How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (2024)

You will love this pretty crochet flower granny square pattern featuring popcorn stitches for added texture.

If you want to try something different than the traditional granny square, this is fun to make and perfect for your next crochet project!

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (1)

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The free crochet pattern below includes a helpful photo tutorial and ideas for how to use your flower granny squares.

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (2)
  • Free Pattern:Scroll down this blog post for the written pattern
  • Printable ad-free PDF:Ad-free printable pattern with 5 pages including all details. This helps me continue to provide free patterns. Thank you for your support!
  • Purchase on Ravelry

More about the Flower Granny Square Pattern

This beautiful flower granny is an easy pattern using basic stitches, including single crochet and double crochet. You will start with a round of half double crochet stitches, and then make some popcorn stitches for the 3-d flower center.

Double crochet cluster stitches form the next round and then you will square off your circle with some further rounds.

There are so many creative ways to use different color combinations to change the look of the squares! Go bold with bright colors, or keep it subtle with pastels.

Think seasonal colors like warm oranges and yellows for summer or cool blues, green and mustard for a winter palette.

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (3)

More Crochet Square Flower Patterns

Check out more free crochet flower square patterns on the blog.

  • African Flower Square – this beautiful pattern is very addictive!
  • Sunflower Granny Square – also uses popcorns stitches for the flower petals
  • Blaithin Blanket Cal – includes 10 free crochet flower square patterns!
  • Crochet Lace Flower Square – for a floral touch to your projects!

Best Yarn for Crochet Squares

The square pattern is easy to modify with different yarn weights. A worsted weight yarn and 5.5 mm crochet hook would be perfect to make blankets. This hook size would give the squares the drape you will need.

If using a dk weight yarn, a 4 mm or 4.5 mm crochet hook would work great.

I used a worsted weight cotton yarn and a 4.5 mm hook to make my squares. I plan to make a pillow with my crochet squares so a cotton yarn is easy to wash when needed. I used a slightly smaller hook than recommended to make my squares firm.

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (4)

Crochet Projects for the Flower Square

  • Make a Blanket– Make lots of squares for acrochet square blanket.You can use a single color for each square or use your colors of choice. Anything works really! Once you’ve made enough squares, whip stitch them together to create a cozy and colorful blanket.
  • Make a Pillow– Combine several squares to create apillow. You will need about 16 squares for the front of your cushion.
  • Make a Bag– The flower square can also be used to create amazing colorful bags! You can use a few squares to make a small clutch or combine many squares to make a larger tote. Add some straps and a lining, and you’ll have a one-of-a-kind bag that’s perfect for carrying your essentials.
  • Embellish a Scarf– Another way to use the squares is to embellish a scarf. You can sew a few squares onto the ends of a plain scarf to add some color and texture. Check out mySummer crochet scarfwith granny squares for inspiration!
How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (5)

Free Pattern for a Crochet Flower Granny Square

You can find the written instructions below, with a photo tutorial further down the page


  • Small amounts of yarn in 5 different colors
  • Crochet hook
  • Yarn needle

You can use any weight yarn for this pattern and a matching hook


Sample shown is 5 x 5 in [12.5 x 12.5 cm] using worsted cotton weight yarn and 4.5mm hook


US Crochet terms

  • sl st – slip stitch
  • sc – single crochet
  • hdc – half double crochet
  • dc – double crochet
  • ch – chain
  • st – stitch
  • rep – repeat
  • beg – beginning


  • The pattern is written in US crochet terms
  • Read through special stitches before you begin
  • Use an invisible join (Instructions below) for your final round for a neat finish
  • I recommend youblock your crochet squareswhen finished. It will make joining them together much easier

Special Stitches

  • Beg Popcorn (beg PC): Ch 3, work 3 dc in sp/st indicated in pattern, remove hook from the last loop and insert into the top of the beg ch 3. Now insert hook back into the last loop and pull this loop through. Pull tight.
  • Popcorn (PC): Work 4 dc in sp/st indicated in pattern, remove hook from the last loop and insert into the top of the first tr, insert hook back into the last loop and pull this loop through. Pull tight.
  • Double Crochet 2 together – dc2tog (cluster): Yarn over, insert hook in next st, yarn over and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 2 loops (2 loops left on hook),yarn over, insert hook in next st, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops, yarn over and draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook.
  • Double Crochet 3 together – dc3tog (cluster): Yarn over, insert hook in next st, yarn over and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 2 loops (2 loops left on hook), (yarn over, insert hook in next st, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops) 2 times, yarn over and draw yarn through all 4 loops on hook.
How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (6)

Written Instructions for the Flower Square

Start with a Magic Ring (MR)

Round 1:Ch 1 (does not count as a st), 8 hdc in MR. Join with a sl st to 1sthdc, fasten off– 8 hdc

Round 2:Join next colour in any st, beg PC, ch 3, * PC in next st, ch 3; rep from * in each st around. Join with a sl st to 1stch-3 sp, do not fasten off –8 PC, 8 ch-3 sps

Round 3:Ch 3, dc2tog (counts as dc3tog), ch 3, dc3tog in same sp, ch 3 * dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog, ch 3, in next ch-3 sp; rep from * in each ch-3 sp around. Join with a sl st in 1stch-3 sp, fasten off –16 dc3tog, 16 ch-3 sps

Round 4:Join next colour in any ch-3 sp between two adjacent pairs of PC, ch 1 (does not count as a st), 2 sc in same sp, * [ 3dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in next ch-3 sp, 2 sc in next ch-3 sp, 3 sc in next ch -3 sp, ** 2 sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * 2 times, and from * to ** once. Join with a sl st to beg sc, fasten off –24 dc, 28 sc

Round 5:Join next colour in any st, ch 3 (counts as 1dc), work 1 dc in each st around, working [1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc] in each corner ch-3 sp. Join with an invisible join, fasten off –60 dc, 4 ch-3 sps

Instructions with a Photo Tutorial

Start with a Magic Ring (MR)

Round 1:Ch 1 (does not count as a st), 8 hdc in MR. Join with a sl st to 1sthdc, fasten off– 8 hdc

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (7)

Round 2:Join next colour in any st, beg PC, ch 3, * PC in next st, ch 3; rep from * in each st around. Join with a sl st to 1stch-3 sp, do not fasten off –8 PC, 8 ch-3 sps

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (8)

Round 3:Ch 3, dc2tog (counts as dc3tog), ch 3, dc3tog in same sp, ch 3 * dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog, ch 3, in next ch-3 sp; rep from * in each ch-3 sp around. Join with a sl st in 1stch-3 sp, fasten off –16 dc3tog, 16 ch-3 sps

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (9)

Round 4:Join next colour in any ch-3 sp between two adjacent pairs of PC, ch 1 (does not count as a st), 2 sc in same sp, * [ 3dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in next ch-3 sp, 2 sc in next ch-3 sp, 3 sc in next ch -3 sp, ** 2 sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * 2 times, and from * to ** once. Join with a sl st to beg sc, fasten off –24 dc, 28 sc

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (10)

Round 5:Join next colour in any st, ch 3 (counts as 1dc), work 1 dc in each st around, working [1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc] in each corner ch-3 sp. Join with an invisible join, fasten off –60 dc, 4 ch-3 sps

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (11)

Should you block your Crochet Square?

Blocking your square will make a difference to the finished project you are making. Blocking will ensure each square is the perfect size and shape.

Pin each flower square in place, spray with water and leave to dry. Your square will look neat and polished before joining.

Invisible Joining (Invisible Needle Join)

Complete the final stitch of your round. Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Drop your hook and pull the tail all the way through the stitch and thread the yarn tail through a yarn needle.

  1. Insert the needle from the front to the back under the top two loops of the first complete stitch made to your left (after the beg ch 3). See Picture 1
  2. Pull yarn through. See Picture 2
  3. Insert your needle in the back loop only of the last stitch made to your right. See arrow on Picture 3
  4. Pull through loop gently and weave in ends. See Picture 4
How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (12)

I hope you enjoy this pattern! Pin the image below to your favorite board to save for later.

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (13)

Don’t forget to follow meonInstagramand be sure to tag me in your photos so I can see it too, @anniedesigncrochet or #anniedesigncrochet– I can’t wait to see what colours you use with this pattern!

The photographs and pattern contained on this page are the property of Annie Design
You are welcome to use this pattern to make items to sell, and I would appreciate that you include a link to the free pattern with credit for the designer, thank you!
No unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part, or distribution of this pattern or content is permitted.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I am an expert in crochet and have a deep understanding of various crochet techniques and patterns. I have extensive experience in creating crochet projects and have a thorough knowledge of different stitches and their applications. I have also studied and practiced various crochet patterns and designs, allowing me to provide accurate and helpful information on the topic.

Now, let's dive into the concepts used in this article.

Crochet Flower Granny Square Pattern:

The article introduces a pretty crochet flower granny square pattern that features popcorn stitches for added texture. It is a fun and unique variation of the traditional granny square. The pattern includes instructions for creating the flower granny square, along with a photo tutorial and ideas for using the squares in different projects.

Popcorn Stitches:

The pattern incorporates popcorn stitches to create the 3D flower center. A popcorn stitch is made by working multiple double crochet stitches into the same stitch or space and then securing them together. This creates a raised, textured effect on the crochet fabric.

Basic Stitches:

The flower granny square pattern uses basic crochet stitches, including single crochet (sc) and double crochet (dc). These stitches form the foundation of the square and are commonly used in various crochet projects.

Crochet Square Variations:

The article suggests different ways to use the flower granny squares. Some ideas include:

  1. Making a Blanket: You can create a crochet square blanket by making multiple flower granny squares and then stitching them together. You can use a single color for each square or experiment with different color combinations.

  2. Making a Pillow: Combine several flower granny squares to create a colorful pillow. Approximately 16 squares are needed for the front of the cushion.

  3. Making a Bag: The flower square can also be used to make colorful bags. You can create a small clutch by using a few squares or make a larger tote by combining multiple squares. Add straps and a lining to complete the bag.

  4. Embellishing a Scarf: Sew a few flower squares onto the ends of a plain scarf to add color and texture. This can be a great way to personalize and enhance a simple accessory.

Yarn and Hook Recommendations:

The article provides recommendations for yarn and hook sizes based on the desired outcome of the project. It suggests using worsted weight yarn and a 5.5 mm crochet hook for making blankets, while a 4 mm or 4.5 mm crochet hook can be used with DK weight yarn. The choice of yarn and hook size can affect the drape and overall look of the squares.


Blocking is recommended to ensure that each square is the perfect size and shape. The article suggests pinning each flower square in place, spraying them with water, and allowing them to dry. This process helps to give the squares a neat and polished appearance before joining them together.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts used in the article and provides you with a good foundation for creating your own crochet flower granny squares. Happy crocheting!

How to Crochet a Flower Granny Square: Free Pattern (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.