The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania (2024)

I 1 1 i THF. MOKjNLNI HKKALD, UmONTOWN, FA, PAOE SEVEtt. TVttUIMflaiJAY, J0M1S 23, 1910. Thousands 3,000 AT LAWN PETE (Continued from Page One) AUTO EXHIBITION OLIVER STARS WIN ANOTHER The strongest team la Oliver, known as the Oliver Johns, fell before the onrush of the Oliver Stars, yesterday, by the score of SO to 1. AT COUNTY FAIR Restored By My Methods lino jvuuw outq novu uiuuu wiv 'championship of Oliver and the Stars disputed them and this game was the results.

Joseph Quartek starred at the bat with a double, a triple and 12.00 to $3.00 genuine Panama 95c The new white corduroy tarns at Many New Features for li jtYtt rrrn i nr fL I Give SftH Green Stamps Ask forlhem I Great Meeting at DaWSOn greatly responsible for the Johns i rii downfall as he allowed only one hit boys out and got Mary a don and a necklace ate some ice cream and strawberries and brought mother home a cake and a bouquet of sweet seas. Uncle Bill spent five dollars. He enjoyed himself and the kids had Msome Mother, too, was happy. And that five spot will make a lot of kids happy this summer. Booths and bands and buxom belles were everywhere.

The sem*ns' lawn was covered with them. It was the real Joy spot of the community last night a There was ice cream and ices, cake, pop, i lemonade, candy, hot welners, ice cream cones, cigars and cigarets. What more would any one want to eat, or drink, or smoke? And peuwmuer iuiia and struck out 10. The score: ings Nearly Completed. R.

H. P. A. B. STARS.

"With eighteen of the finest' makes stlner, 1 of automobiles already entered and Winning, I the prospect before them of eventual Curry, 1 2 ly showing 35 cars at the Fayette porfk. a 5 56 Women's Suits Priced to Close Out at 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 2 2 0 1 uounty Fair, the fair association is Bails 2 2 For the Hill Climb nighiy pleased wltn the prospects ouarrick. 1 8 there were novelties, grab bags, dolls and flowers. A souvenir for everyone. Alan F.

Gentry, M. D. 'confronting them In relation to the Hudock, 2 proposed Automobile Show for the joa. Ouarrick 4 The Playgrounds Association is to, 0 0 0 4 10 2 0 congratulated. It was great, and af Offices 8econd National Bank Build Iweek of September 14 17.

It is pos strauh. 2 Ing, Unlontown every Monday, Wed sible, judged by th4? Interest displayed nesday, Friday and Sunday 8pe by automobile dealers in the forth 20 21 15 ter such a winter, it is all the greater. But what wouldn't one do for Sklnnay and Pete and Chub and Maggie and 7 0 LINEN AUTO COATS $1.00 to $7.50. eiallst Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat coming show, that 50 oars might be Lizzie and Betty! They're the kids R.

H. P. A. EX and Practice Limited to Office Treatment. Glasses Fitted.

placed on exhibition, which will create JOHNS for the fair a record yet not attained i by any agricultural society In the oienlk. and kiddoes who'll play on the playgrounds lots this summer. state. Pittsburgh dealers are includ p. Medwlff.

The playgrounds Association did It, PALM BEACH COATS $5.00 to $8.90. and here's who helped: ea among inose wno nave aireaay Xunel. 1 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY made entries, and when the county! a. Medwiff, 2 Misses Helen Gray, Martha Mc Kean. Margaret and Anna Gray.

0 0 2 0 0 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 agents nave neen neara irom no m. Cutler, 2 doubt 60 cars will be shown. In conse oienik, 1 fin Margaret and Mabel Berkley, Helen Wildey, Helen Morris, Donna and Nel BEGINNING AT ONCE, I WILL ACCEPT FOR TREATMENT ALL quence oi wis response to tne mvi joe solley, tatinn tn deaJArn to show onit.a lie Van Gilder, Margaret Murphy, Mrs. Suits for country, mountain and traveling wear in this remarkable assortment, which offers women garments that have been up to nn $27.50 at pa.uU Tweeds, serges, silk poplin, gabardines, poplins, checks, all the best liked colors rr and black. Now yu.uU 1 Z.

xneir cars, me rair association win ai Furin aa Frank Foster, Mrs. Jones, Maggie t. Autrm viv fi.uv a once maae arrangements ior tne prop jniro Jean Hagan, Hazel Smart. Evelyn PALM BEACH SUITS $7.50 to $15. AUTOMOBILE CAPS 50c to $1.50.

1 1 12 7 6 5.1. VQ vTa er housing or the cars to be exhibited, CATARRH AND DEAFNESS CASES. and everJ dotall necessary in the I WILL FIT YOUR ETB3 WITH promotlon of tne of machines nrvT triTJ.tnn mvm nr.ASRTTW for a.u, v. u.j urutiueu iun i invnr Kt Ara R7S OX 11.50 SATISFACTION GUARAN Un8eUied weather of the past few oilier Johns 000 01 TBED. PLEASE REMEMBER, I weeks has retarded building construe 1 Ran fnr v' Madtrifr Fmnk Jul AUTOMOBILE VEILS $1.50 to $7.50.

AM A REGULAR REGISTERED ANU tion to some considerable extent, but i 5th LICENSED PHYSICIAN (NOT AN despite that feature, some of the aewl Twt base hits. Jos Hudock, Jos. Rasely, Yolande Stone, Marguerite, Fuller, Frances Trovinger, Margaret Whaley, Nell McClelland, Helen Wha ley, Qeorglanna Harold, Martha and Julia Rels, Virginia Brown, Helen Bckert, Marguerite and Mary LaBar rer, Bertha Hibbs, Orville Titlow, Dor othy Denniston, Ethel Herron, Mary and Marguerite Snider, Flo Louise Bowie, Helen and Bertha! Kemp, Haddie Steele, Claire Ellis, Irene and Josephine Berg, Jane Sutton, Zella Gray and Margaret Schim ele. Ivn 'v rv" vri 'tmt $4 wy for the On coat Quarrick. Parke, Strauh, John Quar 12 PUnt Prsent a handsom rick.

Three base hits. Jos. Quarrick, SELJSfc aPPrauce, being finished in white John Quarrick. Strauh. Sacrifice hit.

WASH SKIRTS $1.00 to $7.50. vmiu eAiUii mvnnui wnn green inmmmgs, ana are Dy rar Stiner. Double play. Cury to Parke. f1 nnesi structures erected west stolen bases.

Jos. Hudock 4. Jos. iou wii tie. BUttr.

iu ub.1 ern Fennsylvanla for the bousing of Quarrick. John Quarrick, M. Olinik wAiiu.u vrritiv iiwurp. exmoiuon livestoca. luvery aavancea Hits off J.

Oienik 16 in 2 innings, off A. M. TO 8 P. M. principle known In fair management Jam Rniw in inninr ntr fltmnh TUB SILK WAISTS $1.85 to $5.00.

tor tne proper snowing or stock has i in 5 innings. Struck out by Strauh been employed in the erection of in hv Soliav br niAnik l. Rbjim on ft Sale of Towels Bleached Bath Towels Large size, with striped pink or blue borders. Special, OQa each Bleached Bath Towels Large size, pink or blue striped borders, regularly 50c each, a on Bale at JgC Bleached Bath Towels Extra large size, pink or blue borders, Eftf special at OUu Wash Goods 58 inch Printed Voiles in neat rose buds, floral designs, line stripes, coin spots and awning stripes. Makes very pretty dresses.

Reg 1 ularly 25c at I Ub English Printed Crepe Dainty striped and flowered effect, for ladies blouses, 1 flf dresses, yd. I these buildings, added to which are the balls off Oienik 1. Wild pitch Solley i precautions taken axainst the devel trmnim The following were the committees in charge: I Ice cream tables Mrs. Alex Chls holm, Mrs. J.

A. Yount, Miss Emma ESlls, Mrs. A. Hagan, Mrs. George E.

Gay and Mrs. George P. Barkley. Cake table Mrs. T.

Springer Todd, Mrs. Joseph Rosenbaum, the Misses Stern and Mrs. D. B. Stauft.

WASH DRESSES $2.90 to $15. 0 opment of any form of disease fori I the occupants. Nothing of this kind! SMOCK WINS 7 TO 2 nas ever oeen auempiea oy western in a game that was called In the rennsyivama rairs, ana mat tne reat eighth yesterday between Smock and ures are apparently appreciated by Keister. played at Smock. Smock won owners of valuable herds of cattle hv tha rnr or to I.

MnRsA. thm SILK SWEATERS $4.90 to $7.50. Pop stand Samuel Flenniken, Mrs. Nell Wyatt, Mrs. Mame Snider.

Lemonade Wiley Byers. Mrs. W. W. Laughhead, Miss Lenora and other forms of livestock.

Is shown Smock twirler, struck out 13 men and by advance entries now being made, allowed only four hits In the 7 and Despite the ravages of the dread 2 3 Innings that he worked. Lyons foot and mouth disease of the last ten was the heavy man with the stick get months the Fayette County Fair will ting two doubles and a single. The have Its quota of highly bred live score: Mrs. C. L.

Davidson. Novelty stand Mrs. O. R. Alt man, Mrs.

A. H. Go wan, Miss Cordelia Laughhead and Joe Semans. Grab bag William McClelland, Misses Ida Mae Pickens and Pearl stock far In excess of other organize R. H.

P. A. E. lions of Its kind in this section of the SMOCK ENTRIES ANNOUNCED MORRIS CROSS ROADS state. The barns will be filled to ca REPUBLIC ALLISON 0.

Allison was defeated by Republic, at Republic, yesterday to the tune of 6 to 0 in seven innings. Republic Coughanour. Cigars and Cigarettes Mrs. J. C.

it (Continued from Page One) Work. was hitting the ball at will while Al umiug i.if uttii win wiuit Al paclty with the majority of stock that Lyons, 1 2 will be shown at the West Virginia Glecormlck, 2 1 State Fair Exhibition of Wheeling Lay hue, 2 0 the week before. 0 The task of instructing the various Bennett, 1 'indues and rnmmittfA In th' ay not. Tetonic, 1 i ice cream cones Robert Shana jthe starting point at Hopwood to the lison was unable to solve the delivery 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 13 0 0 7 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 Derger, kq. McLoiiough ana joe Gra Summit and return slowly in order of btuart.

Republic's star twirler. aolantlflo Xtlaoseoplo biaraosis 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 nam (that the thousands of spectators will Candy Pauline Boyle. Martha have a full and ample opportunity to Ruby and Ethel Roden. iget a good look at both cars and Stuart was also effective at the bat getting a home run and a single. The score: This offer is an advertising propo Ing work of placing the awards on ex SulrSW5k3r' IHnn mtM tnil aim r1wvrmr nrfVAIl.

llibitfl in thit Wntnttna Rnllrflnv am HOlUD, 1 .1 i ftage Is In treatment by a real, reg been provided for In the selection 0f Manesee, 1 aoy aou ooow waiter b. wna drivers. Thia narade will commence ley and assistants. ALLISON H. A.

E. ..7 923 6 4 Totals (Herald Correspondence) MORRIS ROADS, June 24. The Ladies' Aid of the L. C. church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.

J. H. Baker on last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Mettle Crow and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Burchlnal and daughter Beryl attended the show at Unlontown last Thursday.

Mrs. Jesse Leech and little son William, visited her parents Thursday. Mrs. 11. K.

Hall visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Morgan at Smith eld last Wednesday: Mr.

Waller S. Rhoades Is at home from Bethany College for the summer vacation. George C. Frankenberry and dauah tilar physician and specialist, also in Mrs. L.

M. Vowell, of Washington, a superior grade of goods at a special for that purpose. Mrs. Vowell's low price my profit is making new supervision has to be the feat acquaintances and winning their con ure exhibits of that organization, and at 1 o'clock. The entries for the first event are incomplete as entries will not close In this event until 30 minutes before the R.

H. P. A. E. Weinle "Cuddy" Coughanour.

Cashiers Charles Chick and T. D. Bliss. Official barker P. J.

Wright. KEISTER Miller, 1 Hough, fidence. ner long service at various fairs first car is started. This evert is 1 Clelland, Levick, 2 Clingan, Much of the success of the lawn tor motorcycles exclusively. a a My service and these mountings are Kha 8iven a grasp on 1 Mm a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 the best in the world they are of un cnnecUon that place.

RoJbln8 ieie last evening is aue to tne un in lomA casea It will be noticed Frunkenberger, 3 tiring efforts Of Mrs. P. M. that namaa of the drivers are not questionable merit Yr J. Kf Drupchmsn.

1 0 mm m. mwwm bhbb wmm mm mm mm Mm 0Jr. whose unswerving loyalty to the mentioned, this Is owing to the fact "aggerty. DeLuke, ss Zemmerly. 0 8UCII A STARTLING ANNOUNCE of compVence bytnn' I MHNT no doubt makes you ask If it'TnX KtJJU.

M.In?rd 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 a 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 Stelcker, 1 0 0 3 0 la ShanlntAlv hnniftria and If ma whT SlUlien, piaygrounas cause overcame au op tnat machines have been entered but position to the proposed lawn fete BO far the drivers have not been and reopening of the playgrounds this selected. summer. The beautiful Semans' i An tn'terestinar little feature of the i 1 IJ1 tGrs Alice nd Cora and Miss Grace 9 9i i a Rhodes, motored down Morgan I i mlL vvria ia v. arriser, a noiea i I do it Th whole story this: 1 ooultrv bidder and hisrh .....0 0 0 0 1 0 Hank, Cole, 1 Krepps, Tegg, menu iuiiaren uay exer estate was cheerfully given over to'ftt ui be tha nieetinz either to R. A Fallen Timbers last Sunday.

iu r. a. preparation hava been completed 0 0 have decided to make this unheard landing among eastern breeders. As of sacrifice of $1.60 a week for pro xhibltor his stock has won at feisional services for all diseases of M4dlson gquare, Pittsburgh, Boston, my specialty, and also of gold filled Chicago, Indianapolis and other big glasses at $150 to gain the full sup hows, and because of his wide knowl 0 the public that the children of the day or tomorrow of Joe Dawson and REPUBLIC city might have the advantages ofiRalph pe pftlma, who will meet fori the playgrounds this summer, the the first time since Dawson won the' A. Thompson, R.

Hoyack Totals 8 4 21 10 piaygrounas tney enjoyea so much indianaoolia ROO mile race from Dereglo. 1 during the past two years. re paima wheu the latter machine Carroll, ss pun mo pairwiw VniuuiwwH Mg9 or tbe requirements of the people and thus build up an extensive standard of Perfection his services rallAd tn 8th mith Aut tA allow for the largest festival of the season which will be held by the Ladles' Alt! Society at Fallen Timbers. All the delicacies of the season will be served and good music and a general good time for aiL Quite a number of. people expect to attend the Auto races at Unlontown Purina the progress of the lawn' broke down In the final part of the 1 6 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 professional practice.

The lenses an aground Judge has been highly Keister to catch train. 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 2 fete a large number of well known' last lap. Both men are good friends, Thompson, 2 persons paid the initiation fee and and it is hard to tell Just which one over, joined the Playgrounds of them would have won the race had The new members received last night accident to De Palme's machine 'JJnky, 0 on Thursday. Stewart, 0 3 0 include; not occured, as they were traveling MORRIS CROSS ROADS. June 21.

mwm mmm tr Mar about neck and neck at the time. Miss Blanche Shrum, Miss 1120 9 fliri. n. uuaer was hostess of the 4 Woman's Home and Foreign Misslou are the same I use in my regular acceptable to practical breeders. He 8mock 010 021 17 lines, every one fully guarsnteod and j.

highly competent official whose Keister 100 000 3 I uso just as much care in fit. ing awards will be made absolutely ao Two base hits, Lyons 2, Bennett, A. your eyes. Difficult cases a specialty. 'cording to merit and merit alone.

Hoyack. Walsh. Sacrifice fly, Tetonic. Headaches and nervouness and I if the fair assoriution Is able to so Stolen bases, Lyons Hank. Krepps, other troubles, far remote from the cure Charles Croihers of Taylortown, Clekonlck, Tetonic.

Struck out, by eye are oftlmes the direct resu't of to act as judge of the Grange, Manasee 13, by Krepps 9. Bases on an eye strain, which, if corrected Horticultural and kindred exhibits it Dal off Krepps 2. Umpires, Thomp with the proper glssses, would give will have, with these already engaged, CP Attendance 650. Time of Immediate relief. It is not necesssry lined up the most competent set of "ame 1:63 for the eye to be sore to indicate the judges obtainable.

With judges of' rte need of glasses, la many cases the the standing of those already engag. vfRNON AVC LOSES again eye may be perfectly healthy and the public which will exhibit ma 1, Vernon, avenue wss again de iaaa mir ha nMMiad for tha raa. 'lAriaia thi. feated yesterday by the Continental A departure from the customs of previous rsces this year will be in giving each entrant a flying start of arr Societv of st John's Lutheran mw mm mm SaVSA "Out for gsret McGlvern. William McClelland, Mrs.

a O. LaClsir. MVs. Louise Fuller, Rer. F.

G. Sebik, Mrs. Sarah A. Fuller, Miss Mary V. Playford.

H. W. I mW llri mm VtM SI 1 Allison 000 000 0 0 "Vt yjyPrm 100 yards whereas tn former events 'Renublin in 9nn i a "MJ aurmuera ana visitors Playford, Miss Mary B. Gil mo re 1 wobase hit. Defegio.

C. Thomp porch LVwn a I Zt n. Three baMe hi. rarrnil osca ana some speea is anucipaic Charles F. Kefover, H.

C. Brooke, when the cars start off from the level Mrs. W. J. Culleton, R.

M. Fry, Howard B. Stapleton J. T. Robinson M.

H. Bowman F. M. Semans Jr D. C.

i mkd. uu irar i i i i i i stretch of road at the starting, line. hJvery precaution is being taken by the men in charge to avoid a pos sons which are only apparent to the what merit alone will rule the de A'? fu King. Left on bases. Allison Re Ust meeUna werl iia public C.

Bases on balls off Stewart iTn'iJT'Ji killed physlcisn and specialist. cislon of the officials. ufJ T7 Evans, H. M. Boyd.

Maurice Carter, Paul Johuson. Frank Borland. Schell slbility of a recurrent of the accidents 1. Stewart 6. lilt by pitched ball wm, mim DJ J.

P. Baker, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. MrV Cm Sakr Am rpTTti TtrBTi tne Continental aggregation. The AT THE LYRIC game went for 10 Innings.

Murphy had a home run, two doubles and a single. Working People, Church and Society. onr hases and struck out 10 Lenhart. A. H.

Cowan, William W.jthat inured last oar's hill climb Parshall. Mrs. T. B. Semans, Mrs.

J.ihen life was lost and several tali. Sparks, Mrs. Edward Gregg. Mrs. lured.

A large number of special of P. E. Sheppard. Thomas L. ficers wul be i osied along the road Haggerty by Stewart 1.

2. Passed Jens Leech ball. Hough 2. Thompson 1. Balks, rS Li SM Hagerty.

Umpire. Mlnerd. Scorer Uaker Mr UnnTa rwr Attendance 400. Time of BlaiSfnlL $2L 4 "ii ui Masontown. W.

Miaaea MiHarot of the opposing batters. Interested In "The Absent." Miss Rosetta Davis, H. E. Acord, H. specti tors are asked to co operate Bcrge tf I A 1 .1 n.

I with MMMABa 4 Ah, a.iant t9 Bcrger. The better class workimrmen and sn. nvtwutiu, airs. uuDura i (M'flnn. wv w.

Examination Free game their wives and children are showing REVERE WIN8 The Revere baseball team defeated RoUisnuel. Edna Riffle, Blanch Baker, cMrAuiuiuM jr amount oi interest During this wonderful offer I will in the five Dart Mutual MaatArnirinrA the Union Hose team on the former's being on their guard against accident to themselvel and to refrain from crossing the course or rushing out a hen an accident occurs if such a PARTY LEADER iNniCTf urlmm. Baker, Blench party LEAOErtS INDICTED. Jwarman. Edna Grimm, Carrie Riffle, i Th a 1 Bertha and Dora Grimm, J.

H. Baker. Use Than Aeeujed Men Surren Baker and Master William Leech! der ta tha Chu iH Mr. B. Cochran, J.

H. Smith, Gomer Jones, 8. M. Graham, Rev. Albert Nellson 81ayton, Miss Alice Nell filsyton, Miss Mary 81ayton, Miss Sarah T.

llellen, Mrs. Joseph T. Krem er. Mrs. Jasper Cope.

O. R. Altman. thing happens. A hospital tent will be erected at (y Aaaoaiaua ra to va Xsraldk Mra.

William MCv lelland. Wallace me lurseys ieai, 111 cnane ui ur. iauiaaaiulis, June 22. CHICKENS BEINa PrtiRnwrn Turkey's Nest, In charge of INMANATOLIS. June 22.

Miller. Mrs. F. M. Semans.

Robert C. H. Roblnaon, to take chare of con Not half of the 128 men indicted by Residents of Unlontown and the en be in charge and every patient wlllThe Absontee." Throughout thecoun diamond yesterday afternoon in a Ave at a scienttfle examination. UK try meetings are being held to discuss nninK contest by a score of 6 to 4. MKMBEIl I am making this offer to it, and the working class are being The game was called at the close of build up my business and cannot af urged by their leaders to go to the tue 'lf9lh inning on account of rain, ford to exsggerste.

Special prices theatre, where It is being shown, In a The batteries for Revere, Hughes during offer on specially grcund body. One famous agitator described ud Malosky; for Union Hose, Cho lenses, bifocals and torlcs. as the calmest and most artistlo col ftnl J1rer For balance of week only gold presentation of the worker case, and I filled oyeglass mounting eve. pair also the simplest because told in pic DUTCH HILL LOSE8. guaranteed fitted with my own tures, yet brought to the attention of Hutch Hill fell before the on lenses including examination, $1.50 the public.

of the strong Brickyard team, These frames and mountlnga On the other hand, it Is attracting yterday, by the score of to 2. Bat tamped. They are gold filled not attention in church and aorlntv Hr. terles for Dutch Hill, O'Connell and W. Singer.

George M. Bailey, R. W. testauts. wnetner injured or over ine ai anon county grand Jury here to tire county are making numerous com Austin, Miss Delilah T.

Hagan. E. by the strain. Dr. Robinson will day on charges of conspiracy to com plaints against what seems to be as 8emsns, J.

M. hing, 11. K. Mac be assisted by the first aid team of niit felonies such as are defined by organized gang of men who are poison the Oliver Snyder plant. Quarrle, Mrs.

8. Paul Hagan, Mra. D. Guy Johnston, Mary Kate O'Uryon, R. FRENCH GAIN IN me election laws of the state as the cuicaens through the community, laws against bribery and black mail Already more than 3,000 chickens havt had surrendered to Sheriff George V.

bQ reported as being poisoned bj Coffin and given bond tonight. Thorn taee persons whose motivs la a com as Taggart, Democratic national com plBt mystery. Persons upon going mltteeman for Indiana; Joseph oto yards each day during tbi Bell, mayor of Indianapolis: Samuel Dttt wk hi4V heon finding a numbet gold plated permunently guaranteed, cles. Mr. Woods and Mr.

Cabanne" Bltuer; for Brickyard, 6chelfla and T. fcl Umbel, O. M. Boughner, 1). b.

Stauft, Frank Newhall. aIIss Jessie B. House, Cameron J. LaClalr, H. B.

Sharps, M. V. Bresnahan, A. F. Bauer, Jasper Cope, Theo.

D. Bliss, Mrs. C. (Continued from Page One) Davis. and will be replaced at any time If ssid V.

Ferrltt. chief of Police, taid knb. ol tnlr ihlekens. especially the small unci buu nuii sued by Great Britain enabling the LUZERNE CONTRACT L. Butler they to give satisfaction.

lnf service, "hsve told a story In this NOTICE: Dr. Geutry Is a allegorical picture that has the force urgeon, and does all operations of Biblical Injunction. Early that tm 1 rAti rr a I niihlin tn invaat on Inw aa ftit tert V. LAftznnr rtMirouonluilv. "Pring 10 WIS, Oeaa.

bSVeral com tion also desire to thank the members bld t0 Prov0 i mensely popular of the bands and the firemen who ao wversl firms announcing that they uuara oi puouc saxety, were among 2 uiat the first to acknowledge service in fternoon. Harry Laysoa ol the case and give securitv. Th Bo.uth. M.ottnt Vernon avenue being tht the eye, such as cataracts, strslgbten crnlng his Sunday classes had voted cross eyes, In fact, he does alt opera. to sttend a matinee as a unity.

I tions of the body wherever nee led. I "The Absentee will bo shown at' If there is t.ny utllug that mu Lyric theatre tomorrow. i will purchase these vouchers for all Awarded to Contractors Brooke and Cornish. Brooke tt Cornish were awarded the contract for the bricking the 6,000 feet of road in Luserne township ex ably assisted In making the affair success. their workmen as a uet egg for bonds of those who surrendered to f1 Qttnt w.Uo day range from $2,500 to It nAJL was estimated that if all the 128 were r1nf cWcken" 9Qlw to give bond the total would amount i 7 vv uuiia, iuor ia pu uvea a iaa I i L.IM V.

I 1 1 from the Redstone township viiica ur tucir iiuayiiaia, aa uw. AT THE PENN ll A Mk mm Gentry does all kluds of surgical line to tne macs linage at Allison. The United Fire Brick Co. was given to more than No date fori the arraignment has been announced the contract for furnishing the brick Thia Leaves the Skin Free From Hairy Growths and Judge Jas, A. Collins of the for the road.

The supervisors of Lu ITALIANS SUFFER HEAVY REVERSES. BERLIN, via London, June 22. Dispatches from the Italian front reports serious reverses experienced by the Italians during the last four dsys in their attempt to storm the Aug tro CHICHESTER PILLS the: lUAuuw aaasi. ai work. $50.00 REWARD I have no agents and will pey the above reward for the arrest and conviction of persons claiming to be me inai court iste today said thai serne township are: Elijah Craft, THE ftlNft OF THE MOTHER "The Sins of the Mothers," a Vita graph picture, one of the famous Blue Ribbon festures, is to be shown at the l't na theatre Thursday.

The scenario won the $1,000 prise In the Vltacraph date would not be set until nest wek. A. M. R. Jafioba and Iarrv Aram bur Toilet Talks) iTha work will htMfin tmmariUtalv A simple method for completely re will be finished in a couple of weeks if ENTERTAINS B.

W. CLUB Miss Fugenia Jones, of North rut. ll unitarian lines along the Isonso New York Sun contest. The play is rlvr. few mtlaa fram the Italian fNAltMlll SM, SWML Alwm aitaMa moving every trace of balr or fua is the weather conditions are favorable, here given.

This is painless and ut nally a single treatment will banish MAYO INDIANS REVOLT er my representatives. Alan F. Gentry, M. D. fteeond Nstlonsl Bsnk Building.

UNIONToWN. a. latin venue, entertained the U. W. C.

C. club yesterday afternoon. The afternoon was spent In doing fancy 4 work. A dsinty little luncheon was unaviiucu aa inrouuiiig, frontier. alluring, flve part drama of the curse The attacks the reports say were of heredity.

preceded by three days of terrific ar In the cast are Anita Stewart. Karle tillerv bombardment. Tha Itallana even stubborn growths. To remove" NOG ALMS, June 23. Mayo Htura, iuui uit.a paais wun some Indiana wno nave followed the ex ft a aervvq vr iu9 nostess in tne form or vi iu uuiifii in ina rorm or i "1'' Mwruoo, uu mica lines cbarged repeatedly op sandwiches, nea eaddiaa.

hrr ScardM Wd faui ult heights only to be mowed down Ic. cream and cake. ThoVe preset bcardon. by rifle and machine gun Are. Tbelwere: MIsms Elsie Willlsms.

fcleanor atUcka were repeated six times In I Tlnsler. Mildred Hihha i.i. Duquesne Hotel stvery Monday, Wsdnssdsy, Friday 'Powatrea aeiatone snd wster. spread ample of the Yaquls in Sonora, and Sunday. on hairy turf ace and after about two sacked Los Mochls, Blnsloa.

yester OFFICE HOURtt A. M. TO P. minutes rub off, wash the skin and day, according to J. B.

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The Morning Herald from Uniontown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.