Classic Irish Coffee recipe (2024)

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The Irish Coffee is a classic drink recipe featuring coffee and Irish whiskey. There are two variations on this co*cktail, one with just coffee and whiskey. If you prefer it sweeter, go with the optional Irish cream or sugar.

This is a quintessential after dinner drink. With theIrish cream addition, it’s lightly sweet – not a dessert drink, really, but it hits that note.

This is such a flexible drink – it works in almost any situation. You can be casual and just throw the ingredients together in a mug if you’re really not feeling fancy.

Or you can dress it up in a classic Irish coffee glass with whipped cream and sprinkles or syrup. That makes it look as gorgeous as it tastes.

Classic Irish Coffee recipe (1)

It’s got six ounces of hot coffee to dilute that shot of whiskey, so it takes a while to sip this one. That gives you time to enjoy it and savor the taste.

And that makes this a great drink for when you need a few minutes to yourself. Just make this, sit back, and relax until you’ve finished your drink.

Variations on the Classic Irish Coffee

There are a couple of different versions of this drink. Or you could look at it as having two optional ingredients.

The absolute required ingredients are simply coffee and Irish whiskey. Some people also like to add Baileys. And you can top it with whipped cream, or not.

Classic Irish Coffee recipe (2)

The whipped cream adds sweetness and creaminess, obviously. It’s definitely optional, but it looks pretty, especially when you dress it up with some golden sugar sprinkles.

The Baileys Irish cream adds a caramel note which is really special. It also adds both sweetness and some creamy texture.

So you may find you prefer it without the Baileys but with the whipped cream, or the other way around. You can’t really go wrong with this fantastic drink.

Which combination you’ll prefer can depend on your sweet tooth, or even just your mood.Even with both of those sweet ingredients included, it’s still not as sweet a drink as the Butterscotch Coffee co*cktail and the Coffee Nudge, for example.

Classic Irish Coffee recipe (3)

RELATED: The Percolator co*cktail

Which Irish Whiskey to Use?

For the best Irish coffee, you want to pick a nice Irish whiskey, especially if you’re leaving out the Irish cream and whipped cream. You’ll taste the whiskey more clearly that way.

You might want to try Jameson, Bushmill’s or Teeling small batch Irish whiskey, the last of which we reviewed a little while back.The Teeling has a nice sweetness to it, which makes it especially good for this drink done without either of the optional ingredients.

The coffee is important, too. Any good tasting coffee will do – it doesn’t need to be anything special. But it should be one you’d drink black.

There could also come a time you want to make this drink with decaf coffee. It makes a fantastic nightcap, for example, with decaf (unless you’re one of those people who can drink coffee and go straight to bed and sleep).

If you want to make it with decaf, I’m a big fan of Melitta Decaf (which is getting really hard to find in stores) or Dunkin Donuts Decaf. They both have fantastic flavor.

This is, of course, an ideal drink for a chilly evening. I actually like to savor this one all by itself, but it’s also good alongside a dessert or sweet snack, like this Caramel Cream Pie from Shugary Sweets.

If you’re enjoying it with a very sweet treat, I would definitely consider leaving out the Irish cream. But it depends how much of a sweet tooth you’ve got.

However you make it and however you drink it, this is one drink that never fails to please.

Classic Irish Coffee recipe (5)

Yield: 1 drink

Prep Time: 3 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 8 minutes

Irish Coffee is one of the simplest and oldest recipes for a coffee drink. It blends coffee with Irish whiskey and either sugar or Irish cream. It's a wonderfully bittersweet hot co*cktail that's perfect for after dinner or as a nightcap (but you might want to make it with decaf coffee).


  • 1 1/2 ounces Irish whiskey
  • 6 ounces of strong, freshly brewed coffee
  • Whipped cream
  • Optional: 3/4 ounce Irish cream, or a teaspoon of brown sugar


  1. Brew some coffee and make it strong.
  2. Pour the whiskey into an Irish coffee mug.
  3. Put a spoon in the mug and pour in the hot coffee - the spoon somehow magically keeps the glass from breaking due to the hot liquid (don't ask me how, just enjoy the laws of physics).
  4. If you're adding sugar, do it now and stir until it dissolves.
  5. Add the whipped cream on top.
  6. Garnish with coffee beans, coffee grinds or brown sugar sprinkles.

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Read Next:

  • 45 Easy Irish Cream Drinks (Baileys)
  • Zoo Station
  • 25 Classic Coffee co*cktail Recipes to Keep You Awake
Classic Irish Coffee recipe (2024)


What was original Irish coffee made of? ›

The official, original Irish coffee recipe from Sheridan is a five step process with only four ingredients: hot coffee, sugar, cream, and whiskey. The first step is to preheat your glass with hot water.

What is the best coffee to use for Irish coffee? ›

Coffee: You can choose any type of coffee for your drink, but a dark roast has a bold flavor that holds its own to Irish whiskey. A medium roast isn't quite as strong and makes for a more balanced drink. Just be sure to use freshly brewed coffee, whether it's from a drip coffee maker, pour over, or French press.

What is a Gaelic Irish coffee? ›

Put whisky into warmed glass, add coffee and sugar to taste. Pour cream over back of spoon to give thick coating on top. Sip the very hot coffee through the layer of cool cream.

What alcohol goes in Irish coffee? ›

Pour Irish whiskey into the prepared glass. Fill with coffee to within 1/2 inch of top. Add sugar and stir. Top with whipped cream.

What is the difference between Gaelic and Irish coffee? ›

Gaelic coffee is very similar to Irish coffee, but instead of Irish whiskey, Scotch whiskey is used instead. And in Russia, instead of Irish whiskey, vodka is used. Now we understand what an Irish coffee is, why not explore what a cortado is?

Do they drink Irish coffee in Ireland? ›

However, an Irish coffee co*cktail is best consumed in the evenings as a dessert. Since it's part sugar and whiskey, it's no different than a sweet treat after a delicious supper. Cap off a long day with this tasty beverage at any pub in Ireland.

Why is Irish coffee so good? ›

St. Patrick's Day or not, an Irish Coffee is an ideal fall and winter co*cktail thanks to its warming nature—both from the hot coffee and the toasty whiskey, while the cream ensures a velvety richness. The co*cktail has a fascinating history spanning continents.

Is Baileys the same as Irish coffee? ›

Irish cream coffee (also known as Baileys coffee) can be considered a variant of Irish coffee, but involves the use of Irish cream as a "pre-mixed" substitute for the whisky, cream and sugar.

How much Kahlua to add to coffee? ›

  1. 1 part Kahlúa. 2 parts Coffee.
  2. 30 ml Kahlúa. 60 ml Coffee.
  3. 1 oz Kahlúa. 2 oz Coffee.

Which whisky for Irish coffee? ›

Irish whiskey is mild by nature, and this is one of its ideal instantiations. Jameson, Bushmills, Slaine, Proper No. 12, and really any other entry-level Irish whiskey are all going to be excellent.

What are the 4 food groups in Irish coffee? ›

essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and. fat.

Can you use Scotch whiskey in Irish coffee? ›

Irish Coffee is such a classic drink, with a smooth, rich flavor profile, that I was worried the smokiness of the Scotch would overpower the other flavors in my mug. But it turned out much, much better than I had even expected.

Is Kahlua or Baileys better for coffee? ›

If you prefer a creamier, smoother texture reminiscent of melted ice cream, Baileys may be the best choice. The Baileys taste is both indulgent and satisfying with its signature blend of Irish cream, whiskey, and cocoa. Consider both flavor profiles when deciding whether you want to try Kahlua or Baileys in coffee.

Does Kahlua go in Irish coffee? ›

HOW TO MAKE. Into an Irish coffee mug (it's a thing – look it up), or heat resistant mug, add Kahlúa coffee liqueur, Jameson Irish whiskey and your favorite hot coffee. Spoon the whipped cream on top and garnish with grated nutmeg ('tis the season!)

What's in a hotty toddy? ›

To make a hot toddy, you'll need bourbon (which is a type of whiskey), honey, lemons, cinnamon sticks, star anise pods, and whole cloves. Simply combine the bourbon, lemon juice, and honey in a mug and add boiling water (use more or less water depending on how strong you'd like your hot toddy to be).

What is the backstory of Irish coffee? ›

One version is attributed to a Joe Sheridan, head chef at the restaurant and coffee shop in the Foynes Airbase flying boat terminal (about 15 km from present-day Shannon Airport, County Clare). In 1942 or 1943, he added whiskey to the coffee of some disembarking passengers.

Is Irish coffee a rum or whiskey? ›

The Irish Coffee may not be the first coffee drink with alcohol, but this co*cktail has become one of the most famous. Combining coffee with Irish whiskey, brown sugar and lightly whipped cream, the Irish Coffee is a hot, creamy classic that can wake you up on cold mornings or keep you going after a long night.

What is the difference between Bailey's coffee and Irish coffee? ›

Baileys coffee is a spin on Irish coffee using Baileys Irish Cream instead of cream and sugar. Irish coffee is a classic co*cktail you probably already know: warm coffee with a shot of Irish whiskey, topped with whipped cream. The modern version was invented in the 1950's in Ireland.

What is different in Irish coffee? ›

Irish coffee has four main ingredients: coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar and cream. But there are many variations of this classic coffee drink, some of which include steamed milk.


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