Low Carb Saffron Fish Soup with Aioli - Recipe - Diet Doctor (2024)

Low Carb Saffron Fish Soup with Aioli - Recipe - Diet Doctor (1)

This light and flavorful soup is deliciousness defined. Fennel and saffron make the base for this scrumptious meal – and the aioli provides a kiss of creaminess. Hello, gorgeous!

May 15 2016 recipe by Anne Aobadia, photo by Emma Shevtzoff, nutritional review by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE in Recipes, Dinner, Lunch, Meal

This light and flavorful soup is deliciousness defined. Fennel and saffron make the base for this scrumptious meal – and the aioli provides a kiss of creaminess. Hello, gorgeous!


4 servingservings


  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 (4 oz.) 1 (110 g) yellow onion, finely choppedyellow onions, finely chopped
  • 2 2 garlic clove, finely choppedgarlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 1 fresh fennel bulb, chopped
  • ½ tbsp ½ tbsp tomato paste
  • 8 (5 oz.) 8 (140 g) cherry tomatoes
  • 1 pinch 1 pinch saffron
  • 2 cups 475 ml water
  • 2 2 fish bouillon cubefish bouillon cubes
  • 1¼ cups 300 ml sour cream or crème fraîche
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp lime juice
  • salt and pepper
  • 1½ lbs 650 g salmon, boneless filletsalmon, boneless fillets or white fish fillet, cut into 1x1" (2.5 cm) pieceswhite fish fillets, cut into 1x1" (2.5 cm) pieces
  • fresh parsley or fresh dill, finely chopped


  • ½ cup 120 ml mayonnaise
  • 2 2 garlic clove, mincedgarlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tbsp 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

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Low Carb Saffron Fish Soup with Aioli - Recipe - Diet Doctor (5)


Making low carb simple


  1. Fry onion, garlic, fennel, and saffron in olive oil on medium heat until the vegetables have softened a bit. Add the tomato paste.

  2. Cut the tomatoes in halves, add to the pot and fry for a few more minutes.

  3. Add water and crumbled bouillon cubes. Bring to a boil and let simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.

  4. Add sour cream and lime juice and bring to a boil. When the soup is hot again, carefully add the fish and let simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes until the fish is cooked.

  5. Mix together mayonnaise, garlic and parsley to taste. Serve with the soup.


If you don't want to make your own aioli, just use some non-flavored sour cream or herb butter. Sprinkle with extra parsley for an extra pop of color!

Make the soup even more appetizing by topping it with some shrimps right before serving.

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  1. 1


    May 15 2016

    Short ingredient list? Is this the cheeky and understated Swedish humour making its appearance?

  2. 2


    September 7 2016

    Quantity mistake. 700g is 1.5lbs not 1/2lb.

    Reply: #3

  3. 3

    Reply to comment #2 by Ian

    Kristin Berglund Team Diet Doctor

    September 12 2016

    Quantity mistake. 700g is 1.5lbs not 1/2lb.

    Hi Ian!

    Thank you! Fixed it now.

  4. LEE

    August 8 2018

    Might have to tell us if we need to cut fennel or put the whole bulb in

    Reply: #5

  5. 5

    Reply to comment #4 by LEE


    July 26 2019

    I'm guessing chopped. I can't see a full bulb in the bowl and it would take far longer for that to soften up whole.

  6. 6

    Christine King

    December 28 2019

    The sour cream curdled when added, as I suspected it would. The soup came out delish however, I added a few things, such as leeks, scallops, and shrimp and a spoonful of Ajvar at the point of adding tomato paste. I want to make it again, any ideas of how to avoid the sour cream curdle? It does not affect the taste but the look is a bit off-putting especially if serving to company, Thanks!

  7. 7

    Astrid Wenninger

    January 10 2020

    Hi Christine,
    a) when the soup is wwell cooked take it off the stove and let it cool down a bit, than add 2-3 tablespoons of soup to the sour cream and mix it in before you pour it into the soup
    b) use creme fraiche instead - it is more fatty but also more stable in hot dishes
    Bonne chance!

  8. 8


    August 4 2020

    My tweaks: I used fish stock instead of bouillon, used shrimp and lobster with the fish and used an herb butter instead of aioli (something about mayonnaise in my soup didn't sit right with me). This soup was very very good, thanks so much, I never eat enough good fish!

    Reply: #9

  9. 9

    Reply to comment #8 by Crissy

    Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    August 4 2020

    My tweaks: I used fish stock instead of bouillon, used shrimp and lobster with the fish and used an herb butter instead of aioli (something about mayonnaise in my soup didn't sit right with me). This soup was very very good, thanks so much, I never eat enough good fish!

    Thanks for sharing! Glad you enjoyed it!

  10. 10


    March 6 2021

    Great recipe to try something different! To avoid curdling the sour cream i tempered it like an egg, I basically took a cup of the warm broth and slowly whisked the mixture. Once it was fully constituted I added it back to the main broth slowly. I wished I would have added less lime juice, a little much. But really good!

  11. 11


    November 28 2021

    And.... when do you add the dill??

    Reply: #12

  12. 12

    Reply to comment #11 by Tracie

    Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    November 30 2021

    And.... when do you add the dill??

    If you are using dill instead of parsley, you would add the dill in Step 5 which includes adding the parsley.

  13. 13


    December 7 2021

    Sounds delicious!
    I want to make this for dinner tonight but no crème fraiche so can I substitute with full fat Greek yogurt?

    Reply: #14

  14. 14

    Reply to comment #13 by Jill

    Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    December 7 2021

    Sounds delicious!
    I want to make this for dinner tonight but no crème fraiche so can I substitute with full fat Greek yogurt?

    Yes, that should work fine! Sour cream would work, as well.

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Low Carb Saffron Fish Soup with Aioli - Recipe - Diet Doctor (2024)


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