What would happen if Bella chose Jacob? - Answers (2024)

I am going to write a story about what happens when Bella ends up with that sideshow freak. Here it goes:

Bella POV

With his arm around me, my husband (Jacob) whispered to the baby in my stomach I was due any day now. Jacob was very excited, the same for my little girl, Jackie.

"Jake, honey. I have to go to the store. Jackie will be starving by the time I get back," I whispered.

Jake kissed me good bye on the cheek I pulled on my jacket and hopped into my old truck. I drove quickly to the nearest Target.

In aisle three (the toilet paper department), I noticed a man I recognized He was very beautiful with very white skin. I recognized him immanently He turned to me for a second, but abruptly turned away when he noticed who I was.

"Edward?" I choked out.

He started to walk away.

"Edward Anthony Cullen!" I screamed. "Stop."

Not noticing the wet floor sign, I ran, but slipped. A little blood poured from my head. Edward ran back to me. My angel bent down to me and helped me up.

"Edward, it's you," I cried.

"Yes, Bella. I'm here," he whispered. "Has that dog let you free yet?"

I remembered how much I loved Edward and how I had turned down his marriage proposal. I shed a tear. I thought I belonged with Jake, but now I realized who I loved.

Edward wiped off my head and helped me up. I grabbed my cart and talked to him.

"Edward it's been so long. I've missed you," I lied. I didn't really miss Edward that much. In fact, I tried not to think of him.

"I see you and the dog did what you wanted to do with me," he frowned.

I stared, guilty, down at my stomach

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

He checked his watch and replied, "Bella I have to get going now."


He ran out of the store. I bought my things and headed home.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" shrieked four year old Jackie. "I want apple juice and graham crackers."

I fixed up my daughter's favorite foods, thinking of Edward the hole time. I served her food on her little pink plate, when I felt a kick.


Jacob looked up from the newspaper.

"Something wrong, honey?" He had a worried expression on his face.

"The baby," I whispered.

Everyone panicked Jake packed my suitcase and put me in the car. I was screaming the entire way. At the hospital, a nurse lead me to a room. And there the doctor was. Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

The next few hours were painful. I was up all night, but finally fell asleep at seven in the morning. I slept through out the day.

At night, two faces were in front of me. My beloved husband and him.

"Hello Bella," Edward said.

"Edward," I whispered


"Is that really you?"

He nodded.

At that moment, I realized I had married the wrong person.

I burst out in tears. Jake tried to comfort me, but I wanted Edward. I crawled out of Jacob's arms, and put my face in Edward's chest. He stroked my hair. I started to pull away.

"Jacob," I began. I looked at the werewolf, then the vampire. "I love Edward."

Jacob's face turned red. His large hands crushed the can of soda in his hands.

"What did you say, love?" he asked through his teeth.

I ducked under the covers trying to think of what to say.

"What's the gender?" I murmured.

"Boy," Edward said, seeming the slightest bit cheerful.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, BLOOD SUCKER," Jacob exploded. Edward and I stared at him, speechless.

Edward opened his mouth, but Jacob striked his face.

"Jacob Black, stop it!" I screamed.

Jacob opened his mouth, when there was a thud at the door.

"Bella?" asked my father's voice.

"Uh, come in dad."

Charlie entered the room. He smiled at me, then Jacob. When he turned to Edward, his face turned red.

"What are you doing here?" he growled.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Jacob started talking.

"Charlie, get him out of here! He is trying to hurt Bella for choosing me, not him! Can you please arrest him?" Jacob pleaded.

"Jacob, that's not true!" I exclaimed.

I glanced at my love. He was looking away from me and staring out the window. Charlie grabbed his arm to take him away.

"EDWARD!" I screamed. I jumped right out of bed and slid into my slippers. Jacob grabbed my arm. He squeezed it.

"Jake, let go! Ow!"

Edward ran into the room. He tried to let me free from Jacob's touch. I leaned again Edward, but Jacob squeezed my arm harder.

"Mrs. Black?" asked a voice behind us. The nurse. "You can see your baby."

Jacob let go of my arm and took my hand instead. I let go of his hand and grabbed Edward's. Jacob yanked me over to him and hugged me.

"Jake, I said I love Edward. Please, let me go," I whispered.

Jacob didn't let go. We ran into Charlie again.

"Bella, you and I need to talk."

"Can I see my baby first?" I asked.

Charlie nodded.

I opened the door to the nursery. A nurse lead me to an adorable black haired boy rapped in blue. I stroked his black hair. It was so soft. I glanced at Jacob. He had a smirk on his face. Then I looked at Edward. He was looking at me.

"Be right back, Bells. Gotta go to the bathroom."

After Jacob left, we were alone. I leaned over to his face. I met his lips. I kissed him for a few seconds, but he pulled away. He shook his head, sadly.

"Bella," he whispered.

"Yes, my love?"

"I don't belong with you."

I was shocked. The person I loved, my life, was turning me down! I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with a guy who drinks out of the toilet!

"What?! What?! No! Are you crazy?!"

Edward pursed his lips. I was in tears. His cold finger reached for my face. He wiped away a tear.

"Bella, it's too dangerous. Besides, you already love that dog," he said.

I abruptly shook my head. "No. I love you. I don't want Jacob. I want you."

I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me. I kissed him. For a few seconds, he wasn't kissing back. But finally, I felt pressure on my lips. My love was kissing me back. We stood there, for a long time. Then I heard Charlie clear his throat.

"Dad," I replied. Edward backed away.

Charlie rose his eyebrows. "Bella, can we talk?"

I nodded. Charlie lead me down the long hallway and back into my room. I placed myself on the bed.

"Bells, you were kissing Edward down there," Charlie finally choked out.


"And you are married. To Jacob."

"Not for long," I smirked. "Dad, I love Edward. I was insane when I married Jake."

I laughed to myself. Charlie stared at me, with a stern look his face.

"Why don't you like him anymore?" he asked

"Oh, Dad! I will always love Jacob. But not in love with him. I will love him as a brother. Besides-"

"What about Jackie and the new baby?"

I frowned. The children. What would I do? Surely, Edward wouldn't feel comfortable with them around. I suppose I would have primary custody to the ankle biters.

"I was thinking Jacob could take the kids and they could visit me every other weekend or something," I replied.

"Are you sure about this?" Charlie asked.

I hesitated. Finally I let it out.

"I am most definitely sure about divorcing Jacob Black. I want to become Mrs. Cullen," I stated. I patted my father's shoulder. We walked back to nursery. Edward was nowhere in sight.

"Edward!" I called, as if I was calling for a dog. "Edward!"

"Ya, Bella?"

I spun around. Edward was smiling his crooked smile at me.

"Edward," I whispered.


"Is Jake back yet?" I asked.

Edward frowned. Without a word, he lead me back to wear my baby was. But, it was empty. No baby. Just an empty crib. I cried.

"My baby," I cried.

Edward pulled me into his cool arms and comforted me. My tears stained his shirt, but I couldn't stop. Someone had taken my baby. Taken him away. Was he safe? Who kidnapped him? These questions could be answered, if you asked the right people.

"Edward, where's Jacob?" I asked. "Where's my baby?"

He pursed his lips. He stroked my brown hair and let out a sigh.

"Bella, love, Jacob took him. He left a note and- you read it." He shoved a scrap of paper at me.


I am leaving. I have taken our baby away so we can live together and I can raise him the way I wish. I have Jackie too. Stop by the house, there should be a divorcement paper for you to sign. I just want to let you that I love you and I am sorry for your choice. I will take good care of the children.

Love, Jacob

I grabbed the note and tossed it in the garbage


"I'm fine."

Edward wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to him. He lifted me off my feet and into my hospital room. My love set me down and wrapped the covers around me and hummed the lullaby that I loved, but hadn't heard in so long. I slowly started to drift off into a slumber.

Jacob POV

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and threw the note in the cradle. I grabbed mine and Bella's baby and disappeared out of the room.

In the parking lot, Billy was there with Jackie. He nodded at me as I hopped into the car. I put the baby in his car seat and Jackie quickly buckled her seatbelt. I waved at Billy and headed down the highway.

I wondered how Bella was. Probably didn't even notice the note and was making out with that leech. Wasn't she too old for him? She was 24 stinking years old. And he was 17 forever.

During the ride, I explained to Jackie that her mother had died giving birth and I was taking the baby and her far away. That would have to do, for now. Jackie kept on begging for the baby's name, but I said I didn't know yet. What was I supposed to name the kid, anyway? Bella had always said she liked Chilly for a boy. Strange. I supposed it was Billy and Charlie mixed together. But that sounded too weird. Chilly? Honestly.

"Daddy, where are we going?" Jackie asked.

"Over here," I answered, pulling up to the nearest hotel. "The Comfort Inn."

I unstrapped the kids out of their car seats and lead them into the hotel. I stopped at the front desk. A lady with her blond hair waving over her shoulders was typing on the computer.

"Hello, welcome to the Comfort Inn. How may I help you?" she asked, her eyes still glued to the monitor.

"Uh, could I get a room? I will be staying until one tomorrow afternoon," I replied.

"Oh, sure," she said.

After checking in, I lead Jackie to room 629. I oped the door and placed the baby on the bed. The suite was rather nice, with two queen sized beds, a flat screen, an oak dresser, and a large window. There was also a bathroom with a marble sink and a shower.

I helped Jackie into her pajamas and tucked her into the bed closest to the door.

"Daddy, I miss Mommy," she sniffled. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"I do to, sweetheart." I wrapped her in my arms and squeezed. I kissed her forehead and picked up the baby.

I sat up all night, holding the baby that Bella and I should share. Finally, I decided to name the baby...

Anthony. That was the other name Bella had wanted. Anthony Charlie Black. The name seemed familiar in a way.

In the morning, I dragged Jackie out of bed and checked out of this place. In the car, Jackie was marveling over Anthony. I drove down the road into my new life.

Jackie POV

I rested my head on the car seat that contained my little brother. Daddy drove us on the highway, away from the hotel. I wanted to know what was going to happen, so I asked Daddy.

"Daddy, what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Uh, buy a house. I don't know, we'll have to see," he answered.

I noticed Mommy's purse on the floor of the truck. I picked it up. Inside, I found many photos. There were ones of me and Daddy and grandpa. But the last one, was a photo of a man I did not recognize He had messy bronze hair and perfect white teeth, unlike my daddy's teeth which are quite yellow. He smiled at me.

"Daddy, who's this?"

Daddy turned his head and snatched the photo out of my hands.

"Mommy's boyfriend," he muttered.

I grabbed Daddy's long hair.

"Like Trevor is my boy friend?" I asked.

Daddy turned towards me and took a strand of my black curly hair.

"No, Trevor is just a friend who's a boy. Mommy's boyfriend is the man she loves," he sighed. "His name is Edward Cullen, but you'll never meet that leach."

"But Mommy died," I whimpered.

Daddy nodded his head and put his eyes back on the road. Life was changing. As twilight began out of my window, I slowly closed my eyes.

"Jackie," someone whispered. "Wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Daddy's face. I yawned and sat up straight. Out the window, it was pitch black outside. The car wasn't moving, so I supposed we were at our destination.

Daddy was holding Anthony as we got out of the car. He reached for my hand and lead me into the night.

We stopped in front of a lit up house. The door quickly opened.

"Come in, come in," said a woman's voice.

Inside was a nice living room. It contained a flat screen TV, a fireplace, couches, and a bookcase. A boy was sitting on a couch, reading a book. Harry Potter, or something.

The boy look up from his novel and set it down. He had reddish-brown hair. He was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap.

"Hello, Mister Black," the boy said. "I'm Jordan."

After Jordan and Daddy shook hands, a woman with blond hair came in with coffee. She handed one to Daddy and then handed a cup to me.

"Don't worry," she said. "It's hot chocolate."

I sipped away on the hot chocolate, which steamed my tongue I over heard the adults discussing something about a large family.

"When are they coming?" Daddy asked.

"They should be here in an hour. Angel and Robert Pattinson (me and Rob:)) are quite nice folks," the woman said. She stirred her coffee and took a sip of it.

"Six kids, right?" Daddy asked.

"Yes. Zachary, Violet, Rose, Jack, Sunny, and Isabella," she said.

Daddy started down at the ground.

"Isabella," he repeated.

"Oh, Jacob! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. She probably happy now. Loving that leach. Probably in her bedroom now," Daddy muttered.

The lady pursed her lips.

I was starting to get mad. Why was Daddy lying to me?

Edward POV

I pulled my lips away from her's. Her gentle face was frowning.

"I wasn't finished kissing you," she complained.

I grinned.

"Tough luck," I chuckled.

I kissed her quickly and picked up newspaper. We were in our new house. My love's eyes wondered to a phone of Jacob Black. She sighed softly. Bella was very moody these days. It had been six years since her ex-husband left with her children.

"Bella," I sighed. "It's been six years. Get over it."

She rested her head on my shoulder

"I am quite upset, Edward," she said. "He took my children. I will never forgive him for that."

I kissed her forehead.

"You'll see them again. I promise," I replied. "Besides, we have our own children."

I turned to our daughter on the computer and then to our son, watching TV. Renesmee and Charles were the perfect children for the perfect couple. They were both part vampire, part human. Renesmee and Charles both had beautiful brown eyes, brownish-red curls, and facial features looking quite like me. The twins were five, but could pass for seventeen year olds. Bella and I had explained to them about Jackie and the other child.

Bella got up from the couch and disappeared in the kitchen. Probably making disgusting human food for the twins.

"Dad?" spoke up Renesmee's voice.

"Yes, Nessie?" I answered, setting down the newspaper.

"Well, you know Mum's ex-husband?"

I gave her a stern look and nodded my head.

"About the children he took. Will Charles and I ever meet our siblings?"

"You better ask your mother about that. I'm not sure," I replied.

She nodded and turned back to the computer, researching something on ancient times or whatever. The smell of food came from the kitchen. I got up and headed towards it, seeing my wife cooking up some hamburgers.

"You and I will hunt tonight," she reminded me. "I can already taste the mountain lion's blood. But, we must not breath a word to Nessie. You know how she is about-"

"You're going hunting?!" exclaimed Nessie. "Might I come?"

Bella groaned.

"Why would you hunt when your mother is preparing such a nice dinner for you?" I asked her. I kept my voice serious and sure.

"Well, I guess I could hunt another time. Mum, those hamburgers look great," Nessie replied. As she left the room, I noticed she rolled her eyes.

"Nice save," Bella complemented.

"I am quite amazing," I teased. I kissed the top of her head.

I stared at the burgers.

"Do you miss those?" I asked.

Bella scrunched her face up.

"Heck, no," she answered.

My love slid the hamburgers into buns and squirted ketchup on them. She sat them on the table and pulled out a large bag of chips.

"Dinner's ready!" she called to Nessie and Charles.

Charles dashed into the room, Nessie slowly walking behind him. Her curls were covering her face and her hands were in fists.

"Now, Nessie," I laughed. I pulled her hair behind her ears. "Tomorrow I promise we will go hunting."

Her beautiful face lit up. Her perfect smile was what shined the most. She gave me a quick hug and went to the table. I grinned. That smile could brighten an entire day.

Anthony POV

I opened my eyes to stair at the ceiling. I let out a huge groan. Today dad was moving my older sister and I to La Push, Washington, where he grew up. Right in the middle of first grade! I already had billion friends and I loved my teacher, Miss Sunshine. She could make you entire day feel special even if you were down in the dumps.

I went to my closet and quickly chose some clothes. Downstairs, my ten-year-old sister was eating cereal with my father, Jordan Spikes, and Mrs. Spikes. They were our neighbors here in California.

"Hey, Anthony," Jordan grinned. Jordan is a super awesome twenty year old guy. He's in college and wants to be a race car driver. Sweet, huh? "I'm sure gonna miss you guys."

I poured myself some Cheerios. After breakfast, I went up to my room and pulled out my secret box. In it contained my smile face homework pages, letters from my pen pal, and a few family photos. I sighed when I came across the photo of my mother. She died not too long after giving birth to me. I took out my Spongebob books and read until Dad called me downstairs.

"Anthony! The moving van is here! Let's get going!" he called loudly.

I grabbed the last of my things and slowly walked down the stairs, careful not to step on the loose step.

Jackie, Dad, and the Spikes started loading everything into the van with some guy with a pot-belly and a bald head. I leaned against the Rabbit and organized my SpongeBob SquarePants action figures collection. After an hour of sitting there, I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder.

"It's time for you and your family to leave," Mrs. Spikes whispered.

I got up and hugged her open arms. After that, I hugged Jordan. He promised to send me some pictures of him driving his race car. I smile and thank him.

I walk towards the Rabbit and place myself next to Jackie in the backseat. She's listening to her iPod and drawing in her notebook. I prepare myself for a long car ride.

Eric POV

Whoa, I thought to myself. Who's that girl?

She was stepping out of a black car and slowly walking towards the school. Her black hair was neatly pulled back into a bun. Her black eyes stayed put on her feet. She didn't look too happy to be at Forks Elementary School.

I sat myself into my desk in Mr. Howard's room. I was relieved when that new girl shuffled into our classroom.

"Hello," she replied lowly to Mr. Howard. "I'm Jackie Black."

"Ah, yes." He tried to smile. He did a horrible job. "Let me see, there's an open spot next to Eric Yeller. Eric, raise your hand."

I waved my hand up in air, trying not to seem too gleeful. Jackie placed herself next to me. She quickly put her things in her desk and turned her head towards me.

"Hello, I'm Jackie Black," she smiled.

Wow, the new girl was actually talking? New kids never talk on their first day!

"Er, hi. I'm Eric Yeller," I replied, flashing a smile at her.

"Yeller? That's an unusual last name," Jackie commented.

"Ya, so is Black," I chortled.

She smiled hugely. I grimanced. Her teeth were a little yellow.

"Hey, your Billy Black's granddaughter, aren't you?"

She stared at me like she didn't know I was talking about. But then she said, "I guess so. I've never met him before. Dad's taking my little brother and I to meet him this weekend."

I nodded and started at the board. She did the same. I couldn't beileve my luck.

Renesmee POV

"Nessie!" my mother called.

I skipped into the kitchen.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Can you go get mozzarella shredded cheese from the grocery store? We're out of it and I'm making tacos for dinner tonight."

"Of course."

On my way to the store, I ran into a muscular looking man. He had long black hair and black eyes. He had two kids standing near him.

"I'm so sorry," we apologized in unison. The kids cracked up.

"I'm Renesmee," I said, taking his hand. He shook it firmly.

"I'm Jacob Black," he grinned.

My mouth hung open. I grabbed my hair and started tugging on it.

"Jacob Black?" I squeaked

"Er, yes," Jacob answered confused.

"Stay here," I ordered. I dashed into the store and quickly got the cheese and paid for it. I met Jacob out in the lot.

"Uh, do I know you?" Jacob asked.

"No, but you know my mother," I answered. "Follow me."

They followed me Into the Woods and to our little cottage. Charles was practicing his soccer moves. I flung open the door and motioned the Blacks to follow me.

"Mom!" I yelled. "I brought someone home to see you!"

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, if you brought Jim over- oh." She froze in her spot. She stared at Jacob and at the kids. "Edward!"

Dad was there in a flash. When he saw Jacob was there, he snarled. Jacob didn't look too pleased either.

"Bella Swan?" Jacob's eyes widely stared at her.

"Cullen, actually. Bella Cullen," Mom corrected.

It took awhile, but Jacob started to move slowly towards Mom with open arms. Mom walked towards them. Then they stopped. Mom punched Jacob in the face and then hugged him.

"Oh, Jacob Black! What were you thinking?!" Mom screamed.

The little Black children stared frighteningly towards Mom.

"Mommy?" the girl squeaked.

"Jackie," Mom whispered.

They reached towards each other and hugged for a long time. Her eyes glanced towards the little boy.

"My son," she cried.

Jacob struggled to his feet.

"This is Anthony," he introduced. "Anthony, this is your mother."

Bella POV

I flung my arms around my son. I tearlessly sobbed.

"Anthony," I cried in a whisper. I looked towards Edward. He was staring at Anthony and I.

"That's my middle name, did you know that?" he asked Jacob.

Jacob groaned and clenched his fists. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I named him after a leech?!" he bellowed. He shot a look at me, then at Edward. "Why didn't you tell me, Bells?!"

I snorted. "You were the one who left! I just said I liked the name Anthony. Why did you even leave? Because you were a coward? Who does that when they're going to get a divorce? You were unreasonable, selfish and immature."

Jacob growled. Edward pulled me into his arms. After a long silence, Renesmee broke it.

"Would you care to stay for dinner, Jacob? Mom is making tacos tonight," she offered.

Jacob rose his eyebrow at her. He glanced from her to me to Edward and to Charles. He said, "You guys eat?"

Charles and Edward chuckled. Nessie let out a giggle.

"Charles and Nessie do, but Bella and I are actually going hunting this evening. Is that fine with you, love?" Edward asked

"Of course," I answered. Our eyes locked to each others. Jacob gagged.

I took Anthony and Jackie's hands. They were very warm, which comforted me. The children followed me into the kitchen. I got out the chocolate milk from the fridge and poured then into glasses.

"Thank you, mom," Jackie said as I set down a glass in her spot.

"Thanks," Anthony murmured.

"Your very welcome," I smiled.

At the stove, Renesmee was busy with dinner. I took out some tortillas and chopped up the lettuce and tomatoes. I grinned at myself. It was so nice to have the other part of my family back.

I will write the rest later!

What would happen if Bella chose Jacob? - Answers (2024)


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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.