9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (2024)

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (1)

Are you a chocolate fan?

Well, most of us are, but some more than others. Some like chocolate every now and then, whereas, some like it on a more regular basis, and some all the time.

Wait, What!? If you don’t like chocolate, do stop reading —

but wait, unless of course, someone; a friend, a colleague, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you’ve heard about that likes chocolate, then you might find this article enjoyable and useful in some way, so please stick around.

Read On. Who knows, you could see a new recipe that you might find yummy.

Did I hear someone whisper; Chocolate!?

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (2)

Add Chocolate Kisses and Sprinkles

Believe it or not there are actually health benefits to chocolate, and we’ll touch on that more a bite later, oops, I mean a bit later in another post.

Instead, let’s start to sift through some delish chocolate recipes to learn more.

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (3)

Curated for you, while here, there is a little chocolate dish for everyone, from decadent recipes that require more patience in preparing, but so yummy you will want to scream or dance; or maybe even both.

There are even some easy recipes to keep your time management on point, to healthy recipes for those interested in exploring more good ways of eating chocolate.

There’s also something that’s sure to please the fussy chocolate lover in you; the one that tells you not to eat chocolate on your diet.

More on that in another post too. For now, let’s get into the nuts and cacao beans of these chocolate delights.

3 Decadent Chocolate Recipes

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (4)

Doin a Scoop Jig

I don’t know about you, but there’s something about eating ice cream when it’s cold out that’s so much fun — weird but fun for some of us.

Go on. Get nestled in if you need to, so you can begin delving into these decadent chocolate recipes. Clear the kitchen, you’re likely to scream; Yum! Okay, maybe not scream, but you might dance a joyous jig at least.

  • How about making some decadent chocolate ice cream?
  • How about making this decadent moist chocolate fudge cake? Great paired with ice cream.

  • How about another decadent chocolate cake with caramel and toffee?

3 Easy Chocolate Recipes

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (5)

Inner Foodie’s Got a Sweet Tooth

After screaming; Yum or doing a joyous jig, you’re likely to jubilantly jump when you hear there’s more chocolate calling you. Pause now and give one a whirl.

Trying some new recipes is sure to indulge your inner foodie’s sweet tooth. And hey, if you can get a little health benefit from adding some extra chocolate to help keep you warm this winter too, well, that’s worth it too.

  • How about whipping up some easy chocolate pudding?
  • How about go for making an easy chocolate cheesecake?

  • How about an easy no-bake chocolate tart?

3 Healthy Chocolate Recipes

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (6)

Being healthy does not mean you can’t ever indulge in chocolate. It does mean that you can find better ways to add chocolate to your foodie finds along the way, to be the healthiest you.

Go on, you know you want to satisfy the foodie in you that likes to indulge in chocolate.

  • How about making some healthy double chocolate muffins?
  • How about seeing how this chef makes three different kinds of healthy chocolate chip cookies using egg substitutes?

  • How about trying some healthy mini dark chocolate cheesecakes?

It’s a Wrap

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (7)

Chocolate Wishes

If you’ve managed to scroll down this far, then, sweet!

Now that you have been introduced to some scrumptious chocolate recipes, here’s to winter wishes of you pleasing the fussiest foodie in you with an indulgence or two.

Oh, and by the way, so glad you decided to stick around after all; here are some chocolate kisses to say thank you.

Since you popped by, you’ve learned about some new sweets, from decadent chocolate treats to almost no patience required, easy chocolate delights, to some reasonably healthy choices too.

Take Action

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (8)

Share Your Empty Chocolate Bowl

Tag and Pin us your empty chocolate bowls (before washing is best:) on this post.

Comment and reach out on social media about which chocolate recipe the foodie in you wishes to indulge in.

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Our Friendly Referrals

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (9)

We’ve got an exclusive link for you at Ninja Kitchen; you get $20 for clicking and we get $20 for this content. Click above.

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9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (10)

We’ve got an exclusive link for you at Rakuten; you get $ and so do we, but it doesn’t cost you anything more.

Yes, they’ve got foodie needs there too. Click above.

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Do come back often for more fresh content.

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (13)

Upcoming Post Content

  • Is it okay to include chocolate when you’re on a diet?
  • The health benefits of adding chocolate to your lifestyle.

#foodiefinds #chocolaterecipes #sweets #winterwishes #blog #lifestyle #evergreen #chocolate #food #desserts #treats #yums

Be Well. Take Care.

9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (14)
9 Chocolate Recipes on Your Winter Wishlist Indulging the Foodie in You (2024)


What is the difference between Devil's food cake and chocolate? ›

Home cooks, recipe developers, and restaurants don't always know that a Devil's food cake is different from other types of decadent chocolate cakes either, so your error is understandable. The truth is, Devil's food cake is richer, darker, and fluffier thanks to the use of cocoa powder and a bit extra baking soda.

What is Ina Garten's favorite cake? ›

I made Beatty's Chocolate Cake, which Ina Garten said is the "most fabulous cake" she's ever made. The chocolate cake and buttercream frosting both feature coffee — the special secret ingredient.

What is usually on a dessert menu? ›

Small cakes and pastries have become popular, especially cupcakes, cookies, and biscuits. They are baked from dough and have a texture that can be crisp, chewy, hard, or soft. Confection, more commonly known as candy or sweets, is made from sugar heated into crystals.

What are the most important ingredients in dessert? ›

Here are some of the most common ingredients needed in preparing dessert:
  • Condensed milk.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Salted/Unsalted Butter.
  • Sugar.
  • Eggs.
  • Vanilla Extract.
  • Milk.
Jan 21, 2018

Why is it called Devil's cake? ›

There are a few theories as to how it got its name. One, it's the decadent counterpart to angel food cake. Two, it's sinfully delicious. Finally, devil's food cake came about during a time when food that was spicy, rich, or dark was described as deviled, like deviled ham and deviled eggs.

Is devils food cake the same as angel food cake? ›

Angel food's alter ego, devil's food cake, is not plain at all but comes fully dressed with dense chocolate icing over and between two round layers of chocolate cake. The cake's genealogy is also American; the first printed recipe dates to 1905.

What is Elvis Presley cake? ›

An Elvis Presley cake is a single-layer classic yellow cake that's topped with a pineapple glaze. Much like a poke cake, the syrup and juices of the pineapple will seep into the cake through fork holes, resulting in a decadent, ultra-moist cake.

What is a Kardashian cake? ›

For over 30 years, Hansen's Cakes in Los Angeles has been making cakes for the Kardashian-Jenner family — specifically their flower-topped basket weave cake. Recently, the cake gained viral fame when it was featured by TikToker @quinnhouses, whose birthday cake video quickly gained over 2.7 million views.

What cake does the queen eat? ›

When it's time to treat herself, McGrady revealed that all the Queen wants is a piece of chocolate biscuit cake. The cake is reportedly made in-house (or, more appropriately, in-palace), and Her Majesty consumes one slice per day.

What is the number one dessert? ›

1. Pie. Pie earns a spot on the top of everyone's list of popular desserts merely for its delicious versatility. From fruit pies to cream pies, from seasonal favorites like pumpkin to year-round standards like apple, what's not to love?

What is the best dessert to eat? ›

  • Tiramisu recipe (with video)
  • Chocolate mousse in minutes recipe.
  • Angel food cake.
  • 'Not so fried' ice-cream.
  • Roasted strawberry crumble.
  • Apple and butterscotch pie.
  • Almond and date cake.
  • Apple cinnamon custard cake.

What's the difference between German chocolate cake mix and Devil's food cake mix? ›

A regular chocolate cake mix is flavored with milk chocolate. A devil's-food cake is richer and darker, and has a strong cocoa flavor. German chocolate (a favorite here in south Texas) usually is a lighter-colored cake with a flavor of mild chocolate.

Why does Devil's food cake have a reddish color? ›

Most devil's food cakes have a hint of reddish color, so what gives? The answer is that most devil's food cake recipes include additional baking soda, which raises the pH level and gives the cake a deep mahogany color. So pretty, right?!

What's the difference between chocolate cake and chocolate fudge cake? ›

Fudge cake packs a thicker, denser cake layer, a velvet departure from the more delicate, fluffy cake layers found in a chocolate cake. Think of the textural difference between a block of fudge and a block of chocolate. The chocolate melts in your mouth, while the fudge lingers with every chewy bite.

What is the difference between Devils food cake and red velvet cake? ›

Around the turn of the 20th century, devil's food cake was introduced, which is how some believe that red velvet cake came about. The key difference between the two cakes is that devil's food cake uses chocolate and red velvet cake uses cocoa.


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.