LMA790-3-LM · 2015. 8. 17. · LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (2024)

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (1)


4 . 4 4 . 4 . 1 4 . 4 . 2 4 . 4 .3 4 . 4 . 4 4 . 4 . 5 4 . 4 . 6 4 . 4 . 7 4 . 4 . 8 4 . 4 . 9 4 . 4 . 10 4 . 4 . 11 4 . 4 . 12 4 . 4 . 13 4 . 4 . 14 4 . 4 . 15 4 . 4 . 16 4 . 4 . 17

Basic Date 1 September 1970


G&C Reference Data •

LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Select Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List •

Noun List • • •

Star/Planet List


Checklis t Reference Codes (VSO N25) Option Codes (V04 N06 or V04 Nl2) •

Alarm Codes (VOS N09) • • AOT Detent/LPD/COAS Codes (N70 , N71) Flagwords • • • • •

AGS Selector Logic DEDA Input List • •

DEDA Output List DEDA Accessible Parameters List

Change Date ----


4.4-2 4.4-2 4.4-5 4.4-R 4.4-10 4.4-1 1 4.4-12 4.4-14 4.4-2fi 4.4-28 4 . 4-28 4 . 4-29 4 . 4-32 4 . 4-33 4 . 4-49 4 . 4- 51 4 . 4-54 4 . 4- 57

Page 4 . 4-1

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (2)

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The following restrict ions apply to use of the LGC and DSKY:

a. For display verbs 01 through 07 , .anitor verbs 11 through 1 7 , and load verbs 21 through 2 5 , the nuaber of ca.­ponents of the verb .ust not exceed the nu.ber of components of the noun being used. I f this restriction is not observed , the OPR ERR l t goes on .

b . Mixing o f octal and decimal data in multicomponent load verbs i s not permitted . Data components aus t b� all dect.al or all octal .

c. Loaded machine addresses aust be in octal fora .

d . The magnitude of data being loaded should not exceed that of the noun being used . I f this restri ction is not observed, OPR ERR lt goes on .

e . Decimal data must be preceded by a s ign (+ or -) . Leading zeroes need not be loaded when loading decimal data.

f . When loading time-only nouns , three data words ( three registers) must be loaded ( for hours , minut�a , and seconds) .

g . All data loads must be verified before pressing ENTR pb for the las t register being loaded . If any data are incorrect , the register can be cleared by pressing CLR pb . Each success ive pressing of the CLR pb clears the preceding register . This backing-up action occurs only on components called by the load verb .

h . Only one of the following extended verba can be running one at a time : 4 1 , 4 2 , 43 , 4 7 , 4 8 , 49 , 55 , 5 7 , 63, 64 , 67 , 70 , 7 1 , 72 , 7 3 , 82 , 83 , 85 , 89 , 90, 9 1 , and 92 . Each of these verbs call Extended Verb Interlock Routine (R76) . If an extended verb from R76 is running when another is selected , OPR ERR lt will go on .

i . Flashing VERB/NOUN requires operator action . The program in process is halted until appropriate act ion is taken .

j . Nouns 40, 44 , 45 , 6 1 , 62 , 64 , 66 , 6 8 , 7 4 , 75 , 77 , and 78 cannot be loaded by V24 or V25 or have componen ts that cannot be loaded . Channel No . 7 cannot be loaded via noun 07 or 10 .

k . Host nouns contain useful data only when relevant comput ations are running . The following are exceptions : 1 , 2 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 20 , 21 , 36 , 46 , 47 , 4 8 , 65 , 72 , and R2 of 66 .

!'I 1 . I f verb 37 is attempted within approximately 15 seconds of a fresh start or ISS tum-on, a PIPA failure will

�"'". ·- go unde tected . To correct this condit ion , select POO and reset !MODES 30 , bit 5 (key V37E OOE; key V25 N07E 1277E, 20E , E) . L_ ___ L_ ___ L_ _______________ ���--------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (3)

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a. Final AutOIUitic Request Teniaate Routine (ROO) 1a DOt executed if V37 1a flashing, until a proper respoaae 1a JUde keytq in tvo di&ita (proaram Dllllber) , thea IHTR.

a . Perfonina ICDU Zero (para duriq LK hadenous Navisatioo Prosram (P20) (para 4. 8. 2. 1) _,. result ia a bad aart or desiaaate.

o. All efficieat attitude hold/rate c.,...nd aode is DOt provided when docked wi th the CSM.

p. ICALQfANU aaneuver rate >0 .s• /sec should not be used when docked with the CSM.

q . A 1•/sec loss of attitude results i f a +X-jet fails on or off and is undetected .

r. A hardware restart removes track enable. If LH Rendezvous Navigation Program (P20) is in process, P20 is forced back to the beginning of RR Designate Rout ine (R21) and calls Preferred Tracking Attitude Routine (R61),

a . Deleted

t. Deleted

u. VJO and Vll should not be used during P06, Pl2 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P40 , P42 , P51 , P52, P57, P63 , P70, P71, or R.04 .

v. Any program can be terminated as follows: (1) via V34E at any f lashing display except at N60 in P66 or (2) via V37E XXE at any flashing or nonflashing display .

v. Deleted

x. Restarts will terainate automatic attitude aaneuvers and cause RESTART lt or PROG lt to come on � ith FL VSO NlB . To recover , key PRO and continue .

y. Deleted

z. Deleted

aa. If P20 or P22 is incorporating a mark, another progr .. should not be selected via V37 until mark counter is incremented in Vl6 N45 display . If this is not desired , V95 can be used to stop updating. Wait 15 seconds before selecting another program . VBO or VBl must be entered to start state vector updating again •

ab . VG or AV displays in control coordinates , NBS or NBJ are based on reading accelerometers every 2 geconds. Displays , however , are asynchronous one-second monitors; therefore , result is a possible 0 .5- to 1 . 5-second delay between application of AV and visible result.


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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (4)


4 . 4 . 1 LGC/DSKY RESTRICTIONS (cont)

ac. When loading decimal data , ENTR aay change last digit of loaded data.

ad, During periods of high computer activity , selection of certain extended verbs (notably V67 , V82 , V83 , VSS, V90) aay result in progr .. alaras 31201 or 31202. Extended verb activity is lost and verb must te reselected,

ae. ICEY REL lt remains on after V37 until new progr .. is started . DSKY should not be used until KEY REL lt goes off and new progr .. nu.ber is displayed .

af. VEC POINT routine aay co.pute large OGA when + X-axis aust be rotated approximately 180•. Sensitivity to such changes becoaes greater as aagnitude approaches l&o•. If desired , maneuver aanually in pitch approxiaately 30• and then have solution recoaputed by keying PRO on FL VSO Nl8 while not in PCNCS autoaatic mode ,

ag, No crew initiated verb/noun is restart protected.

ah. A restart will terainate extended verbs .

ai . PRO pb aust be depressed for ainimua of 120 ailliseconds for proceed function . If PRO pb fails , use V33E for proceed functions .

aj . PRO pb ia ignored when VERB ind displays V21, V22 , or V23. To accomplish a proceed function in response to a flashing load verb , V PRO should be used .

ak . If V37E XXE, ABORT pb , or ABORT STAGE pb is used or if software restart occurs when RR/LR is being read , a 520 alarm aay occur . Data that was being read is not used .

al . Deleted

.. . If an extended verb has been selected during a mission program, with normal displays , the extend'!d verb logic initially blanks the DSKY. Any response during the time the DSKY is blank would do one of the f�llowing; (1) respond to a normal mission progr .. display underneath the extended verb or (2) respond to the first display in the extended verb , which could be initiated simultaneously with crew response . In general , do not key a response (PRO, ENTR, V32E , V33E , V34E) to either a blank DSKY or a nonflashing display .

an. Do not select P20 in the update mode before completion of P66 . W-matrix initialization will destroy the erasable memory (E-aeaory) descent targets.

ao. V92 , which calls IMU performance test program (P07) , is for ground use only and is inhibited by the NODOP07 flag. The flag is set by V37 logic . If this restriction is not observed , the OPR ERR lt goes on .

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (5)


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4 . 4 . 1 LGC/DSKY RESTRICTIONS (cont)

ap. To avoid computational errors in use of STAR/PLANET codes 46. 47. SO ( for sun. earth. moon reapectLvely) (digits DE of Rl in N70. 71) if the sun. earth or moon are to be sighted on select code 00 (planet) . and h�e MSFN uplink unit vectors .


The following restrictions apply to use of the AEA and DEDA :

a . The CLR pb IIUSt be pressed be fore every DEDA entry .

b . All addresses are in octal form. They must not be leas than 26 ( lowest nuabered accessible address) nor greater than 704 ( highest numbered accessible address) .

c . A sign ( + o r - ) must b e entered after the address when loading data .

d . An octal quantity with a digit greater than 7 o r a nuaber greater than the allowable range of the address must not be entered .

e . A DEDA entry of -00000 should not be made unless specified in a particular procedure .

f . I f more than 4 hours elapse with the AGS operating and no thrust along the X- axis. perform one of the following to prevent overflow of the accumulated velocity counter:

Staged: Key DEDA C 404+00000E Unstaged: Key DEDA C 404-12345E

g. If an accelerometer malfunctions. all AGS equations function properly and all guidance modes can be used as long as thrusting is performed orthogonal to the axis of the failed accelerometer. and the scale factol" and bias compensation constant of the failed accelerometer are set to zero as follows:

h .

X-axis: Key DEDA C 534+00000E C 540+00000E

Y-axis: Key DEDA C 535+00000E C 54l+OOOOOE

Z-axis: Key DEDA C 536+00000E C 542+00000E

In attitude hold (400+00000) and guidance steering (400+10000) . X-axis override can be accompliphed through any desired angle . In Z-axis steering (400+20000) . Z- axis override can be accomplished through any desired angle . If override of any other steering channel is desired. attitude excursion should be <9o• from AGS­computed orientation . L_ __ L_ __ L_ ________ �------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (6)

8' .. ;;· 5' ii


4 . 4 . 2



i. Do not enter +00000 into address 414 . This is done automatically after coapletion of any navigation intial·· ization. If this entry is aade .. nually , it is treated aa a +10000 and causes the prograa to search the PGNCS dovnlink for an identification word which, when located, could destroy LH and CSH atate vectora. If +10000 is entered aanually into addreaa 414, PGRCS downlink aearch can be eliainated by keying DEDA C 563+000001.

j. If lunar surface flag is inad?ertently set during earth orbit, reaet lunar surface flaa aa follows: hy D ID& C 60..00000 (only the alp 1a sipificaat)

lt. DEDA quantitiea which are displayed in octal have a least quantization four tiaes the internal COIIpUter scaling.

1. When keying DEDA, each pushbutton should be depressed to ita liait of travel to ensure asking good switch con­tact.

•· The scaling of certain DEDA values is aission-dependent. When these values appear in the DEDA listings of paragraphs 4 . 4 . 15, 4 .4 . 16, and 4 . 4 . 17, quantization is given . When these values appear in the body of this docuaent , quantization is defined with lunar scaling firs t , followed by earth scaling (e.g., 0 . 1/1 fpa).

n . All thrusting under AGS control auat be done using External AV guidance routine (410+50000) , or Orbit Insertion guidance routine (410+00000) .

o. To preclude any DEDA operation problem due to co.puter tiaing , the following rules should be observed : 1 . At least 0 . 6 second shall elapse between the pressing of any two DEDA control pushbutton& (CLR, ENTR,

READOUT, or HOLD) , except when pressing the CLR pb to erase the previous operation. 2 . After a DEDA entry , do not press the ENTR or READOUT pb within 1 .5 seconds of the tiae the DEJA di�play

baa gone blank after pressing the ENTR pb .

p . DEDA address 277 i s angle between Z body axis and local horizon projected into �1-!1 plane (�1 i s LM local vertical , Vl is downrange and parallel to CSH orbit plane) . This quantity will agree with PGNCS angle •·Jly when LM yaw angle is o• or 1so• .

q. DEDA should not be used to enter data while CB/AC BUS A : RNDZ RDR or CB/AC BUS A : CASTA is being opened or closed nor while LTG : OVERRIDE INTEGRAL av is being operated .

r . The DEDA detects certain operator errors . The OPR ERR lt on the face of the DEDA goes on when these errors occur . False OPR ERR lt indications resulting from EMI on discrete lines may also occur . The ljght reaains on until the CLR pb is pushed . The DEDA is then ready for a new instruction .

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (7)

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g System A I System B




Figure 4-16. RCS Thruster Geometry

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (8)

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Table 4-1 is a general lis ting of the basic RCS engine logic for DAP-controlled translation and rotation ..aeuvers of the LH. Under DAP control , the jets selected for a particular .aneuver are arranged so that the first entry is the optiau. selection for the specified .aneUYer.


+ P (l.v left) . four-jet tvo-jet

Table 4-1. RCS Jet Select J.oaic

I Al A 4 4 4 4 UDFR

Ali A 3 3 3 3 UDAR


B A Al 2 2 2 2 UDAL

X Alternating pulses between A4R0 B2L & AlF0


Al AI 1 1 1 1 UDFL

X 13A

X -P (Y.v right) . four-jet tvo-jet Alternating pulses between 14F, A2 A & BlL , A3R

+ P (Alternative)*, tvo-jet

-P (Alternative) *. two-jet

+U (Pitch up , roll rilbt) **• two-jet

-U (Pitch down, roll left) **• two-jet

+ V (Pitch down, roll rilbt) **• two-jet

-V (Pitch up, roll left) **• two-jet





* Alternative two-jet policies when a P rotational jet fails .




** If one U or V rotational jet fails , the other jet completes rotation.


















� L_ ___ j_ ___ _L ____________________ ___ ______ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ____

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (9)

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n ;:r 0 :::J CD CD

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4 .4, 3 JET SELECT LOGIC (cant)



+X-Translation. four-jet two-jet

-X-Translat ion. four-jet two-jet



+Z-Trana lation

-Z-Transla tion

+U (+Z II. +Y) Translat ion

-u (-Z ' -Y) Translation

+V (+Z ' -Y) Trans lation

-v (-Z II. +Y) Translation

+Y-Tack Trans lat ion***

-Y-Tack Translation***

+Z-Tack Translat ion***

-Z-Tack Translation***

Table 4-1, RCS-7e Select Log1c (cont}

B A B A 4 4 4 4 U D F R









A B B A 3 3 3 3 U D A R










B A A B 2 2 2 2 U D A L









Alternating pulses between B2L, B4F II. A2A. Alternating pulses between BlL , AlF II. BlL .

Alternating pulses between A4R, B4F II. A4R , Alternating pulses between A3R, BJA ' AJR ,

Alternating pulses between BJA , A3R II. B3A, Alternating pulses between A2A , B2L II. A2A ,

Alternating pulses between B4F , A4R II. B4F , Alternating pulses between AlF, A3R II. AlF ,

A B A B 1 1 1 1 U D F L














*** Y- and Z- tack translations are commanded when conventional Y or Z two-jet translations are not available (jet failure), Tacking alterna tions are done every 0. 1 second.


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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (10)

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4 .4 . 4




00 LGC Idling 06 LGC Power-Down 12 Powered Ascent 20 Rendezyous Navigation 21 Ground Track Deteraination 22 Lunar Surface Ravi&ation 25 Preferred Trackin1 Attitude 27 LGC Update 30 External 6V 32 Coelliptic Sequence Initiation (CSI) 33 Constant 6 Altitude (CDR) 34 Transfer Phase Initiation (TPI) 35 Transfer Phase Hidcourse (TPH) 40 DPS Thrust 41 RCS Thrust 42 APS Thrust 47 Thrust Monitor 51 IHU Orientation Deteraination 52 IHU Realign 57 Lunar Surface Align 63 Braking Phase 64 Approach Phase 66 Landing Phase (ROD) 68 Landing Confiraation 70 DPS Abort 71 APS Abort 72 CSH Coelliptic Sequence Initiation Targeting 73 CSH Constant 6 Altitude Targeting 74 CSM Transfer Phase Initiation Targeting 75 CSM Transfer Phase Midcourse Targeting 76 Target 6V


Service Service Ascent Coast Coast Coast Coast Coast Prethrust Pre thrust Pre thrust Pre thrust Pre thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust Alignment Alignment Alignment Descent Descent Descent Descent Abort Abort Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup



4 . 6 . 1 . 6 4 . 6 . 1 . 2 4 . 10 . 3 . 1 4 . 8 . 2 . 1 4 . 8 . 1 .1 4 . 8 . 3 . 1 4 . 6 . 1 . 19 4 . 6 . 1 . 7 4 . 7 . 1 . 1 4 . 7 . 1 . 2 4 . 7 . 1 . 3 4 . 7 . 1 . 4 4 . 7 . 1 . 5 4 . 10 . 1 . 1 , 4 . 10 .1 . 7 4 . 10 . 1 . 3 4 . 10 . 1 . 2 , 4 . 10 . 1 . 6 , 4 . 12 . 9 4 . 10 . 1 . 4 , 4 . 11 . 1 , 4 . 12 . 8 4 . 9 . 1 . 1 4 . 9 . 1 . 2 4 . 9 . 3 . 1 4 . 10 . 2 . 1 4 . 10 . 2 . 2 4 . 10 . 2 . 3 4 . 10 . 2 . 4 4 . 10 . 3 . 2 4 . 10 . 3 . 3 4 . 7 .4 . 1 4 . 7 .4 . 2 4 . 7 . 4 . 3 4 . 7 . 4 . 4 4 . 7 . 2 . 2

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (11)

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4 . 4 . 5



No. 00 Final Automatic Reques t Terwdnate 01 Erasable and Channel Modification 02 IMU S tatus Check 03 DAP Data Load 04 RR/LR Se lf-Test 05 S-Band Antenna 09 R10 /Rll/R12 Service 10 Landing Analog Displays 11 Abort Discretes Monitor 12 Descent S tate Vector Update 13 Landing Autoaatic Hodes Monitor 20 LR/RR Data Read 21 RR Designate 22 RR Data Read 23 RR Manual Acquisition 24 RR Search 25 RR Moni tor 26 Lunar Surface RR Predesignate 30 Orbit Parameter Display 31 Rendezvous Parameter Display 33 LGC/CHC Clock Synchronization 36 Rendezvous Out-of-Plane Display 40 DPS /APS Thrust Fail 41 State Vector Integration (MID to AVE) 47 ACS Initiali zation 50 Coarse Align 51 In-Flight Fine Align 52 Automatic Op tics Positioning 53 AOT Mark 54 Sighting Data Display 55 Gyro Torquing 56 Terainate Tracking 57 Markrupt 58 Celestial Body Definition 59 Lunar Surface Sighting Hark 60 Attitude Maneuver 61 Preferred Tracking Attitude 62 Crew-Defined Maneuver 63 Rendezvous Final Attitude 65 Fine Preferred Tracking Attitude 76 Extended Verb Interlock 77 LR Spurious Test


Crew Callable Paragraphs hi Extended Verb 4 . 6 . 1 . 36 V37 4 . 6 . 1 . 37 N/A

N/A N/A 4 . 6 . 1 . 8 V48

4 . 6 . 3 . 2, 4. 6 . 3. 8 V63 4 .6 .1 . 30 V46

N/A N/A N/A N/A N /A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N /A N/A N /A N/A N /A N/A N/A

4 . 8 . 1 . 2 V82 4 . 6 . 1 . 11 V83 4 . 6 . 1 . 15 V55 4 . 7 . 2 . 1 V90


4 . 6 . 1 . 18 V47 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

4 . 6.1.9 V49 4 . 6 . 1 . 10 V89


4 . 6 . 3 . 10 V78


LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (12)

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4 . 4 . 6



No. Reaular Verba

01 Display octal c0111ponent 1 in Rl 02 Display octal component 2 in Rl 03 Display octal c0111ponent 3 in Rl 04 Display octal components 1 , 2 in Rl, R2 OS Display octal c0111ponents 1, 2 , 3 1D Rl, R2, R3 06 Display decimal in Rl; or Rl, R2; or Rl, R2, R3 07 Display double precision decimal in Rl, R2 11 Monitor octal component 1 in Rl 12 Monitor octal component 2 in Rl 13 Monitor octal component 3 in Rl 14 Monitor octal components 1, 2 1D Rl, R2 15 Monitor octal components 1 , 2 , 3 in Rl, R2 , R3 16 Monitor decimal in Rl; or Rl , R2 ; or Rl, R2 , R3 17 Monitor double precision decimal in Rl , R2 21 Load component 1 into Rl 22 Load component 2 into R2 23 Load component 3 into R3 24 Load components 1 , 2 into Rl , R2 25 Load components 1, 2 , 3 into Rl , R2 , R3 27 Display fixed memory 30 Request executive 31 Request wai tlist 32 Recycle 33 Proceed wi thout DSKY input 34 Termina te function 35 Test lights 36 Request fresh start 37 Change progr11111

Extended Verbs 40 Zero CDU 41 Coarse-align CDU 42 Fine-align IHU 43 Load FDAI error needles 44 Terminate RR continuous designate 47 Initialize AGS (R47) 48 Start DAP Data Load Routine (R03) 49 Start crew-defined maneuver (R62) 50 Please perform 52 !1ark X reticle


Test only

Tea t only , ground use

Ground use Ground use , use in POO only Ground use, use in POO only

Use in POO only •

Paragraph Specify N20 or N72 4 . 6 . 1 . 21 , 4 . 6 . 1 . 22 Specify N20 or N72 4 .9 . 1 . 3 , 4 . 6 . 3 . 3

4 . 9 . 1 . 4 Test only 4 . 6 . 1 .23 V41 N72, option 2 4 . 6 . 3 . 3

4 . 6 . 1 . 18 4 . 6 . 1 . 8 4 . 6 . 1 . 9 N/A N/A

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (13)


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4.4. 6



VERB LIST (cont)

No. Extended Verba

5 3 Hark Y reticle 54 Hark X or Y reticle 55 Increment LGC time (decimal) 56 Terminate tracking (R56) 57 Permi t LR update 58 Inhibit LR update 59 Comaand LR to position 2 60 Display LH atti tude rates on FDAI error needles 61 Display DAP at titude error 62 Display total attitude error 63 RR/LR self- teat (R04) 64 Sta rt S-band antenna routine (R05) 65 Disable U & V jets during DPS bum 66 Vehicles attached ; .ove this vehicle a tate vector

to other vehicle. 67 W-aatrix rma error display 68 Bypaaa lunar terrain model computations 69 Restart 70 Update li ftoff time 71 Universa l upda te, block address 72 Universa l update, single address 73 Update LGC time (octa l) 74 Ini tialize erasable dump via down link 75 Enable U & V jets during DPS burn 76 HiniiDUII iiiiPulae c�d .o de 77 Rate c�d and a ttitude hold .ode 78 Start LR spurious return teat (R77) 79 Stop LR spurious return tea t (R77) 80 Upda te LH s tate vector 81 Update CSH state vector 82 Request orbit par..eter display (R30) 83 Request rendezvous parameter display (R31) 85 Display RR LOS azi•uth & elevation 89 Start rendezvous final at titude maneuver (R63) 90 Request rendezvous out-of-plane display (R36) 91 Show BankaUII 92 S tart IHU performance teats 93 Enable W-Hatrix Initia liza tion


Pary r!J!h

N /A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 . 6. 3.9 N /A 4 . 6 . 1. 33, 4.6.1. 30 N/A 4.6.1. 35 N/A 4.6.1. 7 4.6,1.7 4 .6.1. 7 4 . 6. 1. 7 4 . 6.1.25 N/A N/A N/A 4 . 6.3.10 4 . 6.3.10 N/A N/A 4.8. 1.2 4 . 6.1.11 N/A 4,7,2.1 4 . 6.1.12

For groi.D\d us e only. N/A 4 . 6.1. 26


4.6 . 3.8

� , 0 r­r-0 0

;� ,.. .... -f�C) - o o . Z w tl' I

:�:i � z tJ all 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (14)

"" 0 "' ;;· 0 0 ;-

n :r 0 :I

co "' 0 0 ;

"tl 0 co "'


4 . 4 . 6



VERB LIST �cont�

No. Extended Verbs

95 No update of either state vector 96 Interrupt integration and go to POO

97 Perfon engine fail procedure 99 laable eapae igaitioa


No. Descri2tion/C�onent

01 Specify address ( fraction) Rl R2 R3

02 Specify address (whole) Rl R2 R3

03 Specify address (degree) Rl R2 R3

04 Rl Gravity error

angle R2 R3

OS Rl Sighting angle

difference R2 R3


. xxxxx

. xxxxx

. xxxxx

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

xxx .xx• xxx .xx• xxx . xx•

xxx .xx• ----------

xxx .xx•



Ref para 4.6. 1. 31. Do not use during P20 when CSH s tate vector is being updated (V81) or after responding to FL V37 when leaving a progr- where a'ftrage R wu on.

,.. , 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o,.. a� ,.. .... -1 -o - o o . Zw "'J­:z:J: ,.. z c • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (15)

n � 0 :JI

tO •

� •

"'0 0 fC ..


4 . 4 . 7 NOUN LIST













Descri2tion/C�onent Scale

Option code Rl Code Octal R2 Desired option Octal R3 ---

Channel/Flagword/Erasable operator Rl ECADR Octal R2 Bit Identification Octal R3 Action Octal

Alarm data Rl Address Octal R2 BBCON Octal R3 ERCOUNT Octal

Alarm codes Rl First Octal R2 Second Octal R3 Last Octal

Channel to be specified Rl Octal R2 -----

R3 -----

TIG (CSI) Rl OOXXX hr R2 OOOXX min R3 OXX.XX sec

Option code (used by ex-tended verbs onlv)

Rl Code Octal R2 Desired option Octal R3 -----

TIG (CDH) Rl OOXXX hr R2 OOOXX min R3 OXX .XX sec


R 3 contains DATCODE during P57 .

All except channel 7 .

� ., 0 ... ... 0

a� � .... -t -o -o o . Zw Cit I

%i � z 0 a 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (16)

..... \1) .... .....

"''Il 0 Cl • � . � I

..... "'


4.4.7 li)UH LIST











Deacri2tion/C�onent !!:!!! Checklist (used by extended verba only)

Rl DDX R2 -- I RJ --

lncraent addrua Rl Octal R2 --RJ --

Time of event (used by ex-tended verba only)


Desired automatic maneuver FOAl males

Rl Roll xxx.xx• R2 Pitch xxx.xx• RJ Yav xxx.xx•

Present ICDU angles Rl Outer gimbal xxx.xx• R2 Inner gimbal xxx.xx• Rl Middle gimbal xxx.xx•

PIPA'a Rl X XXXXX pulses R2 Y XXXXX pulses RJ Z XXXXX pulses

Desired ICDU angles Rl Outer gimbal xxx.xx• R2 Inner gimbal xxx.xx• RJ Middle gimbal xxx.xx•

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (17)

""0 0 co .. � � I

.... ......


4. 4. 7 NOUN LIST












Dea cri2tion/C�onent

ALGC clock tiae Rl R2 R3

Checklist reference code (used with VSO)

lU Code R2 R3

Priority/delay. address. IlCON

Rl R2 R3

Self-test switch (oa/off) Rl R2 R3

Time fr011 perigee Rl R2 R3

TIG Rl R2 R3

Ti• of event Rl R2 R3

Ti• fr0111 event Rl R2 Rl





XXXIX --------

Octal Octal Octal

Ref para 4 .6. 1 . 13. xxxxx --------

OOXXX hr OOOXX ain OXX .XX sec

OOXXX hr OOOXX ain OXX .XX sec

OOXXX hr OOOXX min OXX. XX a ec

OOXXX h r OOOXX min OXX.XX sec

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (18)

1'"1 ::r 0 ::1

co .,

0 0 iD

., 0 co .,

� � I ..... 00


4 . 4 . 7 NOUN LIST






4 1







Time of LGC eloek Rl R.2 R.3

TIG (TPI) R.l R.2 R.3

S tate vector integration tt.e (TET)

Rl R.2 RJ

Rl TFI /TFC R2 VG R.J AV (Aec�lated)

Navigation base Rl Azimuth R.2 Latitude RJ

R.l Ha R.2 Hp R.J AV

Rl Latitude R.2 Longitude RJ Altitude

Rl Ha R2 Hp RJ TFF





To �itor progress of state vector integration, time associated with progressing (regressing) s tate �ctor is

OOXXX hr available by keying Vl6 N38E. TET is time (GET) to which OOOXXadn state vector integration process baa presently calculated OXX.XX see s tate vector.

XXBXX llin-see XXXX.X fps XXXX . X fps

System tes t xxx.xx• xx.xxx• -----

XXXX . X nm XXXX .X nm XXXX.X fps

xxx.xx• A + display indicates north xxx.xx• A + display indicates east XXXX . X nm

XXXX.X nm XXXX . X nm XXBXX min-see

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (19)

n =r D :::1

10 It 0 D ii


4 . 4. 7 NOUN LIST

� 45












DAP configuration Rl R2 R3

Rl LH weight R2 CSM weight R3

Rl Gimbal pitch trim R2 Gimbal roll trim R3

Rl t.R R2 !J.V R3 Source C ode

S-band antenna Rl Pitch R2 Yaw R3

Rl Central angle of active veh icle

R2 R3

Rl Range R2 Range rate R3 9


XXXXX -rks XXBXX min-sec xxx.xx•

Octal ----------

xxxxx lb xxxxx lb ----

xxx.xx• xxx.xx• -----

xxxx.x nm XXXX .X fps oooox

x:xx.xx• xxx.xx• -----

xxx.xx• -----


XXX.XX nm XXXX. X fps xxx.xx•


Ref para 4 . 6 . 1 .8 (R03) .

R3 indicates out-of-tolerance parameter X • 1, RR range X • 3, RR shaft angle X • 2, RR range rate X • 4, RR trunnion ang le

• ., 0 r ,... 0 0

=� . ..... -t oo -o 0 , Z w Ut� �� z 0 IIIII 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (20)

8' .. ;;·

0 0 ii

.... "' ...... ....

'"Ill 0 Cl •

� . � I N 0


4.4. 7 II>UN LIST












Rl H (apaiclal croaataa•>

llZ E Ill CENTAlW;

Ill Rll LOS azilluth ll2 Rll LOS elevation Ill

Rl Hp (Poa t-TPI) R2 IJ.V (TPI) Rl IJ.V (TPF)

IJ.V (LOS) Rl LOS 1 R2 LOS 2 Rl LOS l

Rl V (Forward) R2 R rate Ill H

Rl TG R2 TFI Rl Crossrange

Rl VI R2 TFI Rl IJ.V (Accumulated)


:xxxxx xxx.xx• ux.xx•

xxx.xx• xxx.xx• ---

XXXX.X nm XXXX.X fps :XXXX.X fps

XXXX.X fps XXXX.X fps :XXXX.X fps

XXXX.X fps XXXX.X fps xxxxx ft

XXBXX •in-sec XXBXX •in-sec xxxx.x 1111

XXXX. X fps XXBXX •in-sec XXXX.X fps


,.. , 0 I= 0

�� ,.. -... .... -o o . z .... tl' I

:r.i ,.. z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (21)


g' .. ;;·

0 a ii

..... "' ...... .....

"V 0


� . � I N .....
















Rl 6H (LR alt minus LGC alt above land-ing site radius)

R2 H rate RJ H

Rl TR/LPD R2 H rate R3 H

Sampled LGC time Rl R2 R3

Rl LR s lant range R2 LR position R3

LR velocities Rl X R2 Y R3 Z

Rl Horizontal range to landing site


6RLS Rl llZ (downrange in

SM coordinates ) R2 6Y (crossrange in

SM coordinates ) R3 6X (approx alt in

SM coordinate)


XXXX.X fps

XXXX.X fps xxxxx ft

XXBXX sec-deg XXXX.X fps xxxxx ft


xxxxx ft oooox ----

XX XXX fps xxxxx fps xxxxx fps

XXXX.X nm XXBXX min-sec XXXX . X fps

xxxxx ft

xxxxx ft




Fetched in interrupt

X • 1 or 2

,.. ., 0 ,.. ,.. 0

�� ,.. ...,. -t-o -u 0 , Zw Wt I

�i z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (22)

..... \1) ..., .....

., 0 Cl •

� . � I N N

IeREW· PNL MAN 4.4 . 7




NO. Descri2tion/Com2onent

70 Rl AOT detent/star code (before aark)

R2 R3

71 Rl AOT detent/star

code (after aark) R2 RJ

72 RR angles Rl Trunnion R2 shaft RJ

73 Desired RR angles Rl Trunnion R2 Shaft RJ

74 Rl TFI R2 Yaw Rl Pitch

75 Rl AH (CDH) R2 AT ( CDH-CSI


or TPI-nom TPI)

76 Rl Desired downrange

velocity R2 Desi red radial

velocity RJ Crossrange

77 Rl TG R2 Y RJ VI



OOCDE --------



xxx.xx• xxx.xx• -----

xxx.xx• xxx.xx• -----

XXBXX min-sec xxx.xx• xxx.xx•

XXXX . X nm

XXBXX min-sec R2 and RJ are modulerized to the hour ; e . g . Modulo 60 minutes .

XXBXX min-sec

xxxx.x fps

xxxx.x fps XXXX . X nm

XXBXX min-sec XXXX . X fps XXXX . X fps

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (23)

0> 0 .. ;;-0 0 ;-

n 7 0 :I co C1l 0 0 ii

"'0 0 co C1l � � I "' ....


4 .4 . 7 NOUN LIST

� 78











Rl RR range R2 RR range rate lt3 TF1

Rl Cursor angle R2 Spiral angle lt3 Pos ition code

Rl Data indicator R2n lt3

6V (LV) Rl X R2 Y lt3 z

6V (LV) Ill X R2 Y lt3 z

6V (LM) Rl X ll2 y It] z

6V (CSM) Rl X ll2 y lt3 z

VG (LM) Rl X R2 Y It] z


XXX.XX nm XXXXX fps XXBXX llin-sec

xxx.xx• xxx.xx• oooox

xxxxx xxx.xx• -----

XXXX . X fps XXXX .X fps XXXX. X fps

XXXX . X fps XXXX. X fps XXXX . X fps

X:XXX.X fps XXXX . X fps XXXX . X fps

XXXX. X fps XXXX . X fps XXXX . X fps

XXXX . X fps XXXX . X fps XXXX. X fps



,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 o,.. �� � ,.. , .... ... _, - o o . Z w «�':-�� z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (24)

g' .. ;:;·

.... en ..

"0 rt

' • 11 .... 00 " 0


ir ::J IC •

0 0 ii

., 0 IC •



.!!!!!. 86







9 3



Descri2tion/C�onent Scale

VG (LV) Il l X xxxx.x fps R2Y xxxx.x fps ll3 Z IDX.X fp8

leckup op tics LOS Ill Azbuth xxx.xx• ll2 Elevation xxx.xx• a3 --

Celestial body position Celestial body unit .ector Ill X . xxxxx ll2Y . xxxxx Ill z .XXJXX

Ill Latitude xx.xxx• ll2 Longitude/2 xx.xxx• RJ Altitude xxx.xx lUI

llendezvoua out-of-plane para.eters

IllY XXX .XX n• R2 Y rate xxxx.x fps RJ • xxx.xx•

Ill Altitude XXXXX n.XlO R2 V lXXXX fps RJ Fli&ht path male xxx.xx•

Ill Desired auto XXXXX% throttle

R2 H rate XXXX.X fps RJ H xxxxx ft

A 11ro angles Ill X xx.xxx• R2 Y xx.xxx• RJ Z xx.xxx•

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (25)

g' .. ;:;· 0 0 it

n 7 D i � •

... \0 .... ...


I � ... I N



4.4. 7 NOUN UST

� 94

9 7

9 8




Deseri2 t ion/C�onent Seale

Rl VGX (LH) XXXX . X fps R2 H rate XXX X. X fps Rl H xxxxx ft

Sys te• test input Rl XXX XX R2 xxxxx RJ xxxxx

Sys tem results and inputs Rl xxxxx R2 .xxxxx Rl xxxxx

Rl RHS in position xxxxx ft R2 RHS in ve locity xxxx.x fps RJ RHS in b ias XXXXX •rad

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (26)

co Q .. ;:;-0 Q ii'

.... Cl> ..

"CC "

! .. .. .... 00 " 0

n ':r Q ::>

Cl " 0 Q ii'

.... \II c... • ::J c Do :J


4 . 4 . 8


STAR/PLANET LIS T Alp habetical

Octal Code Vis Hag

Acama r ( 9 Eridani) 6 3 . 4 Ach e mar ( a Eridani) 4 0 .6 A crux ( a Crucis) 25 1.6 AldebaraD ( a Tauri) 11 1 .0 Allt aid ( n U rsae Hajo ris ) 2 7 1 . 9 Alphard ( a Hydrae) 21 2 . 2 Alph ecca ( a C oronae Bore alis) 32 2 . 3 Alpheratz ( a An dromed• ) 1 2 . 1 Altair ( a Aquilae) 40 0 . 9 An tares ( a Scorpii) 33 1 . 2 Arcturus ( a Boo tis) 31 0 . 2 Atria ( a Trianguli Australis ) 34 1 .9 Canopus ( a Carinae) 14 -0 .9 Capella ( a Aurigae) 13 0 . 2 Dab ih ( II Capricomi) 41 3 . 2 Deneb ( a Cygni) 43 1 . 3 De nebola ( II Le onia ) 2 3 2 . 2 Diph da ( II Ceti) 2 2 . 2 Dn oces ( \ Ursae Majoria ) 20 3 . 1 En i f ( t Pegaa i) 44 2 . 5 Fomalh aut ( a Pia cis Austrini) 45 1 . 3 Gienah ( y Corvi) 24 2 . 8 Menlt ar ( a Ceti) 7 2 . 8 Menlt ent ( 9 Centaur! ) 30 2 . 3 Mirfak ( a Pera ei) 10 1 .9 Navi ( y Caasiopeiae) 3 2 . 2 Nunki ( a Sag it tarii) 37 2 . 1 Peaco*ck ( a Pavonis ) 42 2 . 1 Pol aris ( a Ursae Minoris ) 5 2 . 1 Procyon ( a Canis Minoris) 16 0 . 5 Raa alhague ( a Oph iuchi) 35 2 . 1 Regor ( y Velorum ) 17 1.9 Regulus ( a Le onia ) 22 1 . 3 Rigel ( II Orionis ) 12 0 . 3 S irius ( a Canis Majoris ) 15 -1 .6 Spica ( a Virginia ) 26 1 . 2 Vega ( a Lyrae) 36 0 . 1 Planet 00 Sun 46 Earth 47 Moo n 50


Righ t Ascens ion

h r min sec

2 57 09 . 5 1 36 38.0

12 24 58 . 2 4 34 15 . 2

13 46 23.8 9 26 09 .6

15 33 2 7 . 5 0 06 53.0

19 49 22.0 16 27 37. 5 14 14 20 . 1 16 45 34 .6

6 23 18 .5 5 14 3 2 . 5

20 19 22 . 8 20 40 26 . 5 1 1 4 7 34 . 8

0 42 08.0 8 57 13. 7

21 42 45 . 5 2 2 56 03 .0 12 14 18. 6

3 00 45 . 5 14 04 58.0

3 22 1 4 . 5 0 54 56 . 5

18 53 28.0 20 23 21 .6

2 3 58. 3 7 37 47.0

17 33 35 . 1 8 08 38. 2

10 06 49 .6 5 13 o8. 5 6 43 52 . 2

13 23 39 .6 18 35 5 7 . 2

D eclination des min s ec

- 40 25 13 -57 23 02 -62 56 19 +16 2 7 08 +49 2 7 2 7 -08 31 56 +26 48 40 +28 5 5 49 +08 47 26 -26 2 2 09 + 19 19 57 -68 58 37 -52 40 46 +45 58 13 - 14 52 27 +45 10 34 +14 44 03 - 18 08 44 +48 09 24 +09 44 29 - 29 44 35 - 17 22 52 +03 58 37 -36 13 42 +49 45 34 +60 33 36 -26 20 04 -56 49 47 +89 07 52 +05 18 01 +12 34 47 -47 15 02 +12 06 34 -08 14 02 - 16 42 32 - 11 00 38 +38 45 20

,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 o ...

!f, ,.....,. -t -o -a o . Z w .,.� �� z C' at 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (27)

n -:r 0 :l co .. 0 0 ;-

., 0 co .. ,... ,... I

"' -..J


4 . 4 . 8



STAR/PLANET LIST (contl_ Numerical

Octal Code

1 Alpherat z 2 Diphda 3 Navi 4 Ache mar 5. Polaris 6 Acamar 7 Menkar

10 Mirfak 11 Aldebaran 1 2 Rigel 13 Capella 14 Can opus 15 S irius 16 Procyon 17 Regor 20 Dnoces 2 1 Alphard 2 2 Regulus 23 Deneb ola 24 Gienah 25 Acrux 26 Sp ica 2 7 Alkaid 30 Menkent 31 Arcturus 32 Alphecca 33 Antares 34 Atria 35 Rasalhague 36 Vega 37 Nunki 40 Altai r 41 Dabih 42 Peaco*ck 43 Deneb 44 En i f 45 Fomalhaut 46 Sun 47 Earth 50 Moon 00 Planet

Vis Mas

( a Andromedae) 2 . 1 ( B Ce ti) 2 . 2 ( y Cass iopeiae) 2 . 2 ( a Eridani) 0 . 6 ( a Ursae Minoris ) 2 . 1 ( 9 Eridani) 3 . 4 ( a Ce ti ) 2 . 8 ( a Persei) 1 . 9 ( a Tauri) 1 . 1 ( B Orionis ) 0 . 3 ( a Aurigae) 0 . 2 ( a Carinae) -0 .9 ( a Canis Maj oris) - 1 . 6 ( a Canis Minoris ) 0 . 5 ( y Ve lorum) 1 . 9 ( t Ursae Maj oris) 3 . 1 ( a Hydrae) 2 . 2 ( a Leonis) 1. 3 ( B Leonia) 2 . 2 ( y Corvi ) 2 . 8 ( a Crucis) 1 . 0 ( a Virginia) 1 . 2 ( n U rsae Majoris ) 1 . 9 ( 9 Centauri) 2 . 3 ( a Bootis ) 0 . 2 ( a Coronae Borealis) 2 . 3 ( a Scorpii) 1 . 2 ( a Trianguli Aus tralis) 1 . 9 ( a Ophiuchi) 2 . 1 ( a Lyrae) 0 . 1 ( a Sagi t tarU) 2 . 1 ( a AquUae) 0 . 9 ( B Capricorni) 3 . 2 ( a Pavonis) 2 . 1 ( a Cygni) 1 . 3 ( £ Pegasi) 2 . 5 ( a Piscis Austrini) 1 . 3


Right Ascension

hr min sec

0 06 5 3 . 0 0 42 08. 0 0 54 56 . 5 1 36 38.0 2 3 58. 3 2 5 7 09 . 5 3 00 45 . 5 3 2 2 14. 5 4 34 15 . 2 5 13 08 . 5 5 14 32 . 5 6 2 3 18 . 5 6 43 5 2 . 2 7 37 4 7 . 0 8 08 38. 2 8 5 7 13. 7 9 26 09 . 6

10 06 49 . 6 11 47 34 . 8 12 14 18 . 6 1 2 24 5 8 . 2 13 2 3 39 . 6 1 3 46 2 3 . 8 14 04 5 8 . 0 14 14 20 . 1 15 33 2 7 . 5 16 27 37 . 5 16 45 34 . 6 17 33 35 . 1 18 35 5 7 . 2 18 5 3 2 8 . 0 19 49 2 2 . 0 20 19 2 2 . 8 20 23 2 1 . 6 20 40 26 . 5 21 42 45 . 5 22 56 0 3 . 0

Declination des min sec

+28 5 5 49 - 18 08 44 +60 33 36 -57 2 3 0 2 +89 0 7 52 -40 2 5 1 3 +0 3 5 8 3 7 +49 45 34 +16 2 7 0 8 -08 14 02 +45 58 13 -52 40 46 - 16 40 32 +05 18 01 -47 15 02 +48 09 24 -08 3 1 5 6 +12 06 34 +14 44 03 -17 2 2 5 2 -62 56 19 - 11 00 38 +49 2 7 27 - 36 13 42 +19 19 57 +26 48 40 - 26 2 2 09 -68 58 37 +12 34 47 +38 45 20 -26 20 04 +08 47 26 -14 52 27 -56 49 47 +45 10 34 +09 44 29 -29 46 35

� ., 0 r­r-0 o ,.. � � = !: -t -o -o o . Z w "' ;. �� z c all 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (28)

g' .. ;;· � ..

n r t S' •

.... \II t..o � c .. �

., 0 Cl •

f" ,. I



4. 4 . 9

.I 4,4 .10



00013 Key in nomal or gyro torque coarse alip 00014 Key in fine aliaa.ent option 00015 Perfora celes tial body acquisition 00062 Switch LGC power down 00201 Switch RR aode to automatic (LGC) 00203 Switch to PGNCS autoaatic .ode

00205 Perfor. .anual acquisition of CSM with RR 00500 Switch LR antenna to position 1

OMION CODES �V04 N061 V04 Nl2 1 or VOS N06�

Rl Displ!IY R2 Load

00001 - Specify IMU orientation 1 • Preferred 2 • Nominal 3 • REFSPMAT 4 • Land site

00002 - Specify vehicle 1 • LH 2 • CSH

00003 - Specify tracking atti-tude 1 • Pre ferred

2 • Other

00004 - Specify radar 1 • RR 2 • LR

00006 - Specify RR coarse align option 1 • Lock on

2 • Continuous design a-tion


"Switch" denotes position change of a panel switch , "Perform" denotes start or end of a task, "Key in" denotes data entry through DSKY ,


Option code is displayed in Rl in conjunction with V04 N06 , V04 Nl2 , or V05 N06 . As tronaut keys �esired option into R2. •

t 0 ·­... 0

�e ,.. ., :! • n o z :.. "' . � E z tJ • 0 t) �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (29)

n 5 :I Cl •

., 0 'i


4 . 4 . 10 OPTION CODES (V04 N06 , V0 4 Nl2 , or VOS N06) (cont)

4 . 4 . 11

Rl Display R2 Load

00010 - Specify alignment mode 0 • Any time 1 • REFSHHAT and lunar-g

determination 2 • 2 b odies

(s tar/plane t ) 3 • 1 b ody and lunar-g


00012 - Speci fy CSH orbit option

1 • No orbit change 2 • Change orb it to pass

ove r LH

ALARM a>DES (V05 N09)

Rl, R2 , R3


00111 00112

00113 00114 00115 00206

00207 00210 00211 00212 00213 00214 002 17 00220 00401 00402

More than five mark pairs in- f ligh t ; five marks on lunar surface Hark missing Hark or mark rej ect not being accepted (V52 , V53 , V54 not flashing) No inbits Hark made , but not desired No marks to rej e ct Zero encode not allowed with coars e-align + gimbal lock ISS turn-on reques t not present for 90 sec IHU not operatinR Coars e align e rror PIPA faile d , but PIPA not in use IHU not operating with turn-on reques t Program using I HU when IHU turned off Bad return from IHUSTALL Bad REFSHHAT Desired gimb al angles >x• FINDCDUW routine not cont rolling attitude because of inadequate pointing vect ors


Maximum of three alarm codes may b e displayed s imultane­ously . Rl is firs t alarm to occur after las t reset , R2 is second alarm to occur after las t reset , R3 is mos t recent alarm (not reset by RSET pb) .

Alarms pre fixed with 2 denote p rogram goes into ROO (POODO) . A larms pre fixed with 3 denote software restart is gen­e rated (Bailout ) . H indicates main alarm. P indicates p riori ty alarm.

In- f ligh t align , X • 60° ; FINDCDUW , X • 10• .

,_. ., 0 � 0

a� � ..... _ -o o o z w .,. I

�-z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (30)

tJ> D .. n· 0 D ii

() =r D "

lC "

0 0 ii

"0 0 lC "


4 . 4 . 11 ALARM CODES (VOS N09) (cent)

Rl, R2, RJ

00404H 00405H 00421 00501H0P 00502 0050lH,P 00510 00511


00515 00520

00522 00523 00525H,P 00526H,P 00527


00600H 00601H


00603H 00604H

00605H 00606H 00611H 00701H 00777 01102 01105

Specified star not available in .ay detent Tvo s tan not available W-aatrix overflow Radar antenna out of lt.its Bad radar gimbal angle input Radar antenna des ignate fail Radar auta.atic discrete not present Neither or both LR antenna position diacretea present for .are than 10 sec (high gate , 20 sec) Radar goes out of auta.ati c .ade while in use RR CDU fail discrete present RADARUPT not expected at this ti ..

LR position change LR did not achie.e poaitioo 2 M>J• Range >400 nm LOS not in .ade-2 coverage on lunar surface or aaneuver is required LOS not in 110de 2 coverage on lunar surface after 600 sec laaginary roots on first i teration Rp (CSI) <85 na (earth orbit) or <35 ,000 ft ( lunar orbit) Rp (CDR) <85 n• (earth orbit) or (35 .000 ft ( lunar orbit) CSI to CDR time <10 ainutes CDR to TPI time < 10 ldnutea or coaputed CDE ti.. > input TPI time . Number of iterations exceeds loop .. ximua 6V exceeds .. xtaum No TIG for given elevation angle Illegal option code selected PIPA fail caused ISS warning LGC self-teat error Downlink too fast


Alarm 00520 aay occur when V37E XXE is us ed during P20 or R04 (V77 or V63) . To reco.ar, key RSET and continue .

Alarm occurs only with V59 in POD.

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (31)

g' .. ;;· l? i

.... "' c.. � r:: Ill

.... \D .... ....

., D 'l




4 , 4, 1 1 ALARM CODES (V05 N09) (con t )

Rl, R2 , R3

01106 0 1107

0 1 301 0 1406 0 1407

0 1410 0 1412 0 1466

0 1520 01600 01601 0 1703 01706M

02001 02002 02003 02004 03777 04777 07777 107 7 7 13777 14 7 7 7 20105 204 30 20607 21103 21204

2 1302 21406

21501 31104 31201 31202

Uplink too fas t Phase tab le failure , Assuae erasab le memory des t royed ARCSIN-ARCCOS input angle too large Bad return from ROOTPSRS VG incre as ing (�V accumulated at 90• fro• desi red thrus t vector) Unintent ional overflow in guidance Descent ignition algorithm nonconve rging <TOOFEW engine thrott le comaands computed since last omi tted throttle co�utation. V37 reques t not permi t ted at this time Ove rflow in dri ft tes t Bad IMU torque Too close to ignition , s lip TIG Incorrect p rogram se lected for vehicle configuration Jet fai lures disab led Y-Z trans lation Jet failures disab led X- trans lation Jet fai lures dis ab led P-rotations Jet fai lures disab led u-v rotat ions ICDU failure caus ed ISS warning ICDU , PIPA fai lure caused ISS warning IMU failure caused I SS warning IMU , PIPA failure caused ISS warning IMU , ICDU failure caus ed ISS warning IMU , ICDU , PIPA failure caused ISS warning AOT mark sys tem in use Acce lerat ion ove rf low in inte gration No solut i on from _ time - 9 or time radius Unused CCS b ranch executed Wai t lia t , variab le delay , fix de lay , long call , or delay job called with zero or negat ive � time . SQRT called with negative argument Bad return from ROOTPSRS during igni tion algorithm DSKY alarm during internal us e Delay routine busy Exe cutive ove rflow , no VAC areas Executive ove rflow , no core sets


,. , 0 ,... ,... 0

�� � " _ oo o o z w W. I

�i z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (32)

8' .. ;:;-0 D ;-

.... In tt .. tt g. • 11

.... \0 �

n :r 0 :I C) •

� i

"V D ID •


4 . 4 . 11 ALARM CODES (V05 N09) ( coot)

31203 Wait lis t overflow , too many tasks 31206 Second job at te.pts to so to s leep

DSitY program • 31207 No VAC area for marks


31210 Two prosraau usins device at s.- u-31211 I llegal interrupt of extended nib 31502 Illesal flaahins display 32000 DAP still in prosress at next

4 . 4 . 12 1m DETENT/LPD/COAS CODES (N70 , N71)


LPD/COAS calibration OOODE Lf - Left front OOlDE F - Front 002DE R.f - Right front 003DE R.r - Right rear 004DE CL - Close 005DE Lr - Lef t rear 006DE COAS 007DE

Alternative LOS de finition values N87

COAS (overhead window) Rl Azimuth R.2 Elevation R3

COAS ( f orward window) Rl Azimuth


R2 Elevation R3

Rl Azimuth R.2 Elevation R3

ooo . oo• ogo.oo•

ooo . oo• ooo.oo•

ooo .oo• J2o . oo•



IMU aode switch

Zero/zero values given are nominal. Af ter realigrr.ment , using NJT , and possibly an alignment check , IMU kealign Program (P52) (para 4 . 9 . 1 . 2) can b e us ed t� calibrate COAS . (Calibration is valid until COAS is r�inst alle d . )

Values given do not include ground test calibration values . After realignment , us ing AOT , and possib ly an alignment check , IMU Realign P rogram (P52) (para 4 . 9 . 1 . 2 ) can b e used to fligh t-calibrate LPD .

> 'V 0 I= 0

i e ... ""C :::! • � � tl' I

� -z ., • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (33)

CD 0 ... ;;· 0 0 ;-

.... U> "'

'1:1 " "' g. "' ... .... "' ..... 0

n =r 0 :;:J co "' 0 0 ;-

..., 0 co "' � � I




Flag .!!!!!!_ Needle 2 flag NEED2FLG

J switch JSWITCH

HID flag

Moon flag

P21 flag

First pass flag

P25 flag

IHUSE flag

Rendezvous f lag

Rendezvous radar NB switch

Lock- on flag

Needle flag












Register Address





























Error needles are driven with LGC DAP computed b ody rates •

Integration of W-matrix.

Integrat ion w i th secondary body & solar perturbations . (Should remain zero in luai­nary . )

Moon is sphere of influence .

Use base vectors already calculated.

First pass

P25 is operating (preferred tracking attitude)

IHU is in use

P20 or P22 is running (RR in use)

RR targe t is in navigation­base coordinates .

Radar lock-on is des ired

Total at titude error is dis played

Error needles are driven with attitude errors .

Integration of s tate vector

Integration without solar perturbations .

Earth is sphere o f in­fluence .

First pass , calculate base vectors .

Succeeding pass

P25 is not operating

IHU is not in use

P20 or P22 is not running

RR target is in s t ab le­meuber coordinates .

Radar lock-on is not des ired

DAP follow ing error is displayed

..... L_ __ L_ __ �----------------------------------------------�--------------�=====-----------------�

,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 o ,..

;� ,.. _,. -t -o - o o . Z w

; i ,.. z c 1111 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (34)

1"'1 � 0 ::l CQ II 0 0 ;

� 0 co II



4 .4 .13 FLAGWORDS (cont)

Flas � Free Flag FREEFLAG

RlO flag RlOFLAG

P66 PRO P66PROn flag

Nwaber of NJETSFLG jets flag




No terrain NOTERFLG flag

R61 flag R61FLAG


Register Address Flal!ord .ID.

0074 0 3

0074 0 2

0074 0 1

0075 1 15

0075 1 14

0075 1 13

0075 1 12

0075 1 11

0075 1 10

- -


Set .!!!..!!. Temporary flag used for Temporary flag used for utility purposes by PSl & utility purposes by PSl & P52 in .any routines and P52 in aany routines and by lunar and solar by lunar and solar emphe-rides . emphe-rides .

RlO data output to ALT & RlO data output to ALT " ALT RATE ind only ALT RATE ind and to for-

ward & lateral velocity of X pointer ind

P66 is entered for first Proceed on flashing V06 N60 time (in Rl3) as a direc- after touchdown (specifies tive to continue P66 hor- stop to P66 horizontal izontal nulling. nulling) .

Two-jet RCS burn Four-jet RCS burn

Inertial data are available Perform data display initialization functioa.

Compute earth radius for Compute moe>n radius ; tose Fischer ellipsoid; use stored earth radi�s (pr.d stored moon radius . (Never radius) ( latitude-lon&i-set in Luminary . ) tude routines)

Rate-of-descent mode Rate-of-descent mode (P6�) is in process ; normal is not in process or, if in operation continues . process , restart occurred.

Lunar terrain mode l Lunar terrain model computations inhibited. computations permitted.

Run R6l. Run R65 .

--- - --- ---- -----·------


,... ., 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o ,..

i� ,.. � ... _., - o 0 , Z w .,. I

:.: 1: ,... z t7 ... 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (35)

...... "' "'

., " "' El r:r "' '1 ...... '-0 ..... 0


4 . 4 . 1 3 FLAGWORDS ( cont)

Vehi c le update f lag

Update f lag

No update flag

Track f lag

I terate

I teration value

Dri f t f lag

Search fl ag

Acquis i t ion mode f lag

LOS compute f lag

S teering f lag

Impuls e f lag















Regi s te r Address




00 7 5



00 76




















Bi t









1 3

1 2




S e t

CSM s tate vector being up dated .

S tate vector up dates from tracking a llowed .

Ne i th e r CSM nor LY. s tate vector may b e updat e d ,

Tracking allowed .

I te rat e w i th b i as me thod i n i te rator .

No s tart i ng value for i te rat ion .

T 3RUPT cal ls gyro compen­sat i on .

RR i n automat i c search opt i on ( 1! 2 4 ) .

�anual acqu i s i t i on by RR .

LOS is b eing compute d .

Powered f l i gh t s t eering i s eneh led ( s u f f i c i ent thrus t i s p reo; ent ) .

Minimum impu l<; e b u rn ( c u t o f f t ime � �rci f i ed . )

LM s tate vec t or being update d ,

S tate ve ctor updates f rom t racking not al lowed .

E i th e r CSM or LM s tate vector may be updat e d ,

Tracking not a l lowed .

I te rat e wi th regula fals i method i n interator.

S tart i ng value for i tera­ti on exi s ts ,

T3RUPT does no gy ro compensat ion .

RR not i n automat i c s earch op t i on .

Automat i c acqui s i t ion by R R .

LOS i s n o t b eing comp u t e d .

Powered f l i gh t s teering i s o f f ( tns uf fi c ient thrus t pre!'l ent ) .

S t eeri ng burn (no cut o f f ) � i me avai 1 ab le . )

Ext e rn a l XDELVFLG O'l76 2 8 fxte rn a l .W \'1. compu t at i on . J .am e rt ( a impoi nt \ \'\.

L_ __ _l ____ _L��V�f�l�a�g�----------------------------------------------------L-----------------------------cr_. mp�•-• t __ a t_. i_o_n_. ______________ �

,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 0

i � -1 110 -o 0 , Z w ��' ;,. ; � z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (36)


• 4 . 4 . 1 3 FLAGWORDS (cont) ..... tl> Ill

'1::1 Register " Ill Flag Name Address Flapord Bit Set Reset El IT II

E & TPI ETPIFLAC ... 0076 2 7 Elevation angle supplied TPI time supplied for P 34 ..... flag for P J4 & P 74 • & P74 to coroute elevation .a ..., angle • 0

Final flag FIHALFLC 0076 2 6 Las t pass through rendez- Interim pass through ren- ).• vous program computati ons . dezvous program computa- "'

tiona . 0 ,.. .. Active vehicle AVFLAC 0076 2 s LH is active vehicle . CSH is active vehicle . 0 flag

!� n Preferred PFRATFLC 0076 2 4 Preferred attitude is Preferred atti tude is not :r a attitude flag computed. computed. ::I ,.. ...,. c ... 10 • 0 Calculate CALCHAN3 0076 2 3 No final rol l . Final roll is necessary . -o a maneuver 3

0 , • 7. w

fit I Calculate CALCHAN2 0076 2 2 Perform maneuver starting Bypass s tarting procedure . :r: i maneuver 2 procedure . ,.. Progr- NO DO FLAG 0076 2 1 V37 is not permi tted. (Do V37 is permi tted.

z (Major Cl

select not allow major mode change . ) mode change i s enab led. ) • 0

POO flag POOH FLAG 0077 3 15 POO integration 10-minute POO integration 10-minute 0 checks are running . checks are disab led. �

Gimbal lock CLOKFAIL 0077 3 14 Gimbal lock has occurred. Gimbal lock has not fai l occurred.

REFSHHAT REFSHFLG 0077 3 1 3 REFSHHAT valid (protected Trans formation matrix not flag from fresh s tart ) . valid.

Lmar flag LUNAFLAG 0077 3 12 Lunar lati tude & longi tude . Eat"th lat itude & } ongf. tude . "V a NO DO P07 NODOP07 0077 3 11 V37 logic �anually , us ing flagword c • flag operator (N07)

� � I

w a-

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (37)

n ':I' Q :::1


..... >D ..... .....

"'0 Q Cl II

� I

w .....


4 . 4 . 1 3 FLAGWORDS (cont)

Flag Name

View flag VFLAG

R04 flag R04FLAG

Precis ion PRECIFLG integration flag

Occult flag CULT FLAG

W-matrix ORBWFLAG orbital flag

S tate vector STATEFLG flag

Integration INTYPFLG tvpe flag

State ve ctor VI NT FLAG integration flag

W-dimension D60R9 FLG flag

W-matrix DIMOFLAG use flag

Mark display �fRKIDFLG flag

Priori tv PRIODFLG disp1av flag


Register Address Fla�ord Bit

00 7 7 3 10

00 7 7 3 9

007 7 3 8

00 7 7 3 7

007 7 3 6

007 7 J 5

00 7 7 3 4

00 7 7 3 3

00 77 3 2

00 7 7 J 1

0100 4 15

0 1 00 4 14



� Reset

S tar pai r is not in field S tar pai r is i n field o f .of view view

R04 is rtmning R04 is not rtmning I Normal integration in POO. Engage 4- time s tep (POO)

logic in integration .

Star i s occul ted . S tar is not occulted,

W-matrix valid for orbital W-matrix invalid for orbit-navi gation . (Not used in al navigation . (Not used Luminarv . ) in Luminary . )

Permanent s tate vector Permanent s t ate vector not updated. updated,

Conic inte�ration . Encke integration .

CSM s tate vector being LM s tate vector being inte�r a ted . integrated.

Dimens ion of W is 9 for Dimens ion of W is 6 for inte �rat ion . integrat ion .

W-matrix i s t o be used. W-matrix is not to be used.

�ark disp1av in E�DI DLE . No mark display in ENDI DLE .

Priori tv disp 1 av in ENDIDLE . No priori tv disp1av in E�DIDLE .


LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (38)

8' .. ;;·

� •

n ::r 0 ::J

co It

0 0 it

, 0 co It

� � I

w CD


4 . 4 .13 FLAGWORDS (cont)

Flag !!!!!!. Normal RltHIDFLG display flq

Priority PDSPFLAG displar flaa

Hark display KIAITFLG wai t flag

Normal display NWAITFLG wait flag


Normal NV NRMNVFLG flag

Priority NV PRONVFLG flag

Exis ting PINBRFLG dis play interfered

Mark dis play MRUPTFLG interrupt flag

Normal NRUPTFLG display interrup t flag


Regis ter Address FlaB!ord Bit

0100 4 13

0100 4 12

0100 4 11

0100 4 10

0 100 4 9

0100 4 8

0100 4 7

0100 4 6

0100 4 5

0100 4 4


Set Reset

Noraal displar in ENDIDLE. No norma l display in END IDLE.

P20 set so as to turn nor- Leaw • noraal. displar . mal display into priority display in R60 .

Higher priority display No high er priori ty display operating when mark dis- operating when mark display play ini tiated. ini tiated.

Higher priority display No high er priori ty d isplay operating when normal operating wl•en nonnal dis-display i ni ti ated . p lay i ni tiated.

As tronaut us ing DSKY when Astronaut not us ing DSKY aark display ini tiated. when mark display ini t iated .

As tronaut using DSKY when Astronaut not us ing DSKY normal display initiated . when normal disp lay i ni ti -

ate d .

As tronaut us ing DSKY when As tronaut not us ing DSKY priority display initiated. when p riori ty display


As tronaut has inte rfered As tronaut has not inter-with exis ting display . fered wi th e xis ting dis-

play .

�lark display inte rrup ted !-lark display not inter-by pri ori ty display . rup ted by p riority d isp lay .

Normal display inte rrup ted Normal dis� tay no t inter-by priori ty or mark display . rup ted by p riori ty or Dark

display .

I - --- - - - -----.. ·--- �

,.. ., 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o ,..

=� ,.. .... � <I - o o . Z w "' � �� z u • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (39)

g' ... ;;-0 D jj

.... "' ..... 0


4 . 4 . 13 FLAGWORDS (cont)

Mark disp lay ove r normal display

Mark display flag

DSKY f lag

U&V jets

No throttle flag

R77 f lag

RR range scale flag

Dimension flag

Zoom flag

Engine on flag

3-axis flag

Y 1111 axis flag















Regis te r Address




010 1

0 10 1

0 10 1


010 1

0 1 0 1

010 1

010 1

0 10 1


F lagword



























Mark display ove r norma l .

Mark display not t o b e interrup te d ,

Displays s ent t o DSKY .

U&V jets disab led during DPS burns (V65) .

Inhib i t full throt t le .

R77 is on . Suppress all radar alarms and tracker fai lures .

S cale change occurred during RR reading .

Dimens i on of ll is Q for incorporat ion.

Th rot t le up and s tart guidance .

Engine is turned on .

�aneuve r spe�i fied by three axes .

P-�xt � coup l e s B 1A , A l F and A JR , R l L RCS � e t � .

Priori ty display over mark or normal.

Mark display may be interrupte d .

N o displays s ent t o DSKY .

U&V jets enab led during DPS burns (V75) .

Permit ful l throt t le .

R77 is not on .

No s cale change occurred during RR reading.

Dimens ion of W is 6 for incorporat ion .

Prepare for thro t t le up .

Engine is turned off .

�aneuve r spec i fi ed by one axf!:; : R60 cal I s ve ctClr point .

P-axis couples A �R . B2L and B4F , A2A RCS j ets .

,.. , 0 ,.. ,.. 0

i� ,.. ..,. -t -o -o o . Z w fit I ,.. :z: � ,.. z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (40)

...... !II ,

.., " , g. " '1 ...... \0 ..., 0

n � 0 :I co ,

0 0 ii


4 . 4 .13 PLAGWORDS �cont�

Flag Name

RR giabal NORRMON .on! tor

Lalllbert SOLNSV -itch

Middle gia- IG.VFLAG bal local ftrtical flag


AV at CSI S32 .1Fl

Newton pass S32 .1F2

Newton S32 .1FJA Iteration S32 .1FJB order


Register Address Flaeord Bit

0101 5 4

0101 5 3

0101 5 2

0101 5 1

0102 6 15

0102 6 14

0102 6 13 12


Set !!!.!!. Bypass RR gillbal .,nitor. Perfora RR &1•bal -itor.

Laabert does not conftrge Lambert convrrgea or tiM-or time-radius aearly radius noacit cular. circular.

Local vertical coordinates Middle gblbal angle COIIIpUted. COIIIpUted.

w-atrix valid for render.- W-matrix invalid for ren-vous navigation. der.voua naviJation.

AV at CSI T1 exceeds AV at CSI Tl is leas than uxi- aaxiiDWII of N.,ton


Firat pass of Newton Reiteration. iteration.

Bits 13 & 12 of flagword 6 function as ord�red pair in following order:

Bit 13 Bi t 12

0 (reset) 1 (set) • First Newton iteration being done

0 0 • First pass of second Newton i teration

1 1 • 50- fps stage of second Newton iteration

1 0 • Remainder of second Newton iteration

,.. "" 0 r­r-0

i� .. .... -t -o - o o . z w

; i ,. z c • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (41)


tl) It

n 6 ::ll c •

.... .... <-. 01 ::1 c: 01

.... \D ..... ....

., D

c •


4. 4 . 13 FLAGWORDS �cont)

Flag Name

Gimbal drive GHBDltVSW svitch


Redesignation RED FLAG flag

llV overwrite NTARGFLG at TPI or TPM


Attitude ATTFLAG flag


Maneuver MANUFLAG flag

Ignition IGNFLAG flag


Register Address Flapord Bit

0102 6 10

0102 6 8

0102 6 6

0102 6 3

0102 6 2

0102 6 1

0103 7 15

0103 7 14

0103 7 13



Set �

Gimbal trim over. Gimbal tria not over,

Servicer calls HUHRVG. Servicer calls CALCRVG .

Landing site redesi�nation Landing s ite redesignation permi tted. not permitted.

As tronaut did ove rwrite Astronaut did not overwrite I:J.V at TPI or TPM (P34 , I:J.V at TPI or TPM. P 35 , P 7 4 , P75) .

I f IDLEFLAr. is not set , Servi cer w i ll skip DVMON servicer will exercise on its next pass even i f DVMON on next pass . IDLEFLAG is not set . I t

will then s et AUXFLAG.

LM attitude exis ts in No LM attitude exis ts in moon- f ixed coordinates . moon-f ixed coordinates .

TPI time to be computed TPI time has b een com-(P34) , puted ,

Atti tude maneuve r during No atti tude maneuve r dur-RR search . (Not u.�ed in ing RR search . (Not used Luminarv . ) in Luminarv . )

Tlr. ha� arrived . Tlr. has not arrive d .

,.. ., 0 I= 0

l e ,.. ...,. -1 -o - o o . Z w Cl' I

l :z: i ,.. z c all 0 0 jlllllli

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (42)


0 0 .. 4 . 4 . 13 FLAGWORDS �cont�

..... Ill Register ,.,

.., Flag � Address Flapord Bit Set !!!!!. ,.. ,., �

0103 7 12 Astronaut has OK'd ipitioo. Astronaut hu not OK' d ,., As tronaut ASTHFLAG 11 ..... flaa ipitioo • \0 .... 0 Analog SWANDISP 0103 7 11 Landing analog displays Landing analog displays

displays enabled. suppressed. � ,

Normal NORHSW 0103 7 10 Unit nomal input to Lambert computes its own 0 r-switch Lambert. unit normal. r-0

Compute B.VSW 0103 7 9 Do not compute final state Compute final state vector 0

� n state vector vector in time 9 in time 9 , ':r' Ill Q .. :I � 10 V67 flag V67FLAG 0103 7 8 Astronaut overwrites Astronaut does net over- .... "

-t 10 0 w-matrix initial values . write W-aatrix initial -0 values . 0 0 it z I w "' I

AV Monitor lDLEFLAG 0103 7 7 No AV monitor . Connect AV monitor. :r: i flag > 7 6 (servicer) Average g (servf.cer) off . z

V37 flag V37FLAG 0103 Average g a running. •

0 Average g AVEGFLAG 0103 7 5 Average g (servicer) Average g (serv' ·�er) not 0 flag desired . desired , �

-Uplink flag UPLOCK FL 0103 7 4 KKK fail No KICJC fail

VERI FLAG VERI FLAG 0103 7 3 Inverted by V33 at end of P27 .

Orbit param- V82EHFLG 0103 7 2 Moon vicinity Earth vicinity eter flag

., TFF switch TFFSW 0103 7 1 Calculate !-perigee . Calculate TFF . , ,

IU "

0104 8 15 RPQ not computed (RPQ • RPQ computed � RPQ flag RPQFLAG � vector between secondary I body and primary body) �


LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (43)

01 D "' ;:;· 0 D G

() :r 0 :::1 co "

0 0 ii


� .4 . 13 FLAGWORDS (cont)

Flag Name

Integration NEWIFLG flag

CSM moon CHOONFLG f lag

LM moon LMOONFLG flag

Guidance FLUNDISP display f lag

Surface flag SURFFLAG

Infinity INFINFLG flag

Order switch ORDERSW

Apocenter- APSESW pericenter range select switch


Initial align INITALGN flag

360 . swi tch 360SW


Regis ter Address Flagword

0104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0 104 8

0104 8

0104 8

0 104 8














Set � Firs t pass through Succeeding i teration of integration integration

Permanent CSM s tate vector Permanent CSM s tate vector in lunar sphere (protected in earth sphere (protected f rom f resh s tart) from fresh s tart)

Permanent LM s tate vector Permanent LM s tate vector in lunar sphere (protected in earth sphere (protected f rom fresh s tart) f rom f resh s tart)

Current guidance displays Current guidance displays inhibi ted permit ted

LM on moon (protected from LM not on moon (pro tected f resh s tart) f rom f resh s tart)

No conic solution (closure Conic s olution exis ts through infini ty required)

Integrator uses second- Integrator uses f irst-order minimum mode (not order s tandard mode (not set in Luminary) set in Luminary)

Range desired outside Range desi red inside pericenter-apocenter pericenter-apocenter range range in t ime-radius in t ime-radius

No conic s olution ; too Conic s olution exis ts (COGA close to recti linear (COGA does not overf low) overf lows )

Initial pass through P57 Second pass through P57

Trans fer angle near 360• Trans fer angle not near 360"


,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 o ,.. � � � ,.. , .... -t -o - o o . Z w "' ;.. ; � z c aJ 0 0 jilllli

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (44)

g' .. ;:;· 0 Q c;

n :r Q :l


0 Q c;


4 . 4 . 13 FLAGWORDS �cont2

Flaa Name

Vertical rise FLVR flag

P70/P71 flag P 7071FLC

Posi tion PLPC control

Preignition FLPI


Abort LET ABORT enab le flag

APS abort FLAP continuat ion flag

Abort target- ABTTGFLG ing flag

Rotation flag ROT FLAG

Quit flag QUIT FLAG

Integrate HIDlFLAG time flag

HID to AV HIDAVFLG integrat ion


Regis ter Address Flal!!ord Bit

0105 9 14

0105 9 13

0105 9 12

0105 9 11

0105 9 10

0105 9 9

0105 9 8

0105 9 7

0105 9 6

0105 9 5

0105 9 3

0105 9 2


Set !!!!.! Vertical rise ( ascent Nonver tical rise (ascent guidance) guidance)

Near beginning of P70 Not near beginning of P70 or P71 or P71 (Pad loaded)

No posi t ion control (ascent Posi tion control (ascent guidance) guidance)

Preignition phase (ascent Regular guidance guidance)

RCS inj ection .ode (ascent Main engine .ode guidance)

Abort programs enabled Abort prograiiS not enab led

APS continues abort after APS abort is not cont:l.nua-DPS s taging (ascent tion . guidance) .

J 2 and K2 parameters will J l and Kl parametP.rs will be used during P70 and P71. b e used during P 70 and P7 1 . (For H-2 type CSH DOl ( For H-2 type CSH DOl miss i ons , J2 and K2 are missions , Jl and Kl ar.e used when rendezvous does used when rendezvous re-not require an extra quires an extra revolution. revolution . )

P70 & P71 will force rota- P 70 & P71 will not force tion in preferred direction rotation i•· preferred di-

recti on

Discontinue integration . Continue integration.

Integrate to TDEC. Integrate to th� then present time.

Integrat ion entered from Integration was not entered one of HID to AV portals . via HID to AV .

,.. ., 0 ... ... 0 o ,..

;� ,.. "<<: :! .a o o z w .,. I

::z: i ,.. z c a. 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (45)

g' .. ;;-0 0 i


4 . 4 . 13 FLAGWORD (cont)


AVE to HID W-IIUl trix integration

Integration flag

Ascent/ descent stage f lag

Res tart integration flag

LR bypass

Velocity fail tes t flag

Al titude fail test flag

VX inhib it flag

Pas t high gate

No LR read

X-axis override inhib it f lag














Register Address


0 106

0 106

0 106

0 107

0 107

0 107


0 107

0 107

0 10 7






1 1

1 1

1 1



1 1

1 1


B i t













� AVE to HID calling for W-matrix integration . Do not write over RN, VN , or PIPTIHE.

Integration in process

Ascent s tage (protected f rom fresh s tart)

Integration routine to be res tarted

Bypass all LR updates

When corresponding radar reading has f ai led LR data reasonabi lity tes t .

When corresponding radar reading has f ai led LR data reasonability tes t .

I f Z-velocity data unrea­sonab le , bypass x-velocity update on next pass .

Pas t high gate

LR reposi tioning ; bypass update .

Below limit ; inhibit X­axis ove rride .

� No AVE to HID W-mat r ix in­tegration. Allow setup of RN , VN , and PIPT IHE ,

Integration n o t in process

Descent s tage ( protected f rom f resh s tar t)

Integration routine not to be restarted

Do not bypass LR. updates

When corresponding radar reading has passed LR. data reasonab i li ty tea t .

When corresponding radar reading has passed LR data reasonab i li ty tes t .

Update X-axis veloc ity .

Pre high gate

LR not repos it ioning

Above limi t ; do not inhib i t X-axis overr ide .

L---J---�------------------------ ---------------------------------L----------- ------------------------------------�


,.. ., 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o ,..

; � ,.. _,. -t oo - o o . Z w "' ;.. ; � z tJ IIIII 0 0 jlllli

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (46)

8' CREW· .. PNL ;r


... en Regis ter II Flaa !!!!!. Address Flar.word Bit Set .!!.!.!l ,. II g. LR pendt LRINB 0107 11 8 Pendts LR data incorpor ... Inhibi ts LR data incorpora-II f laa tion into state vector. tion into state vector • ... ... 10 LR velocity VELDATA 0107 11 7 LR velocity .. asure .. nt LR velocity .. asure.ent c: data •de not -de

LR altitude RNGEDATA 0107 11 4 LR altitude aeasure .. nt LR altitude .. asureaent ,.. data -de not made

., 0 ,..

Rl2 read Rl2RDFLG 0 10 7 1 1 3 LR not being read . (Complete LR b eing read. (Complete ,.. flag set of five ve locity data set of five velocity data 0

readings for particular ve- readings for particular ve- 0

e n locitY beam are avai lab le . ) locity beam are not avail- v r Ill

able . ) • t ,.. '-I

i LR velocity VFLSHFLG 0107 11 2 LR velocitv fail ; VEL LR velocity has not failed ; 16 .. fai l lamp lt should be f lashing VEL lt should not flash 0

• I flash flag z w W' I

... LR alt i tude 0107 1 LR altitude has not failed ; l� i VI HFLSHFLG 11 LR alt i tude fai l ; ALT

t... fail lamp lt should be flashing ALT lt should not flash � flash f lag z c u Do •

0 .... RADHODES • Flagword 12 0 10 � ...... ... Continuous CDESFLAG 0110 12 15 LGC co11111ands RR without LGC checks for lock-on designate lock-on flag

Re•ode f lag REKJDFLG 0110 12 14 Change in antenna mode was Remode was not requested or reques ted or is in process is not in process . ( remode)

., RR CDU RCDUOFLG 0110 12 13 RR CDU' s are being zeroed. RR CDU ' s are not being 0 zero flag zeroed. co It

f'" RR antenna ANTENFLG 0110 12 12 RR antenna in mode 2 RR antenna in mode 1 ,e. mode flag I ,e. o-

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (47)

8' .. ;;-0 0 ii

n :::r 0 ::J liD •

:? ii

r---,----r--------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------CREW· PNL MAN

4 . 4 . 1 3 FLAGWORDS ( cont)

Reposition f lag

RR designate flag

LR altitude scale

LR ve loci ty data fai l flag

No RR CDU fai l flag

LR posi tion flag

LR alti tude data fail flag

RR data fai l flag

RR range scale flag

RR aut� matic mode

RR tum-on flag

'iinimum impulse flag















Regis ter Address


0 110

0 110








0 110

0 1 1 1

F lagword

1 2 11

11 10

12 9

12 8

12 7

12 6

12 5

12 4

12 3

12 2


RR repos ition i n p rocess

RR des ignate was reques ted or is in p rocess

No RR repos:l.tion in p rocess

RR designate was not re­ques ted & is not in p rocess

LR alt itude reading is on LR alti tude reading is on

LR velocity data fail No LR velocity data fai l

No RR CDU fai l RR CDU f ai l

LR pos ition 2 i s des ired LR position 1 is des ired

LR altitude data fai l ; can- No LR alti tude data fai l not be read s uccessfully

RR dat a fai l ; cannot be No RR data fail read success fully

RR range reading on high s cale

RR not in aut o mode . Aut� mat i c mode di s c re te is not p re�;ent .

RR range reading on lllW scale

RR in auto mode

12 1 RR t um-on s equence in process .

Nc- RR tum-on s equence 1.n proces os .

DAPBOOLS • F l a�ord 13

13 1 5 I Hi nimum impulse command � �ode in at t i tude h o l d (V76) !"ot in mi nimum impulse co1T'II1and mode ( \' 7 7 )


LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (48)

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (49)

n 5 i! •


4 . 4 . 13 FLAGWRDS (cont)

Flag Nllllle

Gilllbal flag USEQRJTS

CSH docked CSHDOCKD flag

Current rate OURRCBIT coaaand flag

4/2-jet ACC40R2X x-axis trans-lation flag

A/B sys tem AORBTRAN trans lation flag

x-axis XOVINHIB override flag

Drift flight DRIFrBIT

ACA s cale RHCSCALE flag

Ullaae flag ULLAGER

Deaclband DBSLECT2 select 2 flag

Deadband DBSELECT select flag


Register Address Flal!ord Bit

0111 13 14

0111 13 13

0111 13 12

0111 13 11

0111 13 10

0111 13 9

0111 13 8

0111 13 7

0111 13 6

0111 13 5

0111 13 4


Set Reset

Giubal unuable ; use RCS Trim gblbal can b e used jets only .

CSH docked to LM; use CSM not docked to LM backup DAP .

Current DAP pass ts rate Current DAP pass is not c01111118nd . rate conaand.

4-j et x-axis translation 2-jet x-axil'l trans lation requested reques ted

Use RCS sys tem B for Use RCS sys tem A for X-trans lation . X-trans lation (preferred) .

x-axis override is locked X-axis oven·ide is per-out. lli tted.

Assume zero offset ; drift- Use offset acceleration ing flight es timate .

Normal ACA scaling Fine ACA scaling requested reques ted

Ullage requested by No intemal ullar- request program

Bits 5 and 4 of DAPBOOLS (f la�ord 13) a•e used together to indicate astronaut-selected deadband limits as follows

!lAP Bit 5 Bit 4 Deadband

0 (re!let) 0 (resetl + 0 . 3•

0 1 + 1 . 0. 1 0 + 5 . o• 1 1 + 5 . o•

� " 0 ... ... 0

�� � ..... ... . - o o . Z w .,. . z i ,.. z a ..

8 ill\

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (50)

g' .. n· 0 Q ;;

.... ID ..... 0

., Q co ct


4 . 4 . 1 3 FLAGWORDS (cont )

Accelera­tions OK flag

Automatic rate 2 flag

Automat ic rate 1 flag






400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400


410 410 410 410 410 410

411 41 1

+00000 +10000 +20000 + 30000 +40000 +50000 +60000 +70000

+ 10000

+00000 +10000 +20000 +30000 +40000 +50000

+00000 +10000


Register Address



0 11 1


1 3

1 3


Atti tude hold Guidance steering Z-body-axis s teeri ng PGNCS-to-AGS align Ltmar align Body-axis align




Gyro and acce le rome ter calibration Accele romete r only calibrat ion

Freeze exte rnal 6V ve loci ty-to-be­gained vector in ine rt ial space

Orbit insertion Coe l liptic sequence ini tiation Cons tant 6h Te rmi nal phase ini tiate Te rminal phase ini t iate External 6V

RCS or DPS selector APS selector

Rearch execute


Computed accelerations are p robably correct .

C0111puted acr.elerations are probably incorrect .

B i ts 2 & 1 o f DAPBOOLS ( flagword 13) are us ed together to indicate as tronaut-selected KALCMANU maneuver rates , as follows :

0 (res et) 0 1 1

B i t 1

0 (reset)• 0 . 2° /s ec 1 - 0 . 5° /sec 0 • 2 . 0° /sec 1 • 1o . o• tsec

Submodes of operati on

Re f para 4 . 9 . 2 . 1 Re f para 4 . 9 . 3. 2 Re f para 4 . 9 . 2 . 2 , 4 . 9 . 2 . 3 Re f para 4 .6 . 2 . 5 In- f ligh t only . Re f para 4 . 6 . 2 . 1 3

+00000 is s electe d when guidance routine (addre� s 410) is switched out of external 6V .

Guidance rout ines . Re f para Re f para 4. 7 . 1 . 2 Re f para 4 . 7 . 1 . 3 Re f para 4 . 7 . 1 . 4 Re f para 4. 7 . 1 . 4 Re f para 4 . 7 . 1 . 1

+00000 X-b odv-axis s te e ring +10000 canted en£ine s te e ri ng

4 . 7 . 3 . 1

,. ., 0 r­r-0 o ,..

;� ,.. __, -t -o -o o . Z w � · :s: i ,.. z � �· 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (51)

('\ :r 0 :>

IQ .. 0 0 i

., 0 IQ ct

I � I �


4 . 4 . 14 AGS SELECfOR LOGIC (cont)



412 +00000 Reinit iate in- f ligh t AGS self- tes t Re f para 4 .6 . 2 . 3 . Self- te s t readouts : +00000 - Tes t not completed

413 +10000

414 +00000 414 +10000

414 +20000

414 +30000


416 +10000

416 + 30000

417 +00000

i 41 7 +10000

507 +00000

Any entry into 413 (+10000 is sugges ted) wi ll s tore lunar azimuth and set lunar surface f lag .

Navigation initiali zation comp lete LH and CSH navigat ion ini tiali za­tion via PGNCS d011nlink LH navigat ion ini tiali zation via DEDA CSH navigati on ini tialization via DEDA

Any ent ry in this cel l causes z­body axis di rection cosines , time since las t range input , and last computed range and range rate to be stored in approp riate ce lls for use in radar fi lter

Compute CSI maneuver with CDH man­euver occurring at 0 . 5 orb i tal period following CSI Compute CSI maneuve r with CDH man­euver occurring at 1 . 5 orbi tal periods following CSI

Normal value of radar ini tiali za­tion co11111and Ini ti a li ze radar fi lter

Orient Z-body-axis to di re ction of CSM (Z-b ody-axis s teering com­manded)

+10000 - Tes t success fully completed +30000 - Logic tes t failure HOOOO - He1110ry test failure +70000 - Logi c and •110ry teat failure

Readout only . A +00000 entry is treated as a +10000 entry Re f para 4 . 6 . 1 . 18

Re f para 4 . 6 . 2 . 7

Re f para 4 . 6 . 2 . 8

A +10000 entry is sugges ted .

Reset t o +00000 after ini ti alizat ion.

L--..1.--....L...-------------�---- --- ------- ______ ____l_ ------·-· · - · . - - - ------ - -- -- -- ---- --- ---. . --- -· ---- - - -----

t 0 ,. ,. 0 o ,.

= � .. .... -t -o - o o . 2 w lA I

:z: i ,. z 0 • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (52)

._. tn f1)

"0 ... f1) s <T f1) ... ._. \D ..... 0

� 0

U) f1)



Address � 623 -+{)0000

6 2 3 + 10000

4 . 4 . 15 DEDA INPUI' LIST

Symbol Address

Sin 6L 047 Cos in cSL 0 5 3 2.5.1 2 2 3

7J 224

8J 2 2 5 lOJ 2 26

SJ 2 3 1

16J 2 32

2 1 J � 3 3

lJ l 240

1 J 2 2 4 1

lJ ) 242

2J 1 244

2J 2 245

2J 3 246



O rient Z-body-axis parallel to CSM orbit p lane (guidance s te e ring commanded) Orient Z-body-axis parallel to p lane defined by Wb ve ctor ( guidance s teering commanded)

guanti zat ion 0 - not avai lable � Earth 1 - avai lab le

0 1 CSI CDH Oct a l S i ne of landin� azimuth angle 1 -

1- -


Octal Cos i ne of landing azimuth angle 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft Manual alti tude update to AEA during

descent 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft Term in s emi major axis computation ,

c5L (01) 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft One-h al f lower limi t on apolune radius 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 f t Retarget va lue for 7J when cent ral

angle exceeds 12J (Ol ) 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft Radial dis t ance o f landing site from

cen t e r of at t ract i ng b ody 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 f t Targeted injection al ti tude at orbit

i ns er t i on 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 f t Ve r t i cal p i t ch s te er i ng alti tude

th reshold 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft X-component of Ul pos i ti on used in

LM i ni tiali zat i on 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 f t Y-component of LM pos i t i on used in

LM i ni ti ali zat i on 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft Z-component of LM pos i t i on used i n

LH initi ali zat ion 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft X-component of CSM po� i t i on IL'I ed i n

cs� ini t i a 1i z�t f on 1 1 1 100 ft 11100 !t Y-component of CSM posi t i on us ed i n

CSM i ni t i ali zat i on 1 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft 7.-coMponent o f CSM pos i t i on •JSed i n

C S M i n i t i a li zat i on ] 1 1


TPI XDV -1- -


1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1

1 ]

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 ,

1 1

� 1 - -

,. , 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o ,..

= � ,. .... -t oo - o o . Z w

i i z 0 al 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (53)

0> 0 ... n· 0 0


n ::r 0 :II ID •

� ;;



4 . 4 . 15 DEDA INPUT LIST (cent )

guanti zation � Address Ltmar �

1J7 254 0 . 1 lllin

LJ4 260 0.1 fps 1 fps

lJS 261 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

1J6 262 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J4 264 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J5 265 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J6 266 0 .1 fps 1 fps

2J7 272 0 . 1 lllin

29J 274 0 . 1 min lJ 275 0 . 1 min

12J 305 o .o 1•

4J 306 0 .01 min

6J 30 7 0 .01 mi n

Tll 310 0 .01 min

3J 312 0 .01 min

18J 316 0 . 1 nm tig 373 0 . 1 mi n


0 - not avai lable 1 - available

OI £g fm! TPI XDV Epoch t ime of LM ephemeris data used in LM navigation initialization. Th is time IIIUS t be expressed in AGS computer time 1 1 1 1 1 X-component of LH 'Velocity used in LH ini tialization 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of LM ve locity used in LM ini tiali zation 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of l..M ve locity used in LH ini tiali zation 1 1 1 1 1 X-component of CSM 'Velocity used in CSM ini tiali zation 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of CSM velocity used in CSM ini ti alizat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of CSM ve locity used in CSM initiali zation 1 1 1 1 1 Epoch time of CSM ephemeris dat a used in CSM navigation initializa-tion . This time IIIUS t be express ed in AGS computer time . 1 1 1 1 1 Ini tial radar fi lter value for tl 1 1 1 1 1 Desired TPI maneuve r t ime for CS I computation 1 1 1 1 1 Phase angle limi t for orbit insertion retarge ting 1 1 1 1 1 Time increment of node p rior to nominal rendezvous 1 1 1 1 1 Trans fe r time from begi nning of direct trans fer maneuver to rendezvous 1 1 1 1 1 Time increment until TPI used in guid-ance TPI search routine 0 0 0 1 0 TPI rende zvous offs et time , as used in s tab le orbit rendezvous te chnique 1 1 1 1 1 Radar range 1 1 1 1 1 Abso] ute time of next maneuve r. Des ig-nat ions of tigA , tigB , and tigC (abs olute times of CSI , CDH , and TP I maneuve rs , respect ive ly) are retained

1 1 1 1 1 J for procedural clari tv .

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (54)

Ill> 0 ... ;:;·

0 0


("I ::r a ;,

Cl ct

0 a




4. 4 . 15 DEDA INPUT LIST ( cont)

Quant izati on � Address Lunar Earth

t 377 0 . 1 min Vdx 404 N /A

28Jl 450 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

28J2 451 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

28J 3 452 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

22J 464 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

23J 465 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

17J 503 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Wbx 514 Octal Wby 515 Octal Wb z 516 Octal 1Kl8 5 34 Oct al 1K20 5 35 Octal 1K22 5 36 Octal 1Kl9 540 0 .001/0 .01 fps sq 1K21 541 0 .001/0 .01 fps sq 1K2 3 542 0 .00 1/0 .01 fps sq lKl 544 o .o1• /h r 1K6 545 0 .0 1 ° /hr lKll 546 0 .0 1 ° /hr 46 547 Octal 2J 605 Octal


0 • not available 1 • avai lable

01 CSI CDR AGS computer time 1 1


Accumulated 4V in X-body-axis di rec-tion minus descent engine capabi li ty (updated every 0 .040 s ec) 1 1 1 Component of external 4V i nput in di rection parallel to CSH o rb i t p lane . (Pos itive value indicates velocity to be added in pos igrade dire ction . ) 0 1 1 Component of e xternal 4V input in di re ction perpendicular to CSH orbit p lane (pos i tive value indicates velocity to be added oppos ite to LH angular momentum vector) 0 1 1 Component of external 4V input in radial direct ion (pos i tive value indicates ve locity to be added toward at tracting body) 0 1 1 Vertical pitch s teering alti tude rate threshold 1 1 1 Target radial rate at orb i t in-sertion 1 1 1 Radar range rate 1 1 1 Guidance s te ering un i t ve ctor (X) 1 1 1 Guidance s teering unit ve ctor (Y ) 1 1 1 Guidance s teering unit ve ct or (Z) 1 1 1 X-accele rome ter s cale factor 1 1 1 Y-acce lerometer scale factor 1 1 1 Z-acce lerometer s cale fact or 1 1 1 X-axis acce le rome te r bias compens at i on 1 1 1 Y-axis acce lerometer bias compensation 1 1 1 Z-axis acce lerometer bias compensation 1 1 1 X-gyro dri ft compens at i on cons tant 1 1 1 Y-gyro dri ft compen�ation cons tant 1 1 1 Z-gyro drift compens ation cons tant 1 1 1 Lunar ali gn az imuth correct ion 1 1 1 Des i red cotangent of LOS angle be-tween LM and CSM at des i red TPI time used in CSI co�putat ion 1 1 1

TPI XDV -1- 1

1 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

,... , 0 ,.. ,.. 0 0 �

; � ,.. .... ... . - o o . Z w .,. I

:z i ,... z c • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (55)

n =r 0 :::J tD •

f? •



4 . 4 . 15 DEDA INPUT LIST (cont )

Quant izat i on Symbol Address Lunar Earth

K55 607 Octal 3K4 613 Octal 6J l 640 Octal

6J2 641 Octal

6J 3 642 Octal

4Kl0 662 Octal

llJ 6 7 3 Octal


Quantizat ion Symbol Address .!:!!!.!!: Earth

y 2 1 1 100 ft 1000 ft Vpy 263 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

dVG 267 0 . 1 fps 1 f�s

Vyo 2 70 0 . 1 fps 1 fps lJ 275 0 .1 min r, 2 7 7 o . o1•

9 LOS 303 o .o1• 9 f 30 3 o . o1•

4J 306 0 .01 min

6J 307 0 . 01 mi n Td ')10 0 .0 1 min

Tr 311 0 .0 1 mi n


0 . not avai lab le 1 • available

OI CSI CDH TPI XDV h rate dis play s cale factor 1 -

1- 1 -

1- -


S ine of TPI interdict region 1 1 1 1 1 Negative of X inertial component of lunar rotation rate vector 1 1 1 1 1 Negative of Y inertial component of lunar rotation rate vector 1 1 1 1 1 Negative o f Z inert ial component of lunar rotation rate ve ctor 1 1 1 1 1 Cons tant in linear expres sion for .. L (OI ) 1 1 1 1 1 Retarget values for 4Kl0 when central angle exceeds 1 2J (OI ) 1 1 1 1 1

0 • not avai lable 1 • avai lab le

OI CSI CDH TPI XDV P resent LM out-of-plane dis tance 1 1 -1- -

1- -


P redicted out-of-p lane velocity at tig in CSI , CDH , or TPI ; p resent LM out-of p l ane veloci ty in OI 1 1 1 1 1 Magni tude of LM ve locity to be gained 1 1 0 1 1 Present LM out-of-p lane ve locity 1 1 1 1 1 Nominal time of TPI maneuve r 1 1 1 1 1 In-plane angle between Z-body-axis and local horizontal 1 1 1 1 1 P redicted LOS angle at TPI 0 0 0 1 0 LM to CSM phase angle : valid for tig of CSI or CDH , present time in OI 1 1 1 0 0 Time of node prior to nomi nal ren-dezvous time 0 0 0 1 0 Time from TPI to rendezvous 1 1 1 1 1 Time from present to CST , CDH , or TPI maneuver () 1 1 1 n Time to go until rende zvous f.n TP I 0 0 0 1 f)

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (56)

n 7 Q :l

co CD

0 Q iD

., Q co CD



� Address

3J 312 T perg 313 6 r 314

qa 315 R 317 h 337 rx 340 ry 341 rz 342 rex 344 rcy 345 rcz 346 rf 347

Vx )60 Vy 361 Vz 36 2 V ex 364 Vcy 16 5 Vcz 366 r 36 7 VT 371 VpO 371 TAO )72 t i g 373

t )77 Ar 402

q lD 402

qLT 403 H 42 )


( cant)

guantizat ion � Earth

0 .01 min 0 .01 mi n

0 . 1 nm

0 . 1 nm 0 . 1 nm 0 . 1 nm

100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft 100 ft 1000 ft

0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

0 . 1 min 0 . 1 mi n

0 . 1 min 0 . 1 nm

0 . 1 nm

0 . 1 nm 0 . 1 fps 1 fps


0 • not avai lable 1 • available

01 CSI CDH TPI XDV TPI rendezvous o f fset time 0 0 0 1 0 Time to go until T.H orbit perifocus 1 1 1 1 1 Di f ferenti � 1 orbital alt i tude along LH radial at CSI time 0 1 1 0 0 Apofocus altitude of LH trajectory 1 1 1 1 1 Range from LH to CSH 1 1 1 1 1 LH alt i tude 1 1 1 1 1 X-component of LM pos i t i on 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of LM pos i t ion 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of LM pos i ti on 1 1 1 1 1 X-component of CSH pos i t i on 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of CSH pos i t ion 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of CSH pos i t ion 1 1 1 1 1 P redi cted LH orb i t radia l dis tance at tig ( at burnout in 01) 1 1 1 1 0 X-component of LH ve loci ty 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of LH ve loci t'l 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component o! LH ve loci ty 1 1 1 1 1 x-component of CSM ve loci ty 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of CSH ve loci ty 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of CSM ve loci ty 1 1 1 1 1 LH alti tude rate 1 1 1 J 1 Total ve loci ty tn rende zvous 0 0 0 1 0 &V for CDH maneuve r 0 1 I) 0 0 Time from cs I tn cnn 0 1 0 0 0 Absolute time of ne xt maneuve r . l'lc·s-i �nat ions t t gA , t i gB , and tigC ( absolute times of CSI , COil , and TPI mane uve rs , respect ive 1v) are retained for procedural clari tv . 1 1 1 . 1 AGS computer ti!'le 1 1 1 1 1 Dif ferent ial al t i t ude in coe lliptic orh t t I) 1 l 0 () Pe ri focus al t i tude of p redi c te d LH trajectory 0 () 0 I () Peri fncus a l t i tude nf L!'f t raj e r t on· 1 1 l 1 1 D�s i red fi nal value of a lt i t ude rat e 1 I ! 1 ()

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (57)

.-11> "'

'tl " "' g. " ... .... \D ..... 0

, 0

co ..


4 . 4 . 16 DEDA OUTPUT LIST ( cont )

guantization � Address Lunar Earth

v 433 0 . 1 fps 1 fps R 440 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

VDX 4 70 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

VDY 4 7 1 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VDZ 4 72 0 . 1 fps 1 fps i-A 4 7 7 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

dVg� 500 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

dVgy 501 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

4Vgz 502 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

1Kl8 5 34 Oct al

1K20 5 35 Oct al

1K22 5 36 Octal

1Kl9 540 0 . 00 1 fps sq 0 .0 1 fps sq

1K21 541 0 . 00 1 fps sq 0 . 01 fps sq

1K2 3 542 0 .00 1 fps sq 0 .01 fps sq

lKl 544 o . o 1• /hr 1K6 545 0 . 0 1 • /h r lKll 546 0 .0 1 • /h r 5 2 5 7 4 �/A 621 604 N/A IJ6 6 12 Oct al ;.. 8 6 14 1 count 1K9 6 16 1 count



0 • not avai lable 1 • available

01 CSI CDR TPI XDV Magnitude of LH ve loci ty 1 -1- -

1- ·y·


Range rate between LH and CSH (negative value indicates LH c losing on CSM) 1 1 1 1 1 dV expended in X-b ody-a�is direct ion minus descent capab i li ty 1 1 1 1 1 dV e xpended in Y-body-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 dV expended in Z-body-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 Radial ve loci ty at tig ( at p res ent in 01) 1 1 1 1 0 Ve locity to be gained in X-body-axis direct ion 1 1 1 1 1 Velocity to be gained in Y-b ody-axis di rection 1 1 1 1 1 Velocity to be gained in Z-b ody-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 X-acceleromete r s cale factor ( fps / pulse) 1 1 1 1 1 Y-accelerometer s cale factor ( fps / pulse) 1 1 1 1 1 Z-accelerome te r s cale factor ( fps / pulse) 1 1 1 1 1 x-accele rome ter b ias compensat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Y-accelerometer b ias compens at i on 1 1 1 1 1

Z-accelerome te r b ias compensat i on 1 1 1 1 1

X-gyro dri ft compens at i on 1 1 1 1 1 Y-gyro dri ft compens at ion 1 1 1 1 1 Z-gvro dri ft compens ation 1 1 1 1 1 Des cent sect ion s taging f lag 1 1 l 1 1 Lunar surface flag 1 1 1 1 1 S tagi ng sequence counter 1 1 1 ! 1 U l lage counter 1 1 1 1 1 Cl lage counter value for ul lage comp le t i on 1 1 1 1 1

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (58)

c:> 0 "' ;:;·

0 0


.... .., . . 0

n ::r 0 � 10 "

0 0


� 0 Ul "



guantization � Address L•ar Earth

C2 033 Octal VlX 034 Octal

VlY 035 Oct al

VlZ 036 Oct al

WlX 040 Octal

WlY 041 Octal

WlZ 042 Oct al

A31S 044 Octal A32S 045 Octal A33S 046 Octal S in 6 L 04 7 Octal Cosin 6L 053 Octal Wcx 054 Octal Wcy 055 Octal Wcz 056 Octal UlX 060 Octal

UlY 061 Octal

UlZ 062 Octal

AT 067 Octal Drx 104 Oct al


0 • not available 1 • available

OI CSI CDR Rendezvous angle sine 0 0 cr· In-plane horizontal unit vector at tig for CS I , CDH , and TPI ; at p resent for OI & XDV (X) In-plane horizontal unit vector at tig for CS I , CDH , and TPI ; at p resent for 01 & XDV (Y) 1 1 1 In-plane horizontal uni t vector at tig for CSI , CDR , and TPI ; at present for 01 & XDV (Z) 1 1 1 LH out-of-plane unit vector at tig for TPI ; pres ent for 01 , CSI , CDH , & XDV (X) 1 1 1 LH out-of-plane unit vector at tig for TPI ; p resent for 01 , CSI , CDH , & XDV (Y) 1 1 1 LH out-of-plane unit vector at tig for TPI ; present for OI , CSI , CDH , & XDV (Z) 1 1 1 Radar null direct ion cos ine 1 1 1 Radar null direction cosine 1 1 1 Radar null direction cosine 1 1 1 Sine of azimuth angle 1 1 1 Cosine of azimuth angle 1 1 1 Out-of-CSH orb i t plane unit vector (X) 1 1 1 Out-of-CSH orb i t plane unit vector (Y ) 1 1 1 Out-of-CSH orbit plane uait vector (Z) 1 1 1 Normal LM pos ition vector at tig for CS1 , CDH & TPI , pres ent for 01 & XDV (X) 1 1 1 Normal LH position ve ct or at tig for CSI , CDH , & TPI ; present for 01 & XDV (Y) 1 1 1 Normal LH pos i tion vect or at tig for CSI , CDR , & TPI ; pres ent for 01 & XDV (Z) 1 1 1 Thrust acce lerat ion ( fps sq) 1 1 1 LH pos ition remai nder ( f t) (X) 1 1 1


· -

TP! XDV 1 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1 l 1 1 1

� , 0 ... ... 0 o ,..

; � � ..... -4 oO - o o . Z w .,. � � � z a 1111 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (59)

CD D .. ;:;·

0 D ;;

... "' -.J 0

n :r D :I 10 .. � ii

. ., Q 10 ..

� � I

"' OD



� Address guantization

� �

Dry 105 Octal Drz 106 Octal 9P 107 Octal DIGX 110 Octal

DIGY 111 Octal

DIGZ 112 Octal

+P 113 Octal GXDT 114 Octal

GYDT 115 Octal

GZDT 116 Octal

lfP 117 Octal 4vsx 120 Octal

4vsy 121 Octal

4vs z 122 Octal

SIGA 123 Octal RRX 124 Octal RRY 125 Octal RRZ 126 Octal COCA 12 7 Octal All 130 Octal Al2 131 Octal Al3 132 Octal All 134 Octal A32 135 Octal A33 136 Octal A2 1 140 Octal A22 141 Octal A2 3 142 Octal Tl 14 7 Octal

LH position remainder ( ft ) (Y) LH position remainder (ft) (Z) PGNCS 9 (pulses) Predicted change in integrated gravity ( fps) (X) Predicted change in integrated gravity ( fps ) (Y) Predicted change in integrated gravity ( fps) (Z) PGNCS + (puls es ) G ravity times aajor cycle time ( fps) (X) Gravity times aaj or cycle time ( fps ) (Y) G ravity times aaj or cycle time ( fps ) (Z) PGNCS f (pulses) Resolved sensed 4V along inert ial axis (fps) (X) Resolved sensed 4V along inertial axis ( fps) (Y) Resolved sensed 4V along inertial axis ( fps) (Z) Sine of FDAI y Computed LH-CSH range ( ft) (X) Computed LH-CSH range ( ft) (Y) Computed LH-CSH range ( ft) (Z) Cosine of FDAI y XB direction cos ine XB direction cosine XB direct ion cos ine ZB direction cosine ZB direction cos ine ZB direction cosine YB direction cos ine YB direction cos ine YB direction cos ine Time of las t radar range update (sec)


0 • not available 1 • availab le

01 CSI CDII 1 -1- -1-

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 l

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 1



1 1



1 1



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1


mv -r

1 1



1 1



1 1



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• ,, 0 ,.. ,.. () o ,..

=� . ..... -l ie) - o o . Z w fit I :�: i • z 0 ... 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (60)

... \0 .... 0

n ':r 0 :I 10 ct 0 0 iD

., 0 10 ct




guantizati on � Add rea a Lunar Earth

AllD 160 Octal Al2D 161 Octal AlJD 162 Octal AJlD 164 Octal A32D 165 Octal A33D 166 Octal 1117 16 7 Octal a 171 Octal R5X 174 100 ft 1000 ft

RSY 175 100 ft 1000 ft

RSZ 176 100 ft 1000 ft

AL 177 100 ft 1000 ft REX 200 100 ft 1000 ft REY 201 100 ft 1000 ft REZ 202 100 ft 1000 ft RT 203 100 ft 1000 ft ROX 204 100 ft 1000 ft

ROY 205 100 ft 1000 ft

ROZ 206 100 ft 1000 f t

RO 207 100 ft 1000 ft R 210 100 ft 1000 ft

y 211 100 ft 1000 ft POUTFS 213 100 ft 1000 ft 2K3 2 16 100 ft 1000 ft 2K14 217 100 ft 1000 ft 25J 223 100 ft 1000 ft 7J 224 100 ft 1000 ft 8J 225 100 ft 1000 ft


0 • not available 1 - available 01 CSI CDR

XD direction cos ine 1 1 -1-

XD direction cos ine 1 1 1 XD direction cos ine 1 1 1 ZD direction cos ine 1 1 1 ZD direction cosine 1 1 1 ZD direction cos ine 1 1 1 Fi lter cycle counter ( 2 sec counts) 1 1 1 Trans fe r orbit s emimaj or axis ( ft) 0 0 0 LM predicted pos i tion vector at CSI . CDH . or TPI burn time ; present R in 01 (X) 1 1 1 LM predicted position vector at CSI . CDH . or TPI burn time ; present R in 01 (Y) 1 1 1 LM predi cted pos ition vector at CSI . CDH . or TPI burn time ; present R in 01 (Z) 1 1 1 Predicted LM semimaj or axis 1 1 1 CSM epoch pos it ion vector (X) 1 1 1 CSM epoch position vector (Y) 1 1 1 CSM epoch pos it ion vector (Z) 1 1 1 Predicted CSM position magnitude 1 1 1 Posi tion vector input to orb i t parame ter subrout ine (X) 1 1 1 Pos i tion vector input to orb i t parameter subroutine (Y ) 1 1 1 Pos ition ve ctor input to orb i t parame ter subroutine (Z) 1 1 1 Predicted pos ition magni tude 1 1 1 LM present inertial pos i tion magnitude 1 1 1 LM out-of-plane pos i tion 1 1 1 Maximum p displayable 1 1 1 QL set on ove r f low 1 1 1 Ini tial p perturbat ion 1 1 1 Entry for alti tude update 1 1 1 Te rm in (01 ) semimajor axis computation 1 1 1 One-half lower limi t of apo lune radius 1 1 1


TPI -1-

1 1 1 1 1 1 1



1 0 1 1 1 1



1 1

l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

XDV -1-

1 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 1 1 1 1



1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

,.. , () · ­... 0 0

;� ... .... -t -c• () o z w "' �-; � z 0 ., 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (61)

0 0

;-.... en Ill

'tl ,.. Ill s IT Ill 1'1 .... "' ..... 0

n :r 0 :I

10 C1l

0 0


., 0 10 C1l




guantizat ion Symbo l Address � Earth

lOJ 226 100 ft 1000 ft 4K5 227 100 ft 1000 ft 2Kl9 230 100 ft 1000 ft 5J 2 31 100 ft 1000 ft 16J 232 100 f t 1000 f t 2 1J 233 100 ft 1000 ft

Ul 240 100 ft 1000 ft lJ l 241 100 ft 1000 ft 1J3 242 100 ft 1000 ft 2Jl 244 100 ft 1000 f t 2J2 245 100 ft 1000 ft 2J3 246 100 ft 1000 ft 1J 7 254 0 . 1 ain 1J4 260 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

1J5 261 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

U6 262 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

Vpy 263 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J4 264 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J5 265 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

2J6 266 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

6VG 267 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Vyo 270 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 2J7 272 0 . 1 min 29J 2 74 0 . 1 min lJ 2 75 0 . 1 min 6T 276 0 . 1 min ( 277 o . o1•

9LOS 303 o . o1•


0 • not avai lable 1 • available

01 CSI Cr.ll TPI XDV Retarget value for 7J 1 1 -r- -1- �-Cons tant in linear expression for rf 1 1 1 1 1 6p limiter 1 1 1 1 1 Nominal lunar landing s ite radius 1 1 1 1 1 Targe ted orb i t ins ertion altitude 1 1 1 1 1 Ve rt ical pitch s teering alti tude 1 1 1 1 1 threshold LH ephemeris pos ition ( X-component ) 1 1 1 1 1 LH ephemeris p osition (Y-component) 1 1 1 1 1 LH ephemeris pos ition (Z-component) 1 1 1 1 1 CSH ephemeris pos ition (X-component ) 1 1 1 1 1 CSH ephemeris pos ition (Y-component) 1 1 1 1 1 CSH ephemeris position (Z-component) 1 1 1 1 1 LH epoch time 1 1 1 1 1 X-component of LH velocity used in LH initializat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of LM velocity used in LH ini tialization 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of LH velocity used in LH ini tialization 1 1 1 1 1 Out-of-plane velocity at tig ; at pres ent in 01 1 1 1 1 0 X-component of CSH velocity us ed in CSH ini tiali zat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of CSH velocity used in CSH ini tializat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Z-component of CSH ve locity used in CSH initializat ion 1 1 1 1 1 Ve loci ty to be gained 1 1 J. 1 1 LH pres ent out-of-plane velocity 1 1 1 1 1 CSH epoch time 1 1 1 1 1 Initial value of Tl for radar f i lter 1 1 1 1 1 Des ired time of TPI maneuve r for CS I 1 1 1 1 1 Time between radar range updates 1 1 1 1 1 Angle between Z-body-axis and local hori zon 1 1 1 1 1 Pred ic ted LOS angle at TPI time 0 0 n 1 0 (TPI only)

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (62)

IJI 0 "' ;;·

0 0





Symbol Address Quantizat ion

Lunar Earth

9 303 o .o 1•

12J 305 o .o1•

4J 306 0 .0 1 mi 6J 307 0 .0 1 min TA 3 10 0 . 01 min Tr 311 0 .01 min 3J 312 0 .0 1 min Tperg 313 0 .0 1 min Arp 314 0 . 1 nm q a 315 0 . 1 nm 18J 316 0 . 1 nm R 31 7 0 . 1 nm h 337 0 . 1 nm rx 340 100 ft 1000 ft ry 341 100 ft 1000 ft rz 342 100 ft 1000 ft rex 344 100 ft 1000 ft rcy 345 100 ft 1000 ft rcz 346 100 ft 1000 f t r f 347 100 ft 1000 ft

Vx 360 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

Vy 361 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

V z 362 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

Vex 364 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

Vcy 36 5 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

Vcz 366 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

h 36 7 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VG 370 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VT 371 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

LH-CSH phase angle : valid for tig o f CSI o r CDH , present time f o r 01 Phase angle limit for orb i t insert i on retargeting Time of node prior to rendezvous Des ired trans fer time Time f rom present to CS I , CDH , or TPI Time from present to rende zvous Targe t offset time Computed time to LH peri focus LH-CSH di fferential alti tude at tig Apofocus alti tude of LH traj ectory Radar range Computed range LH alti tude X-component of LH pos ition Y-component of LH pos i tion z-component of LH pos ition X-component of CSH pos ition Y-component of CSH pos it ion Z-component of CSH pos it ion Predicted LH alti tude at tig ( at burnout in OI ) X-component of present LH ine rt ial velocitv Y-component of p res ent LM inert ial ve locity Z-component of p resent Ul inert ial ve locitv X-component of p res ent CSH inertial ve locitv Y-component of present CSH inertial ve loci ty Z- component of present CSH inertial velocitv LH alt itude rate Magni tude �f ve 1ocitv to be gai ned Tot al ve loci tv to rende zvous ( direct intercept only)


0 • not avai lable 1 • available

OI CSI CDH 0 1 -1-

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1







1 1 1



1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1






1 1 1

,... ., 0 ,.. ,.. 0 o ... a � � .... -t -o - o o . Z w

; i. ,... z c • 0 0 �

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (63)

0 D it



Quan t izat ion Symbol Address � Earth

Vpo 3 7 1 0 . 1 fps 1 frs TAO 1 7 2 0 . 1 mi n tig 3 7 3 0 . 1 min TAl 3 7 7 0 . 1 min so 400 Oct al DISC lC 40 1 Oct al t.ll 402 0 . 1 nm q lDEDA 402 0 . 1 nm

qLTELE 40 3 0 . 1 nm 5 7 40 7 Octal 5 10 410 Oct al S ll 4 1 1 Octal 5 12 4 1 2 Oct al 5 13 4 1 3 Octal

5 14 4 1 4 Octal S lS 415 Oct a l 5 16 416 Oct a l

5 1 7 4 1 7 Oct al Vex 4 20 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Vey 421 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Vez 422 0 . 1 fps 1 fps tf 4 2 3 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Vox 4 2 4 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

V ov 4 2 5 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

\'oz 426 0 . 1 fos 1 fps

\'II 4 2 7 0 . 1 fps 1 frs v 4 3 3 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Ii.R 440 n . 1 fps 1 fos

R 4 4 1 G . l fp� 1 fps 2 8J 1 4 50 0 . 1 fps 1 �ps

2 8J � 451 I) . 1 frs 1 fps

P r� di c t e d �V for CDH maneuver Time from CSI to CDH Absolute time of next maneuver AGS absolute time AGS funct i on selector Dis c re te word one LM-CSM d i f fe rent i a l a l t i tude a f t e r CDH L:l trans fe r orb i t pericy thion a l t i tude L'! present pericy th ion alt i tude Re ference frame s e lector for ex-Guidance mode s elector Cant angle corre c t ion s e lector In- f l i gh t s e l f- te s t s t at us indicator S tore /no- s tore lunar azimuth selector �avi gat i on ini t i a l i zat ion Radar gimb a l null Numb e r of LM hal f-orb it s from CSI to C DH Radar fi l te r ini t i al i zat i on CSM epoch ve locitv ve ctor (X) CSM e poch ve loci tv ve ctor (Y ) CS�I eroch ve lod tv ve ctor (7.) Des i re d alt i t ud� rate Ve lc>ci t,- ve c t or i nput to ort- i t pa rame t e r sub rout ine ( X ) Ve lod t v vec t o r input to orb i t parame t e r sub rout in� (Y ) \'e loc i t 'l ve ct<'r i nput to orb i t parame te r s ub routi ne (7. ) r res �nt L�l hori zont a l ve loc i t v P resent T M ve 1oc i t v E s t i mate d ran�e rate b e tween LM and CSH (ne �at i ve value indicates L'l c l os i n g on CSM) Range rat� at time of r 1dar ur d ate !!\' d'll�nranr.� ( Xnv inp u t ) �V cross range (XD\' input )


0 - not avail ab le 1 - avai lab le

OI CSI CDH TPI 0 -1- 0 0

0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 . l_ 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 ).

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 � 1 J 1 c � 1 0 I) 1 1 I)

--- -


0 1 1 1 1 0

0 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 0



1 1 1

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (64)

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� Address Quantization

Lunar �

28J3 452 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 4lt26 454 0 . 1 fps 1 fps Vha 463 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

22J 464 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

23J 465 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

5K26 466 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VDX 470 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

VDY 471 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VDZ 472 0 . 1 fps 1 fps 4K27 473 0 . 1 fps 1 fps VS�tgx 474 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

VSmgy 475 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

VS.gz 476 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

ra 477 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

AVp 500 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

AVgy 501 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

AVgz 502 0 . 1 fps 1 fps

17J 503 0 . 1 fps 1 fps �fl' 504 Octal in' 505 Octal

4Kl2 506 Octal S507 507 Octal Cl 513 Octal Wbx 5 14 Octal Wby 515 Octal Wbz 5 16 Octal 6K10 517 Octal


0 • not availaole 1 • available

OI CSI CDR TPI XDV AV radial (XDV input) 0 1 -y- 0 1 VG threshold 1 1 1 1 1 Horizontal velocity at tig; present horizontal velocity in OI 1 1 1 1 0 Vertical pitch steering altitude rate threshold 1 1 1 1 1 Target radial rate at orbit insertion 1 1 1 1 1 Threshold for freezing thrus t direction 1 1 1 1 1 AV expended in X-body-axis direc-tion minus descent capability 1 1 1 1 1 AV expended in Y-body-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 AV expended in Z-body-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 Descent stage AV capability 1 1 l 1 1 X-component of velocity to be gained during burn 1 1 1 1 1 Y-component of velocity to be gained during burn 1 1 .l. 1 1 Z-component of velocity to be gained during burn 1 1 1 1 1 Radial velocity at tig (at present in OI 1 1 1 1 0 Velocity to be gained in X-body-axis direct ion 1 1 1 1 1 Velocity to be gained in Y-body-axis direction 1 1 . 1 1 Velocity to be gained in Z-body-axis direction 1 1 1 1 1 Radar range rate 1 1 1 1 1 Des ired radial jerk (fps cubed) 1 0 () 0 0 Des ired out-of-plane jerk (fps 1 0 (, 0 0 cubed) Acceleration check for RDJDTL in OI 1 1 1 1 1 Orient Z-body-axis to thrust axis 1 1 J 1 1 Rendezvous angle cosine 0 0 0 1 0

Guidance steering unit vector (X) 1 1 1 1 1 Guidance steering unit vector (Y ) 1 1 1 1 1 Guidance steering unit vector (Z) 1 1 1 1 1 Radar filter range variance ( f t sq) 1 1 l 1 1

LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (65)

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Quantization � Address Lunar �

TEl 520 Octal TLl 521 Octal 6K6 522 Octal 5K20 523 Octal

TE2 524 Octal TL2 525 Octal 2Kll 526 Octal 4K6 527 Octal

Daxa 530 Octal Day a 531 Octal Daza 532 Octal DISCl 533 Octal 1Kl8 534 Octal

1K20 535 Octal

1K22 536 Octal

1Kl4 537 Octal

1Kl9 540 0 . 001 0 .01 fps sq fps sq

1K21 541 0 . 001 0 .01 fps sq fps sq

1K23 542 0 .001 0 .01 fps sq fps sq

lKl 544 0 .01. /hr 1K6 545 0 .01. /hr lKll 546 0 .01. /hr Dt. 547 Octal 1K3 550 Octal lKS 551 Octal 1Kl3 552 Octal Hrf 553 Octal

5Kl4 560 Octal


0 • not available 1 • available

OI CSI CDH CSM epoch MS (sec) 1 -1- 1 LH epoch MS (sec) 1 1 1 Radar filter velocity weight (No units) 1 1 1 Lower limit of desired derivative of radial acceleration ( 1/sec) 1 1 1 CSM epoch LS (sec) 1 1 1 LH epoch LS (see) 1 1 1 Set value of VT (fps) 1 1 1 Final upper limit of altitude rate at orbit insertion (fps) 1 1 1 X-axis alignment error signal (rad) 1 1 1 Y-axis alignment error signal (rad) 1 1 1 Z-axis alignment error signal ( rad) 1 1 1 Discrete word one complement 1 1 1 X-acceleroueter scale factor (fps/ pulse) 1 1 1 Y-acceleroueter scale factor (fps / pulse) 1 1 1 Z-accelerometer scale factor (fps/ pulse) 1 1 1 X-axis mass unbalance compensation (rad/fps) 1 1 1 X-accelerometer bias compensation

1 1 1 Y-accelerometer bias com�ensation

1 1 1 z-accelerometer bias compensation

1 1 1 X-gyro drift compensation 1 1 1 Y-gyro drift compensation 1 1 1 Z-gyro drift compensation 1 1 1 Lunar align correction ( rad) 1 1 1 X-gyro scale factor compensation 1 1 1 Y-gyro scale factor compensation 1 1 1 Z-gyro seale factor compensation 1 1 1 High (+) , low (-) angular rate scaling 1 1 1 Upper limit of desired derivative of radial acceleration (fps cubed) 1 1 1

TPI XDV -1- 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

l 1

1 1

1 l

1 1 1 1 1 l. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '· 1 1

1 1

1 1

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LMA790-3-LM· 2015. 8. 17.· LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (66)

.,. 0


MAN 0 0

;;- 4 . 4 . 17 DEDA ACCESSIBLE PARAMETERS LIST �cont� ..... en Quantizat ion Ill

.., Syllbol Address Lunar !m!!. " Ill a 0'" Ill ... P 34 6 51 Octal ..... 10 ....., P43 652 Octal 0

P44 653 Octal

4K2 654 Octal

4K3 655 Octal

6K5 656 Octal 4K25 6 5 7 Octal 4K34 n 660 Octal

:r 0 4K35 66 1 Octal :::1 co 4Kl0 66 2 Octal Ill

0 0

Vyofs 665 Octal it 4K21 666 Octal

M2SB16 667 Oct al Dtb 670 Oct al IDl 6 7 1 Octal llJ 6 7 3 Octal 2K4 674 Octal KDT 675 Octal

BACCSF 446 Octal

BM13SF 676 Octal B23SF 6 7 7 Octal ., BlBSF 700 Octal

0 Bl3VSF 701 Octal co

.. B JSF 702 Octal 3:-

� B2 3RSF 703 Octal I B l3SF 704 Octal a-

....., ...... 3:-..,.. I


0 • not available 1 - available

01 CSI CD! Radar filter VX-VZ covariance ( f t sq/ sec sq) 1 1 1 Radar filter VZ-VX covariance ( f t sq/ sec sq) 1 1 1 Radar fi lter VZ variance ( f t sq/ sec sq) 1 1 1 Time-to-bum computation factor ( 1/fps) 1 1 1 Time-to-bum computation factor (1/fps sq) 1 1 1 Fi lter Y wei gh t (No . of units) 1 1 1 Engine cutoff compensation ( fps) 1 1 1 Lower limi t thrus t acceleration ( ft /sec sq) 1 1 1

U llage threshold ( f t /sec sq) 1 1 1 Constant in linear express ion � L (01 ) ( availab le in all guidance rout ines) 1 1 1 Maximum Vyo displayable ( fps) 1 1 1 S cale factor for at titude e rror output ( rad) 1 1 1 Cycle counts to seconds factor 1 1 1 One second p lus DEDA time b ias 1 1 1 Downlink code 1 1 1 Retarget value for 4Kl0 ( ft /rad) 1 1 1 - 2 (2Kl) ( ft c\bed/s ec) 1 1 1 6T/2 (sec) 1 1 1

Conversion S cale Factors

0 . 00 1/0 .01 fps sq to fps / 20 ms scaled at 1 / 3 1 1 1 0 . 0 1 • /hr to rad/20 ms s caled at - 1 3 1 1 1 100/1000 ft to ft scaled at 2 3 /25 1 1 1 0 . 1 min to sec scaled at 18 1 1 1 0 . 1 / 1 fps to fps scaled at 13/15 1 1 1 0 .0 1• to rad scaled at 3 1 1 1 0 . 1 nm to ft scaled at 2 3 / 25 1 1 1 0 .0 1 min to sec scaled at 1 3 1 1 l

e II -






1 1 1

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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LMA790-3-LM · 2015. 8. 17. · LMA790-3-LM OPERA llONS HANDBOOK G&C Reference Data • LGC/DSKY Restrictions AEA/DEDA Restrictions Jet Logic LGC Programs LGC Routines Verb List • - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.