Venison Cannelloni Recipe (2024)


To begin, make the pasta. Place the flour on a clean work surface and make a well in the middle. Add the salt and oil, then gradually mix in the whole eggs and egg yolks until incorporated

  • 188g of 00 flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 egg


Knead the dough for 10–15 minutes until smooth. Wrap in cling film and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes


Remove the dough from the fridge and cut into 4 pieces. Flatten each piece with a rolling pin to about a 5mm thickness. Fold over the dough and pass it through the pasta machine at its widest setting, refolding and rolling several times (not changing the setting) until you have a rectangular shape. It is important to work the dough until it is nice and smooth, as this improves the texture


Now you are ready to roll out the dough. Starting with the pasta machine at its widest setting, pass the dough through the rollers. Without folding the dough, repeat this process, decreasing the roller setting down grade by grade with each pass


Finish the pasta on the penultimate setting – you want the pasta to have a nice bite to it so don't roll it too finely


Cut into 6 and reserve between sheets of greaseproof paper until ready to cook


To make the venison ragù, add half the oil to a frying pan and place over a medium-high heat. Cook the venison (in batches if necessary) until evenly coloured, draining the fat after each batch in a colanderuntil all the meat is coloured

  • 40ml of vegetable oil
  • 400g of venison haunch, cut into 1cm dice


Add more oil to a heavy-based pan and sweat the vegetables, juniper and garlic for 4–5 minutes. Add the tomato purée and cook out for 2 minutes

  • 2 carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2cm dice
  • 2 onions, peeled and cut into 1/2cm dice
  • 2 celery sticks, cut into 1/2cm dice
  • 3 juniper berries, crushed
  • 1 1/2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 1/2 tsp tomato purée


Return the meat to the pan with the vegetables and deglaze with the wine. Reduce by half before adding the stock and thyme

  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 1l venison stock, or beef stock
  • 140ml of red wine


Cover with a cartouche, reduce the heat and simmer for 30–40 minutes, or until the venison is very tender and soft. Remove the paper and reduce on a high heat until you are left with a rich ragout. Season with salt and pepper to taste and reserve until required

  • pepper
  • salt


To make the Parmesan sauce, add the butter to a saucepan and melt over a medium heat. Meanwhile, warm the milk and cream together in a separate pan. Beat the flour into the butter to make a roux, cooking out for a minute or so, then stir in the warmed cream and milk until you have a smooth and creamy béchamel

  • 20g of butter
  • 300ml of milk
  • 75ml of double cream
  • 20g of flour


Add the Parmesan and melt over a low heat until the cheese is fully incorporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste

  • pepper
  • salt
  • 190g of Parmesan, finely grated


Preheat a deep-fryer (or deep pan half-filled with oil) to 180°C

  • vegetable oil, for deep-frying


Add the kale to the hot oil – take care as the oil will spit due to the water content of the kale. Keep frying just until the spitting just about stops – any longer and it will become burnt and bitter

  • 100g of kale


Drain on kitchen paper and season with salt. Leave to cool until nicely crisp

  • salt


Add a large knob of butter and a dash of oil to a pan and place over a medium heat. Once the butter is foaming, add the girolles and fry until golden. Season with salt and pepper

  • pepper
  • 120g of girolles
  • 1 knob of butter
  • 1 dash of olive oil
  • salt


Blanch the pasta sheets in salted boiling water for 1–2 minutes until tender, but still retaining a bite. Drain well and lay the sheets on a work surface


Spoon the braised venison filling over the sheets, covering 1/3 of the surface. Lift one side over the filling to form the cannelloni


Transfer the cannelloni onto serving plates, rolling the cannelloni so that the joins are underneath. Spoon over some of the braising juices and plenty of Parmesan sauce (you want to be generous with this as it provides much of that traditional cannelloni flavour in this dish)


Top with the fried mushrooms and crispy kale for texture, then finish with grated Parmesan, sea purslane and some grated truffle, if desired

  • Parmesan, for grating
  • winter truffle, optional
  • sea purslane
Venison Cannelloni Recipe (2024)


What's the difference between cannelloni and manicotti? ›

One of the most noticeable differences between the two shapes is their texture. Manicotti pasta has ridges that give it some bite, while cannelloni is smooth and more tender. Often, restaurants will serve manicotti topped with bolognese or bechamel.

What does cannelloni mean in Italian? ›

Cannelloni (Italian: [kannelˈloːni]; Italian for 'large reeds') are a cylindrical type of egg-based stuffed pasta generally served baked with a filling and covered by a sauce in Italian cuisine. Popular stuffings include spinach and ricotta or minced beef.

What's the difference between cannelloni and lasagne? ›

Cannelloni is in the same pasta family to lasagne, and is usually paired with the same ingredients. The only difference is that with cannelloni, the sheets are rolled around the filling, rather than layered up with it. This looks very different upon serving, and makes for a real difference in texture.

Do you boil dried cannelloni before stuffing? ›

Cannelloni is a tube shaped dry pasta about 7 cm / 3″ long and 2cm / 2/3″ wide. It is stuffed with filling, covered in a sauce and cheese then baked. It does not need to be cooked before filling, it softens when baked in the oven.

What can you use instead of tubes in cannelloni? ›

Substitutes. Large pasta shells provide a decent stand-in for cannelloni and can be stuffed and baked in a similar fashion. You will need more shells than manicotti sheets since the shells are smaller and will hold less filling.

Can I substitute manicotti for cannelloni? ›

Today in the United States most cookbooks, and even some restaurants, use the terms “cannelloni” and “manicotti” interchangeably.

What does holy cannelloni mean? ›

Interjection. holy cannoli. Synonym of holy cow quotations ▼

What do Italians use instead of ricotta in lasagna? ›

If you're looking to experiment you can try different substitutes to come up with new and intriguing flavor combinations for your recipe.
  1. Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese, a favorite ricotta alternative, works well in lasagna and various dishes. ...
  2. Cream Cheese. ...
  3. Goat Cheese. ...
  4. Mascarpone. ...
  5. Tofu. ...
  6. Paneer. ...
  7. Fromage Blanc. ...
  8. Bechamel Sauce.
Apr 4, 2023

Why do people use cottage cheese instead of ricotta in lasagna? ›

The Best Cheese For Lasagna

Ricotta brings the rich creaminess while cottage cheese lightens things up and seasons the whole dish.

What pasta is similar to cannelloni? ›

Manicotti: Large tubes, similar to cannelloni but with ridges. This shape originated in Italian American cuisine and is also baked after stuffing.

How do you fill cannelloni tubes without a piping bag? ›

Now, if you can only find dried cannelloni or manicotti (cannelloni tubes are smooth and manicotti have ridges) the easiest way to fill the tubes is the put the filling into a ziplock bag and cut off one corner and use it as a “pastry bag” and fill the tubes.

Which has meat cannelloni or manicotti? ›

Manicotti is the Italian-American version of cannelloni. The same concept – pasta in tube form to be stuffed, but they're usually a bit larger and typically has ridges on it rather than a smooth surface. This Beef Cannelloni recipe can be used for either cannelloni OR manicotti.

Can I use lasagne sheets instead of cannelloni tubes? ›

If you feel like making your own cannelloni tubes, you can use fresh lasagne sheets. Cut them in half crossways, cover with filling and roll up - voila!

Is manicotti actually Italian? ›

Manicotti (the plural form of the Italian word manicotto; < manica, 'sleeve', + the augmentative ending, -otto) are a type of pasta in Italian-American cuisine. They are large pasta tubes intended to be stuffed and baked.

What is the trick to filling manicotti? ›

Hint: Only pre-cook the noodles until they are slighty tender, the sauces and cheeses assist in cooking it the rest of the way. And, to fill, try using a pastry bag! Took me less than 5 minutes to prepare after I precooked the noodles. A keeper.

Are manicotti tubes or shells? ›

Manicotti: Meaning “l*ttle sleeves,” manicotti are large pasta tubes made for stuffing.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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