freedom with his father, but now wasn't the time to discuss it with Riley. I didn't like to see him upset, and it broke my heart whenever he set his pleading tearCopyright © 2011 April Bostic


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filled gaze on me. I decided tomorrow would be a more appropriate time to discuss our future. I had told my mother I'd return home next week, so if I didn't show up at the airport in New York soon, I feared she'd have a real conniption. When Riley stopped the SUV in front of my cabin, a strange feeling came over me. I felt like I hadn't been there in years. I knew it had only been a few days since my accident, but it seemed longer. That's when I realized I had lost track of time during my stay in Colorado. I didn't know the time of day, but if my calculations were correct, it was Friday night and the last day of July. I got out of the SUV and saw Riley grab his bag from the backseat. "It's July 31st, isn't it?" He closed the back driver's side door and looked at me. "Yeah, why?" I turned around and faced the cabin. "I was just wondering." My vacation home appeared the same way I left it. The weeds still needed pulling in the flowerbeds by the front steps. The porch was still clean after I had swept it, and the broom was still propped next to the front door. On the wooden post at the top of the steps, a hanging dead plant swung back and forth in the evening breeze. Riley stood next to me, his voice low. "Is everything all right?" "Yes, I'm fine," I lied with a forced smile. He gave me a sidelong glance and I wondered if he believed me. It was dark outside and I could barely see his expression. "Are you sure you're fine with me staying with you? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He cast his gaze toward the ground. His voice lowered to a murmur and he sounded upset. "If you want me to leave, just tell me and I'll go." I knew he didn't want to leave. I put my hand on his arm and he lifted his head to look at me. Although my sight was limited in the dark, his frown was clearly visible. "No, you can stay. I don't mind." I gulped nervously. I couldn't help but to think what may happen between us tonight. My thoughts were leaning toward something sexual. I couldn't deny we were attracted to each other and we had no qualms acting on it. I just didn't want to cross that invisible romantic line because then things could turn complicated. Our relationship was already difficult for me because Riley had confessed his love for me, but I was unsure about my feelings for him. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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As soon as I stepped inside the cabin, my single desire was to take a relaxing shower and settle in for bed. Since I had a guest, I had to get him squared away first. I headed toward the stairwell and glanced over my shoulder at Riley. He walked around the living room with an expression of amazement on his face. I wondered if he would hear me when I said, "I'm going to set you up in my parents' old room." He peeked inside the fireplace. ope, he didn't hear a word I said. When I reached my parents' old room, I removed the plastic on the mattress. Then I went into the closet to get clean sheets, a quilt, and two pillows. Riley was taller than I was, so I knew he wouldn't be comfortable sleeping on my short twin-size bed, and there was no way in hell we were sharing the queen-size bed in my parents’ room. I could just imagine what would happen if we laid within close proximity, both of our loins on fire for each other. While I made the bed, my legs bumped against the nightstand. I turned toward it and saw the drawer had slid partially open. When I reached down to close it, something yellow inside caught my attention. I opened the drawer to find a large yellow envelope that looked resealed. I sat on the bed and unsealed it, and the first thing I pulled out was a photocopy. It was a newspaper ad for the cabin. The caption at the top stood out from the rest of the wording: Ideal for a small family. The price was unbelievably cheap. No wonder my father jumped at the chance to purchase it. At the bottom of the ad was a contact name: Xavier Black, and a phone number. I placed the photocopy on the bed and reached into the envelope again. I pulled out a handful of colored photographs and shuffled through them. There had to be at least fifteen or twenty, taken from all angles of the cabin, the exterior and interior. I found a smaller white envelope that contained a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, and my eyes widened with intrigue. A hand-written letter dated June 8, 1998 was addressed to my father. Dear David, I'm overjoyed you agreed to purchase my cabin in Black River, Colorado nestled in the wondrous Rocky Mountains. Upon your arrival, you will find the cabin fully furnished with all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay. I hope your daughter Paige enjoys the woodland fairy theme in her bedroom. You have to give the credit to my wife Celia for her expertise in feminine interior design. I hope you and your family enjoys the cabin, and has a long and memorable vacation. I'm looking forward to meeting with Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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you to discuss the job opportunity I mentioned over the phone. I strongly believe Black River could benefit from a man with your business savvy, extensive financial experience, and tenacious work ethic. If all goes well, I hope you will consider relocating your family to Colorado permanently. I'm sure we can come to an amicable agreement, and meet your salary and benefits requirements. I'll be in touch. Regards, Xavier Black Suddenly, my breathing quickened and I could feel my heart pounding. I remembered Riley told me Xavier wanted humans in the pack for diversity. Was the cabin his way of luring us here? The words in his letter proved his intentions. I swallowed hard. He wanted my father to relocate us to Colorado permanently, so he wanted us to stay here. What job did he offer him? My father never spoke to me about a job opportunity in Black River. I wished he were alive so I could ask him. I stuffed the letter and photos back into the envelope. Then I put it back in the drawer and slammed it shut. Just at that moment, Riley walked in with his duffle bag. He scratched his head and wore a sheepish grin. "Um, where should I put my stuff?" I couldn't believe this gorgeous man stood shirtless in my cabin. He looked delicious enough to push down on the bed so I could have my way with him. Blinking rapidly, I shook my head to rid the naughty thoughts. Then I cleared my throat and approached him. "You can put your clothes in here," I said, moving toward the closet. I opened the double doors that revealed an empty space with nothing but a clothes rack and a few hangers. "There aren't many hangers, so you can put the rest of your clothes in the dresser." When I turned around, I gasped because he stood next to me. Immediately, my hand flew to my chest to steady my heartbeat. I never heard him move. Riley gave me a wicked grin and licked his lips to torture me. Why must he be so tempting? He chuckled quietly. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to frighten you." He dropped his bag on the floor, but his gaze never left mine. “I'll unpack tomorrow.” He stepped closer and a predatory look swirled behind his green eyes. He closed more of the distance between us as his gaze pierced through me. I swallowed against the lump in my throat and my heart pounded in my chest. The urge to wrap my arms around him and attack his Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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sensual mouth was almost too much to bear. He invaded my personal space and I wanted to retreat, but he had trapped me as his prey. I had to think fast, so I squeezed past his tall form and walked away. "I made the bed for you." He approached me from behind. His arms went around my waist, holding me against his chest, and he dipped his head next to mine. "I'd rather sleep in your room," he whispered huskily into my ear. My face flushed with heat and I tried hard to take control of my breathing. He placed a tender kiss on my cheek and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. When he took my earlobe into his mouth, a quiet moan escaped me. I started to succumb to his affection but refused to submit. "Well, okay, you can have my bed and I'll sleep in here." "No, I want to sleep in the room with you." I swallowed hard again. "Um, I don't think we should share a bed." He released his hold and moved in front of me. The side of his mouth lifted into a smirk. "You don't trust me?" I shook my head. "No, I don't trust myself." He laughed. "Then I'll sleep on the floor, no worries." Low-voiced, he added, "As long as I'm next to you." We looked at each other, but I broke the connection first by walking away. "I'll be right back." I went to my bedroom and pulled the blanket off the bed. It was still dirty with his paw prints, but I figured, 'Hey, he made them.' Then I grabbed the sheet and pillow, and walked swiftly back to the other bedroom. I laid the blanket on the floor next to the bed, dirty side down, and handed him the pillow. "I feel bad you're sleeping on the floor when there's another bed here." I laid the sheet on top of the blanket. "I don't mind." He hugged the pillow. Head co*cked, he asked, "What's the real reason you don't want to share a bed with me?" I sighed and stepped closer to him. I looked into his eyes and hoped he would understand my reasons. "Remember what we did on the rocks?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He grinned. "Yes." "Well, I don't think that should happen again." The grin melted off his face. "If we share a bed, we may do more than that." He dropped the pillow on the floor, but kept his gaze on me. "So?" I paused before I released another sigh. God, he was making this SO hard. "I think we should be friends." He took a step toward me and I could hear desperation in his voice. "But I love you." "Riley, I just got out of a relationship. Remember I told you my ex-boyfriend cheated on me?" He grasped my hands. "Remember I told you I would never do that?" Then he released one hand so he could smooth the hair away from my forehead. I leaned toward him, yearning for his touch. "Do you have feelings for me?" "I'm starting to," I admitted breathlessly. His head moved closer to mine, and once again, I pulled away. With my gaze toward the floor, I heard him say, "You're making this more complicated than it has to be." I looked up at him with wide eyes. "It is complicated! I can't be with you! Long-distance relationships never work, and I can't stay here with you." Frustration crossed his features and his voice had a sharp edge to it. "You can, you just won't. There's a difference." Uncomfortable silence crept into the bedroom. I didn't want to argue with him, so I had to leave the room. "I'm going to take a shower and change into my bed clothes. I feel gross and smell disgusting." "You don't smell disgusting." His comment caused me to halt my steps. I glanced at him before I continued toward the bathroom. I'll admit his words made me feel warm inside. He was a wolf and his sense of smell was keener than mine was. After I took a much-needed shower to remove the day's dirt and sweat off my body, I changed into a clean pair of panties and sleeveless nightgown. I blow-dried my hair until it was partially wet and walked back to the bedroom. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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When I returned, Riley was sitting on the bed. I smiled to let him know I wasn't upset with him, and felt relieved when he returned the gesture. Just as I climbed on the other side of the bed, he stood and unsnapped his handmade shorts. I had to pull my eyes away from his bare ass before I was caught staring at another intimate part of his body...again. He moved away from my bed and knelt on his makeshift bed on the floor. I suddenly had the urge to invite him into my bed. I opened my mouth to say the words, but the logical part of my brain overrode my fluttery heart's desire and sealed my lips shut. Riley turned around, still kneeling, and leaned over the side of the bed. He grinned, his arms resting on the mattress. I smiled again and scooted closer to him. When he inched toward me, a playful look in his eyes, I knew what he wanted. Our lips came together and I didn't want the kiss to end. With my eyes closed, I felt him pull away first and speak quietly. "Goodnight." I opened my eyes and saw he had disappeared over the side of the bed. "Goodnight." I moved to the edge and looked down to see him lying on his side, on top of the blanket and sheet with his head resting on the pillow. My gaze roamed up and down his masculine naked body. His thick golden hair lay against the pillow, some of the locks still wild and curled on the ends. With one of his arms bent, the sinewy muscles bulged in his bicep. His co*ck lay against his thigh, surrounded by the dark blond of his groin. He looked so tempting in that position. His green eyes looked up at me and I knew he wanted an invitation to join me on the bed. I've never had such a hard time resisting the opposite sex in my life. If I gave into him, we would surely have sex and I could get pregnant because I wasn't on birth control. I had always made Travis use condoms. I was almost positive I didn't see Riley put condoms in his duffle bag. I managed to give him a strangled smile as I leaned over and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. The moonlight shone through the windows, so we weren't in complete darkness. "You can't sleep on the floor every night because I don't know how long I'll be here. I have to talk to your father again and get him to trust me." "I guess I still have to make it worth your while, aye? I'm not giving up on you because I have too much to lose if I do." I moved away from the edge of the bed and stared at shadows on the ceiling. "Riley?" "Yes?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Why do you love me?" "Because you have a good heart. You're sweet, strong, intelligent, and you make me laugh." He chuckled. "You're fierce...like when you were punching me." This time I laughed. Suddenly, he paused. Then I heard his quiet voice say, "And you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen since my mother." My eyes widened and my breath caught. He was quiet again, but only for a moment. "Does that answer your question?" Riley surprised me by how easily he expressed his feelings. I envied him because it was so difficult for me. "I'm sorry I hit you. I was just scared." "I know. You don't have to apologize. I understand." He did understand me, and it was another thing I liked about him. My heart fluttered again and my brain tried to suppress the feeling it caused. They battled with each other to control my feelings for Riley. My heart had to be winning because I wondered if I should take a different path in life, one that took me on a trip with him. "Does everyone in the pack think like your father? Do they share his belief that humans shouldn't know about your kind?" "The pack is split. Younger wolves like me want to have humans in the pack, but older wolves want to keep things the way they are. If I'm ever Alpha Male, I'm going to let humans join." He paused for a moment. "Quinn is still wary of humans, but she likes you." "She was acting weird toward me earlier. I think she's upset with me, but I don't know why." "She's jealous," he said matter-of-factly. "At first she was cool with you being here. Then she saw how well we were getting on, and now she's jealous because she doesn’t have any suitors." That was an unexpected eye-opener. "Why isn't anyone interested in her? She's very pretty. Where I come from, guys would be vying for her attention." "She's too dominant, and males don't like that. Most males like their females to be submissive and Quinn has a hard time conforming to that role." I hoped Riley didn't think I conformed to that role either. "Do you think I'm submissive?" When he didn't answer fast enough, I started to worry. "Well, do you?" "I'm not saying anything," he laughed. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"No, I want to know." He hesitated again, but then said, "I think sometimes you're submissive and sometimes you're dominant." I had to assume he was playing it safe. "I'm surprised you don't hate us. After what happened to your mother, I would've thought you hated humans." "Paige, you're proof not all humans are bad, so it wouldn't make sense to hate all of you." This time I knew Riley wasn't just telling me what he thought I wanted to hear. He spoke sincerely and my heart thanked him for it. So far, my heart was winning the battle tonight, but I was strong-minded and wondered if it would win the war over my brain. Thoughts of me staying in Black River returned, and I wondered about humans and wolves living together peacefully in a community. Then I started thinking about Xavier's letter and his plan to convince my family to join his pack. I wondered about what he and my father spoke. I was more curious to know why my father left me the cabin. He could've sold it, but he chose to pass it along to me. He had to have a reason, but I couldn't ask him. Riley seemed to be part of Xavier's plan because he wanted me to join the pack when we were children. "Bobby told me my father was here about a month ago." "Yes, I remember." "Did you ever talk to him?" "No." I didn’t expect that answer because I thought he would've asked about me. "Why not?" He didn't respond right away, but then he replied quietly, "Because I was afraid." My eyebrows shot upwards. "Why?" "I knew if I spoke to him, I'd ask about you and I didn't want him to be suspicious of me. I don't think he knew we met as children." Riley said he wasn't telepathic, so I had to assume we just thought alike. "I was just wondering why he left me the cabin." "I don't know." Silence briefly returned to the bedroom, but then I heard Riley’s soft voice in the semi-darkness. "But I'm glad he did." Once again, I opened my mouth to extend an invitation for him to join me in bed. My brain won the battle and my mouth said something else. "I'm sleepy. Goodnight Riley." "Goodnight Paige. Sweet dreams." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I awoke Saturday morning feeling a lot better than yesterday. My body didn't ache and I was able to stretch. I couldn't extend my legs too far because my foot bumped against something. I looked down and saw Riley's wolf form sleeping at the foot of the bed. He lay curled on his side with his head nestled into the quilt. I guess he was determined to sleep in the bed with me after all. I smiled and crawled closer to him. I already knew how thick and soft his fur was, so I reached out to explore it again while he slept unaware. My hands glided through the fur on his side, and I let some of it twist around my fingers. It was softer and whiter on his belly. I scooted closer so I could rub his shoulders. He moaned deeply in his sleep, but his eyes remained closed. I chuckled quietly as my hands traveled to his neck, ears, and the top of his head. I whispered his name, but he didn't stir. I ran my hands over his back, my fingers pressing through his thick fur to massage his skin. When my hands moved down to the base of his tail, a long moan rumbled in his throat, and I felt the vibrations on the bed. I looked at his face, but his eyes never opened. I knew he felt my touch and I smiled knowingly. Gripping the base of his tail, I rubbed the length of it slowly but firmly in my fist. The texture of the fur was rough and bushy. This time he made a strange sound like a huff and groan. I felt the muscle flex, and suddenly, his tail stood erect. I released it with a gasp and quickly looked at his face again. This time his glowing amber eyes shot open. He blinked once before he turned his head to look at me. I scooted back against the quilt and stared with wide eyes. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed because it was difficult to read a wolf’s expression. His gaze never left mine as he stood on all fours. Looking up at him from a sitting position, he towered over me. He stalked forward, the mattress dipping from his weight, and I froze on the spot. His head lowered until he was at my eye-level. I swallowed thickly and my voice squeaked. "Riley?" He just looked at me. He moved his head closer to mine and I felt the breath from his nose on my face. To my surprise, he rested his head on my shoulder. Then he rubbed his head against mine. As a human, Riley smelled like fresh clean soil, but as a wolf, he had a deep musky scent with a sharp hint of spice. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I didn't think twice about wrapping my arms around his neck. I stroked his back and buried my face in his fur to return the affection. The moment was reminiscent of the time I snuggled him as a pup. I didn't expect him to flash into his human form while he was in my arms. I gasped loudly when I noticed the drastic change in his girth and the texture of his bare skin. His scent also changed. He embraced me tightly. "Good morning, love," he said, his voice raspy from sleep. I was still trying to recover from the shock of feeling him shift. "Um, g-good mmorning." He released me and smiled. Then he moved to sprawl lazily on the bed and propped his head on one arm. "Did I scare you?" I laughed nervously, and my shaky hand tucked some hair behind my ear. "Yeah, a little." His eyes turned serious when he said, "I would never hurt you, Paige. You don't have to be afraid of me. When I'm a wolf, you could put your hand in my mouth and I wouldn't bite you." My eyes went round. He sighed softly. "I think I should explain something. When Varulv fall asleep, we can't keep our human form. It takes a conscious mind and energy to retain human form for an extended period. If we don't shift back to our wolf forms at some point, we use too much energy and exhaust our bodies." I was thankful for that information, but at a loss for words because Riley had morning wood. It was too much for me to handle, so I had to remove myself from temptation's path. I scurried off the bed, but he followed me. By the time I was standing, he was right next to me. He held me close, and his body teased me because I felt his manhood pressed against my belly. Even through my nightgown, the warm enticing heat of his rock-hard length made me aware it was ready for action. I looked away in embarrassment, but Riley gently grasped my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. "I thought you were used to seeing me naked?" I swallowed hard. "I am." He smirked, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Then why are you blushing?" Damn it. Busted again. I unraveled his arms from around my body and made a hasty exit. It was too early to talk about sex. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"I'm going to the bathroom to change." While I got dressed and tamed my hair, I remembered I had to deal with something of grave importance: leaving Black River. When I returned to the bedroom, Riley was dressed in blue jeans and a gray t-shirt with a faded sports team logo on the front. On his feet were black Chuck Taylors. His hair was the opposite of mine, untamed and wild like his true nature. "Do you want to go to the diner for breakfast?" He asked. I smiled. I had always wanted to go there. "Sure." Then I thought about my priorities. "But first, I need to find my purse." "My father has it locked in his office. He should be there now, so I'll take you." I was grateful he didn't catch on to my intentions this time. Before we left the bedroom, he pulled his toothbrush out of his duffle bag and dashed from the room. I had to assume he was going to brush his teeth. He returned shortly after, and we walked downstairs and out the front door. He drove us back into town and we stopped in front of the sheriff's station. Celia was sitting at her desk on the computer. She looked over at us, a friendly smile on her face. "Good morning. What are you two doing here?" While I stood at the front desk, Riley walked around it and approached her. "Where's my dad? Paige needs her purse,” he said, ignoring her pleasantry. Celia didn't need to tell him because once again, his father walked out of a back room. Riley turned his head toward him. "Do you have Paige's purse? She needs it." "Yes," the sheriff said slowly. He lifted his muscular arm and dangled my brown leather purse in his hand. Then he walked past Riley and approached me. When he handed my purse to me, I smiled. "Thank you." I quickly opened it to make sure my wallet and plane ticket were still in there. The accident damaged my purse, but none of the contents had spilled out. I sighed in relief. I lifted my head to begin the dreaded conversation with Sheriff Gray about departing Black River, but Riley announced, "Dad, I want to claim Paige as my mate." With a gasp, my eyes widened. He looked at me with a smile, his voice low. "I love her." The sheriff yelled, "What did I tell you the last time you said that?" Uh-oh, here we go again. "She's not a pack member so you can't claim her." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I didn't think Riley could surprise me any further, but he did...by not saying anything. He walked toward me and put his hands on my upper arms. His eyes pleaded with me, and I realized he was waiting for me to respond. He was asking too much because I couldn't say what he wanted to hear. Riley’s father approached us and spoke to me quietly, his face dead serious. "Do you want to stay and be a member of the pack?" My mouth dropped because this same man said he had to kill me because I knew his town's secret. Now he was asking me if I wanted to join his wolf pack. I tore my gaze away from him and looked at Riley. He wouldn't turn down the intensity in his eyes and I was afraid to give the sheriff my answer. I cautiously put my arms around this lovely Brit and braced myself for his reaction. "Riley, please understand. I can't stay with you. I have to go home." His voice cracked. "Paige---" I turned to his father again. I couldn't let Riley break me. Determination was strong in my voice and I spoke quickly. "Will you let me leave knowing your secret? Do you trust me? I'll swear an oath in front of the entire pack if you want me to. I'll even do a blood oath if that's what it takes." The sheriff's Adam's apple moved in his throat. He set his jaw hard and stared into my eyes. Riley breathed erratically, but didn't say a word. The sheriff sighed heavily and broke the connection with our gazes. Then he gave his son a long look. Riley remained silent, but his eyes pleaded with his father to say 'no'. When the sheriff turned his attention back on me, I expected rejection. "Yes, you can leave." I could've sworn I heard Riley's heart break. "Father!" The sheriff completely ignored him. "No one will know you know our secret except me and my family." Riley grabbed my arms, pure anguish in his face. "Please Paige," he begged in a strangled voice.

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I had to be strong and reject the most wonderful guy I've ever met. "I can't live with wolves. I don't belong here. I'm sorry." His lips trembled as he shook his head. When I saw tears, I looked away before the first one leaked from his eyes. "Sheriff, can I get a ride to the airport?" Riley's grip tightened. "You do belong here...with me. I'll do anything if you stay." He crushed me against his chest in a tight embrace. "Please don't leave. I finally have you and don't want to let you go again." Suddenly, a thought entered my mind and I kicked myself for not mentioning it sooner. "Come to New York with me." He exhaled harshly, his lips quivering. A pained expression appeared on his face, similar to the one I saw on him as a boy. He looked over at his father and spoke through clenched teeth, his voice dripping with resentment. "I can't leave my pack." Then he set his tear-filled gaze on me that pulled at my heartstrings. "Please Paige." He sobbed once, and then released me. Suddenly, his body started to shake. In a state of panic, I yelled, "Riley what's wrong?" Tears streamed down his cheeks. I jumped in surprise when an agonizing howl came from his mouth. He shook more violently as if he was seizing. I grabbed him, and before I could blink, he flashed into a wolf and his clothes tore and fell off his body. He lifted his head toward the ceiling and let out a long, heart-wrenching howl. The sound pierced through to my soul and I felt his misery. The sheriff swore under his breath. "Bloody hell." I stared at Riley in shock as the revelation hit me: he was so upset he couldn't hold his human form. I knelt in front of him and wrapped my arms around his neck. That's when my voice finally broke. "Riley, please stop howling...or crying...or whatever." He flashed into a human and I held his naked body in my arms. I pulled away to look at him. With watery eyes and flushed face, he managed to speak actual words between hiccups. "Paige...please. Give me...a chance...to love you." He pressed his lips to mine, and I felt the sincerity of his heart through the kiss. I wiped the tears from his cheeks. "What would I do if I stayed here? I need a job."

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He took a deep breath to compose himself. Then he cupped my face and looked into my eyes. "I'll help you find one, even if it's not in Black River. I'll drive you to your job every day. I promise." He paused and begged me once more. "Please stay with me." In that moment, as I looked into his eyes, my heart won the war. Riley had made staying here worth my while. How could I run away with love staring me in the face? I thought about the future and didn't want to be one of those women who looked back at their life and regretted the man they let slip away. I had to seize the moment now or else it may never cross my path again. My life was no longer in New York…it was here in Black River. I nodded, and before I could tell him my decision, Riley's face lit up with joy. "Yes, I'll stay with you." He gathered me into his arms and I wouldn't have been surprised if he never let me go. The sheriff couldn't mask the relief in his voice. "Fine, I'll induct you into the pack during the next full moon, but for now, I'll send out an announcement there will be a new member." He turned on his heel, but stopped short. "Oh, and Riley...go to Bobby's store and get some new clothes. Tell him to come see me about payment." He walked away, but I heard him mutter, "Why can't that damn boy stop shifting in his clothes?"

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Riley put his arm around my shoulder as we left the sheriff's station. His demeanor reflected his jubilant mood, and I knew he was thrilled I finally decided to stay with him permanently. "Your father said I'd be inducted during the next full moon. Why does it have to be a full moon?" Enthusiasm rang clear in Riley’s voice. "Because when the moon is full, Máni visits Earth to bear witness to any new pack members so he can watch over them. He thinks of us as his children." He grinned. "Wolf or not." I felt him nuzzle the top of my head as we crossed the road. He sniffed my hair and made a sound of contentment. People walking around town stared at us, and I felt embarrassed because Riley wasn't wearing any clothing. He didn't seem to care. Maybe the townspeople were used to seeing each other naked or maybe they stared because Riley had a human on his arm. Regardless, I walked with my head down and let him lead us to Bobby's store. "Will I see Máni?" I asked curiously. "I don't know. I've never seen him and neither has my father." "How can he be in more than one place at the same time? I'm sure new pack members join at the same time all over the world." "We believe Máni is a spirit. If he's not, he's still a Norse god and can do whatever he wants." We entered the store and I saw Bobby kneeling while he stocked a shelf. He looked at us and chuckled. "Here for some new clothes, Riley?" Riley grinned. "Yeah, and some shoes too. You got anymore black Chuck Taylors?" Bobby nodded. "Sure, I think I have one pair left in your size." Riley beamed, and I followed him toward the clothing and shoes section. He browsed through a rack of men's pants and grabbed a pair of blue jeans. "I'm taking you out tonight," he said as he put them on. My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't know there was any place to go out in Black River. "Out where?"

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After he snapped and zipped the jeans, he stood in front of me and lowered his voice. "It's a surprise," he said smoothly. I laughed. "Another surprise?" He dropped a soft kiss on my forehead. "Paige, while you're with me, there will be lots of surprises. I have so much to show you." At that moment, I felt giddy because I looked forward to more surprises from my new boyfriend. Riley chose a simple white tee and black Chuck Taylors to replace the outfit he ripped when he shifted into a wolf. I insisted on paying Bobby for his clothes and I secretly hoped my generosity would reach the sheriff's ears. I wanted to do anything I could to put myself in his good graces because I knew he really didn't want me to be a member of his pack. Riley kept to his promise and took me to the Moonlight Special diner for breakfast. The decor reminded me of an old-fashioned road stop diner. It seemed like a place you'd make a pit stop before continuing your cross-country road trip. The diner was busy with many people and many eyes on us. I wondered if the sheriff made the announcement about me joining the pack, and if so, how did everyone find out so quickly? A hostess didn't greet us, so Riley took my hand and seated us in an empty booth. I grabbed one of the menus placed next to the salt and pepper shakers, and covered my face with it. I wondered if Riley noticed the attention from the other patrons. I had to assume not, because he didn't mention it. I heard a waitress approach, her voice friendly and chipper. "Hi Riley, what can I get you?" "I'll have steak and eggs with a side of home fries. You know I like my steaks rare. Oh, and a blueberry muffin too. Make sure it's the one with the most bits on top." She laughed lightly. "You got it. You want coffee?" "No, just orange juice today." I was busy reading the appetizers when I should've been looking at the breakfast menu. My brain wouldn't function correctly because I didn't expect to feel so awkward here. "What can I get you, Paige?" The waitress’ voice was still friendly, but I could sense her uneasiness. And oh my God...she knew my name. "Are you ready to order?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I put the menu on the table and plastered on a fake smile. "Yes, I'll have a cheese omelet." I didn't even know if cheese omelets were on their menu, but most diners had them so I assumed they did too. Our waitress was a young, slender African-American. She smiled back at me, but hers seemed genuine. "What kind of cheese?" I shrugged unsurely. "Um, American cheese, I guess." "Would you like anything to drink?" "Yes, I'll have coffee please." When she finished scribbling on her note pad, she gave me another smile. "I'll bring that right out to you." I watched her walk away, but when my gaze strayed, I made eye contact with an older couple sitting at the counter. They looked at me with mild curiosity. I gave them a tight, nervous smile and they looked away. I settled my gaze on Riley and he grinned, his arms folded on the table in front of him. Suddenly, his brows dipped between his eyes and concern crossed his features. "Are you all right?" I sighed in relief because he finally noticed my discomfort, but I lied and pretended everything was peachy. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled and rubbed my stomach. "I'm just hungry." He picked up a sugar packet and put it on the table. Then he positioned it upright and flicked it like a mini football. When the packet hit my chest, I busted out laughing. He flashed a smile, and in that single moment, my tension melted away. I glanced out the window and saw Quinn running across the street toward the diner. She wore her nurse uniform and waved at me excitedly. My eyes widened in surprise, and seconds later, she came through the diner's front doors. She looked at us and walked swiftly to sit beside me. A smile lit up her face as she nudged me with her elbow. "I heard you're staying." I looked at Riley with wide eyes and then set them back on Quinn. "How'd you find out already?" "Dad rang the doctor's office and told me." "Does the whole town know?" I asked quietly.

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She nodded, and my jaw dropped. I looked at Riley again, but he was busy brushing invisible lint off his shirt. "What can I say? Dad works fast," he said dryly. Quinn added, "We’re a small town so news travels quickly, usually through word-ofmouth or telephone." Riley smirked, humor dancing in his eyes. "Yeah, being we're not telepathic wolves and all." He wiggled his fingers next to his temples. Our waitress walked back to our table and smiled at Quinn. "Hey Quinn, do you want something to eat?" She shook her head. "No, I'm good, Kayla. Thanks." Kayla walked away, and that's when Riley said, "I'm taking Paige to The Den tonight." Quinn's eyes went round and she bounced in her seat. "Ooh! Can I come too?" He shrugged indifferently. "Yeah, why not." She smiled again, and I looked back and forth between them in confusion. "What's The Den?" Riley's eyes sparkled mischievously. "You'll see." "Do you have anything nice to wear?" Quinn asked. "Uh, no. Why, do I need to dress nice?" "Well, it would make a good impression if you showed up on Riley's arm looking worthy of being Beta Female." Riley's eyes turned hard as he growled his sister's name. Kayla placed our platters and beverages in front of us, but I was too shocked to eat. When she walked away, I spoke to Quinn timidly. "So, that's what I'll be...Beta Female?" "Yes, you'll be taking my place." "What?" I didn't mean to yell. My stomach twisted in knots. I didn't want to replace Quinn as anything. She turned her body toward me and said, "Okay, let me explain. Our father is Alpha Male, so by birth right, Riley and I are Betas. We became Betas once we reached adulthood because before that, we were juveniles in the pack. Now we don't take orders from anyone except him and Celia. Riley's the male and he's claimed you for a mate, so therefore, you'll take my position in the pack hierarchy." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I swallowed against the lump in my throat. I wondered how the rest of the pack would react to this change. "What if I don't want to be Beta Female?" Quinn just stared at me. "You don't have a choice," she said grimly. "Everyone who joins the pack has a position. It's part of how my father maintains order." My stomach clenched. I looked over at Riley and shook my head. "Riley, the pack isn't going to like this. They're not going to want me to have authority over them. I'm new here and I'm just a human. What right do I have to tell them what to do? I don't deserve to be Beta Female. Quinn should keep the position." He reached across the table and grasped my hands. "Quinn can't keep the position," he said gently. "Once my father makes you a member and announces I've claimed you as a mate...the rest of the pack have to obey you. They don't have a choice either. That's the way it is. All members have to accept and adhere to pack hierarchy. If they don't, my father will force them, and trust me...they don't want to disobey him. I'm the only one bold enough to challenge his authority. You've seen what happens...and I'm his son." He chuckled before he released my hands and started cutting into his bloody steak. Ugh, how could he eat at a time like this? Quinn's voice was chipper and she didn't seem bothered to lose her position. "I'll take you shopping. Madeleine has a dress shop, so we'll go there." Her friendly behavior puzzled me. Riley had said she was jealous of our relationship and she just informed me I'd be taking her position in the pack. Why was she so happy? I stared at my omelet, pondering this new revelation. Riley chowed down on his food as if he didn't have a care in the world. I, on the other hand, was in a complete state of shock and disbelief. I didn't sign up for this. I just wanted to be with Riley and live happily in my cabin. I ate slowly and spoke few words. I was thankful the twins didn't try to force me to engage in conversation and were content to chat amongst themselves. Quinn stayed at the diner until me and Riley finished our breakfast. After I insisted on paying for our meal, she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the dress shop. They didn't sell trendy or designer clothes. Everything looked vintage or donated so I had to make due. I chose a sleeveless powder blue top with a low cut neckline because Quinn Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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said the color matched my eyes. I decided to get a black cotton skirt, and she helped me pick a simple pair of earrings and shoes. I tried to pay for my clothes, but Quinn gave money to Madeleine first, and she wouldn't refuse her and take my money instead. I couldn't help but feel wary of Quinn's generosity because of the current circ*mstances. As we were leaving the shop, my curiosity about her attitude began to grow. She was more affectionate than usual, walking arm-and-arm with me down the street toward Celia's red Ford Explorer parked in front of the doctor's office. Quinn had borrowed it, and told me she'd give me a ride back to my cabin after Riley said he'd meet us there. Neither twin owned a vehicle of their own. "Why are you being so nice to me? I'm taking your position and you don't seem bothered by it." She answered nonchalantly. "I just accept it." I looked down at her shorter form and she smiled. "You're better for the position anyway." I scoffed. "How do you figure that?" "When you take my position, you'll have a mate and people will respect you. The pack doesn't respect me because I don't have a mate. They obey me, but I hear them talk about me behind my back. Most females my age have mates. The only females who don't are the ones the males consider low quality." Outraged by her sexist comment, I yelled, "Low quality? What the hell does that mean? Who are they to judge a person's quality?" She laughed. "You really have a lot to learn about pack life, especially the way male Varulv think. What I'm saying is quite normal in all pack societies. Females with undesirable traits or weaknesses usually don't attract a mate. Males reject them if they're born barren, deaf, blind, or crippled---any kind of birth defect that will make them unable to hunt or reproduce. The only time they attract a mate is if there's a male born of the same quality. Males who are too submissive usually become Omegas, but that's rare because most of them aren't. My father chooses one male Omega because they're the weakest member of the pack. Since it's the lowest rank in the hierarchy, they have a hard time getting a female to accept their claim. Females who are too dominant---like me---get rejected as well." "But you're the Beta Female, so you're supposed to be dominant." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Not to my suitors." My mouth formed an 'o' as I nodded. "I can't help it. Being dominant is part of my personality and it's difficult for me to be submissive. I've tried by practicing with Riley, but it makes me so angry. I don't like males telling me what to do. I only accept my father's authority because he gave me life." This time I laughed. "Well, I can understand your feelings. You shouldn't have to change your personality. Guys should accept you the way you are." "If only all the males thought like us," she said wistfully. We both shared a laugh as we stood next to Celia's SUV.


I felt nervous while getting ready to go out that evening. Riley wouldn't tell me the location of The Den, but I assumed I would be in the company of Varulv. I wondered how they would react to me since news spread I would soon join the pack. After I blow-dried my hair, it was a brown frizzy mess and I didn't have any hair care products to tame it. I was two seconds away from putting my hair in a ponytail, but then I thought, I'd look SO stupid if I wore a ponytail with this outfit. For a moment, I thought maybe wolves liked the wild look. Riley's hair was certainly untamed. Ironically, he knocked on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?" I couldn't keep the frustration from my voice. "Yeah sure, but don't be surprised by what you see." Riley opened the door and stood next to me at the sink. He wore all black, from his t-shirt to his Chuck Taylors. His honey-colored skin and golden hair stood out against the dark color, and he looked undeniably sexy. He grinned at me in the mirror. "I like what I see." That makes two of us. I turned to him with my lion's mane and spoke sarcastically. "Really? You like the frizzy look on your women?" He laughed. "There's nothing wrong with your hair." He gave me the once-over and my face flushed under his scrutiny. He stepped closer, his voice low. "I like the frizzy look on you." I turned back to the mirror and huffed loudly. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He moved behind me, but I could still see his face because he was taller. "You don't like your hair like this?" He fluffed it with his hands, adding more volume and making it look worse. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. That's when I felt his fingers comb and entwine my hair. "What are you doing?" "Shhhh...just let me." I stood silently while he slowly twisted my hair. His French braid wasn't perfect. He left a few loose tendrils, but he made it and I adored him for it. "How's that?" He held the end of the braid between his fingers. "Do you have something for me to tie the end with?" I was breathless with amazement. "How did you learn to do that?" "Quinn taught me. We compromised a lot when we were pups. She agreed to play in the mud with me, if I agreed to let her dress me up like a girl. She used to make me braid her hair." I laughed at the thought and handed him a black scrunchie to tie on the end of the braid. Once he finished, I turned around and kissed his lips. "Thank you." He tucked a few stray hairs behind my ears, a real tenderness in his gaze. "You're welcome, love." About a half-hour later, Quinn came back to my cabin with Celia's SUV. She was dressed in a lacy cream peasant blouse and blue skinny jeans. Her long hair fell freely down her back. I noticed she was wearing makeup because normally she opted for the natural look. The twins argued over who would drive to The Den, mostly because of Quinn's unwillingness to let Riley dictate orders. They were both Betas and had equal authority, but Riley tried to assert dominance because he was the male. And Quinn thought I didn't know anything about wolves. It was dark outside by the time we left my cabin, and in the end, Riley drove while Quinn sulked in the backseat. Riley took the road from my cabin that would lead us into town. Instead of driving to town, he went off-road for about a half-mile until we reached another dirt road I had no idea existed. We traveled on it for a mile and I saw lights in the distance. As we got closer, I saw lampposts on either side of the road. The road opened up, giving way to a rock-covered parking lot and a building that looked like a hotel lodge. The two-story lodge was made mostly of wood with balconies on both sides. Tiny lights illuminated the words 'The Den' on the front. There were SUV's, pick-up trucks, Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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motorcycles, and dirt bikes parked in the lot. I saw some people hanging out in front, and others leaning on vehicles smoking and drinking. Every person looked around my age and seemed to be having a good time. I looked at Riley, surprise in my voice. "So this is The Den? What kind of place is it?" "I guess you can say it's a club. Young Varulv come here to socialize. Older pack members leave us alone here, so we can do what we want." Quinn added, "My father knows about this place, but he told older pack members to stay clear. Riley and I had a hard time convincing him to let us build The Den. We argued we needed a place where young Varulv could let loose. As you've probably noticed, there's not much to do in town for fun." I had to assume older Varulv socialized at The Ivory Claw bar. Riley drove through the lot slowly and parked on the end next to a late-model pick-up truck. He took my hand as we walked toward the front door and Quinn walked on my other side. I didn't feel the uncomfortable stares like the ones I felt at the diner. Everyone dressed casual and greeted the twins with respect and enthusiasm. A few people said 'hello' to me, but most just gave me curious looks. No one asked my name and I wondered if everyone already knew. The inside of The Den really impressed me. I didn't expect to see a place like this out in the middle of nowhere. The dim lighting gave it a mellow and hip atmosphere. I found it odd Jay-Z and Rihanna's 'Run This Town' played softly instead of blaring through the speakers. "Why is the music so low?" Riley smiled. "It's not low to me. Actually, it's pretty loud. We're wolves remember? Low frequencies for human ears are amplified for us." I nodded in understanding, but it still looked strange seeing people dance like the music was blasting. How appropriate this song is playing, I thought. These young wolves did run the town tonight. They danced together, chatted and laughed at tables, and sat at the bar drinking alcohol. They looked like normal humans I've seen in city nightclubs, and were of different races and colors. I had no idea the Black River pack was so diverse. Varulv from everywhere must have settled here. Riley still held my hand as we approached an open room off to the side. Judging from the drawings on the wall, and the person lying on their stomach getting inked, I had to assume it was

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a tattoo parlor. He released me and walked up to a young man of Asian descent with spiky black hair. He sat on a stool and leaned over a young woman as he worked on her tattoo. Riley's voice was loud with joy. "Yuji!" The young man looked up and a wide smile broke out on his face. He and Riley did that male handshake where they snap their hands back at the end of it. "Hey Riley, what's up, man?" Yuji had a silver barbell piercing in his left eyebrow and a hoop on the right side of his bottom lip. He had small black discs in both ears and wore eyeliner. His shirt hung open to reveal a tattoo of paw prints on his chest. With his sleeves rolled up, I saw a variety of tattoos covering his forearms. Riley leaned down to observe his friend's work. "Nothing much. I brought Paige here tonight to show her the place." Yuji looked at me and smiled. "Hey Paige, welcome to The Den." I smiled in return. "Thanks." "What are you putting on Mischka?" Riley asked. Mischka’s voice sounded muffled because of her position. "I'm getting a water nymph." Riley nodded with approval. "That's cool." I browsed around the room admiring the drawings. I stopped in front of a snarling wolf tattoo and looked at Riley. "Is this where you got your tatt?" He smiled. "Yeah. You want one?" I laughed nervously. "Uh, no thanks." He looked at Yuji and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Yuji is a wicked artist with ink." Yuji beamed in appreciation. Then he said, "Speaking of ink, I have a new design I want to show you. I think you'll like it." He leaned back slightly and licked his lips, his eyes devouring Riley from head to toe. "I'd love to ink you again, you sexy white wolf." Riley chuckled at his teasing. "Sure mate, I'll catch you before I leave." Yuji nodded. "Cool." Then he went back to work on Mischka's water nymph. The second we left Yuji's tattoo room, a young woman with skin the color of café au lait blocked my path. She glared at me nastily before she shifted her gaze to Riley. "You brought a human into The Den?" She looked me up and down in disgust. "How could you bring her here?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley spoke to her calmly, but there was a sharp edge in his voice. "What's your problem, Zoë?" She scoffed in annoyance. "This is my problem," her hand sweeping the length of my body. "She's not a member of the pack, so why is she here?" He stepped closer to her, and I could've sworn someone turned down the music. "Because I want her here, and she will be a member of the pack." "But she isn't a member now. It's not official." Head co*cked, Riley rubbed his chin and wore a thoughtful look. "If I recall, you don't make the rules around here." Her lip curled as she set her angry gaze back on me. "You're just a piece of meat. You're food on his arm, did you know that?" Riley growled, but I stepped toward her unafraid. "Excuse me, what did you say?" Her eyes narrowed. "You heard me...meat sack." I gave her a phony smile. "Ohhh...meat sack? So you eat humans?" She returned another seething look. "I'd love to eat your white flesh." Low-voiced, I challenged the raven-haired bitch. "I'd like to see you try." I pulled out one of my earrings in preparation for a fight, but Riley pushed me to the side. "Hey!" I stumbled with my footing because of my high heels. Riley entered Zoë's personal space and growled loudly, his lips peeling back to expose his elongated canines. It amazed me how his kind could ‘wolf out’ like that. When she knelt before him with her head low, my mouth dropped in astonishment. He bent down and grabbed her face with his large hand. He gave her a piercing stare, his green eyes flashing into amber warning lights. Zoë submitted to him and whimpered under his threatening gaze. He snarled, "Don't you ever talk to her like that again. Do you hear me?" She nodded obediently. "And don't ever talk to me like that. Remember who your f*cking Beta is." He pulled her up by her shoulders. "Now apologize to my mate." Zoë approached me slowly, her gaze cast toward the floor. She stood at my height and mumbled, "I'm sorry." It was a lame apology because her narrowed gray eyes looked at me with contempt. I knew she wanted to tear me apart.

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In the next second, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd of people who watched Riley dominate her. I didn't want to cause problems within the pack, but it would be naive to think everyone would accept me like Riley had said. Quinn made her presence known when she laid a comforting hand on my arm. "Don't worry about Zoë. She's been holding a torch for my brother since we first came to Black River. I would've disciplined her since I'm the Beta Female, but Riley beat me to it." Oh great, now I have to deal with competition from a woman with a long history with my boyfriend. I wondered how many other females felt threatened by our relationship. Just at that moment, I realized exactly whom I allowed to claim me. Riley was probably the most sought-after mate in Black River. He had the most authority aside from his father and Celia. He was the second-ranked male and dominated his female counterpart, so he held the third highest position in the pack hierarchy. Not to mention, he was extremely attractive. With a heavy sigh, Riley ran a hand through his hair. I grinned for a second because he looked like his father after he would discipline him. I suspected Zoë had ruined his mood, so I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist. He looked down at me through weary eyes, and I pecked his lips to show affection. I started to understand my role as his mate and allowed him to show other Varulv he dominated me. "Thank you for defending me." He embraced me and smoothed my hair. "I'm sorry I shoved you, but I had to handle Zoë. I didn't want Quinn to do it because you're my mate." "I understand," I said softly. He pressed his lips to mine in an open display of affection, but his voice turned serious when he said, "I won't tolerate anyone in the pack disrespecting you." He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the bar. Quinn joined us, and I sat between the twins. Riley ordered a beer, I had a glass of red wine, and Quinn felt daring and wanted a mohito. "I don't usually drink alcohol," she confessed with a smile. We were having a good time, especially when Quinn started singing along to Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi'. The fun only lasted a short while because she stopped abruptly. Riley looked at her with a grin. "Keep going, your favorite part is coming up."

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Quinn crinkled her small nose and sniffed the air. "What the…?" She lifted her head high and took a longer sniff. Then she swiveled on her stool, her brows knit in confusion. Riley and I watched her silently. When she faced the opposite direction, a growl escaped her throat and her body trembled. I touched her arm to calm her because I didn't want her to shift into a wolf. “Quinn, what's the matter?” She gasped in horror. "No!" Then she made a sound of frustration, and I noticed her knuckles tense as she gripped her glass. She swiveled back toward the bar and slammed her free hand down, her delicate features twisted in anger and her wolf eyes blazing. I leaned away from her in fear because I had no idea what was going on. To my surprise, she yelled and threw her mohito across the bar. It crashed into a row of liquor bottles and shattered one of them. The bartender, a young Native American man, looked at her cautiously but didn't say a word. Riley hopped off his stool and approached his sister, but she ran out of the club crying, her long hair flowing behind her. I stood next to him. "What's wrong with her? Why'd she leave?" He didn't respond because he was too busy sniffing the air. He mimicked his twin's actions when he growled menacingly. He froze on the spot, his eyes focused on something...or someone. His growling got louder and his lips peeled back again. I followed the direction of his gaze, and he seemed to glare daggers at a young man sitting at a table next to an open window. He was part of a group of four, and one of the girls looked very comfortable on his lap. He had an olive complexion and short dark hair. He laughed with his group, but I had a feeling his good time was about to be interrupted. I couldn't tell if Riley walked or ran toward him because his motion was a blur to my eyes. The next thing I knew, he slammed the dark-haired guy against the wall...and this time the music cut off. I ran over to them and Riley had him by the neck at least three feet off the floor. The guy was more muscular than he was and he didn't seem afraid. He actually laughed, but Riley wasn't amused. He moved closer to the guy’s face and released a vicious growl, his amber wolf eyes glowing fiercely. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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His low voice dripped with venom. "What are you doing here, Dominic? You were banished." At that moment, I realized my night was about to get more chaotic. I don't know why I thought living in a remote mountain town amongst wolves would be peaceful. Silly me.

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I knew something was wrong with Dominic. Held in the air by your throat isn't a laughing matter, but he seemed to think it was humorous. His dry laugh turned into a suffocating wheeze as Riley's fingers dug into his jugular. Dominic squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed Riley's hand. I stood next to his table and noticed his three friends watching the violent spectacle in horror. They weren’t the only ones, because the two men had attracted a large crowd. Riley's eyes blazed with a golden fire as he growled at Dominic. His knuckles turned white from the pressure of his grip around Dominic's throat. The wolf inside him lay just beneath the surface, ready to emerge and rip his clothing in front of everyone. No one could mistake Riley for a human when he looked this way. Dominic coughed violently as his airway closed tighter under Riley's strong hold. He kicked his feet and struggled to pry his fingers off, but he was too strong. Although Riley had a more slender build, it masked his true strength. A few quiet words miraculously escaped Dominic's constricted throat. "I'm here...to talk...to your father." Riley snarled close to his face. "About what?" Dominic gasped again and his face turned red. I yelled out in fear, "Riley, let him go! You're killing him!" In that instance, Riley released him and he fell to the floor with a hard thump. Glaring down at his enemy, the muscle in his jaw twitched. "It's no more than he deserves," he said through clenched teeth. Dominic coughed and wheezed, his hands encircling his bruised throat. After a few seconds, I heard a low chuckle and looked at him in disbelief. This dude must have a death wish. He rose to his feet slowly and smoothed his espresso hair from his sweaty brow. He had the audacity to smirk when he said, "I forgot how bad-ass you are." With a growl, Riley stepped toward him but he jumped back. Maybe he wasn't completely out of his mind. He put his hands up defensively. "Look, I'm not here for a fight." "What do you want with my father? If he knew you were here, he'd tear you to pieces."

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"I'm here to ask him if he'd let me rejoin the pack." His watery eyes were the familiar wolf-like amber. Riley sneered. "No f*cking way. He's not going to listen to you...he's just going to kill you." "Well, I'm hoping he'll have a change of heart." His eyes darted toward me. I swallowed hard and averted my gaze toward the floor. Riley's voice still held nothing but contempt. "You're not welcome here, but I'll be fair and give you a choice. You can either leave voluntarily..." I looked up and saw Riley step into his personal space, his voice cutting into Dominic like a blade. "Or I can throw you out this window." His head jerked toward the open window next to the table. Dominic surprised me when he challenged him. "Actually, you have no authority over me. You're not my Beta, so I don't have to listen to you." Riley growled violently and lifted him up in the air again, only to slam him down on the table. Dominic landed hard on his back and groaned in pain. Then he laughed, but it sounded more like a wheeze. He gasped weakly, "I'm not a member of your pack." Riley hissed, "Exactly…which is why I should kill you right now." The smug smile faded from Dominic's face. "Then do it. You know you don't need to threaten me. You can do whatever you want." His eyes darted toward me again and his superior grin returned. "Kill me right in front of your mate," he baited. "Show her what kind of Beta you truly are." Riley turned his head and looked at me, frustration etched in his face. In the next second, he whipped his head toward Dominic and pushed him off the table. He landed on his side and groaned again. This time he laid on the floor breathing hard before he stood again. His neat hair turned into a bird's nest on his head, but he reached up to smooth it. Then he set his eyes on me again. "Paige, would you dance with me?" He asked in a low, polite voice. I gaped at him. I wanted to say, 'Dance? There's no music', but I would've been mistaken because someone had turned the music back on. Riley's arm shot out, shielding me from Dominic. He growled angrily, "Stay away from her." His tall body moved in front of me to block his nemesis from my view. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Dominic craned his neck to look at me over Riley's shoulder. "She can speak for herself...can't you, Paige? What's one harmless dance?" He grinned. Oh, this guy WATED to die. His boldness had reached new heights and rendered me speechless. He pointed to Riley and laughed lightly. "You'd better get used to the possessiveness. All males are like this once they've marked you." Riley shoved him backwards, but he maintained his balance and pivoted around his body. When he finally stood next to me, he leaned closer to inspect my neck and shoulders. "I see you're not marked. You're also not a member of the pack, so technically Riley has no claim over you." Riley grabbed him by his gray button-down shirt and snarled viciously. By the hostile expression on his face, he had enough of Dominic's disrespect. I intervened once again because I'd had enough of his domineering behavior. "I don't belong to anyone," I said sternly. Riley looked at me, his face aghast. "I'm no one's property, so could you ease up on the possessiveness just a little?" I made the 'little' gesture with my thumb and index finger. "It's only one dance." ot to mention, I need to get the 411 on this guy. Riley released his grip and pushed Dominic back against the wall. He wrinkled the front of his shirt, but Dominic quickly smoothed the fabric and straightened his collar. Then he approached me with a wide smile. Riley growled as he passed him. Dominic tried to take my hand in a chivalrous fashion, but I walked away and he followed behind me. When we reached the dance floor, I maintained a safe distance between us because I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. In another act of bravado, he took my hand and pulled me closer. At over six feet, he had a dominating presence. He didn't look like someone you should mess with. He wasn't overly muscular like a bodybuilder, but he seemed co*cky enough to take pride in his physique. I swallowed nervously because of our close proximity. I expected Riley to appear and push us apart. He didn't interfere, but I knew he watched us from somewhere in the club. I looked through the crowd of other dancers and saw him standing in front of the bar. His blond tousled hair was a beacon in the dim lighting. He had his arms folded across his chest and his wolf eyes glowed brightly from the shadows.

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While I danced with Dominic, I couldn't stop staring at his eyes because they didn't return to their human color. Curiosity continued to gnaw at me until I blurted out, "What's with your eyes?" For a moment, he looked taken back. Then he said, "Don't worry, I'm not turned on." I felt my ears get hot with embarrassment. He chuckled. "Oh, so you know about our eyes when we get sexually aroused?" I could only nod. "I was injured badly in my wolf form. When I had enough strength to shift into a human, my eyes wouldn't change back. The doctor said something must've gotten damaged because the part of my body that allows me to shift wouldn't heal completely." "What color were your eyes before you were hurt?" "Brown." I continued to grill him. "Why were you banished?" I hoped he'd answer my question, and more importantly...tell me the truth. "Because I challenged Aidan and lost." Astounded by his reply, I slowed my movements. "Instead of killing me, he showed mercy and banished me from the pack. That was six years ago." I gave him a curious look. "Is that when you were injured?" "Yes." I noticed his hips getting closer to mine, so I stepped back. We are OT grinding tonight. Suddenly, I remembered Quinn's reaction when she discovered his presence in the club. "Did you and Quinn have a falling out? She ran out of here when she saw you." He laughed. "You sure ask a lot of questions." I shrugged and spoke unapologetically. "Look, I'm curious because the twins seem to hate you." When he moved closer, his voice lowered. "Quinn rejected me when I wanted to claim her as a mate." I looked at him with wide eyes. "She thinks she's too good for me," he finished in disgust. "So, the males do the claiming and the females either accept or reject?" "Well, in the past...females had to accept, but Aidan changed the law to give them the choice to reject a suitor. Unless..." He stopped dancing and looked into my eyes.

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Suddenly, Riley wedged himself between us and looked at Dominic. His voice was still icy, but his rage had dissipated. "That's enough dancing for one night." Then he turned around and grasped my arm. "I think it's time to go." He pulled me toward the front door, but I looked back at Dominic. He stood perfectly still, surrounded by dancers. With his head dipped, his wolf eyes bore into my human ones until I could no longer see him. Riley and I didn't speak as we walked back to Celia's SUV. I knew he was pissed off. The only sounds were the crickets, locusts, and our footsteps against the concrete walkway. We halted our steps because Yuji called out to him. "Hey Riley, wait up man! You said you'd look at my new design!" Riley sighed heavily and gave me an exasperated look. I smiled, and cupped his annoyed face. "Go ahead," I said softly. "I'll wait for you by the truck." He turned around and jogged toward Yuji who stood outside the front door. I walked to the Explorer and leaned against the back, looking out at the forest in front of me. The truck was the last one on the edge of the lot and the farthest from the front door. Everyone had gone inside and no Varulv lingered in the parking lot. I heard a noise to my right and whipped my head toward it. I stared into the dark woods that surrounded The Den on all sides. With my senses on alert, I straightened my posture. My eyes darted everywhere but I couldn't see anything but darkness and trees. I heard another sound like footsteps crunching on leaves. The sound was closer, and the hairs on the back of my neck prickled. I knew someone was watching me. "Who's there?" I can't say I was surprised when no one answered. My breathing increased and I pressed my back against truck. I slid against it slowly as I shuffled toward the front door of The Den. I heard a low growl and froze on the spot, my body already a few feet from the truck. My eyes frantically searched for the source of the sound. A wolf emerged from the darkness. It seemed to be one with the night because of its black coloring. Its yellow eyes fixed on me as it stalked forward. I inched farther away to widen the distance between us. Its lips peeled back, revealing sharp teeth. The wolf growled louder and my voice trembled. "Who are you?" It felt strange to refer to an animal as 'who', but Varulv were people too...sort of. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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The black wolf snarled, and I held my breath in anticipation of its next move. I prepared myself for an attack and positioned my left foot to make a dash toward the club. I knew I probably wouldn't make it, but it was worth a shot. Unfortunately, running in high heels on gravel are a bad combination, so I tripped and fell facedown. In a split second, I turned my head toward the wolf. It rushed me, and I screamed in terror. I tried to stand, but it leaped on me, flipping me on my back. My hands went up in defense to shield myself from the attack, but the wolf’s jaws clamped on my right arm, its teeth piercing my skin. I screamed again while blood oozed and trickled down my arm. "RILEY!" The wolf wouldn't let go of my arm, so I punched its muzzle with my left hand. It released me with a yelp of pain but came back for more. The wolf appeared rabid, it clawed at me and its jaws snapped at my face. Breathing raggedly from exhaustion and fear, I punched its body and kicked my legs to get it off me. For a moment, I thought I had succeeded, but something tackled the wolf from the side and it flew off my body with another yelp. I sat up quickly and saw Riley in his wolf form, facing away from me and growling. The other wolf rolled down the parking lot, a blur of black fuzz, until it finally lay still in the grass. My bloody arm reached out toward my rescuer. "Riley, I'm okay!" I stood slowly because my back ached and my legs felt sore from kicking. I felt a stinging sensation on my face. I knew the wolf had scratched me, and thought about what my face must look like. I gingerly touched my cheek. Blood coated my fingertips, and within seconds, tears pricked at the back of my eyes. This is great. My face was just starting to heal from my accident. Riley turned his attention away from the wolf and approached me in his human form. His wide eyes still held an amber fire behind them. "Paige! Are you all right?" He grasped my injured arm and I hissed in pain. His other arm encircled my waist to hold me protectively. I cradled my arm against my chest. "Yeah, I'm fine, but thank God you came when you did." I gave him a weary smile. "You saved my life...again." I looked past him at the wolf, and saw a naked Zoë watching us instead. I gasped; stunned she actually followed through on her threat. I guess she really DID want to eat my white flesh. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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She yelled at Riley and her voice cracked because she was crying. "You won't claim me, but you'll claim a f*cking human?" Riley released me and turned to face her. He took a few steps in her direction, but I grabbed his arm to keep him from killing her. "I never had feelings for you! My heart has always belonged to Paige!" A young woman ran past us and approached Zoë. She said something to her, but I couldn't hear it. Then she covered her with a jacket. Zoë staggered and leaned on her for support. Before they disappeared into the forest, Zoë looked at Riley again. "You're making a big mistake!" Riley worried me as he drove us back to my cabin. He was naked and held the steering wheel in a death grip. His body trembled in anger. A growl rumbled in his chest and his lips peeled back in a snarl. I knew he was thinking about Zoë. I touched his shoulder, my voice soft. "Riley, calm down." He looked at me, his wolf eyes glowing in the dark interior of the SUV. I gulped nervously. "Just let it go. She’s not worth the trouble." He didn't speak, but he breathed rapidly as he shifted his gaze back on the road. When we got back to my cabin, I went to the kitchen to wash the dried blood from my arm. Riley stood next to me at the sink with a look of worry on his face. "There's a first-aid kit in the pantry over there. Could you get it for me?" Without a word, he dashed over to the pantry to retrieve the kit. In less than two seconds, he was at my side again. He wouldn't let me tend to my wounds because he quickly opened the kit and worked on bandaging my arm. He wore an intense look that made me think twice about arguing with him. "You're going to need stitches," he said quietly. I looked at him, but he wouldn't meet my gaze. "We'll see the doctor tomorrow morning." My thoughts wandered back to Zoë's harsh words in the club. "Why did she say I was food on your arm?" He glanced at me before he looked down at my arm. He was busy taping the bandage, but sighed softly. The longer he hesitated to answer, the more anxious I felt. My voice lowered to a whisper and I couldn't mask my fear. "Have you ever eaten a human?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He spoke quietly without looking at me. "Yes." I gasped. His fingers moved slowly as he'd tear off a piece of tape and place it strategically on the bandage. He repeated the actions mechanically. "When we were on the run, there was a man who witnessed us changing into wolves. My father killed him to keep him from telling anyone. We were starving, so..." Riley used gauze with Peroxide to clean the cuts on my face. He was so gentle with me that my heart swelled with a familiar warm feeling. "What about Zoë? Does she eat humans?" He put the medical tape in the kit and closed it. I cradled my arm to my chest and stared at him. I anticipated his answer, but he walked away. I followed him into the living room and he stood motionless in front of the fireplace. His voice sounded weary and a bit detached. "When I was a teenager, some of my mates and I used to hunt in Denver." "Hunt what?" "Guess." He put his arms on the hearth and leaned against it. "We'd go after drug dealers, rapists, murderers, and pedophiles. You know…the bad sort." "How did you find these people?" Riley turned to face me. Strangely, his eyes had lost their youthful sparkle, and I felt as if I was looking at Aidan. "We'd read newspapers, watch the telly, and observe the city." He smirked and let out a harsh breath through his nose before he said, "We'd have a stakeout…and then we'd have a steak…out." I gulped nervously. My heart whispered to me, ‘You don’t need to hear the rest of this. Just go upstairs and get in bed.’ But it was too late; Riley had already sucked me in. My brain forced me to ask, "Was Zoë part of your hunting pack?" He nodded. "What about Quinn?" His expression turned grim. "No, she didn't agree with what we were doing." I sat on the sofa and stared at him with new eyes. I had no idea this gentle young man was a cold-blooded killer. "So, because these people were bad, you felt killing them was justified?" “Yes. We were doing humanity a favor.” He spoke faster as his anger quickly rose to the surface. “The authorities weren't doing anything to get those bastards off the street to keep them from hurting more people. They didn't help the families of the victims or the people who suffered at the hands of those monsters.” Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I approached him cautiously. "Were you the leader of this vigilante wolf pack?" He lowered his head, but his gaze never left mine. "Yes," he answered, teeth clenched. "People like that killed my mother. They deserved to die." I swallowed hard again. "But your father avenged her by killing the men responsible for her death. Wasn't that enough?" "No. I wanted to do something to make sure no one else suffered like I did." "So, do you still go to Denver and hunt for bad people?" He moved to sit on the sofa and I sat beside him. He looked at me through tired eyes. "No, when my father found out, he put a stop to it." "How?" "He punished us, and it worked because we never hunted bad humans again." "Punished you? How?" He gave me a long look. When he didn't respond, I got nervous again. "Did your father physically hurt you?" He turned his head away. "We were all lying next to each other in the infirmary. My father said we risked exposure of our kind because the Denver media started reporting wolf attacks. We usually cleaned all the evidence, but I guess we got careless." I was truly amazed Riley showed no remorse for his past actions. He leaned back against the sofa and stared into the fireplace again. "Don't worry about Zoë. She's fancied me since we were pups. I'm with you now, so she's going to have to accept it and move on." He looked at me and grinned. "I'll help you clean the cabin and make it nice." His eyes darted around the room with a wishful expression. "I want to make this our home." I considered his thoughtful words, but I still brooded about his murderous hunting spree. That's when I realized I didn't really know him. I wondered how much more he would reveal about his past…and his personality. Before we went to bed, I decided to take a risk. Riley stood on his makeshift bed when I extended a bold invitation. "Um, do you want to sleep in the bed with me?" His face lit up with joy and he jumped excitedly on the bed. His naked body crawled beside me, a seductive look in his eyes. "What do you think?" He kissed my lips and we scooted under the quilt.

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After I turned off light, we lay in a spooning position and I felt his penis against my butt. I wore a nightgown, but the flimsy material did nothing to block my temptation. I wondered if Bobby's store was open twenty-four hours, and how fast Riley could get there to buy condoms, and then come back so I could finally have him inside me. He whispered in the moonlight-shrouded bedroom. "Paige?" "Yes?" "When I fall asleep, my body is going to change. Please don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." I turned in his arms and rested my head against his bare chest. "I know." I placed a tender kiss over his heart, and he tightened his embrace. Riley fell asleep first and I felt his soft fur on my face. His body temperature was warmer. His front paws wrapped around me, and I realized this was the most intimate I'd been with his animal form. He would never sleep with me as a human and I had to accept it if I was going to be with him. Hours passed, but I hadn't fallen into a deep slumber yet. I heard the wood floor creak and opened my eyes to find myself sleeping alone. I looked toward the sound and saw someone standing a few feet from the bed, the moonlight casting a long shadow on the floor. With a gasp, I sat up and turned on the light. My wide eyes stared at Riley standing naked and wet. "What are you doing?" He just looked at me. I leaned toward him, looking down at the floor, and saw dirty paw prints. I followed the trail from the open window to where they turned into human footprints and ended where he stood. I concluded he'd been outside. "Where did you go?" He approached the bed and got in next to me. I sat with my back against the headboard, too bewildered to scold him about his dirty feet. He rested his head on the pillow with his arm tucked underneath. "I had to sort Zoë out." I swallowed hard. "What did you do?" He blinked once. "I punished her." I released a haggard breath when I noticed the smeared blood on his chest. Fear laced my words. "Why do you have blood on you?"

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He looked down at himself. Then he sat up and wiped the blood from his chest. "Oh, I thought I washed it all off in the river." He pulled the quilt back. "I'll go take a shower." He was about to get out of bed, but I grabbed his arm. "What did you do, Riley?" He looked at me calmly. "She tried to kill you, so I defended you." "Yeah, you saved me from a vicious mauling. Thank you. But I remember telling you to let it go." "I couldn't let her get away with attempted murder. I won't tolerate that behavior toward my mate." He shrugged, and his tone sounded carefree. "So I made an example out of her." I gaped at him because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "It's within my authority to punish my subordinates any way I see fit." His voice was ice cold. He had no sympathy for Zoë. "Did you hurt her?" I asked meekly as I gathered the quilt against my chest. He pressed his soft lips to mine. "The important thing is...she'll never hurt you again," he whispered. This time I let him leave the bed. He walked out of the room, and minutes later, I heard the rushing water from the shower. I turned off the light and lay motionless, staring at the ceiling thinking about Zoë. I knew the blood on Riley's chest belonged to her and wondered how it got there. How did he exact his punishment and make an example out of her? He rejoined me in the bed after his shower, smelling of clean soap. He kissed my lips again and snuggled next to me under the quilt. His warm body enveloped me like a second blanket. "Go to sleep," he murmured. Once his breathing evened out, his human body flashed into a wolf. I didn't sleep peacefully because the sound of whimpering awakened me. I opened my eyes to see Riley suffering a nightmare. He panted rapidly, his wolf body twitched and his head jerked against the pillow. I propped myself on my elbow and touched him gently to rouse him. "Riley, wake up," I whispered in the darkness. His glowing yellow eyes shot open. Then he blinked a few times before he settled them on me. He flashed into his human form, still breathing fast. The moonlight revealed a thin sheen of sweat covering his naked torso.

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I threaded his hair through my fingers, the pads of my fingertips massaging his scalp. "It's okay baby, you were just having a nightmare." He was breathless, his eyes wide with fear, almost as if he was reliving the nightmare awake. "I saw Mum. We were running from the hunters. She was right behind me. This time I thought I saved her. Then I heard a gunshot. I turned around and she was gone." He closed his eyes and a pained expression crossed his face. When he opened his eyes, I saw unshed tears behind them. His voice cracked when he said, "Every time I try to save her, they take her from me." He paused, and his lips trembled. "I still see the hunters’ faces. They laugh and hoist my mother up like a prize." Tears leaked from his eyes and I instinctively gathered him in my arms and kissed the top of his head. His voice had lost all of its strength as he wept. "I miss her so much." I rubbed his back to soothe him. I felt his pain because I shared it too. "I know how you feel. I understand." For the first time in our relationship, I opened up to him and shared one of my secrets. "I dream about my dad. I visit him in his office and he talks to me the way we used to do. Sometimes I meet him at our favorite bistro for lunch." I smiled at the thought. "We laugh together and reminisce about my childhood." Suddenly, my emotions overpowered me and my vision blurred with tears. "I miss him too...so much it hurts." Riley pulled back to look in my eyes. His grief-stricken face mirrored mine. The sadness we felt over the loss of our parents had bonded us. His head moved closer and I met him halfway until our lips sealed. The kiss deepened quickly as we poured our emotions into it. His tongue invaded my mouth and I surrendered to it. I let him taste my suffering and I tasted his. We moaned together and his fingers entwined in my hair, tilting my head back so he could delve deeper inside. I needed to feel more of him---all of him---so I pulled his body on top of mine without breaking the kiss. His co*ck stiffened and I opened my legs wide, allowing it to nestle perfectly where I wanted it. I grabbed his bare ass and ground my hips against him, relishing the entire length of his hard steel. He slipped his hand between my thighs, and I moaned deeply as he cupped my puss* through my panties. The cotton material felt rough against my swollen lips like a heavenly torture.

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We ended the kiss breathing hard. Riley's eyes glowed so brightly, they illuminated his face. "You're so wet." Then he sniffed the air, a growl of pleasure rumbling in this throat. "I can smell you." He licked my lips in a loving wolf's kiss, his soft hair tickling my forehead. "You smell so good, Paige." He put his mouth on mine and attacked it with a heated passion. When he released me, I felt frustrated because I wanted more. "Open your mouth." He obeyed my command and I darted my tongue out and slowly licked his canines. "Be careful, love. They're sharp." "I know," I purred. I didn't care either because I tasted all four of his lethal weapons. He growled, and his body pressed me deeper into the mattress to make me feel his arousal. I bucked against him and wrapped my legs around his torso, my heels rubbing intimately against his ass. There would be no more assuming tonight. "Do you have a condom? I want to make love to you right now. I can't take it anymore." I didn't try to hide the urgency in my voice. I had to have this gorgeous wolf tonight or else I'd burst. I grew tired of foreplay. We were way past that. I wanted Riley to quench my sexual desire, and I desperately needed him to relieve the throbbing sensation between my legs. I yearned for his primal bite now and I would offer my flesh freely to my mate. Riley’s sensual lips parted to speak. I awaited his answer, my sapphire eyes gazing anxiously into his wild amber.

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I've never wanted anyone so badly in my life. A lustful haze clouded my mind with Riley's body on top of me. His erection nestled between my legs and I didn't want it to move. I had trapped this wolf right where I wanted him. My legs formed a lock around his waist and I refused to let him go until he ended this torturous teasing. For someone who claimed to be a virgin, Riley was a master seducer. He had trapped me as well and I succumbed to his spell. A sensuous poison laced his kisses and I craved more of his lips. Before he could speak, I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. It was plump and perfect for nibbling. "Mmmm...well, do you have a condom?" I could easily get drunk off this delicious British wine called Riley. "Please tell me you snuck at least one in your bag while I wasn't looking." He removed his hand from my puss* and I groaned in frustration. I noticed a crinkle between his brows as he bit his bottom lip, now slightly puffy from my assault. "Um..." My breath hitched in anticipation. "I don't have condoms, but---" I released my breath in a huff and punched the bed with my uninjured arm. I knew he could read the annoyance on my face. "Even if I did, I don't want to make love to you yet." My eyes widened in shock, but they quickly narrowed. "So, you're teasing me?" "I want you to be a member of the pack." That still doesn't answer my question. He tried to remove himself from on top of me, but my legs held him tight. He gave me a questioning look, but I ignored his request. I was hot, horny, and wasn't suffering any longer. This time I slipped my hand between our bodies and grabbed his co*ck. "Gimme this." Riley's body twitched and he yelped in surprise. "Paige, listen to me." I shook my head. "Uh-uh. Sex now, talk later." I stroked his co*ck firmly in my fist, pushing his foreskin back to reveal a moist tip. He closed his eyes and released a ragged breath. His co*ck felt amazing---hard and slick, ideal for giving me a good pounding deep into the mattress until I can't see straight. I tried to use my right hand to push my panties aside, but a sharp pain shot through my bandaged arm. "I want to do it right," he said, his voice serious.

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Damn you and your noble intentions. Reluctantly, I unwrapped my legs from around his torso and released him from my trap. It was harder to let go of his manhood, but eventually I had to give it back. He moved to lie next to me, propping his head on one arm. He gave me a wary look, his eyes now back to their human green. Annoyed, I sucked my teeth before I sighed heavily. "I understand." He grinned and pecked my lips. "But just because I understand, doesn't mean I like it." He chuckled. "I know. Believe me, I want to shag you so badly right now." I looked down at his erection. "I can see that," I said with a smile. "If we mate now, I know I'll bite you." I swallowed hard. "What?" "Mark you, remember?" I sighed in relief. "Oh." "When we make love, biting our mate is instinctual and hard to control." "I thought you said you never had sex. How do you know you couldn't control the urge to bite me?" "Because I..." He paused and turned his head away. He spoke so softly, I could barely hear him. "I've wanked before, okay? And every time I do, I bite something...usually my arm." My brain produced a mental image, and I busted out laughing. I didn't mean to laugh, but I was powerless to contain it. He quickly diverted the subject of his masturbation habits by saying, "If my father sees you're already marked before he inducts you into the pack, he won't let you in and it'll ruin everything." He sighed. "I don't want to muck this up." I was still determined to have sex with him, so my mind scrambled to find a loophole. "How would he know I was marked? Wouldn't he have to see the bite mark on my body? What if you bite me in a place where he won't see it?" He shook his head. "I don't want to risk it. I don't trust myself and I know I'll bite you where he would be able to see it." I gave him a sly smile. "What if I wear a turtleneck?" He laughed. "You can't wear a turtleneck. You'll be wearing a ceremonial robe like everyone else." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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As we looked at each other, I had to admit defeat. Part of me wanted to scream because he left me unsatisfied. The other part wanted to climb on top of him and shove his co*ck inside me...to hell with a condom. Instead, I respected his decision and turned my head to stare at the ceiling. "I guess we should go back to sleep." His fingers grasped my chin and turned my head toward him. He tried to kiss me, but I pulled away. "No, Riley. Your kiss is torture, don't you know that?" "I'm sorry," he murmured. "I don't want you to be upset." I sighed again. "I'm fine. Let's forget about it and go to sleep." I turned on my side away from him and shut my eyes. As a precaution, I warned, "No spooning. Keep your tempting co*ck away from me until after I'm inducted into the pack." He chuckled. "If you don't, I won't be responsible for what I do with it." This time I made him laugh and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I felt him move, and then heard his voice above me. "Paige, would you..." Opening my eyes, I turned on my back and saw him sitting next to me. He leaned his head down, but most of his face remained hidden in shadow so I couldn't see his expression. "Would you ever..." I didn't need to see his expression to know he was nervous about asking me something. "Huh?" He paused and ran a hand through his hair. "Would you ever...make love to me...when I'm a wolf?" His question caught me off-guard. Uneasiness followed at the thought of partaking in bestial*ty. "Um..." I fought the urge to turn back around and feign sleep. "I'm afraid to do that," I replied honestly. "I would never hurt you." "Maybe not intentionally, but remember, you have sharp teeth and nails." I swallowed nervously. "And uh, doesn't your penis look different when you're a wolf?" A mental image of making love to his wolf form entered my mind and I shuddered involuntarily. "Yes, because it's made for a she-wolf, but that doesn't mean it won't fit you." I gaped at him. Suddenly, he took my hand and entwined our fingers. He hovered over me and I inhaled deeply to take in his scent. He smelled so good, and I wanted him on top of me again. With my free hand, I caressed his arm and shoulder, down to his chest. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Do you love me?" He asked quietly in the darkness. I surprised myself when I didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes." He sprawled beside me, but never released my hand. Then he moved his head closer to mine until I felt his hair tickle my forehead. "Say the words," he whispered, one of his fingers trailing down my cheek. I smiled because I knew he could see it. "I love you, Riley." "Do you love both parts of me…the human and the wolf?" "Yes." His other hand smoothed my hair. "What if I could never be human again? Would you still love me?" "Yes," I answered in a hushed voice. The thought of him never being human again frightened me. "Would you still make love to me?" This time I was afraid to answer. Seconds ticked by, but no words would come forth from my lips. I guess my unresponsiveness worried him because then he said, "Paige, what you're looking at is just a physical representation of what I'd look like if I was human. It's a tangible illusion. I can appear, act, and speak like a human, but I’m not one. I was born a wolf pup, not a baby. I had to learn how to take my human form and control my shifting." I sighed because I couldn't consider the idea of making love to an animal. "I feel more comfortable being intimate with you when you look this way. I'm used to making love to men." "But what if I couldn't be this way?" I didn't know where Riley was going with this line of questioning, or what made him think about it. For some reason, the idea of never being human worried him. I took a moment to consider the possibility of what he was saying, and that's when I realized my true feelings for him. "If I didn't have a choice...then yes, I would still make love to you. I love you regardless of your physical form and I would never reject you. I don't just love human Riley. I love wolf Riley too." He kissed my hand, and I smiled again. "But let's take it slowly, okay? I need time to get used to being intimate with you when you're a wolf."

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He placed a tender kiss on my lips. "I understand." I reached up to sift his hair through my fingers. He still held the hand on my injured arm, but lifted it gently. "Does it hurt?" "Yes," I admitted quietly. I'll also admit the lust I felt earlier numbed the pain. "I can see the bandage needs to be changed. Stay right here, I'll get the first-aid kit. Remember, I'm taking you to see the doctor in the morning." I preferred him as my doctor, but agreed with him anyway. "Okay." "Do you want me to get you some pain medicine?" "From where?" "Back at the trailer. It won't take me long to get it." I held him close. "But I don't want you to leave." "I'll be back before you can miss me," he said softly. "You know I'm telling the truth." I laughed lightly. "I'm really fast." "Okay, but hurry back." I released him from my embrace and he moved quickly off the bed. "Run like the wind." In seconds, he flashed into wolf and jumped out of an opened window. True to his word, Riley returned minutes later, but entered through the bedroom door. He brought the first-aid kit from downstairs, along with the stinky herbal medicine from his family's trailer. He changed my bandage, but surprised me with the method in which he administered the medicine. "Just chew up the herbs and wash them down with this." He held out a glass of water. I stared at him in disbelief, but he never moved the glass. The herbs tasted like dirt and smelled of rotten eggs. I held my breath while I chewed them to keep from gagging. Luckily, the medicine knocked me out cold within minutes and I slept peacefully throughout the rest of the night. I awakened to the sound of chirping birds and found myself alone in bed again. I sat up and called out to Riley, but he didn't answer. The pain in my arm returned and I wondered if Celia's Explorer was still outside. I decided to see the doctor myself and hoped to receive pain medicine in pill form. After I showered and dressed, I went downstairs to leave, but saw a black SUV parked in front of the cabin. I halted my steps before cautiously approaching the window. A Cadillac Escalade beamed in the sunlight with its large chrome wheels. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a knock on the front door. I looked through the peephole and gasped in surprise because I didn't expect to see Dominic on the other side. I opened the door and his lips spread into a wide smile. "Hey Paige, I'm glad I caught you. I didn't think you were home." I looked at him with wide eyes because I couldn't believe he was standing on my porch. An awkward silence crept between us and his eyes darted around, his expression unsure. "You're probably wondering why I'm here." "Yes, I am. How did you know I lived here?" He smiled charmingly. "The same way I found out your name. You're the talk of the town, darling." I looked past him and noticed the Explorer was gone. I had to assume Riley had taken it, which meant he left me stranded here. "I was going to see the sheriff and ask to be a member of the pack again. I could use some support." I wasn't sure I could give him support, but saw him as my ticket into town. I smiled back and coated my words with saccharin sweetness. "Sure, I'll come with you." I closed the front door and walked down the steps. "I need to see the doctor anyway." When I reached his SUV, he surprised me again by opening the passenger door for me. Impressed by his chivalry, I gave him another friendly smile. "Thank you." Dominic looked at my bandaged arm and frowned. "Man, what a bitch," he said shaking his head. "I can't believe Zoë did that to you." I shrugged before I climbed into the Escalade. Similar to the truck's exterior, the interior decor of butter cream leather and sable wood was luxurious and expensive. I wondered what Dominic did for a living to afford such a gaudy SUV. As he drove us into town, I decided to engage in small talk and hoped he would satisfy my curiosity. "So Dominic, what do you do for a living?" "I'm a bartender at a nightclub in Los Angeles." My eyes widened. "You must get paid well." He chuckled. "I do all right. It's a Gothic club, but we have a lot of rich clientele who are into that scene. The patrons don't get freaked out by my eyes so it's easy for me to blend in." A few seconds of silence lingered between us. "Did you know Zoë was killed last night?" I yelled out, "What?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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I felt my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. I covered my mouth and stared at the dashboard. The realization Riley left our bed last night and killed her hit me hard. I had no idea his punishment was so extreme. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I thought maybe he just wanted to hurt her and things got out of control. Then I thought perhaps Varulv practice the 'eye for an eye' justice system. Zoë tried to kill me, so Riley killed her. I desperately needed to speak to him so I could find out the truth. "They're burying her later today," he added. I released a haggard breath and mumbled to myself, "Oh my God, Riley." He laughed, "No way! Riley killed her?" I whipped my head toward him. "It's not funny, Dominic!" He stopped laughing, but humor was still evident in his voice. "I thought it was Quinn because she usually disciplines the females when the Alpha Female isn't around." He chuckled softly. Then he said, "Wait, didn't Zoë try to kill you?" "Yeah, but..." I said quietly. His voice turned serious. "If I was Beta Male and you were my mate, I would've done the same thing." I gaped at him, but he kept his eyes on the road, a smirk playing on his lips. "You need to get used to pack life, sweetheart. When you're part of a pack, you're not free. You have to follow the Alpha Male's laws and do what your superiors tell you or else there are consequences. Aidan's a hard-ass and I see now his son is too." "Then why do you want to rejoin the pack?" I challenged angrily. "Being a lone wolf is a fate worse than death. I don’t have a mate so I'm as good as dead. After Aidan banished me, I lived among humans but it's difficult to blend in. I don't have to deal with the scrutiny at the club, but it's different once the sun comes up." As Dominic continued to speak about living with humans, I suspected he didn’t miss it because his smug humor had disappeared. "Don't let me get too angry because I growl and snarl, and it freaks people out. Sometimes it's hard to control the wolf when I get pissed off. I wear sunglasses whenever I'm not working because people stare at my eyes. I'm among my kind in Black River, so I don't have to hide them. That's why most Varulv live in close communities. It's safer that way." "Why didn't you join another pack?"

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"It's not that easy. Varulv who aren't born into a pack have to go through a series of tests so the Alpha Male can determine your strengths and weaknesses. It's like an initiation. Then he has to figure out your position. It's easier when you're born into a pack." Dominic's words caused me to feel nervous about having to prove myself to Riley's father. I wondered if he'd hold a human to the same standards as a wolf. "Will Aidan give me tests?" He gave a short laugh. "He probably won’t because you're human." I released a breath. "If you want me to be honest...Riley gave you a ‘Get in Free’ card." He glanced at me again. "If I was with a human who knew my secret, it wouldn't be so bad living among them." He quickly gave me the once-over. "I'm not going to pretend you don't intrigue me. I'm curious whenever a human joins a pack." He shifted his gaze back on the road. "And I'm not going to lie...it helps you're attractive," he said with a grin. I had to put him straight before he got any ideas. "I love Riley and I'm going to be his mate." He scoffed. "Riley is weak compared to other young males in the pack. You think he's so strong because of his authority, but a lot of males can overpower him physically." I felt a strong need to defend my boyfriend...and refresh Dominic's memory. "Riley had the upper hand with you last night." Dominic wasn't fazed. He shot back, "That was all for show." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't want to make him look bad in front of his pack, especially when I'm trying to get back in." I watched his face and he seemed annoyed. "He's the only white wolf in the pack, so everyone thinks he's special," he said bitterly. "He is special," I said defensively. "And you sound jealous." He chuckled humorlessly. "I'm not jealous, trust me. In a real fight...I'd kill him." I gulped nervously and second-guessed my decision to get in the truck with him. He could easily veer off-road, drag me into the woods and kill me. He'd probably eat me so he could dispose of any evidence. I started to wonder how far Riley was and if he would hear my scream. In a desperate attempt at survival, I changed the subject to cool Dominic's steadily rising animosity toward Riley. "Why did you challenge Aidan?"

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"The pack needed a younger leader because Aidan is stuck in the old ways. I felt we needed change and everyone else was too afraid to challenge the big, bad, British wolf. Unfortunately, I lost the fight, but at least I tried. I fought for change." I looked out of the window and wore a wistful expression. "I think he is changing. He's letting me join." "So I see." I felt his eyes on me. When I turned to look at him, he was grinning but it didn’t seem genuine. When we arrived at the sheriff's station, I was happy to get out of Dominic’s truck. I wanted to walk to the doctor's office alone, but then remembered I said I'd give him support when he confronted Aidan. Dominic walked inside the station first while I followed behind. I saw Celia sitting at her desk typing on the computer as usual. I wondered if she did anything else. I stopped at the front desk, but he walked around it and approached her. She looked up, and a shocked expression appeared on her face. Then she smiled and her eyes welled with tears. He stood next to her desk and smiled broadly. "Hi Mom." Oh sh*t. I wonder if he's Xavier's son too. Celia stood and embraced him tightly. She started to cry, and I couldn't tell if they were tears of joy or sadness. When she released him, her voice trembled. "What are you doing here?" "I want to come home, but I need to speak to Aidan. Is he here?" At that moment, Riley and the sheriff walked into the room, and they both looked astonished to see Dominic. I had an urge to duck behind the desk because I knew some major drama would unfold. I even expected some wolf fur to fly. Well, so much for my support. Sorry, Dom. The sheriff didn't disappoint because he growled and advanced aggressively toward Dominic, his yellow eyes glowing wildly. Celia moved in front of her son. "No Aidan! Please!" The sheriff pushed her aside violently and she fell to the floor.

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Dominic knelt and whimpered as Aidan reached him. I thought the sheriff would attack him, but he just stood towering over him. Dominic looked up, his voice low and shaky. "I want to rejoin the pack. I submit to you as my leader." Aidan's face twisted in anger. He snarled, "I spared your life once, you don't get a second chance." Dominic didn't blink. "Then kill me right now." Celia got to her feet, but didn't intervene again. Her face filled with horror. "Please, Aidan! Don't kill him! He's my son!" When the sheriff set his gaze on me, I gulped nervously. I froze on the spot, so I couldn't run. Someone touched my shoulder, and I looked up to see Riley standing next to me. I never saw him move. Sheriff Gray turned his attention back on Dominic. "Why do you want to come back?" "You were right. I can't survive without my pack and I don’t have a mate." He dropped his head until he was kneeling at Aidan's feet. "Please, I'm begging you." I expected him to receive a swift kick in the face, but the sheriff never lifted his foot. Celia approached her husband and laid a gentle hand on his arm. "Please let him come back. I think he's learned his lesson. He's young and full of bravado just like Riley. Remember what you told me about yourself when you were his age." The sheriff looked down at her, the golden fire in his eyes now flickering softly. "I want us to be a family. He's your stepson." Dominic wasn't getting off so easily, because in the next second, Aidan slammed him against the wall with brute force. He growled again and Dominic whimpered in submission. With his voice low, he made sure his stepson knew who was in charge. "I am pack law. You disobey me just once, and I'll rip out your throat." Dominic didn't look at him, but he nodded obediently. Aidan dropped him to the floor. Then he looked up and spoke quietly. "Thank you." The sheriff stood over him. "There's a full moon tonight, so you'll be inducted back in." Riley moved with great speed and stood next to his father. "No, you can't let him back in!"

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His father quickly entered his personal space. "I am pack law! Get used to it!" Riley dropped his head. "I'm letting your little human girlfriend in, so don't question my judgment, boy!" I glanced at Dominic and his smirk told me he enjoyed watching Riley take some of the abuse. The sheriff stepped back and sighed heavily. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose. His temper had cooled when he spoke to his son again, but he wasn't any nicer. "Why didn't you come to me before you decided to kill Zoë?" Riley crossed his arms over his chest. "I didn't think I had to. I had every right to punish her. I want the pack to know if they threaten my mate...they will forfeit their f*cking lives." His lip curled into a snarl. Aidan shook his head and sighed in exasperation. "Don't come to the burial because you'll only upset her parents." "I wasn't planning to," Riley said in a hard voice. He walked away and approached me. Fear consumed me because my new boyfriend just confessed to murder. He gave me a concerned look. "Did you see the doctor yet?" He reached for my hand, but I shrank away from him. "What's wrong with you?" I searched his eyes, my voice above a whisper. "Why didn't you tell me you killed her?" "Because I knew you'd be upset...like you are now," his voice clipped. I stared at Riley as last night's events replayed in my mind. I thought about how he left the bed while I slept, probably jumped out the window, and ran through the woods in search of Zoë. He hunted her like an animal and when he found his prey...he delivered a fatal bite that ended her life. Zoë probably didn't see it coming. "How could you, Riley? I can't believe you would do something like that." He stepped toward me and gave me an intense look. "Don't you understand? I would kill for you. I would die for you." Suddenly, he frowned. He reached out again to caress my cheek, but I jerked back. He spoke softly. "You said you would never reject me." Dominic entered my line of vision. He had moved a few feet behind Riley and stared at me. I broke our gazes to look into Riley's face. He still looked upset. In that moment, I realized exactly what I had gotten myself into by agreeing to join a wolf pack. If I was going to survive, I had to think like them and adapt to their way of life. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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With a reluctant heart, I pushed Zoë's death out of my mind. Then I sighed and said, "Okay, I'll see the doctor, but I want something to eat first. I'm starving, so let's go back to the diner." Riley smiled and gathered me into his arms. That's when Dominic approached us. He smiled too, his voice friendly. "Do you mind if I tag along? I'm hungry too." Riley turned toward his stepbrother and scowled. "Piss off. Go gnaw on a f*cking deer. I don't want anything to do with you." Dominic's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say a word. I didn't get a word in either because Riley pulled me along as we left the station. We had a quick meal at the diner and then headed across the road to the doctor's office. The doctor was busy with an elderly patient, but Quinn offered to help. She seemed to enjoy being my nurse and impressed me by how quickly she stitched my wound. She was bandaging my arm when Riley finally decided to share the latest news. "I ran into Dominic at the station." Quinn paused and looked at her brother with a grim expression. Then she set her angry gaze on me. "He's not welcome in our house," she said in a hard voice. I gave her a confused look. "But his mom lives there, and your father is inducting him into the pack again." Her eyes widened as she yelled, "What?" "Yeah, he is," Riley said calmly. Quinn stood abruptly, her face clearly upset. "Why do you hate Dominic so much?" I asked. "Why is it so bad he challenged your father? Is it wrong to challenge the pack leader? Dominic said he fought for change, and that your father is stuck in the old ways. He said the pack needs a younger leader." Suddenly, Quinn started to cry. "What's wrong?" A second later, she turned on her heel and ran out of the office. Unlike what happened at The Den, I followed her because I wanted to find out the cause of her severe dislike for her stepbrother...who once tried to be her mate. Ewww…talk about an awkward relationship. When I got outside, she was already halfway down the road and seemed to be heading home. "Quinn, wait up!" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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She stopped and turned toward me. Even in the distance, I could see her blazing yellow eyes. "I don't want to talk about it!" When I reached her, I was out of breath. "But you can talk to me. We should have girl talk. Tell me what's wrong." My words seemed to calm her. She sniffled, and her tear-filled eyes returned to blue. "Girl talk?" I put my arm around her shoulder and held her close. "Yeah, let's talk," I said soothingly. She gave me a small smile. "Okay, we can go to my house." When we arrived at her trailer, Dominic was standing in the living room. He looked at us in surprise, and in that same second, Quinn growled and flashed into a wolf. Her clothes tore and fell off her body as she attacked him. She was no match for Dominic because he laughed and pushed her off easily. She landed on the carpet and flashed back into a human. Celia walked in from the kitchen and yelled, "What's going on?" Quinn's voice cracked. "I don't want him here!" Celia stood over her, anger etched into her face. "He's my son! I'm not going to tell him he's not welcome in his own home!" Dominic stood silently and looked down at Quinn in amusem*nt. He licked his lips as his amber eyes raked over her naked body. Quinn shot back, "But this isn't his home!" Celia's lips spread into a thin line as she glared at her stepdaughter. I knelt beside Quinn and tried to offer some comfort. I wanted her to know I was on her side. "Let's go to my cabin." I helped her to stand and shielded her from Dominic's leering eyes. "Get dressed and then we'll leave." I spared a glance at him and he smirked. I returned a seething look before Quinn and I entered her bedroom. I could tell Dominic had shaken her up because her hands trembled as she put on her clothes. I followed her out of the room, but before we left the trailer, she gave Celia a nasty look. "Bitch!" Then she slammed the front door and marched angrily around the trailer and into the grass clearing. She headed toward the forest, so I had to assume we were walking to my cabin. During our walk, I decided to start our girl talk. "So, tell me why you rejected Dominic."

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She scoffed. "Do you need to ask? He's a wanker." I laughed, but Quinn didn't share my amusem*nt. "When I rejected him, he got angry because according to the old pack law, I had to accept. I didn't have a choice. I went to my father about it and he asked Xavier to change the law for females to give us a choice in our mates. Xavier didn't agree, and felt insulted I didn't want his son. He and my father had a major row." "A major what?" "Row. Argument." She gave a short laugh. "Oh. Sorry, some of the words you and Riley say are confusing." "Yeah, he told me. No worries, we understand. We're the only Brits here, so we're used to explaining what we're saying. Anyway, then my father decided to challenge Xavier as pack leader. When he won the fight, Dominic was infuriated." "Riley said your father challenged Xavier because he wanted humans in the pack." "Yeah, that too, but Dominic took his anger out on me." When I didn't hear her footsteps alongside me, I stopped because I realized I had walked ahead of her. I turned around and saw she had stopped walking. She wore a distraught expression and stared at nothing. I stood in front of her---quietly and patiently---because I knew she was going to say something. Her lips trembled, and she wouldn't look at me when she whispered, "He raped me." Her eyes darted toward me. "But he didn't get a chance to mark me because I escaped." Her confession shocked me to the core. My voice was lost in the air, but I gathered her into my arms. She had grown to become my sister and I wanted to protect her although I didn't possess the physical strength to do it. She sniffled, and I pulled back to look at her face. "Have you ever told anyone?" I asked softly. She shook her head, her eyes watery and bloodshot. "No. Dominic threatened to kill me if I did. I was afraid of him. He was still angry about the death of his father and that his mother mated with my father." My eyes widened at this new revelation. "His father died?" "Yes, my father killed his during the fight." She continued walking, but I kept stride with her. "That's how you become the pack leader. Either you kill the Alpha Male or he gives up his rank and names you his successor. I don't know why Dominic thought he was a match for my father. I don't know why he's back, but I do know he has an agenda. He'll always resent my Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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family." She stopped again, but this time she grabbed my arms with her small hands. "Don't tell Riley about the rape because he'll go after Dominic, and I don't want them to fight." She loosened her grip and her voice wavered on the verge of tears. "I don't want Riley to get hurt." Without hesitation, I nodded. "I promise I won't tell him." I solved the mystery and finally understood why Quinn hated Dominic, but now...I hated him too.

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Quinn and I spent hours talking and hanging out. It was the first time she had ever been inside my cabin. I enjoyed spending time with Riley---immensely---but sometimes I desired female company. Quinn’s entire mood seemed to change while she was with me. I showed her around, and she told me how I could redecorate each room. I just smiled at her because I felt happy to offer a distraction from Dominic. Once we settled into the living room, Quinn confessed she didn't have a boyfriend or anyone interested in filling the role. We lounged barefoot on opposite sides of the sofa and sipped hot tea from mugs. "So are there any guys you do like; someone with whom you wouldn't mind being submissive? I know it's hard for you, but relationships are about compromise." She shook her head. "Nope." My mouth dropped. Before I could reply, she said, "Well, there are a couple males I find physically attractive, but their personalities are horrid. Why is it always the good-looking blokes who have nothing of quality to offer?" My hand shot up. "Now, wait a minute. That's a generalization because Riley is goodlooking and doesn't apply. Your brother is amazing and a total package." I stared at the sofa cushion and my vision unfocused. "He's witty and smart, sensitive and caring, yet fearless and brave." I think she chuckled, but I was lost in my thoughts of Riley. "Not to mention, he has the body of a Greek god." I looked at her and lifted an eyebrow. "Or should I say orse god?" "Don't forget cheeky," she added blandly. Ironically, the subject of our scrutiny walked through the front door. "I'm not cheeky." Riley's lips curved into a smirk. My eyes nearly bulged and my face flushed with heat. I wonder what else he heard. He approached the sofa and flopped down on the middle cushion between us. A grin replaced his smirk and I saw humor dancing in his eyes. I sipped my tea to hide my embarrassment, but when I moved the mug from my lips, he stole a kiss...and it was definitely hotter than the tea. Quinn's voice brought my attention to the garments on her brother’s lap. "Where did you get those?" The fabric looked like silvery white satin with soft undertones of periwinkle and lavender. He unfolded one, which turned out to be a long robe. "I got them from Dad."

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I had to touch the clothing marvel. The fabric wasn't satin, but more of a polyester-cotton blend. "What is this?" I asked in amazement. "It's beautiful." The fabric shimmered when the light touched it, and had an iridescent quality I've rarely seen. Working for a fashion magazine, I'd seen almost every fabric imaginable. "I don't think I've ever seen fabric like this." "These are our robes for the pack induction ceremony," he said. "You can only get these from one place." Intrigued, my eyes widened. "Oh yeah? Where?" "The birth place of Varulv." Riley paused, and my eyes grew even wider with anticipation. "It's now called Sweden." I pursed my lips and he grinned. "There's a full moon tonight, so you'll be inducted into the pack." His spoke bitterly when he said, "And so will that knob Dominic." I looked at Quinn. She frowned and her brows furrowed. Suddenly, anxiety washed over me because I couldn't believe I would be an official member of a wolf pack in a few hours. "Tell me what I have to do for the ceremony." Riley placed the robes beside him. He turned toward me, lifting one leg onto the sofa. His gleeful expression told me he was glad I asked. "Before we leave the cabin, you'll put on a robe. We usually walk to the ceremony barefoot, but you can wear trainers." "What do I wear underneath the robe?" He gave me a confused look. "Uh, nothing." "What?" I yelled, my eyes round. "I have to be naked?" Riley still looked confused. "Well, yeah...we'll all be naked underneath because we have to take the robes off when we shift." "But I can't shift," I reminded him. Suddenly, my brain pressed the rewind button. "Wait, so I'll see everyone naked?" My breath hitched. He shook his head, amusem*nt in his voice. "What is it with you and nudity? I don't understand why it bothers you so much." I cast my gaze down. "Do all humans act this way when they have to see other people without clothing?" I scoffed. "Uh, most of us. We don't walk around naked in public unless we want to be arrested." I gave him a pointed look.

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Rolling his eyes, he said, "Wear a bra and knickers underneath if it makes you happy." With a sigh, he continued. "Anyway, we're meeting less than a mile from here near the cliff’s edge. It's where we usually have the ceremony because the moon is the biggest and brightest in that spot on the mountain. The pack will gather in a circle around my father as he announces the new members. You'll enter the circle once he beckons you and he'll tell you your position in the pack hierarchy. Then you'll say the pack oath." Riley pulled a piece of paper from his front pocket. Then he unfolded it and handed it to me. "I wrote down what you have to say. It would be a good idea if you could memorize the oath before we leave at dusk." My eyes scanned the words. It didn't seem too difficult to memorize. Riley diverted my attention when he dropped a small stack of papers on the coffee table. I looked at him and he flashed a mischievous grin. "Those are photocopies of the pack laws." My eyes widened. "Read them, learn them, and most importantly...remember to cover your arse if you break them." He chuckled. I picked up the stack and scanned the handwritten cursive words. I started getting nervous the more I shuffled through the papers. "I can't memorize all this before dusk." Quinn chimed in. "You don't have to memorize the laws as much as get familiarized with them." I dropped the laws back onto the table. They could wait. Then I looked at Riley, tenderness in my gaze. "So, when will he announce you've claimed me as your mate?" I asked softly. Riley smiled, his tone of voice matching mine. "He'll announce it after you're officially inducted into the pack. After you say the oath, everyone will shift and approach you one-by-one. We do this so everyone can receive your scent. Since you're human, all you have to do is hold out your hands. After the last Varulv receives your scent, my father will say some words in Old Norse to Máni, asking him to watch over you. At that point, you'll be an official member. Then everyone will howl in celebration. Usually we all run free afterwards, but he'll probably postpone that part so he can announce my claim for you." I sighed in relief. "Then what do I have to do?" He scooted closer and took my hands in his. "First he'll make the announcement and then I'll approach you and say something unscripted. We can say whatever we want to one another. My father lets us speak from the heart, so it's very informal. I'll shift into a wolf, and you'll kneel Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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so we can share a kiss. We have to kiss that way because it's part of the tradition, but usually it’s two wolves licking one another. My father will give us his blessing and say he recognizes our union. Then we can leave the ceremony, find somewhere private, and shag each other's brains out." He laughed, and it was contagious because I immediately joined in. I encircled my arms around him. "I can't wait...you have no idea." He smiled and caressed my cheek. "Trust me love, I feel the same way because last night I wanted to take you and---" Quinn cleared her throat. "All right, I don't need to hear this." Riley turned his head toward her and grinned. She rolled her eyes and got up from the sofa. Seconds later, I heard her voice from the kitchen. "What do you have to eat in here, Paige? I don't smell anything." I was lost in Riley's eyes while his fingers left pleasure trails across my face. "Probably nothing," I said in a detached voice. "I'm starving." Quinn reappeared in the living room rubbing her stomach. "You really need to stock up properly," she said, hands on her hips. "What are you going to feed my brother once he becomes your mate?" I shot her an affronted look. "I'm expected to cook for him too?" Call me a modern woman, but cooking is not my forte. Riley retorted back to her, "Why don't you go out and catch something? I won't tell Dad." I expected her to chastise him about breaking one of the pack laws. To my surprise, she asked, "Do you promise?" I guess she's not a goody-two-shoe after all. I took Riley's advice and wore a bra and panties underneath my robe. The robe felt like a sin to wear and I hoped it was mine to keep. I didn't feel I deserved to wear it. Riley's father would probably agree, but I didn’t care. I was redeeming my ‘Get in Free’ card. I wanted to be with Riley and I’d be a fool not to go through with the ceremony. Standing alone in front of the bathroom mirror, I spun in a circle, laughing aloud in joy. I felt like a Norse goddess, the way the fabric flowed and rippled like it was made of water. It reminded me of the color of moonlight and suspected it wasn't by accident. After all, Varulv are children of a moon god.

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When I saw Riley in his robe, I discovered there were versions for each sex. The female robe was off the shoulder that wrapped around and tied with a belt. The male robe looked like a normal dressing robe. Because my neck and shoulders were exposed, I could understand why Riley didn't want to risk having sex with me. If he left his mating mark on one of those areas, his father would definitely see it. Dirt caked the bottom of my sneakers and they clashed with the elegance of the robe, but I had to wear them. I didn't have a choice because I had only packed two types of footwear. My bulky hiking boots were a worse idea than the sneakers. I couldn't hike through the forest in the high heels I wore to The Den, not unless I wanted to trip and fall, and ruin the beautiful robe. That's when I had a thought: Maybe Riley could carry me there. That way I wouldn't have to walk or embarrass myself with horrendous footwear. Riley was eager to please when I asked him to carry me to the ceremony. Judging from his beaming smile and joyous expression, he actually seemed honored. When the sky had turned orange and indigo, the colors that signaled dusk had arrived, the twins and I headed into the woods. My soon-to-be mate carried me nobly in his arms and I felt like royalty. I gave him a few kisses of gratitude as his swift footing got us to our destination within minutes. Quinn followed behind barefoot and had no problem keeping up with her brother. We arrived in a wide grass clearing with large Evergreens lining the perimeter. A few yards away, I could see the cliff’s edge and mountain peaks on the horizon. The sky had darkened, but silver light shone brightly as if it were day because the moon peeked over the mountains. I gaped openly and stared in wonder. I could actually see its deep craters. In the city, a full moon was the size of a ping-pong ball, but in the Colorado Rockies, it resembled a small planet. How was this possible? Perhaps it was the mystical work of Máni. I stood beside Riley and looked around at the other pack members. After a quick count, I estimated at least a hundred Varulv---men and women, young and old, of different races and complexions. The adults and teenagers donned the silvery white robes. A few women carried small wolf pups in their arms. Some pups ran around freely, jumping on each other and playing. One of them ran up to me and sniffed me. Within seconds, a young woman snatched the pup into her arms. "Not yet, Brandon. It's not time to sniff Paige." She flashed me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, he's just excited."

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I smiled in return. "It's okay, I understand." I rubbed the top of Brandon's little head before she walked away. Quinn stood alone off to the side and fidgeted her hands. Most of the pack chatted among themselves, but some of them paced, shifted on their feet, or hopped up and down. I wondered if they were anxious because of the ceremony or full moon. I remembered Riley told me the full moon makes Varulv anxious to shift. The chatting had quieted when Aidan appeared in the clearing. He walked barefoot with his broad muscular shoulders squared. The robe made him appear regal and his presence commanded respect. It was obvious to anyone he was the leader. Celia walked closely in tow, a serious look on her face and her hair flowing down her back. Dominic followed behind her. He walked with confidence, his eyes looking forward, but I detected the smugness hidden beneath his aloof exterior. The pack assembled into a large circle, but some had to round up the smaller pups. They were too busy having fun to realize the importance of tonight's event. Riley touched my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. "I'm going to stand next to my father. Quinn will stand next to me, and you need to stand next to her." I nodded, and followed him as he took his position in the circle. As I looked around again, I noticed everyone's focus was on Aidan. The night was nearly silent except for a few pups yipping and yowling. The women holding them tried in vain to calm their excitement. Regardless, Aidan began the ceremony. "Good evening brothers and sisters. Tonight we have gathered to welcome two members into the Black River pack." He walked forward and entered the circle. "The first member is a brother you know well. He is my stepson and was born into this pack twenty-five years ago." He turned and faced Dominic. "He was banished from the pack, but tonight I am inviting him back home with open arms. Whatever animosity you or I held in our hearts for this young wolf, I want put aside and buried deep within the earth. For tonight, Dominic Elias Black is our brother, and as one of our own, he deserves our respect, protection, and love." Quinn stiffened next to me. I looked at her and she was grinding her teeth. Then I looked at Riley. He wore a deep frown and his brows furrowed. When Aidan beckoned to Dominic, he walked quickly into the circle and knelt before him. The sheriff lowered his voice. "I'm not going to lie to my pack. When you arrived in Black Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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River, I did not want to induct you back in. I have never allowed a banished member to rejoin my pack. However, your mother Celia---whom I love dearly---had convinced me to give you another chance. I like to think I have a forgiving heart, so I listened to her plea and agreed to let you rejoin." He stepped closer to Dominic, and suddenly his voice turned hard. "But do not take my forgiving heart for granted. Your induction comes with a special stipulation. Once I officially induct you into the pack, if you disobey my laws, you will forfeit your life. Do you understand?" Dominic nodded immediately. "Yes, I understand." Aidan stepped away from him. He set his intimidating gaze on me next, and I froze like a deer caught in a wolf's path. He beckoned to me but my feet failed to cooperate with my brain. My knees felt weak and I was on the verge of collapsing. Suddenly, my head swam and I thought I would faint. I took my eyes off the sheriff for a split second, only to see everyone looking at me. Instantly, I broke out into a sweat. So this is what stage fright feels like. Even the pups stopped making noises and all I heard was nighttime insects. Riley whispered, "What are you waiting for? Go on." "I can't," I said in a strangled voice. He gave me a worried look. "I can't move." Aidan commanded me. "Come here, Paige." Riley spoke in my defense. "Dad, she's a bit nervous. Do you mind if I...?" His father threw me an exasperated look. Then he nodded and waved his son over. I had no idea what was going on, but yelped in surprise when Riley lifted me into his arms. He walked swiftly and put me next to Dominic who was still kneeling. I glanced at him, and his amber eyes looked up at me, his lips twitching in amusem*nt. I tore my eyes away and trained them on the sheriff. Gulping nervously, I stood rigid like I was in a military line. Aidan’s heavy hands clamped down on my shoulders and forced me to kneel before him. I didn't dare resist. Then he stepped away to walk around the circle and speak to the pack again. "Brothers and sisters, for the first time in Black River history, the pack will have a human member." Almost on cue, the whispering started, but it stopped immediately when he continued speaking. "Until now, I have not given you a reason for my decision. As your leader, it is my responsibility and duty to tell you why. I am fully aware that by letting a human join us, I am breaking two of my own laws. I have allowed her to know our secret and witness our true nature. You have known me to be against allowing humans to live among Varulv. But there is a power Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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greater than us and Máni himself that commands me to allow her to live as one of us." He stopped in front of Riley, but I couldn't see his face. "The power is called love." Although I couldn't see the sheriff’s face, I could see Riley's expression. His eyes widened slightly and his lips parted. The sheriff resumed his walk around the circle. "Whatever doubts you and I held in our hearts about this young woman, I want put aside and buried deep within the earth. For tonight, Paige Lindsay Donovan (He must’ve looked at my Social Security card in my wallet because I never told anyone my middle name.) is our sister and as one of our own, she deserves our respect, protection, and love." He stood in front of me again with a serious expression and matching voice. "Paige, my son loves you more than I thought. Your life was threatened and he defended you by killing one of his own. He challenged me when he thought I would kill you and sacrificed his life to protect you. The day my children revealed their true nature to you, I heard you and Riley laughing together in the kitchen. I knew if I didn't let you join the pack, I would risk losing him. That day I made my decision." He paused and stared into my eyes, but I couldn't hold his powerful gaze and dropped my head. Then he said, "Riley is my only son---my heir---and I want him to be happy. You make him happy, so that is why I am inducting you into our pack. I'm doing it for him. Do you understand?" When I looked up at him, tears trickled down my cheeks. I knew Aidan had a heart, and tonight he exposed it to me. Sniffling, I nodded with a smile. "Yes sir, I understand." Aidan turned his attention back to Dominic and placed his hand atop his head. "Dominic Elias Black, you are the blood son of our Alpha Female, Celia Marguerite Gray, but are not a blood son of mine. I, Aidan Chandler Gray, am the Alpha Male and have a blood son of my own, Riley Hunter Gray, so you cannot take his position as Beta Male. Therefore, I designate you with the rank of Gamma Male and you will take Robert John Tanning's position in the pack hierarchy. All males beneath you are now demoted one rank." Dominic nodded again. "Thank you, my leader." I had to take cues from Dominic, so I decided to respond the same way after Aidan revealed my position. The sheriff placed his hand on my head next, and I felt like he was about to baptize me.

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"Paige Lindsay Donovan, you are not related by blood to any pack member. I, Aidan Chandler Gray, am the Alpha Male and have a blood son, Riley Hunter Gray. He is the Beta Male and has claimed you as his mate." At that moment, I heard a few random whispers from the pack. The whispering stopped when Aidan whipped his head up and looked around. He sighed softly before setting his gaze back on me. "Therefore, I designate you with the rank of Beta Female and you will take my blood daughter, Quinn Briar Gray's, position in the pack hierarchy. All females beneath you are now demoted one rank." I nodded quickly. "Thank you, my leader." "I trust you both have been given copies of the pack laws?" I nodded. Then Aidan gave Dominic and me his 'I'll tear you a new one' expression (the one usually given to Riley) as he looked back and forth between us. "If you disobey any of the laws I've put forth, you will face disciplinary action from your superiors. It is at your superiors' discretion to enact any punishment they deem appropriate. There are no trials in pack law, but as your Alpha Male, I reserve the right to pass final judgment. Do you both understand?" I nodded again. He stepped away, but then gestured to Dominic. He stood and recited the pack oath. While he was speaking, I broke out in another nervous sweat and hastily wiped my brow. My breathing increased and the sheriff's eyes darted toward me. He whispered quietly, "Relax, Paige." Yeah, that's easier said than done. When Dominic finished his oath, I knew my turn was next and thought I would die. I had memorized the oath earlier, but couldn't remember it now. Aidan stood patiently, but my mouth just opened and closed. No words would come forth. "Stand up, Paige," he commanded. I struggled to my feet, so he grabbed my arms and lifted me. Then he looked at me while I bit my fingernails and stared back dumbfounded. Defeated, I sighed and dropped my head. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I don't remember the words."

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I peeked at him from beneath my lashes. I was afraid to see the disappointment in his eyes. He lets a human into the pack and she couldn't even remember the oath. When his lips turned into a thin line and his brows furrowed, I knew he was annoyed with me. Suddenly, my savior appeared next to me and held out a familiar scrap of paper. "Read it, Paige," Riley ordered softly. I looked at him in astonishment and wondered where he had hidden the oath. My robe certainly didn't have pockets. After I took a deep breath, I looked at the paper and recited my pack oath in a shaky voice. "I, Paige Lindsay Donovan, swear to abide by the laws given unto me by my pack leader. I swear to respect and obey my superiors, and to judge my subordinates fairly. I swear never to reveal our true nature to humans or speak of the Varulv secret. I swear never to hunt without my pack, and if I am blessed with a plentiful bounty, to share it with others. I swear to nurture and educate our youth, and care for our sick and elderly. I swear to love and honor my mate if Freyja blesses my soul to receive one. I swear to be a contributing member of pack society and help my community thrive. I swear never to abandon my pack or put their lives at risk. I swear to protect my pack and put their survival before my own. This is my solemn oath I swear unto you and before my pack leader. May only Máni cast judgment upon me if ever I forsake this oath." I released a breath and looked at Riley for confirmation. He smiled widely and I returned the gesture. When he tried to step away from me, his father put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't go anywhere yet." Then he removed his robe in front of me and my mouth went dry. Like his son, Máni blessed him with a magnificent male appendage and a body carved of muscle and golden skin. He turned around and spoke to the pack. "Brothers and sisters, I ask you all to meet your newest pack members." All around me, Varulv disrobed until everyone stood nude except me. I looked over at a naked Dominic and flushed in embarrassment. Now I could really see how much he worked out. His body was impressive. Too bad he was a rapist with a severe chip on his shoulder. I looked away quickly and focused on Riley again because I was used to seeing him naked. He looked at me with a smirk, and tugged at my robe. I swatted his hand away, and he chuckled softly before shifting into a white wolf.

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All the pack members flashed into wolves. I looked around and their glowing yellow eyes fixed on Dominic and me. That's when I noticed Dominic was right about Riley. He was the only white wolf in the pack and I wondered why. Riley sat beside me on his hind legs and watched as each pack member approached. I held out both hands, and each wolf either sniffed or licked them. The last wolf to sniff my hand was the sheriff, and afterwards, he flashed back into a human. Then he outstretched his muscular arms. With his eyes closed, he lifted his head toward the moon and spoke words I had to assume were Old Norse. After he finished speaking, he shifted back into a gray wolf and howled. The pack immediately joined in. I had never heard wolves howl this close to me, but the sound was so loud and haunting, it seeped into my soul and forced me to my knees. They howled in celebration for me---a human---because I was one of them now. I felt extremely humbled and couldn't keep my tears at bay. I looked at Dominic again. He wasn't howling, but his wolf eyes emitted an intensity that bore into my skull. I swallowed hard under his steady gaze. I didn't trust him, and he had me suspicious. Once the howling subsided, Aidan flashed into his human form again. Riley followed suit, but everyone else remained as wolves. He spoke to the pack once more. "Before you all run freely into this beautiful night, I want to officially announce Riley's claim for Paige as his mate. This is every father's hope, and I am proud to witness my son claim his mate tonight." He beckoned to Riley and he stepped forward. "Riley, you know I've always tried to give you what you want within reason." He grinned, but suddenly it faded and gave way to a somber expression. "I've put you through so much anguish as a pup. My guilt is my burden to bear, not yours. I want you to know my concern has always been for you and your sister's happiness and well-being. When I first denied your request to claim Paige as your mate, my rejection wasn't to hurt you. It was to protect you. I didn't see how you could have a future with her and didn't want you to suffer from any further heartache. I didn't realize your heart would suffer greater if you could never have her." He laid a gentle hand on his son's shoulder. "But I see clearly now, and will admit I was wrong." He turned to me with a smile. "I know she loves you, so claim her now so I may recognize your union and give you my blessing." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley smiled broadly, and surprised me when he hugged his father. Aidan looked taken back, and I wondered if affection was a rarity between them. They always seemed to bump heads, and I had never seen them get along. When Riley released him, he stood in front of me, still naked and gorgeous as ever. His blond hair shone in the moonlight. With his lean and chiseled physique, he truly resembled a Norse god. A real intensity etched into his face as if he was trying to choose his words carefully. "Paige, I'll keep this short because you know I want to get out of here and mate with you." He winked and my cheeks flushed. Oh, no you didn't. "So, I'll just say you're all I've ever wanted from the moment I met you in these woods thirteen years ago. I love you, so...will you have me?" I smiled adoringly at this lovely man. "Yes, I'll have you." He gave me a warm smile before he flashed into a wolf. I knelt in front of him and he licked my lips. Then I grabbed his head and planted a firm kiss on his mouth. When I encircled my arms around his neck, I murmured into his soft fur, "I love you too." I heard Dominic's voice on my left side. "Aidan, I want to claim Paige as my mate." I gasped and whipped my head toward him. At the same time, the sheriff looked at him with wide eyes and yelled, "What? You want to claim her too?" Dominic simply nodded. He stood naked, looking down at Riley and me with a sly grin. Other pack members flashed into their human forms. Most of their shocked expressions matched mine and some of them shouted in protest. Dominic spoke calmly. "I'm not breaking any law, am I?" The sheriff's eyes narrowed into slits. "I have every right to claim her too, don't I? You haven't given them your blessing yet." He boldly stepped closer to him. "And you can't...now that a second claim has been made, can you?" Aidan growled a warning, but Dominic stood his ground unafraid. Celia had taken her human form when she approached her son. She spoke in a hushed voice, anger written on her face. "Dominic, what are you doing?" He shrugged, a smirk still lingering on his lips. "I want her." Riley didn't bother to flash into his human form. He growled viciously as he lunged at his stepbrother, the force of his movements knocking me to the ground. I yelled his name, my arm outstretched toward him.

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Dominic quickly flashed into a wolf, his body ready in a defensive stance. His ebony coat was a striking contrast to Riley's ivory fur. They seemed opposite in every way. I braced myself for their fight, but Riley couldn't attack him because Aidan shifted into his wolf form and knocked him to the side. Riley landed on his feet and growled menacingly, his fierce yellow eyes glaring at Dominic. I had never seen him this way, not even when he defended me against his father. My body trembled at the sight of him, and I wondered if he looked this way the night he killed Zoë. He snarled and growled, no longer the gentle white wolf that lay in my bed and slept in my arms. His true nature was before me, a wild and dangerous animal. He lowered his body into an attack position, growls rumbling in his throat, but his father flashed into a human and blocked his path. Aidan stared him down and then his voice boomed into the night. "YOU WILL NOT SETTLE THIS NOW! I DECIDE WHEN YOU FIGHT!" I stood and protested too. "But I don't want Dominic!" Quinn was suddenly at my side. She put her arm around my waist and spoke quietly. "It doesn't matter. Dominic made a claim for you, so Riley has to fight him. Now they have to earn the right to have you as a mate. There's nothing you can do." I pulled myself away from her and approached the sheriff. "Please, I just want to be with Riley," I begged desperately. I saw sympathy in his eyes, but his words were void of any. "I'm sorry, Paige, but Quinn is right. That is pack law, and I've already broken enough laws tonight." When he turned his back on me, I felt as if the whole evening meant nothing. He shifted into his wolf form again and ran off into the woods. Celia's brown wolf form followed behind him like a good Alpha Female. I guess the ceremony was over, but I still wasn't Riley's mate. Some pack members still lingered, most of them looking confused and whispering to each other. I looked at Riley. He stood as a human, his shoulders slumped and his beautiful face etched with melancholy. He stared at me and I saw the raw hurt behind his eyes. Suddenly, red-hot anger started to boil inside me. With narrowed eyes, I slowly turned my head and set my deadly gaze on my own prey. Wrath had taken over me and I exploded in rage. I ran toward Dominic and shoved him with all my strength. He stumbled back, his eyes wide with surprise. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"You f*cking bastard! Fight me!" My fist made contact with his nose and he doubled over. When he lifted his head, I saw blood trickle from one nostril. He chuckled darkly. I shot him a death glare, and if looks could kill, he would've dropped dead where he stood. Once the blood reached his lips, he darted his tongue out to taste it. Then he grabbed me in a vice grip, pressing me hard against his naked body. "Oooh! I like my bitches feisty." I struggled to free myself, but he held me tightly. He moved his head next to mine and whispered nastily in my ear. "I'm going to kill your precious white wolf. I'll taste his blood, and then...I'll taste yours when I mark you." I slammed my knee into his groin and he finally released me, howling in pain and falling to the ground grabbing his crotch. I stood over him, and my voice cracked when I yelled, "Why are you doing this?" He was breathing hard still holding his privates, but then I heard his sinister laughter again. With lightning fast speed, he got to his feet and hissed at my face, "Why do you think? Aidan took my father from me, so I'm going to take his son away from him." My mouth dropped in shock. Before I could blink, he shoved me hard and my body skidded across the grass. I groaned, and looked up to see Riley get right in his face. He snarled, "You think you can kill me?" Dominic licked his bloody lips and grinned. "Oh, I know I can kill you." Riley smiled with his fiery wolf eyes. "You don't know me very well." His stepbrother wore a thoughtful look. "Actually...I do." He clasped his hands together, his voice cheery. "A fight is just what I need to release some of this pent up frustration." His eyes darted toward me still lying on the ground. "You gave me the perfect opportunity. How could I pass it up?" He gave me a slight bow with sick mockery in his eyes. "Thank you, Paige." Riley shoved him violently and he fell hard on the ground. Good, let's see how YOU like it. In less than a second, he leapt on top of Dominic and pinned him down. He growled close to his face, his sharp canines glinting like tiny razors in the moonlight. "You'll never have her," he seethed. Dominic chuckled again. "We'll see about that, brother." Then he flashed into a wolf and pushed him off with superhuman force. Riley shifted in midair and landed on his feet easily. Dominic walked away and I glared at him, even after his tail disappeared into the shadows. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley approached me in his human form and helped me to my feet. "Just forget about him. Let's go home." I grabbed his arm. "I don't want you to fight," my voice loud and frantic. "I have to." "There has to be a way out of this." Tears welled in my eyes. Riley's face fell, his voice quiet and somber. "There isn't. I would disgrace myself if I didn't accept his challenge to claim you as a mate." He gently peeled my fingers from around his bicep. "You have to understand pack life now that you're a part of it." I searched his eyes for the truth and quietly asked my fear aloud. "Is Dominic stronger than you?" He shook his head. "No. Don't worry, I'll beat him. I have more to lose, so I won't let him win." Riley put his arm around my shoulder and held me close. His warm body smelled pleasant, but did nothing to comfort me or ease my distress. My lips trembled and I let my tears fall. We walked out of the clearing and into the dark forest. He spoke softly, his alluring English accent lacing his words. "When we get home, I don't want to talk about the fight. I just want to climb into bed, wrap my arms around you, and fall asleep." I didn't want to talk about the fight either, but I was determined to find a way to stop it.

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The twins and I walked through the forest toward my cabin. Even at night, a dark cloud loomed over our heads. What was supposed to be an evening of celebration, nearly turned into a death match between Riley and Dominic. For the first quarter-mile, none of us spoke. Riley and Quinn walked on either side of me like my protectors. Riley's robe hung open and flowed in the wind. Quinn's robe wrapped around her and she clutched it as if she was cold. The moon provided limited vision for my eyes because the canopy of dense trees blocked most of the light. I could see Riley's profile and glanced at him every now and then. His mouth was set in a deep frown and his eyebrows knit together. I could only imagine what he was thinking. He probably shared my thoughts to kill Dominic. I knew it was a bad idea from the beginning to walk in high heels. I accidentally stepped into a dip because I could barely see. My ankle twisted and I heard a snap. "f*ck!" The twins stopped and Riley caught my left elbow to steady me. I didn't feel any pain so I knew the sound wasn't my bone breaking. I lifted my foot and realized I broke a heel. "Great," I muttered. "This is just what I need." "Are you all right?" Riley asked. I sighed. "Yeah, my stupid heel broke off." Quinn took the heel from me. "Can you still walk?" I took a couple wobbly steps. "Yeah." I was already livid about Dominic's stunt, and now my broken shoe pushed me over the edge. "You know what? f*ck this." I took my other shoe off and threw them both into the darkness. They landed in the distance with muffled thumps. Now barefoot, I resumed walking, but my casual stroll turned into an angry march. "I don't give a sh*t. I don't care if I step on a rock or a piece of wood impales my foot. I wish I had a gun." "Why?" Quinn asked. "Because I'd use it to shoot Dominic," I replied in a hard voice. With inhuman speed, Riley moved and grabbed my arms. "I don't want to hear you say that again."

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A chill ran through me because of his aggressiveness. I looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" "As much as I hate him and want to rip out his throat, I hate guns more than anything." He pressed me hard against his body. "I don't want you to ever bring a gun into our town. A pup could find it and someone could get hurt or killed." I nodded quickly, my voice trembling. "Okay, I won't. It was just a thought." He released me and walked ahead of us. I obviously hit a nerve, so I walked a few paces behind him. Quinn stayed at my side, and when I looked at her, she just shrugged. I knew Riley was pissed off about Dominic, but now he was directing his frustration onto me. "Okay, maybe I wouldn't shoot him, but he still needs his ass kicked. First he hurts Quinn, and now he ruins our moment to finally be together." Riley turned around and I froze on the spot. "What do you mean he hurt Quinn?" I gulped nervously when he approached me again. In the next second, Quinn moved swiftly and wedged herself between us. She faced me and spoke through clenched teeth. "othing." Her eyes blazed an amber warning. My mouth dropped. I looked back at Riley and stammered, "Uh, I mean...he shoved her earlier...back at the trailer." Quinn extinguished the fire behind her eyes and I released a breath. Riley's shoulders relaxed. "Oh." Then he walked away. This time Quinn followed behind him and I scurried to keep up. I had almost revealed her secret and wondered if she was upset with me. I kept stride with her and smiled when she looked at me. She returned the gesture and knew she had forgiven me. "Can I stay in the cabin with you?" She asked in a hopeful tone. Immediately, Riley shot back, "No. Paige and I want privacy." I scoffed at his cold reply. "Yes, you can stay," I said, overriding his decision. He growled, and I whipped my head toward him, my jaw dropping again. "Are you growling?" His growl lowered to a rumble. "Now stop it." Quinn walked between us, and he looked at me over her head. A dim yellow light switched on behind his eyes. It illuminated part of his face and revealed his jaw set hard. "Wouldn't you rather have your sister stay with us instead of back at the trailer with Dominic? I bet he's staying there." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Riley didn't reply, but turned off the hostile light in his eyes. Quinn gave a short, sarcastic laugh. "Oh wait, I forgot. You marked the cabin so now it's your territory, right?" Eyes wide, I whipped my head toward her. "What do you mean he marked the cabin?" I looked at Riley for an explanation, but he ignored me. Quinn spoke up again, amusem*nt in her voice. "He urinated all around it and on the front and back doors too." Revolted, I cried out, "Ugh! Riley, you peed on my house?" He still didn't speak nor make eye contact. Quinn laughed. "It's normal for males to mark their territory. Just be happy he didn't mark the inside." I guess I had a lot more to learn about wolves. Then she said, "No worries, I'll sleep in the woods." This time I stopped walking and grasped her slender arm. "No you won't. You can sleep in my old room." With narrowed eyes, I set my gaze on Riley and silently dared him to object again. He didn't say a word. I released Quinn and we continued to trek through the wilderness. "It's only temporary until I get my own cabin built," she added. A smile broke free on my face at the thought of having Quinn as a neighbor. Riley's head whipped toward his sister and he shouted, "Your own cabin?" My smile disappeared. "Do you know how long it will take to build? If you don't want to stay with Dad and Celia, then you better buy yourself a trailer." "I don't want a bloody trailer! I want a cabin." "Well, you're not staying with us for too long. You're going to have to go back home. I'll take care of Dominic, so you won't have to suffer him for much longer." Riley's temper silenced me and Quinn, and neither of us said anything to him after that. Once we reached the cabin, I opened the front door and let Quinn enter first. I was about to follow behind her, but noticed Riley stopped on the porch. I turned to face him. "What's wrong?" The porch light finally allowed me to see clearly. "You go ahead," he said quietly, biting his bottom lip. "I'm going for a run." I approached him, my eyes concerned. "Why?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He sighed. "I need to clear my head." He turned slightly and looked out at the forest. I slipped my arms around his waist. "Are you going after Dominic?" I started to get nervous as I remembered the last time he took a nightly run through the woods. He caressed my cheek. "No. As much as I'd like to, if I fight him now, my father would probably kill me." I didn't want him to leave, so I molded my body against his naked front. Even through my robe, I felt his tempting manhood. I wanted to take him upstairs to our bedroom and explore every part of his body at my leisure. Tilting my head up, I placed a soft kiss on his lips and hoped he would read the message. When I pulled back, I gave him a pleading look. He cupped my face, tenderness in his eyes. "I won't be long. I promise." Rejected, I cast my gaze down, but he lifted my chin gently. He pressed his lips to mine once more, his fringe brushing my forehead. I embraced him tightly, resting my face on his bare chest. "Okay," I murmured. He pulled away and slid off his robe. He handed me the silvery garment, flashed into a wolf and bounded off the front steps. I watched him run into the darkness until he disappeared. I walked inside the cabin and closed the front door behind me. As I headed toward the stairwell, I heard a wolf's howl in the distance. I knew it was Riley. After I showered, I realized I had to do laundry because I didn't have any clean pajamas. Wrapped in a bath towel, I went into the closet and pulled one of Riley's t-shirts off the hanger. I slipped the shirt over my head and climbed into bed wearing nothing else. I had planned something naughty for his return and hoped he wouldn't reject me again. The clock on the nightstand read after one A.M. I flipped onto my back, staring at the ceiling and wishing for Riley to come home. Howls pierced through the night, but this time I wasn't afraid. There was a full moon, so I would probably hear them all night. It was another thing I had to become accustomed. When I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I decided to abandon my plan. I had only slept a few minutes, but heard a quiet thud inside the room. The sound of footsteps followed, and my eyes shot open. Sitting up, I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and saw Riley's wolf form standing next to the bed. Relieved he was finally home, I pulled the quilt back to invite him to lay with me. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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He flashed into a human and smiled as he jumped on the bed. I covered us with the quilt and laid my head on his chest. "Did you have a nice run?" I whispered. "Yes," he replied in a hushed tone, his hand smoothing the hair back from my forehead. Now was the opportune moment to put my plan in action. I leaned over him. "Make love to me now and mark me. Then Dominic won't be able to have me." His eyes widened. "I can't. If I mark you before Dominic has a chance to fight for you, my father will kill me." Rolling my eyes, I sighed in frustration. Then I flopped down on my back. "No he won't. You always say that. He wouldn't kill his only son." "You don't know my father. His rank is very important to him. This law is punishable by death. If he doesn't uphold it or shows me special treatment, he'll lose the respect of the pack and start a mutiny. He could even lose his rank as Alpha Male." I lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. "So, you mean to tell me his rank is more important than your life?" His expression turned serious. "The pack is his life and it means more to him than anything...even me." I gave him a confused look. "But what about all the things he said to you at the ceremony? Specifically that his concern is for your happiness?" He scoffed. "Like he's really going to say the pack is more important than me. Look, I know he loves me. He just loves the pack more." He turned his head, breaking the connection with our eyes. He was upset, so I tried to comfort him by threading my fingers through his hair. "Why are you the only white wolf in the pack?" I asked softly. His gaze met mine, and I noticed the angry lines in his face melted away. "White wolves are rare, so there aren’t many like me. Most Varulv are gray, black, tawny, or brown." I smiled, leaning in for a kiss. "I knew you were special." Riley sat up and hovered over me. His scent engulfed my senses as he swooped down to capture my mouth again. Passion swirled between us, our mouths opening to allow our tongues to play. We unsealed our lips and I pulled the quilt back with haste.

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"I'm not letting Dominic ruin our night." I looked into his eyes and hoped he would understand my meaning. Even if he didn't, I knew he would understand when I reached down and grasped his co*ck. He gasped, his body jerking in surprise. "Paige---" I shook my head and pressed my index finger to his lips. Riley was mine tonight and I was determined to have him inside me. I stroked his co*ck firmly and slowly, relishing the soft fleshy texture. I let his warm blood fill the delicate vessels and stiffen it until it was hard and standing proud. His hips bucked in rhythm with my strokes and a deep moan escaped his throat. "Touch me," I whispered. His eyes darted toward my center. With my free hand, I lifted his t-shirt to reveal my bare puss*. I heard a rumble in his chest, and when he looked at me, I saw the familiar amber color. The wolf inside him was right beneath the surface. Oh, how I wanted this beautiful animal to ravish me. He moved his hand slowly, his fingers curiously brushing my hairless mound. I exhaled when he cupped my puss* and rubbed it in a circle. I yanked his co*ck gently in my direction, and he moved closer to lie against me. He draped a leg over my hip and I rubbed his manhood against me, his precum leaving sticky wet spots on my skin. His fingers poked and probed my entrance, and explored my outer and inner lips. I wondered if I was the first female he touched this way. His thumb flicked my sensitive nub and I cried out, my fist slick from his fluids and jerking him rapidly. Riley cried out too and climbed on top of me. My eyes pleaded with him again. "Please, Riley. I want us to make love tonight." "I can't," he replied in a strangled voice. I reached up and grabbed the blond curls at the nape of his neck. "Please," I begged. "I want you now. Don't you want me too?" "Of course I do, love." "Then take me. I'm yours." He made a sound of frustration. "Let's both break the law." He stilled with his glowing eyes fixed on me. "But try not to bite me. Do your best to control the urge. We can't make love unless you can control it." He put his hands on my belly. They glided up my skin in a gentle caress, pushing the shirt over my swollen breasts. Then he leaned down and whispered his answer. "Okay, I'll try."

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Excited, I sat up and attacked his mouth. I stroked him faster and wrapped my other arm around his lean torso. With a growl, he pushed me down onto the bed. I arched my back to him, rubbing his co*ck against my puss* with urgent need. It slid through my lips with ease, both of us aroused and prepped for one another. I positioned his engorged tip directly on my cl*t, swirling it around and over the hood. The sensation felt heavenly and I cried out again. Riley smothered my cry with his mouth. We kissed fiercely, his hand snaking between our bodies to rub my wet core. I bucked against him frantically, and when I could no longer stand the torture, I shoved his erection deep inside me. He released my mouth with a roar, and I gasped in amazement at the intensity of his animal-like sound. For a moment, I thought he would flash into a wolf on top of me. His eyes blazed wildly and he slammed into me hard. I called out his name and spread my thighs wider, and let my knees fall boneless against the mattress. His mouth captured the nipple on my left breast. He sucked the fleshy pebble until it hardened and then repeated the action on my right breast. I grabbed his head, raising it, so I could slowly lick his lips like a wolf. His arms rested on either side of my body to support him as he thrust into me deeply. I matched his pace, moaning and gasping in pleasure. Riley pressed his pelvis against mine, his co*ck filling me to the hilt so he could bury himself inside my womb. Low rumbles reverberated in his chest as he ground into me hard, making wondrous circles against my tender vagin*l walls. "Yes, just like that! I love it!" I had his entire length inside me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, ensnaring him in my sexual trap once again. Suddenly...his body started to tremble. He pounded into me perfectly, pushing me further into the mattress. Breathing erratically, he moved his head next to mine. His warm breath huffed in my ear. Faster and faster, he panted like a wolf. Then he lifted his head and cried out. "Paige! I feel like I'm going to shift!" I gripped his ass, the muscles hard and flexing as he f*cked me with powerful strokes. "No, Riley. Don't." I knew his climax was near. "Just come, baby. Come inside me right now. Don't hold back." We were both sweating, and the sound of our bodies slapping together echoed in the bedroom. Riley's co*ck drilled me like a piston, steadily hitting my G-spot until I saw silver flecks Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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in front of my eyes. My sexual peak was closing in on me and I thought about us sharing our first org*sm. The pleasure he gave me overwhelmed my body until I could no longer contain it. The first org*smic wave hit, and tingly warmth flowed through me. Tiny sparks shot out of every nerve ending and my body shook from the force of my release. Closing my eyes, I tilted my head and moaned deeply, drawing out Riley's name on my lips. I held him tightly, my fingernails digging into his shoulder blades. My inner muscles clenched him, and I felt my puss* squirt all over his erection. With another growl, he slammed into me again. Then he grabbed the back of my hair, lifting my head off the pillow. His wolf eyes blazed brighter than I'd ever seen, and his sharp canines came within an inch from my shoulder. I thought he would lose control and mark me. "Riley, don't bite me!" A pained expression appeared on his face. "Paige, I want to shift," he groaned. In the next second, I felt him shoot his hot seed inside me. "I'm coming so hard, love. I want to sink my teeth into you." Our bodies trembled together, both of us breathing rapidly and gasping for air. Riley's org*sm overpowered him and he let out a howl of ecstasy. His pelvis jerked and he filled me to overflowing. Thick sem*n dribbled between my thighs, warm and sticky. I moaned again, relishing the feeling of our mutual climax. Still panting, he hovered above me on his strong arms with his face flushed from passion. I tried to kiss him, but he jerked his head back. "No, don't kiss me." I pouted. "Why not?" "The hormone is in my mouth. I can taste it." He rolled his tongue around his mouth. "I can't give it to you until I can mark you. Just give me a few minutes." I chuckled. "Okay." I stroked his hair, now dark blond from sweat. "Wait until my eyes turn green." I laughed. "Green for go?" He laughed too and nodded. Then he leaned his head down, his gaze never leaving mine. “Watch,” he whispered. As he relaxed, I watched the color transformation of his eyes. His breathing evened out, and the glowing amber dimmed and faded until it revealed a solid pale green.

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I gaped in absolute wonder. "That's amazing." Green meant 'go', so I asked timidly, "Can I kiss you now?" He rolled his tongue around his mouth again, looking up at the ceiling. Then he gave me another nod. I didn't hesitate to feast upon his plump lips. I moaned in delight, sucking his bottom lip and nibbling it. I couldn't get enough. When I was satisfied, he moved to lie beside me. Smiling, I turned on my side and caressed his naked damp skin. "I knew you could control it. You don't give yourself enough credit, Riley." He grinned. "So...do you fancy another go?" I gasped in shock, my eyebrows shooting toward my hairline. "Now that I can control marking you...I want to make love again." He pecked my lips. "And again." Another peck. "And again." I giggled. "You're not tired?" His brows knit. "Tired from what?" "My ex Travis always fell asleep right after he came." Riley captured my mouth again and climbed on top of me for Round 2. "I'm not Travis," he said in a serious tone. "And I'm not human. You'd be surprised how long I can go," his voice husky. He dipped his head and rubbed his nose against my breasts. Inhaling deeply, his voice sounded muffled against my body. "You're covered in my scent." I purred, "Am I?" All of a sudden, he switched positions and knelt beside me. "Turn around," he commanded in a stern voice. "I want you from behind." Eyes wide, I sat up with excitement. "Oooh, doggy style." Flashing a seductive grin, I turned around to present my rear. Riley moved behind me, but leaned over my back and placed a heated kiss on my neck. "No, wolf style," he spoke into my ear. He took me like a true Varulv until I saw tiny stars in front of my eyes again. After the third time we made love, I looked between my thighs and laughed. "You've made a mess on me, Riley." He chuckled softly and kissed my shoulder. "Now I'm exhausted. We have to stop." He continued to chuckle.

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I was sweating, my hair was soaking wet, and I could barely catch my breath. I had to remind myself this is what happens when you have sex in a hot cabin in the summer with no air condition. I looked at Riley through shy eyes. "Do I smell bad?" He shook his head. "No." I grinned in relief. "You smell like me." My grin spread into a full-size smile. I rolled onto my side, still in a wet spot, and cuddled next to him. He embraced me, his fingers trailing up and down my back in a featherlight touch. I felt his lips press against my sweaty forehead. I closed my eyes in contentment and exhaustion. The room was dim with the lamp still on, but I could easily fall asleep. Before I succumbed to a peaceful slumber, I heard Riley whisper, "I will make you my mate."

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I felt someone shaking my shoulders. Then I heard Quinn’s voice demanding my attention. "Paige, wake up. I have to tell you something important." I opened my eyes and saw ivory fur. I removed my head from Riley's chest and turned toward Quinn. She looked down at me with concern. "What is it?" My voice was raspy from sleep. I looked over at Riley and shook his wolf body. "Riley, wake up." He groaned and opened two sleepy amber eyes. Then he flashed into his naked human form, his green eyes blinking slowly. Quinn sat on the bed next to me. That's when I became aware of my nudity. I tried to pull the quilt over me, but couldn't because she was sitting on it. "Oh please," she scoffed. "Like I care. You don't have anything I haven't seen already." She rolled her eyes and then set them on her brother. "Riley, Dad sent out a message today. He said you and Dominic will fight tonight." I bolted upright, my eyes wide with fear mixed with surprise. "Already?" She nodded. Riley just grunted. Then he yanked the quilt from underneath his sister and wrapped it around his body. In the next second, he closed his eyes and flashed into a wolf. I was too worried about Riley's fight to go back to sleep. I looked at the time on the alarm clock. It was past noon and I needed to get up anyway. Quinn wore her uniform so I had to assume she was home for lunch. When I walked into the hall toward the bathroom, my nostrils picked up the aroma of fried fish coming from downstairs. After I showered and dressed, I met her in the kitchen. She stood by the stove frying fish and making a pot of rice. I sat at the table biting my fingernails. "Do you think Riley can win?" I asked quietly. Dominic claimed to be stronger than Riley was and I couldn't dismiss the idea it wasn't true. He was more muscular than he was, so I judged their strength based on their physiques. Quinn took a seat next to me, a grave look on her face. "Dominic is a skilled fighter. Riley is definitely quicker and more agile, but I believe Dominic is stronger. Whoever can deliver the throat bite first will win."

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My lips trembled. "Do I have to be there for the fight?" "Yes," she answered softly. I exhaled a shaky breath and looked away. Tears filled my eyes until my vision blurred. "Riley better win or else I'm going to murder Dominic in his sleep," I said bitterly. Once again, we had to leave at dusk for the fight, but unlike the night before, Riley wasn't with us. He disappeared during the evening after he told me he was going for another run. I didn't have to wear a robe this time either. I wore a t-shirt, jeans, and my dirty sneakers. Quinn told me the fight would take place in the grass clearing where her father held the pack induction ceremony. During our walk, I felt sick and we had to stop twice so I could vomit. I couldn't stop shaking and thought I would collapse. By the time we arrived in the clearing and I saw the other pack members, I burst into tears. They were all going to watch Riley fight...and they might all watch him die. "No, I can't do this," I said as I turned to run back into the woods. Quinn grabbed me by the waist. "You have to," she said in a stern voice. "Be strong for Riley. Your doubts are making you sick with worry." I sobbed softly and she loosened her grip. Her voice turned gentle. "Look, he will get hurt, but he'll heal quickly because he's young. Don't worry. Riley will win. He loves you, and after this is over, he'll be able to mark you so you can be together." She gave me a friendly smile, but I couldn't return it. I wanted to crawl into a dark hole and hide until the fight was over. The full moon loomed behind the mountains like another witness to this potential bloodbath. It illuminated the clearing and cast a soft white glow on everything and everyone. The pack chatted among them but quieted when Aidan arrived. Riley followed behind him wearing nothing but black cut-off jeans. I was surprised to see Dominic walking next to him wearing a pair of gray sweatpants. They walked with confidence, their eyes looking forward. Riley and Dominic seemed focused and disciplined like ancient Asian warriors. The pack formed a large circle with Aidan, Riley, and Dominic in the center. Riley and Dominic then separated and stood a few feet away from each other. That's when they set their deadly glares on one another. Aidan stood between them wearing a white tee, blue jeans, and tan boots. This was a very informal ceremony.

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I shifted my gaze to Riley and hoped he would look at me. He must've felt my gaze because he settled his green eyes on me. My heart broke and I looked away, ashamed he was in this position because of me. Sniffling, I wiped my tears and stared at the ground. Aidan walked around and spoke to the pack, his voice loud and clear. "Brothers and sisters, you know why we're here tonight. Riley and Dominic have made claims for Paige as their mates. They must settle this conflict before their leader, their pack, and their maker. This fight is to the death, and the wolf left alive will be Paige's mate. No one is to interfere with this fight at any time. Only when it has ended can anyone approach the two contenders." He stood in front of Riley first. "Riley Gray, this is your last chance to renounce your claim for Paige Donovan as your mate. If you do, Dominic Black will become her mate by default and she will not have the choice to reject him. Do you renounce your claim?" Riley set his jaw hard. "No." Aidan walked away and approached Dominic. "Dominic Black, this is your last chance to renounce your claim for Paige Donovan as your mate. If you do, Riley Gray will become her mate by default and she will not have the choice to reject him. Do you renounce your claim?" My breath hitched, and I prayed he would say 'yes' and put an end to this foolishness. Of course, I was kidding myself. He looked over at me, his lips twisting into a smirk. When he winked, I wanted to run over and punch him in the gut. "No," he replied lightly, shaking his head. Aidan was about to walk away, but he blurted out, "I ask my leader to check Paige for Riley's mark." I gasped in shock and murmurs came from the other pack members. I noticed Riley had taken a step toward Dominic. His eyes narrowed and he growled. Dominic looked at him, his lip curled in distaste. "I don't trust him." The sheriff turned his head toward me and I swallowed hard. When he stood towering over me, I looked up at him with my eyes round. He gave me a sidelong glance. "Remove your shirt." I gaped at him. Then I shot a hateful glare toward Dominic. My hands trembled as I lifted my shirt over my head. "Your bra too." Outraged, I gasped loudly. Riley growled again but his father's brawny form blocked him from my view. "You need to remove it," he said sternly. "I have to check to see if Riley marked you." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Shaking my head in disbelief, my lips quivered and tears filled my eyes. I unsnapped my bra and stood with my breasts exposed for all to see. Aidan walked around my body and I felt humiliated because I couldn't cover myself. He stopped in front of me and waved his hand. "Okay, put your clothes back on." I tried to search his eyes for an apology, but he just walked away. "She has not been marked. The fight will commence." Aidan stood between Riley and Dominic, and looked back and forth between them. "There are no rules, gentlemen. As I said before, this is a fight to the death. However, if one of you is to surrender and the other shows mercy, the latter will win by default." His voice lowered when he said, "Tonight you have chosen to cease being brothers and become enemies. Since you both share this decision, I will respect it." He stepped away, and they both removed their single article of clothing. Once Aidan took his position in the circle, they flashed into their wolf forms, ebony versus ivory. They squared off, circling each other, growling and snarling. I couldn't watch this happen. I couldn't let this happen. A rush of bravery and determination flowed through me and I stepped forward. "I'm leaving Black River so neither of them can have me." They both flashed into their human forms. Riley's eyes nearly bulged. "What?" Sheriff Gray rushed toward me, but I stood my ground. "You can't leave," he hissed angrily. "You're part of the pack now." "Then banish me!" My voice cracked. "Banish me like you did that asshole!" I pointed to Dominic. He shook his head, his voice absolute. "No." I sobbed once and my lips quivered. Then I dropped my head and cried, my teardrops falling onto the grass. Aidan still had no sympathy for me. "Whether you like it or not, Dominic has a right to claim you. Any male who wants you as a mate can approach me and announce a claim. It doesn't matter if another male has already claimed you. If you haven't been marked during mating, then you're an available female. For centuries, Varulv males have fought each other over females. I'm not going to end the tradition just because you don't agree with it."

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Appalled by his words, I looked at him and yelled, "Even if it means you may lose your only son?" His Adam's apple moved in his throat. He hesitated, but then answered quietly. "Yes. Riley is an adult and this is a challenge he must face." This time, I saw a flicker of despair in his eyes before he walked away. I knew he wasn't a total heartless jerk. Dominic suddenly stepped into Riley's personal space, his voice dripping with venom. "I'm not Zoë. Let's see how you do against someone your own size." Riley stared him down hard, his voice like chipped ice. "I don't care how strong you think you are. I'm going to tear your throat out." In the next instance, he flashed into a wolf and caught Dominic off-guard. With speed I've never seen, he leapt on him, knocking him to the ground. His powerful jaws gnashed at his stepbrother like a rabid animal. The wounds he inflicted on him bled profusely, and it took Dominic a few seconds to shift into his wolf form. Once he did, he quickly turned the tables on Riley. He flipped him on his back and nipped at every part of Riley’s body his teeth could reach. Riley's reflexes were quick, and he blocked and avoided many attacks. Soon they became a blur to my eyes and fought in a whirlwind of black and white. Fur of both colors flew in the air, blood and spittle sprayed everywhere. When I heard a yelp, my heart dropped. The gray blur disappeared and I saw Riley lying on the ground. Blood spattered over his beautiful white fur and I noticed a huge gash on his shoulder. He tried to stand, but Dominic pinned him and bit his back. He yelped again, his neck craning to bite back. Dominic's jaws came away with a mouthful of Riley's fur and I screamed. He grabbed his hind leg, yanking and pulling as he dragged him across the grass. He shook his head as if he was trying to tear it off. Riley howled in pain, twisting his body to get his leg loose. He kicked Dominic in the face with his other leg, but he wouldn't let go. Riley's jaws couldn't reach him, and Dominic kept a firm grip until I heard a loud pop. Riley howled again and struggled to free himself. Finally, Dominic released him. Riley snarled viciously and tried to stand, but he fell yelping in pain, his hind leg twisted and broken. Dominic went on the offensive again, this time going for his exposed underbelly as he lay on his side.

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Riley was quick on the defense and snapped at his face, grabbing his muzzle between his strong jaws. Dominic shook his head again to try to get free, but Riley held on tight. He got to his feet, limping, and dragged his stepbrother, jerking him from side-to-side. Then he lowered his body and positioned himself to the side as if he was trying to snap Dominic's neck. In one split second, Riley lost his grip and Dominic took advantage and jumped on him. He tore at Riley's injured leg again, causing him to yelp loudly and crumble to the ground. Dominic released him, blood and white fur hanging from his mouth. Riley lay on the ground, panting and bleeding onto the grass, every part of his body matted with blood. A few seconds ticked by, but Riley didn't move. Dominic growled menacingly and looked him over as if he was deciding what to do next. I knew what he would do. He wanted to end this fight and come out the victor. He wanted to kill my fiancé. Dominic approached him slowly, his yellow eyes wild and crazy with blood lust. My entire body shook with fear. Was this the end? My voice pushed through my constricted throat. "Riley! Get up! Please!" Riley closed his eyes and exhaled harshly. Was he giving up? Dominic looked at me, his lips peeling back into a snarl. Before I could blink, he turned toward Riley and I screamed again. I tried to run toward them, but Quinn tackled me to the ground. I struggled against her, my arms reaching out desperately toward Riley. "No! Leave him alone! Don't touch him!" Dominic turned his attention on me, his sharp teeth stained with Riley's blood. He growled and stepped toward me. I kicked and punched Quinn as she restrained me. I had forgotten she was my friend. All I knew was I needed to protect Riley. She pinned me to the ground on my stomach, but I still cried out to Dominic. "Fight me! You want me? Then fight me! I'm not afraid of you!" I squirmed and clawed at the ground, but I was no match for Quinn's Varulv strength. Riley opened his eyes and looked at me. Quiet sobs racked my body, but I mouthed the words, "I love you." Our gazes locked, but Dominic entered my peripheral vision. He approached Riley lying helpless in a pool of his own blood. I couldn't control my shaking as I watched him go in for the throat bite. Riley surrendered and seemed to accept defeat and embrace death. He didn't try to

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defend himself, but Dominic wouldn't show mercy. He wanted to take Riley's life to avenge his dead father. The night was nearly silent except for my sobs of anguish. I closed my eyes because I couldn't bear witness to this injustice any longer. I couldn't watch Riley's life drain from his lovely amber eyes. Suddenly, I heard him growl. I opened my eyes, and he jumped to his feet and knocked Dominic over. He didn't have time to react because Riley used his speed and agility to pin him. His head leaned over Dominic's throat, and I saw ribbons of dark flesh and tufts of black fur fly into the night. A mist of blood then painted the grass crimson. I heard a guttural scream and saw Celia reaching out toward her son. Aidan restrained her, but she flashed into a wolf, her clothes ripping and falling off her body. Lifting her head toward the moon, she howled in grief. Riley turned around slowly, still limping and panting rapidly. Raw flesh and blood hung from his mouth. I lay on the ground motionless and stunned. Dominic still laid in the grass, his throat torn out almost to decapitation. Riley walked toward me, but he collapsed after a few steps. A weight lifted off my back. Quinn had released me and I got to my feet and ran toward her brother. Blood covered Riley, but his eyes were half-open and fixed on me. He wheezed with uneven breaths. All of a sudden, his body shook. I gasped when I noticed he struggled to shift. The top half of his body was human while his lower half remained a wolf. He shook more violently as he tried to shift again, but he wouldn't change completely. When Riley finally shifted into a full human, I looked down and saw his left leg twisted in the opposite direction. He shivered as if he was cold, so I gathered his naked body in my arms and cradled him to my chest. "Oh Riley," I sobbed. I smoothed his wet hair and rocked him gently. I noticed he had a wolf's tail, and knew he wouldn't be able to hold his human form much longer. His lips parted and he whispered my name. "Shhhh, baby don't talk." I cried harder and pressed my forehead against his. He gasped, "I...told you...I'd beat him." I pulled back to look at him and his lips spread into a grin. "I would die...before...I let anyone...have you." I gave him a tender kiss and held him tighter. He continued to shake and I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do. Suddenly, the tremors stopped. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"I love you, Paige." Then he closed his eyes and flashed into a wolf. Aidan knelt beside me and spoke softly. "Let him go, Paige. He needs to be taken to the infirmary." I shook my head vehemently, my voice loud. "No! I can't..." The sheriff reached for him and I clutched Riley to my body protectively. "Don't touch him!" "He'll be all right, but needs to see the doctor. Please let me take him." I glanced at Dominic's lifeless body and saw a man carrying him away. Then I looked at the sheriff with tear-filled eyes. "Don't put Riley next to him. I don't want Riley anywhere near him." He nodded. "I understand." The sheriff reached out slowly and unraveled my arms from around his unconscious son. I let him take my injured beloved away. I looked down at my trembling hands covered with blood. That's when I noticed my clothing was soaked in Riley's blood too. Quinn put her arm around my shoulder. Her clothes were dirty and her hair was a tangled mess. She spoke quietly. "It's over, Paige. Riley won. He'll be okay, you'll see. He heals quickly, so he'll be home before you know it." This time I managed to give her a sad smile. The nightmare was finally over. Quinn and I walked through the dark forest back to my cabin. After I had changed out of my bloodstained garments, I realized I was down to the last of my clean clothing. Now I seriously had to do laundry. While I got dressed, Quinn left the cabin, but returned with her father's police SUV. I was grateful to her because I didn't have the strength to walk into town. When we arrived at the infirmary, she left me alone in the cramped waiting area. She said she wanted to speak to the doctor about Riley's condition. I sat with my knees bouncing while I bit my fingernails. The room smelled of faint pineapple and flowers, and I wondered where they hid the Glade plug-in. It was quiet except for a small television on the wall playing a rerun of Friends. About fifteen minutes later, Quinn walked into the waiting area. She wore a grim expression, and my breath caught because I thought she had bad news. She sat beside me, and fidgeted her hands while she looked forward. She opened her mouth, but only to take a deep breath. Filled with anticipation, I stared at her with my eyes wide. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Something happened to Riley," she said quietly. I started breathing rapidly and my lips quivered. "He's healing, but not the part that allows him to shift into a human." "What do you mean?" I yelled in panic. She looked at me with teary bloodshot eyes. "The doctor said something is wrong and he can't shift into a human." My jaw dropped. I guess the nightmare wasn't over after all. "We don't know why, but sometimes this happens when Varulv are injured badly in wolf form. Either a part of our wolf anatomy won't change into a human part, or we can't change back at all. I think Riley damaged something when he was struggling to shift into a human after the fight." Tears streamed down my cheeks as my world crashed and burned around me. I couldn't look at Quinn, so I stared at my lap. She reached over and grasped my hand, her voice gentle. "I know you fell in love with Riley when he was human, but that part of him is gone now. I'm sorry." I doubled-over and sobbed loudly. Everything was my fault. I ruined her brother's life and destroyed their family. How would Aidan and Celia get through this? His son killed hers, and now he would never be human again. I wished I had never returned to Black River.

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The reality of everything that had happened set in as I cried a river in the waiting room. I felt cheated and wanted to scream at the injustice of my life. It seemed like every time something good happened to me, something bad followed and robbed me of my happiness. I didn't think my body could handle any more anguish. I had lost my father only weeks ago, and now I lost the first man I had ever truly been in love with. The two men who meant the most to me in the world were taken away, both prematurely and under tragic circ*mstances. My father was my family support. He was the parent who understood and listened to me. Riley was my soul mate. I intended to let him mark me so we could seal our bond. According to Quinn, being Riley’s mate was equivalent to being his wife. Once I became his wife, it was literally 'until death do us part'. Divorce didn't exist in Varulv society because they believed in commitment in every sense of the word. Riley was still alive, but his human form was gone forever. I had grown to love him as a human, but now I had to love his wolf form the same way. I know some humans form strong bonds with their dogs, but Riley would never be my pet. We were lovers and had a human relationship once. Now he would live the rest of his life as a wolf, and never speak words to me again. My whole world was about to change---again---and having a romantic relationship with Riley would be my most difficult challenge. Quinn rubbed my back while my tears fell onto the carpet. I appreciated her comfort, but was in too much pain. I still had to see Riley and face our future. Sniffling, I lifted my head and wiped my eyes. "It's okay," I said. I tried to show strength, but my voice trembled. "I still love him and I won't leave him. It's just going to be harder to communicate with him." She gave me a small smile, her eyes nearly identical to mine. "I know, but I'll help you any way I can." It was a kind gesture, but I couldn't have Quinn as my wolf interpreter forever. She had a right to live her own life. I took a deep breath to compose myself. "I want to see him."

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Quinn led me to a large room with beds lining both sides. My hand flew to my mouth when I saw Riley. He was the only person in the room. He laid on one of the middle beds, most of his wolf body covered in bandages. I walked slowly with Quinn at my side, her arm hooked around mine. Tears blurred my vision. As I got closer to him, a feeling of déjà vu washed over me, but unlike the time I visited my father in the hospital, the beeping sound from Riley's heart monitor told me he was still alive. I broke down and cried once I reached his bed. There were bloodstains on his bandages. He reeked of strong herbs and medicine, and had a splint on his left hind leg. He had his eyes closed and tubes came out of his nose. Thin black wires stretched from the heart monitor and stuck to his shaved chest. I sat on the bed next to him. "Oh Riley," I sobbed. I glided my hand over his head. Someone had cleaned most of the blood from his fur, which left it stained pink. I continued to sob and stroke him affectionately. I placed a tender kiss on his cheek and whispered in his ear, "I'm here, Riley. I won't leave you." I lowered my voice in hopes that Quinn couldn't hear me. "You once asked me if I'd make love to you when you're a wolf." I sniffled, my voice shuddering. "I will when you're feeling better. I still want to be your mate because I love you." He whimpered. With a gasp, I pulled back to look at him. His eyes opened slowly and focused on me. I smiled on the outside to offer comfort, but I was dying on the inside. "It's okay, Riley. I'm here." He whimpered louder and the sound pulled at my heartstrings. I took his front paw in my hands. All of a sudden, his body shook. Quinn ran over and put a hand on his side to still him. "Riley, you can't!" His eyes darted toward her. "I'm sorry, you can't---" She sobbed and quickly covered her mouth. Within seconds, her eyes filled with tears. Riley whimpered again and looked back and forth between us. Quinn lowered her hand and whispered, "You can't shift anymore," her lips quivering. "I'm so sorry." She smoothed the top of her brother's head. Riley's eyes widened and he made a harsh sound. Then he thrashed against the bed as he tried to shift. The bed shook violently from the force of his movements, the metal legs scraping against the floor. Quinn and I both gasped in shock and tried to hold him still. The tubes fell out of his nose, and the wires from his heart monitor strained and threatened to snap off.

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Quinn bent down and put her weight on top of him, but he wouldn't stop. His body jerked, including his injured leg, and he yelped in pain. That's when he finally stopped struggling. His eyes met mine and his front paws reached out toward me. I tried to understand what he wanted, so I held them in my hands. Whimpering, his head lifted off the pillow and his tongue darted out to lick his mouth. He repeated the action again as his neck stretched toward me. "He wants to kiss you," Quinn said softly. I leaned closer and let his tongue sweep over my lips. I returned the wolf's kiss, and then pressed my lips to his mouth. He removed his paws from my grasp and put them on my shoulders. He pulled me down toward his body and this time I knew what he wanted. I wrapped my arms around him so we could hold each other. This is how it’s going to be from now on? I have to GUESS what he’s trying to tell me? I buried my face into his fur and cried. Riley couldn't speak, but his long whimpers told me he shared my feelings. I pulled back and caressed his face. "I know you're hurting, sweetie, but everything will be okay." He stretched his neck toward me again and I let him lick me. "I don't care if you can't be human. We'll still be together, and I'll be here when you're ready to come home." His amber eyes appeared watery and I wondered if wolves could cry. I heard footsteps approach and turned my head to see the doctor standing next to Quinn. He wore a white lab coat and the typical stethoscope around his neck. I had never met him, but he was an older man, probably around the sheriff's age, with dark brown hair. He looked at Riley and me with a grin, but I saw weariness in his eyes. "Hello Paige. I'm Dr. Brown. How are you?" "Not well," I sniffled. I released Riley and wiped my aching eyes. "Did Quinn tell you about Riley's condition?" I nodded. He moved to stand in front of me and spoke softly. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to heal him." He put a gentle hand on my shoulder. Then he looked at Riley. "He needs to rest now." He tried to put the tubes back in Riley's nose, but he growled and jerked his head away. Dr. Brown chuckled. "Okay, it's obvious you don't need the oxygen anymore." He checked the heart monitor and picked up a loose wire that had snapped from Riley's chest. Riley didn't put up a fight this time, and let the doctor reattach it.

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When I stood from the bed, Riley made another gruff noise. He thrashed on the bed again and stared at me with his eyes wide. The doctor put firm hands on him. "Whoa! Riley, you need to relax or you'll hurt yourself. You don't want to do that because you're already healing." Riley whimpered and growled and I knew he was panicking. I stepped toward him and stroked him soothingly. His body instantly relaxed. "It's okay, Riley. Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll come early in the morning and see if you're awake. I'll spend the whole day with you. Would you like that?" His head moved up and down against the pillow. I think he nodded. I kissed his mouth and held him for a few seconds. When I released him, I turned to the doctor. "Can I speak to you for a minute?" "Sure, we can go to my office." I waved goodbye to Riley and he whimpered loudly again. I wanted to crawl in bed next to him and stay there until he was well enough to go home, but didn't think the doctor would let me. I had to exit the room quickly or else I never would. Quinn followed us, but stopped in the hall and put her hand on my arm. "I'll wait for you outside. When you're ready, come out front." We hugged each other. "Thank you," I whispered. "You're welcome," she whispered back. "Don't worry, we'll all help each other through this." I released her and we shared a smile, both of us sniffling with teary eyes. Dr. Brown's office was moderate in size with a wonderful view of the forest in the distance. I sat on the other side of his desk while he took a seat across from me. He folded his hands in front of him, his hazel eyes looking at me patiently. I averted my gaze and looked at the clock on the wall. It was after midnight, but it felt more like four A.M. That's probably because I felt exhausted, and my body ached as if I'd been in another car accident. My eyes darted around his office and I saw framed doctorate degrees on the wall, one from the University of Denver and another from Uppsala University in Sweden. He had some awards and accolades on the wall and displayed on the shelf behind his desk. It was obvious he was very educated, so I knew he was capable of answering my questions. "Why can't you heal him?" He sighed softly. "I'd like to explain something to you first, and then I'll tell you why I can't heal him. We have a unique scanner constructed specifically for Varulv. It allows us to Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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detect a special light inside of us. We call it The Light Within. We believe Máni and Freyja laid their hands on our ancestor Erik Ulfr, and put a light inside of him so he and his descendants can shape-shift into humans. In a healthy Varulv, the light shines brightly. If the body is injured, but the Varulv is still able to shape-shift, then the light is still bright. If the light is dim, this means the shape-shifting ability has not completely healed. This would show in a Varulv who has a part of their wolf anatomy that won't transform into a human part." He took a deep breath, but his shoulders slumped. "I scanned Riley, and...there is no light." At that moment, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach and my vision quickly blurred with tears. "So that tells me his shapeshifting ability will not heal and he cannot take human form. There is no way to bring the light back. Once it's gone...it's permanent." My lips quivered and I couldn't keep my tears at bay. Dr. Brown handed me some tissues. "I'm sorry, Paige. I know this is hard for you." I wiped my eyes and blew my nose. "I need to ask you something," I said sniffling. "Is it safe for me to be sexually intimate with him when he recovers?" The doctor's eyes widened. "You can have intercourse, but Riley must be extremely careful because he could cause you serious bodily harm." His voice softened. "But if you have patience with one another, it would be safe. I would caution though..." He cleared his throat. "Will you allow me to speak frankly?" "Yes, of course." "I would caution becoming locked with him. That may be painful." I scrunched my face in confusion. "What does that mean?" "The base of a wolf penis becomes engorged and bulbous prior to ejacul*tion. It would swell inside you and cause his body to lock with yours. If he were to pull out, it may be painful for you. Now...it may not. Women's bodies are different and the vagin* is able to stretch considerably. To avoid becoming locked, I would suggest you be on top during intercourse. That is, if Riley is willing to be submissive with you. If not, and he does lock with you, you have to wait for his penis to become flaccid so it retracts into its sheath." I swallowed against the lump in my throat. The idea of making love to Riley in his wolf form frightened me, but it was something I had promised him. Besides, he was stuck as a wolf forever and it was my fault. Making love to him was the least I could do. "What about the mating bite? Riley hasn't marked me, but I want him to. Will it hurt and how long does it take to heal?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"You'll feel pain twice. During the initial bite, the pain only lasts a few seconds. Then you'll feel pain after the effect has worn off, and that could be anywhere between fifteen minutes to an hour. If you feel pain once the effect wears off, you should take the medicine I prescribed for your arm. The hormone from Riley's mouth will aid in healing you quickly, but his bite will leave a permanent mark." Then I asked another dreaded question. "Can I still get pregnant?" He nodded. "Yes. Although Riley is a wolf, he's still Varulv and we're able to procreate with humans." I swallowed hard again. "Would I give birth to a human baby?" This time he hesitated. He stared into my eyes, and right then I knew what he would say. "No, you would give birth to a wolf pup." I gasped and dropped my gaze. As I stared at the top of his desk, my brain produced a mental image of me lying on a hospital bed. Quinn and Riley are at my sides with Dr. Brown sitting between my legs telling me to push. I'm sweating and breathing fast with my legs spread wide and excruciating labor pains tearing through my abdomen. With an agonizing scream, I finally push our child into the world, only to hear the whining sound of a wolf pup. "Oh my God," I murmured. "Our genes are dominant. Even though you're human, the child would be Varulv. Riley's hormone would help your body carry the pup to full term, which is sixty-three days. So, you can look forward to a very short pregnancy." His last sentence sounded cheery, I still sat in a state of shock. If Riley and I had a child in the future, who would teach them how to take their human form? I guess I would need Quinn to be more than my wolf interpreter. The doctor's voice brought me out of my reverie. "If you have more questions, you can come see me here at my office. I even make house calls." I looked up to see his friendly smile, so I returned the gesture. "Thank you." Quinn drove me back to my cabin. I was exhausted, so I decided to try to sleep. I put on a nightgown I had already worn since I didn't have anything clean to wear. Quinn walked into my room just as I had climbed into bed. She wore her gold dressing robe and sat next to me.

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"I was thinking we should get our own vehicle. I have some money saved, so I'm going to speak to Ivan tomorrow after I drop you off at the infirmary. I'll see about getting us an SUV or a pick-up truck." Warmed by her generosity, I smiled. "Thanks Quinn. That sounds like a good idea, but it would be more affordable if we both went half on getting a vehicle. I have money in the bank in New York. I just need to call them and have it transferred to the bank in Black River after I open an account." She smiled back. Then she averted her gaze and there was silence between us for a few minutes. "I think I know what happened to Riley," she said quietly, finally looking at me. "I have a theory." I sat up slightly, my eyes wide with intrigue. "What theory?" "Sometimes when a person is injured, a part of their body may become paralyzed. I think Riley has a paralyzed light. That's why it's not shining under the scanner. I believe his light is still there, but we can't see it. Some paralysis is not curable and I think this is one of them. If he would've stayed in his wolf form while he was injured, I think it would've healed. By forcing himself to take human form after his wolf body had experienced serious trauma, I think he paralyzed his light." I considered Quinn's words. They made sense to me, but I still felt Riley's injury was my fault. Then I thought about Dominic and realized he was partially to blame as well. Thoughts of Dominic then turned to Aidan and his nonsensical laws. "Your father said if Dominic won the fight, I wouldn't have the choice to reject him. Why couldn't I reject him when he claimed me? Then none of this would've happened. I don't understand your father's laws." "Because your choice is taken away once the males start competing for you." My mouth dropped in disbelief. "You become a prize to be won." I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth because the concept was sexist and ridiculous. "Males need females because without us, they cannot populate the pack. They believe the larger the pack, the better. Larger packs acquire more territory, which means expansive Varulv communities. Plus, there's increased safety in numbers. You can also look at it this way...male fighting supersedes female choice. You can blame that reasoning on our male-dominated society. Their argument is…a male wouldn't risk his life to Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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mate with a female just so she can reject him. That's why you can't say no, and that's the only instance where you don't have a choice in your mate. If Dominic would've made a claim for you before Riley did, you could've rejected him. Then Riley could've made a claim for you, and Dominic wouldn’t have a say. Once you're rejected by a potential mate, you can't claim them again." I sighed heavily, frustration lacing my words. "Why is it so damn complicated?" "Because males are stupid and they like to fight," she said blandly. I chuckled as she got up from the bed. She walked toward the door, but stopped short and turned around. "Goodnight Paige. Try to get some sleep." "I'll try. Goodnight." She left the room and closed the door with a quiet click. I reached over and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. I faced Riley's side of the bed and touched his pillow. Then I brushed my hand over the mattress where he usually lay. I wanted him next to me so badly. I was used to feeling his warm embrace and tender kiss before he would fall asleep. Then I would nestle close to his wolf body and bury my face into his soft fur. I cried myself to sleep, sobs racking my body until hiccups filled the room. Luckily, Quinn didn't come back into the room. I didn't want her to keep seeing me fall apart. It was bad enough I was human and she was Varulv, so by nature I was physically weaker than she was. Lately, I felt like I had proven to be the weaker female and wasn't worthy of taking her place in the pack hierarchy. I thought I was dreaming when I heard a man call my name. With my eyes still closed, I stirred in my sleep and mumbled, "Riley, is that you?" The masculine voice replied, "No, I'm not Riley. Wake up, Paige." I opened my eyes slowly and saw nothing but Riley's pillow. "I'm over here. Turn around." The man sounded very demanding. I flipped onto my back and turned my head in his direction. Moonlight shrouded my room and I saw someone sitting in the armchair across from my bed. That's all it took for me to sit upright and gasp in fright. "Who are you?" I yelled. I leaned away from them, clutching the quilt to my chest. "Get out or I'll call the sheriff!"

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"That may be difficult," he said dryly in a European accent I couldn't quite identify. "Considering you don't have telephone service in your cabin, and your mobile phone has no reception in this area. You can try screaming for the sheriff though." I gaped at the mysterious, sarcastic stranger. "How do you know about my phones?" I asked meekly. I reached for the lamp, but a beam of white light shot through the window and hit the bulb, illuminating the room. I gasped and whipped my head toward the man. Even in a sitting position, I could tell he was tall and lanky. He had Nordic features: alabaster skin, sandy blond hair cut above the ears, and steel-blue eyes. I could see stubble on his chin and upper lip. He had high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a chiseled jaw. He was undeniably handsome and he sat cross-legged, almost regally, in slate trousers. He wore a black leather jacket---which I found odd in early August---with a purple button-down shirt underneath. I suspected his leather shoes were Gucci. I swallowed nervously under his piercing stare. "Did you turn on the light? How did you do that?" He blinked slowly. "Yes, I turned on the light," he drawled. His expression looked bored, yet he exuded a confident aura. "Who are you?" "I am called Máni." My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "The Norse god of the moon?" He inclined his head toward me. "Yes. It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Paige Donovan." My chest heaved as I took rapid breaths. I had an urge to challenge his identity, but was too afraid he'd prove me wrong. "Um, what do you want?" Uncrossing his legs, he leaned toward me, but I leaned further away. "I want you to get up and go to the window." His head jerked toward the two windows in the room. My eyebrows knit in confusion. "Why? What's this about?" He sat back in the chair and sighed. "Just go to the window." This time I sighed. God or no god, I wasn't in the mood for his vagueness. "Look, I'm tired and had a horrible night. I just want to sleep." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"I know. I saw everything that happened." My jaw dropped. "You did? You saw Riley fight?" "Yes." Outraged, I shouted, "Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you stop the fight?" Raising my voice did nothing to disrupt Máni's relaxed demeanor. "I could not interfere with Riley's battle. 'Tis the way of a wolf pack. Aidan was correct when he said Dominic had the right to claim you and challenge his son. Riley made the wise decision by accepting his challenge. He fought bravely and I am very proud of him." I shook my head in disbelief. "And now he'll never be human again," I said bitterly. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes and my voice lost some of its strength. "I never should've come here. I never should've agreed to be part of the pack. Look what happened." Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he leaned closer to me again. "You think staying here was a mistake?" I think I detected anger in his voice. "What do you think would've happened if you left? How would your heart feel knowing you rejected the love Riley offered you so freely? What about Riley's heart? It would've broken the minute you drove away." Now I knew he was angry because of his more pronounced accent. I guess that made two of us because I was angry with him. I shot back, "But Riley wouldn't be hurt like this!" He co*cked his head. "You think so? His spirit would've suffered if you left him. Why do you think you had the dream about the first time you met? It was a sign you needed to return to Black River. For years, Riley has been howling for you. He finally reached you in your dreams halfway across the country." How did Máni know about my dream? I never told anyone about it. Oh my God, he’s the real thing. "If I had never come back here...Riley would be able to be human." Tears leaked from my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away because I felt ashamed to appear weak in front of a god. Máni gave me a hard look. I jumped in surprise when he stood from the chair. With inhuman speed, he moved to the other side of the bed and towered over me. I shrank away from him, but he reached out and pulled me out of bed. I yelled in protest, but was on my feet in a matter of seconds. I looked at him in fear, trembling in nothing but my nightgown. Máni had to be at least six-foot-four, and carved from nothing but lean muscle and unearthly power. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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"Go to the window," he commanded sternly. He was like a giant Evergreen in front of me, so I squeezed past his massive form and padded barefoot to the window. In the distance, I saw a woman standing near the forest's edge. A soft white light surrounded her as she beckoned to me. "Who is that?" I turned around to look at Máni, but he was gone. My eyes darted around the fully lit room, but there was no sign of him. I turned back toward the window and the woman was still there. She wore a long red gown that flowed like silk. Her hair looked like a blonde sheet that rippled in the nightly breeze. I took a deep breath and gulped nervously. Obviously, Máni and this woman wanted to show me something. I walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and out the back door. The blonde woman stood in the same spot. I stopped, hoping she would approach me, but she didn't move. I stepped closer, but she refused to meet me halfway. As soon as I came within a few feet from her, she turned and walked into the woods. I assumed she wanted me to follow her. I ran to catch up with her, but for some reason, she always stayed a few paces ahead of me. Even when I started to run, she walked faster...which made no sense if she wanted me to follow and not chase her. I stopped for a moment to look back, and realized my cabin was nowhere in sight. I was deep in the dark forest. I looked ahead and the woman stood a few yards away. She beckoned to me again and I continued to follow her. All of a sudden, the light surrounding her---that also lit my path---disappeared. I saw the hem of her dress and ran to catch up with her again, but she was gone. Did I lose her? I halted my steps, my eyes searching for any sign of her, but found myself alone. That's when I panicked. I spun in a circle, surrounded by nothing but trees and darkness. I wanted to walk back to my cabin, but had no sense of direction. "Hello?" My voice echoed, but dead silence answered. A few seconds ticked by and then I heard footsteps on leaves. I whipped my head toward the sound, and saw the blonde woman standing there looking at me. I took cautious steps toward her because I wasn't sure if she would disappear again. When I finally stood in front of her, my gaze traveled the full length of her body. At about five-foot-ten, she was thin, but curvy with skin the color of cream made from pearls. She Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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looked at me with a kind smile. Her long lashes framed aqua eyes. She had bow-shaped lips and cheeks tinted with rouge. Her dress reminded me of something from Dolce & Gabbana, made of garnet taffeta with a corset midsection and Victorian-inspired bustier. After my admiration of this stunning mystery woman, I found my voice. "Who are you?" "I am called Freyja." She spoke in a sultry voice with the same accent as Máni. I gaped openly. "The Norse goddess of love?" She smiled again. "Yes." It made sense because the woman was the epitome of feminine beauty and sensuality. "We have healed your lover and he's waiting for you." My breath hitched, my eyes still round. "Where?" I asked, my voice trembling. "The place he professed his love for you." Freyja stepped toward me and put her dainty hands on my arms. "Listen to your heart, Paige." She moved one of her hands over my heart. "You'll find the way from here. I have already brought you most of the distance." She stepped away from me and I looked at her through tear-filled eyes. I wanted to hug her, but didn't think it would be appropriate to hug a Norse goddess. I smiled warmly. "Thank you, Freyja." She inclined her head. I started to walk away, but stopped to add, "Oh, and tell Máni I said thank you too." "You're welcome." I gasped at the sound of his voice. My head whipped back around to see him standing next to Freyja, his mouth lifted into a smirk. It was easier to find Riley if I followed the sound of the rushing water. He told me he loved me at the waterfall, so that was my destination. I walked quickly, anticipation and excitement flowing through me. When the trees finally opened up to give way to the massive river...that's when I saw him. The moon shone brightly on his wolf body and everything around him. Light reflected off the surface of the river and made the waterfall look like silvery diamonds sparkled underneath. Riley didn't hear me approach as he lapped at the water by the riverbank. I smiled, but it faltered when I wondered how healed he was. "Riley!" My bare feet slapped against the wet earth as I ran toward him. Mud and debris squished between my toes, but I didn't care. I just needed to hold my fiancé in my arms. He turned to face me, and before I could reach him, he flashed into his human form.

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I skidded to a halt, gaping in surprise. His naked Adonis body stood before me, his hair shining platinum blond in the moonlight. He took a step and reached out to me, a smile gracing his ethereal face. "Paige." With a sob, I ran toward him until I was in his arms. He embraced me tightly and I held him with equal strength. I kissed his bare chest and then lifted my head to kiss his lips. We both released a heated passion as our mouths slanted over one another's repeatedly. Our tongues found each other and played excitedly. Hands roamed everywhere, and we moaned together in a kissing frenzy until we both needed air. "I can't believe this," I said breathlessly. He looked at me, his eyes glowing amber with lust. "Do you remember what happened to you?" "Yeah, I remember everything. After you left the room, I fell asleep again. Máni and Freyja visited me in a dream and told me I would be okay. I woke up and felt great. I shifted into a human and walked into Dr. Brown's office. He was in total shock...he couldn't even speak. I told him Máni and Freyja healed me. Then I walked out of the infirmary, and something told me to go to the river by the waterfall because you'd be there. I shifted into a wolf and ran. When I got to the river, you weren't there but I was thirsty. Then I heard you call my name...and here you are." I gathered him into my arms again. "I love you so much, Riley." "I love you too, Paige." He pulled back and I saw his green eyes looking back at me. "I want to mark you now. Will you make love to me?" Riley didn't really need to ask. I would much rather he took me without words. Nevertheless, I gave my lover an answer just to appease him. "Yes."

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I felt excited about making love to Riley again, but feared his mating bite. I had been bitten by a wolf before and didn't want to experience the feeling again. Dr. Brown said the pain from the mating bite would only last a few seconds. Then I remembered when Riley told me his bite would intensify my org*sm. I didn't think sex with him could get any better...but I was curious to find out. Riley released me from his embrace, and I took a step toward the river. "Let me wash my feet first." My foot dangled over the water. Before I could dip one toe in, he was back at my side. "I don't care about your feet." I yelped in surprise when he scooped me into his arms. "Come here." He held me against his chest and captured my mouth in a heated kiss. He walked swiftly over the large rocks on the riverbank and toward the mountainside next to the waterfall. "Where are we going?" "You'll see," he replied with a smile. Riley hiked up the mountain, his footing poised and balanced, until he reached a protruding ledge. The sound of the rushing water was loud in my ears. My eyes widened when I noticed us approaching the waterfall. My voice rose in panic. "Riley, be careful!" I had no idea where he was going, but wondered if I was about to get soaking wet. "See over there..." His head jerked forward. "We're going through the space between the fall and the mountain. The entrance to the alcove behind the fall is close by." The alcove. I remembered seeing a glimpse of the small dark cavern the first time Riley showed me the waterfall. It seemed like a mysterious place. Water partially hid it and I wondered what lay inside. As Riley carried me behind the waterfall, a soft mist sprayed on my face and arms. I smiled and extended my arm, letting the cool water cascade over my skin. He turned, and we approached the alcove. Slick granite rocks lodged into the mountainside framed the entrance.

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Inside the cavern was dark and smelled of moist earth. Riley put me on my feet and I felt soft leaves beneath me. The moonlight from outside provided me with limited vision and I wondered why he chose this spot. "It's dark in here," my words echoed. My eyes darted around while the sound of rushing water surrounded us. "Do animals live in here?" I squinted to determine the depth of the alcove, but only saw infinite blackness. "What's back there?" I felt Riley move behind me. "Don't worry, we're safe here," his voice hushed. He slipped his arms around my waist and held me close. "I made this place for us last night when I went for a run." I turned in his arms, my eyes wide with surprise. He smiled beautifully. "I gathered the leaves on the floor. I wanted a soft place for you to lay when I made love to you." He dipped his head, his hair brushing my forehead. He pressed his lips to mine and I closed my eyes in contentment. My arms encircled his lean torso, and I let my hands travel along the smooth skin on his back. Riley embraced me tightly and pulled me toward the cavern floor. Without breaking the kiss, we moved until we were sitting on the leaves. Suddenly, a white glow broke through the waterfall and illuminated the alcove. I unsealed our lips with a gasp, my head whipping toward the entrance. "Where is that light coming from?" My voice was loud and reverberated off the rockcovered walls. Riley grasped my chin gently, turning my head to meet his gaze. He smiled again. "It's the moon, darling. I think Máni wants to give us some light." I gaped in astonishment and wondered if the moon was outside the waterfall, obtrusive and resembling a small planet. He moved closer, his eyes never leaving mine. We were moments away from making love, but I wondered if he should mark me. "Does your father still have to give us his blessing and say he recognizes our union?" Riley's expression turned serious. "No. I won the fight. You're mine." I expected him to push me down and take me...but he didn't. Instead, he caressed my cheek. Relishing his affection, I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. "And I'm yours, love," he finished quietly. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but adoration staring back at me. His eyes darted downward as his hands moved to the hem of my nightgown. He looked at me, his eyes asking for permission. I gave him a warm smile and let him lift the nightgown over my head. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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We sat naked and embraced again, kissing passionately until we needed to come up for air. I climbed onto his lap, aligning our centers, and ground circles against his co*ck. We moaned in pleasure, holding each other tighter and bucking to add friction. I felt his co*ck harden between my legs, and rubbed my puss* against the length of him---slowly---so I could feel every inch. I tried to push him backwards, but he resisted. Riley's eyes glowed amber, a clear sign lust had consumed him. I gave him a confused look and tried to push him down again, but his muscles tensed and he wouldn't budge. A growl rumbled in this throat, his lips twisting into a smirk. "Lay down," I commanded. He didn't obey, so I pushed him again, only to receive another growl. I huffed in annoyance because he wouldn't let me take control. "Lay down, Riley," I repeated sternly. He still wouldn't move, but his lips spread into a sly grin. I pushed him harder and he growled louder, flashing me a bit of wolf canine. "Why won't you lie down?" He gave me a smoldering look. "Make me," his voice husky. "You're with a wolf, so act like one. Make me submit." My eyebrows rose in surprise. "Ohhh, so we're playing this game, are we?" I lifted myself off his lap, but continued to straddle him. I locked the muscles in my thighs to brace myself, and pushed him harder. "Lay down, Riley!" He was like a statue and I couldn't get him to move an inch. He must have great Varulv power within those lean muscles. His amused smirk returned, so I knew he was having fun with me. "You're going to have to do better than that," he said. I growled in frustration, my lip curling into a sneer. "You will submit to me." Riley lifted an eyebrow and drawled, "Oh really?" I pushed him with all the strength in my human, five-foot-seven, one hundred and noneof-your-business-pound body, and this time he fell back onto the leaves. I moved with haste and sat on his stomach. He reached for me, but I grabbed his arms and pinned them. I leaned close to his face, growling louder in a pathetic attempt to sound like a wolf. I looked at him through narrowed eyes and clenched my teeth. "I said lay down." With his eyes round and mouth hanging open, he appeared stunned by my dominance. All of a sudden, he moaned and broke free from my restraints. He sat up quickly and embraced Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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me, his warm tongue invading my mouth. My tongue twirled with his as we kissed fiercely and savored each other's flavor. His hands moved to cup my breasts while I grabbed his thick locks in my fists. Then I ended the kiss, my voice breathless. "Now...where was I?" I pushed him backwards again and this time he didn't resist. I hovered over his body, but leaned down to kiss over his heart. I lifted my head and saw his eyes looking at me through hooded lids. I decided to explore his body at my leisure by crawling down the length of him, kissing and nipping at his tanned flesh. He moaned again and writhed against the leaves, his hips bucking slowly, rubbing his co*ck against my belly. I found a sensitive nipple and flicked it with my tongue. Once it pebbled to my liking, I gave the same treatment to its twin. I peppered kisses down his middle and swirled my tongue around his navel. As my tongue traveled on his treasure trail, he bucked harder, his erection now nestled between my breasts. I grasped his co*ck and slid it between my mounds, my eyes never leaving his. He breathed rapidly and growled in pleasure. I felt his precum leak onto my skin, and used his engorged tip to smear circles around my nipples. They hardened instantly and I gasped from the sensation. His breath hitched, and I peeked at him beneath my lashes with a wicked grin. I wonder if a she-wolf has ever done THIS for him. Our gazes never strayed as I held his co*ck upright, sucking the head and licking up and down the shaft like a melting popsicle. Riley cried out, his hips lifting off the ground. Another growl followed, but ended with soft rumbles in his chest. He sat up slightly and his eyes blazed amber as he stared into my sapphire orbs. I took as much as I could into my mouth, moaning and humming as I sucked him, tasting every part of his hard steel. I stroked him firmly with one hand while he bucked in rhythm. Then I released his erection with a 'pop' and pulled his sac into my mouth. He panted like a wolf and grabbed a fistful of my hair, his other hand rubbing my back. He pulled my head up gently, his voice raspy. "Come here." I released him again and sat on his lap. His irises were so bright that they made his eyes appear like tiny headlights. "Put me inside you. I like it when you do it."

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With a grin, I obeyed my lover's command. We cried out in unison as I lowered myself onto his co*ck until it impaled me. I grabbed his shoulders and bucked against him wildly while he drove into me like a piston. He captured my lips, his tongue plundering inside. He growled into my mouth, and his hands moved down to grip my ass. He set the pace and I followed him obediently. The pleasure was incredible and I anticipated his bite. I threw my head back, gasping in rapture, my breasts bouncing and rubbing against his chest. Our cries of passion echoed in the alcove. Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation deep inside my womb. My org*sm was close, but I wanted to share it with Riley. "I'm going to come, but I want you to come with me." "I will, I'm just waiting for you," he panted. I looked into his golden eyes. "Bite me. I want you to. I want your mark." A huge wave hit me and I groaned. "Ohhh Riley, I'm coming, baby. Sink your teeth into me now!" My body started to tremble, but then...so did his. He growled and dipped his head. In the next second, I felt him sink all four of his sharp canines into my shoulder. I screamed, but he held me in a vice grip, his mouth clamping on me. The pain lasted a mere second before warmth spread throughout my entire body. Little fireworks exploded from all my nerve endings and his name burst from my lips in ecstasy. "Riley!" I felt my puss* gush all over his erection. At the same time, he erupted inside me with his teeth still buried in my flesh. I released him from my embrace and went rigid. My arms extended outwards as if a bolt of lightning struck my spine. Riley's pelvis bucked against me as he continued to pump his seed and hormone into my body. My vagin*l muscles clenched his co*ck, milking it until I overflowed with our fluids. He finally released my shoulder, but the fireworks inside me wouldn't stop. I felt warmth all the way down to my toes. We held each other, our bodies rocking back and forth. I looked at Riley, my eyes still wild with desire, and saw my blood coating the inside of his mouth. He panted rapidly, his yellow eyes glazed over with lust. I attacked his sensual lips with a hungry need. His unique hormone and my blood made his mouth taste like metallic cinnamon. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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More waves crashed over me until I thought I would drown in pleasure. When I could no longer stand it, I surrendered to my org*sm and cried out, my body going limp and falling backwards. I writhed against the leafy floor, moaning and gasping as Riley's hormone made me come over and over. When I arched my back, he hooked his arms around my thighs and lifted my ass off the ground. He pulled me toward him until my open legs rested on his shoulders. Then I felt his hot, wet mouth on my puss*. I looked at his blond head between my legs. "Oh, you beautiful wolf!" I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of his tongue sweeping over my swollen cl*t and between my inner and outer lips. "Yes! Yes! Lick me deeper!" He plunged his tongue inside my dripping entrance, moaning as he feasted on my girly parts. "Yes! That's it! Lick inside me! You feel soooo good!" Riley's tongue felt electric and intensified my multiple org*sms threefold. Ripples of pleasure continued to flow through me until I thought I would die from an org*sm. "I love you," I chanted repeatedly in between gasps of breath. Suddenly, the org*smic tremors subsided and the inner fireworks finally ended. Riley gave my puss* a leisurely lick from back to front, and then lowered my body so I could lie atop the leaves. He sprawled beside me, a grin on his lips, now glistening with my juices. Then he gathered me in his arms, but I had no energy to move. My head felt like it weighed fifty pounds, and I struggled to rest it on his sweaty chest. I felt him kiss my forehead and smooth my hair. I gazed at him through sleepy eyes and managed to give him an exhausted smile. Then my world went black again.


I heard Riley chuckle next to me. "You're snoring," his voice light with humor. I opened my eyes slowly and they fell upon his beaming face. Sunlight streamed into the alcove and touched certain parts of his naked body. "Good morning," I croaked. "Actually, I think it may be afternoon."

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A smile broke free on my face as I watched his index and middle fingers walk playfully from my shoulder down my arm. "Last night was intense. I've never had an org*sm knock me out cold. Good thing I fell asleep so I didn't feel any pain once the effect of your hormone wore off." Talk of his hormone caused me to sit up and look at my shoulder. I gasped in surprised when I saw the mark had already healed. Riley's bite left a deep indentation on my skin surrounded by minor redness. "That's amazing." I looked at him with wide eyes. He flashed me a sly grin. Then he put his hands behind his head lazily, his expression relaxed. "I forgot to tell you something about the marking." I raised an eyebrow. "What?" "I'm the only male who can get you pregnant. My hormone is in your blood, so you're connected to me now." With his smirk in place, he looked mighty smug. I pursed my lips, but they revealed my true feelings and spread into a smile. I moved closer and molded my naked body to his. "That's okay." I reached up to sift his hair through my fingers. "I like being connected to you." His gaze softened as he smoothed my dark locks. He plucked something from my hair and held it in front of me. It was a small white hair. "You have me all over you," he said, voice lowered. "I like seeing my fur on you. You have my scent and hormone, parts of me mixed with you…" He flashed a wicked grin. "Inside you." He pressed his lips to mine. "Whenever you sleep with me, my fur gets on you." His fingers trailed lovingly down the side of my face. I smiled. "Yeah, and on the pillows and quilt." He chuckled. Thoughts of last night suddenly returned. "I forgot to tell you something too. I saw Máni and Freyja last night." His eyebrows shot toward his hairline. "You did? Where?" "Máni came into our cabin and woke me out of my sleep. Freyja was outside waiting for me. She led me to the waterfall to meet you." Riley's eyes widened. "Wow, you're lucky. They only visited me in my dreams." After his last sentence, I wondered if last night was a dream. Did I sleepwalk to the waterfall? I shook my head. o, that was real...wasn't it? Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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A rumble from my stomach interrupted my reverie. "I think we should go home. I'm so hungry...I could eat a huge bull elk." Riley busted out laughing and it echoed throughout the cavern. After I slipped on my nightgown, Riley lifted me into his arms. When we reached the riverbank, I asked him to put me down so I could clean myself. I felt stickiness between my legs, and needed water to help untangle my hair. We laughed and talked on the way back to the cabin, but a loud bang interrupted our pleasant walk. We halted our steps, our eyes wide with shock and darting around. "What was that?" I shouted in alarm. "I don't know." I heard the bang again, and another one followed. They sounded like gunshots. Riley confirmed my assumption. "The only person who owns a gun in our town is my father." Suddenly, five wolves appeared from over the hill and sprinted across our path. "What's going on?" I yelled, now in a state of panic. Riley didn't answer. He just grabbed my hand and we took off running. More wolves ran through the woods, but headed in the opposite direction we were running. I wondered if Riley was leading us to danger instead of away from it. We stopped again, but this time because Riley noticed a tawny wolf laying a few yards away. He dropped my hand and moved with inhuman speed toward it. "Quinn!" With a gasp, I sprinted to catch up to him. He knelt beside his sister and lifted her head gently onto his lap. Stroking her fur, he sobbed her name. Quinn's had her eyes closed and I noticed blood oozing from a wound on her shoulder. "I think she's been shot," I said quietly. Tears quickly filled my eyes. Riley’s stricken expression matched mine as he looked at me with watery eyes. I reached out with a shaky hand to touch Quinn, but hesitated when I noticed she was breathing. My eyes widened with surprise. "She's still breathing!"

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Suddenly, her eyes opened and Riley's breath hitched. All around us, gunshots echoed in the forest. What the hell was going on? Quinn's body shook, and within seconds, she flashed into her human form. Her half-closed eyes darted between us. She wheezed, "The Denver Police are looking for Paige." Then she closed her eyes and flashed into a wolf. I gasped, my hand flying up to cover my mouth. Riley and I stared at each other, identical looks of shock on our faces. I heard another loud gasp and whipped my head to the left. A police officer stood with his eyes wide, his hand trembling as he pointed a gun at us. Riley growled and flashed into a wolf. He advanced on the officer quickly. The officer fired a shot, and I screamed when the bullet hit the ground inches from Riley. He skidded around it, but kept running, pouncing on the officer and knocking him to the ground. He stood on top of him growling viciously. The officer's scream cut off in seconds when Riley ripped out his throat. Riley turned toward me with blood and flesh hanging from his mouth. Another gunshot came out of nowhere. It hit the tree next to him, and he jumped to the side. I ran toward him, abandoning Quinn. Riley snarled, lowering his body to attack. As I got closer, I saw another officer pointing a rifle at him. "STOP! DON'T SHOOT!" I put myself in front of Riley with my hands up. The officer gaped at me. "Please don't shoot." I knelt slowly, my hands still raised in the air. "I'm Paige Donovan." The officer lowered his weapon, but I heard Riley growling behind me. He moved beside me and I turned my head toward him. "Don't move," I warned quietly. "Just stay there. Don't give him a reason to shoot you." Then I heard a voice I never expected. "Paige!" A white SUV with the words 'Denver Police' on the side approached with my mother's head sticking out of the passenger window. Once it stopped a few yards away on a dirt road, her door opened and she emerged. I got to my feet and ran toward her. "Mom!" I heard an officer say, "Stand down!" When I reached her, she embraced me tightly. Her voice trembled on the verge of tears. "Paige, are you all right?" I pulled back and looked at her worried face. "Yes, I'm fine. What's going on?" Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Her brows knit in confusion as her eyes scanned my face and body. "Why are you wearing a nightgown in the woods? Where are your shoes?" She scoffed loudly. "Did you sleep outside?" Biting my lip, I cast my gaze toward the ground. "Um, yes," I replied quietly. She gasped. "Have you been bitten?" I looked up and saw her wide eyes staring at Riley's mark, her face aghast. "Did a wolf bite you?" Then she grabbed my right arm, her voice still raised. "What happened to your arm?" Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears. She covered her mouth and spoke behind her hand. "Oh my God, Paige. Look at your face. What happened to you?" I put gentle hands on her upper arms, my voice low. "I said I'm fine, Mom." She shook her head and sniffled. "I called the Black River Sheriff's Office looking for you. A man named Dominic answered and said I should stay away from Black River. He said, 'Your daughter has made her choice.' Then he hung up. I flew to Denver as soon as I could and called the police. I told them about your cabin on the mountain and Dominic’s warning. I was worried about you because you hadn't called me again and never came back to New York. I went with the police to get you, and when we entered the woods, some of the officers on foot were attacked by large wolves." I could feel my heart pounding. Dominic's vengeance had extended to my family too. "That's because you're in their territory. You have to leave." She gripped my arms. "Come home with me. You can't survive out here by yourself. It's too dangerous." My expression softened as I looked at my over-protective mother. "I'm not alone, Mom. I found someone who loves me." I averted my eyes and looked over her shoulder. In the distance, Riley stood as a wolf and watched me silently. My mother followed my gaze and gasped when she saw Riley. Then she whipped her head toward me, her face filled with horror. "That wolf? You've fallen in love with a wolf?" I gave her a sad smile. "Yes." She tightened her grip and shook me. She shouted, "Have you lost your mind? Look around you!"

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My eyes darted around at the officers surrounding us. Some of them watched our exchange, but others had guns pointed in different directions toward the forest. The officer, who drove the vehicle my mother rode in, spoke to the dispatcher. "We need forest rangers and Animal Control in the woods of Black River. We have a serious wild animal situation here. We have officers down, so we need paramedics as soon as possible." With forest rangers and Animal Control, I could only imagine what would happen. I wondered how many wolves they had already shot. How many more would be shot before this day was over? I couldn’t believe all this chaos was because of me. Once again, I ruined more lives, and it was more proof I didn't belong here. In my selfishness, I stayed because I wanted to be with Riley. I never thought about how my decision would affect his town, and the people who lived secretly before my arrival. No wonder Varulv lived in remote communities away from humans. It was safer for everyone. Perhaps Aidan was right from the beginning when he told Xavier humans didn't belong among their kind. I looked back at Riley. His amber eyes remained fixed on me as he waited patiently for his mate to return to his side. At that moment, I remembered my pack oath. I couldn't risk the lives of the pack, and I had to put their survival before my own. I had already risked Riley's life and he almost had to spend the rest of his life as a wolf. I feared what else would happen to him if I stayed. He meant the world to me and I wanted him to be safe. I brought nothing but trouble and heartache to Black River, but knew how to make it right. I knew how I could protect the pack and their way of life. My lips trembled and tears blurred my vision as I stared at my husband. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I told you I don't belong here." I know I said I wouldn't abandon my pack, but it was for the best. Riley flashed into his human form but only I saw him. He made his presence known to everyone when he yelled my name. "Paige!" An officer pointed a gun at him and I screamed, "DON'T SHOOT HIM!" I saw anguish in Riley's face as he ran toward me. He didn't get very far because his father emerged from the surrounding trees and grabbed him.

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My mother saw them and gasped in fright. Then she shoved me into the backseat of the SUV, got in after me and slammed the door shut. I looked out the window and saw Riley struggling against his father's strong hold, one of his arms reaching out for me. He yelled my name at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking. When I could no longer stand to watch him, I buried my face in my hands and cried. I felt the SUV slowly move in reverse, and looked up to see other officers walking in the opposite direction they had arrived. I got to my knees and peered out the back window. Riley and his father were gone. I turned back around and sat quietly, staring at the headrest in front of me. That's when I heard him again. I knew Riley's howl like I knew his laugh. My lips quivered and tears trickled down my cheeks. Somewhere in the forest, he howled in misery, and once again...I drove away. My mother spoke with annoyance in her voice. "I can't believe there are naked men and wolves in these woods. What kind of place is this? Thank God I'm getting you out of here." She sucked her teeth. "Paige, you look like a wild woman." I felt her touch my hair. "This isn't you. I don't know what happened to you out here, but it can't be good." I had nothing to say, so we sat in silence. Soon we were driving on pavement and had arrived in Denver. My surroundings were a picturesque, mountain suburbia with humans riding around in their shiny cars and bustling on the sidewalks. It was vastly different from Black River. "It's okay," my mother said gently, patting my leg. "When you get back home, you'll forget all about that place." I didn't think I had the strength to speak, but I finally opened my mouth. "Remember when you asked me what was so special about that place?" I turned my head slowly to look at her. My eyes ached from crying and they were probably bloodshot. "Riley...he's special." My voice broke at the end. She gave me a confused look. "Who's Riley? The wolf?" I nodded. "Yes." Her eyes narrowed when her lips pursed. "I'm getting you a psychiatrist," her voice stern. "Falling in love with a wild animal is not normal." I turned my head away. "Yes it is."

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She scoffed. "Now I know you really need help. Just try to get your head together before you return to work." Suddenly, her tone lightened. "I spoke to Nina and she wants you back. She hasn't given your job away, so that's good, right?" I turned to look at her again and she was smiling. I just frowned and leaned over to look out the window. When I walked into the Denver Police Station, my hair was a mess and I was still barefoot wearing my nightgown. People stared at me and probably thought I was a mental patient or homeless woman, but I was too upset to care about my appearance or others' opinions. I didn’t tell the police anything about the Varulv. During our flight back to New York, we ascended over a forest. I looked down at the treetops and wondered where Riley was. I hoped he and the pack were safe. I had no idea when I would see him again. Immediately, I turned on the waterworks and didn't bother to wipe my tears away. Strangely, my thoughts turned to Dominic. I remembered what he told me about not being free when you're part of a pack. Living in Black River among wolves, I learned freedom is a matter of perspective. Dominic and I did have one thing in common: we both carried around our fathers' deaths, but he wasn't free because he let his grief weigh him down until he became a slave to revenge. All he wanted was to get back at everyone for his own disappointments. During my time with Riley, I had never felt so free in my life. I could share my father’s death with him because he understood my pain. He didn't care what I looked like or what clothes I wore. Money, success, high fashion and designer labels meant nothing to him and I didn’t feel the pressure to acquire those things. He loved me when I felt ugly and looked my worse. He made me feel free since the first day I met him as a child. In those few hours in the woods, I had escaped my mother's strict rule. I went off on my own and had my first taste of freedom...and Riley was with me. I took a moment to close my eyes and ask Máni for forgiveness. Please don't judge me too cruelly. I'm truly sorry.

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I couldn't stop thinking about Riley since we left the woods near my cabin. When I stepped into my apartment, I wished he had walked through the door with me instead of my mother. After we landed in New York City, she insisted on staying the night. She even made dinner. I couldn't remember the last time she cooked in my kitchen. I think she stayed because she wanted to make sure I went to work. She said starting my new job would help me forget about Black River. The truth was, I had returned to my old life and was alone...again. My mother probably wished she could erase my memory and magically transform me back into the daughter she knew. Whether she wanted to accept it or not, I had already changed. I know things I didn't know before. I know how it feels to love someone with your heart and soul, and to have your feelings reciprocated. I know Norse gods exist and there are people in the world who are really wolves and live by their own rules. The next morning, I didn't want to get up. My mother had woken earlier than I did and practically dragged me out of bed. She saw me lying on my back awake, the beeping from my alarm clock filling my semi-darkened room. As I got ready for work, I stood in front of my closet and stared at my wardrobe. I was back to wearing trendy clothes and dressing for success. I had to sit at my vanity and do my hair and makeup again. The last time I wore makeup in Black River was when Riley took me to The Den. The more time I spent with him, the less I cared about glamour. Living among wolves, the constraints of contemporary beauty didn’t burden me. Once my transformation from wild woman to career woman was complete, I stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror. ina Ricci designed my outfit. My hair was tame and sleek, and my makeup perfected with M.A.C. I definitely looked the part of Creative Designer, but with my current state of emotions, I hoped I could play the role. My curtain call had arrived when I stepped out of the elevator onto my floor at Elle. I forced myself to do what my mother said and 'get my head together'. It felt surreal to see my name on the glass door of my new office instead of an insignificant nameplate on a cubicle. My office wasn't as big and extravagant as Nina’s was, but it had a spectacular view of Central Park.

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By noon, my arms were full of portfolios and binders. I placed everything on my desk and plopped tiredly into my chair. I was so busy attending meetings all morning, I didn't get a chance to admire my new space and settle in. Nina had to get me up to speed on what I missed during my bereavement leave. That morning, as I sat in different offices and conference rooms, I felt disconnected from everyone. I never realized how mediocre humans are until I witnessed the powers of Varulv and Norse gods. I bet no one at Elle could turn into a wolf or manipulate the moon. Sitting alone in my office, I finally had a moment to read email on my BlackBerry. I hadn't checked my emails since the day of my promotion. The first message at the top of my inbox was from Louis, my new real estate agent. He knew my father and I contacted him to help me sell the cabin. After having a conversation with my mother last night---wait no, I listened to her chastise me about traveling to Colorado in the first place---I finally agreed with her to sell it. I had no intention of going back to my cabin and reliving the memories. There was too much sadness in those woods. Louis' email was a short follow-up that read: Your asking price is a steal! I don't think we'll have a problem selling your cabin. The Rocky Mountains are a great tourist location! A knock on my office door pulled my attention away from emails. I looked up and saw a messenger standing on the other side. I gestured for him to enter and he placed his delivery on top of my mountain of work. After I signed for it, he walked out and left me alone with a mysterious package covered in brown paper. I found it more peculiar because there was no return address. I tore the paper carefully until it revealed a severely worn, brown leather handbag. It took two seconds for me to recognize it as the purse I left at my cabin. I gasped, and quickly unzipped it. Inside lay my wallet and plane ticket. I whipped my head up, I tried to seek anyone who may be watching me or anticipating my reaction. Who sent this to me? No one around my office looked suspicious. My hope deflated because I wished Riley had sent my purse. I wanted to look up and see him standing with a beaming smile on his face. He wasn't there, and my old purse no longer held my interest. I resumed checking my emails, but booted my laptop to read them on a bigger screen. I had over two hundred emails, so I decided it would be logical to start from the bottom at the oldest, and work my way up to the more recent ones. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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My eyes widened and my heart raced when I saw the first unread email at the bottom. It was from my father on the day of my promotion, but after I had left the office. I looked at the time stamp on the email and remembered the time my mother called me about his death. He sent the email a few hours before he died. I swallowed against the lump in my throat as I read my father's last words to me. Hi Paige, I've been so busy with work and traveling, I just remembered I needed to talk to you about a real estate opportunity. I've been working in real estate and public relations for over 30 years, and finally have an opportunity for my own daughter. You're a young professional woman, so I thought it might be time for you to consider investing in property. First, let me tell you that a month ago, after I returned home from Colorado, I received an email from Xavier Black. I don't know if you remember him, but he was the sheriff of Black River. I hope you remember our family vacation when you were ten years old. Xavier helped your mother and me look for you when you disappeared. I had lost contact with him over the years and the job he offered me fell through. The job was a public relations effort, but he didn't divulge all the details before we lost contact. When I traveled to Colorado, I went back to our cabin. I spoke to the new sheriff in Black River and asked him about Xavier's whereabouts. The sheriff told me Xavier left town, but didn't elaborate and was vague when answering my questions. In Xavier's email, he said he's now living in Europe and decided to postpone the project. He heard I was in Black River cleaning the cabin, and asked if I was cleaning it in preparation for sale. I don't know how he knew that's exactly what I was doing there. The cabin suffered from years of my neglect and I thought it would be best. He was disappointed I might be selling it, and hoped I would consider an alternative…giving the cabin to you. He remembered I had a daughter. I think it's a wonderful idea and I hope you agree. I know I told you and your mother I sold the cabin years ago, but the truth is I couldn't decide what to do with it. After I read Xavier's email, I had my will revised and left the cabin to you in case something happens to me before we have a chance to talk.

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Can you meet me tomorrow so we can discuss this in person? How about lunch at our favorite Saju Bistro? I always enjoy spending time with you. Give me a call or reply to this message. Love, Dad I stared at the screen, relieved to know why my father left me the cabin, but confused by his words about Xavier. I thought Xavier was dead, so how did he send my father an email? Unfortunately, there was no one I could ask. My thoughts turned to Riley again and I switched on my screen saver. When my dreams were not enough, I thought the picture would soothe my lonely heart. The wolf looked back at me, and soon the memory of my love blurred my vision with tears. My lips quivered and tears leaked from my eyes. Within seconds, my mascara stung my eyes. I grabbed some tissues to wipe the makeup and blow my nose. Then I leaned down to throw them in the trash bin. When I looked up, I saw Riley through the front window of my office. o way, that can't be him. I blinked rapidly and shook my head to help focus my vision, but he didn't disappear. He walked toward my office wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, loose khakis, and his favorite black Chuck Taylors. Stunned, I couldn't take my eyes off him. His tall, ridiculously sexy form entered my office and stopped in front of my desk. I gazed at him mesmerized. His untamed hair brushed his collar and curled around his ears. He left three buttons undone on his shirt, exposing his bare chest underneath. His eyes sparkled as he looked down at me with a wide smile. My eyes nearly bulged and my voice squeaked. "Riley?" He gave a short laugh. Oh, how I missed the sound of his laugh. "Yes," he said slowly. "Don't worry, love. I'm not a figment of your imagination. I'm really here." I rose slowly from my chair and walked around my desk to meet him. His gaze followed me, an amused grin on his lips. For a moment, I thought the Norse gods were showing me an illusion of Riley to play with my heart because they were angry I had abandoned my pack. I reached out timidly and poked his chest. He's definitely real. I gaped in wonder and he chuckled low in his throat. "Come here." Then he pulled me into his arms, lifting me off my feet.

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I couldn't believe he was in my office, but laughed in joy and held him tightly. He put me on my feet and didn't waste any time capturing my mouth. A moan escaped me, and I placed my hands on either side of his head to deepen the kiss. I relished being in his arms again and his soft lips pressed against mine. I breathed his familiar earthy scent and my heart sang. I heard a soft rumble in Riley's chest and knew the feeling was mutual. When he released me, I was breathless with amazement. "What are you doing here?" He shrugged. "I left." I gaped again. "Does your father know?" He grinned, and I noticed some of my lip-gloss had rubbed off on his lips. "Yes. He's the one who drove me to the airport." I didn't think my eyes could get any bigger. "He couldn't stand listening to me howl for another second," he said lightly. "I howled for days. He tried to put a muzzle on me and I bit him...hard." He chuckled in amusem*nt. "He changed the law too, so now anyone can leave the pack whenever they want. I arrived in New York a couple hours ago and took a taxi here. I remembered you said you worked at Elle. The receptionist told me where to find you. She was going to ring you first, but I asked her not to because I wanted to surprise you." He gave me a roguish smile. I shook my head in disbelief, my eyes roaming the length of his body. This felt like a dream. If it was, I never wanted to wake up. After his words about the pack, I thought about his sister and my friend. I feared the worse when I asked about her. "Is Quinn all right?" Riley nodded, and I released a breath. "She's fine. She fully recovered. The bullet entered her shoulder, but missed any major arteries." "Can she still shift?" I asked, biting my fingernails nervously. I hope I didn't ruin her life too. He nodded again, and I shouted happily inside my head. "You think she would've learned by what happened to me, not to shift when you're badly injured in wolf form. She was lucky. I asked her why she did it when she knew the consequences, and she said because she wanted to warn us." "What about the rest of the pack?" Riley's face fell. "We lost a few wolves, but our secret is still safe. We've become experts in eluding human authorities." Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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My expression matched his. "I feel so bad. Everything was my fault. I left because I thought it would be best. The police came for me, so I thought they would leave everyone else alone." Ashamed, I cast my gaze down and leaned against my desk. Riley stepped closer and lifted my chin. When our eyes met, his voice lowered. "It's not your fault. Do you think that was the first time humans invaded our territory and brought guns?" "All I've ever brought was trouble to Black River since the first day I came when I was a little girl," I said, my voice quiet and broken. "We've had trouble in Black River before you came. It's not always peaceful in wolf packs." He cupped my face and deepened his gaze. "I want you to listen to me, Paige. I'm glad you came. I've loved every day we spent together...from the first day we met to this moment now. I'm happiest when I'm with you. I don't want you to have any regrets...because I don't." I considered his words and sighed softly. "I don't regret meeting you. If I had never met you, I never would've fallen in love. I just wish we could've met under better circ*mstances." His hands dropped to my waist, and he rocked me gently in his arms. "I understand." "Now I want you to listen to me. I'm glad to see you, but you don't belong here." He frowned, and my voice softened as I tried to make him understand. "There's nowhere for you to run free and hunt, or just be a wolf. I want to be with you, but I want to protect you more. Humans fear what we don't understand, and I'm worried about someone discovering your true nature. I don't want you to stay in the city and grow to resent me for taking away your freedom. You didn't have to hide among your pack, but in the city, you'll always have to hide." I sighed heavily because once again, I had to put his safety before my happiness. "Riley, you should be with your family." He embraced me and spoke tenderly. "I need to be here, darling. Wherever you are, that's where I want to be. You're my mate and I'll never leave you. I love you, Paige." He caressed my cheek. "Do you love me?" "Yes," I answered softly. "Say the words," he whispered, his thumb brushing across my bottom lip. "I love you, Riley." He pressed his lips to mine again. When he pulled back, his voice lightened. "Can you get me a job?"

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A laugh burst from my mouth, and at the same moment, Kristian barged into my office. He was one of the Burberry designers I had met earlier during one of my meetings. With his brows furrowed and face pinched, I could tell he was pissed off. Everyone in the office knows he has a temper, so I braced myself for one of his rants. Riley stepped away from me, and Kristian moved quickly to occupy his space. He sighed heavily and spoke in a clipped English accent. "Paige, I don't want Isabel modeling for me because she complains about everything. The last time I worked with her on a shoot, she---" Suddenly, he whipped his head to the side and looked at Riley with wide eyes. Then he inhaled sharply and swallowed hard. "Oh my God," he said breathlessly. Riley leaned away and eyed him warily. Kristian stared at him with his head turned, but his body faced me. When he finally turned his body toward Riley, he gave him the once-over. "Who is this striking young man? Never in my life have I seen---" He whipped his head back toward me, his voice serious. "I want him." He shook his head quickly. "I mean...I want him for Burberry. We have to have him." He set his gaze on Riley again and gaped openly. "He is so gorgeous that I can't even finish my sentences. Of all the models I've seen---men and women..." He pointed a firm finger at Riley. "He is the most stunning." I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh when I saw Riley's confused expression. Kristian walked a leisurely circle around him, but Riley's gaze followed him. "Oh yes, this is male perfection. Some Greek god carved this young man from his own image." I chuckled lowly and thought, I think it was a orse god. Kristian stepped back to appraise him from a distance. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Riley when he spoke to me. "Who is he contracted with?" Riley looked at me, his expression still puzzled. "What's he talking about?" "Uh, Riley doesn't work for anyone," I blurted out. Kristian's eyelids lowered and he spoke huskily. "Riley, huh? Very nice. The name suits you. You're English too. That's even better. I'm Kristian Maxwell, by the way." He pulled out his wallet and handed Riley his business card. Riley took it from him and turned the card over in his hands as if it was a foreign object. "I want you to model for us. Call me so we can arrange a meeting. We have to have you for our fall/winter campaign." His voice rose with excitement. "Our clothes will love you. The Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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cameras will love you. I can see you becoming an international success! Your face should be on a Burberry billboard!" Without touching him, he framed Riley's face with his hands. Then he finally looked at me for more than five seconds. "Will you get me someone to replace Isabel? I trust you won't give me one of those self-absorbed, unmanageable little twits." I nodded. "Yes, I'll get you someone more professional right away." Kristian gave me a genuine smile. "Thank you, Paige. I knew I could count on you." Then he turned on his heel and walked out...but not before glancing back at Riley. I watched him walk down the hallway with a bounce in his step. He was probably happy about meeting Riley and not about me getting him a replacement model. I averted my eyes and focused on Riley. He stood motionless and stared at me. I think this experience left him stunned. With someone like Kristian---who's renown in the fashion industry---'discovering' him, I predicted Riley to become Burberry's top-earning male model. "Well, I guess you have a job." Riley's lips slowly spread into a smile. "Have you ever heard of Burberry?" "No, but it sounds interesting." "You're going to need a strict clause in your contract about no long distance traveling. You're going to have to work locally." "Why?" "What if they want you to fly overseas? You can't fall asleep on the plane. If you have to share a hotel room with another model, how would you sleep?" "Don't worry, I can travel overseas without sleeping on the plane. If I don't get my own hotel room, I can slip away somewhere private and sleep. I can stay awake longer than you think." "How was your flight here?" "The flight wasn't that long. It was nonstop to New York. I'm a little knackered though." My face scrunched in confusion. "What's knackered?" He grinned. "It means tired." I put a hand on my hip. "Oh. You know I don't speak British." He laughed. Then he lowered his voice. "I haven't slept since you left because I've been too upset."

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I caressed his cheek and he leaned into my touch. "I'm sorry." Suddenly, my mind shifted gears. "I found out why my father left me the cabin. After he returned home from Black River, he got an email from Xavier. He found out my father was there cleaning the cabin and thought he would sell it. Xavier suggested to him instead of selling it, he should give it to me. My father wanted to discuss it with me because he sent me an email a few hours before he died." My brows knit in confusion. "But how did Xavier send him an email? I thought he died years ago." "He did die. I'm the one who sent him the email." Eyes wide, I gasped in shock. "What?" Riley looked me in the eye and continued his confession. "I hacked into the computer at the station and got the password to Xavier's email account. I remembered he used to contact your father through email." He cupped my face and spoke softly. "Please don't be angry, Paige. I only pretended to be Xavier because I thought I'd never see you again if your father sold the cabin. I needed to give you a reason to come back to Black River. You have no idea how much I missed you." I moved my head to kiss his hand. Riley smiled. "I'm not angry. The truth is...I missed you too." He released me, only to pull me into another loving embrace. "Hey, I was going to lunch. Do you want to come with me?" "I'd love to. Besides, I'm completely lost here. This is a different world for me." I smiled. "I know." "Now I know how you felt in Black River. I guess I'll just have to adapt." He shrugged, but followed with a wink. I grabbed my teal Prada purse from my desk drawer. That's when I noticed my damaged brown Fendi purse and pointed to it. "Did you send that to me?" Riley flashed a sly smile. "Yes. I mailed it a few days ago." I pecked his lips. "Thank you." Then I locked my brown purse in my desk. "You're welcome, love." I linked my arm through his and we walked out of my office. "After lunch, I'll take you to my apartment...your new home." He smiled brilliantly. "You can take a nap there, and I'll come back to work." "That sounds good to me."

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I leaned into him. It felt good not having to hide my relationship in the workplace. Once again, Riley made me feel free. "Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes and tell you everything you need to know about surviving in the city," I said. I saw Travis approaching in the opposite direction. He stopped us in the hall wearing an expression of utter shock. "I was just coming by your office to say welcome back." "Thank you, Travis." At that moment, Riley yanked our linked arms toward his body, pressing me closer to him. I smiled at his possessiveness and the fact I could flaunt him in front of my ex-boyfriend. Travis smiled back. Then his eyes darted to Riley. "Who's this?" His voice sounded tight. I unhooked my arm from Riley's and touched his wavy blond hair. "This is Riley," I purred, my gaze still resting on Travis. Travis' eyes narrowed as he watched me glide my hand down Riley's neck and shoulder. He was probably seething on the inside. Then I wrapped my arm around his waist and held him close. Riley's arm immediately went around my shoulder. Travis didn't extend his hand to Riley, and they didn't exchange pleasantries. They just sized each other up. Travis was taller than Riley was, but I knew Riley could easily take him. Not to mention, he wasn't in the same league as Riley in the looks department. He probably knew it too, and loathed him more because of it. He tried to mask his jealousy, but it was blatant by his hard stare. Riley held his gaze until Travis couldn't handle it. Then he shifted his eyes to me with a curious expression. "Where did you go and what happened to you?" This time I decided to stop playing high school games. I moved away from Riley and stepped closer to Travis. "What happened to me?" I paused and searched his eyes that were still familiar to me. I had six memorable months with Travis, but he needed to grow up and I didn't have the patience to wait for him. "I found love, Travis. Real love. The kind you couldn't give me. That's what happened." His eyes narrowed again, and the muscle in his jaw twitched. I stepped back and molded myself to the man who showed me the true meaning of love. "Oh, and I got married," I said proudly. Copyright © 2011 April Bostic


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Eyes wide, he shouted, "You got married?" I laughed lightly. "Yep. Riley is my husband." Without another word, my husband and I walked away leaving Travis stunned. Riley spoke quietly. "I guess we're going to have to make it legal, aye? I'm going to have to get you a wedding ring." I replied in a hushed tone. "We can get rings and then head over to the Justice of the Peace. It'll be quicker that way." "You don't want a wedding?" He sounded surprised. "I thought human women liked weddings." "We don't have time for that. I just told Travis we're married and he'll probably tell Heather who will tell everyone. We should get married as soon as possible before people start checking my finger for a ring." His next words flew from his mouth. "The Justice of the Peace it is." Then he kissed the top of my head. We reached the elevators and his voice lowered again. "Before you leave me at your flat, do you think you'd have time to…?" He whispered the rest of his sentence in my ear. I gasped at his naughty request, my face flushing with heat. An excited giggle followed when I looked into the green eyes of my beautiful wolf. "Oh baby, I can't wait."

Copyright © 2011 April Bostic

April Bostic - The Howling Heart (pdf) - PDF Free Download (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.