Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



11 11

Washington Journal Peter Grier : CSPAN3 : June 22, 2019 5:46am-6:19am EDT

Jun 22, 2019 06/19



Christian Science Monitor Washington editor Peter Grier discussed the magazine's "Democracy Under Strain" series looking at America's political structure and the challenges it's currently facing. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: scott, mr. grier, oregon, new york, c-span, kevin
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Washington Journal Jon Gertner : CSPAN3 : January 8, 2019 1:16pm-1:47pm EST

Jan 8, 2019 01/19



Wired magazine contributor Josh Gertner discussed his recent piece examining how climate change is impacting glaciers in Antarctica. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: thwaites, antarctica, greenland, nasa, mr. gertner, the sea, paris, minneapolis, illinois,...
Source: Comcast Cable


37 37

Washington Journal David Hawkings : CSPAN3 : January 4, 2019 1:55am-2:10am EST

Jan 4, 2019 01/19



The Firewall Editor-in-Chief David Hawkings discussed Member pay and Congressional benefits for the 116th Congress. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, california, vermont, nancy pelosi, south dakota, hawaii
Source: Comcast Cable


80 80

Washington Journal Apollo 11 Moon Landing 50th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : August 27, 2019 2:18pm-5:20pm EDT

Aug 27, 2019 08/19



American History TV and Washington Journal marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing with three hours of LIVE interviews and viewer calls from the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Joining us were Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, Air & Space Museum director Ellen Stofan. Plus, John Logsdon, founding director of George Washington University's Space Policy Institute, and Teasel Muir-Harmony, space history curator at the Air & Space Museum....
Topics: nasa, kennedy, armstrong, washington, neil armstrong, saturn, huntsville, michael collins,...
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Washington Journal Author Alex Kershaw on D-Day 75th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : August 14, 2019 4:56am-5:57am EDT

Aug 14, 2019 08/19



June 6 is the 75th anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France. On that day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops attacked along a 50-mile stretch of coastline defended by German forces. Despite suffering more than 9,000 casualties, by day's end the Allies had gained a foothold on French soil. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the anniversary with Alex Kershaw, author of "The First Wave: The D-Day Warriors Who Led The Way to Victory in World War...
Topics: omaha, normandy, london, spalding, virginia
Source: Comcast Cable


76 76

Washington Journal Amanda Sloat : CSPAN3 : June 3, 2019 3:18pm-3:44pm EDT

Jun 3, 2019 06/19



Brookings Institution senior fellow and former State Department official Amanda Sloat discussed U.S.-British relations and what to expect from President Trump's state visit to the United Kingdom. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: uk, london, trump, european union, theresa, eu, donald trump, ireland, huawei, boris johnson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Washington Int'l Trade Association Discussion on U.S.-China Trade Talks : CSPAN3 : April 25, 2019 9:04am-10:35am EDT

Apr 25, 2019 04/19



[LIVE] Four journalists covering U.S. trade policy participate in a panel discussion on ongoing U.S.-China trade talks hosted by the Washington International Trade Association. Sponsor: Washington International Trade Association
Topics: china, wto, lighthizer, trump, beijing, mnuchin, nafta, canada, eu, washington, mexico, white...
Source: Comcast Cable


89 89

Washington Journal Niina Farah : CSPAN3 : July 3, 2019 4:19pm-4:46pm EDT

Jul 3, 2019 07/19



E&E News reporter Niina Farah discussed the EPA's announcement repealing President Obama's signature climate change policy, the Clean Power Plan. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: epa, obama, paris, niina farah, andrew wheeler, farah, ronny, maine, washington, michigan, new york...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Wilson Center Discussion on Cyber Threats : CSPAN3 : January 4, 2019 3:10pm-5:16pm EST

Jan 4, 2019 01/19



Cybersecurity officials from Michigan, Indiana and Louisiana participated in a Wilson Center discussion on cyber threats. They talked about their work within their states as well as how they were partnering with other states, the federal government and private industry in order to prepare for and combat threats to critical infrastructure, including election and voting systems. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars
Topics: michigan, indiana, louisiana, haiti, maryland, ukraine, washington, texas, katrina, louisiana, dr....
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

West Virginia State of the State : CSPAN3 : January 26, 2019 3:28am-4:28am EST

Jan 26, 2019 01/19



In his State of the State address, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R) proposed eliminating the state's tax on Social Security benefits in light of an expected revenue increase this year. He also proposed additonal funding for substance abuse, tourism and teacher pay increases. Sponsor: State Capitol
Topics: west virginia, virginia, cathy, naove, jada reed, china, chelsea
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Feb 25, 2019 02/19



Associated Press White House Reporter Darlene Superville and Washington Post Congressional Reporter Mike DeBonis discussed the week ahead on Capitol Hill and at the White House. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, california, darlene, mar-a-lago, kim jong-un, colombia, mueller, michael cohen, trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


52 52

Washington Journal Jason Delisle and Mark Huelsman : CSPAN3 : February 4, 2019 11:02pm-12:01am EST

Feb 5, 2019 02/19



American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow Jason Delisle and Demos Associate Director Mark Huelsman discussed free college proposals and other plans to make higher education more affordable. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: jason, new york, tennessee, chicago, washington, gloria, huelsman, michigan, europe, obama, gpa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

World War I U.S. Railroad Operations : CSPAN3 : June 8, 2019 2:49pm-4:01pm EDT

Jun 8, 2019 06/19



Historian Rudolph Daniels talked about his book, " The Great Railroad War: United States Railway Operations During World War I." He argued that the ability to move troops, equipment and ammunition at an accelerated rate helped Allied forces win World War I. The National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War I Museum and Memorial
Topics: france, russia, germany, daniels, siberia, europe, wilson, rudy daniels, kansas city, england,...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

Women and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory : CSPAN3 : April 13, 2019 7:05pm-8:01pm EDT

Apr 13, 2019 04/19



Science writer Nathalia Holt gave an illustrated talk about women mathematicians and engineers known as "human computers" who were recruited in the 1940s and 1950s to work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The lab later became part of NASA, and many of the women did crucial work in the space program for decades. Nathalia Holt is the author of "Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars." This talk was part...
Topics: nasa, jpl, barbara, helen, california, venus, caltech, washington, macy roberts, eisenhower,...
Source: Comcast Cable


91 91

Woodstock Festival 50th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : August 18, 2019 7:00pm-8:02pm EDT

Aug 18, 2019 08/19



American History TV and C-SPAN's Washington Journal looked back at the 1969 Woodstock Music & Art Fair, a three-day rock concert that attracted nearly half a million people to a dairy farm in upstate New York. Historian David Farber joined us to talk about the social movements of the 60s leading up to the event, how the unexpected cultural phenomenon unfolded, and the music festival's legacy. Mr. Farber is the author of "The Age of Great Dreams: America in the 1960s." Sponsor:...
Topics: woodstock, new york, new york city, david farber, bethel, monticello, kansas, vietnam, florida,...
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Women of the Suffrage Movement : CSPAN3 : June 9, 2019 11:00am-11:56am EDT

Jun 9, 2019 06/19



Historian Susan Ware talked about some of the nineteen lesser-known suffrage leaders profiled in her book, "Why They Marched: Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote." This National Archives event is a companion to their centennial exhibit, "Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote." Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: normandy, france, europe, budapest, washington, wyoming, omaha, d.c.
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

Mar 18, 2019 03/19



White House Science and Technology Director Kelvin Droegemeier delivered his first major address since taking office at an event hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC. Director Droegemeier talked about the importance of American leadership in scientific research and outlined his plans to work with the private sector, educational and research institutions, and the federal government. Sponsor: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Topics: bush, academia, oklahoma, washington, aaas, kelvin droegemeier, droegemeier, c-span, holt,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Washington Post Discussion on Next Generation Jobs : CSPAN3 : January 14, 2019 8:00pm-9:49pm EST

Jan 15, 2019 01/19



Lawmakers and entrepreneurs fielded questions from Washington Post reporters on the "gig economy" - the independent and short-term contract labor force - and how technology is changing the economic landscape. Sponsor: [Washington Post]
Topics: russia, mit, william barr, indiana, washington, washington post, maine, instagram, etc., united...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Jul 12, 2019 07/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, held a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. In this portion of the event, Reps. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Will Hurd (R-TX) discussed Congress' work on border security, immigration and the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico Institute,Border Trade Alliance
Topics: mexico, china, laredo, guatemala, henry, washington, obama, rebecca, canada, texas, georgia, europe
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

World War II U.S. Army Signal Corps Photos : CSPAN3 : December 22, 2019 4:30pm-6:01pm EST

Dec 22, 2019 12/19



A panel of photo historians looked at the U.S. Army Signal Corps with a focus on images captured by World War II soldier photographers. The National Archives and the U.S. Army Center of Military History co-hosted this event. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: national archives, matthew brady, philippines, kaitlyn, vietnam, harold roberts, germany,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Washington Journal David Hawkings : CSPAN3 : January 3, 2019 8:24pm-8:40pm EST

Jan 4, 2019 01/19



The Firewall Editor-in-Chief David Hawkings discussed Member pay and Congressional benefits for the 116th Congress. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, nancy pelosi, california, hawaii, vermont, south dakota
Source: Comcast Cable


47 47

Mar 22, 2019 03/19



The Washington Post hosted a discussion on the rise of nationalism and authoritarianism and the potential threat they posed to freedom and democracy. Speakers included former U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen (Ret.), journalists, and former state and military officials. They discussed President Trump's rhetoric on foreign policy, China and Russia's influence in technology and social media, and the recent U.S.-North Korea summit held in Hanoi, Vietnam. Sponsor: [Washington Post]
Topics: washington, china, afghanistan, allen, taliban, harvard, donald trump, c-span, exxon, jamal...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Washington Journal Jonathan Cheng : CSPAN3 : February 28, 2019 11:55am-12:22pm EST

Feb 28, 2019 02/19



Wall Street Journal Seoul bureau chief Jonathan Cheng discussed the latest developments in the U.S.-North Korea summit. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: trump, north korea, washington, seoul, jonathan cheng, d.c., house, hanoi
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Dec 14, 2019 12/19



The National Museum of African American History and Culture recently released a book called " We Return Fighting: World War I and the Shaping of Modern Black Identity." In conjunction, the museum also has a temporary exhibit focusing on African Americans during the war. Museum curator and book contributor Krewasky Salter joined Howard University professor Greg Carr to talk about the collection of essays that inspired the book and exhibit. The two also discussed how the African...
Topics: salter, carr, kinshasa, france, houston, philip randolph, washington, howard, south carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

Washington Journal Tom Schatz : CSPAN3 : June 25, 2019 11:33pm-12:07am EDT

Jun 26, 2019 06/19



Citizens Against Government Waste's Tom Schatz discussed his group's 2019 Congressional Pig Book which is an annual compilation of pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, new york, pentagon, harold, white house, reagan, tors, nato, virginia, linda, davis
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Washington Journal Rep. Donna Shalala : CSPAN3 : May 29, 2019 11:34am-12:03pm EDT

May 29, 2019 05/19



Representative Donna Shalala (D-FL), Health and Human Services Secretary in the Clinton Administration, discussed the future of health care and reducing prescription drug costs. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: florida, alabama, new york, donna shalala, susan, house, maryland, georgia, heidi, c-span,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Washington Journal Author Mary Louise Roberts on D-Day and French Citizens : CSPAN3 : May 28, 2019 1:03am-1:51am EDT

May 28, 2019 05/19



June 6 is the 75th anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France. On that day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops attacked along a 50-mile stretch of coastline defended by German forces. Despite suffering more than 9,000 casualties, by day's end the Allies had gained a foothold on French soil. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the anniversary with Mary Louise Roberts, author of "D-Day Through French Eyes: Normandy 1944." She joined us LIVE to talk...
Topics: france, normandy, paris, mary louise roberts, hitler, roberts, virginia, lou roberts, wisconsin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


60 60

World War II and Innovations in Art : CSPAN3 : August 10, 2019 6:50pm-7:46pm EDT

Aug 10, 2019 08/19



Lycée Français de New York bilingual school history teacher Rachelle Friedman gave an illustrated talk about innovations in art during World War II. She discussed and showed examples of propaganda cartoons, Norman Rockwell paintings, and Abstract Expressionist works - a 1940s and 1950s art movement that included American painters Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Friends of the National World War II Memorial hosted this talk as a part of their annual teacher's conference. Sponsor: Friends of...
Topics: rothko, europe, jackson pollock, new york, friedman, moma, cia, paris, sacco, pollock, norman...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Jun 26, 2019 06/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, held a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. In this portion of the event, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) spoke about border security, cross-border trade and the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico Institute,Border Trade Alliance
Topics: mexico, texas, wilson, nafta, canada, chris, cleveland, jane harmon, washington, pelosi, lighthizer
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

Working with Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor : CSPAN3 : November 5, 2019 10:26pm-11:36pm EST

Nov 6, 2019 11/19



The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute hosted six former law clerks who worked with Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. This was part of an all-day conference commemorating the 38th anniversary of Justice O'Connor's Senate confirmation. Sponsor: Ronald Reagan Institute
Topics: ginsberg, o'connor, scalia, washington, breyer, ginsburg, lopez, hamilton, phoenix, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Washington Post Discussion on Protecting Local News with Reps. Cicilline and Collins : CSPAN3 : April 18, 2019 5:15pm-6:05pm EDT

Apr 18, 2019 04/19



The Washington Post held an in-depth discussion with journalists and lawmakers on the future of and importance of local news. In this portion, attendees heard from two lawmakers, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) and Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), who are pushing legislation that aims to level the playing field between local news outlets and tech giants like Facebook and Google. Attendees also heard from a panel that highlighted why so many local news outlets are struggling financially and so called...
Topics: san francisco, washington, google, rochester, mueller, columbine, sarah, philadelphia, cicilline,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Washington Journal Robert Ehrlich : CSPAN3 : October 29, 2019 1:43pm-2:30pm EDT

Oct 29, 2019 10/19



Former Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich of Right on Crime discussed criminal justice reform. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: maryland, isis, baltimore, bob erlich, chicago, china, washington, willie horton, south carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


87 87

Women of the Suffrage Movement : CSPAN3 : May 30, 2019 8:00pm-8:54pm EDT

May 31, 2019 05/19



Historian Susan Ware talked about some of the nineteen lesser-known suffrage leaders profiled in her book, "Why They Marched: Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote." This National Archives event is a companion to their centennial exhibit, "Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote." Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: susan b anthony, national womens, womens, budapest, new york, wyoming, columbia
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Mar 20, 2019 03/19



On February 24, 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Tinker v. Des Moines that students do not lose their First Amendment rights on school grounds. The court ruled in favor of three Des Moines, Iowa students who were suspended for wearing black arm bands to school to protest the Vietnam War, violating local school policies. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the 50th anniversary of the court's decision with John Tinker, a co-petitioners in the case, who joined us LIVE to...
Topics: Washington Journal Student Free Speech & Tinker v. Des Moines Anniversary, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Washington Journal Rep. Paul Gosar : CSPAN3 : January 10, 2019 4:38pm-5:09pm EST

Jan 10, 2019 01/19



Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) discussed the debate over the border wall, the government shutdown, and the President's trip to the U.S.-Mexico border today. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: arizona, paul gosar, china, pennsylvania, wisconsin, drema, shining sea, john, paul ryan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

Wisconsin African American Historical Society : CSPAN3 : May 18, 2019 1:30pm-1:46pm EDT

May 18, 2019 05/19



African Americans make up about 40% of the population of Milwaukee. Clayborn Benson, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Black Historical Society, discussed the history of voting rights and fair housing discrimination that have impacted the African American community in the city since the 1830s. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: milwaukee, wisconsin, apollo, joe oliver, railamerica, c-span, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


73 73

Women in Politics - 1920s to Today : CSPAN3 : July 4, 2019 12:55pm-2:36pm EDT

Jul 4, 2019 07/19



Historians discuss the role of women in politics since the 1920s, both behind the scenes and as elected representatives. They talk about suffragists, New Deal-era political appointees, and politicians Barbara Jordan, Patsy Mink, and Nancy Pelosi. American History TV moderated this session at the Organization of American Historians annual meeting in Philadelphia. Sponsor: Organization of American Historians
Topics: barbara jordan, hillary clinton, jordan, san francisco, joe biden, nancy pelosi, california, perry,...
Source: Comcast Cable


40 40

Washington Journal Peter Grier : CSPAN3 : June 21, 2019 11:46pm-12:19am EDT

Jun 22, 2019 06/19



Christian Science Monitor Washington editor Peter Grier discussed the magazine's "Democracy Under Strain" series looking at America's political structure and the challenges it's currently facing. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: scott, mr. grier, oregon, new york, c-span, kevin
Source: Comcast Cable


59 59

Dec 8, 2019 12/19



The National Museum of African American History and Culture recently released a book called " We Return Fighting: World War I and the Shaping of Modern Black Identity." In conjunction, the museum also has a temporary exhibit focusing on African Americans during the war. Museum curator and book contributor Krewasky Salter joined Howard University professor Greg Carr to talk about the collection of essays that inspired the book and exhibit. The two also discussed how the African...
Topics: carr, salter, france, dubois, houston, greg carr, philip randolph, georgia, krewasky salter,...
Source: Comcast Cable


63 63

Washington Journal Leigh Purvis : CSPAN3 : June 25, 2019 2:11pm-2:39pm EDT

Jun 25, 2019 06/19



AARP Public Policy Institute's Leigh Purvis discussed their new report on specialty prescription drug prices and the impact the increases have on consumers and employers. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: aarp, crohn, united healthcare, fema, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


54 54

Washington Journal Author Mary Louise Roberts on D-Day and French Citizens : CSPAN3 : June 1, 2019 10:58am-11:46am EDT

Jun 1, 2019 06/19



June 6 is the 75th anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France. On that day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops attacked along a 50-mile stretch of coastline defended by German forces. Despite suffering more than 9,000 casualties, by day's end the Allies had gained a foothold on French soil. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the anniversary with Mary Louise Roberts, author of "D-Day Through French Eyes: Normandy 1944." She joined us LIVE to talk...
Topics: france, normandy, paris, gestapo, hitler, virginia, mary louise roberts, britney, england, norman,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Washington Journal Rep. Gwen Moore : CSPAN3 : January 10, 2019 1:55pm-2:15pm EST

Jan 10, 2019 01/19



Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) discussed the government shutdown and how it's impacting the SNAP program. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, gerry, texas, tennessee, gwenn moore, wisconsin
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

Washington Journal Brent Cohen : CSPAN3 : July 12, 2019 12:18pm-12:36pm EDT

Jul 12, 2019 07/19



Center for American Progress Action Funds' Brent Cohen discussed the youth vote and Campaign 2020. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: joe biden, washington, virginia, bernie sanders, trump, betty, kamala harris, new hampshire,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Willard-Dempsey Fight : CSPAN3 : October 20, 2019 10:25pm-10:31pm EDT

Oct 21, 2019 10/19



Toledo hosted the heavyweight boxing match between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard in 1919. Historian Tedd Long explained what happened at the fight that was billed as the match of the century. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: dempsey, virginia, alexandria, jack dempsey, bayview, toledo, willard
Source: Comcast Cable


76 76

Jul 26, 2019 07/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, held a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. In this portion of the event, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Wagner discussed migration at the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as ways to innovate and make the border more efficient. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico...
Topics: mexico, laredo, cbp, washington, arizona, mr. wagner, texas, california, wagner, san ysidro, massu,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Jun 26, 2019 06/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, held a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. In this portion of the event, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) spoke about border security, cross-border trade and the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico Institute,Border Trade Alliance
Topics: mexico, texas, wilson, nafta, cleveland, canada, washington, jane harmon, lighthizer, pelosi,...
Source: Comcast Cable


67 67

Washington Journal Rick Steves : CSPAN3 : June 11, 2019 4:16pm-4:44pm EDT

Jun 11, 2019 06/19



Travel writer and public radio and television host Rick Steves talked about cannibus policy and his role as board member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Advisory Board Member. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: washington, rick steves, jerry, europe, washington state, arkansas, iowa, d.c., michigan, house,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Washington Journal Open Phones Part 1 : CSPAN3 : June 13, 2019 11:28am-11:37am EDT

Jun 13, 2019 06/19



Viewer calls. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: pentagon, washington, helen
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

WWII Aircraft Flyover Honors 75th Anniversary of D-Day : CSPAN3 : May 10, 2019 12:53pm-1:01pm EDT

May 10, 2019 05/19



[LIVE] World War II planes fly over Washington, DC in honor of 75th anniversary of D-Day. Sponsor: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,D-Day Squadron
Topics: washington, d.c., maryland, aaron cohen
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Washington Journal Randy Capps : CSPAN3 : January 29, 2019 1:23pm-1:51pm EST

Jan 29, 2019 01/19



Migration Policy Institute's Randy Capps discussed the status of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: daca, randy capps, mexico, c-span, washington, pennsylvania, jerry, d.c., dapa
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Wilson Center Discussion on Brazil's Government : CSPAN3 : July 30, 2019 3:00pm-4:55pm EDT

Jul 30, 2019 07/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC hosted a discussion on the first six months of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's first term in office. Five political scholars and observers of Brazil's federal government talked about the ways Mr. Bolsonaro's populist campaign for office had changed the nation's politics. They talked about his social conservatism and its appeal to his voter base, how that came into conflict with more centrist legislators, and the ways Mr. Bolsonaro's government was...
Topics: brazil, china, eu, wilson, mauricia, washington, canada, andrea, c-span, oecd, argentina, amazon,...
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

World War II Fighter Pilots : CSPAN3 : December 31, 2019 10:35am-11:45am EST

Dec 31, 2019 12/19



U.S. Army Air Corps veterans recounted their experiences as fighter pilots in the European theater during World War II. Speakers included one "ace" fighter pilot as well as two members of the Tuskegee Airmen, a groundbreaking African American unit. This discussion was part of the 2019 American Veterans Center Conference in Washington, D.C. Sponsor: American Veterans Center
Topics: harvey, germany, korea, berlin, france, pennsylvania, philadelphia, jefferson, eddie drummond,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Washington Journal Paul Kane : CSPAN3 : January 3, 2019 8:12pm-8:20pm EST

Jan 4, 2019 01/19



Washington Post Congressional Correspondent Paul Kane discussed the top Senate storylines of the new 116th Congress. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: john mccain, lindsey graham, nancy pelosi, marsha blackburn
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Washington Journal Peter Grier : CSPAN3 : June 18, 2019 3:20pm-3:43pm EDT

Jun 18, 2019 06/19



Christian Science Monitor Washington editor Peter Grier discussed the magazine's "Democracy Under Strain" series looking at America's political structure and the challenges it's currently facing. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: new york, robert cooper greer, wisconsin, california, john smith, scott, peter, san antonio,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Women's Suffrage and 19th Amendment Legacy : CSPAN3 : November 23, 2019 1:19pm-2:36pm EST

Nov 23, 2019 11/19



The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment's ratification, granting women the right to vote. Representatives from several institutions -- including the National Park Service, National Archives and Library of Congress -- talked about their plans for commemorating the centennial and teaching the public about the legacy of women's suffrage. This discussion took place in Denver at the National Trust for Historic Preservation's annual conference. Sponsor: National Trust for...
Topics: washington, d.c., national archives, louisville, kentucky, colleen, susan b anthony, susan look...
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Washington Journal Frank Bowman : CSPAN3 : October 21, 2019 9:00pm-9:58pm EDT

Oct 22, 2019 10/19



Law professor and author Frank Bowman discussed his book examining the history of impeachment and its modern application. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: ukraine, frank bowman, washington, trump, ken starr, nixon, texas, clinton, white house, richard...
Source: Comcast Cable


85 85

Wyoming State of the State : CSPAN3 : January 17, 2019 10:12am-11:19am EST

Jan 17, 2019 01/19



Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon (R) delivered his State of the State address in Cheyenne. The former state treasurer spoke about encouraging efficiency in his administration, specifically in terms of budget management. He also talked about helping Wyoming's coal industry, improving education and job training programs, and protecting the state's wildlife populations. Sponsor: State Capitol
Topics: wyoming, ashley, quinn, jenny, mead, illinois, washington, korea, nichols, fred, pentagon, c-span,...
Source: Comcast Cable


41 41

Washington Journal Author Alex Kershaw on D-Day 75th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : August 13, 2019 11:34pm-12:36am EDT

Aug 14, 2019 08/19



June 6 is the 75th anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France. On that day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops attacked along a 50-mile stretch of coastline defended by German forces. Despite suffering more than 9,000 casualties, by day's end the Allies had gained a foothold on French soil. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the anniversary with Alex Kershaw, author of "The First Wave: The D-Day Warriors Who Led The Way to Victory in World War...
Topics: omaha, europe, alex kershaw, spaulding, walter, normandy, omaha beach, virginia, utah, britain,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

Aug 23, 2019 08/19



Poquoson High School, Virginia history teacher Becky Morrison and social studies teacher Irene Winchester gave an illustrated talk about World War II and clothes rationing. They explored government restrictions on styles and colors, and its impact on innovations in fashion such as cork wedge heels, shorter hemlines, and glow in the dark buttons. Friends of the National World War II Memorial hosted this talk as a part of their annual teacher's conference. Sponsor: Friends of the National World...
Topics: uk, becky, irene, virginia, brown
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Washington Journal Jason Delisle and Mark Huelsman : CSPAN3 : February 5, 2019 3:01am-3:59am EST

Feb 5, 2019 02/19



American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow Jason Delisle and Demos Associate Director Mark Huelsman discussed free college proposals and other plans to make higher education more affordable. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: jason delisle, new york, jason, rhode island, tennessee, kalamazoo, washington, michigan, chicago,...
Source: Comcast Cable


67 67

Jun 20, 2019 06/19



[LIVE] The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, holds a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico Institute,Border Trade Alliance
Topics: mexico, laredo, texas, nafta, brownsville, washington, usmca, canada, chris, north america, wilson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Washington Journal Rep. Ro Khanna : CSPAN3 : September 24, 2019 2:50pm-3:18pm EDT

Sep 24, 2019 09/19



Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) discussed the latest on President Trump's call with the Ukrainian president and the subsequent DNI whistleblower complaint. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: biden, ukraine, trump, obama, khanna, joe biden, mitch mcconnell, bernie sanders, china, herby,...
Source: Comcast Cable


72 72

World War II and Innovations in Art : CSPAN3 : August 23, 2019 4:47pm-5:41pm EDT

Aug 23, 2019 08/19



Lycée Français de New York bilingual school history teacher Rachelle Friedman gave an illustrated talk about innovations in art during World War II. She discussed and showed examples of propaganda cartoons, Norman Rockwell paintings, and Abstract Expressionist works - a 1940s and 1950s art movement that included American painters Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Friends of the National World War II Memorial hosted this talk as a part of their annual teacher's conference. Sponsor: Friends of...
Topics: europe, rothko, moma, jackson pollock, sacco, paris, cia, vanzetti, new york, pollock, mark rothko,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

West Virginia State Capitol : CSPAN3 : November 17, 2019 10:32pm-10:41pm EST

Nov 18, 2019 11/19



West Virginia's capital moved back and forth from Wheeling to Charleston several times before Charleston became the permanent capital city in 1885. Tour guide Alexander Griffith explained the history of the state's fifth Capitol building, which was designed by Cass Gilbert and built in 1921. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: virginia, charleston
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

World War II U.S. Army Signal Corps Photos : CSPAN3 : December 21, 2019 10:30pm-12:01am EST

Dec 22, 2019 12/19



A panel of photo historians looked at the U.S. Army Signal Corps with a focus on images captured by World War II soldier photographers. The National Archives and the U.S. Army Center of Military History co-hosted this event. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: national archives, philippines, washington, matthew brady, vietnam, germany, astoria, russ meyer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


55 55

Jun 25, 2019 06/19



The Wilson Center in Washington, DC, held a day-long conference on improving border management between the U.S. and Mexico, and how that could strengthen economic competitiveness for both countries. In this portion of the event, business leaders and a representative from the Mexican Ministry of Finance talked about cross-border trade and ports of entry modernization efforts. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars | Mexico Institute,Border Trade Alliance
Topics: mexico, canada, california, loreto, san diego, washington, allen, cbp, cia, texas, jorge, mca,...
Source: Comcast Cable


90 90

Washington Journal Amy Mackinnon : CSPAN3 : October 16, 2019 11:29am-11:54am EDT

Oct 16, 2019 10/19



Foreign Policy Staff Writer Amy Mackinnon discussed the Obama and Trump Administration's involvement in Ukraine as it relates to the origins of the impeachment inquiry. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: ukraine, joe biden, hunter biden, russia, biden, obama, crimea, bidens, rudy giuliani, european...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

William Barr Testifies on President's 2020 Justice Department Budget Request : CSPAN3 : April 9, 2019 12:03pm-12:44pm EDT

Apr 9, 2019 04/19



Attorney General William Barr testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee regarding the president's 2020 budget request for the Justice Department. Attorney General Barr was also asked about the Mueller Report. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Topics: fbi, barr, mueller, trump, white house, new york, mexico, russia, nunes, mike pompeo, carter,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Washington Journal David Bier : CSPAN3 : February 8, 2019 1:41pm-2:26pm EST

Feb 8, 2019 02/19



Cato Institute immigration policy analyst David Bier discussed E-Verify, the government's electronic employment eligibility verification program, and its impact on immigration policy. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: massachusetts, shawn, new york, california, arizona, iowa, france, canada, russell, the united...
Source: Comcast Cable


86 86

Mar 20, 2019 03/19



On February 24, 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Tinker v. Des Moines that students do not lose their First Amendment rights on school grounds. The court ruled in favor of three Des Moines, Iowa students who were suspended for wearing black arm bands to school to protest the Vietnam War, violating local school policies. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the 50th anniversary of the court's decision with John Tinker, a co-petitioners in the case, who joined us LIVE to...
Topics: vietnam, iowa, washington, john tinker, mary beth, richard, des moines, new york, james weldon...
Source: Comcast Cable


235 235

William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary Committee Part 1 : CSPAN3 : May 1, 2019 3:43pm-5:33pm EDT

May 1, 2019 05/19



Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the report released by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on his investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election. After opening statements from the committee's leaders and the attorney general, Mr. Barr responded to questions from lawmakers on how his office handled the release of the Mueller report and the other investigations that resulted from Mr. Mueller's initial investigation. Sponsor: Senate...
Topics: mueller, bob mueller, russia, fbi, trump, white house, mcgahn, comey, clinton, olc, hillary...
Source: Comcast Cable


68 68

Women and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory : CSPAN3 : April 7, 2019 9:00pm-9:51pm EDT

Apr 8, 2019 04/19



Science writer Nathalia Holt gave an illustrated talk about women mathematicians and engineers known as "human computers" who were recruited in the 1940s and 1950s to work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The lab later became part of NASA, and many of the women did crucial work in the space program for decades. Nathalia Holt is the author of "Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars." This talk was part...
Topics: nasa, barbara, jpl, helen, venus, california, jupiter, academia, pluto, jpl, langley, eisenhower,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

Washington Journal Author Alex Kershaw on D-Day 75th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : August 20, 2019 11:31am-12:33pm EDT

Aug 20, 2019 08/19



June 6 is the 75th anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion of Normandy, France. On that day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops attacked along a 50-mile stretch of coastline defended by German forces. Despite suffering more than 9,000 casualties, by day's end the Allies had gained a foothold on French soil. American History TV & the Washington Journal marked the anniversary with Alex Kershaw, author of "The First Wave: The D-Day Warriors Who Led The Way to Victory in World War...
Topics: alex kershaw, omaha, virginia, bedford, europe, bedford, omaha beach, normandy, eisenhower,...
Source: Comcast Cable


81 81

Washington Journal Myesha Braden and Jeffrey Clayton : CSPAN3 : February 11, 2019 11:17am-12:16pm EST

Feb 11, 2019 02/19



Myesha Braden of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Jeffrey Clayton of the American Bail Coalition discussed cash bail reform efforts nationwide. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: california, maryland, baltimore, myesha, jeff, virginia, brown, c-span, washington, d.c., vincent,...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

May 17, 2019 05/19



[LIVE] The Wilson Center hosts a discussion on how the changing environment in the Arctic could impact infrastructure development on the coasts. Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars
Topics: alaska, china, russia, helen, sarah, nome, noaa, ada, wilson, bolton, iceland, greenland, norway,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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