V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (2024)

By: Author Julia Jordan

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In this post I am sharing the V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe. It is one of the easiest homemade vegetable soup recipes that you can make.

There are just 4 main ingredients in this delicious diner style soup with a rich tomato broth. Not only is it a tasty meal, it is also very budget friendly.

I’ve included elbow macaroni pasta in my soup because that is what you usually find in the diner lunch special soup that everyone seems to love. The pasta is optional however and you can choose to leave it out if you prefer.

Your wonderful homemade soup will be ready in about an hour. Just serve it with some crackers and a toasty grilled cheese sandwich.

Easy Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (1)

I picked up an inexpensive pack of breakfast steak and cut it up for the soup for around $3.00. The total costs for this big pot of soup came in around $10.00, give or take.

That is not bad at all for a hot meal that will feed a family easily and maybe for a couple of days if you have leftovers. Depending on the size of your family, you’ll likely have leftovers.

You could also used ground beef if you prefer to make it more a hamburger vegetable soup recipe.

Budget Meal Soup Dinner

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (2)

The V8 vegetable juice adds a lot of flavor to this soup. I also used a carton of rich beef broth to add even more flavor. Water can be used instead of the broth to keep costs down.

Choosing the frozen vegetable blend for soups made it super easy to get this meal going because there was no peeling or chopping required, besides the beef.

I kept this soup simple but you can add additional aromatics if you like, such as fresh or dried herbs.

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (3)

The frozen vegetable mix is so convenient and it just vegetables. There aren’t any preservatives or anything else added.

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (4)

How do I make the V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe? It’s so simple! You’ll brown the beef pieces and then simply add the rest of your ingredients. Simmer and let all of the goodness mingle for a bit and you’re ready to serve.

Get all of the deets in the printable recipe card below.

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (5)

Yield: 1 Pot of Soup

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (6)

A rich and delicious easy homemade vegetable soup recipe made with nutritious V8 juice.

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time1 hour

Total Time1 hour 5 minutes


  • 1/2 lb Beef, cut into small bite sized pieces (I used breakfast steaks)
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Oil
  • 2 c Beef Broth (or Water)
  • 28 oz Frozen Vegetable for Soup
  • 64 oz V8 Original Vegetable Juice
  • 1/2 c Elbow Macaroni Pasta (optional)
  • Salt & Black Pepper, to taste


  1. Add the vegetable oil to a soup pot or dutch oven; heat over medium low.
  2. Next, add the beef and brown until cooked through.
  3. Next, add the beef broth, frozen vegetable blend, V8 juice, elbow macaroni and seasonings.
  4. Bring to a simmer then cook for 45 minutes.
  5. Serve with crackers or a sandwich, if desired.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

About 1 cup

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 181Total Fat: 6gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 21mgSodium: 741mgCarbohydrates: 21gFiber: 4gSugar: 9gProtein: 11g

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You might also like this recipe for Instant Pot Curried Chicken and Vegetables from Cooking with Carlee.

You can also see this recipe shared at Meal Plan Monday and Weekend Potluck.

Home » V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe

Author of Julia's Simply Southern

V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (17)

About Julia

Hey Y'all! I'm Julia, the cook and writer behind the recipes here at Julia's Simply Southern. I began my website so that I could share easy to follow recipes that anyone can use to put a home cooked meal on the dinner table. Thanks so much for stopping by!

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V8 Vegetable Soup Recipe - Diner Style - Julias Simply Southern (2024)


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