Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (2024)


Submitted by sofie-a-toast

"Wow wow wow. Clearly, USC alums can cook ;) Loving this easy, simple and oh so delicious and gluttonous treat!This calls for a bundt pan but I've successfully cut the recipe in a third and used a loaf pan."


Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (2) Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (3)

photo by frostingnfettuccine Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (4)

Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (5) Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (6)

Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (7) Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (8)

Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (9) Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (10)

Ready In:





  • 12 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter (1 cup)
  • 2 -3 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 3 (10 ounce) cans buttermilk biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
  • 1 cup sugar



  • preheat that oven to 350.
  • open up all three cans of biscuits and cut each biscuit into quarters.
  • At this time you’ll want to combine the 1 cup of regular sugar with 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon. I use 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and this gives it a fairly strong cinnamon flavor. If you’re not so hot on cinnamon, cut it back to 2 teaspoons. Dump these into a 1 gallon zip bag and shake to mix evenly.
  • drop all of the biscuit quarters into the cinnamon-sugar mix. Go ahead…all of them. Yes, they’re sticking together right now, but just trust me.
  • Once all the biscuit quarters are in the bag, seal it and give it a vigorous shake. You might have some excess sugar left over and that’s okay.
  • Spread these nuggets out evenly in your bundt pan. I suppose you might want to grease this pan before doing this, but I’m pretty sure the gallon of butter we are about to add will keep it safe. Un-greased always works for me.
  • melt those two sticks of butter together with 1/2cup of brown sugar. This can be light or dark brown sugar.
  • Stir together over a medium-high heat until the two become one.
  • Once the brown sugar butter has become one color, you can pour it over the biscuits.At first…it’s going to look like too much. It’s okay though.
  • Bake this @ 350 degrees for about 30-40 minutes until the crust is a deep brown on top.
  • If you have the willpower, allow this to cool for about 15-30 minutes before turning it over onto a plate. If it doesn’t slide right down onto the plate, give it a few love-taps until it plops. It’ll hold.

Questions & Replies

Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe - (11)

  1. Can I keep this in the bundt pan to stay warm, if I have to transport after baking or will it get too sticky to release from the pan ?

    Angela F.



  1. The first recipe we made in 7th grade Home Ec. Not my own first recipe as I had been helping in the kitchen for years by then, but still a classic. Sugary, buttery, everything you'd want as a kid. Pecans add a nice crunch that I like. We also put maraschino cherries in the bottom of the pan for color when it is turned out onto a platter.

    Laurie B.

  2. What's not to like? Delicious for our Valentine's breakfast! And I love things that my kids can help make. The 4 year old cut the biscuits and the 2 year old threw them in the bag. We cut the recipe to 1/3 to use one can of biscuits and made it in a loaf pan. Thanks for posting!


  3. Well there goes my diet! This recipe is insanely delicious, and I couldn't stop picking off little bites here and there. It was also so super easy to make. I was skeptical that it wouldn't come out of the pan easily but it totally did! Definitely make this, I'm still dreaming about it.


  4. Can I make it the night before then bake it the next morning??


  5. Excellent everyone loved it!! People are asking me to make this for them...


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  1. You can also do this recipe in the microwave. That makes it safer for the kiddos. And if you don't have a bundt pan you can just use a round baking dish and put something circular that is oven-safe such as a petri dish or something, directly in the center to keep that space empty, then start piling your biscuits around that.




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Pioneer Woman's Monkey Bread Recipe  - (2024)


What does monkey bread contain? ›

Homemade monkey bread combines several tiny balls of dough coated in butter, cinnamon, and sugar. It's basically a giant Bundt pan of gooey cinnamon rolls! Finish this fun breakfast or dessert treat with vanilla icing and serve pull apart style. This recipe is brought to you in partnership with Red Star Yeast.

What can I use instead of a bundt pan for monkey bread? ›

I bake mine in one of the best Bundt pans, but a tube pan works, too. You could even bake it in a muffin tin for individual monkey bread "muffins." Wouldn't that be cute?! Just be sure to adjust the baking time.

What culture is monkey bread from? ›

Fazekas traced the dessert back to the 1880s, claiming that it was Hungarian immigrants who introduced it to the United States. Fazekas named Hungarian Jewish bakers as the heroes of the story. In the middle of the twentieth century, it was they who made aranygaluska popular with American society.

What is a fun fact about monkey bread? ›

Recipes for the bread first appeared in American women's magazines and community cookbooks in the 1950s. During the 1980s, Nancy Reagan popularized serving monkey bread during Christmas by making it a staple of the Reagan White House Christmas. Mrs. Reagan acquired the recipe from her fellow actress Zasu Pitts.

How much sugar is in monkey bread? ›

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Nutrition Facts
Servings Per Recipe 12
Total Carbohydrate 57g21%
Dietary Fiber 1g5%
Total Sugars 30g
11 more rows

Can you use a 9x13 pan instead of a bundt pan? ›

Can you bake a Bundt cake in a 13×9 pan? Yes—but don't overfill the pan. Be sure to leave about 1/2″ to 1/4″ of space at the top to give the cake room to grow. You'll also need to adjust your baking time.

Why is my monkey bread doughy? ›

If the bottom of the pieces that haven't been exposed is still doughy, the bread needs to bake longer. If it's fully baked and no stretchy dough appears, it's ready.

Can I use a tube pan instead of Bundt? ›

Most tube pans have straight sides and an uncoated finish. While you can make Bundts, coffee cakes, and similar cakes in a tube pan, this shape and type of pan is ideal for cakes with a light and airy crumb like angel food or chiffon cakes.

Where is monkey bread popular? ›

Monkey Bread became popular over the next few decades in the U.S. and when Nancy Reagan started serving it at the White House, it became an American tradition. Monkey Bread, aka Puzzle Bread, aka Hungarian Coffee Cake, may not have originated in the United States but in Hungary, where my paternal grandmother was born.

Does monkey bread need to be refrigerated? ›

Does monkey bread need to be refrigerated? Most Monkey Bread recipes are best NOT refrigerated because the cold can harden the dough. This Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread, however needs to be refrigerated because it contains bacon.

What tree does monkey bread come from? ›

A baobab tree may also be called a monkey bread tree, Ethiopian sour gourd, cream of tartar tree and even upside-down tree. A slow-growing tree, baobab is an important resource with many purposes including shelter, medicinal and food in southern Africa.

What fruit is called monkey bread? ›

The Baobab is one of the most majestic trees of Africa, very present in Senegal. Its fruit, which is called “monkey bread”, has multiple virtues. It is 2.5 times richer in vitamin C than an orange, contains 2.5 times more calcium than milk and six times more potassium than a banana.

Is monkey bread made from bananas? ›

Bread Ingredients

Bananas: You will need 3 ripe bananas for the bread dough and 3 more bananas that will be diced and layered in between the balls of bread dough. Yeast: I used instant yeast in this recipe. It is also called quick rise or fast-rising yeast. Milk: I prefer whole milk in this recipe.

What is the importance of monkey bread? ›

Studies have shown the benefits of monkey bread in the field of medicine. This fruit actually has anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can be beneficial for heart disease and diabetes.

What are the benefits of monkey bread? ›

Studies have shown the benefits of monkey bread in the field of medicine. This fruit actually has anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can be beneficial for heart disease and diabetes.

Is monkey bread made from biscuits? ›

™ Flaky Layers Original Biscuits are tossed with cinnamon sugar, covered in a brown sugar-butter mixture and baked to golden-brown perfection, in a bundt pan along with tasty walnuts and raisins. The result? A warm and gooey pull-apart dessert to serve up any time of day. Here's how to make monkey bread!


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