Total Drama Action Rewrite - Chapter 27 - BlazingPyro55 (2024)

Chapter Text

(Celebrity Manhunt Josh and Blaineley intro)

The episode began in a news room where a man with gray hair and a blonde woman with a red dress were reporting. “Hey there, celebrity lovers. Welcome to a very special edition of Celebrity Manhunt!” Josh said.

“Tonight is the night we've been waiting for all year -- the Gemmie Awards! That's when our fav TV star get all dressed up and take home the gold.” Blaineley said.

“In about a half an hour, we'll take right on to the red carpet to meet all the hottest stars.” Josh said.

“I am so pumped for this! Are you, Josh?” Blaineley asked.

“Oh, yeah!” Josh agreed.

“The shoes!” Blaineley said.

“The tuxes!” Josh said.

“The hair!” Blaineley said.

“The drama!” Josh said.

“Ahh!” Blaineley and Josh squealed.

(Theme song)

Cut back to the Celebrity Manhunt room. “Welcome back to Celebrity Manhunt! We thought we'd pay tribute to this year's most famous reality show cast. The teens who braved it all on the set of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.” Blaineley explained.

“We'll catch you up on Beth, Owen, Heather, Trent, Duncan, Gwen, Lindsay, Katie and Sadie, Cody, Noah, Justin, DJ, Courtney, Harold, Tyler, Eva, Izzy, Leshawna, Geoff, Bridgette, and Ezekiel.” Josh said as the screen showed images of all of them.

“They're nominated in the category of Best Reality Ensemble.” Blaineley said.

“I think they're gonna nail it, Blaineley!” Josh said.

“No doubt.” Blaineley said.

“And when they reunite on that crimson carpet rug, Celebrity Manhunt will drain every last drop of drama from these uber famous teens.”

“Love it!” Josh and Blaineley both said.

“Total Drama may have ended, but the drama goes on and on. Our crack team of undercover gossip reporters have been super busy this year. Poser boy got his party on. Miss Know-it-All was caught with her pants down in Paris. Tout à l'heure!” Blaineley said as the screen showed images of Ezekiel wearing his drip and Beth being held by her pants by Lindsay above the Eiffel Tower.

“Meanwhile, has Duncney gone rabid?” Josh said as an image of Courtney holding a raccoon that Duncan was arguing with was shown.

“The Celebrity Manhunt cameras caught them all! Even Gwen spotted Heather's three-ounce weight gain.” Blaineley said as an image of Gwen laughing at Heather’s belly was shown.

“Ooh, I can't wait to see those kiddies bare their claws on the red carpet. Rowr!” Josh made cat noises.

“We've been measuring the popularity of this famous gang using our amazing awe-inspiring Celebrity Manhunt Drama Machine!” Blaineley said as a plumber was shown hitting a machine.

“It's busted.” The plumber said.

“Let's start with Total Drama's newest BFFs. Last season, Lindsay plucked Beth from the depths of geekdom and became her gal pal.” Blaineley said.

“They took off for Paris and painted the town red!” Josh said.

“Literally.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Lindsay trying to take a picture Beth in front of the Mona Lisa played. “Look, ma! It's me and the Mona Lisa!” Beth said.

“Ooh, you look so much cuter than her! Okay, move in closer!” Lindsay said.

“Whoa! Oof!” Beth grunted as she went closer but ended up tripping and falling, making the frame move out of place.

“Omelette du fromage!” A guard yelled.

“Oh, oh no, Mr. Guard, I'll fix it. Oops. Um, does anyone have any spare paint handy?” Lindsay said as she moved the picture and wept it with her thumb after licking it, causing an alarm to go off and making the security guard attack her.

Cut back to the studio “Okay. Personally, I would've given Beth a pass for being a bit clumsy. But Lindsay? That thing's a national treasure!” Josh said.

Cut to a clip of Beth and Lindsay’s mugshots and then them being thrown in prison. “Wait! I can explain! Can I please have my friends book back? Lindsay, help me out here!” Beth said.

“Did anyone see my other earring? It's a gold loop with a little horse charm.” Lindsay asked.

“Lindsay! They don't speak English?” Beth said.

“Oh. I lost my earring! It's a hoop with a horse! Neigh! Horse?” Lindsay said as she made horse noises.

“That’s still English!” Beth said.

“No, it’s American!” Lindsay replied.

Cut back to the studio. “Ooh! Poor Beth.” Josh said.

“Her parents had to sell their car to bail them out just after months in the slammer!” Blaineley said.

“Will Beth and Lindsay pull themselves together for the red carpet?” Josh asked.

“Lindsay will totally bring it! She is a style super-diva! On and off the red carpet.” Blaineley said.

“Yeah, you're right. After one look at Lindsay in some designer dress, we'll all forget about the jail thing.” Josh said.

“Next up, post-drama bods. This year, we saw major improvement and fitness fiascos.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Harold beatboxing backstage while his belly was bigger. “Aw. So I bought a few too many burritos. Killer beatboxing requires an expanded diaphragm. Like an opera singer. Check it.” Harold explained as he beatboxed.

Cut back to the studio. “While Harold let himself go, Eva pumped herself up. Way up!” Blaineley said as an image of Eva pulling a bus with her teeth was shown. “Someone's gonna blow a sweat valve!” she said..

“Deodorant anyone? Speaking of,one husky total drama dude worked up a real bod stank in the nether regions of cable TV.” Josh said.

“Woo-hoo-hoo! Ha ha ha! That feels awesome! And if you want sweet abs like mine, check out the Belly Buster 5000! Just go hard for eight hours a day, and turn your flabby gut into an awesome steel washboard! Grab the power handles, sit on the power spring, and go! Whoa! Whoa! Haha! Ah! Eh!” Owen said as he exercised on a machine with abs drawn on his gut and ended up tripping as the price went down.

“I guess winning a reality show makes you gain weight as we can see from those two.” Josh said.

“Nice one, Owen. DJ also took to the airwaves.” Blaineley said.

Cut to DJ and Momma in a kitchen. “Hey there, and welcome back to Mama's Heaping Helpings! Where we don't count calories. We count smiles.” DJ said as Owen showed his hand from under the desk and tried to get some food.

“Ow!” Owen said in pain as his hand was slapped by Momma.

Cut back to the studio. “Chock full of carbs, cholesterol, and calories, their food was to die for!” Josh said.

“Only problem was, people did! DJ, what were you thinking? We tracked down Momma to answer a few questions.” Blaineley said as an image of DJ walking away was shown.

Cut to a reporter finding DJ’s Mom in the street. “There she is. Momma, Momma. What do you have to say for yourself?” The reporter asked.

“Get out of my face!” Momma said as she slapped the reporter

Cut back to the studio. “After a few dozen lawsuits, DJ and his mama were left with nothing but a tour bus full of shattered hopes and dreams.” Josh said as an image of DJ and Momma in barrels in front of the bus was shown.

“While DJ and his mama aired their dirty laundry, we went looking for more.” Blaineley said.

“But when it comes to one Total Drama team, there was no dirty laundry. Josh said.

“Or any sign of him. Noah, where are you?” Blaineley said.

“This pathetic telephoto shot is all we got, but don't worry, folks. We'll hunt him down on the carpet tonight.” Josh said as a blurry photo of Noah was shown.

“Meanwhile, our cameras were hot on the trail of another Total Drama man of mystery.” Blaineley said.

“Our home schooled hoser turned homie, Ezekiel, went back to the farm for some downtime. Celebrity Manhunt caught up with him.” Josh said as a photo of Ezekiel wearing his drip on the farm was shown.

Cut to Ezekiel in the farm. “Yo, yo, yo, paparazzi peeps! Y'all want a piece of the Zeke's? 'Sup?” Ezekiel said as she ended up being tangled in his chain and fell.

“It don't matter how much bling you sling, brother. You gotta earn ghetto cred.” Josh voiced over.

“Uh, kinda stuck here. Can you put the cameras down and help me out? Guys?” Ezekiel screamed as a bull sat on him.

Cut back to the studio. “Good work, people. Next up, Gwen and Heather. They're epic hate-on hit the internet, where they had a full-on blog war!” Josh said.

“Can someone tell me just how Heather got her celeb status? That girl gives dirt a bad name.” Blaineley said.

“If there's a fight between Heather and Gwen, ooh, I'm on Team Gwen all the way!” Josh said.

“Me too! Grumpy Gwen doesn't wear the tee uniform. She's weird and awesome and the total anti-Heather.” Blaineley said.

“Let's check out some of that web action from earlier this year.” Josh said.

Cut to a clip of Gwen at her computer in her room while Sadie and Katie were wearing green in the background. “Hey. Today I want to talk about going green. Basically, the world is going to die if we don't do something about it.” Gwen said.

“Katie! Remember when we went green?” Sadie said.

“Guys?” Gwen said.

“Oh my gosh, Sadie! When you helped paint my bedroom green, and we got into that paint fight, it was so fun!” Katie replied.

“I know! And just because we got into one little paint fight doesn't mean we're not BFFs!” Sadie said.

“Guys, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!” Gwen angrily said.

“I know! And look, I'm still green!” Katie said as she showed her butt to show a green mark on her pants.

“Ugh! You were supposed to wait for the signal before talking, remember?” Gwen angrily said.

“Sorry, Gwen. It's just that your show is kinda…” Katie began.

“Bad.” Katie and Sadie said at the same time.

“Why did Leshawna bail on me?” Gwen sighed.

Cut back to the studio. “Then came Heather's online attack.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Heather at her computer in her room with Katie and Sadie puppets and a Gwen wig. “This is the loser Weird Goth Girl show. where everything always sucks and the world is terrible. My life is misery and I am allergic to positivity.” Heather imitated Gwen. “Like, oh my gosh! No singing? That is so sad, don't you think, Sadie?! I know! It's totally, like, oh my gosh! Totally! Isn't it like, awesome how the same we are? We have like no differentiating qualities! Now look at my butt!” she imitated Katie and Sadie with her puppets. “Ugh. How dare you interrupt my loser video blog? Now I’ll never be as cool and popular as Heather! I wish Trent were here so I could kiss him or maybe Duncan even though I'm way too scared to tell him how much I love him. Because I'm too cool. Mwah. Yes. Save the whales.” she imitated Gwen as she threw away a photo of Trent and then kissed one of Duncan.

Cut back to the studio. “So cold!” Josh said.

“Brrr. Gwen couldn't let this go. She had to retaliate. Which is too bad, she's so much better than that.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Gwen at her computer in her room. “Did you know that Heather couldn't get a date for her semi-formal? That's right. The most famous girl at White Pines High was turned down by every guy at school! And what did she do? Crash the party in a blaze of defiance? Stage her own protest semi-formal? Nope. Heather sucked it up and stayed home. Also, her little cousin sent me this footage.” Gwen said and played footage of Heather sleeping on the couch while her cat licked her face. “Do you know where Bruiser's tongue has been, Heather?” she laughed as Bruiser scratched Heather’s face in the footage making her wake up.

Cut back to the studio. “Eww!” Blaineley said in disgust.

“After a few more weeks of this, we invited them to the Celebrity Manhunt studio.” Josh said.

Cut to Heather, who now had a ponytail, and Gwen sitting on chairs backstage with Josh. “You've been through so much together. Sharing a cabin at a summer camp, a trailer at an abandoned studio. Why not bury the hatchet? Isn't your friendship more important than this blog war?” Josh asked.

“You’re right, friendship is way more important! It’s too bad that we aren’t friends then.” Heather replied.

“Oh, I’m with you on that.” Gwen said.

“It's just that, you see, Josh... Gwen is a gigantic loser.” Heather said.

“Ha. And Heather's breath reeks like cat butt. Agh!” Gwen said as the two attacked each other.

“I'll take you down!” Heather yelled as they fought.

“Cat fight, cat fight!” Josh said.

Cut back to the studio. “Heh, what is it with you and cat fights?” Blaineley asked.

“Let's watch it again! Rowr!” Josh made cat noises.

“Uh, major celebrities arriving at the red carpet.” Blaineley said.

Cut to the Lame-O-Sine arriving at the red carpet. “Oh! Dude, where'd you learn how to drive? NASCAR?” Chris said as he fell out the car.

“Aw, suck it up, you big baby.” Chef said as he got out.

“Fine! You clean up the barf!” Chris replied.

“It's devil boy Chris McLean!” Blaineley said in the studio.

“Hey, h-h-hey! Celebrity Manhunt! Gnash! Say, did you get my video?” Chris asked.

“Yep.” Josh said as they looked at a rat carrying a CD from the trash.

“Chris, you must be dying to see the Total Drama cast again.” Blaineley told Chris.

“Who?” Chris asked.

“The teenagers you abused for two seasons on national television?” Blaineley asked.

“Oh right! Love their work! Love them! Can we talk about my new show now?” Chris replied.

“You never stop talking about that sh*t.” Chef said.

“We're going to take a break. But don't go away. Next, we have the rags-to-riches-to-rags story of the Drama Brothers! The Total Drama band that rocketed up and down the charts with their hit, When I Cry.” Blaineley said.

“Here's a clip from last year's chart-topping music video.” Josh said.

Cut to a music video with Cody, Harold, Justin and Trent that began with Harold beatboxing. “When I cry, My eyes sweat! I swear it wasn't guy sweat!” Harold, Cody, Justin and Trent sang.

“Throwing to commercial? I got this. Will Heather and Gwen's claws come out? Will Beth take Lindsay's advice and get a makeover? Will DJ take his mama to the Gemmies? So many questions! Find out the answers when Celebrity Manhunt Total Drama Red Carpet Reunion Special returns! Right after this! That's how you do it.” Chris said.

“Mm. Thanks.” Blaineley rolled her eyes as the screen faded to black.

Cut back to the studio. “It's Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Red Carpet Reunion Special!” Blaineley said.

“Now let's look at what happens when the loving stops on Total. Drama. Breakups! It all started out so well, with matching tats.” Josh said as footage of Duncan and Courtney started playing.

“Duncney was the Total Drama power couple that defied the odds and took a chance on love!” Blaineley said.

“But it didn't take long before Courtney's "my way or the highway" attitude started to get on Duncan's last nerve. Again.” Josh said.

“Celebrity Manhunt got these juicy shots at a restaurant back in the summer.” Blaineley said as images of Duncan and Courtney fighting in a restaurant and then being kicked out was shown.

“And then it was Splitsville!” Josh said.

Cut to Duncan and Courtney being interviewed. “I have nothing to say about that guy, except that he's a complete thug! And I wish I'd never met him!” Courtney said.

“Ha ha, no comment.” Duncan said.

“Oh, and I am getting Brittany. I assure you of that.” Courtney told Duncan.

“Whatever, you can have the stupid raccoon. It’s annoying anyway.” Duncan replied.

“Wait, huh? Uh… I need to make a call.” Courtney said as she pulled out her phone.

“W-what, you were gonna sue me over a raccoon ?” Duncan said in shock.

Cut to the studio. “Courtney was planning to sue Duncan for the custody of their raccoon, Brittany.” Josh said.

“Come on, Duncan. Suck it up and take her back! Courtney, grow a heart. We know you can, honey.” Blaineley said.

“While all this crazy stuff happened, did Gwen look just a little tempted?” Josh said.

Cut to a clip of Gwen at her computer in her room. “Okay, I'm still getting a lot of emails about Duncan. "Do you like him? He's perfect for you." "Courtney doesn't deserve him, you do." Enough already. He has a girlfriend, case closed.” Gwen said.

Cut to the studio. “Then she heard about the big Duncney breakup.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Gwen at her computer in her room. “Courtney is totally nuts letting Duncan get away like that. He is the best thing that ever happened to her. I mean, look at the guy, he's hot! I mean, he’s okay. I guess. I know it’s not my place to say this but their relationship was pretty dysfunctional.” Gwen said.

Cut to the studio. “Sounds like we might be in for a little red carpet love triangle action. Now, let's check in with another former-star couple.” Blaineley said.

“Bridgette and Geoff, the co-hosts of the Total Drama Aftermath Show. After their break-up, they went their separate ways. When asked about the other, they usually ignored the question. Geoff began throwing many crazy pirates!” Josh said.

Cut to a clip of Geoff and Brody in a party with multiple people there. “Dude! This is awesome!” Brody told Geoff.

“Yeah, bro! All of this stuff is awesome! Can you hand me some pizza?” Geoff asked.

“Sure bro!” Brody said as he gave Geoff some pizza.

“Mmm! Oh, that’s good! This fiz too!” Geoff said as he ate pizza and drank soda.

Cut back to the studio. “Meanwhile, Bridgette began teaching people how to surf. Yawn.” Blaineley said as photos of Bridgette surfing were shown.

“Are you kidding me? They are still fascinating! Everyone wants them back together, it will be amazing to see them together!”

“Did you see the Aftermath show? Geidgette are total amateurs. I’d be way better. And ironing? You have to earn gossip wordiness. Otherwise, I'm-a changin' the channel. Let's get back to some real celebrities -- The Drama Brothers!” Blaineley said.

“The Total Drama boy band ruled the pop music world!” Josh said.

Cut to cameraman taking pictures of Cody, Trent, Harold and Justin on the red carpet. “Yeah, we're selling out... stadiums, I mean. Girls even steal our used hotel bed sheets.” Cody said.

“It's all about touching people on an emotional level, do you know what I mean?” Trent said.

“The million dollars really helped with the funding.” Harold.

“I don't even play an instrument, but the crazy groupie chicks don't mind.” Justin said as some fangirls squealed.

Cut back to the studio. “Justin’s right, he has enough flavor for the whole band!” Blaineley said.

“Just as their album shot to the top of the charts, the trappings of fame shot straight to their heads!” Josh said as an image on the Drama Bros. and Sasquatch jumping off a roof into a pool were shown. A purple haired girl with a yellow top was taking photos of them.

“The party was over, but was their music career? When they weren't doing community service, the Drama Brothers were in studio recording a new album.” Blaineley said.

“Celebrity Manhunt caught up with them between sets.” Josh said.

Cut to the Drama Bros. and Josh backstage. Justin played a guitar badly as Trent glared at him and took it.

“People blame the birthday party, but that's rock and roll, man!” Cody said.

“Uh, the problem was the music.” Trent said.

“You mean the beatboxing.” Harold said.

“Aw, H-Bomb, you know I love your styles, but this is about giving the fans what they want.” Trent replied.

“You mean the fans who keep begging me to make a solo album?” Harold asked.

“See? You just can't bring up the beatboxing around him.” Trent said.

“What do you think, Justin?” Cody asked Justin.

“Huh? Sorry, I-I'm just buying a pepperoni cheese pizza with soda.” Justin said as he looked at his phone.

“Aw, do me a solid and buy me one with extra cheese, too?” Trent asked.

Cut to Harold backstage alone with Josh beatboxing. “Fresh. Listen, I wanna take this opportunity, also to give you an exclusive, and just to talk a bit about what's happening. That was my last performance as a flavor boy. I'm gonna go solo! Check it!” Harold told Josh as he crossed his arms, revealing the word Loso written on hsi

“What does "Loso" mean?” Josh asked as Harold switched his arms, showing that he actually wrote Solo. “Solo? Are you serious?” he asked.

“Yeah. I'm dead serious.” Harold replied.

“Ha ha, you, ha ha! Oh, why?” Josh asked.

“I'm just done! I've been through that. I've done it. It seems like it's Harold's time now. I'm just gonna– Why are you laughing at me?” Harold asked as Josh laughed.

Cut back to the studio. “The Drama Brothers were upset with Harold for this. When Harold and the Drama Brothers released their albums on the same day, Celebrity Manhunt was there.” Josh said.

Cut to the Drama Bros. and Harold waiting for someone to buy their CD’s. A girl walked past Harold and went to the Drama Bros. “Can I get a discount on the CD? I need the case for something else.” The girl asked.

Cut back to the studio. “And that was the end of the Drama Brothers.” Josh said.

“Izzy turned out to be an awesomely talented actor on the set of Total Drama Action. Post-elimination, she signed a stack of movie deals! Her career sky-rocketed until she lost it on set and scared the lunch out of her crew. And Celebrity Manhunt was there to record the whole thing.” Blaineley said as posters of Izzy in movies was shown.

Cut to Izzy on a stage with a guy. “Or I'll kick your (bleep) butt! I'll kick you off the (bleep) set!” Izzy insulted.

“Sorry.” The guy said.

“No! Ha ha! Don't be (bleep) "sorry"! Think for a second! No, no, no, I will not take five (bleep)! I'm ready to go now! You call yourself a director of photography? Why were you walking right through the set?! Why were you walking right through the (bleep) set? Why the (bleep) are you still here? I thought I told you to go (bleep) someone else with your mindless (bleep) thoughts, you foul chunk of (bleep)! The only good you could do for this world at this point is to allow yourself to (bleep) in the woods to aid the surrounding (bleep) in replacing the oxygen you waste on a daily basis! But given who you are, I wager you'd somehow fail to do that properly! Please, (bleep) and let the (bleep) people take care of what's left of the world you almost singlehandedly destroyed by (bleep)!” Izzy insulted.

“I want my mommy!” The guy said as she ran away.

“Heh, okay, just kidding. Gosh. Ha ha. I just really went ballistic for no reason. What?” Izzy asked.

“You’re fired!” Someone yelled from off-screen.

“Fine! (bleep) you anyway!” Izzy said as she left.

Cut back to the studio. “Ooh, not a brilliant career move there, Izzy. That DP was in trauma counseling for months!” Josh said.

“Post-Total Drama, Tyler and Leshawna hit the celebrity reality TV circuit. You've seen them on shows like Celebrity Stunt Driving, Doctor for a Day, So You Think You Can Eat That?, and Extreme Chess: Pillar Edition. We caught up with these... relebrities on the set of Sharp Things Flying at Your Head.” Blaineley explained as images of Tyler and Leshawna in different reality shows were shown.

Cut to Tyler and Leshawna running on treadmills while dodging stuff thrown at them. “My awesome athletic abilities went to waste on Total Drama-- ooh! But other shows, I could really use my actual physical talents. Whoa. Leshawna, too! Oh!” Tyler grunted as he ducked under some stuff thrown at him.

“Talents, schmalents! I'm doing this for the cash money!” Leshawna said.

“Oof, oh! Oh!” Tyler grunted as he got hit by a brick and was knocked off the treadmill.

“Yes!” Leshawna chered.

Cut back to the studio. “Okay, worst career moves, go!” Josh said.

“I'm gonna say... Leshawna's Largest Loser Weight Loss Show appearance. Girl, why would you want to trim down that perfect booty?” Blaineley said.

“My vote goes to Tyler for that time he tried to score that goal in the hockey match but missed completely and made a fool out of himself.” Josh said.

“Heh, some people will do anything for fame. But it seems like others will do anything to avoid it.” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Eva being crowded by fans in public. “Eva, will you sign my field hockey stick? Eva, can you, huh? Can you, can you, can you?” A girl asked as she showed Eva a hockey stick.

“Shut up! Now get lost before I have to bust some chops! What are you looking at?!” Eva angrily said as she broke the stick and knocked the camera away.

Cut back to the studio. “But if there's one rule we've discovered at Celebrity Manhunt, it's the bigger the freakout, the greater the fame!” Josh said.

“Soon, a bunch of competing websites sprang up with the wildest, most insane Eva freakout photos.” Blaineley said as photos of Eva being angry were shown.

“We tracked down one webmaster for this live interview. She asked that her identity not be revealed to protect her from angry Eva.” Josh said.

Cut to a black shadow in a room. “Hello there.” The shadow said.

“So, you know everything about everybody from the cast?” Blaineley asked from the studio.

“Duh. I'm the one who leaked the story about Noah's false teeth.” The shadow replied.

“Would you call yourself a gossip-crazed Eva fan?” Blaineley asked.

“It's not just Eva. I have websites for everyone from Total Drama.” The shadow replied.

“Wow. I'm in the presence of gossip royalty.” Blaineley said.

“That's why it's important to keep my identity a total secret.” The shadow replied.

“There you are, silly beans!” Izzy said as she he entered the room, accidentally opening the lights and revealing it was the purple haired fangirl from before.

“So much for my anonymity.” The fangirl sighed.

“You saw the doctor? I'm so happy it's cleared up. Anyway Sierra, Lindsay told me she has four ingrown toenails.” Izzy said.

“Hold on. All along, Izzy, you've been feeding this girl, Sierra, the dirt on your Total Drama castmates?” Blaineley asked.

“Me? Gossiping about my teammates to my friend? Course not, you're crazy. Okay, yes.” Izzy laughed.

“Izzy!” Sierra said.

“I needed to pay off the RCMP creeps who are on my tail. Those guys aren't cheap.” Izzy explained.

“Ooh, your friends are not going to be happy about that on the red carpet! Speaking of which Izzy, shouldn't you be on your way to the Gemmie Awards?” Blaineley asked.

“I am, yeah-heh-heh-heh-heh! See ya!” Izzy said and left.

“The limos are coming! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Josh said as they got out the studio and saw Limousines arriving.

“Limos!” Blaineley and Josh said at the same time.

“Who's up for a celebrity grudge fest? Join Josh, me, and hardcore fan Sierra on the crimson carpet.” Blaineley said as Sierra arrived.

“Really?! I get to be Celebrity Manhunt's red carpet interview diva? That's so cool! Taxi!” Sierra said as she bear hugged Blaineley.

“Wait, where's Izzy?” Josh asked.

Cut to Izzy on the red carpet. Okay. Here I am on the red carpet. It's so red, wow! Why are the red anyway? Shouldn't it be like, black or something? Or purple, that would be really great!” Izzy said.

“Uh, thanks, Izzy. We'll be right back, hopefully with some cat fights, after these messages!” Josh said as the screen faded to black.

Cut to the studio. “Welcome back to Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Red Carpet Reunion Special!” Blaineley said.

“This is it, people! Months of Total Drama cast in-fighting, back-stabbing and breakups are about to pay off right here as our reality stars strut there stuff on the Gemmie Awards red carpet.” Josh said.

Cut to Sierra on the red carpet. “Thanks, Josh. Sierra here. I've got the carpet totally covered. OMG. It's beatboxer Harold, A.K.A. H-Bomb.” Sierra said as Harold arrived on the red carpet with a limo.

“Hey! How’s it goin’?” Harold asked.

“You suck!” A guy in the audience said as he threw a CD at him.

“Well, that was just rude! Don’t you know how to treat people with respect, gosh!” Harold angrily said.

“Ooh! Looks like we have some H-Bomb fans in the audience today.” Sierra chuckled..

“With the release of his juicy tell-all book about the Flavor Boys, expect fireworks when his former bandmates show up.” Blaineley said.

“And here's reality's most famous BFFs, Katie and Sadie! Ladies.” Sierra said as Katie and Sadie arrived on the red carpet with a limo.

“Celebrity Manhunt? Oh my gosh! Hi, Josh!” Katie said.

“Hi, Blaineley!” Sadie said.

“We love you!” Katie said.

“Looking smokin' hot in green. Why don't you tell our ten million viewers about your outfits?” Sierra asked as Katie and Sadie looked nervous.

“Ten... million...?” Sadie said in shock.

“They all wanna know! It's a pretty simple question.” Sierra said.

“Uh... I don't know.” Katie said.

“Ten... million...?” Sadie said in shock.

DJ and Momma arrived on the red carpet with their bus. “I told you we'd be late, DJ!” Momma told DJ.

“Oh come on Momma, there are only three people on the show here aside from me.” DJ replied.

“First is always best!” Momma replied.

“Uh, DJ! How does it feel to have it all, then lose it?” Sierra asked.

“Mm, no biggie. Could have been worse.” DJ shrugged.

“Oh.” Sierra said.

“Ahem. We're here for the gossip.” Blaineley said.

“Okay, DJ. Level with me. Secretly, who can't you stand from Total Drama? Like, who do you just hate? Ow!” Sierra said as she was hit with a broom by Momma.

“What's wrong with you, girl? You think I raised my son to talk smack behind people's backs?” Momma said.

“Uh yeah, I don’t hate anyone!” DJ said as he was dragged away by Momma by his cheek.

“Ugh! Is that Drama Machine working yet?” Blaineley asked to see the plumber still working on the machine.

“And Duncney has arrived! Fresh from their breakup. Dinner is served.” Josh said as Duncan and Courtney arrived on the red carpet with limos.

“Duncan! Courtney!” Sierra greeted.

“Hi.” Courtney said.

“Hey.” Duncan said.

“First the messy breakup, then the custody battle over Brittany. You two must just hate each other!” Sierra said.

“My lawyer says no comment.” Courtney said.

“My parole officer says no comment.” Duncan said as they both went separate ways.

“Oh well, I think Geoff is there!” Sierra said as Geoff got out of a limo with Brody.

“The Gemmy awards? Dude, this is like super awesome!” Brody said.

“I know dude, It’s like.. whoa.” Geoff replied.

“So deep.” Brody said.

“Hey, Geoff! How do you feel about what happened in the TDA aftermaths between you and Bridgette?” Sierra asked.

“Uh, pass. Next question!” Geoff replied.

“Uh... oh. Oh! I think I see Lindsay! Here comes our fashion goddess now!” Sierra said as Lindsay arrived on the red carpet with red shiny earrings.

“Hi!” Lindsay said.

“Lindsay, you're not even dressed up! What happened?” Sierra asked.

“I didn't wanna get my Christian L'Ebuson outfit wrinkled at the dress rehearsal.” Lindsay replied.

“But this isn't a rehearsal. It's the Gemmie Awards!” Sierra said.

“Oh.” Lindsay replied.

“Uh... this is awkward.” Sierra said.

“I got these new earrings. Heh.” Lindsay said as she showed her earrings.

“Remind me to never use her as a fashion consultant. Wait a minute! The rest of the Total Drama gang are arriving on the red carpet!” Blaineley said as more people arrived on the red carpet in limos.

“I call dibs on the front row seat!” Heather said as she ran to the stage..

“Oh no, you don't!” Leshawna said as she ran after her.

“Did someone say ribs?!” Owen asked as he ran after them while everyone but Tyler followed.

“Front row is where I go! Oof, whoa!” Tyler grunted as he tripped.

“Whoa!” Beth and Ezekiel grunted as Tyler crashed into everyone else, causing them all to fall.

“Yo, yo, yo. Ouch!” Ezekiel said in pain as he was slapped by Momma.

“Shut up hobo!” Momma said.

“Sierra, another limo has just pulled up!” Blaineley said as Noah came out of a limo while talking to someone on a earpiece. and wearing sunglasses.

“Lactose free, non-fat, half-caff, cocoa sprinkles.” Noah said as he walked through the carpet.

“It's the man of mystery himself, Noah! Where have you–” Sierra tried to say.

"And a gluten free muffin. Yeah.” Noah said as he ignored Sierra.

“But… Looks like Noah landed himself a super important job in the industry. Nothing says power like a phone and a latte.” Sierra sighed.

“Sierra, you know what would be better than nothing? Something!” Blaineley angrily said.

“Guys! I have the Drama Brothers!” Sierra said as Cody, Justin and Trent arrived while Harold went next to them.

“Let me guess. They reunited and are re-releasing their last hit single?” Blaineley sighed.

“Yeah. Pretty much.” Harold replied.

“Hey, how did you know?” Cody asked.

“The Gemmies are about to start, and I'm going to follow them inside!” Sierra said.

Cut to everyone trying to enter the building but being blocked by Chef. “Famous people only!” Chef said as everyone gasped.

“For real?” Courtney asked.

“And as of about five seconds ago, that excludes you.” Chef replied.

“Who died and made you doorman?” Gwen asked.

“I did.” Chris said as he got out of the building.

“You died?” Lindsay gasped.

“Yay!” Duncan mockingly cheered.

“Very funny. Noah, coffee! Is that my muffin?” Chris told Noah as he gave him a coffee and a bag.

“You're Chris' assistant?” Izzy asked as Duncan laughed.

“You kiss Chris' butt? For money?” Justin chuckled.

“Cut me some slack. Everybody has to work their way up in this biz.” Noah replied.

“Bros! Come on in, my peeps.” Chris said as he let Sasquatch, The Psycho Killer, The guy who Tyler thought was santa, A Bear and an intern in the building.

“How are they famous?” Eva asked.

“They're the stars of my new reality show, Total Drama Dirtbags!” Chris said.

“Huh?” Everyone said in shock.

“A bunch of nasty jerks living in a huge mansion and get all bored and back stabby.” Noah explained.

“I'm nasty! That should be me!” Heather said.

“These guys are up and coming! Not down and going. I.E. you losers.” Chris replied.

“Yeah, what he said.” Noah said.

“Excuse me.” A guy in a red vest wearing sunglasses who had a bull necklace came.

“Huh? What?” Everyone said in shock.

“Ah, oh!” Cody grunted as the guy shoved him to talk to Chris.

“Cody?” Sierra said.

“Alejandro! Buddy! How's my next big star? Ugh! This latte's cold! You're fired!” Chris told Noah as he spat out his latte.

“What, how is that my fault? Blame the guy who made it!” Noah said.

“You should have done a better job keeping it warm.” Alejandro told Noah which made him upset.

“Well guys, I'd say "later", but uh... there isn't gonna be a later. So…” Chris said as he closed the door causing everyone to gasp. A cricket chirped but was stomped by Duncan.

“Aw, n-now, why'd you go and do that for, man?” Duncan said.

“Hey, guys? We have to find a way inside.” Sierra said.

“Leave that to me.” Izzy said

A montage of Izzy sneaking into the building played.

Cut to Izzy getting out of the door as everyone cheered. “Izzy! The door!” Sierra told Izzy as she forgot to hold the door open, making it close.

“Aww....” Everyone awed.

“Oh, whoops.” Izzy chuckled.

“Izzy, can you do that again?” Sierra asked.

“Do what?” Izzy asked as everyone looked at a TV to see the award ceremony.

“If we win Best Reality Ensemble, we'll be famous again. Right?” Courtney said.

Cut to after some time everyone watching the TV. “Getting a talking car was a real challenge. Thank you.” A man said.

“Aw, he was awesome in that show! "Please fasten your seatbelt. Wow!" Aw, I'm getting goosebumps all over again. I was having fun at the waterslide when suddenly I noticed a big shadow covering the entire pool. I looked up and there I saw him. He was coming straight for me, he jumped into the pool and the velocity of the wave that followed knocked me unconscious.” Izzy said.

“Wow, that’s crazy!” Sierra said.

Cut to after more time when everyone but Sierra and Izzy were asleep. “Next up, Best Reality Ensemble!” Alejandro said on the TV.

“This is it!” Eva said as they all woke up and looked at the TV.

“Envelope, please. And the winner is…” Alejandro said as he took an envelope and took a way too long time to open it.

“How hard is it to open an envelope?” Courtney asked.

“Golden Oldies in Their Undies!” Alejandro said as he finally opened the envelope as the audience cheered while the cast gasped.

“Aw, that's so cute!” Lindsay said.

“That means we lost.” Noah said.

“Oh. So not cute.” Lindsay said.

“Who cares about that stupid award?! I'm going to law school. I have a future!” Courtney said.

“Yeah! This is bullsh*t!” Eva said as she threw away the TV.

“Oldies in Their Undies was the only reality show that me and Tyler weren't nominated for!” Leshawna said.

“Yeah, they said I wasn’t "coordinated" enough.” Tyler said.

“What kind of dog show looks for coordination anyway?” Duncan said.

“Uh, guys?” Cody said as he pointed at the broken TV on the ground that was still playing.

“And the Gemmie for best reality show host goes to... once again, Chris McLean!” A guy on the TV said.

“Gosh!” Harold said as everyone complained.

“Wow hey, uh, thanks, again. But uh, I couldn't have done it without a great bunch of people from Total Drama Action.” Chris said.

“Awww!” Katie and Sadie awed.

“Chef, the interns, uh, the caterers, the camera crew, and the real stars of the show... my stylists.” Chris said as everyone looked angry.

“What about your long suffering assistant?! Schmuck.” Noah said as he kicked away the TV.

“Didn't know you had it in you, string bean.” Leshawna said.

“Tomorrow, I'll introduce the cast of my new reality series, Total. Drama. Dirtbags! On the Orpah Show.” Chris said as the TV turned off.

“Dudes, you heard the guy. We're nobodies again.” Geoff said.

“Total bummer bro.” Brody said.

“At least I'll be able to survive on the streets.” Duncan said.

“Me too, y'all. Jiggy?” Ezekiel said as a hobo stole his wallet.

“And I'll go back to being just another pretty face.” Justin said.

“And pecs.” Katie said.

“And abs.” Sadie said.

“And butt. What?” Owen said as Noah glared at him.

“I can't go back to my old life! If I'm not famous, I'm not popular! I need to be popular, or else! So... cold…” Heather shivered.

“What's the matter with you?! No one deserves to be more famous than you guys! You can't just give up! Do you have any idea how many millions of fans there are out there? I've been watching, blogging, DVR'ing you since the first episode! I -- I mean, we -- have fan sites about each and every one of you. We know everything about you and we are rooting for you! We know your eating habits, your hopes, your fears, your dental records!” Sierra said.

“Stalker.” Heather mocked.

“You can't let us down now! What do you say?!” Sierra asked.

“Yeah! But, what are we supposed to do?” Owen asked.

“I say beat those dirtbags to Orpah Studio, hijack the interview, and voila! You're all famous again.” Sierra said.

“But she's in New York! How are we supposed to get there by tomorrow afternoon?” Harold asked.

“I think I know of a way! But it's not going to be easy.” Izzy gasped.

“Yeah, this should be interesting.” Noah said.

“Cody, I need you to gather up assorted lengths of lumber.” Izzy said.

“Uh, right now?” Cody asked.

“Owen, can you track down a medium-sized boat motor?” Izzy asked.

“No prob! I'm on it!” Owen replied.

“Eva, can you get 10 pounds of metal?” Izzy asked.

“You got it!” Eva replied.

“Noah, I'm counting on you for three gallons of diesel fuel.” Izzy said.

“Sure thing. I'll get my unicorn to deliver it.” Noah replied.

“Perfect! The real trick is going to be getting access to a car manufacturing plant. Okay, we can do it, guys! We can do it!” Izzy said as a bus arrived.

“Hey, guys! So are you gonna get on the bus or not?” DJ asked as he bus door opened to reveal him and Momma as everyone cheered.

“Wipe your feet first!” Momma said.

“Aw…” Everyone awed.

“You're gonna be famous again!” Sierra said as everyone cheered. “Right after this.” she continued as the screen faded to black while some cheered and some groaned.

Cut to the studio. “Breaking gossip news, everyone!” Josh said.

“This is Total Drama Comeback!” Blaineley said.

Cut to two busses on a road as a helicopter that had Chef and Chris flew above them.

“They have one dream to claw their back to fame, no matter what it takes! Cheating, shameless self-promotion, sabotage. I love those kids!” Chris wiped a tear off his face.

“You said they were washed up!” Chef said.

“That was before they sent off on an unforgettable comeback adventure.” Chris said.

“We have a feed from inside DJ's bus.” Blaineley said in the studio.

Cut to inside DJ’s bus. “I told you these people were gossip-worthy.” Sierra said as most of them slept.

“Doesn't this jalopy go any faster?!” Courtney said as she drove the bus.

“Um, maybe you should let Duncan drive.” Gwen said.

“Not helping, Gwen.” Courtney replied.

“She's just sticking up for her boyfriend. Wait. Oh, Duncan's your boyfriend. Ex one anyway. My mistake.” Heather taunted.

“Ooh! Tense!” Izzy said as Courtney, Duncan and Gwen all looked upset.

“Oh no. I think I'm gonna be bus sick!” Beth said as she gagged.

“Don't you get sick all over my new upholstery now!” Momma said.

“You are something else, Mrs. M.” Leshawna said as she took a glass of water.

“Put a coaster under that, girl!” Momma replied.

“Ooh!” Leshawna grunted as she put the water on a coaster as it was knocked off by the bus shaking.

“What is that?” Momma asked as she smelled something.

“Whazzawha? Uh, nothing.” Owen said as he tried to hide a bunch of chocolate balls into a luggage compartment but couldn’t fit them as they poured out.

“What are you doing with all those chocolate caramel chewies on my bus? My food's not good enough?” Momma asked.

“I always have a stash handy for after my workouts.” Owen replied.

“Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?” Noah asked.

“Hey! There's the Dirtbag bus, up ahead! We need to pass them!” Eva said as she pointed at a bus in front of them as she showed her head from the window.

“We've gotta find a way to slow them down!” Cody said.

“Get closer!” Harold told Courtney.

“And then what?” Courtney asked.

“I learned some battle tactics at Pirate Camp!” Harold replied.

“You got game, H-Bomb!” Leshawna complemented as Courtney sped up, hit the other bus that Alejandro was driving and passed them.

“Now, if we just had some kind of catapult... Like a bra!” Harold said.

“Wow. Genius. Why was that the first thing that came to your mind?” Noah asked.

“Got any better ideas?” Gwen replied.

“Here's a bra! What? You ain't never seen Triple D's before?” Leshawna said as she tossed a bra that landed on Noah’s head. Owen and Eva tied the bra to the door that Gwen opened and pulled it back, reading it.

“Tyler, ammo!” Harold told Tyler.

“I'm all over it! Yeah!” Tyler said as he got a bunch of chocolate.

“Don't even think about getting chocolate on my nice, clean floor.” Momma said which made Tyler gulp.

“Whoa!” Tyler grunted as he tripped and dropped the chocolate which made Momma gasp, however they all landed in the bra.

“We can't hold it much longer!” Owen said as Eva grunted.

“Aye, matey. Fire in the hole!” Harold said as Owen and Eva let go, launching the chocolates and hitting the other bus’s front window, making Alejandro unable to see where he was going.

“Whoa-ho-ho! It looks like our Total Drama heroes are launching caramel flavored chocolate cannonballs!” Chris cheered.

“Chris, in your entire career, have you ever seen anything so underhanded?” Blaineley asked in the studio.

“Nothing as depraved as this, Blaineley. Nothing as depraved as this.” Chris replied on the helicopter.

“Eat chocolate! Whoo!” Owen chuckled as he and Eva pulled the bra again as Tyler got more chocolate.

“Fire!” Gwen said as she looked out the door as Owen and Eva fired again, hitting the window again.

“Ugh, you're gonna regret this!” Alejandro said.

“Ha! You messed with the wrong reality show cast, mister!” Heather taunted as she looked out the door while Sasquatchanakwa angrily yelled as he peered his head out the window of the other bus, only to be hit by more caramel.

“Hurry it up!” Duncan told Courtney.

“Back off! It won't go any faster than this!” Courtney replied.

“What we need is a non-psycho behind the wheel.” Duncan said.

“What you need is some tape over your mouth.” Courtney replied.

“Well,if you'd just listen to me!” Duncan said.” Courtney replied.

“Oh, I'll start listening the minute you say something worthwhile!” Courtney replied.

“You're insane, you know that?” Duncan said.

“And you are a monster!” ” Courtney replied as they started kissing.

“Hoo-hoo, the Dirtbags are way behind us! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Cody said as everyone cheered as Lindsay and Tyler tried to high-five but ended up slapping themselves when the bus started bumping more.

“Why is the road so bumpy all of a sudden?!” Gwen asked as it was shown that Courtney and Duncan were still kissing as the bus went off road.

“Where did Courtney learn to drive? Uh-oh!” Chris said in shock as he saw that the bus was about to fall off a cliff.

“Courtney! Look out! Left!” DJ warned as Courtney realized they were about to fall of a cliff and tried to steer.

“Ahh! I can't steer!” Courtney said.

“What'd I tell you about crashing my bus?!” Momma scolded.

“Hit the brakes!” Duncan said.

“What do you think I'm doing?!” Courtney said as everyone but Momma screamed while the bus fell off a cliff.

“Total Drama Inc. waives all legal responsibility for the sudden and gruesome demise of our cast.” Chris said as he pulled out some papers.

“Told you those would come in handy.” Chef replied.

“We're all gonna die!” DJ screamed as the bus continued falling.

“So Noah was Chris' assistant. Huh.” Izzy thought as everyone screamed when suddenly the bra got caught on a branch on the cliff, dangling the bus in midair.

“Now I have motion sickness!” Beth said.

“Oh no you don't!” Momma replied.

“I hope Leshawna doesn't need her bra back!” Gwen said as the bra flung the bus in the air.

“Whoa!” Everyone gasped.

“What even?” Eva said in shock.

“Whoo! Yeah!” Izzy cheered.

“Being weightless is awesome! Ha ha.” Owen chuckled.

“I feel like this all the time!” Izzy replied.

“I can fly again!” Lindsay said.

“What's that?” Momma asked as a puke ball flew past her.

“I, um, I couldn't hold it down.” Beth replied.

“Uh, look out!” Harold said as everyone screamed while the bus was flung downward by the bra.

“Cut the bra! Cut the bra!” Courtney said as Duncan cut the bra, causing the bus to fall from a short height.

“I'm alive! Awesome!” Owen said as he got up, revealing that he crushed Noah.

“I hate my life…” Noah mumbled.

“Hm. Would you look at that. They're not dead.” Chef said.

“Yeah, but they're probably all banged up, you know? The kind you never really heal from? Maybe I should call for help.” Chris said as he and Chef started laughing while they flew away with the helicopter.

Cut to the contestants, Brody and Momma under the cliff. “I came here to party, but this seriously lacks partaciousness. So I'm going to get help. Then, we're all gonna party. Whoo-hoo!” Geoff cheered.

“Awsome idea, bro!” Brody said.

“I'll come with you, Geoff.” Trent said.

“Me too!” Katie, Sadie and Beth said.

“You’ll need an adult to supervise!” Momma said.

“Great! Anybody else?” Geoff asked.

“Well, I'm gonna catch some rays.” Bridgette said as she laid down.

“Who am I to come between a hot-I mean sure! All right, let's go!” Geoff said as he left with Brody, Momma, Katie, Sadie, Trent and Beth.

Cut to after some time. “Did Geoff get back yet? Oh, I hope he's found help. I really missed him. Maybe I should talk to him when he comes.” Bridgette thought to herself.

Cut to Geoff, Brody, Momma, Katie, Sadie, Trent and Beth arriving at a house. “Help! Help, help, help! Help, dudes! Whoa. Why didn't you dummies open the door?!” Geoff said as he kicked down the door to see dummies.

“Uh, dude? Those are dummies.” Brody said.

“Oh. Right. Ha ha. Oh, wait a minute. Isolated location? Dummies? Nuclear testing signs? Flesh-eating mutants?” Geoff said as he saw warning signs and mutants.

“Hi.” A mutant said.

“Dudes, we gotta get out of here!” Geoff gasped as they all ran away while the house was blown up by a nuclear bomb.

Cut back to under the cliff where everyone was sleeping when Owen woke up to see DJ cooking something in a pot. “That smells awesome!” Owen said.

“You thought I was gonna let all you guys go hungry?” DJ replied.

“Ooh, what is it? Please say back bacon.” Owen replied.

“Fried rocks with tumbleweed!” DJ said.

“Uh, I guess I’ll have a try.” Owen said as he ate a spoonful and gagged.

“You don't like it?” DJ asked.

“Oh, no. It's awesome.” Owen replied as he puked in the pot, upsetting DJ when suddenly Chris and Chef arrived with the helicopter that now had a giant magnet attached, making it pull the bus up.

“It's Chris!” Sierra said.

“They don't call me "best reality show host" for nothin'! Ha ha ha!” Chris replied as everyone cheered.

Cut to everyone entering the bus. DJ pulled Owen up but accidentally ended up ripping his pants. “Oh!” Owen grunted as everyone gasped.

Cut to everyone in a tent. “Pancakes, whoo!” Owen cheered as he ate some pancakes that Alejandro gave him.

“Ugh, that butter-donkey is disgusting.” Alejandro said to himself but Noah overheard him.

“I have an announcement. Now, we all know that nobody does drama like you guys.” Chris said as he entered the tent.

“Duh! But what happened to Total Drama Dirtbags?” Heather asked.

“It was a trick! There never was any Total Drama Dirtbags!” Alejandro replied.

“Is that true?” Heather asked.

“Well... mostly. I did come up with the name. But anywho, I needed to find out if you kids still had it.” Chris said as he ruffled Heather’s hair.

“What about Alejandro?” Heather asked.

“A dupe. Just like the rest of you. I needed someone on the inside, but to make it up, I told him he could join you guys next time!” Chris replied.

“What next time?” Noah asked.

“A no-holds barred race around the world in a jet! Ha ha!” Chris chuckled.

“After all the crap you put us through? As if.” Gwen scoffed.

“Don't you wanna be famous again?” Chris asked.

“Pass.” Duncan replied.

“What about cash?” Chris asked.

“No thanks.” Eva replied.

“A chance to win, oh, not a thousand, not one million but two million dollars?” Chris said as everyone cheered.

“Let's do it.” Noah said.

“What about me?” Sierra asked.

“Well, I wanted it to be 18 to be the same amount of people in TDA, but whatever, you can join too! You know what they say, the more the merrier!” Chris said.

“Yay! I’m gonna be on Total Drama!” Sierra cheered.

Cut to the studio. “Whoop whoop whoop. Celebrity Manhunt exclusive alert!” Blaineley said.

“Another season of Total Drama is coming, and I for one, can't wait.” Josh said.

“Well, Drama Machine, what do you think of that?” Blaineley asked the Drama Machine as it blew up, making Blaineley and Josh laugh.

“We gotta... rescue the gang! Then, we gotta party!” Geoff said as he entered the room with Brody, Trent, Katie, Sadie, Beth and Momma.

“Too late, big guy.” Blaineley said as she pointed at a TV to show the tent where the contestants were cheering.

“Hey, what's Chris doing with everybody on TV?” Trent asked.

“And bags of money?” Geoff asked.

“Looks like you missed the boat. Chris just cast your buds on the next season of Total Drama.” Josh replied.

“And one of them will walk away with two million dollars!” Blaineley said.

“No. No! Nooooo!” Geoff screamed.

“Total bummer bro.” Brody said.

“DJ better win.” Momma said when suddenly the Drama Machine, which was rebuilt by the plumber, got angry and started throwing stuff.

“We... better sign off.” Blaineley said.

“I agree. Uh, thanks for watching Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Reunion Special.” Josh said as he got hit by a light that the Drama Machine threw.

Cut to a technical difficulties image where Blaineley was being choked by the Drama Machine as Josh looked in fear.

Confessional: Courtney

“Looks like I'm back for another season. And I'll be keeping a much closer eye on Gwen. So not trusting that boyfriend-stealer.” Courtney said.

Confessional: Harold & Leshawna

Harold wrapped his arm around Leshawna. “Uh, can you get your hands off of me?” Leshawna asked as he pulled away Harold’s arm.

“I thought we could form an alliance! Check it. What-what? Leshawna.” Harold said as he started beatboxing while Leshawna rolled her eyes smirking.

Confessional: Sierra

“O.M.G. This is my first confessional ever! I am so excited! I never thought I would be on Total Drama, my favorite show in the world! Talking to all my favorite TV stars is so fab! Now I will finally put to rest all those Cody blog questions, like "How many freckles does he have on his back?" "What kind of deodorant does he use?" "How many times does Cody sleep facing west?" And "what song does he sing in the shower?" Ooh. Ooh! Oh my. That last question will definitely be a six-month analysis. Oh yeah! Ah!” Sierra giggled.

Confessional: Ezekiel

“Ho-ho-homies, get in focus, and take notice! I'm what is, oh yeah, the show biz! Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-huh!” Ezekiel rapped and ended up falling off the chair he was sitting on.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Well, at least this time I won’t be voted out for kissing since Geoff isn’t here. I mean we broke up but still. I think I have a decent shot.” Bridgette said.

Confessional: Lindsay & Tyler

“You know what they say, you get lucky in the third try! That’s what they always say when I miss a goal! This could be my season! It’s Tyler time!” Tyler cheered.

“Yay for Tyler!” Lindsay clapped.

Confessional: Duncan

“Hey, I'm game. Bring it, Chris.” Duncan said as he spun his knife.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Watch out, Total Drama nerds. The new guy is going all the way to the top.” Alejandro threatened.

Confessional: DJ

“Don't you worry, mama. I'm gonna win this one and buy you a big ol' house. And maybe a new bus.” DJ said.

Confessional: Owen & Izzy

“Mm! Pancake! I’m so excited for the new season! Aren’t you Izzy?” Owen asked as he ate pancakes.

“Of course Big-O! Aw, yeah, Izzy’s back for another time! Maybe with some guest appearances by Explosivo eh heh heh…” Izzy chuckled as Owen looked nervous.

Confessional: Gwen

“Ugh, great, more drama. I hope I at least get the cash this time so it’s worth it.” Gwen said.

Confessional: Eva

“I got unlucky thrice so far, but mark my words, I will win this!” Eva said.

Confessional: Justin

“Well, I hope with my deformities not seeming to be an issue in the band, I think my chances of winning are higher now.” Justin thought.

Confessional: Cody

“It’s cool that I got another shot after I didn’t even get a chance to be on season two. I just hope I don’t get beaten up too badly.” Cody said.

Confessional: Heather

“There’s something about that guy Alejandro that I just don’t like. Anyway, this time, now that my head is no longer a bald travesty, I won’t be distracted by anything. That sweet, sweet million dollars is mine.” Heather chuckled.

Confessional: Noah

“Whoo. I’m so excited.” Noah said unenthusiastically.

Confessional: Sierra

“I can't wait to find out where we're going first! Twenty-three percent of my bloggers say we're going to India. And ten percent say that Chris is lying to us and that he's actually going to film us in an old bomb shelter! Heh, pff. As if. I'm a third generation Chris McLean scholar, okay? I can tell if he's lying to us by his vocal pitch and body language. Only someone who has an extensive knowledge of Total Drama could catch that. BTW, did you know Chris wears thirty-two by thirty-one pants and only buys them at Strutty's Pants and Jewelers? He also has three dogs named Banjo, Todd, and--” Sierra explained as the confessional battery died out.

Cut to Chris in front of a plane in a pilot outfit. “Eighteen teens, a trip around the world, and two million dollars. What more could you possibly want?” Chris said.

“How 'bout music?” Chef said as he came with a flight attendant outfit.

“Yeah... everybody's doing the musical thing now. Sure. And music! See you next time on Total Drama…” Chris said when they began singing.

[Chris and Chef]

“Musical… Musical… Musical!”

[They sang in different places and ended back in front of the plane as it collapsed.]

“Uh, maybe not.” Chris said as the episode ended.

Total Drama Action Rewrite - Chapter 27 - BlazingPyro55 (1)

Total Drama Action Rewrite - Chapter 27 - BlazingPyro55 (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.